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20392224 No.20392224[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You’re shitposting again and they are laughing

>> No.20392233

Sounds like we need to bump up those 5 star reviews to spite reddit troons

>> No.20392239

nice try Gardner

>> No.20392240

People with broken jaws can't laugh

>> No.20392246

People with recessed chins can’t laugh.

>> No.20392248

God damn, you fucking wish Frank. Do you really think we’re this fucking stupid? Kys you fucking crook

>> No.20392250

Real question. Why is Gardener STILL trying to shill his book here? You would need a serious narcissism problem spamming so many threads about his shit book. This reddit post is most likely written by Tardner himself.

>> No.20392252

Speak for yourself, Gardinero

>> No.20392255

send the thread so we can laugh, fag

>> No.20392258

he’s retarded and has nothing else to do

>> No.20392264

It’s funny who cares

>> No.20392265

Okay, in order:
1. He’s pathetic, has no hopes for doing anything else positive in life
2. Yes, he either suffers from severe mental handicap or just doesn’t give a fuck what people say so long as it results in money at some point
3. It absolutely was written by him, and rest assured what he desperately wants is for /lit/ to champion him for no reason other than that reddit has caught on to his stupidity and shamelessness

>> No.20393088

>He’s pathetic
That's what makes him somewhat endearing though. Somewhat.
>severe mental handicap or just doesn’t give a fuck what people say so long as it results in money
He's autistic and thinks he's producing art (it isn't about the money). As far as "doesn't give a fuck what people say" goes: he thinks he's an artist and people criticizing him haven't produced anything and therefore don't have a right to talk shit. If you ever get a chance to speak with him try to get him to go off on that tangent. It's as admirable as it is delusional.
>It absolutely was written by him
The overuse of commas in a couple of sentences is close to his writing style--but I think overall it's too well-written/coherent to be Gardner.

>> No.20393131


>> No.20393141

r/books is unironically the biggest bunch of pseudo faggots I’ve ever seen. Every day it’s just “I finally read 1984 and just wow!”

>> No.20393146

Oh, no

>> No.20393147

His only interaction with this place is through purchased ads, and blatant lies where he pretends to be other people to dupe us into buying his book. If you find that endearing I think you need to have a little more self-respect.
To be clear, I have no problem with a self published author sharing their work here, what is happening is someone is running a scam and trying to effectively steal from people here. That’s a fucking scummy thing to do.

>> No.20393150

yall mad because you arent the author of a genre redefining horror series

>> No.20393163

This, gardener as well as Waldun will go down in history as the writers of their generation at least, but I bet they’ll recognise them as the writers of the century

>> No.20393166
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>> No.20393168

Oh hey mark

>> No.20393193

>His only interaction with this place is through purchased ads
No, there's crossover between /lit/ and discord (inb4 "DISCORD TRANNIES THO!") and several anons have spoken with him.
>blatant lies where he pretends to be other people to dupe us into buying his book
Imagine thinking you have the moral authority to condemn an anon on 4chan. Imagine being worried about people being duped into buying a book. Simply put: who cares? Not my problem.
>If you find that endearing I think you need to have a little more self-respect.
Filtered. Being a condescending twat doesn't hide that. He's a meme, retard. I said he's "somewhat endearing" because he's "pathetic" and then repeated the word "somewhat." You're dumb.
>I have no problem with a self-published author sharing their work here
Delusional pseud.
>what is happening is someone is running a scam and trying to effectively steal from people
Paranoid pseud. Also, it's not stealing when you give money and get something in return. Do you stand outside of Pepsico and yell because Kalee Jenner didn't suck your dick after you bought a Nestea?
>That’s a fucking [funny] thing to do

>> No.20393206
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>> No.20393235

I do have the moral authority cause I’m not a dishonest fucking leech. Not even gonna bother with the rest of this evasive, non-rebuttal. If you want to consume shit, be my guest, but no one is exempt from an honest opinion around here so seethe more fucking faggot

>> No.20393280

>I do have the moral authority
t. anon (unironically).
>Not even gonna bother with the rest of this evasive, non-rebuttal
Why do retards think recusing themselves from the discussion is a win? We're strangers on the internet, faggot--I don't give a fuck what you do.
>If you want to consume shit, be my guest
t. anon posting about Gardner (again, unironically)
>no one is exempt from an honest opinion around here
Says the crying faggot who felt the need to announce to everyone he isn't going to read a post making fun of him. (Again, unironically).
>seethe more fucking faggot
I'm still laughing at my own Kylee Jenner joke. Cope.

