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/lit/ - Literature

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18186898 No.18186898 [Reply] [Original]

Dying Earth Genre Edition
Previous Thread: >>18175146

Thread rules:
>No anime
>No manga/comic books
>Only books by western and European authors

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)


>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent.
>>>/t/1023504 #

Examples and recommendations of Dying Earth Genre:
>Gene Wolfe, Book of the New Sun
>H.P. Lovecraft, Till A’ the Seas
>H.G. Wells, Time Machine
>Jack Vance, The Dying Earth
>Michael Moorcock, The Dancers at the End of Time
>Michael Shean, A Quest for Simbilis
>Clark Ashton Smith, Zothique
>William Hope Hodgson, The Night Land
>George R.R. Martin, Dying of the Light

>> No.18186917
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Threadly reminder to read Bakker. Start with The Darkness That Comes Before. The Second Apocalypse series is part of the /wsffg/ canon. Not understanding Bakker memes renders you blind to most of the relevant discussion that goes on here.

Other good recommendations are of course:
>Conan the Cimmerian books
>Black Company
>Wheel of Time (YA)
>Sanderson (if you like YA)
>Dying Earth
>Malazan if you really like DnD
>H.G. Wells
>Stephen King

Any many other recommendations exist. I might expand this pasta further.

>> No.18186947

The Halo lore is a bit cheesy but comfy to read however Karen Traviss is a shit writer. Would recommend this sci-fi series.

>> No.18186970

Which Halo book is best to start with. I already have a good grasp of the story from the games, and I read Contact Harvest years ago. What are the good books in the setting?

>> No.18186991

"Question: I’d like him to comment on how that relates to the creative aspects of the reader, that he brings to his reading of Borges. I feel sometimes as though…"

"Borges: Well, how is the case of Borges different from the case of any other writer? When you are reading a book, if you don’t find your way inside it, then everything is useless. The problem with The Lord of the Rings is you’re left outside the book, no? That has happened to most of us. In that case, that book is not meant for us…"

"Yates: In Chicago, last night and here before and every place else, people come to Borges eager to find out his opinion on Tolkien."

"Borges: Well I could never…I wish somebody would explain it to me or somehow convey what the book’s good for. Those people say if I like Lewis Carroll, I should like Tolkien. I am very fond of Lewis Carroll, but I am disconcerted by Tolkien."

"Yates: Last night you mentioned the difference between Tolkien and Lewis Carroll. You said Lewis Carroll is authentic fantasy and Tolkien is just going on and on and on."

"Borges: Maybe I’m being unjust to Tolkien but, yes, I think of him as rambling on and on. To compare him with Carroll is blasphemy"

Based Borges killed the Tolkienigger.


>> No.18187014

They are all pretty comfy to read but i didnt enjoy karen traviss. Halo: fall of reach is the story right before the games start. Basically u start with Eric Nylund. Contact harvest is set earlier lore wise but no spartans. Greg bear and the forerunner saga is also a good place to start since it is set before everything and it explains the forerunners their society and the creation of the halo rings, flood etc... My personal favorite is Troy denning u get to read about spartan 3s and them going schizo crazy.

>> No.18187232
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Can you find a more kino moment in fantasy?

>> No.18187292

me on the left

>> No.18187294

Quick rundown?

>> No.18187296

What's so good about it? He literally just shines light on monkeymen in a cavern.

>> No.18187339

Severian killing the autarch and eating his brain. The alzabo encounter. Typhon

>> No.18187529

goes into a mine looking for his mommy gf only to realize he's been tricked into entering the lair of 100s of humans that have devolved into apemen. he's about to get killed by them but his magic religious artifiact starts glowing and all the apemen kneel out of reverence.

>> No.18187606

what are some trans-inclusive fantasy books?

>> No.18187612

raven tower
also fuck your sffg civil war, stupid thread

>> No.18187614
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this thread is the best thing to happen to /lit/ in a long time. it has, you might say, saved our World from the parasitic invaders that fell upon it bearing plague and corruption.

>> No.18187639

Not any good book. Back to Discord you tranny. You will never be a woman.

>> No.18187641

Trump lost.

