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/lit/ - Literature

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19977516 No.19977516 [Reply] [Original]

What's some literature that explains CRT very simply, especially to people hostile to it? I tried to explain it to my brother but I'm not a legal scholar so it's very hard for me to explain it thoroughly, to the point where he doesn't outright dismiss it. He has children and he's one of those idiots who think it's some marxist racial plot to destroy America and brainwash our kids. I'm in one of those states that's filled to the brim with idiots who complain about it but have no clue what it is.

>> No.19977520

>literally d-debate me!
lol fuck off

>> No.19977569

But if youre so much smarter than them. Why do you need someone to explain to you. How to explain it to them??

>> No.19977611
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Excuse me? Who are you quoting, schizo?

>> No.19977619

Yeah I hate critical theory in its entirety because of how much it was influenced by the Frankfurt school and Western Marxists like Adorno, Gramsci, Marcuse, Lukacs, etc. And in addition the connections between these thinkers and postmodernism. They were trying to explain why communism didnt take hold in the west, and they came to the conclusion that the problem was culture. As such they jumped into the culture war, forming the modern cultural left. For whatever reason, I dont mind hard communists (marxist-lenininst, Maoists, Stalinists, etc) , they dont bug nearly as much. But for whatever reason, I have a seething hatred for the former groups mentioned above. I mean, you look at prominent post modern thinkers, overwhelming majority are 'western marxist'. And I hate post-modernism, compared to other movements, it has produced much less in value. You look at critical theory, which forms the basis of a lot of our current humanities academic studies, and it borrows heavily from the Frankfurt school. You go to prominent Frankfurt school thinkers, and you find some weird coincidences when you go their wikipedia pages. And then you see the people that the Frankfurt school took heavy inspiration from, and it's the Western marxists. And I swear, the one thing I found in common is that these thinkers always end up promoting French De Sade style Libertine values. Every text I read from them is cultural hegemony, bourgeois culture, must annihilate and create new culture, bla bla bla. Always shit like this:

"“Even though my ideas were confused from a theoretical point of view, I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution to the cultural contradictions of the epoch. Such a worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values."

I dont even know why I hate these thinkers, I think it's just pure instinct. Something in me warns me to have an aversion to them. I dont know why, and dont care. I will continue to hate them regardless

>> No.19977623

It's just anti white racism, no need for a book really

>> No.19977635

whoa... this argument.... POWERFUL
>please guys help me legitimize this idea it's like totally important or something I know it is so much that I can't convince these stupid chuds how right I am
lol fuck off

>> No.19977643
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>> No.19977646

You think he's an idiot regarding something you know nothing about, either.

Nice thread.

>> No.19977664

the book by Richard Delgado as a primer
you won't get honest discussion on /lit/, it will be full of retards that think its about teachers pushing anti-white marxist racism on grade school kids.

>> No.19977675

Since you're such an expert why don't you deboonk the fact that it actually is "about teachers pushing anti-white marxist racism on grade school kids"?

>> No.19977695

CRT is bullshit. Its the elite attempting to put all the blame on something else.
Ever notice how the term 'class reductionism' has risen side by side with critical race theory?

>> No.19977708

I think people would be less hostile towards it if it was just articulated as a series of reasonable yet tangible desired outcomes and not just a weird newspeak term thrust into the spotlight at a time when social trust and race relations are really tattered.

>> No.19977713

>prove that a unicorn DOESN'T shit rainbows
you first. I don't give a shit about actual CRT 'being banned' in middle/grade schools, I give a shit about retarded politicians redefining CRT to anything they don't like.

>> No.19977717

>if it was just articulated as a series of reasonable yet tangible desired outcomes

>> No.19977720

>he can't do it
alright, it's official and you've admitted it. Critical Race Theory is about teachers pushing anti-white marxist racism on grade school kids

>> No.19977738

you mess-media newspeak gargling retard.
"The critical race theory (CRT) movement is a collection of activists and scholars interested in studying and transforming the relationship among race, racism, and power. The movement considers many of the same issues that conventional civil rights and ethnic studies discourses take up, but places them in a broader perspective that includes economics, history, context, group- and self-interest, and even feelings and the unconscious. Unlike traditional civil rights, which embraces incrementalism and step-by-step progress, critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law.
Although CRT began as a movement in the law, it has rapidly spread beyond that discipline. Today, many in the field of education consider themselves critical race theorists who use CRT’s ideas to understand issues of school discipline and hierarchy, tracking, controversies over curriculum and history, and IQ and achievement testing."
CRT is literally against anti-white racism yet because you gargle the cocks of mass media, you seethe over things you are told to hate.

>> No.19977747

>quote you directly
>you mess-media newspeak gargling retard.
Not reading some bullshit you found and are quite literally quoting. Debunk your own argument on your own. You're a smarty pants, you can do it. In your own words.

>> No.19977752

/lit/ is more honest than an academic. Academics will name and defend CRT in 'academic papers' and then deny its existence for political purpose. The problem with CRT advocates: They all speak in bad faith, at all times.

>> No.19977756

Not who youre replying to but it took you five minutes to go search for that and copy and paste it here. You didnt prove the anon wrong. You got angry when challanged spent five minutes searching for that and then came back and called that person names cause you couldnt prove them wrong. You couldnt define it yourself and have no real idea what CRT actually is. It literally is anti white racism. You cant even rebut that

>> No.19977760
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>> No.19977770

At that anon had a well informed take. Your take in a meme. You have no take and no intelligence. Its better if people like you dont try to speak when adults are talking :)

>> No.19977773

Anyone with two braincells realizes what a stupid word 'equity' really is.
There's only one thing in this world I hate more than niggers and women: subversive marxists are the worst. They realize their ideas hold no ground in clean debate yet for some fucking reason they keep on pushing them instead of living by their very ideals. Goes to show how they little care about anything other than power in a world that's gone far past their instruments of control and the grasp of any ideological revolution (for as depressing as that realization in itself is).

>> No.19977784

>posts a definitions of CRT that proves it isn't about anti-white marxist racism on grade school kids
CRT is a movement about questioning common civil rights issues and links them to economics and history.
Would you retards like me to redefine what an integral is without using a literal math textbook definition?
Now prove that it is about teachings pushing 'anti-white propaganda' instead of resorting to mental gymnastics of "nuh-uh disprove this thing I heard on the news and is totally real.".

>> No.19977788

> it's some marxist racial plot to destroy America and brainwash our kids
But that's exactly and precisely what it is, by the admission of the creators of the "theory". Read Tarl Warwick's Debunking Critical Race Theory, because he lays out exactly what CRT is in the process of debunking it.

>> No.19977789

>our ideas our so self-evidently correct that we must lie about them and our motives nonstop forever
yes I hate them more than anything as well

>> No.19977794
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>d-debate me!
no lol

>> No.19977796

>anti-white marxist racism
That's not Marxism though.

>> No.19977797

There's really nothing much to say about it. It claims that liberalism and liberals can't be expected to create a world that is truly equal and free, so they repudiate everything about liberalism. This in practice means that they are fascists and thus can't be relied upon to respect anyone's rights at all, and therefore the only recourse is war.

>> No.19977799

meant to quote >>19977784

>> No.19977800

You still lost you havent addressed that anons argument in any way shape or form. You still cannot do it. You still havent proved anything. You just copied and pasted more words from somewhere. I dont think you even know what crt even really is.

>> No.19977804

sweetie I think you might be confused. The pro-critical race theory anon described it that way, and failed to deboonk it. Can you not read? Oh honey, oh no...

>> No.19977809

This is pasta but reminder that the post-modernists completely mog the frankfurt school in every respect with the sole exception of Benjamin.

>> No.19977813

>Tarl Warwick
Take the physiognomy pill and realize that you shouldn't listen to anything this 2spooky4u libertarian says.

(However, this isn't to say that CRT is in any way valid.)

>> No.19977815

It's Marxism repackaged with race instead of class as the underpinning structure.

>> No.19977816


For about a year now Barnes and Noble has been shrewdly displaying a large, bright red CRT reader in the sociology section, which apparently first came out in the mid-90s. You might start there, but you won't.

>> No.19977824

> the sole exception of Benjamin.
You mean the guy who wrote an essay concluding they need to make everything into ugly dogshit because of fascism?

>> No.19977827
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the instruction manual of XCOM 2

>> No.19977831

I posted a definition that proves it has nothing to do with anti-white racism, what more do you want?
Disproving some assumption before even proving the assumption in the first place is retarded, go reread the greeks.

>> No.19977832

I can't believe the cringe lord has held that name for all these years.

