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File: 896 KB, 2560x1920, 1493963476903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9996129 No.9996129 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
How does modern philosopher explain it?

>> No.9996141

No natural selection to get rid of the weak hedonistic scum

>> No.9996143

They are mentally not prepared for adulthood after 18 years of coddling.

>> No.9996144


Also, it became the norm after a while so ridicule that would normally stamp it out of them no longer exists

>> No.9996146
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How far /lit/ has fallen...

>> No.9996152
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>> No.9996161

Social engineering to delay the onset of adulthood, adult babies are easy to rule and influence by appealing to their emotions and desires. See Plato, Bernays, Marcuse, A Huxley etc.

>> No.9996167
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>tfw you look up Bernays and see what sort of stuff he was promoting

>> No.9996451


>> No.9996455

One or two papers will do.

>> No.9996459

Because they (finally) can.

>> No.9996462


They're all having fun and I admire it but whenever I turn up to places and see people that ugly I'm always put off and realise I could never join in because I'd eventually insist on going out to bars to chat up girls.

>> No.9996468
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4th from the right is high as fuck.

>> No.9996475

Lack of a meaningful life so they retreat into childhood in order to ward off the emptiness they feel inside from dodging their free will for their entire lives. They substitute the self for a manufactured identity centered around a time consuming distraction.

>> No.9996480

>implying there is a self that isn't "manufactured"

>> No.9996486

Hey fuck you, Star Trek is an awesome show.

>> No.9996488
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>implying the self isn't created by embracing your free will and it's relation to your inevitable death

>> No.9996502

There was a time when I thought that watching anime is intelligent and counterculture.
But I don't regret it too much. There are some shows like Niea_7, Windy Tales or FLCL that I have fond mermories of.

>> No.9996534

Mohammad please go

>> No.9996540

Why do most people who watch anime end up being these massive weeaboos, though? I met a guy today who had a fucking anime character as his phone background, and he seemed totally normal. It's like degeneracy that lurks beneath the surface.

>> No.9996550


Lets put it like this. If someone in Victorian times dressed up like a fox or wore a diaper they would have been put in an Asylum. This happened all the way up until as recent as the late 90's. The problem honestly is how the internet has connected everyone.

Think about it, without the instant communication and gratification of others stating that it's perfectly normal for this weird shit to happen we would still be locking them up.

The good news is that we can prey off the weak and make money from them. I personally know someone who makes a mint by selling T-shirts that say "Womyn Power" and "Yiff All Night" on them. He is literally the patriarchy they are trying to fight against, and they're just shoveling money at him. Up to 5 digits on a monthly basis.

>> No.9996558
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>that image

>> No.9996562
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A manchild hasn't learned the meaning of sacrifice. They haven't learned their limits and accepted them. They are still working under the delusion that the sky is the limit for them. After all, children are nothing but potential. I've played video games for a long time and I can't tell you how many idiots I've met that had delusions of grandeur.

But an adult should be potential realized, however finite that potential may be. A manchild has failed to do this and set upon a given path, it is why he is so terrified at the prospect, and fails to follow-through.

He can't accept his own limitations and come to terms with them. His own inability to choose will catch up to him, and the choice will be made for him eventually, whether he likes it or not.

>> No.9996566
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Which one are you

>> No.9996637

g-give me back my diary

>> No.9996642
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I love browsing these threads because it's the only way to feel better about myself; by putting others down.

>> No.9996646


Post a picture of yourself

>> No.9996680
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>> No.9996691

>tfw so enlightened I'm not on the chart

>> No.9996694 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9996712
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>> No.9996719

what is this from

>> No.9996744

Escapism is easier than dealing with problems, or facing issues that aren't black and white/left-right. Superhero films easily show the hero and villain, who to cheer for, who to attack etc.

Peterson was right about how lots of "men" play video games for 12+hrs a day because its escape, with clear objectives and chances to retry whenever you fuck up, so nothing is perminent.

But don't talk shit about Star Trek, there are legit philosophical ideas within the series. Its Star Wars which is all surface

>> No.9996758

>men who spend their lives in irrelevant intellectual masturbation can't comprehend how others could do the same thing with different window dressing

>> No.9996762

Because the human being is bored of itself and search for something better (for them)

>> No.9996766

I'm pretty sure you aren't just baiting, which is pretty sad because it means you think literature and video games have some kind of an equivalency between them

>> No.9996773


you know he'll just claim he's baiting in the end

>> No.9996783

It isn't anime or Star Trek. It is, but not the same way.
They make an identity for themselves out of these products.
It's all done to foster up a sense of belonging. Problem is, that these hobbies rarely encourage creativity and "production" of respectable content. (I'd say cosplay is better, since you can learn tailoring and other such things to make your costumes, an honourable thing to do)

>> No.9996790


>> No.9996795

They're more similar than not. I won't deny that I take more pleasure from a well-written book than a video game, but both provide opportunity for meaning. I've had significant emotional experiences doing both.

It was glib, but I stand by the sentiment. There is more similarity in obsessively pursuing those solitary, intellectually-focused activities than in either compared to things that involve a larger physical component. They're not the same, but it's silly to claim that they're mutually incomprehensible.

>> No.9996802 [DELETED] 
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Zaizen Tokiko from Idolmaster Cinderella.
You slut.

>> No.9996803

The greatest achievement of art is an anime series. Get over it you noncultured twerp.
m-maybe if i read le smartie greek n rowman books i will be reel man n smart n dont need no feewings n girls will liek me
;c i am le smartie reden teh russen bookz if wi dnt hav crisdandy ten evyron wil b diginrate n raip

>> No.9996809 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9996840
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most weeaboos are effectively pornography addicts. anime girls are concentrated appeal; it's really easy to get hooked on them. 'otaku culture' is a bunch of dudes addicted to moe and masturbation. everything is hyper-sexualized (just look at how /a/ fetishizes *absolutely everything*: anime girl armpits, anime girl bellybuttons, anime girl collarbones, glasses, stockings, schoolgirl outfits, facial expressions, etc etc etc...)
it's like normie porn addiction, but worse: it has a very large emotional aspect (due to anime's basis as a storytelling medium), and it's also much more social than typical erotic-stimulation based addiction: you're allowed to talk about anime in public and with all the other weebs out there, thus supporting your inclusion into the 'culture' (which also makes you think of it as an identity, making it more difficult to 'get out')

anime fans typically fall on a spectrum between "lauding anime as a high-quality artistic form of storytelling", and "pure hedonistic moe-based sexual pleasure". i think there's always a slow pull to the right no matter where you lie (and the anime industry is shifting that way since it's what the otaku pay for).

not implying the dude you met is like that, but he might be on the path towards it.

>> No.9996889

The world of work is total shit. They choose not to enter it and use media to simulate experiences.

>> No.9996896

Star Trek is cool you gay boy. Watching TNG is far different than going full out autist about it

>> No.9996911
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with having something that interests you as your phone background.
>muh degeneracy

>> No.9996924
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Versus normies with big boobie porn stars as their phone background?
Tell me right now what's objectively wrong with having this as a phone background

>> No.9996936


It displays your objectively shit taste

>> No.9996944

Give me a quick rundown of the series I just posted.
Show me your big boobie bitches phone background, why don't you?
Or is it some fedoralord lounging in a chair with glasses, a pipe, a bed robe, whiskey, and some trash 17th century philosophy text or garbage Russian novel?

>> No.9996951
File: 53 KB, 564x682, c0088e47577bd2f9fbfdf640fd55fe4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me a quick rundown of the series I just posted.
>Show me your big boobie bitches phone background, why don't you?
Or is it some fedoralord lounging in a chair with glasses, a pipe, a bed robe, whiskey, and some trash 17th century philosophy text or garbage Russian novel?

Oh lord.