>> No.18187725

I really liked the moment when Achamian started teaching Kellhus the Gnosis
Its not a very kino moment but crucial to the story.

>> No.18187794

>When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat,
>The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
>But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
>With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back.

>> No.18187795

There are few fantasy readers here, it's mainly plebs who read Gemmell or Jordan, and pseuds who think Gene Wolfe is great literature. For the real thing, try Vance's last Dying Earth work, Rhialto the Marvellous. It makes no pretensions to being literary, couldn't care less about world-building, and doesn't take itself seriously at all. Sardonic, hilarious, riotously imaginative.

>> No.18187880

i like cugel the clever more; his never ending quest to get back at the wizard who exiled him is hilarious, also helps that he seethes constantly.

>> No.18187889

>and pseuds who think Gene Wolfe is great literature
brown hands typed this post. GTFO nigger, this general is not for subhumans, go back to the animegeneral

>> No.18187902

Not going to fault you there. They're all good, the original Dying Earth probably the weakest but heavy on the famous Dying Earth atmosphere. The two Cugel books are hugely rereadable and great stories. Rhialto has a light touch to it and was written late in Vance's career when his sentence crafting and humour were peak.

>> No.18187910
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speaking of zothique, there is this anthology based on that setting called the lost continent, also contains a story from wolffe, wonder if anyone on here has read it.

>> No.18187917

>It makes no pretensions to being literary, couldn't care less about world-building, and doesn't take itself seriously at all
That's a long winded way of saying that it is trash and worthless.

>> No.18187924

ooh sounds interesting, gonna have to see if I can find this online

>> No.18187927

Pale patrician hands typed the post I can assure you. Unlike your North American members, mine have appreciatively cradled copies of JK Huysmans' finest.

>> No.18187941

I just looked online, and on Amazon, the cheapest copy is $400, can't find any on ebay–apparently it's been out of print for several years and physical copies are very rare. With trembling hands I went to search on libgen to see if someone–anyone!–had uploaded a scanned version of it, and there is! There's an epub on libgen, thank god

>> No.18187943

even for a setting as the dying earth, rhialto's stories feel a bit like a fever dream, i remember the one where the coven journey to a planet where they exiled one of their number, so vivid and descriptive, or the one where he travels to the past and ends up in a village of sorts; memorable, great prose but hallucinatory.

>> No.18187955

ah cheers, i have downloaded as well, cautiously optimistic

>> No.18187971

Exactly! It's one of my favourite books, finally I've found someone who gets it. I don't want to make too big claims for what is ultimately a work of light literature, but it has a unique atmosphere even among Vance's works. "Morrison" is like a dream where for a moment you comprehend the vastness of space and shudder.

>> No.18187980


>> No.18188045

Finally no anime in OP

>> No.18188100

A writer of short fiction and essays doesn't enjoy a writer of epic fantasy, what a surprise.

>> No.18188103

Bakker, Erickson, Martin. Basically, any non-British writer.

>> No.18188126

Personally I don't see the appeal of Clark Ashton Smith, he's easily the weakest of the big names who wrote for Weird Tales. The pacing in a lot of the Zothique stories is poor and the climax comes as an afterthought.

>> No.18188168

Howard and Lovecraft were both better storytellers, but you read Smith for the prose and the style of his writing. Howard is comparable prose-wise, Lovecraft's prose isn't that great but its serviceable

>> No.18188383

Think you can recommend any story of his that might convert me?

>> No.18188522

smith is dogshit

>> No.18188693

Holy reddit, imagine being afraid of anime

>> No.18188730

Haha, eat shit

>> No.18188833


>> No.18188914


>> No.18189026

And ofcourse, Zelazny's Chronicles of Amber.

>> No.18189029


>> No.18189073
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Sneethe, redditor

>> No.18189187

Fuck E William Brown

>> No.18189305

An anon in the old bread asked about "A Court of Thorns and Roses". I actually just finished it last night because I wanted to read a book focused on "fairy court intrigues" having gotten a taste of it in some of the Dresden books, but the book was a huge letdown. All your guesses and biases about it are probably correct. I'd say it's Twilight with fairies, except that the protagonist is just one iota less reprehensible. AMA

>> No.18189434

Fuck the idiot that divided sffg, should have just kept one thread and ignore the anime poster.

