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22103469 No.22103469 [Reply] [Original]

"I'll Write Tomorrow" Edition

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ

RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/cIAMwxb_hl0

Previous thread: >>22094785

>> No.22103539

Jesus fucking christ why is it so difficult to pick books for a group to read? There's always someone in the group who will complain. This has to be the quickest way to convince someone democracy doesn't work.

>> No.22103610


Third consecutive thread where Im posting this for feedback.

Reworked some of the most awkward phrases (thanks anon)

>> No.22103742

Will no fapping improve my writing?

>> No.22103773

Reading will improve your writing.
Writing will improve your writing.
Spending less time online may allow you to write more.
Not masturbating will make you horny. This might let you write better erotica.

>> No.22103782

No fap is good for self-discipline, saving time and a more intense orgasm when you do have them, but don't believe people that think it fixes everything else. What you need is discipline and practice.

>> No.22103826

it drives me crazy that agents/readers expect something mindblowing to happen IMMEDIATELY. interesting scenarios take time to set up. and if you force some fireworks at the beginning, it's not even going to hit, because the reader doesn't know any of these characters yet and there cannot be emotional depth. i am so tired of being expected to have a climax-esque event in the first chapter. it's not even possible and people need to grow up.

"ugh, the first chapters are so slow" and then "wow this climax chapter near the middle was so amazing, i wish every chapter was like this!" that climax came on the back of numerous previous chapters setting this situation up. i cannot have complexity until i've gone through sufficient wordcount to set that all up. my writing is very clearly laid out. there is the middle climax, and two smaller mini-climaxes at 25% and 75%. All of which require several chapters of setup before i light them up. Hell, even having those secondary highpoints is a modern invention to assuage micro-sized attention spans.

and even if you could have instant bananas in a novel? would you want it? it would come at the cost of the rest of the book being underwhelming and cheap, the equivalent of a two pump chump lover. setup is good, people. we have plotting structure for a reason--it works.

>> No.22103853

Democracy DOESN'T work.
That's why functioning democracies are actually democratic republics.
In my experience, yes.
It seems to me that a large portion of creativity is sublimation of the sexual urge.
Deny that urge, and it expresses itself in creativity.
That's called "start with a bang".
It's needed to hook the reader.
Virtually every successful writer is capable of creating such a thing, and virtually every successful work employs this.
Can you name some that don't? I struggle to.

>> No.22103857

I can throw a mini-bang in there, I have techniques. The issue is it's never as complex and satisfying as the true climax, and feels like an obligation, and unnaturally forced.

>> No.22103865

Gone with the wind.
Lord of the Rings
Jane Eyre

Hell most classics have slow ass beginnings.

>> No.22103876

I didn’t like Jane Eyre but the start and early chapters were the most interesting part

>> No.22103881

Feeling a bit glum lads. My aunt, who knows I'm a wayward NEET, let me stay in her house on the Cornish coast while she and her new husband went sailing round Greece for three months. All I had to do was water the plants. The garden is massive and spread out over multiple levels but I can get it all watered in an hour. Not a big deal.

My plan was to spend this time writing. There's a library in the house, and an adjoining study overlooking the sea, and deep in the garden, hidden behind the lime trees, sits a summerhouse with a writing desk.

At the start, three months seemed like endless ages, so at first I put off writing and slipped into old habits and just played Hearthstone and browsed porn subreddits all day. And that's basically all I've done since, plus binging Succession.

Now they're coming back on Monday and I only have two days left in the house. I haven't written a word. Any tricks to motivate myself to write during the remaining time?

>> No.22103889

I want to write a necromancer faction that isn't inherently evil. Any suggestions?

>> No.22103893

Relate the beginning to the inciting incident, not the conclusion.
It just has to be exciting, so that you hook the reader.
Those books are old.
You're writing for today, not back then.
Consider that if anyone wrote "In Search Of Lost Time" these days, it would be stupefyingly boring.
Ugh. Bit late, dude.
You lack discipline.
I would have been over the moon if I had that opportunity.

>> No.22103894

Yea but the opening breaks all modern conventions
>Introduces 5 characters before the MC
>Lots of exposition explaining who each character is
>Inciting incident isn't introduced yet
>All we get is her being bullied by her cousin who will then wish to marry her 20 years later

That said, it's opening is far more masterful than a modern opening of finding some dead body, a fight, "it's just another boring day", "random ass monster eating someone, a sex scenes, etc

>> No.22103895

immortal scholars who are just book nerds and want to read all the books

>> No.22103896

This is the only example I can think of:

>> No.22103900

Aristocrats with an creepy, obsessive, but not necessarily evil attraction to their dynasty's past: old servants (loyal for centuries), old lovers (wanton eyes behind rotting veils), old patriarchs (whispering stern strategies to safeguard their millennia-old wealth).

>> No.22103924

>You lack discipline.
That's kind of unfair because I did try to bring my writing pad out to the summerhouse one time -- no phone, no laptop -- but I saw that the teenage daughter of the neighbours was sitting among the trees with her sketchbook, and I didn't want to have to have an awkward conversation with her about how she's technically trespassing or whatever. So I just went back inside before she saw me.

>> No.22103928

I am not sure what they expect yet because I havent talked to many agents or editors. My current understanding is the beginning ought to indicate the feel of the rest of the book, introduce the beginning of a major conflict. While I do wait until a quarter into the book for the precipitating event, there is a lot of indication on the very first page about the potential for that event to occur that could destroy the meaning in the major chatacters lives forever. So while it's not maybe the hook other genres have I think it's showing that something incredibly personal is at stake. If someone doesn't think love or pride matters at all to life then I can understand why it wouldnt be a hook. I will just have to see what they say. I think the high concept is there too because I can clearly compare it to modern books though most of the inspiration isnt.

>> No.22103939

That seems irrelevant to me.
What problem was she causing, exactly?
Trespassing is usually only asserted if the person is causing some sort of problem.
Sitting among trees with a sketchbook sounds pretty innocent.
Were you somehow only able to write in the summerhouse? (And then, you only attempted that once?)
Did you find her presence intimidating?
Or is this going somewhere creepy?
In any case...you squandered your opportunity, and there's nothing you can do to reclaim that lost time.

>> No.22103957

A hook I can do. What I cannot do is have something at the level of my mid-novel climax, inserted at the very beginning, built upon a foundation of nothing and yet magically fully immersive and understandable with invested readers. And that is the direction writers are being pushed. Have your cake and eat it, too, kind of shit.

>> No.22103974

Every time I send something to my agent he rings me up and says: >Goddamn it you've done it again, you beautiful sonnofabitch. How about we get together for lunch to gloat over the future royalties? My treat.

And then no sooner have I penciled 'Lobster lunch with the Old Dog' into my diary than I get a letter from his secretary saying:
>Well, you *know* I oughtn't read the manuscripts, but when I saw your name I couldn't help sneak it off the snack. *Soul* -- that's the only word I have for it. Soul like I thought no man had in him anymore. How about treating me to dinner again so we can discuss my favourite parts? And then maybe we can head back to my place for a review of *your* favourite parts x

Then, inevitably, the avalanche of carefully typewritten fanmail postmarked from various university campuses. You know the sort:
>Dear Sir,
>In the field of modern fiction the only battle worth fighting is the battle to conquer knew realms of style. As I read your latest work -- nay, your latest conquest -- with increasing exultation and awe, I felt as the old Europeans must have done hearing of the gold-scatted shores that Columbus's discovered. What voyages of the mind must you have braved to bring us these riches of Aztec art, these parrot-feather garlands of unknown brilliancy! My girlfriend, who has only just recovered from the swoon she feel into when I read her Claude and Marianne's love-making scene, has expressed a profound desire to meet with 'the fountain of life himself', as she puts it. Might you perhaps permit us to treat you for brunch at the Cafe du ... [and so and so on]

I don't know what you guys are whining about. This publishing lark is like falling off a log.

