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21719096 No.21719096 [Reply] [Original]

post what you’re reading right now. pic related for me, about to start my 5th dosto book, so far:

the idiot > TBK > notes > C&P

also, just finished the name of the rose. loved it.

>> No.21719106

About to drop C&P because it lost the magic in the first part. How people cannot stop recommending this book is beyond me, read The Magic Mountain before this and it was so ahead it's not even funny. Can Dosto be saved in my eyes?

>> No.21719111

Edgar Allan Poe collected works
Quest of the holy grail
Diary of a madman
Crime and punishment

>> No.21719112

Re-reading The Republic, and I'm also wild with desire to re-read Phaedrus and Protagoras...

>> No.21719113
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Gerard de Nerval's selected writings. Major inspiration for Proust, Jung, and others.

>> No.21719114

It's very character driven, a lot of his novels are

>> No.21719122

I’m bad at starting a book and getting a few chapters in then dropping it. I plan to work on finishing stuff I start so I can reread stuff this year. Maybe I’ll cycle my books like a workout routine. For your health.

>> No.21719137

Infinite Jest
Currently on the chapter where Gately asks Madame Psychosis if she's so smart why isn't she rich

>> No.21719158

about six texts

Hugh Fitzhugh - Cannibals All!
John Calhoun - A Disquisition On Government And Constitution
Max Stirner - The Ego And Its Own
Emmanuel Swedenborg - Heaven And Hell
E.B Tylor - Primitive Culture Volume I
Johannes Friedrich - Extinct Languages

>> No.21719173

good luck with that, anon. i find that reading before bedtime is not only good because it becomes a comfy ritual but also because it helps with falling asleep quicker

op here my fingers are not gay the picture is just at a weird angle

>> No.21719183

About to start the Wild Ass's Skin. Have been looking forward to it for a while and it will be my first Balzac. Anyone else read this one before? I always see him mentioned but never his works.

I've got to read more of Dostoevsky's novels at some point here. I've been resisting him for too long while reading virtually every other great Russian work. My favorite that I've read from him so far has been the Dead House.

>> No.21719184

>filtered by Dosto
few such cases

>> No.21719190
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>> No.21719218

Madame Bovary.
Crime and Punishment.
War and peace.

Thinking of getting Don Quixote, Robinson Crusoe, The plague, Philosophy of right.

>> No.21719405

The authors who took inspiration from him did it better, since those I have read and enjoyed more.

>> No.21719414

Master and Commander, Shogun, and Exodus

>> No.21719420

reading dostoyevskiy's Raw Youth right now, great example of incelcore

>> No.21719464

The Landmark Julius Caesar. Going to be finishing Gallic Wars soon

>> No.21719475
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Philip Larkin - Collected Poems
Henry Miller - Tropic of Cancer

>> No.21719564

>How people cannot stop recommending this book is beyond me
Because it's the only book of his that plebs read.

>> No.21719616

I'm reading nothing so far.

>> No.21719675

Antifragile - Taleb
The Alienist - Machado de Assis
The Fourth Industrial Revolution - Klaus Schwab
Trading in the zone - Mark Douglas

I can't read a book at a time because I get bored with one theme

>> No.21719953

Infinite Jest
The Autumn of the Middle Ages

>> No.21720214
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>> No.21721447

Just finished crying of lot 49. that was a great book i really enjoyed it. i want to read more pynchon. if only i can get a copy of gravity's rainbow.

Currently reading lolita and its a joy to read. wonderful wordplay. beautiful use of language. want to read more nabokov too.

next in line will be anna karenina or war and peace by tolstoy. kinda intimidated by the sheer length of it.

>> No.21721551

Anna Karenina

>> No.21721581

Just started Beckett’s Trilogy after a couple false starts too. I feel like everything I’ve read of his is interchangeable to some degree. I’m not sure if I like him or not but I find him intriguing. He’s in the Henry James category for me

>> No.21721583

Don quixote, just finished the chapter where everyone goes through his book collection to burn stuff

>> No.21721685


>> No.21721692

the crying of lot 49. fun and schizzed

>> No.21721840

I dropped it once early on myself and tried it again years later and loved it dearly. Each Dosto book I’ve read so far has a point where it all sort of clicks in my brain after a while, I don’t know how to describe it. I’d encourage you to press on after my experience but you gotta do you.

