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17790721 No.17790721 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17790729

Never very much that comes to mind other than that.

>> No.17790737

My talents never appeared, not a single area where i could be atleast decent.

>> No.17790740

to write love on her arms was epic, they should be bring it back

>> No.17790748

Just be happy, bro. Life is all about never suffering at all costs. Sucks to suck. Cheerio.

>> No.17790749

I wonder if I should gather the nerve to talk to that girl in the library in my community college.

>> No.17790754

Yes. Just do it.

>> No.17790768

What if I fuck up, or worse, I botch my relationship with her.

>> No.17790785

Better than just keep on thinking about it.

>> No.17790790

Why is that?

>> No.17790797

what relationship you havent even eaten her out yet lmao

>> No.17790798

You clearly want to be something more. If you have a relationship with her currently you're always gonna have that nagging feeling at the back of your head, robbing you of any sort of geniune interaction. The worst thing that can happen is she tells you she isn't interested, and then you can move on if she does so.

But chances are she'll gladly hang out with you if you ask. You gotta go for it. I believe in you.

>> No.17790813

I live in a stunted environment which provides little to no room for growth in an aspect which cannot compromise my morals and therefor and resigned to a life of apathetic disregard for that which would cause me to behave in anyway outside of the set course upon which is a conceived betterment for all that is around me.

>> No.17790817

I gotta wonder why people think like him

>> No.17790849

Just like soil identifies is rich-ness when one tries to garden, talent is something which remains occulted until it’s tender tries to foster. A mason builds a house out of scratch, but a gardener grows what is already there waiting in wait before he knows it. Only a fool expects to stumble on either a home or a garden for himself and I can tell you personally, I just think the world needs a lot more gardeners.

>> No.17790870

I don't know. This is one of the few people I befriended, and I don't want to lose it under the assumption I had something stronger.


>> No.17790892

You gotta do it. Ask her if she's in a relationship. If not, swoop in. I know it's scary, Anon. But if you don't try you'll always regret it.

>> No.17790897

I was never the most social in my highschool years so I never know how to handle female relationships.

>> No.17790909

Take the chance, if only so you won’t live with it for the rest of your life.

>> No.17790911
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>visit paris
>bored and a little horny
>search up nhentai
>suddenly get a warning about viewing "child pr0n"
>get spooked
Man I just wanna jerk off to some futa.

>> No.17790912

You got any tips that could help me with this? Just thinking about it makes me anxious.

>> No.17790918

that's grim, anon.
>until it’s tender tries to foster
i dont know how.

>> No.17790932

Talk to her like you normally do. Ask her what she's doing on the weekend or later. Say, hey wanna grab some donuts from the cafe? or something along those lines. You'd be surprised how effective just asking straight up is.

>> No.17790953

>that's grim, anon
That’s how life works. The strong survive and the weak perish.

>> No.17790975

Okay, anon, I will, but I'm still uncertain if it will work, but I will try. I don't know how other people could manage it.

>> No.17790993

Why are you in Europe? Didn’t you know they just restrict that?

>> No.17791005

>>suddenly get a warning about viewing "child pr0n"
>>get spooked
Did you still jerk off or were you too scared to continue? Also, didn't the EU ban that shit?

>> No.17791008

Just don't care if you fail. You will never get any one woman you ask out or take out on a date, but you will get a reasonable % of every 100 women you ask.

Don't obsess over specific women. Even if you feel a connection with them. You can't guarantee anything. Also, most women are piglike mental retard whores and your initial feelings for them will be mistaken anyway, so even when things go well you will regret that they did. Always be looking for something decent, never take failure or rejection to mean something about you (except obviously if you're being creepy or aggressive or getting yourself a bad reputation with gossipy thots or something)

>> No.17791018

Im a weak, neurotic and cowardly person.

>> No.17791021

Can you guys think of any books which exist somewhere between typical YA fiction and Adult fiction?

>> No.17791030

Just visiting family for sometime. I don't know jack if they restrict or come chasing you down.

I got spooked so I just used my imagination. Can't get in my head now can they?
>Also, didn't the EU ban that shit?
Googled bans and nothing of that sort came up.

>> No.17791032

>i dont know how.
You grab some seeds, till the soil, add some water, see if they grow. If it’s no good, get some new seeds or some new soil. Seriously. Pick something, give it a shot, reassess. If it’s no good, move onto the next thing.

>> No.17791033

It's tough man, I know. But you really do have to try. No matter what happens, it'll work out for you. You either get a nice relationship or you get to air out your feelings. A win win in my book

>> No.17791039

>iphone user
makes sense

>> No.17791041

>that's grim, anon.
We can’t all appreciate the belief that “we live in the best world possible” because technically we live in the only world possible which has no bearing on any metric of human happiness outside of that which happens to appear.

>> No.17791065
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>posting worst girl

>> No.17791070

Okay, anon, I'll make an update post to tell all of you guys if it went well.

>> No.17791080

>Just visiting family for sometime. I don't know jack if they restrict or come chasing you down
Hope they don’t come after you, anon. Your family shouldn’t know what you do in private.

>> No.17791089

posting ponies gives an instaban, when is that gonna happen for vtuber shit?

>> No.17791090

Throne of glass is one that comes to mind.

>> No.17791091

I tried, i did try to spread the seeds. After that much failure, it's extremely hard not to completely give up.

>> No.17791103

>Can you guys think of any books which exist somewhere between typical YA fiction and Adult fiction?
Court of thrones?

>> No.17791107
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>mfw /vtube/ gang is colonizing /lit/

>> No.17791110

A Court of Thorns and Roses

>> No.17791119

Translation said I'm only getting a warning and legal action will only taken if I really look at it. So maybe I'm good. Might as well go no-fap for a month since I'm only here for 4 weeks.

>> No.17791125
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I hate the direction the world has gone. I’ll probably live and die alone and not have children. Everything has become meaningless, all I wanted was a normal life. Everything we’ve done in the name of “progress”, life is not better with smart phones we are more disconnected than ever. All I have left is books, 4chin, and a small groups of friends if I can get them to get off their phones and vidya to engage in a conversation.

>> No.17791130

Try using VPN? Or are you not willing to take the chance?

>> No.17791148
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I can. I googled and turns out the ban is from last November. But I'd rather not take my chances since I'm more like a 'guest' here.

>> No.17791150

Don't you have other friends? If you do, you can deal with it.