>> No.22103975

im gonna post a story i wrote while on a dissociative drug and some salvia, its called GUNTHER

Gunther walked along the red blooded aisle towards a fountain. A fountain filled to the brim with angelic tears and cavalcades. Gunther walks with giant leaps, his feet stretching from horizon to horizon. Gunther is 7 foot 9, has a walking stick and is fond of fondling bureaucrats. Gunther fondles bureaucrats o Tuesday. On Wednesday he gesticulated wildly at pregnant geese in the park. Gunther likes to walk around with 2 eyes focused on the road in front of him. Gunther jealously guards his most coveted ideas & secrets in a little box that’s adorned with green jewels & red tapestry & gold linings and is placed in his attic. In the cellar there are 3 alligators that run around and create spirals in the damp water. Gunther sometimes comes down to pet the alligator, one of the alligators is called Joel, the other is called Peatrice. Peatrice the alligator runs around curmudgeonly & has chickenwire as feet. The sound it makes when she runs like a dentists office and it eases my soul. Gunther is now on a train to somewhere, I don’t know where, Gunther knows but I don’t, I have no idea, no fucking clue where its headed, but Gunter has an idea, he has a clue, he knows certain things, he figures things out, Gunther walks around like he owns the place, he knows things that other people don’t, he figures things out when he looks at things with his dazzling, fiery eyes. Gunthers eyes rizzle and sizzle like barbeque bacon. Gunthers hair is goldilocks and mesmerizing and dazzles and frazzles beneath sunlight. Gunther is bald. Peatrice the alligator has her ears pierced and has won 3 south Minnesota alligator beauty pageants. Gunther is very proud of her but never tells her. Anyway, Gunther is on a train and on his side he looks out the window that pearlescent & beautiful & jaunty. Behind it is the landscape!!!! Wow…..!!!!! Landscapes moving & fleeing & jolting & piercing & fleeing & xylophone-like in its luster and beatific symmetry…… Gunther is moved by this view beyond tears,,,,, and he lets them come…. The tears come & come & come…. Beautiful & like crystals…. The sunshine reflects awkwardly from one of his tears and pierces a baby that is seated in the next aisle. Its name is Klive and its 4,3 years old. its wearing nike brand shoes, size 5. GUNTHER LIKES WHEN INSECTS WALK ALONG HIS PANTs. Sophoric & lionlike does Peatrice sound when she wakes up in the morning. Peatrice has killed 56 people in the year 1995 A.D. on a sunny august afternoon where she walked out of the local library, saw a particularly delicious looking ice cream ad and started gnawing away at people, just completely chomping at the bits, hair follicles & bone marrow were flying left right and center, a complete massacre that was published in the local newspaper under the title “”Peatrice’ prime suspect in Thursday alligator massacre” more to come at 9 o clock. Gunthe

>> No.22103977

:: hes almost reaching his destination, which I want to reiterate I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS. Gunther knows, but I have no clue, I am none the wiser, Gunther he knows these things, but I have no clue. Not one. Not a clue. It’s beautiful to not know sometimes. But Gunther knows and as he’s clinging on to the metal handrail in front of him to get up he feels a sudden sharp pang in his left thigh. It shoots up like lightning up his side and looks around the moth-eaten passageways both sides of his peripheral vision, the moth-eaten passageways of the train stretching infinitely far each side. Gunther feels suddenly that the poles of the earth have switched… the train stretches further and further and further to infinity, white lines stretch as far as Gunther can see all the way to infinity. Gunther suddenly is in a black abyss. A stygian darkness with only the metal handrail keeping him on some sort of balance, the only thing keeping him from falling into infinite blackness that stretches out from him at all equators, every degree, all 360 million of them all stretch out to pure blackness, pure void surrounds him. The train is gone, the view is gone, its just black void as far as the eye can’t see. Gunther is sort of floating halfway, one leg sort of stretches out awkwardly and he’s floating, he used to know things, suddenly he doesn’t know things anymore, the blackness has made him question everything? The white lines that used to make up the train are but tiny dots in vision, very very very very very very far away. They’re almost non-existent. Gunther sort of whispers into the abyss “wow”. Peatrice the alligator’s red necklace has a faint smell of almonds & walnuts. Peatrice finds the smell of cigarette ash soothing & pleasing.

>> No.22103980

I have this skeleton story for my comic, i come here to ask for some feedback, suggestions to help me make it somewhat comprehensible. (Sorry about my grammar bcs english is not my native language)
The settings:
>during a cataclysmic global war, ancient advanced people unleased a deadly weapon upon its enemies, devastated the entire world and they deeply regreted this.
>ancient people retreated to their homeland and slowly dying away. the last remnant are a few priestesses who watch over the Shrine where their people sleeping away in a virtual paradise.
>ffw ~1000 years civilizations rebuilt itself, the head priestess nurture the local people and later they establish the Empire™ (the Imperial capital lies next to the Shrine).
The characters and stories:
-Elbert: Protagonist, youngest child of the Emperor, naïve but aspiring, have an affinity towards archaeology.
-The Nemesis: Protagonist (origin needed) plotting against the Ancients and the head priestess. His people were killed during the ancient war maybe? Or should he be a scientist who know the truth behind the Ancients? (motivation needed)
-The psychic girl: Protagonist. Cloned of the original head priestess but somehow had been smuggled out of the Shrine by the Nemesis to use against the Ancients. Struggling with identity crisis.
(The Nemesis and psychic girl resembles the Badass and Child trope)
-The head priestess: Passive character. Wielding the Shrine’s defense system. Uninvolved in politics, imposed by a strict code of pacifism. Cope with loneliness by having relationship with the ruling emperor. The empire have ceremony for her with each coronation of a new emperor.
-The Emperor: The dying emperor of Eszia, responsible for building up the empire into a expansionist superpower.
-Markan: Oldest child of the emperor, ambitious and bold, he inherits the policy of territorial expansion and conquest of his father resulted in the current struggling conflict with the neighbor empire, ultimately led to his death during a conspiracy caused by the Nemesis to sabotage the peace talk between the 2 empires.

>> No.22103984
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The empire is left vulnerable, and that their enemies were eager to take advantage of the situation. However, before the youngest prince Elbert could assert his control, a vicious power struggle emerged between noble lords, slavers, and military generals.
The story follows how the Nemesis and the psychic girl helping (manipulating) the young prince fight the power struggle in the empire, beat a fanatical religious faction that took over the neighboring empire when fighting collapsed. Ultimately conclude with the Nemesis betraying the empire, got close to destroying the Ancients but the psychic girl team up with the young prince and defeat the Nemesis.

>> No.22103997

Obviously I would've had to have said something otherwise I would seem like a pushover who would let her go strolling through the garden I was supposed to be looking after.

I thought about saying something like, 'You know, you really shouldn't be trespassing here. But my for a cute girl like you, maybe I can make an exception.' (She was like 18 or 19 -- my aunt said she was in her first year of art school, so however old that is.) There was this big rhododendron I could crouch behind and not be seen, so I had a while to come up with a line, but they all felt too creepy, and I'm not good talking to girls generally.

Anyway I think she was maybe not right mentally or something. That evening she pushed a note under my door saying, 'Am I imagining things or is this house haunted? I've always wanted to meet a ghost. Maybe he'll come haunt me in the garden tonight?' Which was just incomprehensible and deranged, so I threw away the note and didn't leave the house four days after that, to be on the safe side. I had tons of microwaveable lasagna stocked up in the fridge so food wasn't a problem.

>> No.22104006

>I would've had to have said something
Only if she was causing a problem.
You seem to be obsessed with enforcing rules for their own sake.
>There was this big rhododendron I could crouch behind and not be seen
I'll be generous, and assume this is crippling shyness, and not stalking.
>she pushed a note under my door
DUDE...she was flirting.
She wanted to meet with you in the garden at night.
Incomprehensible, my ass.
I'm not sure you can be saved.

>> No.22104014

>DUDE...she was flirting.
Oh shit. Maybe you're right. Although if we had had a 'fling' it would've used up all the time I had scheduled for writing.

>> No.22104020

You used it up anyway, playing video games and browsing porn.
And never discount how a good woman can inspire creativity. That's called having a muse.
I find it difficult to comprehend the opportunities you squandered here.

>> No.22104027

>off the snack
Read: off the stack

>knew realms of style
Read: new realms of style

>gold-scatted shores
Read: gold-scattered shores

>swoon she feel into
Read: swoon she fell into

A bottle of port for lunch can tend to make your orthographic vigilance somewhat lax.

>> No.22104101

Good work.
That pseud can't even LARP properly. LOL

>> No.22104163
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How did you procrastinate today, /wg/? I spent a half hour playing with a reflex ball when I should've been writing. I even boxed in years.

>> No.22104166

*haven't even

>> No.22104177

you don't ASK the people, you choose for the people. in today's world most people lack the confidence to perform the duty of a leader.

>> No.22104222
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>I saw that the teenage daughter of the neighbours was sitting among the trees with her sketchbook, and I didn't want to have to have an awkward conversation with her about how she's technically trespassing or whatever. So I just went back inside before she saw me.
You're an introvert. I know because I'm a writer, I'm an introvert, too. That shit is cancer, like woody allen jewish levels of self hatred. I know you have difficulty getting out of your own head but good god.

>> No.22104229

Not him but is there a way of overcoming it? I hope there's no age cap on that.. I'm not very knowledgeable about writers who were very introverted also.

>> No.22104258
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"Here is the OP information you intentionally keep omitting" edition.

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

Good work on including the theme this time!

>> No.22104317

If this was the image you were gonna use for OP, I'm glad you're getting your just desserts

>> No.22104368
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I could have made the thread early and done as you feared, but I decided many threads back I'm not here to larp and foist muh tastes on the OP. I'm here to learn techniques and give critiques while intermittently attempting to maintain informational continuity.
Enjoy your you fren and write well.

>> No.22104382

>I could have made the thread early
People here hate you and would just post in the thread made afterwards. Don't get ahead of yourself

>> No.22104385

Of course, this brings up a great premise for a novel...
A wayward NEET writer tends to his aunt's cottage for 3 months while she and her new husband sail around Greece for 3 months.
He finds the neighbor's daughter sitting among the trees with her sketchbook.
After watching her lithe, lovely form for a while, he walks out to meet her, joking that she's trespassing.
That evening, she pushes a note under his door, with some odd text about haunted houses, and how maybe the ghost will haunt her in the garden tonight.
There begins a summer romance with a lovely young artistic lady that the MC won't forget for the rest of his life.
You have an imagination, don't you? You know what you would say and do if you weren't so cripplingly shy? Then write it!