>> No.20393296

>I don’t give a fuck what you do
Could have fooled me with the effort post. Why don’t you go back to discord and ride Franky boys dick there since your so eager to save face for him. Again, go consume your shit, clearly you’re happy to do so, but we can read the fucking samples you stupid fuck. Anyone with a brain knows this is a cheap scam. Go ahead and reply to me now and tell me how little you give a fuck and how you are laughing at your own jokes lol

>> No.20393305

Fuck reddit and fuck goodreads
F. Gardner literally saved my life and they disrespect his work like this. Makes me sick.

>> No.20393306

>on discord
Damn so it’s true. What are you, 14? Super excited to be one of le ebin memers? Please tell me you aren’t dming Gardner pics of yourself

>> No.20393307

>Every day it’s just “I finally read 1984 and just wow!”

My favorite are the "I have never actually read an entire book. Where should I start?"

>> No.20393317

>Why don’t you go back to discord
Called it. Why don't you come up with an original insult. Imagine thinking it takes an "effort post" to make fun of a faggot like you. You're even more delusional and pathetic than Gardner.
>laughing at your own jokes lol
Imagine being dumb enough to write those words. (Yet again, unironically).

Anyway, give me something to laugh at that isn't just a projection of your own cope/seethe. You're a filtered unfunny retard so I don't think you can. Come on--surprise me (ironically).

>> No.20393320

Gardner checking his various IPs; gotta keep an eye on that poster counter

>> No.20393325

Don't even use discord. Come up with something original.

>> No.20393328

lol you’re so mad you couldn’t even contain yourself. Reply again like a good boy.

>> No.20393335

>reply again
Do you think you're in control of this conversation? I told you to stop projecting.

>> No.20393343

Good boy! now cry.

>> No.20393354

h8uh cuh they anus

>> No.20393356

Just! You totally won. I'm crying right now. MMmy hhandds aarrrre shhhaaakking so baafedly thaats Iii acant wrriagt noow! SEETHIGNG! OMHG!

>> No.20393367

Wow now that is mindless obedience.
I can see why you were one of the ones he picked to groom. Sorry for your future, anon.

>> No.20393373

AHAHAHA holy shit F Gardner is trending on reddit? Never thought I'd see the day when our boy made it mainstream.

>> No.20393375

>I didn't even read it!
>"inb4" is NOT FAIR
>if you post again, you lose!
You're boring, mate.

>> No.20393384

Better keep replying to me to make sure I get that, cause rn seems more like you just like being treated like the dumb fuck you are

>> No.20393391

>Do you really think we’re this fucking stupid?
you guys have already done it once
and you've been memeing these books for him for years now

>> No.20393435
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>Better keep replying to me to make sure I get that, cause rn seems more like you just like being treated like the dumb fuck you are
Seems to me like you got made fun of on the internet (over something stupid) and aren't smart enough to come up with an inb4 (after falling for one earlier). It's pretty pathetic, anon. You're begging for the last word. Go ahead and take it. You're a winner.

>> No.20393451

literally cannot resist; your father wasn’t around much, was he?

>> No.20394247

And we should care, why?

>> No.20394321

I wasted my time reading that baka

>> No.20394336

Ok this must be the author, no other person would feel this amount of vitriol

>> No.20394359

To be honest, we have those threads here sometimes

>> No.20394424
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>> No.20394497

Fuck off, mate.

>> No.20394754

Gardner is based because he's closer to becoming a real writer than any of the pretentious faggots ITT will ever get. It's fucking great too because he's still so far from any real success that having him as a metric makes it all the more painful for them. He will never be legitimately successful because he's a complete idiot but he makes all these faggots putting on airs seethe and it's great. With one sad attempt at shilling himself, he gets more attention than a month's worth of posts from these pompous twats relentlessly jerking themselves off with the same contrived takes about prose. You get what you fucking deserve and that's Gardner, faggots. A hilariously overconfident shill as influenced by R.L. Stine as he is by autism. Cope. Seethe. Dilate.