>> No.17791161

i'd agree with you as long as that authors expresses something he feels, say: the longing for something you've never experienced (the virgin diaries) – but a virgin who writes about sex? a virgin cannot write about sex, only about the fantasy of having sex or images and stories about sex he has heard or seen; very different things from sex itself. he can write truthfully about what he imagines sex to be, but not about sex itself – and if he tries, as a virgin, to write as if he knows about sex, as if he has experienced sex – that's when i'll call him a liar and a fraud and don't believe for a second that anything he writes on this topic (sex itself) is worthwhile.

>> No.17791163

>all I wanted was a normal life. Everything we’ve done in the name of “progress”, life is not better with smart phones we are more disconnected than ever. All I have left is books, 4chin, and a small groups of friends if I can get them to get off their phones and vidya to engage in a conversation.
Seems you already got a normal life? Why are you saying you don’t?

>> No.17791188

Would be the most wisest course of action to take. Hope you enjoy your one month no fap, anon.

>> No.17791197

I'm so lost. I feel I've wasted my whole life and now everything is falling apart and I'm not ready to face it. Now I'm condemned and there is nothing I can do. All I try to do fail somehow, I always manage to fuck it up despite trying my best.
I have no fucking idea of what I shoud do.

>> No.17791211

same post as >>17790916

>> No.17791217

Figure out your priorities in life. What would you do if money wasn’t an issue? What’s the most important thing in your life? Why? Ask yourself a million questions where do you want to be in 5-10-25 years? Write all that shit down and sort your life out, why people are afraid of introspection is beyond me. Stopping looking for external answers and just go deeper into yourself.

>> No.17791221

I guess despair is neither new nor rare.

>> No.17791232

The current state of internet and information overload is very dangerous. Why no one is saying anything about being off the grid as much as possible?

>> No.17791236

What made you have a despair? You’re not having a mid-life crises.

>> No.17791241
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I want to start a small indie band but i have no musical and artistic capabilities and i'm also quite retarded.
I've been dreaming about this for years but again, this feels like a stretch to a different life.

So would you say it's more important to know your limits and set more realistic goals or to be absolute optimistic and believe in the best?

>> No.17791262
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for the samurai it is not important to justify the warrior's way by arguments, but simply to go the way. it does not matter whether the way is true or false, good or bad, ugly or beautiful, whether the masses, whether the buddha cheers or boos – a samurai is measured only by whether he follows the way. if the samurai-stuff is too cringe for you, then extract the pure doctrine: choose a way and follow it. as long as you follow the way, the way is your judgement. if truth blocks your path, close your eyes. if falsety opens the gate, lie. there is no good or bad, only the rule of the way. no one can command you to stop, neither god nor the devil. how do you choose a way? you are chosen. how far will you go? as far as fate will take you.

>> No.17791273

Start a reggae band.

>> No.17791281

>What would you do if money wasn’t an issue?
I'd drop out of school and just stay at home shitposting, reading books, go to the cinema or the opera every once in a while, see my family.

>> No.17791282

I know it’s actually pretty good if you think of what others are going through but I wish I had more meaningful conversation everyone’s always distracted checking their phones. Second I fear for the future censorship is getting worse and everyone is being coddled. Thirdly for the above reasons I’m also worried about dying alone or worse yet “settling”.

>> No.17791306

Would really appreciate actual advice related to my post

>> No.17791322

Do you really think you’d never get bored of that? Don’t you want to grow and get better at things in your life? Why read if not to learn? I don’t want to preach but that sounds like a pathetic life, there is no meaning or purpose to that life.

>> No.17791351

You could just google it, basics and all.

>> No.17791352

Possibly, but I'll cross that bridge once I get to it. For now I just want to avoid the pressures of the outside world.

>> No.17791356
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Thinking about a story and wondering if there's any threads here to discuss story ideas and the more technical points of it.

>> No.17791366

No, create your own thread, it’s for the best.

>> No.17791373

Literally pick up a guitar and learn to keep 4/4 time, learn your basic 4 chords, and learn to play and sing at the same time. I’m not that talented but my friends are and they just wanted to hang out with me. If you have the drive it really isn’t that hard to write a pop song and convince 3 other idiots to play with you.

>> No.17791401


>> No.17791419


>> No.17791440

Just do what you like. Never mind preparing for some unpleasant job, just follow your heart

>> No.17791443


>> No.17791448

Because I'm very fragile.

>> No.17791461

So is a small minority of this board, if they can’t handle anime pics on /lit/.

>> No.17791470

do canadians call radiators “rads” or for that matter is “rad” short for household radiator ANYWHERE? please answer at your earliest convenience

>> No.17791473

You’re just trying to escape from the pressures placed upon you wether internal or external. Your goals aren’t real goals it’s a shitty vacation that would be nice for a week before you’re bored. It seems your problem is more that your directionless and/or depressed. You need some sort of goal or aspiration in life sitting stagnant is akin to going backwards or drowning, you can’t tread water in this life. At least not without drugs or a plethora of other hedonistic distractions. But if that’s your thing go for it but be honest about it.
I’m speaking from experience early last year I didn’t work for a month while keeping my (reasonable) salary going I played vidya and browsed the web and read, some drugs here and there, and had a blast for two weeks until reality settled in. Than I was gazing into the void and meaninglessness of it all and chose a path, I started learning shit. I started learning about anything and everything until I found something that I liked and now that’s where I aim and strive to better myself not for my own sake (that’s a by product) but for the sake of my family, friends, and community around me. I didn’t wanna be a leech on society or another hedonistic or materialistic person because that simply wasn’t my character.

>> No.17791478

I thoughts rads was short for radiation?

>> No.17791485

>read romantic passage
>cannot relate because i never been in love

>> No.17791490

yeah that much i knew—that it’s a unit of absorbed radiation—but i’m being told that it also means home heat radiator?

>> No.17791493

I do have a guitar, 2 actually one is a cheap bullet squier strat and i actually bought a small amp for it 2 years ago but i ended up rarely ever using it because i don't know how to write a melody.

I'm really inspired by this Russian band called Buerak because it's literally just 2 guys and their creativity is the best, from what i know they use a lot of pedals and drum machine and so i want to follow in their footsteps.

I think it would be cooler if i played the bass instead because it's easier to sing with it.

>> No.17791517


One of their songs as example

>> No.17791521

I don't really visit this board, like... ever. Is it that bad here, in the /lit/ board?

>> No.17791533

is it just me or does every spiritual nigga just end up a hindu in the end?