>> No.18189464
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>> No.18189513

I mostly enjoy Smith's work for the atmosphere he creates and his prose. Plot wise he's kind of hit or miss, because a lot of his stories end with the same "and I had the urge to return" bullshit, it's understandable why some folks don't like him.

>> No.18189581

>t.anime shitposter all alone in his thread

>> No.18189586

Ignore every OP and then every third message? Nah

On another topic. How is “slinging” technically done in TUC for the Zeum? It’s some sort of hanging but I haven’t been able to figure it out.

>> No.18189758

>Female author
You brought it upon yourself anon. I also find it strange how nobody has beaten Dresden in the urban fantasy department after all this time.

>> No.18189775

Urban fantasy is all chicklit vampire romance so there's not any competition in the first place

>> No.18189823
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Did people really get filtered by the 2nd person perspective? It reads fine to me.

>> No.18189840
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What are the best resources for a total newbie to use to learn about psychology, particularly psychological conditions, so that they can better write characters that have them? Stuff that doesn’t get too technical.

>> No.18189848
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Hi, I'm that anon.

Yeah, I'm interested in it because I want to read something dealing with mythological Fair Folk, and the description seemed to fit the bill. (Also returning to genre fiction after a decade-plus hiatus). Some quick research threw up several red flags, but I'm still curious. "Twilight with fairies" is... not exactly what I'm after, though.

>> No.18189968

Last time someone tried this on me, it ended up being the worst book I have ever read. In retrospect she was black so I only have myself to blame.

>> No.18190289

I’d say read some Russian classics like Dostoyevsky. Reading about people, I find, is better than trying to learn some soft science related the subject.

If you want to read SFF then I would recommend Bakker.

>> No.18190414

Thoughts on David Eddings? The Elenium is way better than any of the 13 books that make up the Belgariad yet that one sole better

>> No.18190449

Please read Lud-in-the-Mist if you haven't.

>> No.18190491

I think I might!

>> No.18190537

Been meaning to give Belgariad a try. How does it compare to the wheel of time?

>> No.18190561

Different anon here, try Little, Big as well. Some people here seem to dislike it, but it's one of my favourites.

>> No.18190772
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I haven't read the wheel of time, but I read the first book of the belgariad the other night. Here's what happens:
>traveling through generic countryside
>gambits to avoid being tracked (that fail 100% of the time)
>vague references to the big prophecy (don't read the prologue, because knowing what was being alluded to was frustrating as fuck)
Also the female characters are pretty rough. The aunt is consistently a bitch to the mc, there's a woman who's a snarky bitch to her pretty cool guy husband incessantly, the aunt is also a bitch to a queen who has an interest in magic. There's even a loli bitch at the beginning. In future books they're probably redeemed but for a seasoned misogynist such as myself I'm not willing to find out.

>> No.18190935

I've read the Belgariad 3x, Eye of the World once. The Belgariad turns its genericness into a virtue, you know what's going to happen because it's telegraphed loudly, so much prophecy, and it's like Star Trek in that every race has one character trait, but it ends up being comfy because of all this and the characters' relationships and the banter. It's sort of YA but it's old '80s style with the characters happy to kill enemies and make jokes about it.
Eye of the World is a huge LotR rip off but ig that goes away in book 2. The prose sucks in comparison to the Belgariad and the Belgariad is merely ok.

>> No.18191062


>> No.18191077
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Good. And you will never be a woman.

>> No.18191081

Anything written by modern w*stoids.

>> No.18191084

>he thinks Gene Wolfe is great literature

>> No.18191099
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series for this feel.

>> No.18191146

what are some good first contact with aliens stories I might not have heard of?

i quite liked Gateway, The Gods Themselves, and The Left Hand Of Darkness and would like more

>> No.18191224

have you read the lyonesse trilogy as well, anon? to me many aspects of lyonesse feel as his dying earth works; particularly the travel through tentravelles can pass of as another adventure of either rhialto or cugel. I think maduoc might pass of as the closest to his dying earth, the search for the grail in troll infested forests with wefkin and sandestin contractors paid handsomely in victuals do evoke that memory.