>> No.9996954

There's no difference at all between being a weaboo, a sports freak, someone really into literature or a teenager girl watching 4 daily hours of Netflix; these are all passive hobbies, the only difference being a few of them are more socially normalized than others. Of course, it's just so easy pointing your finger at a 35% bodyfat pale tweaky manchild, that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do or that you have a solid grievance against them

>> No.9996955
File: 1.74 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's my big boobie bitch you sea urchin

>> No.9996957

>Give me a quick rundown of the series I just posted
some kid surfs with robots and then there's a terrible sequel
It's shit because it's fucking nothing. It's just a picture of a made up woman who's already cobbled together from the NEET ideals of women. Go outside and take a picture of a squirrel or some shit.

>> No.9996963

You guys think you're any different from those people? You all read fiction. You are just as bad.

>my fiction is better than your fiction

>> No.9996966

lack of father figure

>> No.9996969

>muh myth
Totally wrong. Try again.
I didn't realize that PTSD and canon invirginity were 'neet ideals'
>how dare this person have an attachment to something that i dont like?

>> No.9996971

The hilarious thing is people posting on 4chan while posing as Serious Adults and whining about manchildren.
Absolutely zero self-awareness.

>> No.9996972

i'd do the fatty in the gas mask if she kept it on

>> No.9996973
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Shhh, let them pat each other's back because of their "superiority" and "objectively good taste"

>> No.9996974

>anime fans typically fall on the spectrum

>> No.9996975

>I didn't realize that a traumatized girl who wants a childlike figure who still has the potential to be the hero and save the day is a NEET fantasy

>> No.9996978

So, you've never seen it. Good job pseud. Go whine about >muh no gf while reading Dosto.

>> No.9996979

I really need some explanations on this one. Can't find a thing on the "society for spinozist spiritual ascension" for example.

>> No.9996981
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I'm still a manchild at 26, unfortunately. But I've suffered so much for it that I'm finally being forced to change my ways.

Better than at 40, I guess.

>> No.9996982

She's a big girl

>> No.9996984 [DELETED] 

lol i'm not gay so i don't watch anime

>> No.9996986 [DELETED] 

Man, this is just embarrassing

>> No.9996988


>> No.9996994

ok, but what the fuck is a goytoy, bugmen and so on?

>> No.9997010
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I assume goytoy is implying people who are falling for the sales tactics of a perceived hack

I guess me adhering to some of Jordan Peterson's advice makes me an acolyte, idk

it's helped me greatly so far, so hey

>> No.9997021

go from there

>> No.9997027 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 1860x1780, 1504763085936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry lad this is not a place for you >>>/a/
you destroyed /g/ with your degeneracy, I won't let you destroy this board too

>> No.9997029 [DELETED] 
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Anime is cool.

>> No.9997035 [DELETED] 
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You could have just asked, anon.

>> No.9997045

What makes them so different? You can have deep, thought-provoking games just like you can have crappy, thoughtless novels. Games and books have a similar ability to tell a story and transfer the user into an alternate world, both can drive at hard held beliefs, and both can be shallow wastes of time as well.

>> No.9997054

They did think women could never be a true companion in the Symposium.

>> No.9997058 [DELETED] 

I'm not that anon though

>> No.9997062

>You can have deep, thought-provoking games

These do not exist, unless you are talking about strategy games, which do require deep thought since it involves heavy tactics. If you're talking about story it's a good sign that you have never had a 'deep' thought in your life.

>> No.9997074

there *can* be, but I would say that games are held back by their typical form of skinner box pleasure. also, if someone wants to create a thought-provoking piece of art, it's rare for someone's medium of choice to be video game instead of something better equipped, like literature or film.

>> No.9997076

This is the sad truth. The only valid interests are those that are creative in nature. Everything else is just passive consumption of social product. Yes, there is a need to consume in order to produce but most people who read literature, watch entertainment media, or watch sports only end up consuming, never allowing that interest to flourish into a creative project.

>> No.9997079

>I'm better than everyone else: The Post.

>> No.9997104

I like Russian novels because they're like my Japanese animes. They have self-insert MCs, tsunderes, lolis, moe, and forced drama.

>> No.9997120

What the hell are you? That the mcdonalds employees, the accounatents, the car mechanics, and the dog tamers who "consume" art should ALL pick up tuba playing, poetry, or fingerpainting?

Can you even imagine how stupid a world would be where everyone that buys movies tries to make movies?

>> No.9997126


Are you actually retarded? His advice was shallow and generalized, but it's easy to follow.

Create and consume. Don't just consume. Whatever that may be, creativity is productivity. How did you miss this simple conclusion?

>> No.9997128

>Canadian English dictionary
triggered desu
do you consider "Canadian English" a different language to English from the UK?

>> No.9997139

I like you. The thread should have ended after your first post, because everyone responding seriously got BTFO.

>> No.9997144

Was this the last /lit/ meetup?

>> No.9997146

It's a mix between UK and USA English desu
Also a few Canadian only words

>> No.9997157

>if someone wants to create a thought-provoking piece of art, it's rare for someone's medium of choice to be video game instead of something better equipped, like literature or film
I'm reading a lot of modernist writing from the birth of cinema, and it's amazing how many of them said similar things about film as it emerged as a medium.

>> No.9997164

Can't be. The people are smiling.

>> No.9997170

can you build an adequate defence for why such 'weird' behaviours are wrong and should be discouraged?

>> No.9997171

I'm starting to think manchildren aren't even a thing. The definition is so nebulous, it seems to shift depending on what the speaker wants to attack.

>> No.9997182


t. manchild

>> No.9997191

holy shit

>> No.9997201

Pretty much. The focal point for being a man child changes, depending on what the person specifically dislikes.
If I had to try and define it, I'd say that being it means being an adult man that makes most of his social and recreational interactions through interest in a medium that is quite clearly aimed towards children. Or at the very least, a proportion that is viewed as unseemly in regular society. The sort of people that use the word "fandom" in a serious sense.

>> No.9997204

If you watch anime and aren't ashamed of it, you have no place on this board.

>> No.9997214
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>underage babbies still pride themselve in exclusively reading literature

>> No.9997215

Makes sense, I guess we could say it's people who base their identity around their affections as opposed to action? Rick and Morty fans being a prime example.

>> No.9997218

Man who even fucking cares
If somebody likes to dress up like a video game character or watch mass produced plebshit anime, but otherwise has their shit together (ie having a job and not living at home), then how are they a manchild?

>> No.9997220

no place in life*
>/lit/ meetup

>> No.9997228

>The definition is so nebulous
it really isn't. it's grown people that are really into anime, games, toys, cartoons, ponies and other shit like this

>> No.9997241
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Anime is that kind of hobby that's just pathetic no matter what. Video games, for example, can be pretty cringe if you play them heavily, but they are still acceptable in small doses and when you are playing the right ones.

It's one thing to be a greasy fat neckbeard who plays MMOs for 12 hours a day, another to play Total War and other assorted strategy games now and then, not even daily. I typically have 3-4 games I look forward to in a year and play them a bit, then put them down or shelve them for later use.

There's value in going with something simplistic and base in that it helps you wind down after a tough day of consuming or creating.

>> No.9997259

They produce people with very little ability to support a normal and easily integrated life oftentimes by encouraging and exacerbating underlying issues in many cases. Where before a diaper fetishist could be reintegrated through some time in an asylum or through therapy in previous times, they are today encouraged by endorsement or passivity, allowing many people to become much more (without a better word) degenerate in their manners.

>> No.9997269

>How does modern philosopher explain it?
It's a bunch of sub8/non nt cope in a tinder world and basically they will never be loved by anyone who matters, they lost at life and they know it deep down so there's the escapism of fandom where you don't even have to be particularly intelligent to fit in (let alone good looking) and be respected by your equally subhuman peers. Path of least resistance as usual

>> No.9997276

No, video games are unacceptable regardless of duration. If you want to play something exciting and increase your coordination, play a sport with friends. If you want to play something strategic, play chess.

>> No.9997282

Nice bait, but I'm not falling for it!
*scuttles away*

>> No.9997284

There's good, intellectual anime though.

