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/lit/ - Literature

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998920 No.998920 [Reply] [Original]

So /a/ gets a new mod who literally commits genocide against trolls and asshats, and /lit/ wallows unnoticed on the sidelines.

*Sigh* In the beginning, this was once a popular board. We were like #4 or something on the highest posts per minute list for a while.

What happened?

>> No.998928

How is this a meta thread, and why were you on /a/?

Anime is for 9 year olds and tasteless faggots. Which one are you?

>> No.998925

idk but we're almost at 1 million posts!!!!

>> No.998929

>What happened?

The novelty wore off and people realized that "post a picture of the book you're reading" threads weren't fun

>> No.998930

These threads.

This is what brought down /r9gay/.

>> No.998933
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No way in hell you're getting that Get, Stag

I got the last one, I plan on getting the next one

>> No.998935


I think /r9k/ brought /r9k/ down.

>> No.998941

and to think you told me to get out for suggesting the board needs more lit theory discussion

>> No.998942
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Film connoisseur

they've given some okay recommendations in the past. And if you don't like that, tough luck

>> No.998970

I hope we get a mod that bans genre fiction discussion. This is a Literature board, after all.

>> No.998975

r9k was always flat out awful. It was never brought down.

>> No.998976

mods? on lit?
won't solve hte problem of the short supply of content.

>> No.998984


Half of the threads are not about /lit/ but philosophy which starts shit fights because everyone sees the world differently

>> No.998989

The problem with /lit/ is there's no steady supply of worthwhile new releases to speculate about like they do on /co/, /v/, and I assume /a/. So we inevitably end up talking about the same stuff.

>> No.998994

if people really want content, get a reading group going or something and actually discuss some works.

>> No.998997



>> No.999002

Let's do this. And tea is mandatory at every meeting. How about Invitation to a Beheading or Camus' essay on Sisyphus to start?

>> No.999010

The real problem is that everybody keeps calling each other hipsters. I know that's okay on /mu/, but we have less people. It's drags the atmosphere down.

>> No.999009

zine is semi-steady, and we get poetry threads all the time

However, it's hardly professional quality and most people just grow to hate it. A shame really

True. If we were to get all of /lit/'s trolls banned, it would probably have EVEN LESS discussion. Ack

>> No.999015


I don't think the problem is that there aren't enough books to talk about; the problem is that there are _too many_ books to talk about. For any book that isn't particularly well known, there are probably only a couple of people here who've read it. This means that someone will post a thread about it and then no one responds because no one's read it. The only books that we can get a decent discussion going about are the ones that everyone's heard of, which is why it often seems like most people here only read fantasy books and the standard high school curriculum: everyone reads lots of other books, but those are the ones that significant numbers of people have in common.

>> No.999016


>> No.999020


The life anbitions of a moron

>> No.999025

make a thread about it tomorrow. i has werk werk so won't be there

>> No.999036


Ah yes, that's a good point.

>> No.999050

/vp/ is going to hit 1,000,000 posts before us.

>> No.999054

>Half of the threads are not about /lit/ but philosophy
implying literature is nothing but poorly written philosophy

>the problem is that there are _too many_ books to talk about
If you knew any theory you would understand that each book isn't a beautiful singular gem that must be pored over individually. We can generalise to a practical extent; whether it be under a formalist framework or under a myth seasonal framework, or whatever horseshit theory of literature you prescribe to

>> No.999058

why so edgy man. aren't you a buddhist or something

>> No.999095

Does /lit/ even have a mod?

>> No.999111


I think mods only come here if someone reports someone.

>> No.999116
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basement dwleling neckbeard detected

>> No.999128

This is actually a really good idea.
It would have to be things that we could all get a hold of though.

Philosophy is to /lit/ as
consoles are to /v/.


>> No.999195

You seriously think an attention whoring tripfag mod who literally destroyed the entire board for his amusement is in any way a good thing for any board?

>> No.999213

Just checked over there.

yea, the place is getting nuked. He looked promising in the beginning...

>> No.999210

i could mod lit
i'm a bit more mature than the average lit-goer

>> No.999215
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I think this site just takes one word from your entire thing and gives you a result on that.

Go write smoething. Anything. Now replace one word with God. You'll get Dan Brown. Go, seriously, try it.

>> No.999218

I support his.

captcha: nigger purifier

>> No.999224

if i were mod i would have given you some temp bans. but you've mellowed.

anyway, go clean your room.

>> No.999230

Mikael, stop being so immodest.
Seriously tho, here's the problem.
> highest posts per minute
= most trolls.
Less posts, higher quality. I don't want the most popular board.

>> No.999243
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ah shit, my bad


>> No.999244

if I were mod this place would be Pretentious Hipster Palace and I'm the King

>> No.999259
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>> No.999267
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>> No.999270
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The Painted Word by Tom Wolfe

Seriously though, read it, its a good book. All those abstrcat art pieces that infuriate you? This books explains the intellectual fashions that lead to them. It's short too.

>> No.999275

>We were like #4 or something

...Are you high? From the start /lit/ has been one of the slowest boards on the site.


Damnable "by invitation only" selection process.

>> No.999296
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This might work until someone eralzies you never flip pages or read the same book everyday, and then your kindle-in-a-book becomes even more wanted in a thief's eyes.

>> No.999311
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Kafka is Kafka.

>> No.999334

>implying any anon on the whole stupid site wouldn't jump at a chance to mod

I remember hearing that fact in a thread from the early days. believe it or not, we were going damn fast at one point.

>> No.999338 [DELETED] 
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something you shouldn't have taken seriously.

captcha: eludes last

>> No.999355 [DELETED] 
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Tranny detected.

>> No.999367


I've been here from day 1, and outside of the flood of /b/ trolls raiding the place for the first week or so it's been pretty damn slow. It did have its moment, but there's only so many times some people can argue about books.

>> No.999389

Do you remember that Mulan thread? Where we actually got the whole MAKE A MAN OUT OF YOU song out without any repeats or interruptions?

>> No.999391
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Fuck the spam, This is my line in the sand

>> No.999392


Then there was the /mu/ invasion a few weeks ago. I say give it time, it'll heat up slowly.

>> No.999398


>> No.999411

Let's get down to business

>> No.999415

and defeat the huns

>> No.999416
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>get down

>> No.999427 [DELETED] 
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Kind of, but not as bad as Literary criticism

>> No.999433

Who is this guy? I think I remember him from "The Iron Giant" but I'm not sure, what's his name?

>> No.999436 [DELETED] 
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>> No.999439


I was on a self-imposed 2 month hiatus. Just got back last week. Nothing's changed, man.

>> No.999444
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christopher poole from the animated series

>> No.999449

Did they send me daughters?

>> No.999453

thanks brah

>> No.999459
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any time

>> No.999471

hes the junkyard owner