>> No.18191262

Sounds good enough to stick on my list. I can use it to detox after finishing Bakker I guess.

>> No.18191278


>> No.18191298
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>seperate thread just for Bakker posting

>> No.18191359

Blindsight, Childhoods End, The Gods Themselves,

>> No.18191386

A good range of novels are talked about in this threads.

>> No.18191476

>shit up thread with off topic anime OP pictures
>use off topic anime pictures with every post
>discuss machine translated trash Chinese web """""novels"""" that read like AI generated nonsense text
>literally yell at people who think tranny ideology is retarded, because ofc the anime obsessed narcissist NEET is also a tranny
>people make a new thread to escape all the sewage
>seethe and dilate

>> No.18191497

Let's collect memeable phrases from Bakker's work.
I'll begin:
>Whore after all.
>Truth shines!
>The slog of slogs, boys!
>The study is so deep, Father.
>The madness lifts!

>> No.18191672

book of the new sun

>> No.18191691

>What do you see?
>We are a race of lovers.
>I... remember...
>I stand where my brother stood!
>Scrutiny. Calculation.
>Death came swirling down.
>Don’t trust Hi—
and of course the obvious
>Does it trouble you?

>> No.18192058

are we really permanently changing the general just so we don't have to look at anime art

>> No.18192070

Do Bakker books have batles and shit detaling the fantasy crusades I feel like that's a lot cooler than strange fantasy messiah ramblings.

>> No.18192079

it was never anime, it was vtubers, and i say good riddance

>> No.18192084

>One might sooner wash shit from shit than cleanse a soul so wicked!

>> No.18192242


>> No.18192250

not memorable

triamis bread one

>> No.18192257

They have very large battle setpieces, yes.

>> No.18192265
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Nothing has happened in The Darkness That Comes Before. It's not even that philosophical. Fantasy tards truly can't be saved.

>> No.18192277

Is there any good sword and sorcery/heroic fantasy still being written on the vein of the old school writers of the mid 1900s?

>> No.18192294

me unironically lol

check out some S&S magazines; Goodman Games has Tales from the Magician's Skull, they have some pretty good S&S stories

>> No.18192330

Thunes vision by schyuler hernstorm

>> No.18192347

I don't know about contemporary stuff, but David Gemmell was writing plenty in the 80's 90's. You should check out Legend by him.

>> No.18192559
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What is the purpose of this general? If anything, you should have jettisoned fantasy fags and split the community that way; The 90% ftm can have their fantasy and based 10% patricians can have sci-fi

>> No.18192584

>doesnt even deny being bakker spamming subhuman

>> No.18192611

>seething about ftm
>posts moetranny shit
something doesnt check out.

>> No.18192647
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Did the eastern sci-fi general die already? how about u fuck off back to /a/ u mentally ill freak.

>> No.18192653

When warbringer and quim argue theology for seven days while quim slowly dehydrates to death

>> No.18192770

>How long have you served Golgotterath?
>Not everyone can be saved.

>> No.18192772

First trilogy is literally about a crusade

Filtered. First book sets things up for the whole series.

>> No.18192837


>> No.18192865
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And a wicked sense of humor, right?

>> No.18192968

do you guys ever get sick of how he writes? he constantly repeats similar phrases and the characters exposition for pages on end. its almost as bad as erikson

>> No.18193006

No. And it is not constantly. Also it is not the same thing when the characters themselves say something many times.

“Truth shines” is a common greeting/hail/praise among Zaudunyani

>> No.18193025
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The only thing I remember about Rhialto the Marvelous is it has a scene in which two guys jerk off without coming across as fetishy or homosexual

>> No.18193215
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I picked up this recently, like all short story collections your mileage will vary but I enjoyed Glen Cook's, James Enge's and Erikson's the most. Gene Wolfe gave another iteration of his giantess fetish but it was well written as always.
Enge's Morlock the Maker series has a lot of good entries though it's more in the vein of Moorcock and Leiber than Burroughs.

>> No.18193302

I don't remember that part...

