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/lit/ - Literature

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17813514 No.17813514 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17813520

Why did you make the thread before the other one even reached bump limit?

>> No.17813527
File: 12 KB, 400x274, Wieland's Parsifal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The sketch of Parsifal which Wagner read to us recently is filled and permeated with the essence of Christianity . . . I am willing to confess that most of our poets who are regarded as Christian-Catholic stand far behind Wagner in their religious sentiments."
- Franz Liszt

>Wein und Brot des letzten Mahles
>wandelt' einst der Herr des Grales
>durch des Mitleids Liebesmacht
>in das Blut, das er vergoss,
>in den Leib, den dar er bracht'.

>Blut und Leib der heil'gen Gabe
>wandelt heut zu eurer Labe
>sel'ger Tröstung Liebesgeist
>in den Wein, der euch nun floss,
>in das Brot, das heut ihr speist.

>Nehmet vom Briot,
>wandelt es kühn
>zu Leibes Kraft und Stärke;
>treu bis zum Tod;
>fest jedem Mühn,
>zu wirken des Heilands Werke!

>Nehmet vom Wein,
>wandelt ihn neu
>zu Lebens-feurigem Blute,

>froh im Verein,
>zu kämpfen mit seligem Mute!

>Selig im Galuben!
>Selig in Liebe!

>Selig im Liebe!

>Selig im Glauben!



>> No.17813543

1) So that certain other people do not start the thread.
2) Because these threads fizzle out towards the end.

>> No.17813547

Probably because he’s scared of an animefag making the thread. Which is fucking stupid to begin with since it’s all the same in the end. Which kinda makes it pathetic.

>> No.17813585

I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration from my favorite creators, people who’s work I old dearly personal and almost prescriptive who say that basically “You need to stop overthinking life”. I can feel the truth in that and diagnose myself as someone who does, in fact, overthink my life to an extreme degree. I’m a person after all who feels deep existential despair when I try to reconcile the ideal I want to be with the reality of who I am and who I’ve been. I flip flop back and forth between rationalizing a way to achieve my ideal, or erase my past, and suicide as a means of stepping away from the game I feel I can’t win.

Given their prescription, it seems obvious what I’m doing here. I need to stop overthinking life, right? But isn’t there a tinge of hubris in that? It’s advice coming from someone who had the prerequisites, who lived their life as though it work a work of art, they became creators and created and left their impact. Who are they to say “Just stop overthinking!” How can they say that with honesty? They don’t know what it’s like to be me, and I don’t know what it’s like to be them, and probably never will. Isn’t something about that lacking in self awareness on their part? It’s like a professional athlete, training from childhood, telling you that you just need to work out and your life will be worth it.

>> No.17813835

Didn't Wagner go against everything he had previously done with Parsifal?

>vilify the erotic
>vilify the chromatic
>vilify individual desiring beyond death, instead affirm hanging onto life even in the grave by the Holy Grail

>> No.17813869
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I dont want to leave a trace of my existence when I die. No digital footprint, no written records, no pictures. I want to be erased. I suppose given enough time this will happen to everyone regardless.

>> No.17813872

My penis rests coolly against my thigh in observance of its freshly cropped bramblepatch, yet I can’t seem to shake this itching feeling that torments my surrounding loins with the discomfort of an industrious colony of termites slaving away at a desiccated log.
I don’t even like her that much.

>> No.17813900

I don't want a 3d anime fag poster at the top of the thread.

>> No.17813911

Found this floating out there

>> No.17813921


>> No.17813961

I'm not the Op, but it's pretty obvious you're the faggot obsessed with spamming vtubers.

>> No.17813978

No, I just find it pathetic people care way too much about the OP pic

>> No.17813985


>> No.17813990
File: 1.24 MB, 500x600, 652142FB-E75F-44BC-9BD1-B78E78847FE4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He disagrees with me
>He has to be the one that’s posting anime pics
Jesus Christ, people can have different opinions.

>> No.17814015

people like to try and snipe it by making one with thot pics and animal abuse and shit

>> No.17814018

Please do not associate anime with vtubers, thank you

>> No.17814059

What a fucking cope, you're the ones who got annoyed because "NOOooo you can't make sure you have a pic you like in the OP!!!"

Vtubers are gay and no one wants to see it here. People care about what the Op pic is as much as you do, and likely less.

>> No.17814076

Animefags, vtubers, booktubers, pedophiles, marxists, redditors, SFfags, monolinguals, people who haven't read Homer, women, etc. are all equally at the very bottom of humanity.

>> No.17814104

I don't like lit anymore which is more than unfortunate. I cannot post anything anymore without thinking why bother. Thusly I haven't posted a thread in months but still come here to almost post like clockwork. This probably the first time since December.

On a more personal note, I'll change something about my life. I'm probably going to join the army which I was a bit iffy about looking at my age and then become a writer from the earnings, then finally whatever person changes things.
I wanted to say politician or activist but let us not kid ourselves here.
In any case, you'll see lit! I'm gonna do it!

I'd write stuff like this into my diary usually but to cement their importance I'll put them out here.

>> No.17814116

this book is way too advanced for me. i feel like a middle school kid trying to understand advanced maths.

>> No.17814172

A beautiful slave of the Sultan of Karangasam was treated so shamefully by him that she escaped from the Puri. She turned to the resident of Bali and begged him not to hand her over, as she would be martyred to death on her return. However, the resident was not allowed to violate the existing contracts and had to hand over the slave to the executioners of the sultan. These bound the poor woman, by order of the Sultan, completely undressed and with outstretched arms to a cross and shot at her from old muzzle-loaders with dry Katjang beans. The ordeal lasted five hours. After each shot, the beasts convinced themselves of how many millimeters deep the beans had penetrated into the flesh. If the woman fainted, they waited until she regained consciousness. The sultan explained that the wailing of the unfortunate sounded like gamelang music.


>> No.17814224

How so Anon?

>> No.17814559

Keep a journal and make arrangements that it be posthumously released in the event of your death whilst in the military. Aim for the body not the head, head shots are for Walking Dead and Call of Duty and it costs the enemy more to have wounded rather than fatalities.

>> No.17814587

What's up with every youtube video being about "how to have a productive day" "my PRODUCTIVE routine" "I spend a PRODUCTIVE" christmas" and so on??? Is it a new trend?

>> No.17814597
File: 32 KB, 240x240, 130098_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to read Berserk because It was recommended by virtually everyone I've ever known. And boy am I at a loss for words... this thing is MEDIOCRE AS FUCK. I still haven't gotten to any part where I stand in awe at the supposedly gorgeous art (or did I get to any point where I see panels resembling carvings by Dore), but the story is such unbearable ass that I can't believe this manga gets lauded as one of the best in the business.. As far as the story goes, it reads just like any random fantasy book that you might pick up in a book store - is this where I made my mistake? That by hearing that it's well written that I actually naively thought that it would be comparable to great arts of literature instead of run of the mill fantasy shit with super powerful protagonists? I'll continue for another volume or so, this entire thing with the retaking of the castle was beyond boring but I think I'm forever done with anime and manga, can't believe I fell for this.

>> No.17814625

maybe stop watching retarded consoom shit and you won't get recommended retarded consoom shit anymore

>> No.17814639
File: 43 KB, 399x388, 1411244550841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I'm ever gonna make it as an author. Non-existent empathy, I only enjoy writing when my characters get hurt, suffer, wallow in misery and hopelessness.

>> No.17814661

Salvia feels like finding a forgoten memory of your childhood

>> No.17814669

Could you share it

>> No.17814677

Another evening in which I laze around and write nothing.

>> No.17814687

I wish i could harvest my emotional instability for creativity.

>> No.17814689

together. in spirit.

>> No.17814701

Have you seriously never encountered something that was over-hyped before? How old are you?

>> No.17814714
File: 115 KB, 792x792, 1612581179698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Eastern Euro and my English isn't good enough for satisfactory translation I'm afraid, it's my third language. They're horror short stories, but even for the genre I'm pushing the bleakness too far probably. Been reading King's work past weeks and it's full of romance, comradery, bravery et cetera, such shit doesn't come to me naturally at all. What I have is like discount Ligotti with brain damage.

>> No.17814732

>Another afternoon in which I hunker down and reach my wordcount

>> No.17814741

it's possible this degree of self-criticism is a strength.

>> No.17814761

I have, but I have never encountered something being paraded as the best of the best in every category while being absolutely average in each category.
For example, a lot of people obviously love Dostoevsky. I don't. But I understand why people like him.
Another example is the filmography of Bergman. Widely hailed as one of the best, I find that his work does not resonate with me, but I can see what makes it click for others.
But this... I am starting to feel that the great art oft talked about is the regular manga art that I find barely different than anything else I've ever seen on random covers in stores. And everything story and character related is always delivered in a huge exposition dump that I think that the author must have been joking. I don't get it, I simply do not understand the appeal - and I usually defend books and films which I don't like when attacked for being overrated because I'm a firm believer in the adage 'different strokes for different folks'. This shit is beyond me however

>> No.17814778
File: 600 KB, 546x546, 1614113226604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, maybe.

>> No.17814779

Have you ever had a dream inside a dream ?

>> No.17814797

I've had a fantasy inside a fantasy, I was just talking to someone and then they asked me to explain why I thought something, and I went "oh, well-, it's because..." etc etc, and then I realised "oh, haha, wait you're not real either".

>> No.17814817

completely retarded picture, if a piece of a dome like that falls then the whole dome collapses

>> No.17814828

I don't see why.