>> No.17791534

Pretty much, create your own thread. It will be more helpful in the long run, trust me.

>> No.17791542

western man is not suited for eastern mythos

>> No.17791551
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Alright. Well, Godspeed buddy. Gonna try and make a thread so wish me luck... might unironically try reddit if it turns out bad. If nothing else can be said about them, they do tend to stay at least somewhat on topic.

>> No.17791556

it's best to have a good reason. there are three reasons to start a band: 1. you want to create music; 2. you want something to do with your friends; 3. you want women. All of these are in line with what having a band can achieve. If you want either of these then they can be reason enough to have a band. I imagine it becomes somewhat of a slog if it's just for women though.

>> No.17791557

>i don't know how to write a melody.
just hum tunes all day long. you will learn fast. it's really simple.

>> No.17791565

pretty chill

>> No.17791567

Make the OP anime. If only to spite the anti-animefags.

>> No.17791573

yea they say that but even the lords prayer is dualistic. how I am supposed to say this every day. same thing with al fatihah

>> No.17791577

>if I do y and start over instead of x that I’ve put time into it’ll work!

>> No.17791588

>just hum tunes all day long. you will learn fast. it's really simple.

Playing different chords? Learning scales?

>> No.17791600

For learning melodies: whistle.
For learnin chords and scales: google "basic chords and scales"

>> No.17791604

if you want to be a good musician the thing you really must incorporate into your practice is practicing playing by ear
t. did not do this and basically wasted years

learn scales and start breaking down music according to scale. do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do comes to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 in regular parlance. in this system twinkle twinkle little star comes to 1-1-5-5-6-6-5 4-4-3-3-2-2-1

eventually you will become an ear savant. connect your scale thinking with your fingers when you play. this is how you git good.

>> No.17791608

Well ok, i guess i can always try different methods.
I appreciate the small bit of advice

>> No.17791637

Yeah i pretty much followed classical music theory and guitar for 3 years but it was kind of conflicting with my interests on the type of music i wanted to play. Like on the practical side, i was ok at what i was doing but i was only playing from the sheets. In contrast, my friend was following jazz guitar and that requires more improve.

So yeah, i know my musical ear is pretty bad so i know i have to work on that but i assume that if i want to get creative i need to go into jazz?

>> No.17791649

so much of jazz is so gay though
to be perfectly honest it was always way above me, but I know jazz musicians and I know that is their method

>> No.17791664
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What am I meant to do if I have no problem getting to sleep but the sleep I do have is incredibly restless? I'll wake up from dreams several times a night with my mind racing and I'll fall straight back to sleep with no problem, but the issue this happens like 6 or 7 times a night so by the time I wake up in exhausted. I used to have problems falling asleep so I started going to the gym more regularly as a means to tire me out, but now I can fall asleep I just can't get good sleep. Bleh.

>> No.17791669

Are you meds? Did you try to take stress calming tea?

>> No.17791670
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I just threw my N64 controller and chipped off a piece of plastic on it out of frustration.

>> No.17791678

Use light to anchor your sleep. Get lots of sunlight in the morning and get some sunlight in the evening, stop looking at bright lights a few hours before bed time. Also only use your bed for sleeping don’t read in it

>> No.17791680

what game?

>> No.17791683

Well its complicated. I was on sleeping medication and antipsychotics a few years ago but gave them up early 2019. This is going to sound like a lie but for some reason drinking herbal tea before bed makes it harder for me to sleep. I know there is no caffeine, which is exactly why I drink it, but it's like a switch flicks in my head and I can't sleep after. Maybe a self-imposed placebo? Idk

>> No.17791691

how normal is it to hate having guests? I feel very responsible for them having fun, and at the same time I have my own rhythm when I'm at home and mixing that with company feel really artificial and... bad. been like this since I was a kid as far as I can remember

>> No.17791708

not really. it's like they're invading your personal space.

>> No.17791717

To be more specific, what steps would you take on creating a song similiar to this?

>> No.17791735

Be less autistic.

>> No.17791737

Goldeneye. Trying to beat all missions on 007

>> No.17791759

I don't know. maybe I'm being autistic anon, it's just I played guitar for like 13 years before I realized why I kept messing up my solos. I didn't play super ambitiously but still, there was a gaping hole in my skillset and it really seems ot me like it is what elevates it. When you learn it it feels artificial but when it's firm in you it becomes your freedom. I think.

One thing I can say is there is absolutely no shame in doing covers. I think very many musicians became what they are by copying others first, and then finding a style of their own that incorporated what they learned.

>> No.17791777

I'm dealing with a break up and it occurred to me: nothing in life that truly maters has a factual answer.

Should I end it on an ugly, vindictive note? There is an emotional payoff? Or should I be conciliatory and end it amicably? This latter option lacks the visceral satisfaction of vengeance, but anger fades and it would light all the good memories we had on fire, burning them away forever. Whereas if I end it kindly those memories are preserved.

No sort of reasoning is applicable here, but neither do emotions provide clear insight into the obvious choice. I can't "go with my gut." Because I'm like a cow here, my gut has several compartments. There's something incredibly exhausting about it all.

>> No.17791782

You don’t have to ask her to be your girlfriend right away. You could just start talking to her as “the girl in the library” then move onto hanging out as friends and eventually ask her out on a date. Or you could go right to asking on a date. Either one is okay.

>> No.17791790

Did you really try to tend to to this seeds AND the soil though? It takes work to both find your talent and develop it, you know.

>> No.17791798

>a virgin cannot write about sex
Agree to disagree, I guess.

>> No.17791803

I think i did the necessary work to see if the talent was there. It wasnt. Maybe i cant understand myself.

>> No.17791809

I got this one text in the input, waiting to hit send like a bullet in the chamber. The future hangs in the balance, a splitting of destiny. It can't be unsaid.

>> No.17791813

I really wish I had gotten involved in drama/theater and music when I was younger.

>> No.17791822

What is your strongest emotion when you think about the relationship as a whole? Whichever emotion it is, let it guide your decision.

>> No.17791826

It's not that weird to be gay nowadays, go for it champ

>> No.17791838

I dunno, never heard anyone refer to a radiator as rad, lol

>> No.17791845

If you don’t like the thing and you don’t have talent for it, then move on. What do you really want?

>> No.17791846

>You could just start talking to her as “the girl in the library” then move onto hanging out as friends and eventually ask her out on a date.