>> No.20394834

I love how after you get smacked around for a few hours you can’t resist letting your true colors show and going straight for the “you’re all just a bunch of jealous meanies” card. You really are just some outsider (probably a redditor) just here to grift. You suck, and it’s fucking embarrassing watching you get bitch slapped like this is these threads.

>> No.20395084

And they are rightfully ridiculed.

>> No.20395112

He's an attention whore, he'll tolerate any amount of insults and shame if it means getting those sweet (you)s.

>> No.20395113

Kys frank

>> No.20395553

The twist at the end is great though

>> No.20395568

The twist is literally just that the characters the first %90 of the book is about end up being made up by some kids telling stories; literally an “it was all a dream” style twist. That is not a twist, that is a flailing retard desperate for a way to close off the pile of shit he’s spent 20 minutes on and start hawking it. You’re a real mess, Frank

>> No.20395577

When the fuck will the mods range ban this retarded faggot

>> No.20395590

Gardner is a mod though

>> No.20395616

5 stars? pffft, by the time pleddit thick headed npcs reach the proper conundrum about the whole ordeal, the book will be rocking a staggering 10 stars.

>> No.20396069

Bunck of slack-jawed faggots around here. Gardner's work will turn you into a sexual crocodile.

>> No.20396257

>laughing at us
How dare you pretend you and I share anything in common.

>> No.20396411

F. Gardnerbros.......

>> No.20396568

Cope. YWNBAWriter.

>> No.20396585

LOL wanted to come back in a few hours hoping you could get a dig in? jfc you’re such worthless scum lol.
Don’t forget, you will always be nothing

>> No.20396612

You're not funny.

>> No.20396667

Since mods are clearly now either Frank himself or someone working for him, I’m going to try and slide this thread on my own. If anyone wants to help just bump the threads below this, thanks! :)

>> No.20396674
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But seriously, I think you'd enjoy this one:

A young woman named Isabella is told about The Mandela Effect by her boyfriend. A mysterious phenomenon, where people remember certain events differently. They discover one particular occurrence of this happening, in downtown Chicago. Together, they set off into the city, hoping to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic Mandela Effect.
Part of a series of interconnected horror novels that can be read in any order. Each book serves as a stand-alone story, yet builds a greater picture behind a sinister mystery in Chicago.

Author’s Note: I wrote this book as part of the “National Novel Writing Month” challenge. A 50-thousand-word challenge. I completed it in 8 days.

>> No.20396682

figures, Frank is still observing.
Nvm guys, thought I’d actually be able to catch him while he was away and clean up the mess. Looks like evil wins again :(

>> No.20396688

On my soul, anon, I'm not Frank.

>> No.20396698

You’re either Frank or one of his grooming victims, either one is pretty fucking vile and pathetic

>> No.20396751

Yep. Evil wins again :^)

>> No.20397039

Don’t forget the “I’m 25 and never read a book before but just finished Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn!” threads

>> No.20397052


>> No.20397359

When people do that here it’s 90% people calling them retarded faggots and 10% some autist who feels bad being helpful. If you don’t fellate them on reddit telling them how brave and stunning they are they put you in a gulag. It’s insufferable, offering any criticism of anyone and their shitty life choices there is an unforgivable sin

>> No.20397375

That guy is a giant faggot…and yet you still let him embarrass you like that senpai

>> No.20397584

>returning 20 hours later to protect your ego on an anonymous website
fr no cap?

>> No.20397639

They're both faggots but the "reply to me, bro" faggot was also stupid.

>> No.20397652

Holy fuck nigger, are you retarded?

>> No.20397729
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>> No.20397793

I can't speak for the other guy but it's pretty sad you came back a day later to scream into the void. People like you are a bigger problem for this board than faggots like Gardner.

>> No.20397803

don't shit on people who want to start reading something other than tweets and flavortext, they can't change their past but they are trying something good with their future.

>> No.20397889

>you’re surely the samefag
I’m really not, you’re both insufferable cunts

>> No.20397930