>> No.21721851

I just finished Une Vie by Maupassant today and have a copy of Bovary, is it good so far? Should I continue my voyage through the lives of sad French housewives?

>> No.21721856

c&p is good don’t get me wrong, but probably one of his weakest novels. it’s fun, incredibly easy to understand and follow along with. a pretty casual read; there’s really no big ideas that make you think too deeply. maybe that’s why it’s one of, if not his most popular novel.

>> No.21722797


>> No.21722855
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Just finished Pedro Paramo yesterday.
And started pic related. Only about thirty pages in but pretty engaging so far.

>> No.21722946
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Reading White Noise. Just around the halfway mark. I’m in the middle of Part II (which is admittedly one chapter) but I keep getting called away by irl shit.

The writing good and there isn’t really much plot to speak of in the first 100 pgs. But I trust it’ll pay off. At the very least I do enjoy it so far.

>> No.21722952

I just finished it. It was good but not as good as Brothers Karamazov

>> No.21722959
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>How Markets Fail
>Steve Jobs bio
Have gotten a lot of recommendations from BAP’s side of Twitter, will probably read Céline or Junger next. Any recommendations for a sensitive young man who wants to be man of great power?

>> No.21722994

It's funny you should say this because I read both C&P as well as The Magic Mountain last year. I'm not smart enough to be a prose nerd yet so what I mostly take away from books is the story and the emotional impact it makes on me. And I dont see how C&P is in any way inferior to The Magic Mountain in either way. Oh well different strokes

>> No.21723009

Name them. The ones I read as follow ups to Dosto fell short for me, because they didn't have that religious ferver which cannot be emulated and comes only from true faith. I havent read Demons and The Adolescent yet but pretty much everything else from Dosto. And all his works have at one point or another a moment of pure evangelism which no one can do quite like him.

>> No.21723040

Lol this is literally a test of how high your testosterone are. The longer your ring finger compared to your pointer the higher your testosterone was in adolescence.

>> No.21723042

Mann puts the whole of Europe and its culture and achievements on display mixing it between psychoanalysis and mythology, comfy scenes and scenery, relatable characters and makes it rewarding and effortless to read. He explores the extremes of mankind, the piety and asceticism and decadence and the horrors of WW1 while also showing how men can't help themselves in the face of such events, primordial instincts awaken in us leading to tragedy but also to the sublime. He just writes so well.

Joyce, Mann and Hesse come to mind, also Dazai. Steppenwolf, a third of the stories from the Dubliners, No Longer Human et cetera.

>> No.21723103

I'm a promiscuous reader. Jump from book to book; partially lose interest in one book while reading and pick up another and read only as long as it kept me hooked. Kindle and the easy access to books (pirated) are to blame. Anyone guilty of this?

Books currently reading:
The Idiot
In Defense of Sanity (a collection of essays by GK Chesterton)
On the Genealogy of Morality

>> No.21723341

what now *rolls eyes*

>> No.21723371
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Maybe I'm just an iqlet but it's so difficult to follow

>> No.21723423

The hero with a thousand faces. Its a nice mythology/hero's journey study and hope it helps me as a writer.

>> No.21723563

The Master and Margarita, which is surprisingly silly and cartoonish
also Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary, which contains a lot of interesting stuff I didn't know (I'm a historylet)

>> No.21725060

This book is so funny. A slow burn.

>> No.21725065

I'm reading The Brothers Karamazov right now.

>> No.21725088

>pic related
Get sure it is not censored, some versions let out the one "cursed" chapter.

>> No.21725133
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I'm reading Sayaka Murata's short story collection.

>> No.21725146
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Everyone on this board reads the same 5 authors.

>> No.21725155

Prometheus Rising
60 Stories
Lord of the Flies

>> No.21725342

lmao why every teshigahara fan has to be a pseudo?

>> No.21725370

I’d imagine most anons are under 20 and just getting into reading so you get the usual suspects of “beginner” books, not that they’re bad or anything. I’d bet majority of this board have read less than 50 books in their life. There aren’t as many older anons as before

>> No.21725570

Coin Locker Babies, a recommendation from my friend's Japanese literature professor father

>> No.21725903

I'm reading A Dead Man's Memoir, by Bulgakov, and it features that same playfulness.