>> No.22104386

but good on you for maturing

>> No.22104389

Strawman argument. You don't speak for "everyone".
You may be one of the most obvious sociopaths I've encountered in my life.

>> No.22104399

set off the anti-Ai fag again

>> No.22104420

The setting and premise sound fine. Personally I'd pay more attention to the conquered territory, because the dynamics can get interesting, but that's just my pet obsession so feel free to ignore it. (Two comics that do pay attention to this are Asterix and Ava's Demon.)
Notice however that setting and premise are basically all you have. The story itself doesn't have much of a skeleton yet.

>> No.22104474

Okay, but rate my linup

Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Metamorphosis by Kafka

>> No.22104477

yes, there is
go outside and do physical activities. strenuous physical activities. group activities, like sports, are probably the best, but even doing yardwork or building a shed will be fine. it'll build confidence in yourself and instead of thinking oh me oh my whatever shall I do when you come across a social situation internally you'll just be like, whatever, and then you'll do it without psychoanalyzing yourself all the time. basically live in the world by interacting with it, not in your head where you interact with nothing

>> No.22104539

You're annoying but at least you have the integrity to keep the proper OP. I'll thank you just for that

>> No.22104601

Reminder to anons to never edit while you write, because it kills flow and creativity. The important thing is to get words on the page, you can edit it so it makes sense after you finish the work.

>> No.22104637

Why are you writing this larp on 4chan instead of in your novel

>> No.22104683

there are like 20 people who hate your fucking guts, you dumb fat sperg

>> No.22104747

I wondered how many schizo personalities you had.
Now you've given us an exact number.

>> No.22104865

>Draft at 15k
>struggling to write out anything else
frustrating. too little to get a good feel for it

>> No.22104896

Your experience isn't universal.
The first thing i do after completing the first draft of a chapter is to read it over, fixing little mistakes and cleaning up wording.
I don't find that hinders my flow at all.

>> No.22104919

are you F. Gardner under a new guise?

>> No.22104930

Swap Metamorphosis and Foundation, the cut Foundation and add something else.

>> No.22104945

I'm way too thoughtful to be that brainlet.
Also, Gardner would have tried to shill his lousy work by now. He literally can't help it.

>> No.22104946

I always go back and read a couple pages to get myself back in the rhythm whenever I start drafting again. when I run across stuff that needs spot edits, I edit

>> No.22105076

Too late, also Foundation is a great way to destroy the illusion of Asimov being a good writer.

>> No.22105269

Have any of you had luck writing essays on substack?

>> No.22105305

Every time you attempt to employ a characterization or personal attack it shows just how emotionally stunted you are. It is also hilarious with how much you keep missing the mark. You seem to have the mentality of a grade schooler who just transferred to a new school and is trying to make friends by picking on someone who appears to be the most different. However much older you are from that characterization the sadder the reality gets.

>> No.22105332

Neither of the anons your replying to but we know the AI spammer is in his 50s or older. So I don't really get what angle you're going for with this "it's said that you're a grown up doing this" when the person you are/defending is a geriatric trying to troll a 4chan general and shill AI. It's just odd, I think

>> No.22105388
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Why, yes, I have written 2,000 words today.

>> No.22105411
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>We know the AI spammer is in his 50s or older.
>no wonder you can't get published when you are so consistently wrong

>> No.22105420

I've a story idea that may work better in feodal era settings, but i'm not sure i've the expertise to write in that style. Should i just attempt making it compatible to modern era?

>> No.22105517

Thanks, definitely gonna check it out.

>> No.22105525

Your as bad as the ai spammer!

>> No.22105530


>> No.22105541

so yall just gunna leave me on read?

I crave constructive feedback

>> No.22105568

to be honest, none of us wants to click a google doc link because you can steal our information.

>> No.22105594

Is he Jason Bryan?

>> No.22105622
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Yeah me too haha...

>> No.22105701

>one of the top stories is a story called Vainqueur the Dragon
>his kindle
>has 1000+ reviews
>sold tens of thousands of copies
>Even I, a complete amateur sees his writing as complete shit

How does he do it?

>> No.22105716

Look at the story The Runesmith. Each chapter has multiple typos or incorrect words that are spelled very similarly to other words.
That author gets 5k a month on patreon.

>> No.22105727


>> No.22105728

Apparently, he gives his audience what they want.

>> No.22105746

Those writers write seven different stories and abandon the ones that arent successful. They dont care about minor flaws, reading classics, or reading at all

>> No.22105768
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editorchad is free for his next manuscript victim

>> No.22105794

Do you look at unfinished work? Even if it's fanficiton?

>> No.22105823

I usually write in the morning and revisit in the evening.

If any i feel like editing until i feel satisfied increase my confidence in the process, When i feel like what i've written thus far might be shit it ruins the experience going forward

>> No.22105918

i'll get called salty but honestly. in my circle i look at the top people and they're just really, really fucking lousy. normies cannot discern quality. they just latch onto whatever fucking shit happens to get enough social media pull to go viral. sm is terrible for writers--the algos fuck meritocracy. it's the same in visual art too, and music.

>> No.22105948

I didn't really care much about the typos or incorrect words that mark them as an ESL or someone who just doesn't edit. Then I started writing, and I won't say I'm great, but I would've caught those things during my pre-upload once over. They also clearly put out filler chapters sometimes and the change in pace between these chapters and a normal one is insane.
To me it shows a lack of care in what they are writing, and that offends me.

>> No.22105952

>Whoring ones self out.
>Writing what one wants.
There is only one patrician choice and it's not both.

>> No.22105956
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yeah i have no problem with fanfiction

look up matthewg42

>> No.22105957

us gamelit chads really stay winning, huh?

>> No.22105978

i wasn't talking about spag, although it's lazy and shows their character. but the writing itself is bad. cliches, crap pacing, cringy dialogue, repetitious, short sloppy chapters that show they are posting as soon as they shit out something. thoughtless stories that don't connect anywhere, no cohesive plot, no structure, no meaning. usually lots of horny. and people eat that slop up.

i write for my own satisfaction first and foremost, but it is depressing to see. i try to remember that most of those people are 100 IQs and barely literate. i think online writing skews young as well, so those rabid fans of absolute trash are likely to be high school kids or younger.

it's still vexing

>> No.22105985

Where are you selling your services?

>> No.22106027

A hundred years ago, the same complaints were made about "penny dreadful" books.
Yet they were very popular, and sold well.
After the commercial failure of his 1851 novel "Moby Dick", Herman Melville wrote "Pierre: or, the Ambiguities", releasing it in 1852, and was much more ribald, and deliberately written to have wide appeal.
Stop acting as if you, and your literary heroes, are so pure.
I can do both.

>> No.22106033

So the real key to literacy is to write whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.22106067
File: 193 KB, 1221x1146, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through my first major developmental edit now. I'm at 136 pages and I can do about a page an hour. Fuck me. I didn't know anything about writing before I started, and now I see that if I followed better syntax and sentence structures, I wouldn't be re-writing the entire fucking thing. Fuck this sucks. Fuck.

>> No.22106072
File: 178 KB, 450x450, 1606425044843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naming a character Homer

>> No.22106084

fiverr matthewg42

>> No.22106099

Mostly turning tricks in truck stop bathrooms.
Find him at the speedway off I-77 and slip a five through the hole in the forth stall on your right.

>> No.22106105

They're just placeholders.

>> No.22106129

Yes, writing something is better than writing nothing.

>> No.22106154

Whats the best way to post my work for feedback?

>> No.22106168

Would you be disappointed to learn you went all the way to that specific truck stop, but that wasn't the /wg/ editor-anon you met in the fourth stall?

>> No.22106176

You might've just missed him. I also forgot the code, he calls it a Fiverr, so bring that up.

>> No.22106186

I've lost all motivation to continue writing. It's over.

>> No.22106187

Use that as motivation for a story.

>> No.22106258

not great lineup desu. remember you're on 4chan

>> No.22106269

>Metamorphosis by Kafka
This like 20 pages long. Catch 22 is like 400 something.

>> No.22106321

>posted the bombshell chapter
>only got 1 comment
tough crowd

>> No.22106574

Do not encourage the anon who refuses medication.
If you are after likes/upvotes and comments you're not an author but an endorphin junkie.

>> No.22106590

No thanks. I don't want to be one of those writers whose work is only appreciated after I die.

>> No.22106717

>"I'll Write Tomorrow" Edition
How do I break through it?

>> No.22106720

Is it possible for someone neuroatypical to write about neurotypical characters?

>> No.22106724

Not saying it’s gonna be good, but it’ll sell. I thought Diablo 3 was pure garbage compared to D2, but I know a bunch of people who love that game. Games these days aren’t marketed to people with taste, they’re marketed to normie consoomers. Just look at how success call of doody is. Not only is it a pretty crappy game, but every game is the exact same fucking thing reskinned and they sell a bazillion copies anyway.