>> No.9997288

I think that the problem is
a) in videogames (usually) the player decide the pacing and camera angles
b) you need to work as a team and sell a lot (1mil+) to even get a chance of a sequel and decent recognition. Also the publisher just want something with a 1 year lifespan and with already 2 sequel scheduled

You can also see point b happening in films: the producer just want the blandest, safest and focus-group approved shit to get a return.

In literature you just need a pen, a sheet of paper and depression/other mental problems to write a decent book.

>> No.9997290

You first have to explain why it's wrong to be a manchild. I doubt you can do this sufficiently.

>> No.9997292


You miss the point. Sometimes you need something mindless and instantly gratifying to juxtapose other more productive aspects of your life.

Chess is an inferior waste of time precisely because it's more intellectually stimulating.

>> No.9997299

>unironically watching a cartoon after 12
I love how the autistic weebs always come to defend their childish hobby in these threads.
I feel good knowing that their inferior genes die with them.

>> No.9997311

>influenced by Gustave Le Bon
never read a more solipsistic, self contradictory and more poorly argued book than psychologie des foules

>> No.9997320
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>chill out dude it's fun

>> No.9997321
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He doesn't need to.
It's self evident to anybody with even a shred of self awareness.
Watch your cartoons, if you must.
Play your video games.
Desperately defend these activities on a ripoff of a Japanese imageboard.
But if you don't have even a vague feeling that you could be spending your time better, there's something wrong with you. Doubly so if you're older than 20.

>> No.9997332 [DELETED] 
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Adulthood is a meme.

>> No.9997333
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Being a manchild isn't based on your activities, it's based on your mindset. There's nothing wrong with playing video games by itself. That doesn't mean that revolving your entire life around them is a good idea, though.

Here, let's do a food analogy for the brainlets:

Take a cheeseburger. If your cheeseburger has ketchup and lettuce in it, and that makes you hate the cheeseburger when you taste it, do you:

A) Swear off cheeseburgers forever
B) Try a cheeseburger with different ingredients


>> No.9997339
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>genre fiction
Opinion discarded.

>> No.9997340
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>if you don't have even a vague feeling that you could be spending your time better, there's something wrong with you.
What should I do after spending my time better during free time alone?

>> No.9997343

Improving yourself

>> No.9997348

>That doesn't mean that revolving your entire life around them is a good idea, though.


>> No.9997356



>> No.9997364

yes it is. it says that people after coming off age somehow spend their time in more useful ways.
which clearly they don't

>> No.9997369

lotta spooks in here

>> No.9997376

>nice starbucks ad
how symptomatic

>> No.9997380 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 1700x2480, ゆるゆり_6_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we deal with Peterson Morons?
Spam Peterson erotic fiction?

>> No.9997381

This is true, and I consider myself part of the group that should've been weeded out.

>> No.9997385

>If your cheeseburger has ketchup and lettuce in it, and that makes you hate the cheeseburger when you taste it.
Do you actually think that this is a solid analogy? People criticise your views, because they despise the very essence of your childish video games, which, to expand on your analogy would be hating something that is in every cheeseburger, like buns, meat and cheese. And no matter how much stuff you put in it, in the end you are eating a cheeseburger. Adding vegetables? Why not eat a salad instead? Just like people often defend videogames, because of the cinema-like shit or
the soundtrack.

>> No.9997387 [DELETED] 


you can fuck off back to whatever neurotic shithole spawned you, that way you don't have to deal with real life at all

>>>/a/ I guess?

>> No.9997391

Not because it's bad but because faggots keep coming here to bitch about how bad their life is when all they do is jack off to anime and play video games.

>> No.9997395

Feminism, liberal arts programs, and support of Bernie Sanders will do that to you. Just hang out at your local craft brewery and all you'll see will be numales.

>> No.9997398


Because not being a pretentious fuckwit and enjoying fast food now and then is okay.

Looking down on people who aren't extremists is utterly pathetic to me.

>> No.9997400 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9997401

>Bookend styled with classic lit propping up Warcraft books.
holy shit lmao.

>> No.9997405

entertainment addicts with no dopamine receptors left

>> No.9997408
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>Being a manchild isn't based on your activities, it's based on your mindset

The mindset of a child is one of fascination, curiosity and will-to-life; for children fun and pleasure are ends in themselves and never a waste of time. When a kid plays a videogame or watches a cartoon, their aesthetic experience is both visceral and transcendent, and as deep as any grown man reading Homer or Shakespeare.
The mindset of an ''adult'' is cynical, self-conscious, moralizing and impotent.

I'd rather have the former than the latter.

>> No.9997409

How can you spend your time better if you are doing things you enjoy?

>> No.9997413

heroin tier logic desu

>> No.9997415

telling people that they are wasting their lives when they clearly are and hoping that they will change before its to late is a moral obligation though

>> No.9997418

>I'd rather have the former than the latter.

You can't though, because you aren't a child anymore. You're a man pretending to be a child.

>> No.9997425

You don't understand at all.

Some people work a meaningful career and play golf on the weekends. Some people work minimum wage and play Magic the Gathering and watch anime daily. Neither of these lifestyles are objectively right or wrong.

>> No.9997429

Oh and age makes no difference in the matter.

>> No.9997436


I'm the guy you replied to.

I don't disagree with you at all, but there's a stark difference between some dipshit who is avoiding adult responsibilities to play video games all day and a well-adjusted adult with a career, significant other who can find a bit of time in a given week to wind down and play something familiar to him, that isn't exhausting but is gratifying.

Not sure you're understanding me completely? Video games aren't some evil cancer. Don't be a faggot. People can play them at a responsible pace while maintaining a productive, healthy life as well. Thinking less of a person like this just feels pointless.

>> No.9997439

'Enjoy' is a big word. Your brain is stupid and will give you a shot of dopamine for a lot of fake stuff.
For example porn. It doesn't understand that this shit is fake and you will keep doing the same thing because your brain rewards you for that.
Now take this example and change the word porn with almost anything else, it will fit perfect.
'Enjoyment' is no longer valid in this fake world.

>> No.9997442

>grown people
Most people are not 'grown you child
>Anime is that kind of hobby that's just pathetic no matter what.
>becuz i sed so

>> No.9997447

>its animated so its le dumb
Said the one reading fr*Gshit

>> No.9997449

And why should one change their lifestyle to avoid this "fake" enjoyment?

>> No.9997454

>spend your time better
Stop telling people what to do, Slave.
Dopamine doesn't exist, stupid utilitarian.

>> No.9997456

Why not? You're wasting your time and gain nothing.
It really depends what's your goal in life. If you are all about pleasure, sure go ahead.

>> No.9997457

Meaningless statement

>> No.9997458

if you watch anime you haven't grown properly, that's for sure

>> No.9997460

>calling others pathetic while petersonposting
thanks for making me cringe

>> No.9997462

Again, how is it a waste of time? What is a better use of one's time?

>> No.9997466

Because if you jack off all day your dick gets numb and when you finally do have sex you either can't get it up or can't cum, and then you have to work to experience things that come naturally to others because you decided to live in a simulation.

>> No.9997468

>the redditors still can't explain why E7 is bad
Sad. You're all missing out on the most incredible and powerful example of ecological and theological drama to ever be created, all because you are so petty as to think that social image is something to be valued.

>> No.9997471

Late stage capitalists have figured out a formula on how to take ideology, art, and any abstract idea for that more, and package it into a commodity. Combine this with the fact people construct there identities on the commodities they buy along with whatever else they possess, you get a culture where art and ideas are worthless unless they can be commoditized and sold. Literature is no different, and it's why people like James Patterson and Stephen King keep shitting out novels every year.

>> No.9997472

>becuz i sed so

>> No.9997476
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Video game are simplistic in nature, and have far wider appeal than anime. Video games are simply an interactive medium that is easy to pick up and instantly gratifying. That's all they are.

Anime is far more insidious in nature, propping up hedonistic tendencies and promoting a hyper-sexualized appeal to things. This literal masturbatory culture that's been cultivated by anime faggots is one of the most repugnant things I've seen. You are taught to see women are nothing but fuck holes rather than another human being, and the evidence is clear in so many far right shitsmears liking anime.