>> No.18193325

I think his phrases are good, they don't feel repetitive but rather anchored in characters and culture. They feel like proper sayings and the like as opposed to some generic "By the maker!" shit. I think where he is at his weakest is when he writes run on sentences that read like black metal lyrics, but even then I appreciate the effort.

I don't get the comparison with Erikson whose prose is very workman like where it seems a craft not an art. It gets the job done and that's it.

>> No.18193704
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>Just picked up [pic related]

Good versions, or did I fuck myself?

>> No.18193723
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I can't stop reading Dune
I know i'm past the peak now that i have finished God Emperor but it doesn't matter anymore
I hope i can reason myself after Chapterhouse so i don't start reading Brian's books

>> No.18193726

Why would you fuck yourself? The content is the same.
The covers are kinda shit though.

>> No.18193732

Sometimes, I'll buy books recommended, only to find out they are printed on tissue paper and bound together with hobo spit.

>> No.18193740

Why would you keep going after God Emperor? It's a good stopping point, everything afterwards is far in the future and doesn't have an ending so you'll feel bad. And the Brian books aren't canon, don't believe their lies. They actually contradict it.

>> No.18193748


Why must you do this to us, Gene?

>> No.18193764

You've been brainwashed by jap propaganda you retard.

>> No.18193788
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I like the whole Scattering thing. And God Emperor was already far as fuck in the future.
I know it ends on a cliffhanger, but it's a price i'm willing to pay.

>> No.18193899

GUYS, THERE'S A HARDBACK EDITION OF THE ELRIC SAGA, well a portion of it at least, IN THE WORKS AND IS COMING OUT AT 21st OF NOVEMBER! IT ALSO COMES WITH GORGEOUS ILUSTRATIONS! And if anyone deserves a sick hardcover, it's the crimson eyed albino prince.

>> No.18194073
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>> No.18194082

There's 3 volumes coming out starting on 30th of November, a month apart each. They're all around 25 euros, if that, and I'm definitely ordering.

>> No.18194084
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>> No.18194282

Where from?

>> No.18194296

BookDepository has it listed, the publisher and all the details are on it so check there. I would have linked it, but for some reason 4chan considers it to be spam so I can't.

>> No.18194317

fuckin nice. about time we got a reprint

>> No.18194332

More like you've been brainwashed by retards on /pol/

>> No.18194338

Nice, I pre-ordered. Now to forget about it so I can surprise myself.

>> No.18194364

weebs bring down the IQ and literacy of the entire thread by several standard deviations. Why? 90% of you kids are OKAY with reading machine translated versions of self-published YA webnovels written by high school dropouts. That's crap made by crap going through a another crap filter. No other medium has standards this low. Even the kids reading harry potter back in the day tried to abstain from reading web spoilers because no matter how shitty the writing in HP was it still had an iota of literary quality over a machine translation.

Xianxia is garbage as well. If you're actually going down that route might as well go with the classics and reading Jin Yong.

>> No.18194376

>you are brainwashed if you don’t count vtubers, hololive, manga and anime as SFF literature
You retards don’t even read books. So you might as well go to >>>/a/ or >>>/vt/

>> No.18194382

reddit loves anime you underageb&, go take your YA trash back to /a/

>> No.18194384

I'm tempted, but will likely do that come Autumn at the earliest.

You're also a retard for blasting anime and manga for the 90% that is shit, meanwhile ignoring stuff like Monster, 20th Century Boys, Vagabond, Berserk, Blade of the Immortal, Shigurui and the like that are pretty damn good reads and quality stuff in general, that your average (d)weeb doesn't really care about, Berserk being the exception. You can't tell me that titles like LOGH, ABe trilogy, Terra e (the show), Satoshi Kon's work, etc. aren't mature titles and ones very much worth experiencing.

>> No.18194400
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I tried reading ready player one but some of the words are a bit too big for me and the pacing was so slow I got bored but I did like the fact that it had anime-like qualities.

Does anyone have anything similar but the MC has cheat powers?

>> No.18194402

Replying to bait is just as bad as posting it. Maybe worse.

