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9987098 No.9987098 [Reply] [Original]

How to become impulssive and blindly passionate?
I need my animal side to arise again because I'm falling into a void of apathy and passiveness

>> No.9987173

pls respond
I'm on the clock here

>> No.9987176

don't jack off for a few days

>> No.9987182

Pick up any kind of sports, preferably a 1v1 one where each match has a winner and a loser.
Then try becoming really good at it.

>> No.9987223

Get some pussy bro

>> No.9987286

But how will that translate into real life?
Can you name a few 1v1 sports?

>> No.9987299

Nah I'm pretty sure that's not what Nietzsche says dude

The blond beasts are retards, don't try to imitate them exactly (this isn't possible anyway)

>> No.9987307

I don't want to go full animal, it is impossible anyways, unless you are on a massive dose of coke or something

>> No.9987320

Mortal kombat

>> No.9987323

Interesting. What do you recommend?

>> No.9987334

lift weights

>> No.9987346

Nofap + cold showers + meditation

>> No.9987352

Did Nietzsche meditate?

>> No.9987360

Just go Bukowski.

>> No.9987434

drink alcohol just like the original dionysos
it awakes the darker and more passionate person in you

>> No.9987445

Taekwondo, Muay Thai, boxing, or BJJ

>> No.9987460

>Only fap, at most, once a week.
>Long walks
>Nutritious diet
>Argue with retards online
>Read Heart of Darkness

>> No.9987464
File: 33 KB, 240x334, carl-jung-1-sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay attention to your dreams, they're trying to tell you something

>> No.9987584


Chess, the most brutal sport. I nearly lost my mind when I immersed into this game. It'll follow you even into your dreams. Read Die Schachnovelle by Stefan Zweig and you'll understand. Don't start playing.

>> No.9987593

1v1 basketball

Practice random acts of impulsion. If you have an urge to listen to a song do it immediently. When you got a restaurent and your stomach asks for something extra or unusual obey it. If you are tired all of a sudden in the day take a nap. Punch an object for no reason.

Watch action movies, listen to heavy metal, play twitchy action based video games.

If you have a partner than the next time you fuck bite them.

>> No.9987602

Last night I dreamed that I was hanging out with this friend I haven't seen in 10 years and I asked him, are you the guy that shit his pants? And then I somehow became the guy who was being asked the question, and I said "Well, I used to be," referring to when I was a little kid, and it made me laugh so hard I woke up

Am I going to die?

>> No.9987616
File: 268 KB, 1280x1244, sigmundfreud-73baddbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to have filthy anal sex, with your mother

>> No.9987629

Reddit: The Post

>> No.9987677

Are you looking for real advice or trolling friendo?
Taken the bait far too many times to even engage with the first response

>> No.9987688

>I'm falling into a void of apathy and passiveness
>I'm falling

That is the definition of impulse and blind passion.

>> No.9987715

Disregard the advice given here OP. The matter is internal, you literally cant access it from the outside.
Try psychoanalysis maybe

>> No.9987748


You shitpost in your dreams? That's a new one

>> No.9987785


I had a dream where I was wandering around town looking for a guy I knew in high school and found a message that he wrote on a random wall somewhere saying he got circumcised and later regretted it so much that he ran away into the mountains never to return.

>> No.9988584

How do I master it

>> No.9988641

What book are you quoting?

>> No.9988659

Squash, Table Tennis

>> No.9988679

What do you mean? The bit about not being able to return to being blond beasts?

Thats from on the geneology of morals

>> No.9988704

>table tennis

>> No.9990280

whats the gun for mister?

>> No.9990444

Endurance sex. It has to be gay so there's equal footing.

>> No.9991098
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Compensating nature of the unconscious ftw.

Recording and analysing dreams is something everyone should do.

>> No.9991237


>> No.9991241
File: 28 KB, 186x208, IMG_3701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you’re going to shit in your friend’s pants, Anon.

>> No.9991263

Honestly I've always been more animal than rational. Highly emotional an impulsive. I legit chose one job over the other because it "felt right" even though when looking logically at a pros and cons list I turned down the obvious choice. I think it's something you're kinda hardwired to do.

That being said taking Psylocibin actually rewires your brain and might open you in ways you had no idea you were capable of.

>> No.9991327

You are supposed to express your fire through art or Vissenschaft, not by being a chimpanzee

>> No.9991332

SOLO mountaineering will awaken you like nothing else. You are alone in this world and responsible for your own power

>> No.9991340

Find someone impulsive and blindly passionate, then pretend you are them. It worked for me.

>> No.9991350

Ok Jack Kerouac

>> No.9992593

If Nietzsche is dynamite, why would he have a gun?

>> No.9992661

turn on your autopilot. silence the voice of reason in your head. it is not native to you.

>> No.9992666
File: 54 KB, 980x702, DHOJ3BfUIAA7goC.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read gorilla mindset you idiot chud


>> No.9992687

Nietzsche's "dionysos" ideal is really just a crystallization of his inability to deal with life or resignation from it in nihilisim and is not actually an attainable or even meaningful mode of human existence, if that's what the picture is supposed to imply.

>> No.9992695

Browse /pol/, read Thus Spoke Zarathustra, take the red pill, and fight for your brethren.

>> No.9992703

reactionary politics are based on ressentiment. Do this if you want to have no idea what zarathustra is actually about.