>> No.22106730
File: 36 KB, 386x500, 5227E408-C931-4081-9545-DA8C98DEA06D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking dammit, wrong thread. Whatever, buy GameStop faggots. This is financial advice.

>> No.22106849

Is reading (probably older literature) the best way to improve, combined with regaining attention span?
What are some hard, complicated, and serious resources on the art of writing? I don't want any general population oriented stuff, so probably older resources.I would say the kind of stuff you get in an advanced level creative writing course, but I don't know if those are actually good or worthwhile.

>> No.22106858

>reading old books in dated languages
all you have to do is think of something, write it down, then go back after the chapter is done and use a thesaurus to fix shit

>> No.22106880

Is it a wise idea to kill off my main character about 70% into my crime novel? It's a bit of a shock factor decision, but I think it fits. My lead character is a well meaning man, but he often overestimates his abilities, and while he wants the best, he always fucks up. At one point he has a chance to get out of the mess he made, but he refuses to leave his friends (the secondary leads) behind. And his friends are the ones who kill him in a futile attempt to save themselves, and thus they carry the story after his death. The story is all about consequences and responsibility, with the mistakes that the characters make, stacking up as the story goes on.

I wonder if this would fly with the judges of a contest. While it's shocking, I want the narrative to support such a decision.

>> No.22106902

No. Look what happened to Death Note

>> No.22106945

It depends on how you've set things up but there's a huge risk that your readers will lose investment.

>> No.22106950

I think if it is written well, it can be fine.
For Death Note they clearly still needed L, so they brought in characters to replace them, but they didn't have the investment that L already had from the audience.

>> No.22106952

Reading is important. I don't know about resources, I just read books. Good ones, ideally.
They don't have to be old. There are benefits to old books: you can see what has stood the test of time, and there are some classics that everybody's supposed to have read. But don't assume that people didn't use to write for the general population, and do read contemporary books too.

>> No.22107208

I'm aiming to write one long paragraph in Visual Code, exceeding the Bible in length, and writing it while standing upright. I am making it, but making it is a process of time and continuous applied effort.

>> No.22107213

By writing.

>> No.22107270

I'm currently on 4chan, I'm not recruiting solely from 4chan

Good point, that's a screw up. Guess I should pick an anthology including it.

>> No.22107297

>5 young adults have refused to cut their connection to the game servers of a formerly popular video game
>The company therefor can't shut the servers down until they log the fuck off (this happened for Halo 2, software errors basically)
>The company is losing millions by the day because it's delaying other expansions
>The players are funding off of it because they have thousands of people watching them stream
>Then shit hits the fan when one of the players dies
>Suspicion falls immediately on the company but it's quickly demonstrated that nobody got into their gaming pad
>Locked room investigation begins of the other four players
>The victim's medicine was swapped to poison her
>One by one though, the other four are ruled out
>Detective re-evaluates the case
>The reveal is that it was the company after all
>They're known for their game division but they also wrote the program for the pharmacy dispenser
>They used a backdoor to change her medicine

On the upside, all the beats here are the kind of morally affirming conclusions that the average reader would want to be true.
On the downside, this structure means the majority of the plot is a misdirection and the detective is looking in the wrong place until the very end. Not exactly the clever genius trope.

>> No.22107324

Is it absolutely necessary for the detective to be a super genius?

>> No.22107351
File: 913 KB, 1280x960, 1685772455785204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another chapter ready for launch
Forcing myself to stick to 2-3.5k word chapters turned out to be the hardest part

>> No.22107393

I'm writing a horror/thriller story, that has a supernatural element, that doesn't affect the plot. Basically one day humanity wakes up, and discovers that some sort of eldritch abomination is covering the sky. The sky is full of giant eyes. Months after the panic stops, the horrific sight is still up there. Some have grown used to it, but the story follows a few young people who just can't move on with their lives. Those young people go through all sorts of shit through the story. And while the eldritch abomination never interacts with them, doesn't directly influence them, and nothing is done about it, it's presence is enough to make those people act out of paranoia, fear, lust and pain.

>> No.22107507
File: 139 KB, 1200x1873, techniques-of-the-selling-writer-dwight-v-swain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>serious resources on the art of writing
Have you been through the OP pastebin on that very topic?
I also found picrel to be highly informative.

>> No.22107521

The detective is generally a step ahead of the reader.

>> No.22107543

Hello everyone, here's an excerpt of something I've been working on recently. Would love to get feedback.


>> No.22107722

A whodunit doesn't work when the criminal is the obvious choice. For it to hold someone's attention you need to reframe the story, or at least the latter part of it, as a howcatchem. The detective knows the company killed her and has to figure out the method as well as prove it.

>> No.22107752

I think they stop being the obvious choice when the detective says there's no way for the company to have done it short of finding the Death Note. He might speculate the company paid off one of the other players but that still means one of them did it, so the investigation is of the people in the building

>> No.22107765

Line 14: I chuckled.
Line 51: It is Aulora's stomach which rumbled, so you'll need a posessive apostrophe s after Aulora.
Line 76, line 2: 'ad' is Latin. I think you mean 'and'.

As many beginnings new lines are started, as many voices speak to the reader. The shortness of the paragraphs thus therefore keep the depth of the story on the surface with regards to insight into the characters. We get a broad view of who does what and who is the good and the bad guy. The setting is set. The real enemy of this written world seem to be the guard-thiefs and the noble-rich men with the gold and the poison, but on a closer reading it is hunger and the poor distribution of resources, in which the rich people also have to play a role. I read the protagoniste as the revolutionary who forces the distribution of resources with her efforts.

9/10 would read again

>> No.22107775

>AI slop

>> No.22107788

Excuse me, same anon here, I revise my grading to 10/10 or 128/128, class dismissed, go enjoy your summer holiday.

>> No.22107791

10/10 feedback post

>> No.22107800


I'll give you some hard, complicated, serious resources on the art of typing for Free ninety nine:

Type while standing up. Take your laptop and place it on the windowsill. This costs more energy than sitting does, and it makes your writing denser.
Feed your brain with food to feed the text with words.
If you want complicated, try writing a single paragraph for as long as possible and see the complexity being added to, while you keep your choice of expensive words to a minimum.
Read books to open up the mind, but remember: an open door is not useful if you do stay inside, behind your computer typing

>> No.22107801
File: 584 KB, 1275x2400, miniMAG Issue48_page-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fits the minimag vibe
send it to minimagsubmissions@gmail.com and i'll put it in an upcoming issue
title "Peatrice prime suspect in Thursday alligator massacre"

i like this, i'm not sure what it is
could find a way to publish in the mag
don't listen to others; this is 1000x more interesting than another selfpubbed novel

>> No.22107805

We feed each other's back.

>> No.22107806
File: 384 KB, 1275x2400, miniMAG Issue48_page-0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full issue at minimag.space
send submissions to minimagsubmissions@gmail.com (anything goes under 2.5k words)
kiss someone

>> No.22107810

That's funny because hunger is the enemy in the story, now that I think of it.

>> No.22107811

Are isekais the best fiction has to offer? They start with a bang (protagonist usually gets killed) and constantly ratchet up the excitement with growing power levels. It seems to be what everyone here suggests.

>> No.22107814

Wise book says do not eat of the tree of good and bad, or you will die

>> No.22107815

Oh god no. Don’t do that. Write what will sell. Otherwise you’re some out of touch loser who will never get laid.

>> No.22107827

Oh, you mean an in media res opening? Like in the Odyssey? One of the oldest writing gimmicks ever is too much for you?
Maybe you shouldn’t be writing.

>> No.22107831

"The company killed her to save money" has to be the most uninspired motive ever and "they just happened to have a backdoor into the software that ran a pill dispensing robot because they do game dev and pharmaceutical software" the biggest cope of all time. Please have it be someone else. If I read a book and that's how it turned out I would tard out fr fr ong

>> No.22107834

You present the power struggle too simplisticly, anon. It is a battle with oneself, an embrace of two lovers, it is a spider sitting on your legs while you are eating almonds on the balcony, it is knowing you will never be a farmer and have a farmer wife, it is trying to make it, making it, deleting it, making it again until it stays, it is being laughed at inwardly by yourself, it is talking to yourself and therefore getting to know yourself, your enemy, you lover, your father, your mother, your mistress, your disciplinarians, it is alienating from friends and reuniting, it is breaking the unity and having the balls to disregard Plato and Aristotle even though you started with the Greeks and respect them, but it is because you have to write your own away, your own journey, which you share with billions of people in this world, and it is your chance to be read, to be understood, even if the not understanding is what is being understood, it is simultaneously simping and not simping, being cucked and cucking, all while maintaining the True Faithful relationship.

>> No.22107835

hey that sounds kinda cool

>> No.22107836

>write what I think will sell
>Nobody buys it

I've lost all motivation to write

>> No.22107839

Be happy that you're not a sell-out!

>> No.22107854

People these days are simply flooded with content.
It's nearly impossible to stand out.
Think of it as trying to drive traffic to your independently-created website.

>> No.22107877

detective novels are the easiest shit to write. i did a mystery-styled fanfiction for funsies. it's been 2 weeks and it's 1/2 finished. that means it would take 1 month to write one. mystery novels are the mcdonalds of literature. even sci-fi takes more skill. the fact that you're struggling to write it means you are an untalented piece of garbage.

