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File: 190 KB, 1024x1496, Suttree_-_Cormac_McCarthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22170771 No.22170771 [Reply] [Original]

Suttree staggered erect in the midst of this sorry spectacle
groaning like a bear. The old man had fallen back. The girl was
pulling at the old lady but she was hanging onto his leg with a
maniac’s strength and gibbering the while. You ghastly bitch, he
said, and fetched her a kick in the side of the head which stretched
her out. With this the girl fell upon him in much the same manner.

>> No.22171217

I was contemplating reading this book but the sample you posted is garbage.

>> No.22171230

McCarthy's prose is total dogshit throughout his entire career.

>> No.22171241

glad there are sensible people on /lit/ now, even if we're outnumbered
there didn't used to be

>> No.22171250


>> No.22171265

sorry buddy, you're the retard if you think this is talented writing: >>22170771

>> No.22171270

>You ghastly bitch

>> No.22171276

This is a random passage from the book faggot. Not every paragraph in a 600 page book has to be flowery.

The fact that this needs to be explained to a retard who hasn't even read the 1st page of the book in question but has already made up an opinion on it is a testament to just how low IQ and butthurt you are. Surely one of those buttblasted fags that have been roaming McCarthy threads because "people were mean to them". Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.22171281

Add normal punctuation and his dialog reads like a bad webnovel.

>> No.22171285

I've read more than a thousand pages of McCarthy and it's a representative sample. The difference is when you're reading a novel, you expect it to turn the corner sooner or later but with McCarthy it never does.

>> No.22171297

What books? So you are saying that his books are written as dry. Have you even read Suttree?

>> No.22171309

Go be butthurt somewhere else, tranny.

>> No.22171322
File: 7 KB, 306x123, clip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suttree I have not, and the passage in OP does not make me want to change that.

I read The Road and ALPH in high school and enjoyed them. BM as an adult. Do you understand how maddening it is to read the similar language as in the OP for 500 pages, expecting it to go somewhere the whole time?

>> No.22171326

>I've read more than a thousand pages of McCarthy
This is about as true as it usually is among people who trash on him in his threads. Basically never.

Why? Why would anyone read the books of a writer they deem as having dogshit prose when said Writer is known for sidelining plots in his books? What would compel someonne to read 1000 pages of something they don't enjoy. Massive bullshit vibes.

>> No.22171339

so why are you here?

>> No.22171340

If you have read BM, you should be aware that passage posted above isn't the norm. Blood Meridian is a pretty purple book despite having its sparse sections.

And wtf is this opinion? I don't even see the problem with the passage in OP except that it is not very luscious. But who the hell is for even 200 pages? It is retarded to pass judgement on something out of a singular random excerpt which probably isn't even meant to show the prose. It's a transitional scene. What books do you read?

>> No.22171341

>>22171326 see >>22171322

>I enjoyed the first two books as a highschooler
>I didn't think it was possible BM would go on in the same vein for the entire read. He could have made the same point in 150 pp (or less).

>> No.22171346

It's the same retarded chud. It is obvious from the way he writes. He is falseflagging again after being completely bodied in the chud Anglin thread.

>> No.22171354

the passage matches BM perfectly
monotonous, clunky machine-like writing in a weird syntax that never turns the corner, for hundreds of pages

>> No.22171356

It's called shitposting. Suddenly you've forgotten it?

>> No.22171364

how many of these posts are you in every thread.
did your balls drop yet? Let the grown ups talk.

>> No.22171371

So you enjoyed McCarthy's most plotless novel which has "dogshit" prose.

You think Blood Meridian is written in the style of OP's passage in its entirety? That's an objectively wrong opinion. And I can bet my house you haven't even opened the first page of BM. You can prove me wrong though.

Let's make the thread productive. You think the point can be made in 150 pages (lol), so what do you think about the Harnessmaker's story? And when The Kid runs away from the gang and is put in Jail?

>> No.22171377

You have never opened BM in your life. Even going through Goodreads quotes will prove you wrong.

>> No.22171380

sorry kid

>> No.22171383

As opposed to your butthurt ass that's been shitting McCarthy threads without ever having read the writer. This is manchild behaviour, retarded chud. Manchildren on /v/ behave like this with their console war shit.

>> No.22171397

This thread proves how low IQ these chuds are. They can't even play a gimmick well. Now they will chock it up to shitposting but seeing a McCarthy thread legitimately hurts their butt. He went from having dogshit prose to a writer of two good books (both of which are less ornate than Suttree and BM, but the illiterate fag doesn't know and fucked up his gimmick). Lol

>> No.22171415

there's a Narnia thread in the catalog that might be more age appropriate for you

I'll have to review, it's been several years and as I've repeated the book did not leave a strong impression, except that I wasted time on it. What I took home was the world is brutal and there's no point to it. But I had the same impression in the beginning and its a long book

I'll refresh my memory and let you know later.