>> No.17814852

Those are the arches that the dome was built around, as long as their keystones are in place they'll stay up

>> No.17814863

> all of the really great writers started writing in college, high school, or younger and wrote for their entire adult lives
> am 28 and have written very little
> didn’t even know I liked literature until I was 25
This fills me with dread like I’ve seen a ghost every time I consider it

>> No.17814865


>> No.17814873

That may be so, but it does not bother me. On the contrary, it satisfies my extravagant taste for the unsensical.

>> No.17814888

maybe you'll be the first

>> No.17814894

Manga is first and foremost an aesthetic experience, and I don’t mean just the pictures. It’s not as objective as people think. You have to find one that speaks to you or else you won’t like it.

>> No.17814900

That seems like a Herculean task. Regardless, it fills me with dread for lack of living up to my own ideals, not the world’s.

>> No.17814903

The temple in the picture is called Minerva Eedica and it actually looked like this.

>> No.17814905

Yes, and it's really fucking obnoxious. Especially considering that my dreams are all designed to mentally torture me in one way or another. Waking up from a torturous dream into another completely different torturous dream is just about enough to drive you fucking insane.

>> No.17814917

the point with any and all creative endeavour is that if you don't enjoy doing it, then you won't, and if you do then you will and there's no rushing that. there are so many people on here that worry that they won't write the greatest novel of all time and i gotta tell you no one outside your own heads gives a shit. if you like it then do it, if you want to be famous you'll be miserable, and... that's it

>> No.17814921

have you considered there is something in this torture that you unconsciously desire. something arresting that your subconscious feels it needs to confront again and again?

>> No.17814923

Have you ever been in state between sleep paralysis and being awake?

>> No.17814943


All of these had their first book published when over the age of 40, some even later than that.

>> No.17814952
File: 13 KB, 277x277, 1602419728604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nose blocked
>bloated tummy
What a fucking annoying feeling. It's like I'm struggling to breathe because of these two and want to pass gas every two minutes.

>> No.17814957

Oh absolutely. Like, the nightmares are pretty standard metaphors for my fears, both real and irrational. But the worst ones are the ones like I've been having for the last half a year or so. Without expending too much on detail, I was dating a woman who is engaged to someone else. Every single dream was about us finally getting to be together, just the two of us, with a happy life and all that. And of course waking from those dreams often left me in tears because in reality I was just her side bitch. And what I truly desire is a happy life with a partner that loves me as much as I love them.

>> No.17814958

This is me >>17814863
I wanted to respond to you just because. For me, it’s not a question of writing the greatest novel ever. It’s a question of time. Great authors started writing very young snd that gave them the time (and critical developmental stages) needed to hone their craft so that by the time they were fully fleshed out adults (nearing 30 let’s say) it’s who they were. By that time, they’re writers who write great books. If you haven’t done that, then I think you’re inevitably going to be firmed into an adult that’s shaped by whatever you did hone and experience in that time, which may or may not be counterproductive to writing. Most likely, you won’t be great. And if you love something, you want to be great at it. Otherwise, why do it at all? There’s no fetishization for the act itself here. It’s a recognition of art for what art is and it’s also a recognition that by the time you’re say 30, you kind of just are who you are already. Having to come to terms with that while also having to realize that your ideals are in the complete opposite direction which you needed to start moving in 10 years ago is nothing short of devastating. It’s actually the type of thing that drives people to suicide. At least, I’ve felt that way.

>> No.17814967

> published, not started writing
Also, just to be more nuanced I want to refer to “the greats” and specially, those who I personally admire. Let’s say Proust started at 30, which I doubt anyway but let’s say he did. That’s fine and all and he might have become a very good writer, but he’s not the sort I personally admire because he doesn’t speak to me so it’s a moot point.

>> No.17814981

Never. But I have already dreamed inside a dream. I literally went to sleep and dreamed in a dream.

>> No.17814995

I had one of those looping dreams the other night. I repeatedly kept waking up in my room, only to find out I was still asleep. I would keep fighting it and eventually my dream-self would get up and start rushing for the door for some reason. Each time I kept snapping back to me sleeping in bed. Eventually I stopped fighting it and accepted I was stuck in this loop and that it's better to just sleep rather than struggle to wake up. That's when I woke up.

>> No.17815018

>Otherwise, why do it at all?
because you enjoy it anon. you didn't do it before for whatever reason, and now you want to do it. so do it. fuck if if it's great. or do you just want to wallow? that's fine if that's what you want. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from being great, if you're gonna write those books then you're gonna write them. The idea that because you had a few birthdays now your reason for existence is spent is silly. There is absolutely no objective reason any of this should go any way, but if all you want is to be great then I don't think that struggle is going to make you happy and the sooner you abandon it the better. If you enjoy, if you find joy in learning and applying the craft, then do so and fuck the rest, and if you don't then don't. Don't torture yourself in the aims of becoming some great artist. I promise you none of them found their voice by torturing themself. It's joy, and otherwise it's fucking pointless.

>> No.17815033

Who do you admire?
You are already finding excuses, being ready to fail before even having tried.

>> No.17815046
File: 180 KB, 614x1042, 7111930B-15BB-4802-ABEF-BF9A2CE6E7BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to sleep
>realise the period in which i am asleep (non-rem) is one totally unaccounted for in my sensory experience and memory
>realise i'm about to die
Is there a philosopher as retarded as me that thought about this and came to a happy conclusion?

>> No.17815093


>> No.17815129

don't be so grotesque. you will bring everyone to their knees.

>> No.17815136

Basically just Heraclitus, but you gotta look at unconsciousness, sleep, and dreaming as an unforgettable part of the wholeness of life. In a Goethean kind of way.

>> No.17815142

I'm wondering if the problem of creating a generalized AI is really reducible to the question "what is the set of artificial accumulators which can adequately represent natural intelligence?" That is, must a true AI learn by having a set of values which it seeks to move in a particular direction? In complex animals this is most equivalent to the hormone system. Humans seek to increase dopamine levels beyond a certain point and decrease cortisol levels below a certain point. The intelligent lifeform can cause these hormone levels to change by performing actions, such as eating sugar. However, that does not seem far off from the current state of AI, which is generally agreed to not be true AI. A computer can be convinced to perform a task with the "goal" of increasing a counter, but this isn't any more intelligent than a bug that acts on instinct alone. It seems to me like, in computers and in people, that it is the "deeper" level of intelligence, the one that controls the increment of counter variables and the release of hormones, that represents true intelligence.

How can that system more accurately be represented in an artificial manner? That, I think, is the better question, and it's not one that machine learning researchers are working to solve. Currently that system is effectively hard-coded - a neural network is given a goal with a definite, human-produced set of rules. A true AI seems to need to be capable of determining the rules governing the accumulation of positive and negative variables for itself. If we stop here, the issue of intelligence becomes almost arbitrarily easy - put an AI in an infinite sandbox, let it choose its own direction and figure out how to move that way, and you're done.

But the goal is to create an AI that takes yet one more step - a true AI that wishes to leave the sandbox and then yearns ever higher. So the question becomes how to do that. Here I fear that it becomes recursive: is there a set of accumulators that can encourage a machine to do all of that? The logic is back where it started. So the answer cannot lie within the machine itself, even when you separate it into a problem-solving system and an accumulator-enforcing system working in unison. The enforcer must be trained just like the problem solver.

The answer, I think, may be in the sandbox, which I previously glossed over. I think the real problem of true AI is this: is there an environment into which a learning system may be placed that will by either force or chance produce an AI that is capable of expanding its reach beyond the bounds of the sandbox, and when it does, be able to interact with humans in a way that could be considered creative? Creative in and of itself, that is, without regard for creativity in the context of its original sandbox environment.

That is what I have been thinking about lately.

>> No.17815159 [DELETED] 
File: 741 KB, 2560x1600, fuck jannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck jannies

>> No.17815184

How to better understand the dreams? I feel like they're trying to convey some sort of message and sometimes i do get a part of it but the whole picture escapes me.

>> No.17815197

the anon who said that adam and eve eating the fruit symbolized the end of childhood was onto something. it is possible that all spiritual traditions aim solely to undo the harm of puberty

>> No.17815202

do you really get the same ban length for doing that and 'replying to off topic garbage'
what a meme

>> No.17815380

Work from home/lockdown and living in a suburban college town with no friends is eating away at me. Everyday it’s just the same stasis of work, read, work, read, work, read no human interaction, no fun, no adventure, no romance, nothing. I simply cannot continue living like this. This is not a life.

>> No.17815448

I'm considering taking a break. I'm gonna take classes all summer and I can afford to be not too ambitious right now. Maybe I should finally play the Witcher. I should probably take it pretty chill until monday and decide then if I want to tryhard april or slow it down a bit

>> No.17815490

So I went to see a play today. It was written by one of my ex teachers. It was sentimental, hackneyed stuff, really superficial, but the wordplay, the way the poetry rhymed, the cleverness of the back and forth, was really impressive, definitely beyond anything I can hope to create.
I'm fully convinced that there is no correlation between profundity and intelligence. You can be intelligent without being profound, and similarly, you can be profound without being intelligent.

>> No.17815505

How do I stop hating myself so much?

>> No.17815523

Become a better person.

>> No.17815588

A week and a half into dropping porn and my libido could not be lower. I feel asexual. I’ve jerked it a couple times but I had to actively work my imagination to get aroused, if I don’t I feel nothing.

>> No.17815608

I'm in a similar position. I think it's probably a good ting, although I have not found that it has diminished my desire for women in real life

>> No.17815619

Try to understand what kind of person you are will the positives and negatives and accept that you're just a human who's flawed and can make mistakes.

>> No.17815621

On a long enough time line there wont even be an intelligence left to remember.

