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14633184 No.14633184 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled...
Which were the top 5 of this edition?


Previous thread: >>14618273#

>> No.14633190

I havent finished yet (half-way) but I am compelled to inform you that I find the quality between the 1st and 2nd edition exponentially risen.

KMD (pbuh) and his Irish bodyguard/lover did a hell of a job this time.

>> No.14633517

Why does he wear the mask?

>> No.14633525

Still waiting for my copy. Which works have caught your attention thus far?

>> No.14633535

For you

>> No.14633550


Discarded machine is exceptional, the one about the relious family, ... i liked .vector? Hell, its really rich, cant remember it all but i thoroughly enjoyed it so far

>> No.14633556

Slit your fucking throat

>> No.14633585
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>> No.14633988

I just ordered it, so I’ll get back to you

>> No.14634007

Is there a digital version?

>> No.14634060

I do not endulge in this effort nor do I even care for it but bless you guys for doing something like this and pulling it off.

>> No.14634123

cant ship to the UK, hope you enjoy it amerifags

>> No.14634135

Because you're an embarassment to everyone.

>> No.14634143

How many copies have you shipped so far?

>> No.14634164


I got a copy in the UK you just need to email KMD

>> No.14634177

Roughly 45 in US and Canada, and 31 overseas. It's going very well!
email litquarterly@gmail.com to get one.

>> No.14634184

That's more than you printed for the first edition, right? Bravo!
How many did you print for this one?

>> No.14634222

Total of 180.

>> No.14634263

So, who are you? Give me the rundown.

>> No.14634304

two entries titled "x Machine"??? wow

>> No.14634306

lol, what do you mean? I originally intended to go back to university but wasn't accepted so I decided to use the extra time and money I had to make the quarterly. And it was so enjoyable that I am going to keep doing it as long as it's practical.

>> No.14634338

I imagine after producing several successful issues of this quarterly you'll be able to put this on the CV and get in somewhere, if you're still aiming at that.

>> No.14634358

It was originally supposed to be a machine-based quarterly but we changed it last minute.
Nah, I've accepted that I won't be finishing my degree. It isn't really worth it anymore. I'll stick with the job I have, which I'm enjoying more and more, and do this on the side for fun.

>> No.14634398

>a machine based issue
woah, really?

>> No.14634407

lol, I'm joking.

>> No.14634475


howso? sorry anon, you seem quite mad. Did you get rejected by our Canadian Prophet?


i have to say its pretty gud, if i werent a contributor myself I'd still buy it

>> No.14634482

I want to pity-fuck the preacher's wife ...

>> No.14634522

the story about the german high-school kids meeting for the last time... god they are so insufferable.
Obvious B*rliner cunts, with a sprinkle of air-headed exchange students. Drinking their fucking beer, smoking cigs, having a good time. But where is the Depth? No political discourse? No activism? Not even some latent homo-eroticism?! 4 men, sleeping together, and not a grain of magnetism? No awkward, shy touches? They would have gone their separate ways anyway, it would have been a secret they would have taken to their graves...
Christ... its truly amateur hour in here

>> No.14634561

sounds comfy, will read

>> No.14634569

You're a LARPing mongrel. Do your parents a favour and neck yourself.

>> No.14634573

>lol, what do you mean?
No matter, you've given me all I needed to know. Just understand I'm glad you're doing this.

>> No.14634581
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x2448, FBFA87D7-F357-41BB-A45C-B33F3168E28D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks so legit unhh

>> No.14634582

I'm from Italy. The things I order from amazon.com never arrive here (gotta stick to .it). How can I get hold of this issue? Can at least have the PDF?

>> No.14634616

you can email litquarterly@gmail.com to make arrangements for shipping.

>> No.14634619

Hey Anon, raise the price from $8 to $12. It'll be in line with N + 1's pre-subscribed rate. I don't think anyone here sees a difference in $4 as willing to buy or not - will give you more to give out as prize pool.

>> No.14634626

Honest question. I was kinda excited by this and was hoping it wouldn't be one of those cryptofascist, dogwhistle projects. Guess my kind of people aren't welcome in this area anyway

>> No.14634640

the writing isn't cryptofascist in this issue, but obviously the more it is associated with this board the less true that will become.