>> No.22107892

Learn to tell the difference between "struggling to write" and "thinking about writing"

>> No.22107942

t. seething
you struggle to accomplish the easiest task

>> No.22107984

Your demotivational failed-crab nonsense is not value-added.
Keep your seething opinions to yourself.

>> No.22107995
File: 58 KB, 728x90, everyones-a-catgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to write something that'll be popular on RoyalRoad, I really do.
But then I see ads like picrel.
Has it really come to this?

>> No.22108005
File: 83 KB, 1076x1228, pepe-fat-stool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been 2 weeks and it's 1/2 finished. that means it would take 1 month to write one
Writing isn't linear.
Completion definitely isn't linear.
Come back when you've written all the way to the end, and have finished editing.

>> No.22108009

who cares? You do

>> No.22108061

Those things sell. And sell VERY VERY WELL. I also think the RR gravy train passed. 4-5 years ago you had a chance like Mother of Learning, today? Nobody is going to give your book even a glance

>> No.22108076

Simply not true. There's anons in this very thread who've made it recently. More than that, all you have to do is go to rising stars to see new authors blowing up every week.
It is guaranteed? Obviously not, retard. Is it impossible? Far from that, too. And odds go up and up the better you are at writing to that specific market. It's not remotely pure luck.

>> No.22108079
File: 1.06 MB, 1653x2259, seething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm absolutely seething after reading that this story sold 2500 copies. It's not even well written smut.

>> No.22108104

Porno almost always does well.

>> No.22108109

I've written a shit load of erotica but never published any of it because I didn't think anyone would want to read porn written by a man.

>> No.22108111

>think of something

>> No.22108118

I've completely given up. What am I writing for?

>> No.22108125

this is great. form the fantasy writing circle and link discord

>> No.22108144

Mother of Learning did not start on RR, a lot of the biggest series didn't. They were published elsewhere and then eventually posted to RR. MoL was only put on RR after it was finished.

>> No.22108178

Setup is a spook. The reality is no part of your writing should feel as though it only exists to prop something else up, it should all be important and interesting within itself.

>> No.22108191

I'm so fucking outrageously upset with you anon. Please burn your notebook.

>> No.22108206

Cringey genre shit. Should be closer to life. Anon spergly seeing this teenager girl but never talking to her.

>> No.22108387

Because you enjoy the hobby.

>> No.22108468

Because you could die tomorrow.

>> No.22108486
File: 242 KB, 800x3000, JoeRape339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Knowing that every person I hate spends money and desires products, in my mind, I can’t help but have intense psychological experiences vividly proselytizing to me that spending money and desiring products is the most fetid, disgusting, and sickening shit imaginable.

The thought of buying anything, a hamburger, a game, a bauble, whatever the fuck these monsters buy, when I am propositioned by consumer goods vendors, it’s about the equivalent of seeing a mentally retarded, deformed, visibly disease infested toddler being brutally gang-raped by every person I hate, then these people are asking me if I want to join in.

It’s so fucking sickening to witness this shit, because I hate every person on this fucking planet. Whatever merit those things have, even if it is immortal life in paradise, the fact that these people I hate desire it or consume that product instantaneously turns that shit into one of those disgusting toddler gangbangs in my mind.

A lambo, a mansion, vacation, clothes, women, sports, games, television, internet sites, hamburgers, all of that shit in my mind is like a fetid toddler being endlessly gangbanged by the most insufferable and loathsome subhumans imaginable.

Even just being near that shit I feel like I’m going to be plagued with the disease that makes all of you such insufferable loathsome pissants and degenerates. It’s like asking me if I want to jump into a fucking porta-john and rub the shit and chemicals all over my body while everybody in society pisses and shits on me in that hole.” - Joe Biden

why Joe hit so deep in the bones?

>> No.22108547

I feel this post at the bottom of my soul.

>> No.22108602

Feel free to move to a small town in Uruguay.

>> No.22108688


You have to indent your paragraphs and no spaces between paragraphs.

That's going to be a pain in the ass to fix in the end.

>> No.22108696



>> No.22108764

If it has formatting, or is otherwise not appropriate for pastebin... catbox.moe .

>> No.22108768
File: 249 KB, 768x1024, AI-creepy-little-girl-blood-splatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22108799

>demoralisation post

>> No.22108836
File: 24 KB, 270x372, 475A8D07-E03C-40F0-87C6-4D26D097B4E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this unfinished poem I wrote when I was younger. What do you think? (1/2)

Ah! — how the country vistas please the eye
Of him who hath been Ares’ acolyte!
To trade the sight of death for lakes and rills,
The clank of iron for the silent still.
To tread no more the mossy wood and wide
And wonder whether there are foes on every side.
And — Oh, the worst! — the stench of rotting friends;
Give me instead the lemony lindens.
It is a mighty respite yet unmatched
And proof of this one general maxim:
Deprived wretches Nature clearest see
For surfeiture of Beauty turns it dim.
But, Muse! Why dost thou steer me from my track?
Let’s, if thou wilt, fair maid, our tale begin.

‘Twas sunrise and the redbreast bravely sang
And lilies white fair danced the charming tune.
Along the rocky winding road they ran
And hailed the knight who from the wars had come.
He seemed, by stature and his noble eye,
A highborn man but yet he had no jade,
And all his sackloth rags did seem amiss,
Comporting little with his noble frame,
Nor with the sword that in his sheath he wore
Whose tasselled hilt and gem-embellished blade
Did seem too princely for a man so poor,
And so it was that strangers thought him strange.
He walked with tired step, amazed eye,
Observing all the lilies wearily.

At last he reached his spot, the country inn,
And heaved his careworn trunk upon the door.
‘O, host!’ he cried aloud, ‘pray let me in;
‘I am a Knight who cometh from the war.
‘If thou hast meal or sack, that well would do,
‘Yet ‘bove all else I want a bed and whore!’
For this last wish the Knight would dearly pay;
Forsooth — as often in these tales of woe —
‘Twas her, that harlot fair, who caused his fall
And left his corpse in that disgraced hole.
And now alone in her perfumed boudoir
She lays and hums an am’rous, dainty tune;
Which to the man unwise and cavalier
Seems not — though surely is — a song of doom.

From youth she was a rover of men’s hearts —
Knew their workings, knew their inner parts.
But with them she never was much impressed
And said that chivalry was shallowness.
Men’s pretences she could with ease espy
And baring them — her mode of coquetry.
So it would be that all her clientele
That came a-boasting, left with breasts a-swell
With shame-fused dread that they had been exposed
And were not men. But still they came in droves.
Like curs that lick their callous mistress’ hands
Which fain would wring their ears, they came with gifts
And bids of marriage but not one would stand:
Cold Woman’s breast mayst warm only with brands.

>> No.22108840


Abreast the bed she lay with catlike smile
And wrapt around her sleek and languid flesh,
That seemed as marble sculpted by a god,
Were satin ribbons, rosy, intermeshed.
Like filmy snakes through which her skin fluoresced,
And seemed the greater in its loveliness,
They round her flowed and knowing drew the eye
To all the honeyed parts they feigned to hide.
Oh! what an awe to see that dark-haired nymph
Lay there, and in her feline languor hum!
Expecting common whore of less degree
The Knight’s now positively stunned.
And though he laid and slept there in her lair,
He’d not pervert a one so fine and fair!

‘O dame! were I a lowborn ruffian brute,
‘Base in both heart and mind, I’d lay with thee;
‘Yet, being noble-hearted, I cannot:
‘My Passion shrinks before thy soft beauty.
‘And, though thou art a whore, I’d see thee wed
‘Ere imbibing thy soft and sumptuous bed.
‘So if thou wilt, my dame, then give me leave
‘To sleep beside thee, but no flesh to cleave.’
— Whilst thus he spoke, the harlot rang aloud
The laugh that pierced him to his manly soul.
‘Oh — do you blush? — forgive me, sir, for I
‘Have never heard such talk ere now, I trow.
‘How can you claim to be of noble blood
‘In sackloth dressed and spent from toiling long?’

‘Tis not the labour of the rapeseed field
‘That gives this form to me. No scythes he swings
‘But swords who shares my grisly office, dame.
‘For I have been a soldier in the wars,’
Thus spake the Knight and holding high his sword,
‘And with this blade have cut the mighty down.’
Naught answered she except to smile awry.
But this she knew is what the Knight did dread,
For seeing that his eyes were quite amiss —
Though shielded by the form of manly pride—,
She took it as a portent or a sign
Of outward boldness masking cowardice.

>> No.22108977

>Pierre: or, the Ambiguities
That was a funny book. Melville having all his characters die in the end was clearly him seething about the state of literature during his time

>> No.22108980

Could you also give up on incessantly telling us how you gave up?

>> No.22109000


>> No.22109051

Short story i posted on google docs about a guy who gets murdered in winnipeg

Let me know what you guys think

>> No.22109100

No one appreciated Cassandra's warnings, either.
That didn't make them any less true.