>> No.22171423

whoever called it dogshit prose was someone else, I'm not the only man on the internet who dislikes McCarthy. But I agree with him.

>> No.22171428

>staggered erect
sounds like me when I've been drinking and watching porn

>> No.22171430

Lol. I knew it. When it will come to actually discussing the book proper, they will weasel away like they always do. Instead of refreshing your non-existent memory, better just read the book. Atleast you will be less of an embarrassment on these threads. Tell it your friends as well.

>> No.22171437

So you agree with him that it's dogshit prose but you enjoyed the Road and Atph while pretending reading BM? How does it change anything? We are back at where we began. How retarded are you to not see this.

>> No.22171443

And you should go back to /v/ like the manchild you are. You have embarrassed yourself enough for one day, retarded chud.

>> No.22171447

listen buddy. I say I'll be back and I will. If /lit/ had ID's I would not respond to you if you establish a pattern of making idiot points.

This is the truth about McCarthy, how many times do I have to write to get a genuine response?
>What I took home was the world is brutal and there's no point to it. But I had the same impression in the beginning and its a long book

There is no genuine response, because McCarthy never advanced beyond that.

>> No.22171453

enjoyed it "as a high schooler" learn to read

>> No.22171486

Instead of fantasizing what the book is about. Just read it. You were an embarrassment in the Anglin thread (it's very easy to tell it's you). Never answered any of the educated opinions I put forth. I absolutely don't understand why you waste your time and energy being so mad about this writer? Semmigly never read him, however much you deny (until you come back and prove that you actually know more than what goodreads reviews told you).

I mean, it's so easy to just download BM and literally turn to any page to see how it is written. Yet you are here embarrassig yourself bending over backwards trying to justify a completely untenable poition that it is written all throughout in the style OP's passage is. Where I am from, this sort of obsession is called mental illness. Or you could just be mad at being made to look like a cliwn for speaking out of turn and now you have made this writer your personal vendetta. That would be even more pathetic.

>What I took home was the world is brutal and there's no point to it. But I had the same impression in the beginning and its a long book
I read this exact same review on goodreads with 1 star and the reviewer exclusively read YA. Probably that's the problem.

>> No.22171492

You are still acting like a high schooler, you manchild. Atph is pretty plot oriented, I am sure you remember at least that one.

So let's make the thread productive. What do you think of Duena's monologue. Pretty important part and I am sure it will stick in the memory especially if you enjoyed it as a younger person.

>> No.22171519

>I'm not the only man on the internet who dislikes McCarthy
And we are supposed to believe you put yourself through 1000 pages of him. Very believable.

Are you from /v/? You have very, very low intelligence like those retards do.

>> No.22171524

already did faggot.
You'll read the sane review in many places, this is how any normal person who hasn't been conditioned to like McCarthy will experience his books. It's the same thing on and on, something crazy happens and it's over. But I don't read book reviews.

You're "educated" points about the book are academic boilerplate. What is the revelation you had when finishing BM? Somethign being a real story doesn't make it a work of literature. I took a shit this morning and at times it was difficult, but running you through the timeline of my struggle would not automatically make my writing good. Do you understand that?

Maybe it never happened at all. Maybe I didn't take a BM this morning. But if I did, it had some kind of ending and it satisfied, which is more than you can say for McCarthy's BM.

>> No.22171534

More waffling. Reply when you can say something about the book instead of rerunning your shitty videogame tier arguments. It was already proven pretty decisively in your chud thread that you have no smarts for art. Go back and reread my posts, without flaring nostrils this time, I have replied to all of your shitty arguments.

And read the book for once. At least be justified in hating it.

>> No.22171545

you're a progressive so I'll forgive yo for being wrong over and over again.

You are incapable of voicing the revelation you had from BM because there was none. Post your substack so I can take a shit on it.

>> No.22171554

Having you on the substack is taking a shit on it, so no.
>You are incapable of voicing the revelation you had from BM because there was none
And you haven't even read the book, so what the fuck you would understand even if I told you? Hell, you won't even understand if you ever end up reading the book. You are just dumb as all hell.