>> No.14634650


You are unworthy of gazing upon my radiant visage. you will only seethe more because you are in possession of my fine looks and chiseled jaw, and thus im merely doing you a favor.

>> No.14634661



>> No.14634666

Sperg-tastic post

>> No.14634675

Sorry to let everyone down but I have insider information that all the contributors on the Quarterly are actually KMD himself using this as a way to practice his writing while also selling it for a ton. It was also a great scheme to take inspiration and steal legit pieces from retards who actually sent stuff in he also publishes the best to magazines for big $$$ not some small fake sum of $70 (LOL).Everyone ITT or other one claiming they got paid or saying they have a poem/story on it are for the most part KMD on a premium vpn and larpers

Sorry to say all of you got gotted. Might have to delete this post soon because he'll know who I am


>> No.14634676


ok, hell-spawned beasttranny

>> No.14634682


>claiming they got paid

why would you take the money in the first place? you guys arent poor are you?
Fucking whores. Real art is dead.

>> No.14634685

You're the tranny here. Imagine hiding your hairless face under that mini cuck shed

>> No.14634694

post something that was accepted for the quarterly. I want to get an idea of the quality of this publication

>> No.14634697


>mini cuck shed

kek, not bad
was speaking of your digits, Phile.

>> No.14634708

Thanks for checking them

>> No.14634709


no but its actually really good

>> No.14634713


>implying KMD is a person and not a mere concept

The quarterly is run by a neo-globalist order and funded directly by Soros

>> No.14634717

I assume you are involved in the publication. Can't take your word for it since it's in your interest to sell it

>> No.14634724


He was not a violent man, but he felt like he really had to punch something. He decided that it had to be his sofa. If he was going to punch anything, that was the most sensible thing to assault: it woudnt break and it wouldnt hurt his hands too much. He landed several good blows in quick succession. He ddint care if a neighbor saw him through the window as he did it. fuck it, he thought. He punched as hard and as fast as he could.

it felt good being an uncontrolled maniac, but it exhausted him. He felt like saying something cool to end with. He kicked the sofa and, almost entirely out of breath, said, ''There you fucking faggot.''

>> No.14634731


yea yea lick my fucking balls

>> No.14634738

fuck off

>> No.14634743

Call me a cryptofascist again and I'll sock you in the goddamn face and you'll stay plastered.

Answer your phone.

>> No.14634755


yeah, fuck that guy, were classical national- socialists here, none of that new age zoomer mumbo jumbo

>> No.14634769

Why is the tone of this thread so uncivil compared to the last one?

>> No.14634773

Listen, shmuck. KMD is going to post a free PDF in the coming weeks anyway. You can buy it or not to support it.

>> No.14634775
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>> No.14634777

ya it's weird, probably cause the larping Deus Vult in the OP

>> No.14634779

lol poor fools

>> No.14634784


Personally one of my favs. Really top tier autismo humor whilst also channeling and magnifying the obscure (pyscho-physicial) faults of the individual reader himself.

>> No.14634788


Succes breeds jealousy.

>> No.14634790


>> No.14634804

Aren't you some tranny cunt

>> No.14634813

I'm not sure, but it's very noticeable.

>> No.14634817



>> No.14634831

any digital editions?

>> No.14634838


Next week most likely

>> No.14634962

I spent ten different emails to send some work in thinking one of the pieces would be workable but I didn't hear nothing back.

>> No.14634970

What’s everyone’s story ranking

>> No.14634996

why do anglos play dress up past puberty?

>> No.14634997


>> No.14635065

I have not started reviewing anything since there's still one more day until the deadline, then we will assess all the submissions together and beginning deciding what's in and what's out.
lol, I was just playing along with the trickster here>>14634675
I can assure you this is all legit and I'm way in the hole on the project, but I enjoy it. I paid all contributors who were printed (unless they insisted on not accepting payment, which some of them opted for).

>> No.14635075


More like t.retard

There are a few of us who have stories in the issue who have been paid and are promoting our work on social media.