>> No.22109107


nvm use this link I am not technologically competent

>> No.22109110

>AI fag is just here to harass writers

>> No.22109144
File: 1.16 MB, 840x1064, 1685335076025539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not me you shadow chasing retard.
>He is providing an informative, prophetic post.
>I am pointing out your need for syntax and medication.
We both clearly have different yet equally important roles.

>> No.22109146

I enjoyed it.
There were a number of punctuation errors that you should take a look at. But it was a nice story. The scene-setting at the beginning was captivating, and the periodic interjections from the friends of the deceased added a good steady rhythm.

>> No.22109160

If you had actually read the article, instead of immediately bitching, whining, pissing, and moaning, you would have learned the author doesn't expect creative writing to be affected by ChatGPT.
The article was about two copywriters.
But hey, why bother to educate yourself when you already know everything?
Such an obvious Dunning-Kruger downward spiral.

>> No.22109278

What do you think it is about detective novels that makes them so easy?

>> No.22109416

>A horse was hardly the densely-packed linen of a castle chambers,
Very confused. You didn't mention the bed in the castle chambers. And was she sleeping on top of the horse?
>Thirst was a cold hook that raked the throat and sent you hurtling.
Hurtling? What?
> Kogaverk was a trader village, and not one easy to envy.
Why would you try to envy a village? Awkward.
>through the morning sun
in front of the morning sun
>ears prickling, lazy and unconcerned.
It's 'ears pricked up' and that's the opposite of being unconcerned.
> Her skin below her forearms and through her face went beyond the expected paleness to a stark, ice-white.
>shawl she kept at her waist.
Shawls are not kept on the waist.
> An insignia of a shield crossed with blood marred their armour.
The insignia marred their armor?
>spruiked his authority
Spruik is incorrectly used here and probably shouldn't be used at all.
>Their leader had the restraint to appear stiff-faced, though he seemed to be holding it in.
Triple redundant.
>‘I’d better confiscate it for you.
I'd better confiscate it. / I'd better take that for you.
> and together they walked away down the prairie steppes,
They were in a store a second ago.
>Reun has nothing to protect us from out here. There hasn’t been so much as a scouting party come from the west. They get rowdy sometimes.
A series of non sequiturs.
>‘The thanks is all ours,’
What the hell?

It's very jumbled. You frequently seem to skip giving information vital for understanding a scene or dialog or image.

>> No.22109438

They're not. >>22107877 hasn't even completed his, and completion is everything.
You have to give enough clues to make it possible for the reader to figure out the ending, but still conceal it so it's a surprise.
Readers try to figure out the ending, but get irritated when they're able to.
You know you've succeeded if the reader can't figure out the ending, re-reads the book, and realizes they could have done it if they had paid closer attention.
Readers also get annoyed if the ending has nothing to do with the buildup. Look up the seething reaction to "Star Trek: Discovery season 3 for an example:

>> No.22109458

Anybody got any tips about writing detective fiction, in the Philip Marlowe fashion?

>> No.22109464

Just have fun with it and be yourself :)

>> No.22109475

been writing for a year now.
I just went back and looked at what I wrote when I was starting and I have improved so much.
Feels good man

>> No.22109479

>Very confused. You didn't mention the bed in the castle chambers. And was she sleeping on top of the horse?
NTA, but I assume he's sleeping on a horse and he's saying it's far less comfortable than "the densely-packed linen of a castle chambers", which he is used to

>> No.22109697

A nation of people (or coven, family, whatever size you want) that is utterly terrified of death. They have come to the conclusion that for them there is no afterlife. Perhaps one of them had a near death experience and came back with tales of nothing but darkness, or perhaps they were all damned for the sins of a past ancestor. Either way, death is the worst fate imaginable for them.
So, damned already, they turned to the dark arts seeking any kind of salvation. They found it in the form of necromancy. Now they offer it to any who wish to save themselves from death.

>> No.22109761

I've been getting pretty into poetry lately. Here's one of my latest:

How verily doth thou protest for thine is the poetry thou readeth verily and for thou to see of thine words are thou art not the seer of thou mind? And thou, a seer of thou mind, art thou't not a reader of thine eye? For broust, when thou dost cherish thine brow, a star inst a sea of thou's own heart?

>> No.22109765

>thou readeth

>> No.22109786

I have problems coming up with my fantasy protag's powers. What method should I be using to figure it out? I don't want to just toss on any random powers I find on wikis.

>> No.22109839

I usually just use most of Superman's powers. A good rule of thumb is to take at least one power away. This adds a sense of danger and potential vulnerabilities for you to explore and also helps to avoid any lawsuits.

>> No.22109898

Please respond

>> No.22109923

Okay roast me, how shitty of an idea is this?
A single man and his entire house is transported back in time to like 1090. The story revolves around the various situations he gets into including becoming involved in the crusade. The reason he isn't killed on the spot is because of two reasons. One, he speaks Latin. Two, he offers up some Oreos and soda and claim that they're the Eucharist, true mana from Heaven.

>> No.22109945

What is "like 1090"? What is the simile to 1090?

>> No.22109952

Why is it that the prose of every science fiction author, ranging from the classics of science fiction to the most recent works available, is so workman? I mean to say that the prose is functional, full of made-up jargon extrapolated from already existing jargon. The plots are also often relatively simple as well. Does this phenomenon have to do with the fact that their ideas were/are novel?

>> No.22109960

Pedantic, aren't you?
"Like" as in "I haven't decided exactly when, but I would LIKE it to be around the end of the 11th century."

>> No.22109966

Then say that. Are you, like, retarded?

>> No.22109976

Well, it happens late enough that there isn't much point in dropping it at that point. And the secondary leads should be interesting enough, so that they carry the story to the finish line.

>> No.22109984

You fucking bet I am. Do non-retarded people even browse 4chan?

>> No.22109992

Here, I'll start the story for you.
>And then, like, there I was, y'know? I was like getting in a time machine bruh. I was all like, "For real bro?" and then like I was all like in 1090 lol. Shit was bussin yo. But no cap, I'm hella glad I had my soda and Oreos for the trip cus like that shit took hella long on god bruh.

No need to thank me.

>> No.22109997

What books are selling right now?

>> No.22110005

Books aiming for a female audience

>> No.22110018

You wound me. Using the word "like" colloquially on a Mongolian Basket Weaving board does not, in fact, make me a nigger.
Besides, I think a 'cold open' with him presiding over the snack-filled Eucharist would be the better start than actually starting at the beginning.

>> No.22110022

Nah it’s funny. If you’re funny I’d read it.

>> No.22110029

Ah! — how the country vistas please the eye
Of him who hath been Ares’ acolyte!
Trading the sights of bloody rivers for shimmering sunlit lakes,
The clanking of iron for the peaceful still.
To tread no more the mossy wood and wide
And wonder whether there are foes on every side.
And — Oh, the worst! — the wafting stench of rotting friends;
Give me instead the lemony lindens.
It is a mighty respite to be unmatched
And proof of this one general maxim:
Deprived wretches Nature clearest see
For surfeiture of Beauty turns it dim.
But, Muse! Why dost thou steer me from my track?
Let’s, if thou wilt, fair maid, our tale begin.

‘Twas sunrise and the redbreast bravely sang
And lilies white fair danced the lilting tune.
Along the rocky winding road they ran
And hailed the knight who from the wars had come.
He seemed, by stature and his noble eye,
A highborn man lacking all adornments,
His ragged sackcloth betraying his rank,
Comporting little with his noble frame,
Nor with the sword that in his sheath he wore
Whose tasseled hilt and glittering blade
Betraying the prince with every multitude of rainbows encased in the many gems,
And so it was that strangers saw him, and stranger was even he.
He walked slow and weary steps, a melancholic eye,
The bright white lilies almost blinding .

At last he reached his spot, the country inn,
Heaving his careworn trunk upon the door.
‘O, host!’ he cried aloud, ‘pray let me in;
‘I am a Knight who cometh from the war.
‘If thou hast meal or sack, that well would do,
‘Yet ‘bove all else I want a bed and whore!’
For this last wish the Knight would dearly pay;
Forsooth — as often in these tales of woe —
‘Twas her, that conniving harlot, a wanton beauty who caused his fall
Unjustly left his corpse hastily buried into unmarked dirt.
And now alone in her perfumed boudoir
She lays, fingers twisting and turning between golden hair and hums an am’rous, dainty tune;
Which to the man unwise and cavalier
Seems not — though surely is — a song of doom.

From youth she was a rover of men’s hearts —
Knew their workings, knew their inner parts.
But with them she never was much impressed
Musing their malicious chivalry.
Men’s pretenses she could with ease espy
And baring them — her mode of coquetry.
So it would be that all her clientele
That came a-boasting, left with breasts a-swell
With shame-fused dread that they had been exposed
Yet they came in droves, sticky in her honeycombs of deceit.
Like curs that lick their callous mistress’ hands
Which fain would wring their ears, they came with gifts
And bids of marriage but not one would stand:
Cold Woman’s breast mayst warm only with brands.