I would really caution against this and I say this from a place of kindness. The longer you put off 'the question' the harder and harder it becomes and the more torturous the platonic relationship will get. It can feel like a massive risk losing a friendship you genuinely appreciate, but the fact is that if you're romantically interested then the friendship isn't actually sincere - at least on your end. The longer you wait, the bigger a deal the question becomes. If you ask early, you can still play it casual - like an inoffensive random thought like "hey, we get along, maybe it'd be cool if we went on a date" as opposed to "hey, I've been talking to you for months (eventually maybe years) while hiding my lust for you, but only now have I built up the courage and by having waited so long I am now ruining what you thought was an innocent platonic friendship" which is way worse. Again I don't mean this in a mean way but unfortunately speaking from experience.

>> No.17791859

don't hurt her, you'll regret that big time in the long run

>> No.17791861

It’s how I got my girlfriend, the girl I loved so it worked for me. Spent about 5 months hanging out as friends before we kissed or went on a date and yes, we were both adults already.

>> No.17791866

I got ya, i guess my question was too technical anyway.
I'll just buy a pedal board and use a music studio application. Meanwhile i can work on my scales and tone recognition.

Anyway, you're probably not autistic, you seem like a cool dude willing to hang out and meet new people.

Godspeed, anon

>> No.17791872
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I chose vengeance.

>> No.17791877
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>posting a one trick pony

>> No.17791941

Who's this?

>> No.17791951

okay i am being fooled then

>> No.17791954

phenomena are defined by relative comparison to one another. so the phenomena define one another.
words are either defined by words or relate to phenomena.
this system never bottoms out. there is no first definer. A is only A because of B, but B is only B because of A. everything defines everything. therefore in some sense nothing is other or less than the whole. And no thing is.

>> No.17791961

>What do you really want?
I want to intuitively know what it might be but it's impossible the way you put the things.

>> No.17791965

/crit/ generals usually pop up for that. You can make one if there isn't one in the catalog. Usually the OP puts in you need to critique someone else to get crit back, so it's not just anons posting their short stories with no crit.

>> No.17791981

In my experience if there's no obvious bad blood it's best to end things amicably

>> No.17791984

As always the request board is useless, does anyone here know what happenned to the mega that compiled charts from all boards?
Is there a mirror to it?

>> No.17792021
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I'm stuck on this bruise cruise and am going to off myself in two months, but until then I'm going to annihilate my body with alcohol and smoking.

Fuck this bullshit. I'm hopping overboard. I love life, but I just think I've fucked my shot with it up.

>> No.17792046

>I love life, but I just think I've fucked my shot with it up
you havent. things pass. maybe you become a lama rancher and find love, who knows

>> No.17792063

I guess 5 months isn't it too bad. The risk I think for a lot of guys is that those 5 months become 8, become 12, become 2 years etc. So long as you act reasonably early it's OK.

>> No.17792125

I’m done living in apartments — always too obnoxious

>> No.17792166

I gotta go to sleep so I can keep writing papers tomorrow. I do not want to go to sleep, because after I do I will have to write papers.

>> No.17792328

Tell us more.

>> No.17792362

Get a sleep study done. It could be lots of things from sleep phase disorders to sleep apnoea.

>> No.17792364

Please don't do this, everyone will just argue about anime in the thread.

>> No.17792467

Everyone will just argue about something else in the thread.

>> No.17792469

phenomena is understood through perspective and every race, person, and tribe has their own interpretation of any phenomena. muslims see women as less than cattle, and westerners see each individual woman as an angel earning her wings.
it's through understanding that we can see that everything is defined through the lens of people, which is common sense.

>> No.17792497

I'm too lazy to realize my passions and become good at what i like

>> No.17792504

Stop being lazy.

>> No.17792512

maybe what you really want to be good at is being lazy?

>> No.17792519

Yeah but how?
yes precisely
i wanna be the loser who sits at home but at the same time menages to produce good art

>> No.17792522

A Neet in the making?

>> No.17792523

Based, never heard the idea of finding your passion put so precise and succinctly. Thank you

>> No.17792532

Ehh anon... ESL retard here, i already have a passion i probably used 'realized' incorrectly and it made you think i'm still looking for a passion

>> No.17792534

Okay, you want to make art. What art do you want to make? Can't develop a life of obsession around a thing if we don't know what the thing is.

>> No.17792535

After work I just sit like a volition-less vegetable.There are things I could be doing. Worthwhile things. But I know I would do them at diminished capacity owing to the expenditure of my best energies. And if you aren't going to do something with all your best invested in it, why bother?

>> No.17792536

I can agree with that. In retrospect, even 5 months was a long time. You know if you really like someone in less time than that and that’s really all you should ever wait for before taking things further.

>> No.17792538

Smoke some weed before bed, should get rid of your dreams or at least make them less intrusive

>> No.17792540

I thought you were replying mockingly to this post >>17791197

>> No.17792541

So you don’t have an impulse for anything at all? It doesn’t even have to be a conventional skill, just something you want from life, want to do with your life.

>> No.17792551

Music. Rap music (fuck you dont laugh).
I just get this stress when i think about creating, it's like
>don't even try, bro, cause you're not good enough!
It started when i became serious about rapping and writing, it just gained so much more importance in my mind and it causes me to not do it at all, where before i could do it with ease, i just wrote lyrics for fun
Ah, nah i didn't read the thread

>> No.17792556

First, doing things after work has a strange energy to them that, if done over a period of time, makes you MORE productive than if you only had the time to do the thing you want.

Second, the reason to half ass do something is that it is more than if you didn't do it at all. If I'm giving 60% for an hour every day and you give nothing all week except for saturday for a few hours at 100%, I've totaled more work than you have. I've thought about the thing more than you have. I've slept on what I've done more than you have.

>> No.17792568

Just the usual shit, people blasting rap music, coughing from smoking weed, etc. I guess I might as well start looking for a house to move into. If I get a head start on things I can find a place before all the good options are gone

>> No.17792575

Watch this video and please take it's message to heart. I watch it once every few months because it's so absolutely true. Then, let me know what you thought about it.


>> No.17792591 [DELETED] 

Turned 21 yesterday. Lived all my life in the same city.

Have 0 friends. Never did in high school either. Faded in the backdrop. A sloth sitting on his branch slyly watching the hominids sling their shit. A zoologist observing: that small unnoticed inflexion, a smirk unseen, that quick glance of excremental revulsion, and the resigned wrinkled face of the substitute teacher directed downwards to his crossword--the whole circus performance. I witness it all.