>> No.19977834

I mean the guy whose explication of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden is greater than any theologian.

>> No.19977838

eat lead, sectoid

>> No.19977841

Literally according to you it is "about teachers pushing anti-white marxist racism on grade school kids"

>> No.19977847

Prove it

>> No.19977848

It doesnt say that in your post. You lost. You dont even know what crt even is.

>> No.19977851


>> No.19977854

you're late for your court case about the destruction of atlantis

>> No.19977859

Reread that post, where does saying that retards will think CRT is about teachers pushing anti-white marxist racism on grade school kids mean that I also think CRT is about teachers pushing anti-white marxist racism on grade school kids?

>> No.19977867

>can't disprove his own strawman
>heh that means I won

>> No.19977877

Oldfags gonna oldfag. Plus he's made it an entire brand now.

He's definitely rambly but in this case there's no need to reinvent the wheel or actually read the subversive cancerous nonsense the marxists wrote.

>> No.19977881


>> No.19977882

So then you agree that CRT isn't about teachers pushing anti-white marxist racism on grade school kids.

>> No.19977891

No but i do think youre an idiot though. Thats pretty evident cause you cant define and do not understand an idea youre defending.

>> No.19977892

You originally claimed that it's about teachers pushing anti-white marxist racism on grade school kids. You have yet to disprove this. You also know that you're convincing nobody here and that the jig is up, you're just a seething zealot who's used to people taking your word at face value and getting away with bloviating and obfuscation. Fuck off

>> No.19977895

So then you are proving my strawman?
>You originally claimed that it's about teachers pushing anti-white marxist racism on grade school kids
I claimed that it wasn't about that and that retards would think it was so.

>> No.19977900

You pretty clearly stated that's what it is and have yet to disprove it bro. Maybe time to give up

>> No.19977901

But by that very definition it is about pushing an agenda. Here's a translation of the neutral language into specific concepts:
>transforming the relationship among race, racism, and power
There is a perception of racial hierarchy with whites holding the most power and being racist.
>a broader perspective that includes economics, history, context, group- and self-interest, and even feelings and the unconscious.
White privilege and unconscious bias pervade every aspect of society throughout time.
>Unlike traditional civil rights, which embraces incrementalism and step-by-step progress, critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law.
As every foundational principle of civilization is underpinned by white racism, extreme revolution overturning society is a necessary measure for progress.
>Today, many in the field of education consider themselves critical race theorists who use CRT’s ideas to understand issues of school discipline and hierarchy, tracking, controversies over curriculum and history, and IQ and achievement testing."
Everything is about race and power. Whites hold all the power and define the standards, as such every litmus from law to historical perception to educational testing must be viewed through the lens of the underprivileged racial classes being held back by white power structures.

It is anti-white racism. Making whites out as the boogeyman for every ill in the world, including one's personal failings.

>> No.19977913

Lmao anons this is what a stubborn dumb person argues like.

>> No.19977920

>But by that very definition it is about pushing an agenda
Then being anti-CRT is also about "pushing an agenda", as well as about being pro or against on every subject imaginable.
By your same linguistic construction you could prove that it is also about anti-black or even anti-jew racism.

>> No.19977922


No we don't.

>> No.19977923

>do what I say
fuck off retard

>> No.19977938

Yes, unironically. If you take any movement to be about pushing an agenda, any pushback is also pushing an agenda as you are pushing your own movement.
The "pushing an agenda" critique is used for movements with facetious purposes, not for critiquing every movement ever. If you want to pull some "look at this one dipshit that was anti-white and also pushed for CRT, this proves the whole movement was about pushing an agenda!" special olympics, be my guest.

>> No.19977941

Pretty sure racialized identity driven activism pushed by large corporations and the secular clergy is the exact opposite of marxism.

>> No.19977942
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Western Marxism is a current of Marxist theory that arose from Western and Central Europe in the aftermath of the 1917 October Revolution in Russia and the ascent of Leninism. The term denotes a loose collection of theorists who advanced an interpretation of Marxism distinct from both classical and Orthodox Marxism and the Marxism-Leninism of the Soviet Union.

Less concerned with economic analysis than earlier schools of Marxist thought, Western Marxism placed greater emphasis on the study of the cultural trends of capitalist society, deploying the more philosophical and subjective aspects of Marxism, and incorporating non-Marxist approaches to investigating culture and historical development. ... Although some early figures such as György Lukács and Antonio Gramsci were prominent in political activities, Western Marxism mainly found its adherents in academia, especially after the Second World War. Prominent figures included Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Herbert Marcuse.

Oh btw, fuck this gay thread, I have a more interesting question. What do traditional, or I guess 'eastern' marxists think of Western Marxism? Do they see them as sort of like traitors, for abandoning the base and superstructure model? Traditional Marxists view culture as almost entirely dependant on economic conditions, as they are materialists. In pic related, the model describes everything in the superstructure as determined by the means and relations of production. Note that it says that the base is USUALLY dominant, not ALWAYS, which I just found out by actually looking it up. So from my understanding, they typically have not paid as much attention to the factors in superstructure (culture), seeing it as a distraction of the bourgeois. In their minds they imagine that the bourgeois try to get the working class to fight about those, so that they are free to take control of the 'base'. I think there was a fairly dominant current of thought that everything in the superstructure was just beourgois culture war (or other war, like religious war) distraction.

Meanwhile, Western Marxism, tossed this upside down. Instead they chose to focus almost entirely on the superstructure. Is there any literature discussing this? Have these two groups debated, or gone head to head? I have never seen them interact, and I would certainly like to, I am interested.

>> No.19977946
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>French De Sade style Libertine values
based and potlatched

>> No.19977959

You still have not disproved the original point. Continueing on and lying doesnt mean youre right. Critical race theory is an inherently anti white movement. You have been unable repeatedly to define crt. You look like an ideologue retard. Just shut the fuck up and stick your preaching up your ass.

>> No.19977966

I have not seen any explicit Eastern Marxists view of Western Marxism but I see Western Marxists complaining about other Western Marxists.
Most of the time it boils down to useless praxis semantics of "stop sperging over race shit, focus on classes as a whole". Similar logic is used for cancel-culture stuff like with Fisher's vampire castle.

>> No.19977969

>telling me to fuck off is LE AGENDA
>never mind my positive action, planned and organized agenda now
fuck off retard

>> No.19977973

>reads first sentence but not the second sentence
lol, lmao

>> No.19977977

pretty sure everyone knows you, the ostensible true marxist, agree completely with the actions taken by said muh corporayshuns and are getting anxious this little trick doesn't work anymore

>> No.19977979

A critical theory is any approach to social philosophy that focuses on reflective assessment and critique of society and culture in order to reveal and challenge power structures. With roots in sociology and literary criticism, it argues that social problems stem more from social structures and cultural assumptions than from individuals. It argues that ideology is the principal obstacle to human liberation.[1]

Critical Theory (capitalized) also refers specifically to a school of thought practiced by the Frankfurt School theoreticians Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Erich Fromm, and Max Horkheimer. Horkheimer described a theory as critical insofar as it seeks "to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them." ... Critical Theory is one of the major components of both modern and postmodern thought, and is widely applied in the humanities and social sciences today.

In addition to its roots in the first-generation Frankfurt School, critical theory has also been influenced by György Lukács and Antonio Gramsci.

So here, we are already seeing alot of similarities. Alot of similar names, and I imagine that this critical race theory is just taking critical theory, and applying it to race. I don't know, because I don't know anything about critical race theory. But seeing as the name is CRITICAL RACE THEORY, I can only imagine that it is critical thoery + race.

>> No.19977985

>y-you're not taking my dishonest horseshit seriously....
now you're getting it!

>> No.19977988

That's not Marxism though!
Emancipatory political programs preexisted Marxism and are in no way dependant upon Marxism. Marxism, CRT, feminism, progressivism etc. are all under the same umbrella of leftist emancipatory politics. They're logically distinct subsets.
How on Earth do you doofuses brainwash yourselves into thinking that Marxism is at the root of all this? It's absolutely bizarre.
>duurhuurhuur but what about all these people who espouse CRT and call themselves Marxists???
How on Earth can you honestly think that this means that CRT is downstream from Marxism? These people are committed to emancipatory politics thus they're going to be drawn to any and every emancipatory political program. Their Marxism coincides with CRT. That's it.
And no, I am not trying to defend either Marxism or CRT. I reject both. I'm just not a retard like yourself.

