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File: 30 KB, 724x543, nihilism-team-jon-stewart-1540@1x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9990286 No.9990286 [Reply] [Original]

How does one cure a nihilistic outlook on life?

>> No.9990297

fuck a trap

>> No.9990305

Well for me I just realized at some point that I am constantly learning, and as such there must be a large amount of information I don't currently and will never have. It's entirely possible for everything to actually have some sort of meaning and I'm just ignorant of it.

It sounds silly when you go from "I did it because nothing matters" to "I did it because I couldn't tell if it mattered".

>> No.9990340

Faith in the singular significance of each and every human being. Become more open to those you meet and put them and their needs before you and your own. Know how broken everyone is and find the strength to help them feel better. The Other is the heart of ethics and a meaningful life.

>> No.9990370

Grow up

>> No.9990377

watch "un home qui dort"

>> No.9990380
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>> No.9990384

homme, but still, itll only take you like 1 1/2 hours to cure your retardation

>> No.9990392

Also everyone feels misunderstood and unheard. Listen to the Other in front of you with openness and compassion. Let the meaningful world and concern of the Other standing before you become your world and concern. Nihilism is born out of existential solipsism.

>> No.9990408
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Read this and become a Comic Fatalist.

>> No.9990457

Most people are too retarded to bother doing this with

>> No.9990478

Came here to post this

>> No.9990485

You get over yourself, first and foremost.

>> No.9990487
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become christian

>> No.9990514

Get a gf. Not even memeing

>> No.9990515

Ahh still in the honeymoon phase eh

>> No.9990522

Not even close. But theres a strong correlation between neckbeard virgins and nihlism. A dose of love would shake your perceptions

>> No.9990529

The effects wear off once a dose is out of your system

>> No.9990571

Oh god why am I still up responding. Listen kid. First realize that the nihilism is a FEELING rather than a PHILOSOPHY. Read Universe Next Door if you need some more explanation on that. The chapter on nihilism obv.

The way you fix it is different for everyone. I read Scott Adams to help fix mine and had heart surgery (weird I know, just sort of happened that way). Get on ssri's if nothing works because nihlism is depression plain and simple. Exercise, eat right, etc. IF you can't do that GET ON MEDICATION because you are in a feedback loop you will never get out of without a radical personality change that almost NEVER happens.

>> No.9990580

The only way to cure the truth is through delusion

>> No.9990583

This is literally Jordan Petersons job.

>> No.9990847

The Ethics of Ambiguity by Simone de Beauvoir.
>The nihilist is right in thinking that the world possesses no justification and that he himself is nothing. But he forgets that it is up to him to justify the world and to make himself exist validly. Instead of integrating death into life, he sees in it the only truth of the life, which appears to him as a disguised death. However, there is life, and the nihilist knows that he is alive. That’s where his failure lies. He rejects existence without managing to eliminate it. He denies any meaning to his transcendence, and yet he transcends himself.

>> No.9990957
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>The Other

>> No.9990965

By realizing you actually do care deeply about a lot of things

>> No.9990967

What does stirner say about the other anon

>> No.9990994
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>> No.9991016


>> No.9991023

Create your own meaning. I like hedonism

>> No.9991026
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>> No.9991106

Despookify yourself. Reality is unending novelty. Expect nothing but change, infinitely. Even death is a transformation.

>> No.9991428


love is a drug wake yourself up

>> No.9991449

With better nihilism.

>> No.9991915


You delude yourself.

Once this mindset is /deeply/ /well/ settled upon, through serious thought, one never again really escapes it through honest or intellectually legitimate means. What is left, then, is delusion, or simply keeping busy with whatever fire, to keep the Void at bay. It's pretty easy to while away a few years or decades with nothing but family life and television, for example.

>> No.9991966

Fuck off commie

>> No.9992023
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Edgy faggot OP BTFO.

>> No.9992030

You're only nihilistic because either you're ungrateful or your life is shit. You can change both of those with a bit of effort.

Ask yourself; Am I going to die like a dog, or am I going to die like a man?

>> No.9992078


>> No.9993729

That's basically just absurdism.

>> No.9993736

Getting a gf for that purpose would be the equivalent of getting shitfaced or high every day. It's a comforting and yeah effective distraction, but not a solution.