I--this Unit which never became. I the robot whose only knowledge of being human comes from sitcoms and internet threads.

Faces writhing in ecstacy, delight, terror ... they will return and stare and stare listlessly terrified by the thought that their Eyes are not their own.

Zero. Set category= 0 attachment. Drifting forward--not a self, not a character, not anything. Just a revolving set of orientations and compulsions wrapped around a meat stick.

Occasionally a new set of eyes--some shifty, some bulbous and bulging--try and penetrate into my own. I tell them my number--the letters that signify me. And hope in my heart of hearts to be a PERFORMER to be one of those Big Apes with the Big white smiles and perfect jawline--a hearty laugh, the perfect anecdote--so that I might too earn the big boy points.

Decades, staring at the same empty space. The same scrolling wheel.

<avatars> disposable, replaceable, interchangeable <avatars/>to add to my collection. |0|

might try rearranging my face--replace it with a balloon, fill it with lead.

>> No.17792598

I see your point. Some activities might make you more productive, energetic, and so on. But that's not necessarily. If there happens to be an overlap between what you're doing for work and what you wish to do afterwards, if they draw from the same pool of resources, it's not like a muscle that twice as strong from double the use but a well that dries up twice as fast.

And I see your point about half-assing. But there are certain pursuits, creative, literary pursuits such as I'm alluding to, which that if done mediocrely and falteringly are best not done at all. Nobody does open heart surgery half assed, and while they aren't the same, it's the same principle.

The best argument for that is that by choosing to do I awaken potentials that my self-limiting "why bother" beliefs prevented me from realizing.

>> No.17792605

Then you are doomed to failure, and there is nothing you can do.

>> No.17792607

>let me know what you thought about it.
Pretty cool, honestly. I feel like the "just put in work" advice is good, i wish i could just get myself to write a few hours per day or something but i don't have that motivation man

>> No.17792626

You should put the books down and make some friends

>> No.17792631

>few hours
How about 5 minutes. I tell you what, how about the two of us both write for five minutes and see what happens?

First anon who replies to this gets their idea written about for five minutes between me and dude who lacks motivation.

>> No.17792641

all right. but i don't have to post it right?

>> No.17792642 [DELETED] 

Why should I? I don't really see the point.

>> No.17792649

Yes. You are posting it, for all the anons to see our whole five minutes of bullshit work. This is gonna be fun anon, don't worry.

>> No.17792650

some neurotic faggot in his crusade to become the Otoya Yamaguchi (that is, kill a important political figure) of his country but only because he wants to become part of history (or for the lulz)

>> No.17792652

Mega cringe

>> No.17792689 [DELETED] 

Yes my life is cringe. I don't care. There's no one to judge me anyway.

>> No.17792694

We're all judging you

>> No.17792695

(I am anon who dared the other anon)

It was going to be my destiny. I had been told by my family I was destined to be something special. To do something great. For years I thought this meant I was going to find the cure to cancer, or invent something fantastical, or maybe even help get someone locally elected. But once I was told the truth, I knew what I had to do. The fact of the matter is that the County Commissioner was abducting children and drinking their blood to stay roughly forty five years old. He was balding, and it looked like his genetics weren't too good, but for some reason he's been forty five years old for the past five decades. He kept getting elected. I wasn't sure how exactly, until I started reading about adrenochrome that I realized the reason his election kick off parties were normally held at the chuck e cheese. It all fell into place. I couldn't prove it though, so the only thing I knew I could do was assassinate him at the top of the hour when chucke comes out to sing. No one will hear the blade enter his body when the show starts, and I know no one will check on him in his chair for a while, so I could slip out. He's a known alcoholic, and a few light beers at the children's play place doesn't seem too far fetched. Everything is falling into place. I know I may be arrested. I'm ready for that too. For I will become the Otoya Yamaguchi, and death is only the beginning.

>> No.17792721

All right here you go
keep in mind i wanna be a rapper and not a poet

here's the beat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CUVcNBE3vw&ab_channel=HipHop

"I wanted to get well known for my skills
but if it doesnt work i wont hesitate to kill
Whole life I sat back and watched it pass by
Flows pencils wack rhymes
Sitting on laurels
Whole lot of ambition and nothing to show for it
everytime i make myself write it feels like extortion
cried one too many times, so now i dont show emotions"

>> No.17792726
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Fucking kek anon I love you

>> No.17792739
File: 161 KB, 567x367, Screen Shot 2021-03-15 at 7.52.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two threads diverged in a lit catalog, and I chose the anime girl, and that has made all the difference.

>> No.17792745

I'm surprised the mods didn't prune the other one.

>> No.17792754

The greta thread is unironically a vtuberfag false flag. Trust me.

>> No.17792763

Yeah that’s what I took away I thought it was a mockery of everyone here by saying you are too lazy to find something to make your life meaningful but instead your of the odd breed too lazy to make it happen. Unfortunate step one is supposed to be the hard one

>> No.17792771

Look at what happens to these threads when you remove Asian girl feet. It becomes depressing

>> No.17792783

Rather have anime or vtubers than 3DPD.

>> No.17792812


>> No.17792817

Agreed, glad to see vtube is taking over /lit/ now too.

>> No.17792835

More like V Pube because you all have hairs in your mouths from sucking secretly male V Tuber cock haha

>> No.17792842

you got him son

>> No.17792845

Oh boy, the schizoid is back.

>> No.17792855
File: 2.19 MB, 3690x5150, Ileana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just found my new waifu.

>> No.17792859

You have a hair. on your tongue lol

>> No.17792864

Why are you so upset that people enjoy something you don't? Vtube is one of the most popular trends on this site, it just got its own board.

>> No.17792870
File: 11 KB, 436x312, hehh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scociety ejaculates into my brain

>> No.17792875

Based, you should go to that one

>> No.17792879

God 4chan is so fucking shit
Dumb glowie

>> No.17792893

Nice job anon! Now do that every day for just a little bit.

>> No.17792895

I've come to the realization I have frens left and I want a bf

>> No.17792912

Hey girl, do you believe in miracles?

>> No.17792934
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>> No.17792941
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I might just be horny

>> No.17792946

Not that anon, but the only difference between vtubers and normal streamers is an anime avatar. If you like watching them, that's cool, but there's nothing special about them.
I've spend two months doing basically nothing but watching all of Ina's stuff and literally two vods before catching up I've realized that there's no payoff to all of this. It's just endless content that's incredibly comfy and and kinda motivating, but to actually do something with that motivation I've had to stop watching her.

