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/lit/ - Literature

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11543910 No.11543910 [Reply] [Original]

What’s your favorite book and what do you do for a living? I have no idea what to do with my life.

>> No.11543951


>> No.11543958

Michael Herr - Dispatches
High school English teacher

>> No.11544059

Hermann Hesse - Demian

Children's librarian. Not exactly a surprise I'd like bildungsromans.

>> No.11544081

Swann's way

Physics student, I guess I will follow the academic career, hoping to be a teacher /researcher.

>> No.11544085

Lord of the World
Web Dev

>> No.11544087
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I'm an in-home nurse for an elderly person.

>> No.11544510
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Gravity's Rainbow

starting Either/Or soon, what am i in for?

>> No.11544512

the heart is a lonely hunter
professional welfare receiver

>> No.11544531

Runaway Horses
Chef, Construction worker, Carpet Cleaner

>> No.11544573

The Sot Weed Factor

I work at an antique shop but it's not what I want to do with my life. I don't know what to do with my life either.

>> No.11544603

Miles, the autobiography

I'm an aspiring copywriter. Aspiring meaning I am not successful yet because I'm still developing.

Learn sales or copy writing. At least then you will be able to practice your writing and have the ability to succeed, at anything really.

Sounds dreary

Get your life together

Cool life.

>> No.11544616

How does one get a job in copywriting? I have a journalism degree and I manage the social media accounts of the small business I work for. I've applied for lots of marketing/PR type jobs and never hear anything back.

>> No.11544625 [DELETED] 

Behead All Satans
assistant editor (health/science tv shows)

>> No.11544694

I don't know because that isn't my interest.

Go into business for yourself.

Create passive sources of income that will work as training grounds for your copy writing. (Niche sites, drop shipping)

Consider the fact that you are going to have to dumb down your writing style in order to achieve your main goal, which is persuading as many people as possible into buying what you're selling. I don't mean that in literal terms.

I've yet to reach out for jobs.

At the moment I'm practicing my copy through eBay by selling all of my belongings.

I was planning on doing that anyways, but it has served as a good learning opportunity and a means to sustain myself.

I have many lot of items to sell.

I'm thinking that by the time I've finished, I'll have accumulated enough experience to sell a course or e-book on copy writing for eBay.

Why did you get a degree in journalism?

What was/is your plan?

Since you have experience I'm sure this would be an easy transition for you.

Once I am confident in my own copy, I'm planning on reaching out to startups in my local area through linkedin.

The idea is that if my writing proves to be valuable for these startups, I'll be able to expand from there and collaborate with more people.

I also have friends who are going to start their own companies in the future, which I will aid them with.

Pave your own road.

>> No.11544710

Mein Kampf by John Green
CEO of Alphabet, Inc.

>> No.11545881

J R by Gaddis
Studying materials engineering and chem, but work at a board games store

>> No.11546646

>Infinite Jest
>English teacher in Brazil

>> No.11546678

Sup William

>> No.11546691

Sup, Maria

>> No.11546706

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

I run a government website

>> No.11546712

2001 Space Odyssey.
Pure Math PhD student in Canada. Guess I'll try to do research. Will most likely end up in finance or something.

>> No.11546727

couldn't possibly choose
work in a production facility. I want to kill myself

>> No.11546795

Favorite Books:

Either War and Peace, One Hundred Years of Solitude or Memoirs of Hadrian. If the complete works of Shakespeare count as a single book then it is certainly my favorite book.


I am a lawyer. My hobby is playwriting. If it were possible for me to live with the gains of playwriting alone I would quit my office job immediately. Unfortunately I don’t live in New York and don’t even write in English*, so my chances of earning enough to live with the writing of plays are close to 0 (not to mention my plays, that are unfashionably written in verse).

I’m doing a masters in Literature and think on trying to become a University professor in the future. As for my writing, up until now it has been mostly written just for my own pleasure.

*That is possible in New York. See the situation of Neil Simon:
>In the sixties, at the height of his success, with four plays running on Broadway, Simon was earning about sixty thousand dollars a week. Throw in the royalties from touring productions, foreign productions, and movie deals, and his takings were easily double that. (In an average year, not counting Broadway, Simon’s plays still gross about seven million dollars in the United States; his foreign box-office is ten million.)