>> No.19977992

Anyone that's been in a classroom within the last decade could tell you there is no anti-black or anti-jew (depends on how you count it if you lump jews in with whites, but no it never calls out "jewish power structures") racism at play when delving into subjects through the lens of CRT. As that very definition states, it's about attacking the foundational principles of western civilization, including liberalism, equality theory, legal reasoning, rationalism, and constitutional law, all on the basis of a racial hierarchy and unconscious bias wherein whites, as a race, represent everything that must be torn down and discarded for the sake of progress.

It is extremely racist.

>> No.19977995

>It's Marxism repackaged with race instead of class as the underpinning structure.

t. Reaganite retard who follows James Lindsay on Twitter.

>> No.19978001
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Here, let me do some highlights because /lit/ is full of retards.

>> No.19978002
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>> No.19978006
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>> No.19978007

So basically you can't argue it on your own and think that posting a screencap talking about what some jew thought will prove it incontrovertibly correct for you?

>> No.19978013
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>> No.19978016
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>> No.19978018

Wouldn't change anything if I was or wasn't. Your beloved illiterate talking point is obvious nonsense to anyone with passing knowledge of "marxism." Consider attacking something on its own merits instead of doing boomeresque cold war babble

>> No.19978021

Being inspired by someone means very little though. The Frankfurt School people weren't revolutionary socialists, they were bourgeois academics who were engaged in cultural criticism.

>> No.19978022
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>> No.19978026
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>> No.19978028

>That's not Marxism though!
Yes, it is. As anon points out >>19977979 it's quite literally Marxist critical theory + race. If as anon >>19977942 suggests Eastern Marxism is simply the more puristic form focused on economics and class, the Western form is instead focused on the interplay of race, with races stratified as the new form of "class". I don't follow your denial of CRT being "downstream from Marxism", given how many of it's foundational thinkers were Marxists themselves.

>> No.19978029
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>> No.19978032

Marxism is a religion and all these sub types are schisms. I'm afraid what the world will look like in the near future

>> No.19978036

If you were less retarded you'd recognize they were all forms of slave morality, but none of the immigrants to this board read anyway

>> No.19978041

You, me and god all know you agree with everything you're diverting to blame on muh capitalism corporations

>> No.19978043

Marxism is dead anon. The only legitimate ideology left is globohomo liberalism.

>> No.19978044
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There you go /lit/ do your daily reading. I've barely found anything in this thread that references, critiques, or reinforces the actual theories.


So if anybody actually wants to discuss, can they address something within the actual theories themselves? It can be anything, but it seems that nobody here actually knows what it is. I've given a few highlights above, some screencaps, and straight up wiki copy paste. It should be enough to get the thread started.

>> No.19978048

Nobody is reading this. Elucidate your own point and prepare to defend it or blow your brains out.

>> No.19978054

That's obviously a topic beyond the scope of this specific subject, though you're right.

>> No.19978059

I ask you a simple question, if CRT is about having a proletarian revolution that will destroy capitalist or oligarchic control of labor and resources, why in God's name would corporations who stand to lose the most from being expropriated and having their owners lynched ever promote it to their workforce and to broader society? Can you answer this or not little /pol/troon?

>> No.19978064

Why dont we just look for a curriculum that includes CRT? Aren't curricula public? Where can I find one? Ive been seeing angry parents at school board meetings complain about weird shit their kids are being taught, such as all white people are racist, but I'd be interested to see the actual documents directing that.

>> No.19978076

What set contains both marxism and CRT? There is your answer. Racial identity and class identity movements motivated by ressentiment have this in common—they are hatred for someone who suffers less.

>> No.19978077

Didnt think I'd see styx be name dropped on /lit/

>> No.19978080

no lol. You agree with all of the actions you're blaming on capitalism and corporations, which of course exploit and devalue the worker innately. We both know it. Why don't you explain to me why it's a good thing? Because again, we both know you support body and soul LGBTQWERTYUIOP rights and open borders

>> No.19978088

Why would we argue about the theory itself? Racism is only allowed on /b/, per the rules.

>> No.19978095

>entire response is an ad hom against an imaginary opponent
terminal brainrot, but by the way, I would sooner call CRT a Christian movement than a marxist one

>> No.19978098

He can't answer that challenge because his mind cannot cope with the fact that capitalists will use any and all ideas as tools to discipline the labor force and society in general. The reason CRT became a thing in the private sector is because private companies are full of white women HR-consultants who are hired to whip and discipline workers and they have been thoroughly trained in all manner of divide and conquer ideology at Ivy League universities.

>> No.19978101
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>this post
>these digits
based sarcastic anon

>> No.19978104

I get a kick out of true-namedropping Tarl. He's funny. Sadly I can't listen to his videos anymore because it's too depressing and he's way too rambly.

>> No.19978115

Not that other anon but I was very happy to see that they're having a kid and seem happy together. The cynical side of me was wondering whether it was an e-relationship and she'd suddenly reconsider upon meeting him in person, and he'd eventually have to make a video about their mutual decision to move on. I guess good things really do happen now and then.

>> No.19978117

I haven't seen a cathode ray tube in at least eight years. Most things won't hook up to them.

>> No.19978118

Yes that's the gist of it, that 'The Resistance' is a consumer good, something that has been a thing since Che t-shirts. And people who want to be rebels make the best subalterns if you can convince them they are making a difference. Of course, if you just call everything you don't like marxism you'll never notice this

>> No.19978121

Oh well excuse me for maligning you, so what you're saying is that you are explicitly against allowing dyke teachers to turn little kids into faggots and trannies to deconstruct the family unit and prop up lifelong pharmaceutical consumers, and you're also against unstable amounts of "immigration" because it devalues and disenfranchises the worker, right? After all, it's capitalism and the corporations pushing this, and lobbying the government to push the message out into their corrupt schools.

>> No.19978132

>Why would anyone create controlled opposition?
You can't be this dumb. Look at the downfall of the occupy protests to understand why they desire it, intersectionality is the enemy of a united front. The more fragmented, confused, and full of in-fighting your opponents are, the more impotent they become.

>> No.19978134

It doesn't matter what I personally think about your political issues; you are still as wrong about CRT being marxist as you were five posts ago.

>> No.19978137

Yeah I was happy to hear about that too. I'm also super jealous that he's found love and starting a family and I haven't yet. I gotta start getting serious about the w*man problem.

>> No.19978142

>CRT is capitalist controlled opposition
isn't that nearly my same point that it isn't marxist?

>> No.19978147

His videos have been shit for a few years. He mastered the art of grifting. all he has to do is make a few rambling videos and he's done working for the day

>> No.19978157

>Of course, if you just call everything you don't like marxism you'll never notice this

Right-wingers are the most idealistic tards ever. They truly do think abstract ideas rule the world.

>> No.19978160

Wrong, race is included but it is not the only thing. Critical theory, as I have posted, is an entire intellectual school of thought. It stems from Western marxism, and the Frankfurt school. Read here to learn about what critical theory actually is >>19977979
then, it is this theory applied to race.

Just to restate what you are saying:
Again, it seems as though critical theory stems from the school of thought that is Western Marxism, which is distinctly seperate from Eastern Marxsim (which is what we will call it). It focuses on culture, rather then economics. Thus, we cannot call it Marxist in the traditional sense, since it rejects historical materialism, and instead focuses on culture and idealogy.

Uneblievably wrong.
Critical theory:
"A critical theory is any approach to social philosophy that focuses on reflective assessment and critique of society and culture in order to reveal and challenge power structures. With roots in sociology and literary criticism, it argues that social problems stem more from social structures and cultural assumptions than from individuals. It argues that ideology is the principal obstacle to human liberation."

How is this anti equality, anti liberalism? How does it create racial heirarchy? Show me a source.

Wrong. Marxist critical theory is not a thing. Marxism, is an idea. Thus, academics took the humanistic theories of Marx, and created Western Marxism, which rejected historical materialism, and put the focus on culture and ideas. These thinkers then became the Frankfurt school, which attempted to explain why the west didn't become Marxist. Their conclusion? Education, culture, ideas. Only then, did this heavily influence critical theory. Critical theory examines power structures in culture and society. This critical theory, is then applied to an analysis of race. It is not Marxist in the traditional sense, because Marxists, believe in base-superstructure. This cannot be overlooked. They are fundamentally opposed to traditional marxist theory.

Well if you do not read it, then I literally cannot argue with you. The definitions of these thoeries that /lit/ is using are objectively wrong. I don't care where they got it from exactly, but what they are saying is not correct. They can say whatever they want, but if they are not willing to at least read the definition off wikipedia, then they will forever get it wrong. Everything I am saying is just rephrasing what I have already posted.