>> No.21726040

Dosto, Kafka, Joyce, Marx and Nietzsche?

>> No.21726245

Horst: Like Ho Chi Minh, Like Che Guevara
hooks, All about love
DSA Marxist unity group, Marxist Strategy Reader

>> No.21726263


>> No.21726373

Just looked up this finger difference thing it of curiosity. Apparently a different length actually is associated with greater masc hormones.
And interestingly the relationahip is clearer with women, a different length more consistently relates to lesbianism, but with men the relationship is more ambigious.
>men had a more “complicated pattern.” For them, there is “no direct relationship between finger length and sexual orientation.” (Isn’t that just what a guy named “Breedlove” would say? Let’s see your fingers, pal.) But “some gay men did appear, based on their finger lengths, to have been exposed to greater than normal levels of fetal androgens before birth,” the press release continues. In other words, there might be a connection
>If there is, Breedlove says, it “calls into question all of our cultural assumptions that gay men are feminine.” Indeed, it would argue the opposite–that gay men are “hypermasculized,” i.e., they have more male hormones.

>> No.21726380

Finished Chip War by Chris Miller a few days ago. Great read.

At the moment I'm getting through Pale Fire by Nabokov and Lifespan by David Sinclair.

Got halfway through another book about land reform called How Asia Works which I guess I could finish, but after listening to talks hosted by the author on youtube I think I get the gist. Interesting either way.

Yeah I remember thinking it was clunky as fuck, but it still struck a chord (I'm a sucker for redemption). I haven't read any other Dostoevsky but I've heard it's all way better.

>> No.21726423

I've been reading Suttree by Cormac McCarthy, bout 70 some pages in right now, it's pretty great and hilarious at moments. I'm also reading The Last Detective Alive by John Swartzwelder

>> No.21726427

What if my ring finger is longer than index? Either way Nerval is great. Sylvie is a short must read work and his strange orient tales are great as well. Very unique writer who doesn’t get the credit he should

>> No.21726463

I'm rereading Khun Chang Khun Phaen translated by Chris Baker and Pasuk Phongpaichit. After that I might try to tackle the other giants of Thai literature.

>> No.21726518

Don't know how accurate this is it sounds like pseudoscience but this article says that :
>Index fingers that are longer than ring fingers are a result of higher exposure to testosterone in the womb. Conversely, ring fingers that are longer than index fingers are a result of higher exposure to estrogen.

>> No.21726553

Weird. I don’t know much about testosterone but I’m a pretty boy who looks much younger than I am. Not exactly the picture of testosterone. But my sex drive is pretty good and I do well with girls. It’s all probably pseudoscience though

>> No.21726615
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Reading growth of the soil, it's pretty good. Isaks attitude towards labor is inspiring. Slow and steady wins the race seems to be the lesson here. All the women in the novel are unlikable.

>> No.21726630

Well now I found another article that says the opposite, its just pseudoscience

>> No.21726667

Serious books? Maybe.
Total books? Not even close.

Just finished volume 25 of Sword Art Online, reading volume 7 of Mob Isekai right now.

Men can more variably alter their levels of testosterone via body fat, exercise, and diet. It's not surprising that the relationship is unclear.

>> No.21726700

>serious books
Like literary books read in free time

>> No.21726756

Spring Snow, by Yukio Mishima
I liked confessions of a mask better than im liking this one

>> No.21726884

It was kind of implied in the next part of my reply.
I wouldn't consider webnovels books, nor comics. Light Novels I'm kind of on the fence, perhaps novellas rather than novels.
Then again the OP was asking for "books", not novels nor epics, so maybe I'm just focusing on the wrong thing.

>> No.21727196

Elizabeth Bishop. I'm working my way through Complete Poems. It's tender and charming.

>> No.21727217

Nice. I just read the Republic for the first time this year. Really enjoyed it and found it incredibly insightful. What drew you to it again?

>> No.21727686

I’m reading nothing.

>> No.21727698
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Steinbeck’s pirate novel

>> No.21727703

Look Who's Back and The Burnout Society, next are Skylark and A Christmas Carol