>> No.14635176

When you say 'cryptofascist' do you mean 'cynical of liberal democracy'?

When you say 'dogwhistle' do you mean 'not constantly bowing down for being white and unwilling to do prison time for publicly and overtly resisting'?

>> No.14635183

>the absolute state of /pol/cels

>> No.14635316
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serious yikes. Fais l'amour.

>> No.14635483
File: 138 KB, 750x313, 3D56AABC-AFA7-4D3C-BF3A-46E1B30F6E98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id really like to submit this dirty limerick I wrote is there room?

>> No.14635543

Post amazon link in thread or I'll kill ya

>> No.14635692

In case anyone gets put off by this obvious falsehood, allow me to allay your concerns. I have had the good fortune of meeting KMD. I can confirm his intentions to be sincere and true.

>> No.14635778

search it on amazon.ca or amazon.com, it should come up. The image is the same cover as in OP.

>> No.14635830

i have also submitted to the journal and can confirm that a real person got back to me!

>> No.14635869

Why do Jews hate anglos so much? They seem to want our genetics though...

>> No.14635881


"Quick Mordechai, there's someone who's a threat to our shaky system. Claim they're a virgin and make vague attacks on their virility. After all, projection is what we do best."

>> No.14635889

What city does he live in?

>> No.14635925
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>> No.14635926

>projection is what we do best
projecting there, buddy?

>> No.14636061


The (((SJW))) cried out in pain as he strikes you.

>> No.14636147

This is not something I would be inclined to declare, but considering he mentioned it himself in the first edition, I shall inform you that it is Edmonton. I met him in Ireland and we had great revelry. He is a good, trustworthy fellow.

>> No.14636598

Let's not turn our collective creative endeavors into a nonsensical political argument. There is no need.

>> No.14636620

The term 'dogwhistle' is an authoritarian-leftist dogwhistle

>> No.14636662

I agree. The quarterly does not push an explicit ideology other than free speech.
that's a sharp observation! for real.

>> No.14636691

Have you considered publishing a yearly edition that contains all of the editorials from the past year? I've missed out on purchasing the previous/lit/ Quarterlies.

>> No.14636741

previous lit quarterly, singular. There’s only been one other.

>> No.14636826

>93 replies
>not a single top 5
I guess the dust has not yet settled.

>> No.14636864


Just got mine today and getting started on it - probably the same for a lot of anons.

>> No.14636893

I'm pretty sure there was at least a summer edition too.

>> No.14636952

There wasn't.

>> No.14636957

lol, I have that same helmet

>> No.14636988

Not too bad. Cultrally between America and the Commonwealth.

>> No.14637148

why don't you ship to austalia mate?

>> No.14637236

Probably doesn't wanna get robbed.

>> No.14637255


>> No.14637273

I don't know, have you considered reading the thread you fucking illiterate moron?

>> No.14637892

So when do we start Lit Publishing and churn out some NYT Bestsellers?

>> No.14638046

I do, but not through amazon for some reason. But it costs $11 for the shipping alone. Email me to request a copy. litquarterly@gmail.com

>> No.14638244


so far swallow and discarded machine are my favs.
but there is a lot of good in there and i havent finished yet.

>> No.14638258

Surely we start the /lit/ publishing company soon

>> No.14638260

is there only one fiction piece and essay? I really don't want to wade through pages of autistic poetry alone...

>> No.14638346


no its mainly fiction

>> No.14638869

Swallow is quite good, maybe my favorite of this edition. Borders on being--dare I say--Kafkaesque.

>> No.14638985


1. Discarded Machine
2. I love Homework Now
3. Summons to the edge

>> No.14639349

I mean to give reviews when I have finished reading the Quarterly.

>> No.14639787

Just placed an order, cool to see something like this happening!

>> No.14639831

Celebrate the British leaving the EU! One step closer to a united Ireland.


>> No.14640731

As a short story writer who cannot get anything published due to not being a 'queer POC', I find what you are doing remarkable. Keep up the good work.

>> No.14640771

Yeah, that’s the reason why.
Post a story

>> No.14640779

I have no need to prove myself to you. If you were actively trying to get published and frequently read what was getting published instead of you, you would come to the same conclusion.