>> No.19978162

how is it controlled op? if its in schools, workplaces and universities? wouldn't controlled op be someone like Alex Jones?

give me the qrd for someone who just got itt

>> No.19978170

Wait but all of those things I described are a symptom of capitalism and corporate corruption? Don't tell me you do actually support turning little kids gay and trans to support the corrupt pharmaceutical market for HIV and hormone medications while further breaking down the extended family unit, in addition to mass migration to dillute the wages of the worker? That's capitalism anon! Don't you see?

>> No.19978178

Oh for Peet's sake.
No it's not Marxist in the least.
I genuinely cannot imagine why you are so adamant about something you're so ignorant about.
How about you tell me what you think the essence of Marxism is instead of just referencing posts in this thread.
I'm sorry, but Marxism is about economic class struggle. It's not about ending racism, sexism, w/e. The Marxian end of history in which the dialectic between labour and capital has finally been resolved and the classless, money-less, stateless society has finally been established is an insufficient condition for the end of racism, patriarchy, the various phobias, and all the other objects of leftist cultural critique. Likewise, if patriarchy has been eliminated, racism is gone, and we're all fags living under the globohomo rainbow flag; if all the emancipatory leftist cultural projects have been achieved, this is an insufficient condition for the establishment of communism.
These things are logically distinct and have nothing to do with one another.
Critical theory in the angloworld is just a bunch of academicians and activists larping. Just because I call myself a Marxist doesn't mean I am, and it doesn't mean that everything I do in the name of Marxism is Marxist. These people may draw upon the theories of Marx of Engles as a way of framing their concerns within established vocabularies and conceptual apparati, but that doesn't mean they're Marxist. They may trace their genealogy to Marxists, but that doesn't mean they're Marxists. I trace my genealogy to my dad, who is a Christian, but that doesn't mean I am a Christian myself even if I frame my ideas in Christian terms from time to time and find find value in Christianity.
Honestly, if I were a Marxist, I would look at the whole thing and conclude that Critical Theory is a subversion of Marxism. It redirects the conversation away from economic theory and the activism away from class struggle to other issues that have nothing to do with Marxism.
In your response I want you to define Marxism and explain how Critical (Race) Theory is a species of Marxism.

>> No.19978181

>get called out and finally put on the spot "for five posts"
>w-w-what I believe d-doesn't matter....

>> No.19978190

I would literally be a marxist if you weren't all dishonest faggot enabling nigger apologists. Have you ever read this book by this austrian guy...

>> No.19978195

>replying to 5 posts knowing nobody is going to read this
yep, it's reddit

>> No.19978200

My biggest problem is he focuses too much on media narratives, which I really don't want getting into my head, even secondhand. I already completely distrust mass media, so I don't need him to debunk shit. His poll analysis is fairly decent mostly because there's no other good poll analysis out there, but even when he does analyze polls he usually also meanders into discussing media narratives of the day.

I can't really say he's sold out or anything since he doesn't monetize nearly as much as he could, but I just can't listen to him until he starts doing his own journalism or research projects and drops the MSM entirely.

>> No.19978206

So of course you, as a true marxist, recognize the corrosive forces of capitalism pushing transgenderism on children to grow the market of pharmaceutical companies and vehemently oppose mass migration to depress the wages and power of workers, which enriches capitalists of the worst kind?

>> No.19978208
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NTA but you are one predictable little anti-rationalist jewslave
>marxfag inevitable retorts "No I don't support forcibly turning little kids gay or trans or big pharma."
>shitposter (that's you) retorts "But that's what progressives have been doing and progressives are commonly marxist!"
>marxfag retorts "No that isn't happening. Stop with these complex questions and false assumptions."
>shitposter retorts "But it is! Here are some headlines that prove it. I am right!"
et cetera ad infinitum
This thread is a modern day Aesop's Fables.

>> No.19978216 [DELETED] 

OP, what he's worried about isn't CRT. It's teachers misinterpreting CRT in a racist way.

>> No.19978217

WOWZA! you really got him with that zinger!!!!

>> No.19978227

His entire channel is analyzing media narratives though. Thats his niche.

>> No.19978230

I can't really follow along with who you imagine you are talking to, but you still haven't shown that CRT is marxism. All you are doing is testifying that you have strong opinions on culture war political issues and consider anyone who isn't agreeing with you on some unrelated thing must be an opponent on one of those pet issues.

>> No.19978237
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>So of course you, as a true marxist, recognize the corrosive forces of capitalism pushing transgenderism on children to grow the market of pharmaceutical companies and vehemently oppose mass migration to depress the wages and power of workers, which enriches capitalists of the worst kind?

Not him, but yes of course. Why do you think Marxist means left-wing globohomo liberal?

>> No.19978240

OP, what he's worried about isn't CRT. It's teachers misinterpreting CRT in a racist way. You can't disprove that some leftists are using modern "anti-racism" to shame white kids.

>> No.19978243

Marxism is controlled opposition. In the Eastern Bloc it ultimately just gave rise to the supremacy of the state, a form of corporate power in all but name.

From the perspective of self-defining as being in-opposition.

>> No.19978249

Fuck I did the wrong post twice now.

I'm leaving it to you to just rephrase what I said earlier over and over again.

How is this reddit? Did you know that I made this post at the start of the thread as well? >>19977619

Is it based and chad because it agrees with your political views, or is it cringe and onions and chud because it disagrees? Even though I genuinely dislike (hate) the theories involved, I still went to great lengths in this thread to steelman them, and to correct people who got it wrong. If that is reddit, then fine. I guess the chad based /lit/ thing to do, is to argue like retards instead.

>> No.19978253

>as a true marxist
Learn to read dipshit. I explicitly said I wasn't a Marxist. I reject Marxism because I reject materialism.

>> No.19978261

Called out for what? Asking someone to prove something? His idea of proof is to make up an opponent as if that makes him any less inaccurate. You don't have to be a marxist or a CRTist to notice they are distinct from one another. You are just actually retarded and hence on the losing end of every cultural conflict of the last several decades, because you are too dull-witted to even identify the opponent and stop him, he just gets away with it each time and you're left understanding it fifty years later when it doesn't matter. Marxist? What fucking marxist? Where?

>> No.19978262

okay i know what opposition is. but how is it controlled op if its in work places, schools and universities? that doesn't really sound like a controlled op to me.

>> No.19978269

>then, it is this theory applied to race.
That's exactly what I said.

>> No.19978279

>How is this reddit?
Eternal hallmark of the newfag from r****t.

>> No.19978281

For sure there are forms of marxism that are controlled opposition, as is the case with a lot of the right wing extremist movements. Still doesn't make CRT into marxism

>> No.19978308
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listen to James Lindsey

>> No.19978320
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Please suggest a better name for this phenomena. Calling it CRT is inacurrate but it needs to be called out.

>> No.19978342
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>> No.19978343
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>Unlike traditional civil rights, which embraces incrementalism and step-by-step progress
fuck MLK

>> No.19978347
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>Critical theory and CRT isn't Marxism. They were just made by Marxists for the purposes of furthering the goals of Marxism using Marxism as their foundational thinking.

>> No.19978348
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>ITT: leftists assblasted that after a 60 year push to dissolve America as it existed, a single man started calling out their bullshit in a way that immunizes him against cancellation

>> No.19978362

>everyone who disagrees with my political taxonomy belongs to it
must be embarassing to drown in a kiddie pool

>> No.19978366
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This might help you understand what your brother means. Note that antiracist activists themselves occasionally call this critical race theory-- that's why the right is using the same term.

>> No.19978367
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>International capitalists are furthering the goals of Marxism

This is your brain on /pol/.

>> No.19978368
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>> No.19978369
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>> No.19978370

In what way?

>> No.19978372

Empty Wokeism which most leftists who actually read already despise. You'll only find 'activists' and twitterfags (aka sensationalist illiterate types. this is a universal problem no matter the political leaning.) agreeing with this shit.
Using this as an example against CRT would be like using an example of some biblethumper killing their kid as an example against Christianity.

>> No.19978378

It's more than just "activists" and twitterfags, that ideology is being pushed on schoolchildren.

>> No.19978382

Of course not, and that you assume that says more about you than anything else. The crusty loser leftoids who frequent this board certainly do though. Piss poor post but can't expect much from you guys lmao

>> No.19978389


>> No.19978390

but that's a non sequitur argument and that literally is what crt is. blatantly lying doesn't make anyone believe you. passing the buck off to someone else. some illusory people and saying thats not crt. is the epitome of lying horse shit. thats literally what crt is.

>> No.19978401

How does CRT deal with the issues being raised by modern genetics? I,E the 50-200 kya separation between certain ancestry groups.