I found your descriptions a little dry, not bad, but slightly wooden. I changed up a few things that imo messed with the flow but otherwise i liked it

>> No.22110048

From youth she was a rover of men’s hearts —
Knew their workings, knew their inner parts.
But with them she never was much impressed
Musing their malicious chivalry.
Men’s pretenses she could with ease espy
And baring them — her mode of coquetry.
So it would be that all her clientele
That came a-boasting, left with breasts a-swell
With shame-fused dread that they had been exposed
Yet they came in droves, sticky in her honeycombs of deceit.
Like curs that lick their callous mistress’ hands
Which fain would wring their ears, they came with gifts
And bids of marriage but not one would stand:
Cold Woman’s breast mayst warm only with brands.

Abreast the bed she lay with her dimpled cheeks, smiling in delight.
A rose clad satin gown, tracing the curves of a temptress blessed by the gods of delight
Pink ribbons coiled akin to languid snakes fluorescent skin peeking through,
Enrapturing any beholder into a quivering kneeling beast of a man,
Oh how the snakes flowed! Knowing drew the eye!
To all the honeyed parts they feigned to hide.
Oh! what an awe to see that dark-haired nymph
Lay there, and in her feline languor hum!
Expecting common whore of less degree
The Knight’s now positively stunned.
And though he laid and slept in her lair,
A pervert he was not for one so fine and fair!

‘O dame! were I a lowborn ruffian brute,
‘Base in both heart and mind, I’d lay with thee;
‘My beating heart refuses thee
‘My Passion shrinks before thy soft beauty.
‘And, though thou art a whore, I’d see thee wed
‘Ere imbibing thy soft and sumptuous bed.
‘So if thou wilt, my dame, then give me leave
‘To sleep beside thee, but no flesh to cleave.’
— Whilst thus he spoke, the harlots clear voice rang aloud
Her mocking laugh piercing him to his ever hidden soul.
‘Oh — do you blush? — forgive me, sir, for I
‘Have never heard such talk ere now, I trow.
‘How can you claim to be of noble blood
‘In sackloth dressed and spent from toiling long?’

‘Tis not the labour of the rapeseed field that formed thee’
No scythes he swings
‘But swords who shares my grisly station, dame.
‘For I have been a soldier in the wars,’
Thus spake the Knight and holding high his sword,
‘And with this blade have cut the mighty down.’
Naught answered she except to smile awry.
But this she knew is what the Knight did dread,
For seeing that his eyes were quite amiss —
Though shielded by the form of manly pride—,
She took it as a portent or a sign
Of outward boldness masking cowardice.

didnt edit it completely

>> No.22110112

It didn't work.
What now?

>> No.22110224

How can I improve if I'm a friendless loser?

>> No.22110266

what is this horseshit? it doesn't rhyme and you make grammatical errors in early modern english. why write in that type of english if you don't know how it works

>> No.22110290

Do first drafts ever become publishable? How much talent or how much do you have to not only write, but also read to reach that state? For some reason, I’m only capable of writing very simplistically on my first draft, only to return and actually make it readable on edit. Can you ever reach the point where you’re mostly typing something readable on the first draft, thus cutting down on editing time? Don’t get me wrong, I find editing and writing both equally as fun, and if not, fulfilling, but my autism impels me to think of these kinds of strange questions.

>> No.22110404

Necromancer follows his companions during the war, and lets them continue to fight beside their friends beyond death.

>> No.22110483

Smoke some weed

>> No.22110491
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Is this Londonfrog?

>> No.22110547
File: 239 KB, 3072x388, PXL_20230603_045458037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gonna finish reading The Sailor's Wordbook today after I sleep

I am so happy bros, this fucking nightmare is almost over.

>> No.22110628
File: 109 KB, 614x528, 1685650597697036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there something like the Elements of Style, but for German?
Also, a friendly reminder to accept Christ into your heart.

>> No.22110697

If I lose my investment I won't have much fun reading the rest even if I do finish it (which I might not, 70% isn't that late). It all depends but it's definitely dangerous.

>> No.22110806

No it's just something I made up instead of working.

>> No.22110819

Is Medium worth the subscription?

>> No.22110905
File: 257 KB, 420x415, Saul Leiter (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hours alone in a room writing about friendship.
I think I need to go out tonight.

> micz.substack.com/p/the-sum

>> No.22110978

I don't wanna promote smoking (don't smoke, kids) but is there a link between tobacco and creativity, focus, and productivity? I write so much more and so much better when I'm chain-smoking.

>> No.22110985

> Hours
Any poem that is not a sonet to written on the night of your execution is not worth my time.

But I have now read it and fine. Have a good star for it not being complete dog shit. I actually thought it was ok

>> No.22111027

>>>/adv/ is that way. We're not free therapists.

>> No.22111036

Why would I accept a derivative, warmed-over version of Horus into my heart?

>> No.22111058

If you're in the writing general, you should know that the details of how the story are told make all the difference.

>> No.22111069

Oh hey we were just talking about you in the other thread

>> No.22111086

Well, what if you are also invested in the side characters? Like all the leads are in the same mess, and while the main character dies, the others still have to solve the mess he got them into.

>> No.22111140

So, you're admitting Jesus is a better re-telling of Horus?

>> No.22111177

I didn't like this one at all.
It's competently written and all that, but I found it really hard to catch my bearings and only figured out you were waiting for a bus say the very end. Also is there one friend two friends whose souls are you talking about. Idk

Either do Robert Frost simple or imitate Keats and write proper poetry.

>> No.22111227

I'm not the original Jesus poster and I don't have a stake in whatever game of unveiling you're attempting. But the difference between pre- and post-pagan religion feels equivalent to the difference between folk tales and the subtleties of realist fiction. The same essential archetypes perhaps, but somehow the tiny touches of human detail are like an escape hatch from the dark neverending labyrinth of primordial myth. The compassion of an awesome god-king and the compassion of a tormented, ragged-bearded man mean very different things.

>> No.22111236
File: 32 KB, 782x469, royalroad-gamelit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to say I've cracked the RoyalRoad code, but these early results are encouraging.
I'm writing a very stupid game-lit story, where I describe in-game actions in a suspenseful way.
I make it seem like the MC is a heartbeat away from disaster, then he suddenly triumphs in the end.
Every. damn. chapter.

>> No.22111248

You and another person post something similar at the same time. Theirs goes viral. Yours doesn't. Why am I never the one?

>> No.22111305

not to be a crab, anon, but those stats aren't remotely close to getting on rising stars, which is the bare minimum for saying you 'cracked the code'

>> No.22111307

I feel like it's hard to guarantee that. The perfect reader will be pulled in by everything you do, but most readers are imperfect.
It's less dangerous if your viewpoint character is not actually that integral to the plot, and you know people are reading for other characters foremost. In that case the viewpoint character isn't even really the protagonist. But it doesn't sound like your story is like that.
Notice that it's not a hard idea to come up but it's used very rarely. And when it's used it seems there are usually mitigations against this problem: ASOIAF is infamous for it, but it has a lot of viewpoint characters so any one dropping out is unlikely to ruin things.
If it's possible to do it well within the constraints of your story there are probably existing books that pull it off, so maybe look for those?

>> No.22111408

Did you miss where I said "I'm not going to say I've cracked the RoyalRoad code"?

>> No.22111410

Do you employ the very popular "numbers go brrrrr" cliché?

>> No.22111428

Well people do like stories about tragedy and downfall. A lot of crime stories end with everyone either dead, on the run, in witness protection, or in jail.

>> No.22111439

Those are endings. You have a middle. The problem is that that sort of thing tends to mark the end of a story, if it happens at all. And you don't want the end of the story to happen 70% in.
How many books have you read where the viewpoint character drops dead midway through?

>> No.22111444


>> No.22111500

"I'm not going to say I've cracked the code, but ..." is a phrase that implies you've at least come close, or are otherwise seeing significant success. I was pointing out your stats don't come anywhere in the ballpark of that, so it was a weird phrase to use.

>> No.22111519

You only think it's weird because you completely misinterpreted its at-face-value meaning.
The "significant success" was that I didn't lose the vast majority of my readers after the 1st chapter, instead doing a pretty good job of holding onto them.
That's new to me, and from what I can tell, a lot of other anons here that post on RoyalRoad.

>> No.22111524

I wish I knew the answer to this, I always write skeletal first drafts and rush to get everything out on paper.

>> No.22111537
File: 319 KB, 1920x1517, Stephen Shore 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the french poet you are thinking of. He had an opera named after him. Name eludes me tho.

Anyway thank you for reading .

Oh god ... where?

Thanks =)

For what it's worth im not trying to be Keats and Frost had some quite difficult poems of his own. But im sorry you couldn't follow it. I was worried about legibility, i guess it wasn't for nothing . Still thank you for reading, and for reading seriously. I hope to do better next time.

>> No.22111573

How much power (relative to the setting) should MC start with? I don't want him to be a complete rookie, but I don't want him to be TOO powerful either.

He's currently a teenager in Uni, with war brewing around his neutral country. I intend for him to be around 25 by the end.

>> No.22111579

19 years olds are fucking useless. t. I was one once (cringe I know)

>> No.22111636
File: 46 KB, 936x310, img234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I didn't misinterpret anything, you're the one who used a common phrase in an incorrect way.

