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[ERROR] No.19108477 [Reply] [Original]

Is asceticism the biggest cope ever invented?

Coping philosopher: only through self discipline and denial can you achieve true enlightenment

meanwhile chad: shotgunning beers on expensive yachts while fucking your oneitis


>> No.19108497

i'm better looking than this kid and also 6'2. i've fasted 17days so far in september, havent showered in a month, spent 3 years sleeping on the floor, don't have a single friend. you literally cannot be a fully realized person living like that kid.

>> No.19108511

Well if the ascetic truly believes it then he won't care what Chad is doing Then they will both die and none of it will matter. Maybe it is a cope but what is lost?

>> No.19108541
File: 48 KB, 782x682, DBFFCE33-CE6D-4891-BC12-5DE901FAD69F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why, yes, I don't in fact know what desire for fleshly pleasure is. How did you know?

>> No.19108548

>Then they will both die and none of it will matter.
If the ascetic will die and his life won’t matter regardless, then why not at least try to live a life of indulgence and pleasure, what does he have to lose?

>> No.19108555

>what does he have to lose?
his dignity. its a thing some people have, you wouldn't get it.

>> No.19108563

>why not at least try to live a life of indulgence and pleasure, what does he have to lose?
Is the desire to transcend base animal desires so foreign to you? Why is self control such an alien concept to people today?

>> No.19108571

>what does he have to lose?
Some ascetics already did that earlier in life and found that unsatisfying, some of them do pursue hedonism, adventure or raising a family for long periods of time and later become ascetics when much older, others start earlier in life.

>> No.19108580

>his dignity
How does getting drunk and having sex with hot girls make you lose your dignity?

> Is the desire to transcend base animal desires so foreign to you? Why is self control such an alien concept to people today?
It’s not alien to me, it’s just impossible for most people. Anyways we are just animals. Why should we try to deny our animal nature. To be an ascetic is to be anti-human.

>> No.19108589

Good. I hate humanity.

>> No.19108591

>Is the desire to transcend base animal desires so foreign to you?
It's like transhumanisn, you don't transcend anything, you just mortify yourself/replace yourself (in transhumanism's case) to weaken the "base animal desires" you despise so much, rather than using them to their fullest potential (and using them well, not prodigally, if you are so driven). It's just a tiredness of life

>> No.19108592

>chad: shotgunning beers on expensive yachts while fucking your oneitis
Hedonism is like a drug. It feels good but quickly wears off and you constantly need a bigger hit to get the same dose.

>> No.19108595

Asceticism can be a cope. It's a cope if you're doing it because you're a lost soul and you need to something to cope with your life. It's not a cope if it's authentic and you really have no worldy desires. The tiktokers you posted probably are happy and I wish them the best but they're low IQ. The women are likely to be whores that you wouldn't want to converse with for a second and the men need the women and drugs to exist without having a crisis. The Chad's I envy are intellectual Chad's. I envy Saul Kripke over this tiktoker.

>> No.19108609
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Holy fuck you fags are so insecure

>> No.19108616

Nietzsche has a beautiful passage about the value of ascetism for the philosopher in genealogy of morals

>> No.19108623

Dude looks like the most shallow person ever.

>> No.19108624

>How does getting drunk and having sex with hot girls make you lose your dignity?
it doesn't. you only do that shit if you have no dignity in the first place

>> No.19108629

That’s a young man’s game. I’m sure some of you are coping and seething but shit like that is fun to do while young.
But you need to realize that some day you will be old. Some day soon. And then doing this shit is not very cool, and in fact incredibly sad and weird.

>> No.19108646
File: 27 KB, 480x480, 56860D3E-04F5-4B92-8CF1-22696097F5F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you need to realize that some day you will be old. Some day soon. And then doing this shit is not very cool, and in fact incredibly sad and weird.
Not for everyone

>> No.19108647


>> No.19108656

>Not for everyone
The Epstein jokes are funny for two seconds until you remember he was torturing little kids in dentist chairs.

>> No.19108660

The thing incels can't cope with it is that it's possible to be both rich, attractive, and high IQ. It's actually very likely based on the statistics. This guy could easily be going to Harvard and reading Kant and then you would have no response.