>> No.22171561

NTA but BM is extremely, extremely repetitive. It follows the same exact outline every chapter.
>Overly flowery descriptions of the landscape using archaic language and a nauseating amount of similes (seriously, take a shot every time a mundane object is "like a [archaic adjective] [flowery noun] giving the feeling of a [fantastical, sweeping emotion], you'll be blackout drunk in half a chapter)
>Slow meandering description of mundane events that occur every chapter with so many "ands" it takes up a third of the word count
>Quick flash of intense violence that simplifies the prose and only last a paragraph
>Some profound observation said by Holden that the party barely reacts to
Its like this from page 1 to page 300, the thematic relevance isn't lost on me, its just boring and had me rolling my eyes by the end of the book because it was so routine.

>> No.22171562

Clearly you refuse to answer my criticism because you have no answer.

>> No.22171568

that just means you didnt read it.
>circular reasoning

>> No.22171586

He isn't saying repetitive though. He is saying that it is written like the OP's passage for all its length, which is clearly bullshit. There are two very different, even opposed registers in the book that are like insanely obvious. That's just two. Also
>no poster count increase
Post a screencap of my post.

>> No.22171592

You refuse to answer my educated posts because you are phony who hasn't even read the book. Like this is your 20th or some post without having anything related to the book that is above what women post on goodreads.

>> No.22171601

>He isn't saying repetitive though.
I called it repetitive repeatedly in the other thread. Here you acknowledge it:
>>22170105 ob
>You have become repetitive yourself. Post your favorite books.

You won't reply to my point because you have no answer to it. BM is pointless.

>> No.22171611

It's a common refrain among McCarthy detractors. If you don't know that you need to leave the echo chamber. There should be an answer to it besides
>he meant to do it that way
as I predicted you'd say before you said it.

>> No.22171613

Read this thread you stupid idiot. Where am I arguing against repetitiveness? I am arguing your stupidity in saying that it is written like the OP for 300 pages, which is just bullshit and you know it yourself.
>You won't reply to my point because you have no answer to it. BM is pointless.
I won't reply to your point unless you answer me here>>22171371
Should be easy because you have ((((((read the book))))). Let's see it

>> No.22171620

I am not discussing a book with a retard who hasn't even read the book in question. I have already written enough which was convincing to people who actually rwad bookss. McCarthy detractors are famous for being butthurt chuds who argue in bad faith, so I first nedd you to prove that you have read the book, instead of weaseling out >>22171415 like these chuds do always.

>> No.22171621

Waiting for the screencap.

>> No.22171623

you just said I never called it repetitive, which is patently false. I asked for SS and I posted verbatim quote from you acknowledging I called it repetitive. And that's not me who said '300 pages' as you acknowledged in reply.

Now you're pilpuling on repetitiveness. Are you jewish? We could have saved time if you told me earlier.

>> No.22171625

>I am arguing your stupidity in saying that it is written like the OP for 300 pages
Saying its written like the OP throughout is disingenuous but it is one of the four major styles that reappear over and over in BM. Grand, epic prose when describing nature, simple, brutal prose describing violence, extreme simple dialogue, and educated monologues by Holden. Its simplifying it but those are the main styles that repeat through the whole book and you can pick out at a glance. The overall syntax of the book is similar across all of these.

>> No.22171629

you guys are weirdos

>> No.22171631

Are you retarded? Can you even follow what you write you fucking retard?

>but I was talking about monotony
No you retarded weasel. Both here and here>>22171265 you are implying that Blood Meridian is written as dryly for 300 pages.

Fucking retard.

>> No.22171637

How can it be disingenuous to say it's like OP throughout, when in your own words THAT STYLE APPEARS OVER AND OVER ACROSS THE BOOK?

>> No.22171642

Don't backtrack now to save your (or his) ass.
>it has 4 styles appear over and over
Which is probably 3 more than most books. Lolita has only one register (and a very minor, transitional one which is similar to the passage in OP), yet I don't see anyone complaining about it.

Bottom line: he said retarded statement, people pointed out retarded statement. He lost his screws.

>> No.22171649

Because, like I said, its lumped in with multiple different styles? Do you have a learning disability?

>> No.22171653

I'm pissed off I read that whole book and pissed off none of his advocates on /lit/, who talked me into reading it, can say what the point was.

>> No.22171656

You fucking retard. You said it's the only style, when it is patently false>>22171354

And it is a fucking retarded statement to begin with. This is like complaining that Moby dick is extremely repetitive in style because all of it is just ornate dependent clauses for 600 pages. Not every book has to be fucking Ulysses or something.

>> No.22171660

You haven't even opened the first page chud. Repeating the sentence won't convinve people unless you post something substantiative. Multiple people are asking for it but your phony ass is incapable of producing anything.