>> No.17815679

My aunt died today. She had cancer for eight years and passed away in the middle of the night. Her husband, my uncle, is currently in jail awaiting trial for sexually abusing multiple children over the course of nearly a decade. The two of them were really important to me growing up, and I never saw any foreshadowing that my uncle would be taken in for molesting children, and I never would have thought his wife would have to suffer the indignity of having her husband imprisoned while also dying of cancer herself. Their son and I were close growing up, and I feel that I should call him tonight but I'm not sure what to say. We've never openly discussed what happened with his father because I learned about it in the newspaper and we live far apart.

>> No.17815686

Thanks for the recs anons, I'll give them a look. A good recomendation to look at it that way, even in the most reductive terms lacking sleep leads to death after increasingly fragmented waking hours, at which point it is probably better to be unconscious temporarily

>> No.17815706


>> No.17815928

>I'm not sure what to say
>LMMAOOOOOO ur mum is DEAD and you are dad is a *FUHREAK*!!!
Nah, but seriously, it depends on what kind of people you are. With my friends I'd first offer condolences, and get a feel for how they're doing with the whole thing. I mean, it has been a long time coming for your aunt, so maybe they've come to terms with it in years past, so maybe not just totally broken. As for the piece of shit uncle, I wouldn't mention it at all unless they bring it up first. Then I'd just start with "yeah, that's pretty fucked up" and let them steer the conversation whichever direction they want it to go. And if they direct it toward defending the bastard, I would make it very clear that I am on my way to murder them.

>> No.17815962

I am so burned out on life, dude.

>> No.17815976

What does that even mean? I try to be nicer than I was yesterday. That doesn’t help me like myself.

That’s the problem though. I’m flawed. All I am is flawed. Every time I look in the mirror, I want to crumple into a ball and sit in the corner and die.

>> No.17816031

Just offer your condolences for your aunt's passing, don't mention his father. That's the only proper thing to do.

>> No.17816034

Can I get some advice? I’m considering dropping my lease and quitting my job to move in with my father and try to make a good at making my money off writing. I haven’t had any success thus far and honestly, I haven’t written all that much so I don’t quite yet know if I’ll be able to make it or not but I sincerely believe I don’t have a choice. It’s this or nothing. My father lives alone in a big house and he’d be open to having me. I don’t think he’d be receptive to my not having a job, but I don’t know until I ask him. My bigger hangup right now is that my father and I didn’t have a good relationship for most of my life. In fact, we didn’t have any relationship. I actually didn’t see him once through all of high school and college. We just managed to reconnect after that although I’ve never felt like he gave me particularly good advice or anything. I feel a fraud asking for help from him but I’m at a loss for what to do.

>> No.17816064

>What does that even mean?
I mean, I don't really know what kind of a person you are now, so there's only so much I can hypothesize and give advice on. If you have free time, volunteer to help people or animals or something. If you have money, donate some to a cause that actually helps people who need help. I don't think that being in shape has anything to do with being a better person, but it sure makes you feel better after a little while. Check on your diet, get some more healthy foods in there if you can. And stupid simple shit like just smile at people, strangers included. Wave to a small child with a smile on your face. Talk to your friends more, but about important things, your feelings, their feelings, goals you each have for your life. Maybe find a role model that you aspire to be like and just outright copy their behavior. Most importantly though, if you feel like you're being the best person you can be and you still feel like shit, look into therapy. The one thing that actually helped me the most to feel better about myself, is to stop negatively judging others. For whatever reason it may be that you judge people, try to understand their struggle and why you have a problem with it. For instance, I used to get pissed at homeless people begging outside gas stations and shit. The whole "get a job" shit would instantly fill my mind. But then I started to understand that a lot of them were in the position they're in because of very similar circumstances I deal with myself due to mental illness and what have you. I have for most of my adult life been just one wrong move away from being right there with them. And if I didn't have the supportive family I have, I would most certainly be there. Then I realize they probably don't have that, and everyone just gave up on them when they had a couple too many breakdowns. So now when I see them I hand them a $20 and say something about hoping things get better, or asking if there's anything besides the money that I can do to help. It makes me feel better about myself, and if nothing else they've got twenty bucks and know that not everyone in the world hates them. Hope there's some part in this that might lead you in the right direction. And if you have any more specific questions to ask or details to add that you think I might be able to help with, just let me know. I'll keep this thread open as long as it's up.

>> No.17816117

i want to fuck my neighbor
i'll offer her some sex in the near future
i am anxious for the end of lockdown
i hate corporate climbers and financists for wielding the actual power in this world and fucking over the lower classes
i hate all the fabricated consensus from the burgeois press
i hate liberals
i hate conservatives
i hate americans
i hate the huge waste of time on symbolic politics while the actual power holders keep the same and the majorities are kept under the same control

fuck you and fuck america. amen

>> No.17816149

I don’t really have friends anymore. I had friends when I was in high school and again in college but it was kind of a coincidence thing. I don’t really have any role models either, besides certain authors the likes of whom I feel I can’t even aspire to emulate if I wanted to. So I don’t know about those.

As for therapy, I actually went to therapy about 6 years ago when I was going through a particularly tough time when a family member had died, I was sick, and just trying to juggle a lot. I don’t think it helped and I actually find that period of my life ridiculously embarrassing and regrettable, but not because I went to therapy. I’m just so fucking happy. I waste my days at a job I don’t like, in a body I don’t like, with abilities I don’t like, and a past I don’t like. I just don’t really like anything about myself if I’m being honest. And yeah, like you said I guess I’m critical of others but it’s hard not to be given the context. I only really have my coworkers these days (I find work unbearable) and my family (I have bad memories of my family even though we mostly get along now). I appreciate you sharing your own feelings and stories but I just don’t know how to escape this whirlpool for myself. I know I’m the only one that can save myself, but I don’t want to save myself. I hate myself. I want him to die.

>> No.17816179

>I hate myself. I want him to die.
Yeah, I know that feeling all too well. I won't offer the advice that saved me from that on this board, but know that you're not alone in feeling that. There's not much I can offer you based on your situation, other than again, strongly suggesting you try to find a therapist that knows wtf they're doing and actually wants to help you. There are a shocking number of just fucking awful therapists out there, and finding a good one can take several tries, and is really discouraging. But I wish you the best of luck, anon. Just remember, you can do whatever you want in the pursuit of your own happiness, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Quit your job, move, change everything about yourself, your style, your personality, over night and what other people think about it is of zero consequence.

>> No.17816180

>i am anxious for the end of lockdown

Can you expand?

>> No.17816208

Writing Exercise my teacher gave me:
>A good way to jump-start your writing process and inspire new writing ideas is to complete a writing exercise such as this one. Write a paragraph that uses all three of the following words: summer, trees, and ocean. By using certain words, you are forcing your brain to think of writing ideas. This type of exercise can help you get ideas in directions you may not have thought of before.
I wrote:
>I thought about the summer as blades were dug into my flesh, peeling away layers of my epidermis and revealing the muscular intricacies of my body. I remember how hot the sun would feel on my skin as I rested by the ocean, the tool which facilitated that sensation now falling to the floor with a loud "splat" from its crimson soaking. A cozy getaway would have been in the shade under the tall eucalyptus trees, my bones make the sound of cracking branches as my torture continued. I was anywhere but on the operating table.
What would you write, anons?

>> No.17816216

Thank you

>> No.17816223

Truly no problem, friend. I try to help anyone anytime I can, even if all I can be is supportive.

>> No.17816232

I am scared that I got infected with something, my stool has been loose for well over five days now. Nothing hurts, I don't have to go to the toilet during random moments (only slightly more often than usual, but only slightly), but everytime I do go, it's very loose. I'm scared

>> No.17816316

step step step step step oh man i really love this tree step step step step step step i wonder if they will ever finish these constructions also dont they messe up with sewage almost every year? i wonder whats going on there step step step step step step step fuck just realized i forgot my umbrella back at work not going back now step step step step step step step step step step step step step step i love this crescendo so much will play this song again step step step step step step step step step step

>> No.17816344

its been two years since she left

>> No.17816387


<<I have never swam in the ocean. But I don't like summer anyway.>> was his last thought before hanging from a tree.

>> No.17816406

Left where?

>> No.17816658

Spend time in nature and exercise. I know it's a total fucking meme reply, but at the very least in my experience it was always better to be self-loathing watching a bird than self-loathing watching my monitor. And perhaps somewhere along the way, it clicks and you see that apreciation of the world is as good a reason as any to love yourself. But eitherway, as an anon said above, it's a journey that lots of us have done and in time you'll learn to love yourself
A nice piece, especially that last sentence, but a minor nitpick in case you're in the habit of writing gory things: beneath the epidermis lies the white dermis (that when not covered in blood looks almost like styrofoam). It's about four times as thick as the epidermis iirc and serves as a sort of protector of the fat beneath. After the dermis is the layer of fat - many thick globules that can be picked out one by one. Beneath all the fat is fascia - the layer of tissue that holds organs and in place. And finally beneath the fascia is the muscle, at which point irreperable damage is likely being caused
>"Summer summer" sang some French broad on the radio, but in François. I think the french are the type of people that wouldn't mind being called broads, noble or sexual reasons? Maybe I'm just retarded. I'm starting to think I get the jist of this song, in fact I'm starting to think I understand French like I understand Dutch. It just makes sense, until you come across a word that doesn't, which at that point you can probably ignore because you've got the jist anyways. The Dutch have oceans after all, live in one those odd chaps do, "Rightly so, rightly so" my lips let slip, utterly baffling my higher functions. But yes, so they're like Eskimo's eh? Make up all these words for different types of drowning and then turn em to bloody grim metaphors that become words of their own. So it is, "Same in Thailand, sexual culture you understand". I pocket that lizard brain declaration for later ponderation, blissfully unaware that I was not driving to the beach, but was in fact already at the beach, sitting under a tree surrounded by 6 people I didn't particularly care for and one I did.