>> No.17792956

>I've spend two months doing basically nothing but watching all of Ina's stuff and literally two vods before catching up I've realized that there's no payoff to all of this. It's just endless content that's incredibly comfy and and kinda motivating, but to actually do something with that motivation I've had to stop watching her.

Jesus. This vtuber shit is next level learned helplessness.

>> No.17792962

Did you learn nothing of her drawings? They helped me improved.

>> No.17792964


>> No.17792970

A part of me would like to learn Japanese. I feel like it would be a fun hobby. But I do not wish to be a weeb. Also, Japan's population is decreasing so I will have less people to talk to (which might be a dumb thought given how large the population is). Plus whenever I think about learning a foreign language, I feel like English is good enough so there's no point. Then again, I am moderately good at Spanish, and that has come in handy before.

>> No.17792989

If you're not sure then it's probably not worth it. But yeah the population thing is a dumb thought. Do you know how big Japan is? It has more than twice the population of Germany, and there's no shortage of Germans.

>> No.17792996

Surely if you speak English there are so many more languages that would be easy to learn rather then that alien Japanese shit

>> No.17793016

I would like to learn a language outside of the Indo-European family (I know 3 in it, so...). I looked at Arabic, but I felt like I was intruding if that makes sense. And then there's Mandarin Chinese or Japanese, and while now Mandarin seems more useful, I wouldn't have much use for it.

>> No.17793078

Into the burgerpunk it will go.

>> No.17793145
File: 75 KB, 960x888, 1615538677986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet was a mistake

>> No.17793196

fuck you Daisy you said I would get a gf in 2020 you lying slut.

>> No.17793215

Can't draw for the life of me.
I wanna come back to writing, but have no new ideas and don't want do dig the old ones from the ashes.
Gonna have to go out and life like a normie for some time to come up with something.

>> No.17793230

Ive been a NEET for 5 years and im still chillin, fuck you go getters telling people how they should live their life, fucking pathetic lol.

>> No.17793494


>> No.17793632

I think I'll have to feel the pang of loneliness wholeheartedly by finally abandoning most of my immediate friend group. The differences are irreconcilable as I've tried, especially for the last couple of years, to make them into healthier people whom might attempt to espace their listless lives. But it can't be done. They have their own lives and only they can choose a better path. I refuse to waste time with them and then reflect in anger when they are absent. Goodbye.

>> No.17793722

I learned it as a second language because I love the place and hold authors in that language close to me so I wanted to read them in their native language. If you want to learn it, learn it. If you don’t, don’t. Everything else is irrelevant.

>> No.17793810

This is a shot in the dark but has anyone here gone to graduate school for a literature (or media) field despite going to undergraduate for something totally unrelated?

>> No.17793950
File: 47 KB, 670x440, Su-Xiaobai-Weeping-Tang-lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about sending your ex a breakup text when you're a literary phenom is that when you really lean into it you can pull all the strings. Anything limited to the purely textual becomes the domain of great power. I'm controlling the entire exchange as if I was writing a story.

>> No.17793990

It took years but I finally made the most irrelevant connection between two pieces of media of all time.



>> No.17794101

Send her a dear john letter.

>> No.17794157

For the anon on the thread that had a bodybuilder as op's pic that asked me how to get out of "that phase". Here's the answer that I wrote for you seconds before the thread got pruned.

I already posted the cycle but I will do it again. People on /lit/ often follow this cycle:
>smart teen
>réactionnaire/tradcath/commies/natsoc etc. phase
>accomplished Man
Your beliefs will be challenged or you will challenge them yourself and they will crumble. In my case, I was a really pious and active catholic discerning the monastic life until the Church made me lose my faith. I have then been at my lowest for more than a year and very nearly killed myself. But, through experiences and introspection I emerged stronger and, to put it simply, I became a man. In fewer words, the people in this phase, no matter their age, need to live and grow up.

>> No.17794172

The woman is still going to assume you're wrong, no matter how eloquently wrong you are.

>> No.17794237
File: 145 KB, 577x757, 93118E7E-1C97-46D6-8744-75BBBA4B5B0A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey lit, I’m drunk and I love you. I love the id pol, I love the pol fags, I love the faggots that believe in god, I love the frog posters, I love the people that reply with one word response that are meant to be mean and unarguable. I love all you faggots. Y’all are the worst. I hate that I can’t have a good discussion about any of the books I read. Y’all are so fucking young. I wish I was 20 years old again so I could fucking beat the logic and experience into you all, but no one takes me seriously. And I love it because it makes all my actions pointless and no one reads my effort posts. I fucking love you lit.

>> No.17794356

I love you too you faggot nerd

>> No.17794359

Fuck you, love of my life.

>> No.17794370

I've been watching the news feeds about crime in my city. On a regular, now daily basis, I read about the random assaults on the streets, the unprovoked attacks, the shootings. Not even muggings half the time, just random acts of violence. Then you hear these politicians, these disgusting, smal,l cowardly little people, downplay the idea that it is not because of relaxed policing due to BLM but because of "trying economic times." Trying economic times does not cause someone to punch an Asian on the street without even touching their wallet. Trying times does not cause someone to stab various homeless people on the trains. Trying times does not cause an epidemic of suckerpunches and subway rail shoves with absolutely no monetary gain involved. Doom these people. The eternal, irrevocable, ultimate, indelible truth is that heavy handed policing is the best solution to crime, the best means to keep violently minded cretins from doing the one thing they are capable of doing--harm--from doing it. And it has been so since the day that the first caveman picked up a club, and saw that the other one was going to get up to no good with it. There is such a thing a social refuse, and police are the garbage collectors. You are delusional if you doubt that for one minute. You are incapable of fathoming how small the mind of some are, how thin their cerebral cortexes, how inflamed their amygdalae, how barely a twinkle of consciousness sparks in it save for those of lust, anger, and madness and resentment, dimmed all by the ugliest sort of stupidity. Call me a nazi. I'm not, but if I'm a nazi then you condone this sort of crime, because what I propose is the one and only time tested, culturally-invariant, fool proof solution to it.

>> No.17794373

Everyone became so gay after Trump lost, is like you guys just gave up.

>> No.17794374

I usually read effortposts. I love this shithole too.

>> No.17794378

Y’know that feeling when you need to fart and you aren’t afraid of shitting yourself so you push and it sounds like the trumpets of god? That just happened after I read your post. This place sucks. I fucking love it.