>> No.14640796

post screenshot of the email where you were told you couldn't get published for not being a queer POC

>> No.14640801


>> No.14640810

>Be careful out there. Even the people wearing faces online aren't quite human.

Is this the great American novel?

>> No.14640824

If you need additional "proof" and are not familiar with this issue then I can only assume you aren't active writers.

And no I am not going to risk identifying myself by sharing feedback emails

>> No.14640826


What's really interesting is this is probably one of the top ten literary magazines on the planet in terms of people actually reading and discussing the works. I read a few others that are big names recently and there's no Internet discussion whatsoever. Probably I'm the only one outside of the editorial staff that read through them, and only to try to critique the writing as a learning exercise. Nothing in there was written so anyone would enjoy reading it. They're just checking a box for academic prestige purposes. Lit Quarterly is more like the underground magazines of the 70's - a community writing to its own members. Without the community you don't have readers. College literary mags should realistically be writing with the local students as the target audience with pieces that address their community, but that's not the point - it's not to be read by others but to create a resume line. The whole literary magazine system is broken and produces no literature because of it.

>> No.14640838

I often read them myself and frequently find the stories to be milquetoast cliched tripe with no real soul and never any hint of controversiality.

>> No.14640853


T. Man who was Paid

>> No.14640865

I agree that there is rarely any discussion about lit mags online BUT I don't agree that lit mags are created for resume lines. I'm a contributing editor on a well known journal and our editorial process is pretty substantial. We have 15 interns, 4 main editor's, and the EiC who ultimately makes the final call. At no point do we create the journal for anything other than fellow writers. You should see some of the things we turn away, brilliant work, but we only have so much room. The New Yorker and Reader's Digest may very well run like you describe but not everyone does.

>> No.14640900

Can you reveal who is putting pressure on you all to give preference to LGBT/POC content?

>> No.14640907

its...the boss upstairs... hell have my head if i dont fill the POC quota...dont believe me?? heh..... i dont know what else to tell you...

>> No.14640912

damn it I knew it
those rat bastards

>> No.14640973

yep... ever see "they live?"... lets just say its a little like that...

>> No.14640994


Nobody is. I'm a white male centrist and my opinion is put above most of the women on the team. Our EiC has a boner for climate change and Muslims but that's about it. Most of the work is published on its own merit.

>> No.14641078


>We create the journal for fellow writers

There’s part of the problem - every journal is doing that. That’s the sole target audience for every single journal. Nobody is saying “I’m going to make the students at this university the target audience.” It’s 500-1000 journals competing to be tastemakers to other writers who don’t have time to read that many journals. And regardless of your motives, why are writers submitting? Mostly for the resume line. Why are people working there? Mostly for the resume line. You can say that isn’t true but ask this question: how many pieces do you publish that would generate any kind of controversy among left wing academic types? I doubt many. Nobody wants to rock the boat precisely because the motive of most of the people involved is largely careerism. This is why the mags are all so bland: the same conformist taste being imposed by committee with the same goals. Nobody is trying to create literature which would require publishing things that make others uncomfortable. Nobody is trying to create an audience which would require publishing more local students or local articles or local writers and fewer MFA associate professors.

>> No.14641140

The brilliant stuff you have to turn away...please send them to litquarterly@gmail.com
Thanks, mate!

>> No.14641175


I get where you're coming from and like I said, I'm not a leftist. I enjoy a lot of what goes in the journal which means it isn't all geared to some political ideology. If rocking the leftist boat is your litmus test for good writing then you'll never be happy reading current journals because unfortunately you and I both live in a tribal society. Right now the left runs the leisure business. Nobody's fault but our collective society. Some day in the future there will be a shift. For now, enjoy the good and ignore the shit. As far as not creating the journal to reach a wider audience that aren't writers...I would say, my opinion, over 75% of people who read fiction are either failed writers, successful writers, or people who want to be writers. If you read something in a journal that you think is shit but it got published anyway, you immediately think "I could write better than that" and the journal has created another writer. I help create the journal for writers of all skill levels to appreciate.