>> No.17816681 [DELETED] 

i always disliked analytic philosophy because it had nothing to say about literature, art, and aesthetics in general, but now the truth is analytic shit is just better. someone post me an intro to analytic shit list.

>> No.17816759
File: 1.51 MB, 1498x1132, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to stop feeling sorry for myself when things don't go my way. I used to be really bad, but now it's only about half the daytime. Anyway...
>pic unrelated

>> No.17816928

Mind reading

>> No.17817163

Well, the first step is to hang out with your dad while you have a job and a place of your own if it turns out hes actually crazy. I’d suggest pretending he’s a peer. A dude who you’d go hang out with. Set up some dinners, a movie night, a game night, etc. get shitfaced with him. Learn who he is. What his dreams are. What stories led him to be the man he is. Share who you are, share the things that make you who you are without him having been there. If you two actually do grow a mutual brotherhood then I’d suggest moving in but still keeping your job until you have enough money saved up from living with pa.

>> No.17817168
File: 76 KB, 975x850, pepe neutral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fapped and coomed to two traps playing with each others weiners.
Prison gay is absolutely real bros.

>> No.17817188

That goes for (almost) all manga and anime. Most of the people who are active and very vocal in rating the manga high and praising it are teenagers, young adults at most. They have consumed rather little media in comparison, have a different taste and overlook faults or things an older person might be interested in.
Japanese are good at creating a story with an interesting world or an innovative gimmick, something that would make many people read a few pages, they can create likeable characters and draw something aesthetic.
Creating something that would be counted as 'high-brow' is not one of their strengths.
In case of Berserk: Go until the eclipse and if it doesn't hook you, then drop it. Tbh it doesn't get better.
I have read a lot of the highly praised manga and none lived up to the hype. Some were really good but the authors tend to go on hiatus after a few years, so many series won't be finished (properly).

>> No.17817211

Have you read akagi?

>> No.17817227

I have consoomed 630+ films. I still have a watchlist of 150+ but every new movie I watch seems like absolute mediocrity at best and dogshit at its worst.
As for Berserk, I personally enjoyed some of the post-Eclipse arcs like Conviction and especially Lost Children because of how unapologetically edgy it is.

>> No.17817586

So I recently started writing. After I finish a section, I run it through an editing program and they always say not to use any adverbs. They say to stop using the word 'just', but I have an argument for using the word occasionally.
My protagonists are teenagers and it's being told in first person. They're hormonal, untested, and have low self-confidence. Using the word 'just' to weaken their internal voices sounds right, but I also don't have the writing experience to know whether that actually works.
Basically, I'm asking whether I need to get my head out of my ass, or do I have a point?

>> No.17817631
File: 215 KB, 1280x875, 1280px-Suites_d&#039;un_bal_masqué_-_Gérôme_-_Musée_Condé.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I get into a serious back-and-forth argument on this site it's always with someone who seems like they would have been my friend had we met in real life. We're probably interested in the same kind of stuff and could have put our differences aside had we met face-to-face, but because this is 4channel.org the discussion gets more and more vicious. It's always fairly civil until one of us makes the first serious mistake which the other can pounce on, and after that things degenerate into name-calling. Making the other guy look like an idiot starts to feel like a point of honor, and I get dragged into stupid little semantic arguments that have nothing to do with what was originally being discussed. It's so stupid, but I fall for it every time.
I don't know why some people seem to enjoy provoking arguments on this site so much, it always makes me feel lonely, stupid, and depressed.

Ignore the program's advice and write what you want to write. Editing algorithms aren't meant for creative work.

>> No.17817652

America will soon go to sleep. It’s tired of waking life. But that sleep will bring nightmares. Possibly many, because we have many sins that have gone unpunished.

>> No.17817841

I literally have nationalist/fascist friends, but on here I just can’t fucking stand them. Somehow the yotsuba theme makes typing stuff about 6m and wooden doors not seem completely absurd.

>> No.17817851

god destroyed sodom so thoroughly that to this day we do not know its precise location, i hope that happens too to america

>> No.17818111

Try to understand that you being flawed is a proof that you are human and its not the end of it.

>> No.17818331

I hate doctors and avant-garde crap.

>> No.17818339

This but with Junji Ito. Tasteless art ho crap: 101.

>> No.17818354
File: 1.57 MB, 750x1098, SaikyouDensetsuKurosawa_V1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like Dostoevsky, then give Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa a read. I don't like describing non-literature mediums as "literary", but it's definitely well beyond genre fiction like Berserk.

>> No.17818397

It's not just this site man, it's everywhere you go. Character assassination everywhere whether it's Twitter, Reddit, or Discord. This place just has the added benefit of not having to worry about your reputation being ruined.

>> No.17818409


God danmit i wanted to relay that feeling of inferiority, not the cringe marxist vibe. Was a shit txt though so fair

>> No.17818413

being esl sucks

>> No.17818536

I been reading about mid 60's movements and especially may 68.
>The new movements instead of pushing for specific changes in public policy emphasize social changes in identity, lifestyle and culture. Thus the social aspect is seen by the NSM as more important than the economic or political aspects. Some NSM theorists, like F. Parkin (Middle Class Radicalism, 1968), argue that the key actors in these movements are different as well, as they are more likely to come from the "new middle class" rather than the lower classes.
Im not well read in politics and economy but doesnt it say that theres no chance of real revolution ever appearing again?

>> No.17818620
File: 378 KB, 928x1355, Screenshot_2021-03-19 qa - Just going to dump some schizo ramblings of mine - Question Answer - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizo mental temper tantrum on /qa/ i had the misfortune of reading

>> No.17818661

>Hello Mr. Ocean, my name is Dr. Summer-Trees. I'm afraid you have cancer. Fuck off
>Dr. Summer-Trees then chokeslammed Mr.Ocean, smashing right through the window glass and plummeting towards the earth 7 floors below
>As they were falling, Mr. Ocean said to the good doctor 'Sneed. Hahahahaha. HAHAHAHA!!!!!'
>'You're allright Mr. Ocean. You know what. I forgive you.'
>The Dr. let go of his neck and they both smacked headfirst into the groiund

>> No.17818768

>Write What's on Your Mind

>> No.17818840

Have some (you) friendo

>> No.17818937

Same. I should switch to writing /pol/ baits

>> No.17819155

As an American I hate America and welcome it’s destruction. But let me be clear, I hate America 2.0. We were a truly respectable nation until about the war years when everything got rebranded into this dystopic monoculture. The washing away of our present state cannot come soon enough, and as it happens I will hold the old, true spirit of America in my heart.

>> No.17819168

The word 'sneed' is becoming more common in my mind's vocabulary

>> No.17819176

I feel like I have decision overload but without the decisions

>> No.17819214

Can you explain what it means? I understand the reference to the Simpsons episode, but I still don't understand when someone simply uses "sneed".

>> No.17819217


>> No.17819228
File: 22 KB, 112x112, 631110658364145666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eldest sister keeps trying to teach me about having "etiquette" and having small talks
>When she has the habit of making offensively personal jokes and gets mad when people get mad at her
>Has the habit of taking no criticism and yet berates others for doing the same
>Have threatened to kill herself on multiple occasions when she argued with my mom
And I'm the black sheep of the family here. Just because I don't have the habit of talk randomly I'm getting the flack.

>> No.17819262

When fire burns so bright I shut my eyes
Then turn and feel its heat upon my back
The shadows dance before and I surmise
I can make their forms out in the black.
The story of a life lived good and well
Was inked upon the ground in lieu of light.
Though where you stood beside I couldn't tell,
I knew that to be happy it was right.
A second spectre slinks the same-sort path
You whisper in my ear "It's your eclipse."
It darkens all I see to night and ash,
And grows with ev'ry word that leaves your lips.
When all I see is darkness and I'm suddenly alone.
I turn to face the fire, and both shadows were my own

>> No.17819265

I want to marry your sister anon

>> No.17819285

Do it if it means I don't have to deal with her shit anymore.

>> No.17819293

Vegan shows/literature/media are sparse, but no matter where I asked and how I asked I'd always get at least two (you)s aggressively trying to debate me. Cool, thanks for the useless answer when I just wanted to find more vegan stuff. At least now I've amassed such a list I no longer need to ask

>> No.17819298

not him but that's funny, I've seen 900 and I have more than that, almost a thousand, on my watchlist. I keep discovering gems every now and then and I know there's probably loads of good and even great movies I still have yet to watch

>> No.17819312

I want to pump and dump your sister, break her heart and never speak to her again

>> No.17819317

are you telling me vegans now need their own literature and art? lmfao.
better run anon, this is not a vegan website. I devour flesh. grr

>> No.17819318

She's not into incels

>> No.17819323

Oh is that why she's being like that towards you? She's just trying to help her little bro anon, bless her heart

>> No.17819329

the insomnia is back and can’t go to sleep anymore. Going to have to get sleep meds again.

I lay in bed trying not to think when i can’t sleep and let my mind drift, sometimes I just end up daydreaming and not even realizing I’m not sleeping for the next 2-3 hours

>> No.17819345


>> No.17819385

>Those letters and postcards she sent home from the North in 1943 were made available to scholars only in 2014, and they show O’Connor as a bigoted young woman. In Massachusetts, she was disturbed by the presence of an African-American student in her cousin’s class; in Manhattan, she sat between her two cousins on the subway lest she have to sit next to people of color. The sight of white students and black students at Columbia sitting side by side and using the same rest rooms repulsed her. It’s not fair to judge a writer by her juvenilia. But, as she developed into a keenly self-aware writer, the habit of bigotry persisted in her letters—in jokes, asides, and a steady use of the word “nigger.”