>> No.17794384

Police are required for the masses, yes. But I just want to remain invisible.

>> No.17794385
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You don't need heavy handed policing when the base stock of people is fundamentally good. Look up "high trust" vs "low trust" societies.

It's always funny to me to see Northern Europeans scratching their heads over why their prison system, which is purely rehabilitation based and treats a prison sentence like a time-out in an Ikea-furnished apartment, can't handle the psychotic murderous rapists they're importing by the boatload. I never imagined western cognitive dissonance could go on this long, but with every passing year we just scream louder that it's STRUCTURAL FACTORS.. UHH, UHH, IT'S.. ECONOMIC FACTORS... CRIME IS CORRELATED WITH POVERTY!!!

>> No.17794391

Yeah, sometimes when I get drunk I put on the /jp/ themesong. I honestly don't know what the fuck I'm going to do if this site is closed.

>> No.17794400

I implore you, have sex.

>> No.17794414

I haven’t had sex in more than a year. I miss one night stands. I miss almost falling in love. Anon it’s hard when I don’t want to kill my grandma. I’ll get laid later. I’m fine now. Please tell drunk me something I need to know, not something I already know.

>> No.17794421
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>> No.17794480

I don't understand how even cultural differences can't be discussed as the origin of this problem. The genetic discussion is entirely impossible in the public but how has it come to the point where we can't publicly discuss the differences in "software" and their implications. Holy shit.

>> No.17794482

Did you go back to the church? Or if not why did you stay away?

>> No.17794584
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Anyone else disturbed by how subtly callous society is toward men? Would the world we live in even exist if not for their sacrifice? Our homes, power, sanitation, firefighting, policing, transportation -- all the most essential components of the system hinge upon the sweat and risk of men.
And our modern world is a grave of men. Millions, barely out of adolescence, ground up in service to a future that has forgotten them. The Y chromosome is a tragedy. The cruelest pressures had to be exerted on countless young men, condemning them to loneliness and early death, so as to forge the Y responsible for the absolute highs and lows of the human race.

>> No.17794643
File: 2.51 MB, 1630x2210, __tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_chyffon__ec6280286bc290b39632c644910b0052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does a sheep has such big titties? Was she supposed to be a satyress but the Japanese weren't too fond of sexualizing her?
I kind of want a R18 Watame where she has the same cute voice but is horny as heck.
Also I want to smell her pheromones coming from her armpits very badly.

Oh and I am supposed to be working on my BA thesis but I'm too lazy and horny to be doing anything right now. Any tips on how to stop being a coward and start doing my assignments?

>> No.17794647

leechblock NG

>> No.17794648

1. Cum your brains out repeatedly
2. ???
3. Profit from mental clarity

>> No.17794659

fuck u mods

>> No.17794683
File: 381 KB, 2048x2048, __tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_yotsugi__db8f44832b1b403fbf038ca9dc08e4de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going to try one of these software.
I can't stop reading articles about how to love and make love to women, despite the fact that I never had a girlfriend, or even a female friend at all. Therefore it would be useless reads at this moment; yet, they're interesting to read as it may be the key to getting a LTR.

Thank you, anon!
My libido is still pretty high after cumming 6 times straight in one day. I think it's the zinc and exercise but I also don't want to stop them since they're good for my overall health as a /fitlit/ anon.
I think I will try it once and see if I become more rational and active.

>> No.17794787

The pendulum has swung so far in the direction of social constructivism that any biological/genetic explanation for human behavior is discarded as scientific racism. It's a shame because race is a social construct to some extent but you need to balance your understanding with biological studies on race, and there is scant modern research so everything we have to rely on tends to be at least half a century old.

Last person to prominently venture back into this territory was Charles Murray and look at how he became a pariah in the academic world. Who would want to risk their career and reputation on something like this in 2021?

>> No.17794820

I'm way too trusting with people. This dumb kid at work "bought" my Switch the other day. I fronted it because, well, I'm a fucking rube who desperately wants to see the best in people. He proceeded to not come to work for the last two days. Probably skipped town already. It's only $100 and I'm not hurting for money, but it's the principle of the thing. It makes me mad, but I'm more disappointed than anything. This kind of shit is why I want no part in the shitty outside world full of shitty people.

>> No.17794881

go find him and get your 100 dollars nigga

>> No.17794891


>> No.17794904

If I see him I'm gonna kick the shit out of him but it seems unlikely.
I'm not a huge fan of the whole Jungian thing, but yes.

>> No.17794932

I used to dismiss the MBTI obsession and still hesitate to treat as more than a sophisticated pseudoscience... but you'd be surprised at how much learning about your personality type can help you understand yourself.
t. INTP gang

>> No.17794967

it is psuedoscience for a number of reasons, but that doesn't mean you can't find value in it. The main reason it's interesting is also the main reason it's pseudoscience, which is that the theory it's based on is non-empirical and non-falsifiable and doesn't map onto any models considered valid in modern neuroscience or psychology. It's based on some dude thinking of cool shit in his comfy chair (and later two women who liked the ideas and formalized it and renamed it), and the ideas are genuinely interesting.

Tests that are valid (as in, score within an acceptable range of psychometric validity) are generally atheoritical, which is sometimes used as a criticism but really just means that at this early stage with personality psychology being so soft, it's best to rely on pure stats and keep the labels and descriptions of the constructs you're actually measuring arbitrary and vague.

>> No.17794981

It's your own fault to be fair. Still you should hunt that motherfucker down and get him what he deserves.

>> No.17795016

I’m tired of my fucked up skin. I’m tired of my shitty diet. Anyone have any health advice? Idk where to start with this stuff.

>> No.17795032

you gotta go keto bro. all the smart and cool kids are doing it.

>> No.17795036

Pretty simple brother: Cut junk foods, avoid saturated fats and oils etc. Cut anything that is obviously sugary - e.g. soft drinks, chocolates etc. Sugar is pretty hard to avoid in general, but you can at least cut down on the obvious stuff. Doing this helped clear up my skin after dealing with shit skin for many years of adulthood.

If you're the type of person who craves soft drink out of habit, replace it with cold water or tea. I replaced alcohol at nights with herbal teas and it really helps because it fulfils the habitual urge of having something in your hand to sip on.

If you don't know what to eat other than shit foods then learn how to make good meals from basic ingredients like chicken, rice, and veggies. Stir fries are the easiest for a noob.

>> No.17795322

I wonder how my life would change if I dedicated each day to doing something at least mildly significant

>> No.17795372

Not much.

