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9994387 No.9994387 [Reply] [Original]

Greatest thinker of the 20th century.

>> No.9994393

I'm redpilled, think I'll fall for this? Try Kevin MacDonald, if you want to see the truth of white genocide

>> No.9994399


>excited for summer to be over so redpill faggots will leave
>remember that redpill faggots are NEET twentysomethings

>> No.9994401

Your just another brainwashed.Sad!

>> No.9994402

I think most of /pol/ would agree with 90% of the things the bald man says at Dialectic of Enlightenment to be honest.

>> No.9994410

/pol/ agreeing with the following? Sure, kid.

>daily reminder that in 'Dialectics of Enlightenment' Adorno and Horkheimer praised jazz as the ultimate form of music and denounced the value of all high modernism and compositions by classical composers, solely to raise the stock of blacks in the US which would enable them to start procreating with white women which would further the 'mass-brownification' (Adorno's term) of the white race
>daily reminder that in his One-Dimensional Man Jewish intellectual and Western subverter Herbert Marcuse elaborated a theory that tried to discredit the advances and progress of capitalism by proposing that capitalism in fact never did anything positive for humanity, but instead that all the cultural progress and achievements that have ever been made, was done by bolsheviks (even in Ancient Greece, Rome, and by the Egyptians)
>daily reminder that the Frankfurt Institute at Colombia University (after they moved to the US to tear down the social fabric of the US) were notoriously famous for their underground basement facilities which were closed to the public and which -- according to several reliable witnesses which have since been silenced by the liberal left -- served to infiltrate academia in the US by inviting unsuspecting and pro-capitalist professors down there and through KGB methods subverted them to bolshevik-feminism and degeneracy
>daily reminder that Eric Fromm, through his psychoanalytic theory which was supplemented by dialectics, tried to prove that in a socialist world there would be no such thing as car accidents, because there would be no paternal authority figure when everyone are 'equal'
>daily reminder that Jürgen Habermas -- through his theory about an 'ideal speech situation' -- tried to elaborate how white heterosexual men should never be allowed to participate in public discourse or the trading of ideas, because these people are -- to use his famous phrase -- 'inherently oppressive'.
>daily reminder that Max Horkheimer tried to use material dialectics to prove that pedophilia was merely a social construct and that it was incumbent on all elderly Jews to exploit children sexually and in fact was their moral duty to do so in the name of 'progressivism'
>daily reminder that in his 'Negative Dialectics' Adorno sough to prove that an object is never equal to its description from which concluded such outlandish things as 'the generally accepted bourgeois notions pertaining to so-called "evolution" are categorically false ... because Whites are never only Whites, and Blacks are never only Blacks which bears witness to an oppressive categorization imposed by Fascistic ideology to divide the proletariat' and '[if women can be said to have a vagina] does that stem from the normative use of language and its rigidity in opposition to dialectical change, and can a vagina in such a case even be said to exist?'

>> No.9994411

Where do I start with him and who do I need to have read?

>> No.9994414
File: 95 KB, 700x574, Fruit of Paradise - Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pol-ists and your blue pills you call red.

>> No.9994421

Thanks for the laughs.

>> No.9994424

>praised jazz as the ultimate form of music
Ya blew it.

>> No.9994427

Are you really proud of announcing that you're ignorant about a fundamental area of knowledge that has an enormous impact on the world you live in? I wouldn't be proud of that if I were you. You make yourself look simple-minded and intellectually stunted: dumb.

Anyway, everyone knows about Adorno so I'd just like to use the rest of my post to draw attention to this evil kike's giant bat ears. You can always tell jews apart through certain features.

>> No.9994429

'On Lyric Poetry and Society', 'Culture Industry' chapter of DoE and 'Television as Ideology'. Minima Moralia is a good starter too.

>> No.9994432


First fuckin' line, too.

>> No.9994435

Such well poised outright hatred hahahaha

>> No.9994451


shitting on me for not reading the culture of critique moron while 'not falling' for (aka not reading) adorno

irony so thick you could cut it with a knife

>> No.9994453


moving into stage 2 of the memectory. excellent. should achieve full orbit in a week or so.

>> No.9994466

I didn't say anything about the Culture of Critique, but you seem proud having also not read that. Are we starting to notice a trend here, Mr. On-a-lit-board-but-dont-read, big-brained nigga? You can't even use punctuation, so why would anyone expect you to be able to tackle the jewish question?

>> No.9995862

Friendly reminder that jews like>>9994393 are false-flags

>> No.9995868

Hitler, Stalin, Churchill, Woodsrow, Roosevelt were all greater thinkers than Cucknorno or any cucklosopher.

Besides, cultural marxism is cancer and you should get hanged from lamppost.

>> No.9995931

every week there is a thread with the same image. every week there are identical arguments. let me summarize every one of these threads for you so you never have to enter one again:

/leftypol/ posts marxism propaganda
/leftypol/ replies within the first minute, dominating the discussion by devaluing an otherwise valid counter argument by presenting it as bait
/leftypol/ replies again, or perhaps it's a useful idiot, that proceeds to perfectly set up the next reply
/leftypol/ proceeds to further make any counter arguments against marxism look stupid right off the bat by doubling down on their /pol/ "red piller" impersonation

then, somewhere, this copypasta is spammed

>> No.9995947

The seemingly violent and hostile reaction when you utter the words "Culture of Critique", with roughly the same uninformed talking points appearing every-single-time really makes eme think

>> No.9995953

No, I'm pretty sure that would have to be Heidegger.

>> No.9995962


>> No.9996074

>a manlet

>> No.9996095

>people I disagree with are samefags or useful idiots
>redpill is a valuable and legitimate worldview

>> No.9996106

Probably not, but he's one of the few continental philosophers actually worth anything.

>> No.9996700

Leo Strauss's philosophy vs. The entire Frankfurt school

How can one man BTFO so many Commies?

>> No.9996730

Jazz is great though.

Just not as great as classical.

>> No.9998289

pic unrelated, right?

>> No.9998306

Bit of an overstatement, but he's a total pleasure to read for me. He's the quintessential cranky old jewish man on intellectual steroids.
Definitely a go-to "read when you feel like shit for catharsis" author, like Schopenhauer.