>> No.17819445

I started avoiding and turning down girls after I had a bad apple but now that I want to try again I have forgotten how to talk to them and have no idea what to do. My virginity grew back

>> No.17819465

How do you know something is your passion?

Is it unlikely that something is your passion if you didn’t discover it until you were older?

>> No.17819518

>My virginity grew back
I feel you

>> No.17819523

You just know, there's no criteria. Although one could say that you'd enjoy doing it and wouldnt care that much about the end result. The true passion acts like a thing which you have to do, you need to be doing it like a relationship between prisoner and warden.

>> No.17819557

I love manga and anime. Yes, I’m a weeb. Yes, I’m a fully grown adult but I just don’t care. I just love it like someone might like novels or movies. If I had been born in Japan, I would have try hard to be a mangaka or animator. I wasn’t so I just have to swallow that whole.

>> No.17819611

Both mangaka and animator are very shitty jobs with insane working pace. I don't know how much being a mangaka pays, but animators are known to be underpaid and have to deal with outsourcing to other parts of Asia being cheaper, thus more attractive to struggling anime companies.
That said, not being Japanese won't stop you from making a comic in manga style. Can always publish it as webcomic.

>> No.17819655

I wouldn’t care. As for the other, it’s true but I don’t have high hopes it would be read, which is something every creator wants. I’m sure you know that it’s difficult to attract ANY sort of audience for things such as manga and light novels if you’re not writing in Japanese.

>> No.17819670

I have this horrid idea that if I get my day just a little out of frame it's all for nothing and ruined. I look too little at time wasted, not at time used. I will think about the 45 minutes I spent browsing my phone rather than the two reading. It's almost 2pm, 10 more hours ago til I fall asleep.

>> No.17819745

Got any tips for writing horror, /lit/?

>> No.17819774

I just masturbated to an incredibly hot porn girl. Mary Queen is her name. I believe she is the closest representation of my ideal woman from a purely physical perspective. She did not define that ideal. That ideal was formed through years of experiences and long thoughts about what I enjoy about a woman's physical form.

One important influence on that ideal is my first girlfriend and childhood friend, the girl next door. Few men are as lucky as me, having such a beautiful girl as a neighbor, directly inducing puberty. I remember we were walking to school together, and she bent down to tie her shoelaces. She wore a white top with a significant cleavage. Watching her from above, I got a solid look at her newly formed breasts. I hadn't even noticed that she had grown breasts until then. They were surprisingly large. There are moments in life where you learn that you like girls, that was one of those moments.

She did not take my virginity, which was probably for the best. However, the woman who took my virginity was very similar to my childhood friend and Mary Queen. At the time, I would have slept with anybody and had struggled for a long time to find a woman willing to sleep with me. Somehow I ended up with such a similar girl. How it came to be seem random at first, but perhaps I am destined to enjoy blondes with big asses and big tits. It's a destiny I gladly accept.

>> No.17819810

Anyone got that /sci/ chart with multiple books in each section?

>> No.17819850 [DELETED] 
File: 3.72 MB, 3807x2738, 40FC5F1C-903A-4342-89E6-C5A6BE4E4770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had really loved drawing and cartoons when I was young, pretty much all through high school. I just had a natural talent for it and impulse to draw things. I never even took an art course to refine my drawing. That probably shows to any educated artist but still, I think I had pretty decent natural ability (you can tell me if you think otherwise). To this day, I can pick up a pencil and draw something pretty easily with little reference and having not actually drawn anything. Pic related is a quick sketch I made for a thread the other day after having drawn absolutely nothing for at least a year and only sporadically for years before. Sometime between high school and college, I got really discouraged from drawing and I basically stopped altogether. Now, I’m going to be 28 and really wishing I had stuck with it and tried hard to get better, took courses, etc. It really sucks actually. Now, that I’m old enough to feel like I had some talent and realize I desperately wanted to make a go of this, it feels far too late. If I had just followed that impulse back when I was a teenager.

>> No.17819924
File: 2.65 MB, 1766x4567, maths_logic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it

>> No.17819958

Just get in adult class.>>17819850

>> No.17820004

Thanks. I already deleted my post because I got embarrassed. As for taking adult courses, I could and I’m sure I would enjoy it, but I’m not sure where I would take it at this point anyway. I don’t even actually know if I’m good or not. I just always felt like I was for never having studied.

>> No.17820022

Anon, just give yourself a chance. If anything you'll get some closure with it.

>> No.17820027

Community colleges have all the classes for everything you would want at all times of day anon. Go get em’. I didn’t even see your original post. Fuck it.

>> No.17820090

Are you saying I should take courses just to find out it if I’m really good or not with no other aspirations?

>> No.17820100

I search my mind for the line of rationality that snakes through all my irrational behavior. It weaves in and out of chaos—the chaos of reality, for rationality in this world is after a fashion unreal. It is true that rationality is automatic, machinelike, restricted, overly safe. Only under normal, unbiased , fatally unhappy yet ordered conditions does it exert its logic. Rationality is a horrible guide for life. It always leads to the safest, stalest route; it predicts itself, it only steps within it own shadow, works only within bounded possibilities . Rationality knows nothing of serendipity or whim. I find myself behaving irrationally.

Staying up until 3 am although I have work in the morning. Counteracting my progress. Undoing various routines of straightforwardness. And I stop to wonder if I am simply an undisciplined or mad person or if there is some spirit within me that fights against regimentation, that resists the line of rational thought which is so so clueless as to its own reasons, so strangely irrational in its inability to create joy.

>> No.17820128

i am very stupid so dont know if it was supposed to be here so i will post here as well

>> No.17820186

Yes. Give yourself a chance.

>> No.17820246

A chance for what though? I’m not sure how old you are but at my age (late twenties) I have to wonder like “Okay, where am I really going to go with this?” I’m not sure how much it matters to me to find out formally if I’m any good or study formally if I’m not ever going to take it anywhere, as much as I enjoy the art for what it is.

>> No.17820459

Yikes. I always find it really cringe how people like you get so emotionally tryhard over abused kids. Obviously I agree with you but you arn't going to do shit. You're not going to kill anyone. You're a pussy on 4chan. If you knew him in real life you'd probably just give him the benefit of the doubt and hope it wasn't true because that's what happens in the real world

>> No.17820482

>I don’t have high hopes it would be read
that does not matter. Do you want to do it or not?

>> No.17820658

Just try it. You'll know then.

>> No.17820921

Any of you read English translations of light novels? Which of ones do you like?

>> No.17820946

>light novels
not 100% on the definiiton here but a fairly straightforward, easy to read and entertaining translated to english book I read recently was Frankenstein in Baghdad. It's basically a bizarro mystery book set in baghdad during the war

>> No.17821024

Sometimes I get embarrassed to think what the Amazon employees think of my book orders.

>> No.17821130

The few LNs I've read all had really short paragraphs and long stretches of single sentence back-and-forth dialogue. There were at least twice as many line breaks as there should have been.

>> No.17821162

I flirt with customer service like they're my future hausbandu when bookdepository messes up an order, and I can't tell if it's company policy to change who responds to the email every email in the chain, or if they only do that for me.

>> No.17821167

Most LNs I’ve read aren’t written particularly well, which is why I’m asking for recs. I’ve read monogatari which is well-written but I don’t think the actual story or characters are that good.

>> No.17821313
File: 42 KB, 537x399, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is still one of the strongest philosophies in the current age. If you just go offline, most "problems" vanish. You can live through the greatest period of humanity enjoying all its benefits while freely ignoring all retarded bullshit.

>> No.17821365

It's insane how rapidly my perspective on my place in this world can change due to simple events. Like existential whiplash. I have no core, I'm wholly at the whim of certain stimuli.

>> No.17821386

I was mildly concerned at first because i read "saliva".

>> No.17821484

If you have no core, what’s being whiplashed?

>> No.17821599

I just mean I don't feel grounded in anything.

>> No.17821750
File: 3.09 MB, 2868x1372, tylerwithtwink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking after the Greeks Tyler, The Creator also has a proper taste in twinks.

>> No.17821775

You're grounded in formlessness. Embrace.

>> No.17821816 [DELETED] 

why are there like no audiobooks on analytic philosophy? is it because analytics always have those lame pseudomathetical symbols to give their shit an air of rigor? i want to get into analytics but im not rly tryna buy a paper book rn.

>> No.17821825

wish I had more popcorn desu

>> No.17821888


>> No.17821927

I want democracy in this country to end for good. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of elections, I'm sick of politicians, I'm sick of voting. Just give me a king and some dukes and let me go about my business.

>> No.17821952

it seems like conflict should go down a lot if we removed democracy, but it's hard to say and pretty hard to undo. I really feel you though.

>> No.17822014

is not following politics or voting not enough?

>> No.17822084
File: 245 KB, 745x1150, 9781138389007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17822093

I have so much hate in my psyche that it's killing me. Lust and getting laid is keeping me from getting a decent relationship
I feel like I'm wasting my life.

>> No.17822098

The founders warned us that Americans were monarchist at heart. Resist it buddy. Live your life but don't succumb to monarchism <3

>> No.17822155

that should be a giveaway, but this is actually way more rigorous than the the fiverr-tier cover design would indicate

>> No.17822157

Having worked at amazon, I can tell you with one hundred percent certainty that they are way too busy to notice who is ordering what. And it's probably a different person every single time you place an order because of a really high turnover rate.

>> No.17822163

I honestly believe we can fix all the worlds problems with the right educational system. One that is flexible to the individual?

>> No.17822185

>If you just go offline, most "problems" vanish
Not if you're in middle or high school, where most of the cyber-bullying happens. That stuff follows them to school, extracurricular activities, basically everywhere they go, until someone puts in real effort to put a stop to it.

>> No.17822204

>Why it's Okay to Ignore Politics
Because you're white and straight so 99% of it has zero effect on you.