>> No.22111657

Of course look at Royal road

>> No.22111660

you don't have a vast amount of anything yet. see what the dropoff looks like when you've had 2 or 3 or 400 people read the first chapter.
And this is not to dog on you or your story whatsoever, it's simply the nature of the site and online readership in general. I've got about a 60% retention chapter 1 to chapter 2, which is better than the 50% average, but by the final chapters, 100 chapters later, I'm at about 6% retained from chapter 1. Is that good or bad? I have no idea. I'm frankly more glad that at least 1 real person has read the whole thing the entire way through than the specific percentage retained.

>> No.22111669

Nice. A majority of my readers dropped it completely after chapter 1. 500 views in chapter 1 to 170 views for chapter 2.

I can't figure out what to do besides make.it "more exciting" and cut out 3-4 characters because that's too much information

>> No.22111672


Ignore the low IQ fagot, it's perfectly legible.

>> No.22111713

>How many books have you read where the viewpoint character drops dead midway through?
I wrote one like this

>> No.22111719

Was it a hit?

>> No.22111733
File: 169 KB, 900x559, pepe-wojack-judges-laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has to resort to information-shaped sentences from ChatGPT to make his case
I explained myself here >>22111519, and if you can't accept that, I've got nothing for you.
Not sure why you have to be such a petty, small-minded, mean-spirited crank.
demotivational failed-crab
That's how it is for my other webnovels.
I finally just made something stupid and puerile where "numbers go brrrrr" and I'm retaining my readers (so far).

>> No.22111735

look asshole getting published takes a while
I think it's good. Everyone relied on him so much that it was interesting to see how they handled it when he was gone.

>> No.22111762

You use a common phrase in an atypical way then blame me for 'misinterpreting you' (not reading your mind). Go ahead, keep doubling down in your retardation, it's pretty funny.

>> No.22111781
File: 39 KB, 591x583, neckbeard-greaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is only one correct interpretation, and it's MINE
>artistic license has no place on a writer's forum
>seethe seethe whine bitch piss moan

>> No.22111792

uses common phrase in a way differing from how it usually is and thinks reader should just understand him. calls it 'artistic license' -- yeah, makes sense you get 30 views on RoyalRoad and call it success

>> No.22111798

Too much information is hilarious to me since stat screens from litrpgs are literally just a huge infodump. But that's perfectly understandable and acceptable.

GoT and LotR both have something like 8 characters and 15 proper nouns in their first chapter. I don't understand modern readers. I need to read more modern books

>> No.22111803

You're literally the only one that misunderstood me.
And you can't let it go.
And now you're resorting to demotivational failed-crabbing.
How predictable.

>> No.22111808

For my one LitRPG (based on Pathfinder 1e), I put player stats, opponent stats, trap/haunt stats, level maps, etc. in the foreword/afterword sections of my RoyalRoad chapters.
Don't know if it helps retain readers, but I have this information lying around, so why not include it.

>> No.22111810

I've had zero success with women. I made the male lead of my novel so devastatingly handsome, several women in the story comment on how good looking and heroic he is. Ultimately, he goes for the one he loves. That's what I love about writing. I can do whatever I want and no one can stop me.

>> No.22111815

I'm the only one who commented on it, not the only one who interpreted the phrase the natural way the phrase is used.

>> No.22111820

I can think of a few popular ones off the top of my head where there's multiple viewpoints and one dies midway through, Mistborn and Game of Thrones. Those both happen towards the end, but I wouldn't consider either to happen in the ending, and both are part of a larger series anyway.

>> No.22111848

>peak autism
>peak estrogen

>> No.22111852

No, >>22111669 replied to it, and understood what I meant.
>covers eyes
>bleats "there's no evidence"

>> No.22111871

You have succesfully made me realize there's no point in trying to explain how retarded you are. The lack of understanding in your reply is almost impressive.
Good luck with your 30 views on RoyalRoad. I'm sure you'll make it in no time.

>> No.22111875

Enjoy your robotic, inflexible thinking.
I'm sure that's the key to writing great fiction.

>> No.22111882
File: 58 KB, 528x522, pepe-lel-point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decries another's lack of understanding
>seething started with his lack of understanding

>> No.22111889

Per chapter, in less than a week.
Pretty good by my standards.
I'm sure you're doing much better.
So post some of your reader stats.

>> No.22111895

why would you have your ugly ass face as your profile picture, ulatekh?

>> No.22111914

It's really not surprising why everyone on this board is such a failure.
t. writes fiction for a living

>> No.22111917

Too much information kills the fun. Part of the appeal is figuring out how the system works as the story progresses.

>> No.22111940

I feel like it can be good without being popular if you know what I mean. I like everything I put into my work but realistically my readers may only appreciate 75% of it (not everyone the same 75%). If I make a drastic shift midway through then some fraction of my readers won't mind because their taste intersects perfectly with mine, but some are going to be thrown off and not recover.
But it does unlock new possibilities, so I hope it works out for you. Good luck!

Yeah, I mentioned Game of Thrones in >>22111307. The multiple viewpoints make for a good mitigation but even then I think it's risky.

>> No.22111973

oh come on thats a joke right ?

>> No.22111982

God those faces are fucked up

>> No.22111989

Look I didn't get anons poem what the fuck do you want for me?
I read it's a few times and it just wasn't for me. I like Keats I don't like Robert Frost there's no crime in that.
Said as much in the original message.

>> No.22111993

Nice LARP. Give up.

>> No.22111997

Bullshit. We were talking abut legibility. if you cant understand that poem then you are not just low IQ but the kind of deviant that will will one day be purged .

>> No.22112005

are you arguing whether I find something legible.

>> No.22112028

Yeah im calling you stupid, stupid.

>> No.22112034

Jesus this shit is getting more end of times by the day

>> No.22112037

I spent all day wining an argument on discord im so ashamed of myself

>> No.22112042

no, the reader has to have the same information as the detective

>> No.22112044

Okay I've read you.
I don't know what that other guy is on about, it's perfectly fine. I like how it's bookended on both ends.
The ending works much better than the beginning though

>> No.22112052

Does she have Twitter clout, that's usually how this is done.
Then again you look at the Amazon best selling section and it's nothing but dinosaur erotica.

>> No.22112053

>based triples

>> No.22112063

Everyone trying to sucker the lowest common denominator on RoyalRoad. Has it really come to this gambling at the slot machine erotic genre fiction, and slop.

Do you want to be popular or do you want to be a writer.

>> No.22112065

did you realize you're posting as "Anonymousn"?
this one makes you look like a jerk.

>> No.22112076


>> No.22112079

I've been asked to rewrite end a few times. I most successful story has a tacked on happy ending, but never the beginning .

>> No.22112087

Maybe, and one day you will have to confront this, the two have more in common than you think.

The little thousands of 'writers' to sell nothing and think of it as a virtue.

>> No.22112096

If you care about money why pick writing? The most unprofitable thing there is? If you chose this why do the originator work?

>> No.22112098

It's as difficult as writing a character with a very different personality from your own. Not easy, but loads of people try it, and if you don't nail it perfectly readers will cut you slack.
Some people say that a mental disorder is just what we call it when the natural mental variation everyone has happens to be problematic for society. I don't think that's exactly right, but it's close enough.

>> No.22112104

>50-year-old ai fag
go away

>> No.22112108

Because and i know you don't get it, it can still be fulfilling and can still be art

>> No.22112116

Whatever enjoy getting replaced by AI.
The future of literature is either AI slop by the target audience can't tell the difference or proper writing.

>> No.22112117

nta but writing genreslop to pay bills is way more satisfying than 9-5 of some other career. I can't help but feel all the pseuds calling it a sin to write to market are basement neets, college students, non functional adults, or beginners who have 0 manuscripts completed.

>> No.22112122

schizo, that's not me. take your meds

>> No.22112129

That's what writing is.
Look at a book look at the characters,>>22106724
odds are everyone is different

>> No.22112140

It depends on the nine to five. But having done quite a bit of hell work I imagine writing like this is no different from data entry. Worst of all unless you have the process down you end up like one of those YouTube content creators washed out and hated by your audience

>> No.22112146

long form creative fiction isn't close to ai automation. Only repetitive low skill writing like article slop is at risk.
Maybe in 5 to 10 years though. But who knows where ai is leading, so no point in worrying about it

>> No.22112151

it can be very profitable
but the odds are low, it's like winning the lottery

>> No.22112157

I wouldn't say so. I write gamelit and don't read or like it, but it pays well and I can still have some fun writing it. Beyond that I set my own hours, have no boss, etc. Way better than most 9 to 5s. Also only takes 2 to 3 hours of work a day, lol

>> No.22112161

now go make the new thread, spaz

>> No.22112174

Someone please make a new thread to get away from these people.

>> No.22112175

I promise you, I'm not ai fag. chatgpt is huge and plenty of people use it for simple questions these days. You're having an episode. Go take your meds.

>> No.22112182


Done and done

>> No.22112206

can we blame this on summerfags, or is something else going on?

>> No.22112214

>posts ai generated answer
>says not ai fag
yeah right
>plenty of people use it
like this dumbass lawyer who got pwned

>> No.22112254

Those aren't contradictory statements

>> No.22113078


>> No.22113099