>> No.14641189


Will do ;-)

>> No.14641306


It's not my test for good writing, it's a test for whether a journal is creating literature or not. What they are doing (all of them basically) is running a technique competition. "Wow this opening sentence was so quirky it really grabbed me!" Literature says something. It's not just about technique. It's technique plus substance. The modern literary magazine cannot say anything outside a very narrow band. Humanity is dark and complicated and often not very nice. None of that can be said, so how are they publishing good writing? Everyone can only say the same thing. If anyone gets mad or could get mad it can't be said. It's gone way beyond the political ideology, it's that you can't say anything about people. As for the "writers are the only readers," that's a product of running a technique competition. Only writers can appreciate the technique. Why would a non-writer read something with no substance that doesn't say anything? Non-writers read newspapers. Non-writers read books. They don't read literary magazines because they don't care about who wrote the most clever first line, and there's nothing else to the pieces.

>> No.14641358


That's a very hasty generalization of every journal. I personally don't vote for pieces that have quirky first sentences but if the technique is provocative or something I haven't seen before then I do indeed praise it for its subversion of the norm. You seem to be writing slot of sentences that simply translate to: "why can't there be writing about reality?" And to that I ask what kind of dark, complicated, and not very nice substantive literature would you recommend journals publish that deviates from the leftist border/immigrant/gay/POC narratives that are already being published? You think everyone on the left lives some sugary fucking lifestyle because they took over writing and entertainment? A lot of the people who you want journals to cater to are going to be left leaning. That's just reality. If it's censorship that you're against then wanting to censor their plight and complication is just as damaging.

>> No.14641369

sure wish people were reading the work and talking about it instead of doing literally anything else they've been doing all throughout this thread.

>> No.14641467


"I" is a cool poem.

>> No.14641473


It's a pretty true generalization though. There's plenty people could be saying. They want to publish a race issue - why is there no real conversation about race in it? A real white person probably has more complicated thoughts on it than "poor black people aww" or "gas the kikes race war now." I can't publish a piece about someone who thinks black people are genetically less intelligent but hates themselves for thinking it. I can't way I'm afraid to walk into a black neighborhood alone or talk about what happened the time I actually tried it. I can't publish about feeling like I'm walking on eggshells around transgender people because they remind me of my mentally ill mother who would freak out and throw psychotic tantrums on a whim to control people. I can't have a fat main character or a Chinese person who talks in an accent. I can't write a minority character and have them speak in a stereotypical accent even if it is a true accent. I can't tell the truth about the way it feels to date women as a man, or tell the truth about any of the urges all men have towards women because it would make them feel bad. I can't say Christianity is good. On and on and on - I can only cater to one accepted band of thought. I can't publish real thoughts because real people have dark thoughts. And the journals only cater to one audience - why? Not one literary journal anywhere is willing to write to anyone else. It's not censorship to say put one piece in there that is outside the narrow view of a very narrow audience.

>> No.14641493

>anon talks about not being able to post his point of view
>mentally ill leftist immediately turns into WHY DO YOU WANT TO CENSOR THE PLIGHT OF POC AND TRANNIES

This is your problem. You are the establishment yet still want to pretend to be downtrodden counterculture rebels. You cannot have it both ways ffs. Everyone is bending over backwards for YOU ALREADY.

>> No.14641534


I already said I wasn't a leftist. I voted for Trump and I agree with a lot of the right's talking points. But to be so sociopathic and apathetic to think those people don't go through shit too is about as unintelligent as it gets.

>> No.14641629

Who is the audience of these lit mags? On this board we've said for a few years that the people who buy these mags are aspiring writers who want to contribute to said magazines. If this premise is true, would it not be true that these mags are just to get writing credits? (not on purpose, but it just works out this way). If not who does purchase these things? I live in NYC and I never see these mags move unless I buy one.

>> No.14641804

this is kinda in defiance of what you said

>> No.14641823

all this makes me feel like a thermidorian reaction is on its way

>> No.14641902

wtf happened. please just delete this terrible thread

>> No.14641935

why do you feel so besieged? no one is attacking you, you can write whatever you want. but what you can't do is force people to accept your irrational and solipsistic forms of "truth"

>> No.14641987

I am curious how the contributors felt about KMD's editing.