>> No.17822213


>> No.17822245

How so? White straight people have guns and taxes to worry about. The rest of it means absolutely nothing.

>> No.17822250 [DELETED] 

the rest of what

>> No.17822271 [DELETED] 

this is one of the arguments in that book, look at this guy, absolutely infantile understanding of american politics, is there any value in someone like this "paying attention" to politics? what does that accomplish exactly?

>> No.17822307

keep the antagonist mysterious and that's it
also, people love stupid unexplained rules such as "please please please don't open the third drawer", it makes them shit their pants. People have a primal fear of the unknown, the more absurd and mysterious the context the better
if your antagonist kills people during a chase scene, describe it as fast as you can and move on

>> No.17822312
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No, I haven't. He is also the author who created Kaiji. My experience with that anime wasn't good, I didn't like the style and I didn't like the story.

Oh I enjoyed most of Berserk and wish it would continue. I like the style and the story, however it isn't a masterpiece. If Berserk was a novel I would have never read it.
I really enjoyed watching movies until my mid twenties, they were a window into another world for me, I enjoyed to see the world a director wanted to create. Similar to a book. After that I got less interested in that and preferred exploring the world in my own pace.

No, it doesn't. You might want to watch Adam Curtis new documentary, 'Can't get you out of my head', if that topic interests you.

Do you see everything as an equation that can be solved with the right parameters?
Either way you might be right, but such a system, one that will always adjust perfectly to the individual, will never exist. While education systems matter I wouldn't overrate them. You still have to deal with the people, the students and the teachers at least. You won't get a good education or seminar/lesson just because the teacher and the students aren't limited by their education system. Then the teacher and the students will be the limiting factor and in some cases it will be a rather disappointing experience, I had that a few times.

>> No.17822322

read the book and see

>> No.17822324

>not following politics
Literally impossible, what the fuck are you talking about? I go to YouTube to listen to music? Music creators are talking about ANTI [ETHNICITY] VIOLENCE and ANTI WHITE SUPREMACY garbage. I go on Facebook to respond to my friends' messages? 7 REASONS WHY THE UK FLAG IS PROBLEMATIC. I have a Zoom meeting with my colleagues? WOW GUYS BTW ANTI-VAXERS ARE LIKE SO DUMBBB.

Democracy makes EVERYTHING political. Everyone has to promote their retarded shit. You can't disconnect from politics.

>> No.17822341

I may. I'll at least stick it in my "saved for later" on amazon and think about it once in a while.

>> No.17822347

you'd be surprised how much you can simply just block out

>> No.17822359

Fuck off.

>> No.17822415

just say that you're not interested in this particular subject, sounds like you're the retarded one for not adressing people and saying your mind, act like an adult or cope, manchild

>> No.17822424

Sounds like you're retarded and incapable of understanding simple ideas.

>> No.17822433
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Akagi has been a fascinating experience to watch over the years. Every time I’ve watched it I’ve had a few more years of mahjong under my belt, and every time I see it my mind is blown in a different way because of that experience.

I don’t think it would be very enjoyable if you weren’t interested in the game.

>> No.17822582
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I'm trying to learn chess. I just learned the basic rules and played a game against the computer. I lost because I made a few moves without actually looking at the board, but I had fun.

>> No.17822585

Fired after less than two months on the job and a long unemployment gap beforehand. I hate myself.

>> No.17822620

I want you to hatefuck your sister into sanity and submission, anon.

>> No.17822741

earthworm, firestorm, chocolate, rhesus negative, sleep apnea, babysitter stories, alternative press top 99 of '85-'95, richard tauber

>> No.17822765

The only good jews are anti-semitic jews.

>> No.17822790

I have no idea where im going with this nor i know myself at all. My irritability translates into massive mood swings which make me cluesless as why i am this way.

>> No.17822816

Have you learned nothing from the previous time?

>> No.17823125

I don't know why I don't know people better. I feel like I know enough about them to know them pretty well, but when I meet them I mosly just go blank.

>> No.17823535
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>read fantasy and self-insert books as a child
>start reading more difficult literature in high school, mostly fiction
>eventually turn to philosophy and nonfiction
>realize how the morals taught in fantasy and children's literature are as equally, if not better portrayed than in basic philosophy
>start reading fantasy again
has this happened to anyone else?

>> No.17823778

I wish I didn't obsess so much over a girl.

>> No.17823786

What the hell do you do on weekends? Now that I have no friends, no girlfriend, and no hobbies (besides reading and writing) I spend everyday totally alone at home working, reading, writing or doing nothing much. The weekends are the only time I really notice.

>> No.17823796

Sort of. I got really into philosophy for a few years and went back to fiction as an adult, not necessarily fantasy though.

>> No.17823802

What happened?

>> No.17823811

Mind reading

>> No.17823828

Good to know I guess. I can’t imagine what they’d think of a person who orders Leaves of Grass, The Birth of Tragedy, and Didn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average In The Next Life? all in one go.

>> No.17823836

watch ufc and/or boxing on saturday night

>> No.17823845

I walk around aimlessly in the city.

>> No.17823860
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They need to go

>> No.17823877
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>glance at the news

>2740 covid-19 deaths in 24h
>20 days of supplies for medications essential for tracheal intubation
>collapse of oxigen cilinder supplies
>slow vaccination with a mere efficiency a little higher than 50%
>most hospitals oversaturated country-wide, with reports of patients being laid on the floor
>single-digit IQ president talking shit for the 76th time in the week and trying to seize power from the states and cities so they can't deliberate their protective measures (the ones that the federal government simply isn't doing)

I don't see the light in the end of the tunnel, bros. 300.000 are dead already, some of which I've known myself. I wonder if the international community could somehow help us one day.

>> No.17823887

hell yeah brah about to do that rn

>> No.17823895

This is bait.
Stop reading and watching news. You will realize everything is fine and life is good.

>> No.17823908

what country are you in dude? here in the us it's burning itself out, ppl are getting the vaccine, nyc is reopening theaters and music venues at 25% for now, more in summer, colleges are talking about full return to campus in the fall, don't watch tv, just look at wsj and ft, they are the only papers that aren't trying to sell you on fear, they also happen to be some of the only papers with ball busting paywalls, maybe related, maybe not

>> No.17823941

>what country are you in dude
>just look at wsj and ft, they are the only papers that aren't trying to sell you on fear
I'll give you the financial market's been doing great here, but you can't get much worse than in march of last year, so it's been steadily climbing. Even so, you just can't ignore the volatility around here. Too much uncertainty, shit governance in all levels... I'd say even these financial magazines are giving an apprehensive feel.

>> No.17823943

I do that on weekday afternoons but I don’t even live in a city. I literally live in a suburb smack dab in nowhere. Closest city is 2 hours driving.

>> No.17823955

I would give anything to be 15 again with what I know now.

>> No.17824116

Lol yeah I mean all that data is just processed by algorithms. Jeff Bezos isn't sitting there flipping through and laughing at everyone who is buying penis enlargement pills of amazon.

>> No.17824142

I'm not even sure I'm not dreaming right now

>> No.17824154

How do I grow out of anime and manga? I’m going to be 28 years old and I like more than I ever have.

>> No.17824246


I'm cool

>> No.17824618


>> No.17824692

That may be true, but I meant more along the lines of the people packing the shipments. Theoretically they can see the name and address of every single person they label a package for, but they literally don't have time. I was in returns and was expected to process 600 return packages every shift. That's one every minute. It's not exactly a quick process to get through for each item either, plus sometimes you need to stop for water which can take two or three minutes. God forbid you have to walk to the bathroom which is five minutes there and five minutes back. Luckily I only had to pee one time in the five months I worked there. And I was at risk of being fired because working non-stop, no chatting to the people around me, not stopping to take a breath, nothing but working as fast as I could, And I was still only managing about 410 packages per shift. So yeah, don't really have time to stop and check the names on the packages you're returning.

>> No.17824703

Do you really want to? If so, why? Though the only real answer is to find something that you like more, and focus your attention on that.

>> No.17824742

I had a dream where I was explaining to my mom that I couldn't possibly be dreaming, despite feeling like I was. I told to her how the prefrontal cortex shuts off while asleep, meaning I wouldn't have been able to explain myself this coherently in a dream. I convinced myself that I was just derealizing. Then I woke up.

Now I genuinely struggle to distinguish dreams from reality. I'm constantly uneasy about it. Pinching myself doesn't work anymore. I now pinch myself in dreams and somehow still feel pain

>> No.17824790

I don’t know. I just feel like it’s an immature interest especially because unlike most weebs, I actually only got really into it when I was well into my 20s. Liked it as a kid, teenager, and as a college student but didn’t watch or read a lot until I was living on my own. I like novels more so I read a lot more but still.

>> No.17824791
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>> No.17824811

I have these old drafts and failed stories lying around. I'd like to try reviving them, but at the same time I get stuck because I've already done so much in them. How do I freshen them up and feel like I'm doing something new with them?

>> No.17824829

I don't feel like doing anything this hour before bed. Maybe I should sit down and read The Thornbirds like I've been meaning to.

>> No.17824835

I'm doing something similar. If you just want to revise them post more information and I'll try to help. What are the plot points? At what point do you feel the story has gone wrong? What is it you feel needs to change and what needs to stay in order to keep your story your story. Some points in revision can become a ship of Theseus in terms of story identity and maybe its better to come to port in something new, or maybe retaining some ethereal identity in the original draft is something very important to you. Just give me something to work with and I'll help you workshop your way through it if that's what you want.