>> No.9997481

These people don't realize they're hedonists. It's just that instead of engaging in risky behavior, drinking, doing drugs and banging street hookers they watch VR porn and log 3000 hours on DotA 2

>> No.9997482

>t. /v/irgin that saw DBZ once
Back to /r/eddit

>> No.9997483

Who said anything about jacking off

>> No.9997485

Videogames aren't the only way to wind down though and every other activity has some form of quality.
Hypothetically, if two people were exactly the same in their work and life position but one used his free time to play chess and the other to play Counter Strike or whatever manchildren play, everyone would think the chess player is more adjusted.

If you are able to sleep peacefully at night after a day of nonstop playing and wasting your time, you ought to kill yourself.

>> No.9997486


playing golf and a "meaningful career" are a waste of time too imo.
playing magic the gathering is a little better than watching anime alone all day.
however both are still a waste of time from a literary or any point of view.
you are not learning anything, you are not building deep social bonds, you are not creating, you are not experiencing novelty, you are not making the world a better place, you are just spending your precious time for some limited and superficially fun experience, that leaves no meaningful memories except for a few bucks on a corporate bank account.
don't get me wrong. i also play a few hours of warcraft 3 when my brother comes home every few months, but it always is a waste of time and although it is fun for the moment i mostly do him a favor because he is a stoner and he easily gets upset when i talk about literature/politics/philosophy with him

>> No.9997492

I fundamentally agree (although there are some very good anime series) but you sound like a male Anita Sarkeesian.

>> No.9997493

Didn't even read.

>> No.9997500

Oh look, another nonargument.
Stop trying to look intelligent, you aren't.
>no meaningful memories
Redditors really don't understand E7, do they? Too sick with modernity.

>> No.9997502

>wasting your time

There you go again. What is a better use of my time and why?

>> No.9997503

p sure he's talking about otaku bait

>> No.9997507

>Videogames aren't the only way to wind down though and every other activity has some form of quality.

Christ if you want to be pedantic so badly, then I'll say that video games do have an objective, positive benefit in that doctors have prescribed some patients strategy games in order to deal with Alzheimer's Disease, for instance.

>> No.9997508

Reading is also hedonism, you twerp. But how am I a hedonist, as an active ecologist?
No, he's just a /r/edditor that needs to get the fuck off my website.

>> No.9997513


you sound like some brainlet /pol/fugee that's fresh off the boat and just discovered other boards

>> No.9997515

>Reading is also hedonism
It depends on what you're reading.
Self improvement is not hedonistic.

>> No.9997522

>There's value in going with something simplistic and base in that it helps you wind down after a tough day of consuming or creating.
...Like watching anime?

>> No.9997524
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Pretty much anything else.
>hanging out with friends
>playing music
>listening to music
>playing card games
>cleaning up your house
>going to a museum
There's tons more, c'mon, it's not that hard. Try looking up from your computer and get a hobby.

And there is surely nothing else that may prevent Alzheimer, right? We should force every granny to play Dota then.

>> No.9997529

never been to reddit however i would still like to know what E7 is about, just read wikipedia an it didn't seem very promising


>> No.9997532

>...Like watching anime?
If you're 12, sure.

>> No.9997535


just proving that video games have an objective quality to them, other sources being superior for <X> is irrelevant to my point


There is no worth in watching anime. Anime is not mindless like video games are. It's insidiousness takes you over if you aren't careful.

>> No.9997536

wtf im a hedonistic sex-obsessed manchild now

To be honest I've had the vague feeling this was the case for a while now but seeing someone define it really puts it into perspective.

>> No.9997539

I've been here longer than anybody. Don't project now, /pol/tard.
Yes it is. Nothing you trash read is even 'self-improving', by the way. It's all existentialist garbage.

>> No.9997540
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I do feel bad for those who cannot realize the sole purpose of human kind is to achieve an utopia in which everyone can fully enjoy themselves, with lives that are restrict to the feelings of joy, pleasure, ecstasy and peace, with none of the suffering, struggling and barbarism of the modern way of life.
You can call me a baby all you want, but at the end of the day, you're just slaves, cattle, sheep, whose sole purpose in life is to serve your superiors & breed. Me on the other hand? I can afford to live my life for myself and myself only.

>> No.9997541

Wikipedia can't explain anything complex. In fact, the only scholarship on the series is my own.
I can't even suggest that anybody watch it, because everybody is too far gone now, but it is something that must be watched to be understood.

>> No.9997546
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You are welcome, anon.

The B stands for Based, for the way.

>> No.9997551

also i think it is funny how your post is performing self referentiality. i think i can do it to.
>oh look, another nonargument

i think i counted 6 arguments in my post. please feel free to chat me up to help you find them in my aforementioned post

>> No.9997552


>> No.9997553
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Said objective quality is the only thing going for it, however.
And even if not, you could only count 'Strategy Games' are worth playing. Any other games not fullfilling your quality immediately lose any worth.

>> No.9997554


>not realizing that human beings are wired to struggle
>not realizing the beauty of the struggle

absolutely irredeemable

>> No.9997555

>cartoon addict manchild
>calling others slaves, cattle, sheep
Wew lad.
How does it feel to have zero self awareness?

>> No.9997558

But there's no more value in any of those things than watching anime or playing video games.

>> No.9997562

Please just stop. It is making all of us uncomfortable to see this mentally deranged brainlet smiling.

>> No.9997564

>Said objective quality is the only thing going for it, however.

Disagree. The fact that it's mindless and instantly gratifying is its greatest trait.

It's far superior to many other options for winding down precisely because of these 2 qualities. Chess, as recommended earlier, is an inferior option because Chess is mentally stimulating, and that's the opposite of what you want when you need to wind down.

I simply provided that quality because anonymous wanted to be pedantic.

>> No.9997566

But that's wrong.

How can one be so delusional?
Pretty sad.

>> No.9997569

None of what you posted is argumentative. It's pathetic self-congratulation.
>they have no worth because i cant pretend im le smartie classy culture man to my peers

>> No.9997570

Good one. Anon BTFO

>> No.9997571


To an extent this. Medicine and security (in first world and near-first world nations) have enabled people to live full lives who would have died as infants, let alone those simply too weak and stupid to survive a dangerous or violent world. In essence they are babied and protected for their entire lives. Participation trophies and zero tolerance bullying bans are just the icing on the anti-darwinist cake

>> No.9997581

A better question is: how can it be fixed?

Bonus round: does it even need to be fixed?

>> No.9997582 [DELETED] 
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What a pretentious faggot you must be, enjoying your literary make-believe but dismissing anime in its entirety

>> No.9997585

If I spend my time doing something I enjoy more than something else, then how is that wrong in any way? Wouldn't it be wrong to force yourself into a hobby that you don't like doing?

>> No.9997588

Anon, I really hope videogames aren't the only thing that brings you joy.

>anyone not playing videogames only wants to be cool to his fellow friends

Like any other bad habit can be fixed, replacing it with something better.

>The fact that it's mindless and instantly gratifying is its greatest trait.
>Chess is mentally stimulating, and that's the opposite of what you want when you need to wind down.

t.Lowbrow who loves his trash

>> No.9997590

thank you for the great conversation and your insightful posts though. I can really see the world from a new perspective now.
From now on, when someone tries to convince me of a contrarian position i will always reply that his reasoning is not "argumentative" with no further deliberations. When called out on this childlike behaviour, i will repeat step one.
I think by acting this way i will greatly improve the level of discourse on this board.
Thank you so much :)

>> No.9997594

There's more to life than muh enjoyment, retard.
How is an encyclopedic knowledge of anime going to help you in an emergency?

>> No.9997595

>t.Lowbrow who loves his trash

not an argument

there is not a single person alive who's lifestyle revolves around 100% productivity, you contradict yourself right at the start trying to argue against my point

fucking brainlets, stop trying so hard to go against the grain

>> No.9997601

I'll know a lot about anime when I die.

