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16590584 No.16590584 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good cyberpunk books aside from Neuromancer?

>> No.16590602

What anime?

>> No.16590939

Kiln People

>> No.16591007

mona lisa overdrive (skip the second one)
void star

>> No.16591465

Source for the webm?

>> No.16592803

I love cyberpunk but I find the recent trend of facsimile 80s lo fi reproduction particularly bleak. It's like we cant even think about our own present situation without an aesthetic evocation of a past genre already concerned with meaningless and hollow images

>> No.16592829

Cyberpunk is more or less about the end of history. It has nowhere to go, the setting is one of permeant pause before the Singularity happens.

>> No.16593389

Terrible advice. Count is the worst book of the three, but it contributes crucially to Mona Lisa

>> No.16593403

just read the news we're living in it and most of us aren't even doing enough to fight it to be side characters in terrible shlock

>> No.16593498

Yes I agree which is why I find the deliberate 80s aesthetics kind of puzzling.

>> No.16593591
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>> No.16593670

It's not that perplexing when you realize they thought they were living in the end of history. The phrase was yet to be coined but the vibe was already there

>> No.16593680

am I the only one who liked cryptonomicon? I mean it's not high wet but it was fucking entertaining as shit yet people just call it a meme. Am I just pleb?

>> No.16593797

it's rated 4.24 on GoodReads

>> No.16594466

cyberpunk is to sf what anime is to japanesse audiovisual productions.

>> No.16594498

neve used goodreads is that /10?

>> No.16594547

No, it's between 1 and 5 (stars).

>> No.16594749

Imagine reading Snow Crash and enjoying it

>inb4 you just don't get it

It's 90s self-insert weeb fantasy, it sucks

>> No.16595571


>> No.16595826

how common are cyberpunks who handle the simulations matter at the same time, as the main theme or something like that? names?


>> No.16595834

You just don't get it.

>> No.16596031

no it's out of 5 and usually everything is 3.5-4
Moby Dick is 3.51
Catcher in the Rye is 3.81
The Stranger is 3.98

>> No.16596074

It's fun if you ignore the cyberpunk elements that became extremely dated. If it were adapted it would focus entirely on the libertarian pulp aspects. The setting is basically Mad Max meets Idiocracy.

>> No.16596088

Anathem and Cryptonomicon are not cyberpunk novels.

>> No.16596095

I enjoyed Cryptonomicon, but I also enjoyed most of Neal Stephenson's stuff up to Reamde, which was fucking awful.

That means absolutely nothing.

>> No.16596104

It was a wacky pulp book.The idea behind the Sumerian language being the code for the brain was fun.

>> No.16596827


>> No.16596846


>> No.16596942

>Ready player one
I guess it's cyberpunk if you take the idea that everyone's obsessed with 80s pop culture into some kind of message, but that's really giving it too much credit.

>> No.16596980

RP1 makes for an incredible commentary on dead-end cultural regurgitation if you pretend everything bad about it was done on purpose.

>> No.16597047

It was fun but he went way too deep on it to pad the book. He could have dropped like 10-20 pages of that desu.