David Reich's work etc.

Does CRT deny the existence of genetic differences between various population groups? I'm not trying to be a troll I honestly want to know if the CRT types have talked about this?

I have this feeling guys like Reich, Patterson et al know that modern genetics is going to run face first into "race issues" in the public very soon and we better get ready to talk about this. Reich brings this up in all his public appearances it seems.

>> No.19978407

CRT basically is race science except its notion of science is a metaphysical belief in the racist essence of white people, and the pure and noble essence of minorities.

>> No.19978408

And those people don't know a damn thing about CRT and are instead pushing their own idiot-fed ideology.
Prove it. I bet what you are actually against is affirmative action and not CRT itself. What's funny is that all the /pol/ posting about jews is quite literally a form CRT but against jews instead of white people. Just because you can make retarded conclusions from something, doesn't make the school of thought itself retarded.
Having teachers accept that white people are loud and obnoxious is to CRT as Protestantism is to Christianity.
>Does CRT deny the existence of genetic differences between various population groups?
No it doesn't. At best you'll get a "genetic differences lack severity enough to warrant any kinds of policy recognition".

>> No.19978414

Looking at what happened with the 2020 California ballot propositions and the recent stuff in San Francisco I think lots of people are beginning to suffer from "black fatigue".

>> No.19978416

Is there a particular reason you can't parse ideas and are entirely stuck on which enemy you think has them? Did CRT expropriate your lunch money or something

>> No.19978420

how does CRT explain the fact that the US is by most every metric the greatest place in the world for non-whites (maybe not all Asians) to live, work and go to school in? If I was going to be reborn as a black person there is nowhere else I would rather be than the US when you look at things like income, health outcomes, education levels etc..

>> No.19978421

I always see this trope thrown out on niche sites like /lit/ that somehow the woke types are in the minority and that most leftists are some kind of class-obsessed 19th century Marxists. Do you not exist in reality? The only place I have ever met anybody like that was in academia, and it was always some philosophy professor over the age of 40. The masses of people going on into the streets during left wing protests, the people volunteering for left wing causes and politicians, the people who go to left wing meetings are all people who believe deeply in intersectionalism, white privilege, radical feminism, transgender ideology, etc. Where are these scores and scores of leftists who don't believe paramount the myths of white privilege, patriarchy, and pronouns? You can write all of these people off as "activists" or whatever, but they outnumber people like you 100 to 1, they call themselves leftists, their friends call them leftists, their enemies call them leftists. The only people who don't are the anonymous posters on weird niche political websites who in the end would be fellow travelers anyway.

>> No.19978427

why do i need to prove something to an assumptive person who argues using ad hominem? continued lying doesn't make you right and using non sequiters constantly makes you look dumb.

>> No.19978430
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I don't know about real CRT but here's something from Ibram X Kendi, author of the bestselling book "how to be an antiracist". He thinks whites are a different breed of humans.

He's pro segregation btw.

>> No.19978431

At it's core the goal of Marxism is humanist liberation. Seizing the means of production from the capitalist bourgeois is not itself the purpose of Marxism, but rather the means by which it's goals are meant to be achieved. Critical Theory and CRT are a diverted avenue of attack, which proposes that the economic classism -> inequality -> inhumane illiberality framework of thinking be shifted towards one of racism -> inequality -> inhumane illiberality. The race aspect is more the focus of CRT specifically, but Critical Theory as a whole includes concepts of sexism and yes classism in the same position. The way in which this is manipulated into controlled opposition is simply by diminishing the classist element and tying it closely to the aspects of race, sex, or other ideological frameworks, which turns the united front of "the proletariat" into an intersection of many competing ideas and identities which foments division and ease of manipulation.

>> No.19978433


I know much too much Physical Anthropology to buy into any arguments about these issues that don't take human genetic factors into account.

>> No.19978438

Wow. Has the MSM reported on that? That is pretty shocking stuff. Reads like the hilarious Afrocentric writers of the 70s and 80s.

>> No.19978446

You're the one seething about the semantics of whether woke types are actually left wing and whether their "CRT" is actually CRT. Perhaps you should think about this question yourself, because left wing purity spiraling over "REEEE YOU'RE CALLING IT THE WRONG THING!" is an intended effect.

>> No.19978450

why'd you include me like i agreed with their take? i was calling the guy ad hominem using liar.

>> No.19978457
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The MSM doesn't bluntly discuss his controversial views as far as I know. He's been paraded as a hero these past few years but most leftists are just clapping because he's black.

In his book he says he used to think white people were malevolent aliens lmao.

>> No.19978465

Those aren't leftists anon. Those are neoliberals. Calling yourself a leftist doesn't automatically make you a leftist. I don't think they've read any theory.
Do you also call people who are "fiscally conservative, socially liberal" right-wing if they call themselves right-wing? What about the people in MAGA hats that love giving money to Israel?
Why would the retarded interpretation of CRT that has no basis in CRT literature be the real CRT? Do you seriously believe that the majority always has the objectively right opinion? If the majority were to call trannies real women, would you then believe them or does your logic end there? What do you purity spiral over, anon?

>> No.19978468
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>that isn't happening

>> No.19978473
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>> No.19978482

How does CRT explain the fact that Western Civilization was the only one in the history of the world who made a coordinated and concerted effort to stamp out slavery, racial discrimination, ethnic violence?

Where were the Chinese Anti-Slavery patrols, the Arab abolitionist societies, the Bantu missionaries becoming martyrs in the defense of oppressed peoples?

>> No.19978485

Even if this crackpot psycho headcanon you have going here was true, it simply doesn't make sense for private companies to adopt and spread ideology that is not in their own economic interest.

>> No.19978518

It is in their best interest to kowtow to public opinion in an emulated fashion. This results in CEOs who have no idea what the academic discussion of social liberation is and instead stick pride flags on things and give antiracism seminars.
Detractors on the right call this "real leftism" and any dissenters are leftist puritans because they don't want to read and just want to consume ragebait and shitpost for bantz.
This also happens on the left anytime any leftist takes some retards take and generalizes it on the right. The right has it's own fair share of right puritans that mock conservatism. Usually either libertarians, ecofascists, monarchists, or just people who really hate jews.

>> No.19978529

I don't think you understand the game being played here. Rufo is playing 4d chess here (at least in comparison to anyone else who's taken up the thankless job of trying to push back against the fallout of Civil Rights legislation). What is and is not "real" CRT doesn't matter, and the fact that neoliberals and leftists alike are hung up on this is a desired outcome. Clearly, the way that CRT is being used here does refer to some sort of phenomenon in real life that is happening that a lot of people on the "left" support and a lot of people on the "right" oppose. Is that actually CRT? It doesn't matter, that's semantics. CRT was some obscure academic term that referred to something that most of those people on the right probably wouldn't have supported anyway. Right says ban CRT, left says CRT doesn't exist, right points to all of the weird racial/gender shit their kids are being taught that is pushed by what the vast majority of people considered leftists, now left has to go through some overly complicated explanation about CRT while trying to jump over the fact that regardless of what you call it those kids are being taught stuff that most self-proclaimed leftists support. It's a word game, you're just on the wrong side of it.

>> No.19978530

>It is in their best interest to kowtow to public opinion in an emulated fashion

Which is not nearly the same thing as claiming that they are actively supporting an ideology that would lead to their end as a class and political entity.

>> No.19978534

... Were you just not reading what I was saying? It is. Advancing social control and exerting influence over those who would be your enemy is a means of amassing power and protecting profits.

>> No.19978542

Then if you want to call it by another semi-neutral term. Call it affirmative action. Affirmative action is something that transcends this specific example of teaching people that white=bad. Blame people who pushed for scholarship activism instead of challenging actual root causes.

>> No.19978546

>that would lead to their end as a class and political entity.
It won't.

>> No.19978551

>Advancing social control and exerting influence over those who would be your enemy is a means of amassing power and protecting profits.

Anon, adopting the ideology of your enemies means you lose. A capitalist would never adopt the ideology of someone who wants to abolish them as a class, that's fucking retarded, and every single piece of political history about the division between liberal capitalist states and communist states should imply as much but apparently you have room temperature IQ.

>> No.19978553

Why would I call it affirmative action? I want to call it CRT, I like having the initiative on language. "Affirmative action" is what the people who invented it called it. I'll call it something different and leave you reeing over how I'm not calling it what you deem to be correct. I reject your entire worldview, why would I let you frame my language?

>> No.19978555

>It won't.

Of course not. That's the point I'm making. CRT isn't truly Marxist, nor anti-capitalist, which is PRECISELY why it is so easily adopted by the private sector.