>> No.9997603

>>anyone not playing videogames only wants to be cool to his fellow friends
Anybody spiting a medium to different than 'muh literature' is merely concerned with social image, yes.
You are lowbrow. You love trash. You are trash.

>> No.9997606

How would reading, lifting, playing sports, or anything of the sort help you in an emergency?

>> No.9997607

How is this relevant?

>> No.9997613

>There's more to life than muh enjoyment, retard.

Like what?

>> No.9997614

>playing sports
yeah jeez how could being in decent physical shape help in an emergency really doesn't make sense desu....

>> No.9997616 [DELETED] 
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>appeal to utility

>> No.9997618

Behold, the effects of too much anime and video games on the brain. Did you seriously just ask how would being physically in shape help you in an emergency holy fucking shit

>> No.9997619

>reading helps you see what you should do in an emergency
>lifting and sports allows you to be more active, like carry someone who is injured

Please start thinking.

>> No.9997621

being seen as le smart classy le renaissance man to my reddit buddies

>> No.9997622

>the absolute state of double digit iq weebs
Even if you're baiting, there are still people on this planet who could say this shit.
But then I feel good knowing they won't get to spread their genes.

>> No.9997625

90% of this board needs more Peterson in their life.

>> No.9997627

so this is the power of reddit arguments...
Yes I'm sure being 'physically in shape' will save you from a nuclear war or horrible ass cancer or from being kidnapped and beheaded
IQ is a nonmetric.
You're the incel here, while I have a child.
Don't exist
Back to /r/eddit

>> No.9997628

What kind of emergency are you numb skulls talking about? This is way off base.

>> No.9997631

Go back to manual labor, go back to breeding, go back to worshiping your gods, because logical reasoning with semi-conscious animals as yourselves is impossible. Dismissing the mere thought a life of comfort, joy and peace is something that can only be done by those who don't know what such life is in the first place. This is like explaining ice cream to someone who has only ever eaten shit and premium shit. "Nothing can be better than premium shit, I won't eat that ice cream thing!". "Beauty of the struggle?" Hahaha. All of your struggle - all your misery and suffering - is not beautiful. It's disgusting. It's repugnant. And most importantly, it's meaningless and pointless. Nobody will remember you when you die. I can only feel bad for the misery of what is most of human kind from the comfort of my place.

Again, at the end of the day, you can call me a baby all you want, but I'm the one to spend his whole life in laughter, comfort, pleasure, leisure, peace, happiness, joy and tranquility. Meanwhile, you, and other billions of other slaves indistinguishable from yourselves, have to go through hell everyday - stress, arguments, pain, traffic jam, public transportation, the daily commute, disease, divorce, and so on - and the only sense of accomplishment you have is "being a grown up". Pathetic.

Now you must excuse me. I have some VR sex to do.

>> No.9997633


You don't make any real arguments, in fact I'm not sure you understand how to. This alone proves anyone you're arguing with right.

You're a complete idiot. Anime has clearly addled your mind.

>> No.9997636
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>> No.9997639

Somewhat right but still a retard.
E7 is shit.
Retard. You can do all those things and still be a manchild.

Also, I don't understand how any of you retards can characterize manchildren as being "hedonists", since they live a live of perpetual unsatisfaction. Do you even know what the word means? Or you like throwing it around because you feel very smart because you read Meditations once?

>> No.9997641
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>> No.9997644 [DELETED] 
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>baaah children are so inoccent and joyful i wish i was a child again
>baaah menchildren are terrible
Choose one moralfags.

>> No.9997645

>this is what reddit actually thinks
Arguments are for idiots. No child, you are the idiot.
Only because you haven't seen it or cannot comprehend it.

>> No.9997650
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Here, for the effort.

>> No.9997663
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>> No.9997669


>read genre fiction
everyone here sucks Gene Wolfe's dick
>play video games
to waste time
>watch Star trek
Star Trek brought philosophical issues to American television in the 60s, which is a pretty huge fucking accomplishment even if it was only ever surface level stuff
>and anime
*insert smug Evangelion comment here*

>> No.9997670

There's no joy without sadness and no pleasure without pain and no peace without war. Of course, a mentally defective stay-at-home virgin wouldn't understand such a thing

>> No.9997672

Stupid thread. No one can prove it's bad or wrong to be a manchild. And if you are happily married with children, and still watch anime and play video games, is this wrong too? Are you a manchild? Waste of time to argue this.

>> No.9997673

>beauty of the struggle

Let's say you were given a deal. You will die and will be reborn. You can choose from the following list what you will be reborn as. Here are the options:

a) Chinese factory worker
b) African child soldier
c) Indian slum guy
d) Arab terrorist being kept in Guantanamo
e) Heir to a Russian billionaire's fortune

Nobody will know which one you choose and neither will have any impact on your afterlife as it has already been determined by your previous life.

>> No.9997675

No, don't, I like all the stupid drama ITT

>> No.9997682

Yes it is and having a family doesn't excuse it in the slightest.
You are still throwing your lif away and possibly having a bad influence on your kids.

>> No.9997683


obviously you pick e so that you can use your money to help a through d

>> No.9997685

He fully bought into the Marcus Aurelius meme. Thing is, these type of faggots don't want to go through DA STRUGGLE, not solo anyway. They want everyone to struggle. They just love misery.

>> No.9997687

Back to square one. How is that throwing your life away?

>> No.9997688

What else are you supposed to do with your life's spare time if not for enjoying myself

>> No.9997690

>Watching cartoons when you have a child and tons of responsibilities
Even more pathetic.
+ your child will turn out a fucking loser too.

>> No.9997692

Preach brother, I'm sure people will love it when you tell them enjoying X is wrong.

>> No.9997698

Throwing your life away would be to do something you don't enjoy.

>> No.9997700


What's there to want? Everyone already struggles. Life is a struggle. It's a conclusion to reality, not a philosophical stance you plebeian.

Realizing the beauty of the struggle is maximizing your own chances of succeeding in life. Anyone not working toward that is base scum.

>> No.9997703

ah i see now
thats why you put a lot of effort into stressing jobs and a family you hate
instead of doing things you'd like, such as playing videogames

>> No.9997704

I know you're lacking common sense, but it's ok buddy, you're not alone, the majority is just as dumb as you are.

>> No.9997706
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>> No.9997708

Can you post Americans 1 2 and 3 too please

>> No.9997714

It's funny how you think this is maturity when it's the exact opposite. Being an adult means one thing: responsibility. An adult will watch GitS and read Milton and will not give a shit about your fedora opinions because an adult does not stand around shouting "ANIMU IS SHIT, READ TOLSTOI".

>> No.9997723
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I'm laughing at how much of a retard you are.

Once your family is dead and you aren't able to be sheltered by them, life is going to hit you like a ton of bricks. Or maybe you'll end up killing yourself before that like the vast majority of people who live your lifestyle contemplate about.

Enjoying yourself... right.

>> No.9997724

>wanna come watch a movie with us anon?
>no, I'm struggling

>> No.9997726

Why should they be perpetually satisfied? What defines a hedonist is pleasure-seeking behavior, not his satisfaction

>> No.9997731

but when my parents die i will inherent enough money that i can live as a neet for the rest of my life?

>> No.9997734

Water fluoridation.

>> No.9997748

I don't think you realize it but most of the "manchildren" who prefer anime and videogames over women and friends actually live by themselves and have jobs as most of them are kicked out at an early age for "disappointing" their parents.

They're much more mature and responsible than you'll ever be.

>> No.9997750

Oh shut the fuck up you pretentious cunt.

>> No.9997757

idk I just dont like the art style of anime, and everything is way over dramatic that it becomes funny

>> No.9997761
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>stating facts is now pretentious

>> No.9997765

Fuck off with your reasonable explanations. You should watch GitS tho.

>> No.9997767

japanese "people" lack empathy and a conception of the numinous, that's why their attempts at drama come turn out ridiculous

>> No.9997769

The funniest thing about you is how smart you must think you are.