>> No.17825001

Pretty cripplingly insecure but the last 4 girls I've slept with have all been way out of my league so I'm starting to think I'm maybe hotter than i think

>> No.17825035

I really wouldn't worry about it that much. Just don't go making all your social profiles with anime pics, and probably at least have a side hobby you can use as an icebreaker or conversation starter if you intend to talk to people about your interests. And, ya know, don't go on autistic rants about it if you do bring it up, until you're really close with someone. You're well into adulthood now, you can like whatever the fuck you want. Can't be any worse than the thirty somethings that have COD as a personality. At least anime and manga have some substance behind them most of the time. And I say that as someone who basically despises them both.

>> No.17825046

>Pinching myself doesn't work anymore
Punch yourself in the balls (if you have balls)

>> No.17825054

even if I did it would feel the same in a dream

>> No.17825057

You probably, without realizing it, are just a way more interesting person than you think you are. Because you're definitely ugly lmao

>> No.17825069

Take drugs so your dreams are less realistic?

>> No.17825119

>fix diarrhea
>now throat hurts and itches
why in tarnation

>> No.17825123

I’m really disgusted with my body.

>> No.17825152

>can get to 20k+ words for a novel I summarily abandon
>stare at 100 words for a short story
Why is it so hard for me to do the latter?

>> No.17825201

This is probably the correct answer

>> No.17825259

My idea is all over the place. How do I center myself in order to organize things into something coherent?

>> No.17825275

Potato salad

>> No.17825312

What is the idea? Without knowing what elements the idea is comprised of I can only offer you general tips that might or might not be of use. The most basic advice would be to create an outline. Decide which ideas can actually work together and which ones are even worth spending time on and then negotiating them into a narrative. The other general piece of advice is to "just write". Start putting parts of those ideas down on the page and then sort them out in revision.

>> No.17825318

She, Summer, is the scent of fireflies and fresh cut grass. She is the clacking of bicycle spokes, the hum of distant lawnmower engines, the sound of cicadas whirring, and of swaying trees in the gentle breeze. He watches from afar her blue eyes laugh, they lined religiously with heavy mascara that represent the Earth ablaze and the ashes from which all will begin anew. She sits on a blanket beneath a tree with her friends, on a stark green hill overlooking a valley in resplendent superbloom of goldenrod, sage, poppies, and blue violets. Glancing upward over her shoulder at him there miles away, the setting sun catches her sharply layered platinum blonde hair, and she smiles her imperceptible smile. Standing to wave, her lithe body sways as she calls out to him, "Frank!", her voice the only sound in the world. He does not respond, as he knows this to be merely a cold comfort, a dream. The movements of she and her friends are part of a cruel pantomime, and this vista is merely a pastiche of memories from different days.

Now alone with her, he folds his gangling form in half to sit on a log across from her, shielding his eyes from the sun setting red over the treeline. With her legs crossed, she looks out over the valley and the treeline, her back to him now. On his face is written a desperate sadness. "Isn't it beautiful, Frank?" Over the wildflowers dance butterflies, and a frenzy of birdsong like a secret code emanates from the nearby forest. "Isn't it?"

Frank trembles on the verge of tears, "...Where are you?"

"Frank! Did you pop a boner?!" laughed Summer.

"Where did you go?"

He frantically attempted to flatten out the bulge in his jeans. "That's just my pants! See?" he insisted. "They're just—really stiff!" Summer's friend Abby rolled around on the ground chortling maniacally.

"Dunno," she smiles, turning around to face him. "Maybe I'm up there!" She points at the sky, where storm clouds gather.

"Whoa! Lookit!"

"No way!"

A beautiful blue butterfly lay stricken by frigid raindrops, rivulets of water beating steadily over its gossamer wings to stick it flat against the concrete of the campus park. Stepping out from a public bathroom, and in his work uniform, Frank frustratedly wheeled his mop bucket over as if anticipating more mess to clean up. Summer hurried him by the shoulder, "Check it out, Frank! Huge, right?" He peered down his tall thin form at the poor little creature, in whom, still and lifeless, then existed no signs of ever having been more than a cheap dollar store decoration discarded after a child's birthday party.

Abby pushed her wireframe glasses up her retrousse nose authoritatively, commenting to no one in particular "That's a blue morpho, alright! Mor-pho men-e-laus."

He cocked his head to the side and softly smiled, "Its blue reminds me of your eyes." Summer looked in disbelief at Abby before squealing gleefully, jumping up and down.

>> No.17825325

Crouching, he peeled the morpho off the ground, then withdrew from his back pocket a miniature Holy Bible. In the pages of Psalms is where he pressed that butterfly, minding not at all that the corpse of God's lowliest of creatures would completely saturate them, as he offered freely the same warmth he felt that he had been blessed with.

"The sky... is—is that where you are?"

"Nah. Heaven."

Sniffling, he stands up and wipes tears from his eyes, "That would mean that you died!"

"So what!" she chuckles, kicking her legs, which dangle over the tailgate of a truck.

Drowned out under the noise of a concert, he falls to his knees clutching at her like a small child. "What do you want? Just tell me where to look! I'll go anywhere!"

She leads him through a primeval forest, slipping away from his grasping hands and turning around to laugh, hiking up her dress as they jump over ledges, run up rocky hills, hop over a creek. The matte painting sky poking through the chlorophyllous tree canopy recalls images of a previous life, of an innocence found only in Eden or the womb, and as he slowly raises his head they flicker before his eyes. "Tell me what dreams are."

"They're in here!" He follows her into a drainage pipe, where her voice and footsteps echo, and it is pitch black, but gradually heightens until they both begin running again. At the end of it, she pulls back a red curtain to reveal a bright white light. "Whatever you need—"

"A hug." Immediately his long arms wrap almost twice around her, and he throws his bodyweight into her, causing her to stumble back. As he blubbers incoherently, her countenance saddens.

"Please don't go in there, Summer," he cries, his face a mess of snot and tears, "Just hang on. Keep—keep dreaming!" She stares back at the blackness behind him, worried and far more desperate than he is. "Keep dreaming! GODDAMIT!" he spits, "Just stay alive!"

The harsh popcorn ceiling tells him that he will once again dry his eyes alone. From somewhere, he hears her sigh in noble resignation, "Okay," unsure if he made her say so but choosing to believe not.

>> No.17825328

Dating in this city is fucking hopeless. I don't know how normies do it. I guess that's why, by definition, I'm not a normie in a relationship.

>> No.17825349

What city?
Small towns are 10x better for dating anon

>> No.17825370

I did it. I hope I can keep the pace in the following days. It's a long read.

>> No.17825375

Gargle with hot salt water for about 30 seconds, that'll help a lot, especially if you have a lot of phlegm built up

>> No.17825381

NYC. I mostly hate it but have certain pragmatic reasons for living here.
>Small towns are 10x better for dating anon
I'm well aware.

>> No.17825396

Fucking love potato salad. But, the mustard kind specifically, the mayo kind is iffy most of the time.

>> No.17825399
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>taking a physical anthropology class as a gen ed
>all semester is full of really interesting lectures and assignments about the evolution of humanity and other animal species, scientific anthropological methods, analysis of bone structures, and pre historic societies
>final assignment is posted
>its this
and I have to do it if I want to maintain an because I never did the extra credit assignments

>> No.17825419

>Small towns are 10x better for dating anon
How the fuck do you figure? All the potential partners are either drug addicts, townies that have no lives of their own looking for someone else to validate them, single parents with a commune worth of kids looking for financial support, people that never went beyond playing a sport in high school and think that's a personality, or you're looking at the people still in high school or fresh out of it, and they're just going to become one of the aforementioned within a couple years.

>> No.17825424

Ur mum's tiddies

>> No.17825447

>because I never did the extra credit assignments
Sounds like a privilege. They want you to do it to show that you can self actualize. Instead of living in a bubble where you think everyone has everything exactly the same way you have it. Suck it up, and stop acting like some fag that thinks he's got it worse than everyone else.

>> No.17825464

>Sounds like a privilege.
Of doing my assignments on time and acing tests...damn I am privileged
>you can self actualize
>Instead of living in a bubble where you think everyone has everything exactly the same way you have it.
nigger I was born in a refugee camp. Suck my cock

>> No.17825488

I'm the other anon that replied to him. Having lived in a metropolis for years, everything less than it is a small town to me. Really, the optimal dating environment is a small city or large town in a highly populated general area. A small city has enough options to keep you from having to scrape the bottom of the barrel, while still not providing too many options that any given prospect gets lost in the tide. Truly small towns make it so that if you're lucky and there is someone there who jives with you, you're bound to connect because there's nothing in the way. But more likely you will suffer from lack of choice.

>> No.17825499

It depends what "small town". Midwest dying hick towns? No dating is horrible. Boomerville retirement community small towns? Dating sucks. Non poverty stricken small town an hour or two away from a nice metropolitan city? Dating is pretty good

>> No.17825529

Lying bed trying to sleep. Wishing I could punch my mind back in time to when I was young. Or punch the world forward while my mind stays still

Every day I'm kept awake by thoughts of what I could have achieved if I took advantage of the opportunities I had when I was a kid

>> No.17825533

Yes that is a good point. When I was in college in a comfy college town in a wealthy area, there were several other schools within a ten mile radius. It was the sweet spot between access to options and constraints. And given that 4/5ths of the nearby schools were private colleges, there was a certain filter mechanism in play where the pool of available dating candidates came from well rounded backgrounds and were generally healthy and composed, didn't suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome or were beaten b methhead parents.

Ironically though I didn't recognize a good thing when it was in front of me and just slept around the whole time I was there. Being in college is not good for dating either, because everyone is planning on moving on.

>> No.17825590

Fuck thatd be crazy

>> No.17825645

How to know if a plot idea is good?

>> No.17825646

>elderly man walks down street

>> No.17825700

Have any of you attempted rewriting a famous work for practice, either by memory or directly?