>> No.9993747

I thought you died, Mister Dostoyevsky

>> No.9993874

More like upgrading your nihilism up to 200%

>> No.9993879

Go to your local park

>> No.9993884

Stop being a pussy

>> No.9993885

Read Nietzsche. But first, start with the Greeks

>> No.9993896

Watch some videos of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dancing. I am serious - there is a joy to be had in watching people do something difficult - that few if any others could do - and making it look fun and easy.

>> No.9993903

>le Nietzsche nihilist mem
Are you, perhaps, a redditor?

>> No.9993909

This and

Faggots who tell you to grow up or be grateful dont understand what nihilism is

>> No.9993922 [DELETED] 

He was a nihilist you fucking retard

>> No.9993931

Is that how people argue on reddit?

>> No.9994242
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>> No.9994247

Go all the way through.
Break down all your beliefs.
Fracture your reality.
Then wait a few seconds. Maybe minutes.

Eventually you will build up a whole new system of meaning and nihilism will be nothing more than a game.

>> No.9995449
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Acceptance and Realization.
Accept that you may never be ready to die, and death looming over you is a burden you will carry for the rest of your life.
Realize that the only thing more horrific than dying is an eternity of consciousness. The notion that an infinite amount of time is allotted to you to think over the 90 or so years you spent on earth is worse than nothingness.

>> No.9995451
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the nihilist reward

>> No.9995455

Stop being a NEET.

>> No.9995464


>> No.9996384
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By creating, imposing your will on the world and the pursuit of happiness without infringing the rights of others.

>> No.9996513

Which of his works is this taken from?

>> No.9997143

Give birth

>> No.9997149
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>> No.9997205

>How does one cure a nihilistic outlook on life?
Is there a particular reason you chose the word nihilistic? Because that word kinda implies having some sort of argument for your position.

>> No.9997209
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>fixing feels with philosophy
frogman here you're fucking retarrded lol

>> No.9997224
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Unironically this plus the occasional Jordan Peterson lecture, even if he is somewhat of a meme.

>> No.9997227

Nihilism isn't really something you can scape in this time, and it is not uncompatible with other philosophical stands
Just try to stop thinking in a full logical black and white way, let reallity and it's movement reveal themselves to you and think "them", not about them
This will sound like bullshit but if you archive it you will get it

>> No.9997230

Yeah prozac is crap wellbutrin is where is at
Real niggas be knowing this

>> No.9997236

be like me

>> No.9997318
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Ah, advice straight out of the 50's, back when meditation caused schizophrenia.

>> No.9997341


Nightlife, one night stands and fwbs. Had a 6 month relationship. Genuinely cared about her. We broke up. Back to nightlife.

Explain my nihilism.

>> No.9997344

haha epic meme bro xd

>> No.9997379

t. nihilist

>> No.9997411

Existence meaningless, there's no escaping that. But things can still have meaning when considered within a limited context, your life. Your interests, enjoyments, passions, they mean something to you, and that's good enough.

Here's a paraphrase of something from one of my favorite movies (I like Killing Flies)

"Pick some arbitrary, stupid goal, and pursue it with vigor. Then what happens to you in the course of that pursuit is your life. Understand that it's stupid, but not stupid to pursue, because otherwise you're left with a big "Why bother?". "

>> No.9997548

>without infringing the rights of others.
You sound pretty spooked Aynon

>> No.9997568

wtf i hate myself now

>> No.9997643

A nihilist wouldn't ask this, you're cured.

>> No.9997647

You don't have a meaningful project in your life.

>> No.9997656

The will to power

>> No.9997725

fuck off sam hyde

>> No.9997881

The pain of meaninglessness is still meaningful.
Then your first job is to reduce that pain.
The second will be to make life enjoyable enough so that the duffering of being will be worthwile.

>> No.9997899

you don't. once you snap out of the comfortable little bubble of human delusion, you will never see life as anything but a tiresome journey through pointless suffering.
all you can do is live vicariously through different tools of escapism while pushing the thoughts into the back of your head. numb your emotions as much as you can and try not to think too much.