>le let me tell you what things you are allowed to enjoy man

>> No.9997772

Dumbest post ITT. Quite impressive.

>> No.9997774

The only ones I like are the cliche trilogy, GitS, Akira and Cowboy Bebop

>> No.9997775


Yeah, you can dab back to whatever hedonistic, neurotic hole you crawled out of anytime, bud.

I'm sure /a/ will take care of your colossal insecurity and make you sleep peacefully tonight. But remember, the clock is ticking. You can't fight fate, kid.

>> No.9997778

Not him, but "struggle" doesn't necessarily mean "being miserable". For example: studying to pass school tests, working to improve yourself so you can impress your highschool crush ect.ect. are all examples of "struggle". He said "beauty of the struggle" because he's a raging faggot who wants to self-glorify but what he meant was "facing life". Playing video games and watching anime all day is wrong because you refuse to confront reality and pretend your problems don't exist. My dad is a psychiatrist and i've never (0 times) heard of someone who played videogames all day because he liked it and not because he was trying to escape from his problems.
Jesus christ you're bad at reading comprehension. I never said that a hedonist should be perpetually satisfied.
>What defines a hedonist is pleasure-seeking behavior
No, "Hedonist" is someone who sees pleasure and happiness as the ultimate goal of life. How is doing something that makes you feel miserable all day an example of this? Do you think hikikomoris are happy? Do you think what they experience is "pleasure"? Do you think an
alcoholic "enjoys" drinking booze?

>> No.9997779

I would unironically choose B. Ape shenanigans, AK's, and molesting aryan missionary women sounds like a heck of a time.

>> No.9997784

We /bait/ now?

>> No.9997787

but then the local warlord comes and rips your rib cage open to eat your heart as a sacrifice to the god Woloullundunagger and you fucking die.

>> No.9997794

You are not mature.
Mature people realize different things make different people happy. If anime makes someone happy, why would you tell that person they're not being "truly happy"? Mature people just mind their own business.

Do you know what you are? You are insecure.
Only insecure people tell strangers that for them to be happy they must live lives like their own, and if they don't, you make fun of them.

>> No.9997798

Insecure? On a Bolivian Animated Aymara Painting Hut? No fucking way

>> No.9997800

>If anime makes someone happy, why would you tell that person they're not being "truly happy"?

Because anime has clear, proven negative effects on a person.

You're a manchild through-and-through. There's no redeeming you.

>> No.9997804

Post three different links citing three different sources to support this statement.

>> No.9997805

t. filthy nip

>> No.9997806

>Because anime has clear, proven negative effects on a person.
So does overworking, drinking, smoking, stress and arguments with your family and friends etc.
In other words, everything can have "proven negative effects on a person".

>> No.9997807



>> No.9997811

Thanks for proving my point that you must tell others they're not being truly happy because they don't live like you do, thus making you immature and insecure.
I'm not having an internet argument with you, this is a wake up call from your life, friend.

>> No.9997813

>Do you know what you are? You are insecure
>Says the butthurt weeb
>S-stop laughing at me, i-it's not my fault I like cartoons
LMAOing@your pathetic life kid

>> No.9997815


I never told you to live like I do, in fact I never told you how I live. You're really desperate to reinforce to yourself that your lifestyle is okay.

>> No.9997821


Fucking brainlets with zero self-awareness

>> No.9997825

>the power of habit
you're good anon

>> No.9997833

Whatever you say. I don't even watch anime or read manga, my main boards are /g/ and /sci/. I'm just telling you being stubborn, meddling into other people's lives, pointing a finger on their faces and telling them how to be happy is something that comes from people who are immature and insecure. I have made my point but you won't listen so this has become a waste of time, so bye bye. On the bright side, at least you'll get the last word in this "internet argument" , because I'm leaving, so go ahead and call me a weeb again if that helps you feel better about yourselves.

>> No.9997842
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I've never seen so much insecurity before in a single post

this was painful to read

>> No.9997853

>people who are immature and insecure
Don't you have a bit of self-awareness?? Fucking neck yourself nigger

>> No.9997863

People like you are the reason anime should be banned.

>> No.9997876
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>tfw you started arguing simply because E7 is plebshit

>> No.9997906

Honestly if you regularly post here you should know, this is a den of it. Ultimately I can really only speak for myself but really it's the same as anyone who intensely forms their identity around a specific merchandise wether it be anime, books, sports, etc, manchildness takes many forms. In addition you probably see the worst examples of these fans because they're the most obvious and up-front with their obsessions, as opposed to someone who'd keep their power level hidden normally.

>> No.9997919
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Better than posting on 4chan 14 hours a day like yours truly.

>> No.9997933

I remember this same exact thread being posted on /his/ verbatim and they were generally more sympathetic towards these people than /lit/ is.

This really is the most insecure board on 4chan.

>> No.9997949


>everyone who rightfully looks down on me is insecure!

what a weeb

>> No.9997950

hello jared

>> No.9997985

>thinking this is the only thread where /lit/'s insecurity becomes evident
I haven't watched a single anime in my life.

>> No.9998017

>I know you are but what am I


>> No.9998058

Everyone should read Icycalm in this thread

>> No.9998076

Alcohol drinker here

>> No.9998094

I knew Guantanamo was bad but I didn't think Arab terrorists were literally being birthed there

>> No.9998137

That's just pop culture. Is it any surprise that people grow to like it when it's around you all the time? The fact is people just don't get introduced to 'high brow' stuff growing up. How are you meant to develop taste that way, when all your peers only like and talk about garbage ect

>> No.9998144

You are so fucked.

>> No.9998153

Socioeconomic relations

>> No.9998154

Never considered nofap until I saw this.

>> No.9998202
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>> No.9998261

Is this the current hot meme right now?

>> No.9998438

easy on the carrots, bugs ;)

>> No.9998439

Because it's F-U-N escapism from the tediousness of everyday life and it creates meaningful social bonds between like-minded people. So basically the same reasons anyone doe anything only their interest is funny to pick on and they all happen to be ugly awkward and of questionable hygiene.

>> No.9998449

No, the greatest achievement in art is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition.

>> No.9998470

This anon is on fire

>> No.9998551
File: 74 KB, 654x582, 1496710899307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but I like all those things!

Am "I" a manchild!? Have I been one all along??


>> No.9998577

t. children
So, you like westaboo garbage?

>> No.9998583

>negative affects

Doubtless, the most important decision I have ever made was choosing to watch E7 as it was airing.

>> No.9998590

>its bad becuz im a redditor and dont understand anything that isn't incredibly le edgy and le nihilistic and le SUEPR SRS

>> No.9998598

What series

>> No.9998619


Literally so divisive that most cannot even begin to understand it. That would mean dropping the le edgy nihilist act, after all.

>> No.9998621


>> No.9998629


You cant really be so deluded as to utterly discount the idea that challenging art has a more profound and complex and worthwhile effect on the individual than easy or commercial art designed to distract and entertain

Art is a form of communication, and communicating with liars, manipulators, and fools isn't as valuable or meaningful as communicating with impassioned honest people with complex or nuanced things to tell you

>> No.9998649

>'anime' can't be 'complex art'
>'commercial art'
Back to r*ddit
>entertainment is bad
>joy is bad
>life is bad

>> No.9998657

anime can barely be art, period.
and yeah, there's such a thing as commercial art, redditurd

>> No.9998665

Not the guy who you are replying to but thank you for your post anon. It's made e realize why I dislike most people because they are all (in that large subset) hedonistic. That is, they are all seeking pleasure as the ultimate fulfillment in life. Even someone who is temporarily suffering. They are going through this suffering to obtain something; money to buy a house or a car, a /fit/ body to attract a hot girl or to feel pleasure at having said /fit/ body. We all know why so many people think this. How many people in life have you met whose ultimate life goal isn't pleasure. Please don't make the mistake of thinking parents while many have undoubtedly changed their mindset somewhat they generally still see pleasure as the ultimate goal and just extend it to include people in their family.
I am asking everyone ITT to think about people in their lives. Do you know anyone whose ultimate goal isn't pleasure. You will find they are the most interesting. Even someone whose ultimate goal is to end their suffering by killing themselves is someone who has more value than the hedonists of the world.