>> No.19108663

Naturally, the best things in life will decrease in comeliness and value when performed by a decrepit, deathly man. Let's not reform our moralities around anticipating or giving that time unnatural graces. Then, even the youthful and healthy will have to give up their qualities to accord with the unhealthy and pain-escapists.

>> No.19108675

Hemingway apparently only cared about fucking and killing

>> No.19108677

Epstein wasnt just ripping shots on a yacht. He was an intelligence asset running a blackmail ring compromising elites. Way cooler than this tik tok star who will soon be a just fat alcoholic

>> No.19108690

>the best things in life will decrease in comeliness and value when performed by a decrepit, deathly man
Wrong. This shit gets lame before you hit 30. Compare this dude to insecure tryhard faggots like Dan Blitzaryan.

>> No.19108697

Yeah, but those kinds of people end up joining fraternities, and eating menstrual wafers, getting sodomized, and losing their soul just to rule over the more humble proles.

>> No.19108700

not an argument

>> No.19108709

you've posted this before. have you NOTHING better to do, incel?

>> No.19108732

I guess it wasn't clear what "this shit" meant, but it's my fault because I didn't read OP (I don't give my time to homosexuals).

Yeah, it's unbecoming to a thirty year old man in our decent conception of him, but it also depends on the man. Nothing wrong with banging your wife/love of your life on a yacht while supping on some brewskis. The only issue is alcoholism, adultery, and greed, unless prodigality is your goal. Doesn't mean you should subjugate all of your discipline to serve the church, either.

>> No.19108763

The ascetic is a kind of hedonist looking for the best possible life. When you increase your pleasures, the small things in life become less pleasurable and you become more prone to depression, i.e. the highs become higher and the lows become lower/more frequent. For the ascetic the small things in life are very pleasure and the lows become less frequent. They both amount to nothing.

>> No.19108773

It's a slide thread.

>> No.19108783

Indeed, it's simply a mortification and abstinence designed to increase sensitivity to pleasure by contrast. And of course, they must flee to the desert to properly be ascetics. Too much beauty in nature, too much temptation!

>> No.19108880

sour grapes + acceptance = ascetic

>> No.19108914


This is a bullshit Christian or Stoic cope and extremist and sad view to life. Just follow the examples of Ancient Greek(Plato and Socrates) and find the Middle Way.

Death to Christians and Stoics. You will never be more dignified and glorious than Ancient Greeks .

>> No.19109053

I sincerely don't want any of this. I never did. I justed wanted a wife and to live in a decent community.
There is nothing appealing about this. Does that make me ascetic? I don't think so. I'm just not a hedonist. Is it really either/or?

>> No.19109105

This. Is the frat bro happier than the ascetic who has truly mastered himself? Probably not. It doesn't matter that his life literally couldn't get better. Sensual pleasures wear off fast. Psychological fulfillments wear off fast. Human beings are constantly pursuing something greater, and losing their grasp on the satisfaction they once had. It's inevitable. Ascetics have realized this, and have learned to be content (or else be equanimous) with the bare minimum. The Buddha had all the delights of the world at his fingertips and realized none of it mattered.

>> No.19109123

What does he have to gain? FUcking girls and getting drunk is good because ... it just is ok

>> No.19109131

why do incels think sex will solve all their problems? you still have to worry about your health, finances, loved ones, etc. life still goes on after puttingyour cock in the nice warm hole. what is wrong with them? why are they so dumb?

>> No.19109144

Perusing pleasure is what everyone does. Even the trad larper who pretends to be superior compared to normies gets some sense of pleasure from his ideology. You won’t gain anything through abstaining from pleasure, same way you won’t get anything by abusing your body to experience more pleasure. Just do whatever you want to do and most importantly be HONEST about what you want, you don’t need approval about the “righteous path” from a bunch of lost people on 4chan

>> No.19109177

Read Ecclesiastes. Also, Glass Animals is good taste in party music.

>> No.19109469

Everything is a cope you disgusting fucking brainlet and there's nothing wrong with it, suffering exists and every single living thing is trying to avoid it, kys.

>> No.19109509

Dude just come out and stop spamming the board with garbage