>> No.14642006


Why do you think there is only one true thought? People have these thoughts. People have all kinds of badthought. That is the truth. How can you explore what it is to be human if you forbid writers from writing about anything that would offend? Why do you find My Abortion Story And Why It Empowered Me #2,173 interesting and call it literature? Why is that more interesting than a woman who has an abortion and wants to write about her regrets or why it made her Catholic or why she wishes she'd never done it? Why is #2,713 more interesting than a story about a man who feels like a woman murdered his child? You think people don't feel these things or think these things? You can force people to write only inoffensive things, but you can't force people to call your literary magazine "literature."

>> No.14642069


Did you actually read this? A straw-man incel who thinks he can't get laid because of narrow shoulders gets repeatedly taken down by his Mary Sue "QPOC" agender friend for his internalized misogyny and for being a bad feminist? That's the example of a literary magazine allowing people to publish thoughts outside the constraints of wokeness?

>> No.14642148

didn't say there was only one true thought. i'm just saying that your thoughts seem to be the result of highly politicized reaction formations and based on generalizations. not saying you or other people don't actually think them. write about what you want. don't get angry that other people don't care about your thoughts

>> No.14642163

this is what happened to the two screenwriting threads on /tv/. the first thread was honest discussion and the end of the 2nd thread turned into drivel. an interesting phenomenon

>> No.14642214

They were well reasoned and often the right call. Sometimes I resisted the suggestions and he deferred to my judgments.

>> No.14642229


Keep writing for your resume I guess? It's pretty soulless in my view but some people like soulless. I didn't even say my thoughts were good. I said they're bad and that's how people are. Even far-left people have badthoughts, they just don't want to confront them. They don't want anyone else doing it either. If you want cartoon characters write your cartoons.

>> No.14642241

Fuck lads nnlkkk. I an not óg state to judge your comments. I shall dosibrknlrrizbm%) tomorrow.

Good night

>> No.14642248

There have been dozens of threads about this tho?

>> No.14642259

Only two since it's been available to read

>> No.14642280

barely two issues in and we're already sucking each other's dicks this hard baka

>> No.14642290

I was speaking to this project in general, not just this edition.

>> No.14642433

What if butterfly is KMD????

>> No.14642573

intrusive thoughts are part of the human condition, but they aren't the result of "underlying desires tearing through a flimsy membrane of human rationality," as you put it. they're literally just flicks of chemicals in your brain, images fueled by anxiety. you've mixed politics, solipsism, and conceit, put the mixture on a goddamn hospital bed, pulled the lever, watched as lightning struck it, and then claimed you made a human. but, my friend, while the mad hulking machine is in his pyre-bed of trash on fire...he is not functioning just fine

>> No.14642589

I have the same helmet

>> No.14642639

>I can't say...
>"I hate myself for looking down on blacks."
>"I'm afraid to walk in a black neighbourhood"
>"I have to walk around on eggshells because I think transpeople are mentally ill."
>fat protagonist
>Chinese person with an accent
>minority character
>the truth

Dude...you can literally say ALL of those things. Say them in a creative and non-malicious manner. If you write well, you can have a character be your stand-in, or your mouthpiece, or anything. YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY BY THE GLOBOHOMO RULES. That you're convinced that you do is just a result of your perception that trannies, fags, and blacks run shit. They don't unless you let them.

Don't let yourself be bullied. But also don't let these unhinged lunatics be an excuse for you to be a bad, angry writer.

Nothing's wrong with the thread...it was maybe just a touch early before enough people had received their copies to read and review the works.

>> No.14643386


based. see you in tsarigrad.


helmet guy here, sorry for the inconvenience i caused in this thread because multiple cringemen got triggered by it.

anyway, im sad because i left my quarterly at home and Im in another city rn for several days. The works are thoroughly enjoyable

>> No.14643522

Good health to all the anons who contributed, and especially to KMD for all the work he has put in. This is a good thing we have going, I can't wait to see it get even better.

>> No.14643610


2nd edition was vastly superior to the 1st, im really looking forward to the 3rd!