>> No.18194439


1. I've read 90% of the series you listed and all of those, while nice, are entry level. At least pick something like Shūzō Oshimi.
2. I've read the best manga, literature, film and tv have to offer. The average weeb has not. They only consume weeb culture.
3. The weebs aren't even talking about those series, they're talking about escapist garbage. So stop cherry picking.
4. Even Satoshi Kon or Naoki Urasawa still have a very low barrier to entry compared to books of any literary quality. The very fact that there are pretty pictures every step of the way admits juveniles like you.

>> No.18194454

>I criticize light novels/webnovels/litrpgs
>you post manga/anime

Are you fucking illiterate? And there's literally a board for manga/anime you dunce.

>> No.18194460

It's funny you're calling others immature juveniles, when it's quite clear you're one big phony and are totally posturing. But have at it, I care not for your navel-gazing narcissism and the supposed pomp your posts exhibit, it's clear you're a joke and a joke you will remain.

>> No.18194508

The nigger that split this thread doesn't even read.

>> No.18194563

Nice b8 but don’t they say he is a Bakkeposter so he must read Bakker?

>> No.18194658

I fucking hate generals but I must admit I've enjoyed the recommendations from these two threads, I hope that they stick around and become more than just a rejection of the avatar faggotry and spamming that's taken over /sffg/. Let's get back to the good old days when we produced charts, guides and other content.

>> No.18194864

the night land

>> No.18194895

Thoughts on Ray Bradbury and his books? Specifically The Martian Chronicles and Something Wicked This Way Comes?

>> No.18194905
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How do you guys make it through a book? It's like literally manga without images, so boring.

pic related it's what I look like when I try reading non-manga

>> No.18194924

no one respond to the autistic tranny troll. do not feed it (you)s and it will shrivel up and 41%

>> No.18194927

We don't read.

>> No.18194933

I've never read Stephen Erikson's story in this one, really liked it

still hesitant about picking up Malazan though

>> No.18194942

Why do you need pictures? They're usually worse than what you could imagine.
If you're a new reader you just need to take it easy the first few days, 30min a day then ask yourself if you want to keep going, then the next day maybe go even longer, and finally you can read all day. You're basically teaching your brain that reading is part of your life now.
Also don't start with a huge book from a huge series, start small and you'll feel some accomplishment when you're done.

>> No.18194945

don't respond to bait faggot

>> No.18194954

Don't tell me what to do seething retard.

>> No.18194968

idk part of it is just that western stuff doesn't have enough plot and worldbuilding compared to manga. And the characters aren't really moe or any of the tropes I'm familiar with like yandere or kuudere.

>> No.18194969

You just wasted all that time because you responded to a known troll who posts attention whoring shit and lies, and at best engages in bad faith shitposting when people respond sincerely.

You're being exploited by a scummy person who lives for (you)s.

>> No.18194987
File: 47 KB, 500x500, anime2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on an anime site
>hates anime

Go back to reddt normie

>> No.18195014

We don't hate anime, we hate you.

>> No.18195019

>I've read the best manga, literature, film and tv have to offer.
What's your favorite Aleksei German's film, fellow patrician?

>> No.18195033

>We don't hate anime


>> No.18195056
File: 482 KB, 772x2344, we wuz weebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh

>> No.18195129

Having slept on it, my problem is that there was ZERO creation of a "faerie-like" atmosphere. The story was basically set in a country club where the people had weird names. I was looking for something with some kind of 'dark whimsy' that reflects some part of the human subconscious, but got none of it. Hell even some of the SNES JRPGs capture this better than this book
>You brought it upon yourself anon.
You are 100% correct.

>> No.18195150

Pretty good.

>> No.18195183

So wait, weebs were so annoying /sffg/, an already niche general, had to split into /wsffg/ to keep them at bay, even though they can still come here and plague the thread with their bullshit?

>> No.18195310

I’m planning on keeping these quality threads and I’m happy to take more recommendations to the pastas.

>> No.18195318

* keeping on doing

Sry drunk and phone posting

>> No.18195392
File: 19 KB, 300x268, 1540039000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have recommendedations for human - non-human diplomacy. Stuff like David Brin's uplift series and the "boring" parts of scalzi's Old Man's War always interests me so I'm looking to find more.