>> No.17795394


>> No.17795490

It's the truth.

>> No.17795504

Maybe to some extent. It depends on what you do I think.
I'm someone who will spend the entire day on 4chan and youtube unless I fight that urge.
Today for instance I was thinking I should try and finish a video game I've been playing now and then.
I think if you take that desire to be productive and channel it into at least one thing per day, you could grow a lot.
Not just by playing video games though, the idea is starting small

>> No.17795562

Imagine talking to the average person and no thinking they're cattle who only exist to be taxed.

>> No.17795625
File: 654 KB, 1288x3200, 9GKGtoel2n1DjjUmn8XhL3_ISB22Ui8w6CPUqjeJj7w[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17795666

/fit/ is full of women(not in the literal sense), I just realized.

>> No.17795698

You just realized?

>> No.17795776

I lost my 3ds and about 40 games.
I'm pretty fuckin' bummed about that.

>> No.17795826
File: 114 KB, 257x178, 1600016195005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STEMfags in this board and site keep proclaiming their line is the best
>Every STEMfag I've met wished that they'd done something different

>> No.17795836

It's full of men who are dumb, insecure, and cowardly. They obviously don't want to be this way, but then they fall for the self-improvement meme, and instead of changing from within, they outsource this change to lifting weights. I find this particularly sad, because I actually enjoy physical exercise, and there are many reasons on why you should waste your time in it. And sure, you could say, "getting /fit/ will help with your self-esteem", which I will admit it can happen, but it's still just outsourcing your fundamental issues. The kingdom of heaven in within you, not in lifts.

>> No.17795871

Almost every person I’ve ever met wish they did something different.

>> No.17796004

I just wanna write a story about a cool space ship. Like an old clunker that's been modified over decades by its owners with all sorts of hidden features and quirks. But I'm never able to settle on the frame work I want to set this particular autistic fascination in.

>> No.17796192

I hate /lit/.

>> No.17796254

I love /lit/.

>> No.17796270

I am indifferent towards /lit/

>> No.17796284

the trichotomy of men

>> No.17796298

How do you get over the dread that the work that you spend your life honing becomes nothing more than something for the average midwit to consume?

Even then, they won't even consume all of it, they'll consume a bit and throw it away, and forget about it in less than a day.

>> No.17796397

Taking a week off from my job to go train hopping for a week. I hope to get from Seattle to LA. I'm writing a short story about a bored 20-something careerman, massively in debt, with no hopes of an exciting life, meeting a drifter girl and skipping town with her. I've never train hopped before, but I've been in contact with a few local guys who do it often and got good tips. I really wanna get the feeling of being out there, alone. Worst case I make it halfway and hitchhike back to Seattle.

>> No.17796451

Good luck, have fun. Don't bother with that terrible self-insert story though.

>> No.17796461

>talking to average people
Your fault desu

>> No.17796478

>all the most essential components of the system hinge upon the sweat and risk of men
Remember, it was the idea of men to make it this way.

>> No.17796484

My left side of my face is numb for a year now

>> No.17796497

Wow that's fucking weird, I didn't know France restricted that stuff. I'd shit myself if that kind of warning came up, good thing I don't live in France.

>Why are you in Europe? Didn’t you know they just restrict that?
I live in an EU country and I've never heard of anything like that.

>> No.17796498

I want to quit my job and either

> work some low end “who cares” day job that earns enough to get by semi-comfortably
> live off parents or state funds
while I pursue my creative interests. In current state, I have 10 years minimum to reach student loan solvency and 20 years to get a meager retirement pension that’s not enough to live on so it’s not worth it. I just have no idea how to accomplish either of those things.

>> No.17796517

I always thought "mediocre" meant something aking to "middling", kinda like "adequate if a bit lacking".

>> No.17796519

Can't you just do the first one while working on the second one on the side? The money you get from your job would probably help you.

>> No.17796529

Isn't that what mediocre means? I always thought that's what it meant.

>> No.17796545

Watame is actually a male sheep since she has horns.

>> No.17796663

Yeah, I can do that. I just don’t really know how to go about it. I thought the job I’m in now would be an easy “who cares” job but it’s not. The only labor job I had was working 12+ hour days often. I’m not sure what I should be trying to do and my degree (economics) only really lends itself to corporate go getter hustler jobs I think.

My alternative is to try to rely on parents. My parents are divorced and each have their own home. I’m not particularly close with either of them but I’m certain they’d let me live in their house for a time and my mother might even offer me a job at her office. I just don’t know how I feel about that given my age and some other factors.

>> No.17796875

It's impossible to jog without looking silly.

>> No.17796973

> be super lean
> be jacked
> be in the army or a sport team
> have good form
Then you can jog without looking silly. Everyone else will have to look silly.

>> No.17796997


I'm a Chad

>> No.17797004

Where do you live anon?

>> No.17797052

not really, i even read books because i hope to find an answer. all i want from life is clarity even momentary but apparently im not even worthy of that.

>> No.17797122

Isn’t reading books an impulse?

>> No.17797142

I wish I had a creative talent I could share with people publicly.


Weebs and guitar lovers, enjoy I guess.

>> No.17797152

Can anyone else sympathize with feeling like you just kind of are one way but also having lived in a way which is diametrically opposed to that?

I do and for me, it’s become a question of how to recover from that. I know what I have to do I guess. It’s just a matter of finding a way to do it.

>> No.17797154

All of life is subject to these dynamics. I'm content with the fact that some small group will find my work compelling enough to change their view on the medium and perhaps even their views beyond that. This is what the artists that I've loved have done for me and I wish to do the same for others.

>> No.17797214

I want to be an artistic, creative renaissance man but I think I have too many interests to ever be really good at any one of them.

>> No.17797337

I also feel vague "ways" about myself yes

>> No.17797480

I really don’t think what I said was so vague.

>> No.17797710

Is it normal that just by using my imagination I can precum so much that my underwear is completely soaked?

>> No.17797744

You gave no specifics. "I think I'm one way but sometimes I act contrary to that" isn't saying much at all. It happens to everyone, the self isn't so rigid, people adapt to their surroundings.

>> No.17797864

Is that not specific enough? You feel as though you are naturally one way but you’ve lived in a way which is counterproductive, or even an impediment to that. I’m not being hyper-specific because I don’t want to know if someone sympathizes with my exact situation. I want to know if they sympathize with that feeling. I don’t really think that’s vague, at least not given the subject.