>> No.17825772

I’ve tried http://www.typelit.io/ for a little bit. If I was still in college and had more free time I’d use it to type out and read famous books. It’s interesting to be that micro level with text. Not sure if it’s directly useful, but I sure felt like I learned something.

>> No.17826026
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Maybe it's time to seriously confront my awful position in life. I've been avoiding it like the plague, just trying to hold everything in stasis and keep everyone in my life happy or learning.

>> No.17826082

I love you Will
I love you I love you I love you I love you
you are so cool
this is retarded but I love you
plz marry me
why are you ultra chad
I have never met someone so cool
please I love you
I am going to win at life and you will love me and we will be successful
it is written
I wrote it
on /lit/

>> No.17826118

Does anyone else read their previous short stories or novels after a few years, and rewrite them? I feel that I wrote one a couple years back that had a good story and ideas behind it, but blundered it because I was less experienced.

>> No.17826146


You'll never be happy with them. Each work is genuine only when you leave it as it was. If you rewrite it now you'll lose something only Past You could have made.

>> No.17826151


Yeah. I'm rarely satisfied with the rewriting though, it always seem like I'm leaving a wisp of something inside of these old writings that I sometimes cannot improve. The more I alter it, the more it seems common and it loses its soul and I have trouble being invested in it even though it's better written now.

>> No.17826190

How do you guys deal with not being able to come up with anything to write at a certain part of the story?

>> No.17826196

Moving on to another part and letting Future Me worry about it. He's a sucker.

>> No.17826216

This stupid Chinese bitch just cannot, or rather will not, stop smoking in her fucking apartment. I told her 8 times that it comes into my apartment and makes it smell and she still keeps smoking. I’m about to rat her out and have her evicted.

>> No.17826248

I just think of something irrelevant/funny and/or absurd and try to integrate it seamlessly into the story. Even if it's in the middle of a fight or a point where something important must happen, I just tweak the world to my whims and write about the things I want, rebound on it, then later edit the stuff if I feel like it. Example : Character A must confess something painful to character B but he can't do it because he gets sick which leads him to the pharmacy where he discusses with the son of the old pharmacist about bananas and leather jackets. On the way back, he buys some bananas and he decides to go see her. She was first mad at him but she smiled when she saw the bananas. And what was that stupid leather jacket her boyfriend was wearing? It de escalates the situation, and it really helps for my writing. I hate how sometimes the stuff you see in books is so serious, it doesn't feel real.

>> No.17826324

You should probably just kill her anon. She isn't human anyway. Just a scum bucket's bottom filth slushing around making everyone vomit in disgust. Fuck smokers.

>> No.17826345

i'm with you on this one.

>> No.17826371

>tfw longest resident in building
>smoke all day
>non-smokers can't complain because you knew I was here when you moved in
>landlord got banned from smoking by his doctor so he comes over to be near smokers sometimes
Feels good man

>> No.17826438

Yes. I had a dream inside of a dream inside of a dream (possibly a layer deeper than that) and all of them were wildly different. This was quite some time ago, so forgive my generally poor writing. Ripped straight from when I wrote it down after I woke up:
I was in a bathroom about to take a shower when a person I live with started hounding me about something. I can't remember what exactly they wanted but I think one of the things was for me to get out of the bathroom. I refused and they eventually went away. Even then something felt very wrong about what I was experiencing. I'm almost certain there was a sizeable portion of the dream before this and that it was no small part of what made me feel so uneasy. I can only barely remember what it might've been; one thing I think I correctly remember about it is that it was set many years ago, at least seventy or eighty. It was also another dream, within the one where I was in the shower, and I was even able to recall it as a dream whilst I was in the bathroom. Then while I was showering I got out to the left of the tub, now facing the sink, I turned left to the wall and pulled it open as a shower curtain, revealing a larger shower, perpendicular to the first. I began to shower in that one and started feeling some sort of existential dread. It was somewhat minor but was worsening quite quickly. I then woke up to find myself in the highschool I attended. An old friend, C, was there looking at me and clearly quite concerned. She asked me something along the lines of "What's wrong? Are you okay?" and rather than dismiss her concerns as I likely would've done in reality I told her something was terribly wrong. I don't remember the short conversation with her, unfortunately, but it was very stressful and serious to both of us- something which seldom happened. Somewhere between then and the events that followed I came to a realization of something, though exactly when or why I can't recall.

>> No.17826446

I had been made to take exactly ten small, white pills. I also realized that these pills radically altered a person's perception of time, something which only further fueled my rapidly increasing stress, concern, and dread. I began asking our classmates if I could search through their belongings for something extremely specific. I can't remember what it was but I do remember how I asked each of them; "Hey, do you mind if I go through your stuff? I'm looking for X." X being the only thing I can't remember from what I spoke. To my surprise, even then, everyone I asked was readily willing to allow me to rummage through their things. They might have also known to some extent that there was something with time altering drugs going on, though none as much as I did. Eventually I found something, though again not being able to remember the exact details, even whether or not it was that very specific thing I was searching for. I also came to know that there was some plan regarding giving someone nineteen of the pills. I can't remember whether it was their initial plan to give me nineteen but switched to ten, to give me nineteen at a future time, or to give someone else nineteen, or if they had already given someone else nineteen. One thing I very vividly remember is what I said to C upon finding out there was something involving nineteen pills- "God, I can only imagine what nineteen is like, just ten was an absolute hellscape." Just as C and I were about to do something I woke up, despite being nowhere to the extent it was in the dream I was still filled with some level of dread. Though it was more than enough to compel me to create a dream journal despite not doing so for all these years.
And that's all I wrote then. Unfortunately I'm not a skilled enough writer even now to do justice to what it was really like to experience it. It seriously shook me up though.
I had a similar experience when I was a kid, though I actually was talking to her in the real world while dreaming.

>> No.17826464

The 1st Saturns return starts next month. Im afraid.

>> No.17826501

The more I spend with my friends the more I realize they are pricks, I also want to go outside and just explore some ruins like the one in the OP, but I do not know where to find any, but I am starting to work out more regularly.

>> No.17826601

thinking about being courageous is not courage. it is an obstacle between you and your courage. you cannot live in your thought constructions. the first wind will blow them over. a situation calls for immediate action, but you rummage in your thoughts for courage. you have failed. so: drive all thinking about courage out of your head like chickens out of a coop. courage is action, gross violence. mindlessly running into the wall is courage. what is the world but a wall? what is life but a flash? what is pondering but an escape.

>> No.17826663

Can someone make a new bread, I have something ""important"" to say and don't want it to be overlooked. I'm serial

>> No.17826666

Get a map and look for ruins. Most maps will have a symbol for it in the legend.

>> No.17826670

Why would you ask someone to make another thread before this one even reached bump limit?

>> No.17826672

Self importance?

>> No.17826694


>> No.17826696

Why did you make the thread before the other one even reached bump limit?

>> No.17826697

>t. Narcissistic cancer
Read a fucking book if you have trouble waiting for old threads to die

>> No.17826699

Because it works >>17826679
thank you for your service

>> No.17826703

>Cancer loves cancer
No surprises.

>> No.17826725

It's amazing the amount of people who can't work out how 4chan aggregates content. I blame the lack of visible saging.

>> No.17826785

The way we divide up the singular unified presence around us (our phaneron) should be considered more closely. That is, our models of how we categorize information and how we link together data. For instance, various philosophers presented different models or divisions or categories of idea. Each of these could be viewed as a reality overlay of sorts.

For instance the divisions of breaking up data into
>Light vs Heavy and Big vs Small
is one such reality overlay. We can choose to interpret data in a way where the data of these specific aspects are our most important and first way we catalogue information. Obviously that would have a different outcome then a categorization system of
>Bright vs Dim and Sharp vs Soft

>> No.17826788

The idea of not being on the front page terrifies a lot of anons. It's why they won't fuck off to Reddit, because they're not guaranteed five minutes on the front page there. They'd not have to deal with anime or whatever is up their ass, but the lack of being front page news would drive them school shooter. It's your standard grandiose entitlement.

>> No.17826804

Nice dubs. I think responding to a thread past bump limit might be less common since visible sage disappeared too. Before anons would sage back and forths they didn't want spammed by ADHD fags who respond only to the front page, and only bump to keep it on the catalog.

>> No.17827175

kys brainlets

>> No.17827216

Summer trees make me feel fine, blowing through the ocean in my mind

>> No.17827242

How's that duplicate thread going for you anon? I see it's on the front page with lots of responses.

>> No.17827247

That sounds a bit like Dusty Springfield tbphfam

>> No.17827258

I just changed the lyrics of summer breeze

>> No.17827264

That would have been nice to know before I got Dusty stuck in my head.

>> No.17827272

This sounds nice so thanks for putting me onto it

>> No.17827287

Dusty's amazing but also highly recognizable to drag performers. Just a heads up for when someone catches you singing Preacher Man to yourself. Not that that ever happened to me, of course not

>> No.17827298

Going through her songs now and realising I've heard a few of these before but she's good

>> No.17827318

She was huge in the 60s, so probably everyone has heard at least one of her songs. But the people who are most likely to recognize her now are either old or the kind of people who own a Tina Turner outfit

>> No.17827337

I was thinking who she sounded like and it's that song End of the World by Skeeter Davis

>> No.17827348

I love that song. Think it was the suicide scene in Girl, Interrupted which turned me on to it.
The song from Black Mirror is another old sixties classic and this exchange reminded me of it.

>> No.17827407

How's that duplicate thread going for you anon? I see it's on the front page with lots of responses.

>> No.17827435

If you're going to duplicate posts, do it in the duplicate thread. This one is for the cool kids who know how to use 4chan.

>> No.17827742

just put "cannot think of any" in answer to both