>> No.14643639

is there a quick post with all the details for things like
-where to buy
-where to submit
-where does it ship
-publishing dates etc.?

>> No.14643871

>they're literally just flicks of chemicals in your brain, images fueled by anxiety

The leftist always exposes his mechanistic view of humanity sooner or later.
If you have any conflicting opinion you are just a scared incel, yeah yeah yeah.
People like this can't be spoken to, you really think they are going to understand literature?

>> No.14644101

It's like it will make people turn on the whole progressive discourse, and it's clear that the guy does turn into something ugly, but I can imagine people talking about who's in the right, whether it wasn't his fault. In that sense it's kind of a male "Cat Person" (down to the basic millennial writing style, the seeming irredeemable last line, and the soi-disant point of literature being to discuss a story as if it's real life and wondering who's to blame...).

>> No.14644119

*It's not like it will...

>> No.14644141

you are fitting what you are responding to into a politics, while they haven't been mentioned. you are bringing up being scared and being an incel; never mentioned. I posit it is (you) who is refusing to be spoken to

>> No.14644212

this, also is it possible to get the back issues. i require the set

>> No.14644270

>amazon.com or .ca
>email submissions to litquarterly@gmail.com
>$8CAD plus shipping (shipping=$6 north America, $11 international)
>only US and Canadian addresses can order from amazon; everyone else must email directly.
>late march/early April, late June/Early July, etc. Quarterly.

>> No.14644302


When should I submit for the next issue, since I missed the last one?

>> No.14644384


Sorry its Limited print. 1st edition only got like 40 copies max, if not less. Gotta pay big bucks for those

>> No.14644395
File: 228 KB, 1000x845, 1579937421728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Deadline for spring was yesterday.
For summer edition email litquarterly@gmail.com
1-4k words is generally looked favorably upon, and to give you a tip: KMD has a thing for futurist homo-eroticism, but not too much, he likes to pretend he is still semi-straight.

>> No.14644413

that's okay, i get what i deserve. i'll just be the fag without #1

>> No.14644544

Whenever your work is ready.

>> No.14644596

enough of your stupid obscurantist feigned ignorance tactics, no one with both hemispheres falls for that shit. It's palpable what you were implying.

>> No.14644801

There's a leftist essay about the soulessness of western individualism in this issue

>> No.14644824

Also my experience

>> No.14644837

Lay off the ket

>> No.14644843
File: 37 KB, 474x426, spooki bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you point to any textual evidence for your projections? I'm not trying to make you feel bad for who you are and what you think. But I do suggest that you have been sold an ideology that makes life unexaminiable. There is no war, anon

>> No.14644880

yeah yeah yeah, Doubleplusgood.
Shut your stupid lying face

>> No.14644940


>> No.14645032

Might be worth having a way to vote for your favourite submissions, with a prize going to the winner, for each edition.

>> No.14645075

Contributors are already paid.

>> No.14645093

The prize would be in addition.

It could also just be an award - being able to put "Won the Anon Award for writing in a literary magazine" on your resume could be helpful for someone.

>> No.14645157

Stop being greedy.

>> No.14645193
File: 363 KB, 1473x568, 4cLQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related keeps getting better lol.

That's something we can look into...maybe just a blurb in the following issue. But I'd prefer that we vote on best of the calendar year, kinda like how we all vote on the 100 best books each year.

>> No.14645223

>But I'd prefer that we vote on best of the calendar year, kinda like how we all vote on the 100 best books each year.
Just so long as it's not too many candidates for any one voter to be familiar with all of them.

>> No.14645232

Yeah, we can solicit nominations and the top ten most nominated pieces are what the board votes on...or just ask the board their favourite work and the one with the most votes wins.

>> No.14645341

really don't like this idea, seems totally unnecessary and just makes the project seem even more inextricable from /lit/

>> No.14646143


>> No.14647091

More like the alcohol.

>> No.14647133

wood b cool if the quarterly gets widely read by people outside of /lit/, while somehow still only taking submissions from /lit/ posters. discerning who's a normie or not would be a problem tho

>> No.14647138


>> No.14647168

you heard me.