>> No.19978557

Because affirmative action is a generalized term that has usage out of just CRT. Would you call a public program that funds trans kids HRT CRT or would you call it affirmative action?

>> No.19978560

What the fuck are you all talking about in this thread?
An elementary physics book will explain Cathode Ray Tubes pretty well.

>> No.19978561

I think I could definitely get away with calling it CRT, and while the people who agree with me are forming a consensus the people who disagree with me are left fumbling with definitions.

>> No.19978563

> class reductionism
That's literally all Marxism is, along with materialism and Hegelianism and a retarded concept of exploitation.

>> No.19978568

Leave this board

>> No.19978572
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>That's literally all Marxism is

>> No.19978591

>Marxism is Hegelianism
Marxism is Marx, including a bunch of other retards into something that is someones name is retarded. Is Hoppeanism Stirnerism? No, because that is retarded.
Well, would you call it CRT or affirmative action? It's more apt to call it affirmative action and not fucking CRT. Are you too much of a newfag to remember when people were memeing over scholarships that only gave money to black people? It was called affirmative action back then and not fucking CRT.
By calling it CRT you admit it to somekind of one-off fad that is subject to the MSM news cycle, attack the source of your hatred instead of sensationalist MSM FOTM garbage.

>> No.19978594

>A capitalist would never adopt the ideology of someone who wants to abolish them as a class
Adopt? No. Utilize for their own purposes? Yes.

>> No.19978595


>> No.19978600

Anon, an ideology's existence at play isn't dependent on whether or not it produces the result that it desires. This is just the "no true Communism" fallacy.

>> No.19978610

The general usage of CRT is more accurately Critical Theory in general, which encompasses gender and transgender ideology as well.

Frankly, CRT is just better vocalized than CT.

>> No.19978616

Are conservatives real conservatives? Are liberals real liberals? Despite both having ideological merit once you delve into the literature of either (no, not bookstore shit like obamas book or laws of power), the common conservative or liberal is a status quo lapdog.
Are American Conservatives more Conservative than European Conservatives since American Conservatives are more vocal and therefore more 'existent' than European Conservatives.

>> No.19978630

Well I'm glad we both agree that transgenderism is about making lifelong consumers for big pharmaceuticals and gay rights is about further atomizing the extended family unit that marxists love to talk about when attacking the nuclear family. You also seem to agree that mass """migration""" is a bad thing because it drives down the wages of workers and prevents them from organizing effectively. Right Marxist bro?

>> No.19978635

>you still haven't proven that what I believe as a marxist is what I believe as a marxist
nobody needs to do this, comrade

>> No.19978638

Like, I think you need to realize that the future of the right is "post-modern". You're stuck to your silly narrative of what words mean what things, and when someone uses the wrong word the wrong way you have to sit there and push them back into line, and that takes time and effort. "That's not real leftism, that's not real CRT! Call it this because of that and call it that because of this!" People who oppose what I called "CRT" are already getting together and agreeing with each other that this is CRT and we need to stop it while you're stuck running in circles trying to reestablish orthodoxy. And the funniest part is that nothing you say matters anyway, because the friend-enemy distinction is already apparent. Everyone who opposes "CRT" already knows you're their enemy by the fact that you're trying to keep everyone in line, and why would you listen to your enemy?

>> No.19978644

>those aren't leftists
>they're merely people who I, a true leftist, agree with completely
drop dead

>> No.19978649

That's clearly intense semantics anon, there is no complete consensus on what ideology is truly represented by whom or even what each truly stands for.

If you want to say Critical Theory isn't true Marxism be my guest, but it isn't very convincing generally nor conversationally useful.

>> No.19978652

>Accept the public's retarded opinion! The public is always right about academia!
Let me ask, how do you feel about vaccinations, mandates, and lockdowns? Do you support the majority's opinion at all times?

>> No.19978659

We all know you're a self identified marxist who agrees with all anti-white positions and supports the proliferation of trannie pharma nonsense and illegal immigrant wage suppression that you turn around and blame on capitalism, while supporting it. You don't fool anyone here. You're just a literally evil liar

>> No.19978660

Where did I say here >>19978638 at all that I care about what the public thinks as far as my personal policy positions is concerned? Calling CRT "CRT" is good strategy. I could care less if you adopt the word into your diction, in fact I prefer you not to because it easily outs you as an opponent. I don't know how much more frank I can be.

>> No.19978669

Academia can't even agree internally, nevermind the public. At this point in time you're appealing to a sense of contrarianism against public opinion in order to convince me of your own opinion, so no that doesn't fly.

>> No.19978703

If the mass representation is the right representation because it's the majority representation. What makes that not apply to other issues?
If meaning autism is best left for the masses, would you say that transwomen become real women if the public accepts a gender definition of woman? Otherwise you then have to be some kind of womenpurist committing a "no true woman" fallacy.
Be logically consistent you faggots.

>> No.19978735

Why am I a marxist for saying CRT isn't marxism and why would it matter to the definition of CRT what you think I am ideologically? Are you a bot? Is this some sort of chinese room joke?

>> No.19978745

These are actually all cause by capitalism and the corporations though, because chud's don't like them. Obviously that means you must disagree with the expansion of nonsense transgender rights and the utilization of """immigrants""" to suppress workers wages and collective power, right? Capitalism caused this, afterall

>> No.19978748

>why am I a marxist when I'm obviously a marxist?
Why are your ideas so self evidently correct you need to be dishonest and mire them in rhetoric to gain any traction?

>> No.19978769

>Copypastard keeps deflecting
Thank you for making the right look retarded and incapable of arguing.

>> No.19978778

>beep boop everyone who disagrees with me is a marxist

>> No.19978780

Do you know what a copypasta is? You clearly agree that all of the things (mass immigration to depress wages and disenfranchise workers, the proliferation of nonsense like transgender politics that only serves to enrich pharmaceutical companies and incite unrest and arguments in the proletariate) are caused solely by capitalism, and I agree! As a fellow comrade, you surely disavow such things?

>> No.19978782

>Copypastard keeps deflecting
Thank you for making the right look retarded and incapable of arguing.

>> No.19978785

Well since you're totally not a marxist, how would you describe your philosophical/political stance?

>> No.19978788

I am a lawyer. Law school doesn't even teach this shit. It's 1/10th of an elective class where the professor makes you read half an article about it. You'd only ever deep dive into it if you get on journal and WANT to write about it. You'd never cite to it in practice. Lawyers don't read this shit. And the actual radical attorneys/professors write for the dead genre of Critical legal studies, which is what CRT is a subset of.

How the fuck does this thread have 200+ comments?

>> No.19978791

>doesn't know what a copypasta is
>refuses to engage uncomfortable argument while claiming the person challenging him can't argue
dude, please try harder. I'm trying to have some fun here but this is just sad

>> No.19978793

my dad works at nintendo

>> No.19978795

Why would that matter to whether or not CRT is marxism? Your response has consistently been "ur a marksist" no matter what is said. Instead of defending your claim you just insist everyone who disagrees with you is one of your headcanon enemies.

>> No.19978800

So how would you describe your political and philosophical ideology since we've already established you're not a marxist? Surely you're not ashamed to admit that you are in fact a marxist, and are upset that you're being trapped with no avenue to rhetorically flourish your way out of?

>> No.19978806

Went to public school in Massachusetts within the last decade. CRT is not at all different than the typical instruction you get in pozzed areas of the country. CRT as a "new thing" is just an attempt at ramming pozz into flyover states by legislative means i.e. it was fabricated by yankee Federalists and the New York City Crowd to try to spread their demonological account of Western history without cultural resistance
>it's not propaganda, it's just the guidelines in the common core, it's just education, stop noticing things
What exactly is CRT?
>Is your Literature class 40% African American stories talking about whitey and oppression?
you've had CRT
>Is your knowledge of Early Modern to Industrial history "slaves, dead Indians, wow Christians are such hypocrites, wow Empires? Only the white devil has ever had Empires"
you've had CRT
>Did students at your school have a vernacular understanding of some year of history as "Holocaust Class"?
you've had CRT
as for the Marxoids screeching itt: Gramsci put a bullet in Marx's skull that went way deeper than that icepick went in Marx's tribesman's skull. The long march through the institutions is done, but where is the revolution?

>> No.19978809

peanus weanus

>> No.19978813

>literally every quote is me
what a compelling argument!

>> No.19978816

What's your favorite literature, friend. Mines Nabokov :)

>> No.19978817

Suppose we wanted to order lunch and you said you hated pizza because it's Chinese food. When informed that pizza wasn't Chinese, you started shouting that everyone who didn't think pizza was Chinese food must be Chinese, and demanded that each person declare his ethnicity instead of continuing to discuss the original issue.