>> No.9998675

I never said anime can't be complex art
There is some anime that is complex art but the medium does not lend itself to genuine artistic merit.

And yeah there's fuckin commercial art, its art made to be sold to a mass market.

Entertainment and Joy are good. I'm not advocating against enjoyment, I'm advocating against easy entertainment in too large doses - as in, I'm arguing for some degree of discipline and deferred gratification and patience and willingness to not understand in order to learn as opposed to too easy answers and immediate emotional gratification.

>> No.9998678

The ultimate goal in life isn't to be happy. The fact that you still think this shows you are less mature than the person you called immature.

>> No.9998680

There is no ultimate goal in life amigo

>> No.9998689

I hate this otherworldly life hating bullshit
Why are you arrogantly and steadfastly rejecting you're animalian nature
If we all were so fixed on pleasurevas you say we'd all just submit to opiate usage.

So then tell me buddo what is your be all end all goal
And why is it your goal

ps most suicidal people are suicidal because they've found their search for pleasure unbearably futile.

>> No.9998692

Warcraft books were terrible, didnt even matter what author. Literally written for morons. Black library stuff can be pretty shit but Warhammer is a much better high fantasy, also being the source material for the rip off that is Warcraft. Stay away from end times.

>> No.9998693
File: 165 KB, 1200x800, goose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed. The ultimate goal in life is to struggle.

Through struggle, our personal meaning is defined to us.

>> No.9998697

people in op image have life more figured out than the philosophers of /lit/

>> No.9998699


>> No.9998701

I'm talking about the reason why you get out of bed. You should have a clear idea of what you are living your life for. If its ultimately for pleasure you are a hedonist.

>> No.9998705


Don't delude yourself. Warhammer is the same tier of sit, just branded differently. I read Dark Imperium and a number of other books recently, and they are awful to an absurd degree.

These books are more about "What did my favorite character(s)do THIS time?!" rather than any intention to write a compelling narrative.

>> No.9998713

I am very ill and endure suffering everyday to the point where reading is a struggle and requires every ounce of focus and concentration possible. It is enormously difficult to think and my life is worse off for it. There is nothing worse than being told that suffering brings meaning in life when the person telling you that has no clue what it means to have a shitty day, let alone shitty days for years on end. The meaning of life amounts to a luxury for those of you 'sufferers'

>> No.9998715

Every other option is either self-delusion or simply pleasure with more steps

To live for art is to do so in hopes of art bringing pleasure
To live for god is to deprive pleasure now in hopes of eternal pleasure later

Etc., there are no examples this doesn't work for

>> No.9998720


The only thing you suffer from is a severe case of stupidity, because your reading comprehension is abysmal.

>> No.9998721
File: 325 KB, 1920x884, 1491074115120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not 40k. 40k is garbage wank material and along the lines of video game novels where plot armor is thicker then the books about them. Warhammer fantasy is where its at. They really pick some decent authors that can nail the futile fight for life, where 40k is just G.I Joe with lazers turned to 11.

>> No.9998728

You probably go through life thinking that everybody is missing the point

>> No.9998734

One of my goals in life is to fully understand myself. It involves a lifetime of suffering. I seek knowledge, not because it brings me pleasure. I don't hate life; I dislike that people live life for selfish hedonistic reasons. Animalian nature isn't about pleasure like you wrongly think. It will only the mammals who are closest in nature to humans, eg chimpanzees that when taught about the pleasures of fapping, kept pushing that button.

>> No.9998736


stop pretending fantasy is anything more than derivative trash for retards

I play Total War as well but at least I recognize it's nothing but a mindless experience suited for letting you wind down after a hard day of productivity

>> No.9998742

you probably acquired that goal through a quote by Freud about Nietzsche.

>> No.9998744

>t. weeb that can't think outside of his narrow way of thinking and is desperately asking for someone else's wisdom gained through years of suffering.

>> No.9998751

I have not read either of those. I'm wondering why you posted that though.

>> No.9998754

I don't quite get the comments about Hedonism in this thread. The entire reason you're here is because you happen to enjoy reading, and in particular enjoy "higher-brow" lit more than the generic stuff. You may be rejecting a quick sense of gratification by ignoring mainstream trash, but do so to get even more pleasure in the long run by satisfying an instinct to find something meaningful. If someone can't see the same aesthetic values in a work as you do, there's no point in them reading it.

Ultimately, the discussion resorts to judging books on a practical level: "How can it improve your life?", or "How can it make you a better person?". By this criteria, the vast majority of literature is near useless, and literary merit is negligible so long as it improves the reader in some way. A book like "Ender's Game" would thus be more valuable to people than "Paradise Lost" because of its ability to illustrate the importance of hardships, discipline, and leadership skills. Considering the average reader can't find aesthetic value in Paradise Lost anyway, it's pointless to act elitist about it.

There is no life outside of pleasure. Whether you realize it or not, every one of your actions is guided towards it.
It feels good, though. That's why you do it; that's what pleasure is.

>> No.9998783

You seem to be alluding to the fact that anyone who browses /lit/ for brief bursts of pleasures means their entire lives are lived for pleasure, and furthermore that only people seeking to endlessly suffer are not hedonistic. If you really can't think of examples of what to live for other than pleasure or suffering, then you need to read more.

>> No.9998790

Yeah man, you only want to do any of that because it feels good.

Like, really, If you were so genuinely concerned with suffering, then go thrust yourself into the midst of a chaotic wartorn region or something, and see how long you embrace the suffering.

Or better yet, and much easier, start spending all of your time with very neurotic people you find to be incredibly, immensely unpleasant, doing boring things with them that don't engage you. Let them become emotionally dependent on you, and let them put pressure on you to sustain any progress they make

this is absolute suffering and will drain you every day, why aren't you doing it??

because it doesn't fuckin feel good.

>> No.9998796

All of which are done for the end goal of feeling good. Even if it's one type of feeling good sacrificed for another, that's how it goes. There is absolutely nothing outside the realm of pleasure appealing to humans in any way.

>> No.9998804

But I am doing this. I chose the line of work I am in despite having the qualifications for something comfortable. I quit a much higher salary job for low paying manual labor. I get endless questions about why I did it.

>> No.9998805

This is only because of your limited way of thinking.

>> No.9998808

>it cant be art becuz reddit sed it
'commercial art' is a meme made up by middlebrow turdmonglers.
Your favorite poetry is probably a commission.

>> No.9998810


no one is going to understand themselves by going against the grain of their desires

you explore yourself by struggling to fulfill your goals as laid out to you by your interests and fascinations

>> No.9998811

>it doesnt lend itself becuz it actually forces me to pay attention to my body and senses rather than my braincock

>> No.9998836

That is what most people do. The hedonists of this world. Think about how much more you would understand about yourself if every time you had an urge you did the opposite as a very crude example.
>I want to play a videogame
Don't play a videogame
Again a crude example but people could choose a life of actively not following their interests and passions.

>> No.9998838
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>That is what most people do. The hedonists of this world

jesus fucking christ how do you misinterpret hedonism this badly

>> No.9998843

there is no difference between a neet that reads books and a neet that watches anime

>> No.9998844

I'd say it's because of your limited definition of pleasure. Be honest with yourself: Is there anything you don't do for the express purpose of feeling good in some abstract way? As in, do you like how it makes you feel in any way? If so, you're still fully within the realm of pleasure. I write to you as someone who has lost virtually every source of pleasure a living person can lose. Those lofty ideals about struggle and suffering? They vanish too. With no motivation and no reward of any kind, a person simply won't do that thing. That's how biology works. It's a feedback mechanism - you adhere to this construct your mind has created, and it rewards you by feeling good. When it stops feeling good, you stop doing it.