>> No.9998512

Escapism is the problem not the solution. Slowing your thoughts to a crawl, to inertia, is the (a) solution.

>> No.9999241

Appealing to your ignorance isn't a cure for nihilism. You're not suddenly justified in believing there to be meaning just because there is the possibility that there is meaning you're ignorant of.

The fact is, the default at this point is that things appear to lack any intrinsic meaning. That is still nihilism.

>> No.9999255

Faith isn't a cure for nihilism, and neither is not thinking about it and not thinking about not thinking about it.

Those are merely ways to deal with the affective consequences of the apparent truth of nihilism.

>> No.9999260

>because nihlism is depression plain and simple

You're being stupid. Nihilism is that things appear to lack intrinsic meaning, there are plenty of different ways to feel about that.

>> No.9999269

You are just proposing faith in man-made purpose. That isn't a solution to nihilism, it is a solution to handle the feelings associated with the apparent truth of nihilism.

>> No.9999281

No one yet has proposed a solution to a nihilistic outlook, all that has been proposed are means for distraction and intentionally deluding oneself.

>> No.9999298
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Why are Nihilists so stupid? Why are you unable to reconcile with the fact that life isn't a linear program that you can immediately comprehend?

Do you truly loathe a lack of immediate knowledge so much? Is the thought of exploration and discovery so repugnant to you? Why do you revile yourself so much, to the point where you can never trust your own judgment?

Where is your sense of adventure?

>> No.9999299

Kierkegaard worked for me

>> No.9999544

read nietzsche (twilight of the idols is probably a good place to start) and evola. Lift weights. Meditation. mushrooms

>> No.10000132

If you really want to be truthful towards yourself and reality, then you cannot. You can suspend this in favour of a "leap of faith" into any mentality or ideology though. Perhaps some form of pantheism would help but not be so memey and faith-driven as to repel a nihilistic individual.

>> No.10000363


You don't get the concept of nihilism. A nihilist can explore, he can be happy and content, and so on.

Nihilism is not a way of life that comes with a list of dos and donts. It's the belief that all things and life itself lacks inherent meaning and values.

>> No.10000385

realize the you have eyes that see
ears that hear
a tongue to taste
and fingers to touch
you have a mouth to speak
a mind to think

all these things are responding, objectively and giving you intrinsic sensations.

then realize that you only wished for a world where nihilism is true, but eveything seems to make too much sense. Perhaps it was an ego defense mechanism to prevent you from seeing a truth your ego couldn't handle.

>> No.10000398

Nihilism isn't a disease to be cured.

>> No.10000459

>the senses
Oh I'm laffin

>> No.10000472

we interpret our senses differently yes.
but rest assured the processes involved in all those things are objective.

>> No.10000477

become an adult

>> No.10000481

You don't

>> No.10000606
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>ITT : I'm a pleb that can't into real nihilism so I'll just say that nihilism is only for edgy teenagers xDDDD Lol op btfo

>> No.10000706

lmao why stop being a nihilist? it's the most liberating thing next to suicide

>> No.10000717

I believe nihilism is irrefutable.

>> No.10000909

>You don't understand my pain, dad!!!

>> No.10000931

Why do people always conflate nihilism with pessimism?
I don't believe in any inherent metaphysical or divine grounding, but what if I really really want to tenderly love a woman, or to become good at something? No justification is required, I just want to do it, in fact not doing it would be harder for me.

This is my take: your problem is not nihilism, your problem is that you have no drive whatsoever, which is a psychological and phisiological problem, not an existential one.

>> No.10001049


>> No.10001139
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Do you think people posting anywhere on the internet in general have any idea what they're talking about? The best thing you can say to someone is to just recommend a book and hope they read it, no amount of discussion will go anywhere when the majority of people aren't studied on a topic at all. This site has zero restrictions on who can post, a 14 year old who hasn't read more than 3 books in his life can come in here and argue if he wanted, there is zero bar for post quality so we shouldn't expect any. "Read more" needs to be this board's "lurk moar".

>> No.10001141

You have realized the wrong thing.
You will be ready to die, once you'll know you'll die in a few istants. When that happens your brain gives up and you fully accept it, peacefully. If this does not happen, chances are that you have died suddenly, which means that you don't have to worry about it.