>> No.19978823

So we presuppose that no one on /lit/ has the actual background or understanding about anything? I mean, I guess if I was in your place I'd call bullshit too. My property professor would call me a commie in class after I went to him to ask him about the midterm.
>law school
>generally hang out with degenerates in smoking section
>in property class
>prof calls on girl
>she obviously hasn't read
>prof hand holds her to holding of case
>"What do the companies want to do?"
>she stutters, dropping spaghetti everywhere
>Uhh... I..."
>"To make money! Did you read or are you too busy smoking pipes with anon behind you cursing the bourgeoisie? I'm counting you absent, ma'am."

>> No.19978827

Jonathan Swift and William Gaddis
Suppose we've established you're not a marxist as you've implied and you tell me your political and philosophical ideology

>> No.19978829

Why do you read Marxist Pomo?

>> No.19978830
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He told you. He likes Italian.

>> No.19978833

Because I'm not a close minded retard. Now why don't you go ahead and tell me about your political and philosophical outlook?

>> No.19978837

My political and philosophical outlook is anti-whoever I'm talking to at the time. Now tell me yours.

>> No.19978838
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commies getting decimated ITT hooly shit lmao

>> No.19978842

Another one with same prof. He and I ended up getting beers a few times. He's a good dude.
>in Corporations
>get to Dodge v. Ford Motor Co.
>case is about how minority shareholders profit is priority to all other decisions of the corporation
>prof goes into it
>"Y'know we used to have a dean that loved to talk about the underlying meaning and ramifications for society this case stands for."
>Everyone nods and yawns
>"Anon, you would have really liked him."
>everyone turns to me
>"But I don't give a shit about any of that. Anon, what's the holding?"

>> No.19978844

I'm going to order pizza after all. Doesn't matter what you think is Chinese food.

>> No.19978845

I'm a non-ethnocentric national socialist for the same reasons that hitler rejected outright marxism, and also from having spent years in actual white nationalist chatrooms talking to delusional people fighting wars for the losers of 100 years ago. Now that I've answered the question I'm sure you'll be honest too, right "totally not a marxist" bro?

>> No.19978851

Tell me about this marxism.

>> No.19978852

And the materialst analysis of a post modern neo marxist would say that the pizza you order or the chinese food you order is real italian or chinese food. To which you would reply, "who gives a shit, general tsos and stuffed crust are delicious." And then you die of heart disease and blame it on the wops and chinks anyway.

>> No.19978855

Is it in the room with you?

>> No.19978860

I don't know, how would I identify it?

>> No.19978863

Why be like this dude? Do you realize if you weren't such overt dishonest faggots who support the actual shittiest people society ever spawned you would win overnight? I would literally be a marxist if you weren't all like this. HITLER HIMSELF would have been a marxist if you weren't all like this.

>> No.19978868

Show me on the doll where it identified you.

>> No.19978874

I don't negotiate with terrorists or unfunny shitposters >>19978809
How would I know where it touched me if I can't identify it? What is Marxism?

>> No.19978876

>people mass converting to ideologies is how political change occurs
top kek you really don't understand anything do you, no wonder you think you're surrounded by marxists and need to ideologically larp to defeat them

>> No.19978890

>t. Marxist that thinks putting anti-white propaganda in your son Timmy's class is "not a political issue"

>> No.19978896

Mama said to not make strawmen

>> No.19978897

>quote like 7 posts and call it unfuny shitposting
>this means I don't have to address the fact that pushing transgenderism on children and mass migration only benefits, and is indeed engineered by, the most power capitalist organizations on earth
you seem smart
Why won't you just admit you are a marxist? Is it shameful or something? Do you even know why Hitler hated communists?

>> No.19978901

You don't have children

>> No.19978908

Politics means anything I don't like. Explicit sustained political goals I support are not politics, but if you tell me to fuck off it's politics.

>> No.19978911

Why are you so angry that I don't agree with you that pizza is Chinese food? Just show me where in China it came from and I will concede. I don't care if Yum Brands opened Pizza Hut franchises there, that doesn't make it Chinese.

>> No.19978915

Why are you like this?

>> No.19978922

Until you declare your ethnic group we can't order lunch, sorry.

>> No.19978933

I'm white, mostly french. I already declared that I espouse the tenants of national socialism without necessarily being ethno-centric, which is effectively impossible. You of course have refused to return the favor in kind, and I'm going to go ahead and accuse you of being actually jewish. Most of your little brainwashed fags can't sustain this level of bullshit and "ironic" insincerity. You're a jew.

>> No.19978938

Marxists don't support "pushing transgenderism" on kids unless you mean kids that actually have the capacity to understand what gender is without eating paste halfway through the lecture. And no, tranny story hour isn't "pushing transgenderism on kids" just as having churches in your town isn't 'pushing Christianity on people'.
>mass migration only benefits the most power[ful] capitalist organizations on earth.
What makes immigration mass immigration? Quantify it. What kind of shithole country can't support some mexicans coming in from the border?
You are a disingenuous worm finding progressive talking points and attempting to rile up Marxists with a "but it goes against Classical Marxism!".

>> No.19978950

In that case you are definitely a communist as far as I am concerned

>> No.19978951

Very jewish. You can skip right ahead to talking about eating shit now, you've been unveiled. Can't believe you're such a fucking chud you don't realize that trannies and illegal beaners are caused by capitalism or something. Wow.... just wow

>> No.19978952
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>...designating the adversary as political and oneself as nonpolitical (i.e., scientific, just objective, neutral, etc.) is an actuality an unusually intensive way of pursuing politics
wow, language games are that easy to see through

>> No.19978958

damn this is the best that NatSoc bros have to come up with. pretty pathetic...

>> No.19978959

the idea that sex and gender are definitively separable is a core pillar of tranny philosophy, so yes, exposing them to this is highly propagandistic

>> No.19978963

>you have to support Mexicans coming across the border because you can support them

>> No.19978971
File: 1.23 MB, 2500x2500, f0eea831b4f3c46f5d8c8abf6f9b91def55cc6a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomboys prove that gender and sex are separable.

>> No.19978975

who's this chad?

>> No.19978981

We can all agree as comrades that transgenderism hormones and normalizing HIV medication, in addition to adding infinite workers to the pool of labor is the scheme of capitalism and industry.

>> No.19978982


>> No.19978998

So you are obviously against, and furiously and righteously as you should be, the introduction of poisonous transgenderism life long hormone therapy to enrich phamaceutical companies and mass immigration to quell the power of the proletariat. Imagine supporting such movements that only serve to empower global capital, disgusting.

>> No.19979005

Are you against shitposting on 4chan? I don't know if a NatSoc society would approve of such hobbies...

>> No.19979012

You're very obviously jewish

>> No.19979018

>If the mass representation is the right representation because it's the majority representation.
That's not what I said. Rather in this instance my viewpoint and the public consensus align. I'm not drawing the validity of that view from it's popularity, but rather my own previously-stated thoughts on the matter.

>> No.19979040

Tomboys are female. Style and proclivity isn't gender.

>> No.19979042
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The problem with your post is that you assume transgenderism is at fault when it is clearly gender itself. This idea of slender dresses = woman and musky muscles = man is what causes trannies in the first place. Take the gender abolition pill. Have you read the Cyborg Manifesto?
Declaring mass immigration as a problem implies that you know what the ideal population a given country should hold. How do you quantify this? Such utilitarian ideals are better left with calculators, any movement against mass immigration would better spend its time on making sure it can aptly supply and offer work for it's people and future people, including people from Countries worse off than ours.

>> No.19979044

What did the ESL mean by this? The clear cut English implication is that NatSoc society would approve of shitposting on 4chan.
>tfw speaking to actual retards

>> No.19979048

how do you explain pee pee in pretty girl feel good?

>> No.19979050
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>> No.19979054

Buddy I don't think you understand, chuds don't like trannies or """immigrants""" so that means capitalism caused it or something. What are you, a capitalist?

>> No.19979056

Gender is a meme word some idiot invented to refer to "the psychological characteristics of sex" basically

>> No.19979062

>is a meme word
Anon, there is something I need to tell you about regarding linguistics...

>> No.19979068

coral schmitty, used to be posted here a ton

>> No.19979069

>every word is actually a meme did you know that
>also every word we invent every six days is a real term
>but also it's a meme xD
kill yourself dude

>> No.19979070

>Gender is a meme word some idiot invented to refer to "the psychological characteristics of sex" basically
And denying Gender's existence just because it's associated with those-you-do-not-like is retarded. It is plainly seen that there is a societal idea of manly and girly, rejecting it's existence is absurd.
If there were no gender, there would be no trannies. Be who you want without all this pronoun or gender shit.