>> No.11546806

how does sales let you write? also how does one get into copy writing?

>> No.11547006
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Favorite is probably Book of Disquiet or maybe just like Eliot's collected poems if that counts.

Currently don't have a job, have actually never worked in my life, partly due to admitted laziness and partly due to crippling social anxiety. I just graduated with a useless English degree since I was too stupid to do anything else and am now just clawing for any sense of direction for my life to reveal itself to me. I have no skills and no marketable passions and would prefer to just die, but I can't yet justify doing that to my parents. Oh well.

>> No.11547035

Don DeLillo’s Underworld

>> No.11547105
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>> No.11547596

I am planning to take Pure Maths in undergrad. Would I regret?

>> No.11547607

The Stranger
Creative Agency and Communications

>> No.11547613

The Sound and the Fury
Supermarket night crew

>> No.11548277

Maria what though, 'cause my gf is named Maria and she has shitposted here in the past

>> No.11549681

Assistant English Professor

>> No.11549819

nice try, Michael Herr.

>> No.11549835

which one?

>> No.11549838

why do you have to justify dying to your parents?

>> No.11549846


Wageslave at the movie theatre

>> No.11549848

Not a pure maths student but...

You’d be better off doing applied math/CS

>> No.11549899
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Moby Duck

Line cook

>> No.11549903

Ducking autocorrect

>> No.11549980

The Recognitions
Student. I got time fellas

>> No.11550007

idk if you're just being a cheeky cunt but I meant I can't justify to myself doing that to them. I'm useless trash but I'm their only kid and it would destroy them. The least I can do is just wait till they die before I off myself. And who knows maybe I'll be different by then.

>> No.11550778
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On the Road tied with The Lord of the Rings
I'm on disability and probably always will be

>> No.11551948

Anna Karenina
I'm a psychologist currently working as a Gutachter (i.e. I conduct psychological assessments) for refugees. Danke Merkel!

>> No.11551951

Nice try mossad

>> No.11552001
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>would prefer to just die, but I can't yet justify doing that to my parents
It hurts anon. It really hurts.

>> No.11552058

don't have one as I'm not an euphoric follower

NEET due to illness atm

>> No.11552068

Don quixote. I do maintenance work for a building.

>> No.11552090

Moby-Dick; or, The Whale, The Lord of The Rings, Wuthering Heights, Lolita, Brothers Karamazov


>> No.11552099

A tie between James Joyce's 'Portrait', 'Ivan Illyich' by Tolstoy and Dostoevsky's 'Notes From Underground.'

>> No.11552101

I am completely appalled at the amount of blue collar peasants on this board. It's apparently full of people I would never even consider associating with, who I usually avoid on the street by changing sidewalks. Just imagine the smell and the repulsive visage such people have. Seriously considering quitting 4chan at the moment.

>> No.11552105

A final year Physics and Maths student.

>> No.11552115

This is the prime example of a damn pleb thinking himself a patrician. Do you not know, dear Anon, that such 'blue collar peasants' are the founts of immense wisdom? Your ivory tower is just a source of incessant disappointment.

>> No.11552136

The Woman in White.
Unemployed. BA in economics and a masters in history, I'm beginning to realise it's either teaching or suicide.

>> No.11552137

I'm talking about a major cultural and educational difference. Leave the folk wisdom to the folk.

>> No.11552299

Calvino - The Unexisting Knight (Il Cavaliere Inesistente)

I own a Bar in which I work, but won't last much longer, so I'll go back being a student.

>> No.11552328

Not exactly a `book` but
-Seneca - On Shortness of Life
-PhD Student

>> No.11553457

Leave please, we have too much of snowflake neets in this board already. No one Will miss you.

>> No.11553470


Penniless barista

>> No.11553485


>> No.11553497
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Found my soulmate.

>> No.11553501

Moby Dick
Software Engineer :(

>> No.11553504

Notes from Underground
Biochemist Undergrad

>> No.11553507

Im from connecticut

>> No.11553528

>who I usually avoid on the street by changing sidewalks.

funny I thought doing that was exclusively for us young melanin enriched males.

>> No.11554719

I work as a rideshare driver in Vegas with an electric vehicle and make 20/hr.