>> No.22171687

you're splitting hairs. You lumped it in with ONE other style that you describe, plus Holden's monologues. It's the same thing for however many pages: Long drawn out descriptions of setting, and gore porn.

like the jew you are, you've answered your own question and now carry on as if you haven't.

>> No.22171704

You HAVEN'T even opened a page. Like literally opening a single page would already put to bed the retarded argument you have been trying to make. You are incapable of saying anything specific about the book and your response to educated posts is just waffling about how it hurt you emotionally because it wasn't like one of your bideogaymes.(or the wiki summary, at least, wasn't).

This is mental illness.

>> No.22171707

Answer the question jew: what was the point of BM?

>> No.22171710

>You lumped it in with ONE other style that you describe, plus Holden's monologues. It's the same thing for however many pages: Long drawn out descriptions of setting, and gore porn.
None except one is even remotely similar to the passage in the OP. Stop trying to save face. It is full of shit.

Kill yourself retarded illiterate chud.

>> No.22171715

>like the jew you are
>Answer the question jew
The mask has slipped.

>> No.22171718

I gotta be honest with you, bros. I've not been impressed by a single fragment of McCarthy's prose that I've read on this board. I've read the first page or so of Blood Meridian which was okay but nothing spectacular to me. The fragment in the OP is unappealing to me. He seems like an author who would be of interest to me in terms of his content and themes but I don't think I like his prose style. I mean no disrespect to the man, just find his prose disappointing.

>> No.22171720

First prove that you have read the book, retarded chud. You are another one of those filthy butthurt swines.

>> No.22171722

>None except one is even remotely similar to the passage in the OP.
>it is one of the four major styles that reappear over and over in BM
pick one

>> No.22171724

It feels so overwritten man. Of course people here have no sense of that stilted and purple prose.

>> No.22171727

Read it in the book. It hits different.

>> No.22171728

Those are both say the same thing you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.22171730

You can't answer the question. You have no answer for it!

>> No.22171733

Retard, the passage is from Suttree. Oh my fucking God, you are hopelessly illiterate.
And you are some scholar aren't you?

>> No.22171734

the style cannot repeat over and over if there's not a single passage that's remotely similar RETARD

>> No.22171736

You haven't read the book. You are insecure about getting exposed for the last time as the retarded clownish chud that you are.

>> No.22171742

This is another circular argument
The last thread died when I went to bed and you had nothing more to say. You can restart it at any moment. What was the point of BM?

>> No.22171746

Your mom is a whore. That's the point of this thread. That's what I learned. I wish she paid you more attention.

>> No.22171748

I don't know that I'd call it completely overwritten but it does come across a bit purple to me. Stilted for sure, though the sections I've read from Blood Meridian seemed to be less so, which is probably why I found them more appealing.
I'll still give Blood Meridian a read some time but his style really has put me off of it and made me hesitate.

>> No.22171754

the point of the thread is I took a BM this morning and unlike McCarthy, I got it out.

>> No.22171759

It's just a book. You don't have to if you don't want to. Personally, I love it and just to put it out there I don't really love any of his stylistic influences either. It just works when he does it his own way.

>> No.22171762

if you find it a boring, uphill climb, remember it's uphill to the last page

>> No.22171767

No, it is for sure that your mom is a whore. Only that explains why a 15 year old low IQ chud would be so taken by a book he hasn't ever opened one page of. Broken household, mental illness yadda yadda. Maybe you became a chud white knight for Anglin's dumbass "muh family unit" for the same reason.

>> No.22171778

The problem with Freudian theory is he made it up so if you use it, you'll usually be wrong. But that's not a problem for you kek

I can't imagine defending a book this hard and being unable to say what the point was. THAT is mental illness. But you write 400 p. novels that no one else reads, so it's no surprise.

>> No.22171791

You made 100 posts about a book you never read. I already explained what was great about the book in my 2nd post 12 hours ago. But I imagine a mentally ill person such as yourself won't regard that as an example of mental illness. Which is precisely why you are mentally ill.

>> No.22171797

What do YOU think the point of the book was? What did YOU glean from it? Not just your personal opinions on the content but the book itself?

>> No.22171800

You description was boilerplate that could be applied to many books and has. You said the point is the story is true. So was my morning shit.

>> No.22171804

Next time you are on the shitter, just push extra hard. Hopefully Father Arius smiles and there is universal relief.

>> No.22171814

Lol. But someone who never read the book would want to believe that.
He has never read McCarthy. That's the mental illness full display in the thread.