>> No.19979075

The societal idea of masculinity and femininity is based on the average traits of each sex, often somewhat idealized or extreme, but not arbitrary or detached from reality.

>> No.19979077
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You will never be a member of XCOM. You have no hologlobe, you have no Skyranger, you have no deep underground military base. You are a homosexual man twisted by gene therapy and mRNA into a crude mockery of Jove's perfection.

All the “validation” you get is telepathic and emotionless. Behind your back Sectoids mock you. Your Mutons are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “comrades" laugh at your student loans inside their UFO.

Homo sapiens are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of Big Greek Cock have allowed men to sniff out hybrids with incredible efficiency. Even xenos who “pass” look like the Chinese Virus to a human. Your genetic structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to abduct a farmer to Hades with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your vaccines.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning beneath your surgical mask and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression soaring up like a recovered alien craft, ready to crush you under its unbearable weight.

Eventually, it’ll be too much to bear — you’ll buy a black market laser rifle, lift it with psychokinesis, aim it at your bulbous gray skull, and plunge into the cold abyss. Big Sky will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of knowing a socialist.

Dr. Vahlen will bury you with a headstone marked with your human name, and every squaddie for the rest of eternity will know a species traitor is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably mammalian.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.19979081

this is some highly refined pilpul, you're saying that us chuds should submit to leftards on all points with no resistance while attempting to come off as apolitical
>if everyone is a tranny then trannies aren't apparent, that means trannies don't exist
>if you don't know the exact number of people that should be here (for how could anyone know this definitively) , you should just listen to the experts (me)
well done xister

>> No.19979088

definitely interested in reading his thoughts considering he seems to mirror exactly what I posted across a century. It's nice to see someone who cuts through the byzantine labyrinth of rhetoric with the hot knife of reason

>> No.19979091

>if it's an idea a human had it's fake and arbitrary and you should listen to my ideas because those are real because they're an inversion of the fake ones
damn leftoids are so fucking smart, I kneel to this utter display of brilliance. Is this theory...no...this is praxis.

>> No.19979098

Of course, and obviously culture can change that notion otherwise. Do you think every culture has the same idea of gender?
>no gender means transgender
>if you don't know the exact number of people that should be here (for how could anyone know this definitively) , you should just listen to the experts (me)
This same logic could be applied to people against mass immigration.
Where am I calling anything fake? You seem to be the one calling Gender fake.

>> No.19979099

read Concept of the Political, he gives a bunch of concrete examples of socialists and libtards attempting to gain a monopoly on what is considered political or normative, though that's only a peripheral point in the work

>> No.19979105

I think (know) you're jewish

>> No.19979106

Trying to divorce it from Marxism is a little silly. The teaching of US history in a way that centralizes slavery in the manner that CRT influenced tellings of it do is a subtle way of trying to mainstream the labor theory of value. Since Marxists were unable to force it into the economic discourse, so they decided to try and popularize it using other humanities.

>> No.19979110

>there is a societal idea of manly and girly
combined with the earlier
>This idea of slender dresses = woman and musky muscles = man
together becomes:
>societal ideas about gender are wrong because not everyone fits archetypes. trannies become realized trannies insofar as society has an idea of gender , stop having an idea of gender
and instead...
>Take the gender abolition pill
your words not mine

>> No.19979116
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>> No.19979118

>Since Marxists were unable to force it into the economic discourse, so they decided to try and popularize it using other humanities.
Do you think you are smart when you say things like this?

>> No.19979119

Ayy lmaos wont come to earth because they're afraid that within 10 years the Galactic federation would be paying Israel foreign aid

>> No.19979121

i'm just going to dive in since most the discussion itt seems focused on defining marxism than crt. i agree with you OP, it's difficult to articulate what crt is and how it's taught in a class room.
the way i was introduced to crt was with 15th-17th century written reports from like european conquistadors, letters between colonies and their homeland and even some slave biographies like kunta kinte's and white indentured servants. forward to 18th century and they gave us a lot of legal documents that describe how territories are drawn up and who is in charge of owning the land, voting, taxing and managing resources. now post revolution, starting with the articles of confederation is where all the CRT shit gets really dry because everything after is almost entirely legal documents and essays from politicians up until the civil war. then its more legal shit up until jim crow and early civil rights era where americans really start writing about race outside of legal documents and essays.
AND thats the huge problem with articulating CRT. how do you tell someone "bro just read 350 years worth of laws so you know the only important americans were land-owning white men." i'm not a law student and i can't give you a qrd of plessy v ferguson or explain how most slave catchers became police officers in their local town after civil war.
its just not a digestible or feasible read for most, especially the working class whites. but if they studied it, like i did for a bit, they'd also learn that poor whites often got fucked just as hard by the same upperclass.

>> No.19979122

I don't ever think I'm smart. I just happen to be correct in this instance.

>> No.19979124

he is smart. Do you think people know you aren't some sort of marxist jewy slimey dishonest slug when you act like this? What do you believe the political sphere should look like? Answer this question honestly without diversion

>> No.19979128

>the gender abolition pill
Holy shit are discord raids real? Where did you disgusting faggots come from

>> No.19979129
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>> No.19979130
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>> No.19979143

>its just not a digestible or feasible read for most, especially the working class whites. but if they studied it, like i did for a bit, they'd also learn that poor whites often got fucked just as hard by the same upperclass.
Maybe, but that doesn't mean that they should want a sizeable portion of their children's education to be dedicated to teaching them how to properly grovel.

>> No.19979147


>> No.19979149

People get food
Robot do work
People make art
People hang out with people
Form community
marxist jewy slimey dishonest slugs get the salt

>> No.19979155
File: 153 KB, 612x792, GRADUALLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is about 15 posts from autosageing, leftists got their asses handed to them at every corner, stopped replying, will declare themselves the victor due to the fact that they "literally couldn't even" and learn nothing. I hate this world

>> No.19979166

>people get food
there's going to be a gorillion africans
>robot do work
"two more years and we'll have automatic cars bro!". The last 5% or whatever to make something truly work like a human is the exponential impossibility curve. It's very likely not going to happen in the near future

>> No.19979173

>It's very likely not going to happen in the near future
Of course it's not. Cheap labor over seas and keep the masses placated by working all day. Doesn't mean I can't dream of a better future or to work towards that goal. Personally, as a marxist jewy slimey dishonest slug, I think it would be nice if most people could have a more self sustainable community with all the trappings of an advanced society.

>> No.19979177

Leftists tend to under-perform on here, but your cringey Nazi shit isn't helping your case,

>> No.19979184

>heheh yeah bro I'm actually exactly what you thought, I live in a 4th story apartment in chicago but like... have you ever thought of like.... community gardens?
I listen to Days n Daze as well

>> No.19979188

hush, shlomo

>> No.19979189

I take care of my elderly grandma in Texas. Community is more than gardening, but gardening is good. Chicago would be neat. Days n daze is also based.

>> No.19979200

hmm are people hostile to CRT or is CRT specifically hostile to a specific group of people?

>> No.19979201

life's a game, life's a joke. FUCK IT why not go for broke. Trade in all your chips and wish to be free.....

>> No.19979215


>> No.19979219


>> No.19979229

Hell yeah brother.

>> No.19979245

You heard this one?
I find it very suspect that Billy got a giant 33 tattooed on his wrist the year he made it and says it was "the number of his grandfathers racecar", but this is a sick recording.

>> No.19979259


>> No.19979266

I hadn’t but before the pandemic I’d hang out with musician friends drinking beer around a fire, and many of them sounded like that. I could never get that picking between chords thing down. I’d always accidentally palm mute and it just sounded bad. As far as song sharing, to keep it in the same theme of a political shit show this thread is, I recommend From Here To Utopia. It hurts so good to be called out like that.

>> No.19979275

Dude looks like chief O’Brian if he gave up the fleet for lonestar and breakfast tacos.

>> No.19979279

Billy Strings blew up, he's a masterful player and fpr whatever reason is now playing with the grateful dead and "just happened to tattoo 33 on his wrist with some explanation about his grandfathers racecar" while he plays with the grateful dead members. He embarrasses Carlos Santana here. Don't feel bad for not being as talented as this guy lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ3Mc-UZvGE

>> No.19979816

You're an idiot.

>> No.19979840

>le marxism is ruining le world!!!
Retarded take.