>> No.18195401

Babylon 5

>> No.18195599
File: 386 KB, 850x601, 1619470598884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All he does is repost quotes

>> No.18195720
File: 2.93 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20210507_123618630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it gay to buy vintage mass market paperbacks?

>> No.18195785
File: 320 KB, 643x802, Screenshot_20210507-115054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, I do only exclusively post in /wsffg/, however could you tell?

>> No.18195835

no, its based. A lot of the old masters don't have modern reprints so getting the vintage ones is always nice

>> No.18196052
File: 801 KB, 899x748, 1604003233626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes i am mentally ill and like to post avatar anime in every thread and link chinkshit.

>> No.18196095

Your issues are so much more deep seated than people talking about books you don't like on an anime image board.

>> No.18196125
File: 91 KB, 490x586, 1603743371009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your issues are so much more deep seated than people talking about books you don't like on an anime image board.

>> No.18196219
File: 193 KB, 600x800, 0495923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Truth shines!

>> No.18196274


Tolkien was shit, Borges was deep. Cope

>> No.18196303


I don't. No good fantasy has come out in the last 20 years. Except Kingkiller Chronicles

Easy there redditranny

>> No.18196374

>Except Kingkiller Chronicles
someone post it

>> No.18196395
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>> No.18196628

This just makes it even better. He managed to write a masterpiece with a cuckold protagonist. It shows his true quality as a writer
Fags like Tolkien have to make their characters buff swordsmen or magical elves. Meanwhile Pat makes his MC a duck and still dabs on most fantasy

>> No.18196648

Back to /v/

>> No.18196689
File: 226 KB, 1920x1080, 4a_ Interstella5555_1614386693476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I read a more-recent /sffg/ novel with a female protagonist, I feel like I'm just helping the author jerk off to his OC waifu
Female authors not included ofc

>> No.18196728
File: 371 KB, 220x220, tenor (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bakkerfag when he realizes that he's closer to cutting off his cock than any of the anime posters on /sffg/

>> No.18196730

d-do you think she had sex with them? they never went to third base right?

>> No.18196768

western stuff is only plot and worldbuilding. Manga is what lacks in those areas. There are hardly any descriptions about the world in manga, only the most general outline to move the plot. And the plot in a manga are usually just reasons for the next fight sequence, or some harem flag triggering shit. Theres very rarely depth of characters and you dont usually get a peak into what they are thinking, you can only make general assumptions by their actions. Once you start reading books youll understand how shallow manga characters really are and how lacking of detail the world they live in is for the reader.
If you want some manga style action climax scenes i would recommend way of kings. Sanderson writes very manga esque scenes where you have the "epic" or "gar" moment shine out.

>> No.18196921

the mote in god's eye

>> No.18196942

Every fucking time kek

>> No.18196964

any good books on worldbuilding?

>> No.18196989

Mark S. Geston's "Out of the Mouth of the Dragon" was pretty good.

>> No.18197067

Bakker’s worldbuilding is very good

>> No.18197197
File: 1.48 MB, 950x878, 1596406044743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile Pat makes his MC a duck and still dabs on most fantasy

>> No.18197205

The only thing Fat dabs is his greasy fuckin face after slurping the bull's load.

>> No.18197335

>Having slept on it, my problem is that there was ZERO creation of a "faerie-like" atmosphere. The story was basically set in a country club where the people had weird names. I was looking for something with some kind of 'dark whimsy' that reflects some part of the human subconscious, but got none of it.

I think... I think I may need to take a pass on this one, then. Too bad.

>> No.18197734

The female YA author wasn't already enough of a clue? I mean, she is obviously going to be writing for her audience, and her audience is teenage girls.

>> No.18197811

It wasn't in the YA section, and nothing I saw explicitly described it as such. I was more concerned that it might be softcore porn for wine aunts.

Was hoping to get back into fantasy after overcoming my biases against genre fiction, saw it on a bookshelf, thought the cover was tasteful (the alternate cover is not good. I'm a firm believer in judging a book by its cover), and saw that it dealt with old-school fey, which I'd like to read about.