Work when i want and i genuinely like my work. Its easy but id like to transition to IT something someday

Favorite book is the Fall by Camus

>> No.11554731

stop being a pussy and go make your parents proud.

>> No.11554781

Fuck you dude. You had the ability to get a degree and have parents who love you, yet you want to squander their efforts?

You are a piece of shit because you believe that's what you are. Go make something of your life. Be useful, if not to yourself, then for other people.

If you really cared about your parents, you would make purpose out of the life they gave you.

>> No.11554798

Voyage au bout de la nuit (Journey to the end of the night) by Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Social work with hospitalized people

although I want to practice psychotherapy and hold a professorship teaching continental philosophy, or literary theory and decolonialism, or cultural anthropology (emph. in psychoanalytic theory and urban theory)

>> No.11554842

Sentimental Education
Marine Corps

>> No.11555193

I'm not good at anything and have no passion or ability for anything marketable or useful. I explained this already. If I knew how to make something of my life I would have done it already. I'm well aware that I'm doing a disservice to my family and I hate myself for it but at the same time just going through the motions of being a functional societal member purely out of some lame antiquated sense of familial duty is not a very convincing motivational tool. You can call me trash for that if you'd like but I don't really care at this point.

>> No.11555719

The Passion Acording to GH - Clarice Lispector

Petroleum industry journalist

>> No.11555748

My favourite book is Kokoro and I wash dishes. Don't go to culinary school, the people I work with are all miserable.

>> No.11556185

>Tales of Ivan Belkin

>> No.11556200

My favorite book is the brothers karamasov.

I lie to myself that I run a tech company but mostly I jerk off and feel bitter all-day.

>> No.11556380

Between we the living and brothers krarmazov

Military cuck

>> No.11556394

Les Miserables - Funeral Director

>> No.11556398
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Confederacy of dunces

Unemployed / Factotum

>> No.11556534
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To the Lighthouse
Maintenance technician specializing in conveyance and robotics.

>> No.11557393

The Lusiad - Luís Vaz de Camões

Student, pretty decent grades but in Humanities, so I doubt that I'll get a good job.

>> No.11557413

Homo Sapiens - Yuval Hariri
Final year medical student

I know it is not /lit, but i found it very fascinating and alot of his ideas resonated with me. It was as if he had reached into my mind and formulated my own thoughts for me in the book

>> No.11557427

why are you in such a rush to return to the empty nothingness, don't worry you shall return to it in due time.

Until then, i suggest to you:
1) Get professional help - depression is a condition which fortunately has been researched (and is still being researched) and there are treatment options that will drastically improve your quality of life

2) stop being submissive and passive; i know it's cliche and all, but it's a miracle that "you" were even born. Appreciate the beauty of your breath

stop being a faggot

>> No.11557431

Mysteries- Knut Hamsun
PseudoNEET with a part time data entry job after 2 years of full neetdom. Considering going to college so I can live a negligibly better life and not feel so insecure about being uneducated for the rest of my short life

>> No.11557441


>> No.11557467

journey to the end of the night.
i work in a factory for 40 hours a week

>> No.11557500

>just let those feelings of being a loser compound by prolonging your miserable existence bro

>> No.11557540
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People not knowing what to do with their lives are so weird
What a strange idea
Why would you have to do something with your life, to begin with ?
Then why would you think you're actually able to KNOW what you should do with it ?
Holy shit
There's some massive liberal bullshit behind these feelings
There wasn't no issue when people would just do what their parents told them
=== having the right to do what you want of your life does not mean that you have to do something of it ===

>> No.11557580

College professor (biology)

>> No.11558289

>Get professional help
I have. My psycatriast didn't seem to think I was depressed (nor do I think I am) but I did get put on SSRI's for my anxiety and that seems to be helping a little bit, I think.
>stop being submissive and passive
I've more or less been that way my whole life. I can't see it changing anytime soon, and people suggesting "hurr just stop being yourself" don't help.

>> No.11558304

*psychiatrist, can't even fucking spell correctly

>> No.11558370 [DELETED] 
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The Society of the Spectacle
Photographer (part-time work at the museum, the rest is freelance)

>> No.11558387
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Guy Debord - The Society of the Spectacle
Photographer (part-time job at the museum, the rest is freelance)