Can you honestly affirm to me that what you're doing doesn't feel good in any way at all? Honestly?

>> No.9998852

What is there to misunderstand. A hedonist seeks pleasure above all else. As many people ITT are saying (wrongly) everything in life is for pleasure. By their own definition they are themselves hedonists.

>> No.9998861

You are grossly misunderstanding me. Of course there are many things I do for pleasure. But I am seeking to ultimately not live for pleasure. You are alluding that a person's mind is only biology and cannot escape this feedback mechanism.

>> No.9998866

>But I am seeking to ultimately not live for pleasure
>You are alluding that a person's mind is only biology and cannot escape this feedback mechanism
This is correct, that's how the mind functions.

>> No.9998904

You are asking me to lay out for the world to see what I ultimately live. A blueprint for the rest of my miserable life. I don't think I will do that but part of it will involve me escaping the narrow confines of living with pleasure as the end goal. There are still many mysteries of how the mind functions and what you have read are only theories. If we really knew how the mind functions (which no one does) we would have AI. This is still a very immature science.

>> No.9998911


struggling and trying as hard as possible to achieve your goals rooted in your own interests is not hedonism

hedonism seeks to avoid the struggle, not burden itself with it

>> No.9998927

That would require some fundamental changes to your brain's reward system. As humans currently are, it is impossible to act without pleasure being the focus - even if your motivation is some obscure, artistic trait like a propensity to suffer. Even if you're a Buddhist and you renounce all sense pleasures to go live in the forests of Thailand, it's still because you find inner peace to feel better in the long run. Such things are the basis of every action under the sun.
If struggling is what one has to do to maximize their net happiness, how is it not Hedonism?

>> No.9998931

The goals at the end are wholly about pleasure. They are doing it to feel pleasure at the end of the struggle. They are hedonists. Unless you meant they are doing it for the journey of suffering along the way.

>> No.9998939

But is it about biology or something that can be changed with psychology. Anyway it what my life is dedicated to,, and not because it will make me feel good or fulfilled.

>> No.9998968

Well, look at it like this: You can punch yourself in the stomach right now. Assuming you're not a masochist, did that feel good in any way? No? Then logically, you'd never do it again. Same thing with staring at a blank wall for hours on end. You could do it, but there's absolutely no reason to. If you're striving not to feel good or fulfilled, I suspect it's because you've never known what it's like. Those sensations are what make life worth living in the first place. Maybe you can override your basic instincts and spend your life staring blankly at walls, but I wouldn't advise it.

>> No.9999150


Imagine if you weren't like any of these people, not in appearance or demeanor, but you had to live with a curse: everyone can see anything you're doing at any given time. Yep, that's phone calls, texts, where you are, what you've said, your own mind is your only refuge. I think that would make a person turn to trash genre fiction, time-sink video games, and watching media entertainment to escape the notion that you subconsciously hate literally everyone because they are all spying on you. I'm a modern philosopher and this is my only explanation for the situation, besides autism.

>> No.9999174

>I'm a modern philosopher
Stopped reading right there

>> No.9999180

Lol at the pseuds in this thread. They must be really insecure and the only way for them to feel like adults is to criticise those who they consider manchildren while they read some deep philosophy.

>> No.9999184

B/c Freud said that Nietzsche probably understood himself better than any other human who has ever lived. That quote gave me the same goal as you have, but I arrived at it through reading Freud

>> No.9999201


>> No.9999215

Jej. Take your pills schizo.

>> No.9999220


t. manchild who enjoys anime

>> No.9999222

Those people don't have life figured out though. They are not even living their own, rather they are living through other people's idea of what they want. A videogame (not all but the types people in this thread love to hate) is created by a team of people sitting down and thinking what you (the person who will play it) would want. So they (from OPs picture are living a life people have imagined for them. They are the analogy of drinking sweet sugary drinks every day, in order to maximize their pleasures. Any mature person knows this leads to a life of more, more, more! Mature people drink water daily and then from time to time drink a cool Coca Cola.

>> No.9999225

>they are living through other people's idea of what they want
They can't possibly be enjoying it for what it is? Really now?

>> No.9999286


You really missed the best part.

>> No.9999289

>Because they (finally) can.
This. The sheer volume of options these days is staggering, whether you're talking fiction, games, or any other use of your free time.

>> No.9999332

I watch anime but I don't enjoy it because that's too hedonistic. Instead I watch some very deep anime to understand my place in this world. That's far from being a manchild.

>> No.9999346

Of course they do since they are simpletons. So we treat them as we do actual retards. Either with scorn and ridicule, or as pitiful creatures whom we try to help as they can't help themselves.

>> No.9999367

This has got to be b8... Please tell me what anime has provided this to you.
>Inb4 evangelion
No it didn't.

>> No.9999371

>so many types of food nowadays
>eats only fast food/junk food

>> No.9999380

How baitful of you.

>> No.9999395

That's pathetic, man. People have little say in the matter of what they enjoy, so looking down on them for that is silly. Playing video games or watching TV is "useless", but reading is too for the most part. For example, Shakespeare's writing is gorgeous, but it doesn't have much value on its own outside aesthetics.

>> No.9999400

So how you describe a room filled with adults wearing pikachu pajamas, discussing their favourite episode of Sailor Moon?
Its about self control, which these manchildren lack.

>> No.9999411

There's nothing morally wrong with that.

>> No.9999451

So you resent them because they don't force themselves to do things they don't enjoy, like you do?

>> No.9999452

Yes, of course it was sarcasm. But there's some good anime out there who deals with philosophical stuff and isn't entirely a waste of time. Eg. Berserk, Psycho Pass, Monster, League of the Galactic Heroes, etc. Yet those criticizing anime here are probably thinking of shit like moe or shonen anime and think every anime is like that which is pretty ignorant.

>> No.9999508

It's the world I resent, these creatures are just a visual reminder of that resentment. They can enjoy the hedonism of modern western civilization. Others are not as fortunate. I don't think they would enjoy their Japanese cartoons and videogames as much if they saw the true horrors of the world. I don't think anyone should live such a sheltered life past the age of childhood. Its about awareness. Let's imagine those people ARE aware of horrors of the world and choose a life of simple pleasures. This I would have no issue with since we can clearly define it as escapism and a coping mechanism.

>> No.9999528

But most anime IS shit. No one has a problem with watching anime that is thought provoking. Its when it is taken to extremes like cosplay. Do you ever see people dressing as characters from LotGH and acting out scenes? No they dress up as Naruto or whatever those pleb anime are. It's the equivalent of dressing up as Harry Potter or GoT characters. If people dress as characters from Shakespeare it's theatre.

>> No.9999541

So you are fine with people being aware of the horrors and escaping with hedonism, but you resent people being ignorant of the horrors and engaging in hedonism?

If I spend my day helping families cope with drug problems and mental illness for example, then come home and play Skyrim for 2 hours to unwind, how do you see that? What if I do it in pikachu pyjamas?

>> No.9999574

Easy anon. I'm not one of the people here who resent all video games and anime. I resent that there are ignorant people who do nothing but play videogames. Those types of obsessed fans. They will spend all their money on these frivolous activities. As I said if they do it as a coping mechanism it makes the pill easier to swallow. If someone works a back breaking job or any job actually and comes home and spends all their free time playing games I also don't have an issue although it means they have resigned to never change their life which is in itself pathetic. Manchildren who live off their parents or the government and waste this free time are the scum of the earth. Adults wearing costumes to play videoges, its good you do it where no one can see you since you should be shamed and ridiculed. I've seen videos of these livestream game events where grown men dress up in Legend of Zelda pajamas and I felt disgust with the force of a thousand exploding suns.

>> No.9999604

All these people bashing video games do not see the potential. Stop calling it a "game", throw out that limiting requirement and imagine what could be done with it. I'm already working on my magnum opus that'll be the first universally recognized masterpiece of the medium.

>> No.9999637

Thanks for responding, anon. All fair points.

>> No.9999761

Does it feature scantily clad women with bouncing tits?