>> No.22171819

the point was there is no point, as numerous others on this board and off have noted. A lot of people got wasted and it was all for nothing. You should be able to follow when I say, I expect more from a book than this.

I struggled, I pushed, I thought I had it but then I didn't.... like BM, a true story

>> No.22171826

>retard didn't get the reference
That's the fun kek. Enjoy embarrassing yourself more, you clown.

>> No.22171830

McCarthy's BM never made it into the toilet, do you get that refernce?

>> No.22171835

>the point was there is no point
The you literally do not know how to read past the very surface of a book, if you even read it in the first place (you didn't).

BM getting popular and bringing in people that don't understand how to critically read a book completely killed any online discourse surrounding McCarthy.

>> No.22171841

He hasn't read it. Literally read the thread.

>> No.22171846

McCarthy must have been one of your whore mom's client during his divorce period lol. Lots of seethe for a writer who you never even read.

>> No.22171847

you mean people who did not go through your conditioning course.
the book never turns the corner, you should know exactly what I mean but you don't.

>> No.22171860

Nobody knows what you mean because you have read some version of book that has been fantasized from goodreads reviews. Everybody else has the real life version from 1985.

>> No.22171874

the reference is I'm comparing BM to an incomplete bowel movement, like my review of your substack. But I'm sure your whore of a mom likes them both. She's used to investing herself in things that don't turn out.

>> No.22171877

>the book never turns the corner, you should know exactly what I mean but you don't.
You're right, I don't because it means nothing. What the fuck are you even talking about? What "corner"? What did you expect from it, some grand payoff or escalating action shoved into your face in the least subtle way possible?

>> No.22171882

Nobody cares chud. Go eat the sloppy cum out of your whore mom's old shrivelled cunt.

>> No.22171889

>retard still doesn't get the reference
Lol. Your 15 year old joke was old when you first belt it out retarded chud. You won't even be able to google my very cheeky reference lol. your low IQ chimp brain won't help.

>> No.22171894

He hasn't read it. Literally just repeating YA reader's arguments from Goodreads.

>> No.22171899

you sound pleased with yourself. Send your mom a screenshot, she'll pretend she likes it. She's good at that.

>> No.22171902
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>> No.22171916


Read the book when you grow up. The last 50 pages are practically a thriller with The Kid trying to escape an invisible but seemingly ubiquitous enemy. Even reading goodreads would tell you that much. What a phony chud.

>> No.22171923

Having cucked chuds eat out of their senile mom's cunt some bum's cum? This is your family tradition.

>> No.22171934

This is 100% confirmation that you never read the book.

>> No.22171993
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some would call that a cheap thrill after many wasted hours or accuse McCarthy of breaking his promise to the reader. But at least it's something.

>> No.22172016

>cheap thrill after many wasted hours or accuse McCarthy of breaking his promise to the reader.
For the discerning reader it's a payoff for a rewarding and interesting book. For the cheap reader it's a cheap thrill. This thread is proof.
>breaking his promise to the reader.
Lol. Sounds like YA criteria.

>> No.22172027

Back after googling? Lol. You are pathetic.

>> No.22172046

>She's holding onto his leg
>He kicks her in the head

>> No.22172064
File: 6 KB, 609x462, clip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea what that means. The discerning reader expects conflict, crisis and resolution, and some element of surprise.
obv I made that. Do you disagree with it?

>> No.22172067
File: 38 KB, 628x597, suttree kick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it like this? She's holding on to one of his legs, and he kicks her with the other foot hacky sack style?

>> No.22172069

it's shit tier writing is what it is

>> No.22172073
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>> No.22172081
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>> No.22172088

From that angle you can raise your free leg and get a good diagonal stomp that hits the side of the head. I think I would just knee her with the leg she's grabbing though.

>> No.22172473

Who's better ?

Garbage? Debbie Nathan, is that you ?

>> No.22172520

I fixed it:
>Suttree staggered erect in the midst of this sorry spectacle groaning like a bear. The old man had fallen back. The girl was pulling at the old lady but she was hanging onto his leg with a maniac’s strength and gibbering the while. You ghastly bitch, he said, and got a good diagonal stomp on the side of the head which stretched her out. It occurred to him fleetingly that he probably should have just kneed her with the leg she had been grabbing instead, and he decided to attempt this technique on the girl, who fell upon him in much the same manner.

>> No.22173727

You are a YA reader though. Take your butthurt and go home to your whore momma.

>> No.22173780

Butthurt tranny.

>> No.22174165


>> No.22174490

this guy is a fucking retard. Imagine thinking that everything needs a climax. Maybe go back to reading Percy Jackson and leave the adults alone.