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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 335x335, sigmund-freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9986814 No.9986814 [Reply] [Original]

Literally every paper of his is prefaced by a couple of pages, essentially saying "haters will say this outrageous and totally ridiculous theory is unfalsifiable bullshit, but that's because they're haters and haters will do anything to prove me, a great genius, wrong."

In his Interpretation of Dreams paper he adds a footnote where he ponders how in the future there will be a plaque at his house that will mark the location and date when he "uncovered the secrets of dreams" [can't remember exact phrasing].

In his Dora case study he applies various theories he has invented while psychoanalysing Dora and writes that when she says 'yes' she means 'yes', but a 'no' to one of his questions really means 'yes'. What the fuck. You can't win with Freud.

Or when he is discussing possible objections from haters to his analyses of patients, who believe the cause of their symptoms has nothing to do with sex, fetishes or some weird oedipal desire he acts like such a belief is incredulous and objects by discussing the 'cause of the cause' or the 'cause of the cause of the cause' and so on until one of them has something to do with sex.

>> No.9986828


I saw a child psychotherapist when I was a kid.

He served as a surrogate father figure over my schizo dad, he really really revered anna and sigmund freud. The guy scared the fuck out of me

>> No.9986832

It's only egoistic if he's wrong.

>> No.9986833

probably every emperor ever. But as academics and philosophers go, you have to add Hegel and Nietzsche to the list. Or pretty much most German intellectuals

>> No.9986848

But he clearly is wrong. And that's not just an individual opinion, find me single nigga that thought Freud was even with correct with half the stuff he said, I dare you.

>> No.9986859

what, you don't believe in a unconscious part of the human?

>> No.9986860

>Wants to fuck his own mother
>"Hey, I'm not the weird one here! Everyone else thinks like that too, they're just too ashamed to admit it!"
>Continues to write on the Oedipus complex
P L E A S E don't get me started on The Interpretation of Dreams, 90% of it is bs.

>> No.9986870

No, I'm fine with the concept, that an unconsciousness exists. But whenever he talks about dreams, sexuality or patient analyses he talks out of his ass for a majority of the time.

>> No.9986877
File: 539 KB, 238x155, unnamed (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait. I can't BELIEVE Freud would talk so much about projection and not consider that he was projecting the entire time. Wow! Oh no, wait, I just thought of something... OF COURSE HE FUCKING TOOK THAT INTO ACCOUNT YOU FUCKING B'LET.

And no, I don't want to get you started with your defence mechanism rants.

>> No.9986893

>Mentions that he takes his own psychology into account
>Completely throws that thought out of the window shortly after
>"In the end, I am still right. And how could I not be?"
I think the MILF or incest thread on /gif/ would be a better place for you.

>> No.9986896

Because cocaine.

>> No.9986901

When you're right you're right. You can't back down from that just because you're implicated. That shit's cowardly. You're looking at it the wrong way around.

>> No.9987924

Why other psychiatrists never mentions this?

>> No.9987936
File: 36 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend everyone here watch this. It explains how Sigmund Freud ruined the west with his newphew. It really opened my eyes

>> No.9987945
File: 33 KB, 240x334, jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uncovered the secret of dreams

I think that's Carl Jung.

>> No.9987951

When people talk about girls with "daddy issues" is that a Freud thing? It seems to be pretty accepted even on /pol/

>> No.9987952

based. Jung btfo out of freud every time.

>> No.9987962

Just like Alfred Adler. Maybe that's why Freud was so butthurt about them.

>> No.9987979

"Parent" issues are accepted everywhere. Even though they sort of gained popularity thanks to psychoanalysis they are an actual thing so their meaning goes way beyond Freud.
What people mean when they use that term largely depends on the individual and their personal knowledge and experience. The term can only be called Freudian if the person that uses it interprets it in a Freudian way.

>> No.9987997

Yes but Freud was really the first one to develop a very extensive way of thinking that linked one's state as an adult to how they related to their parents, before him it was genuinally beleived that once you became an adult your relationship to your parents stopped mattered. Every pschological thinker since than has done so in one way or another.

>> No.9988028

Yes, but not all interpretations are in line with his interpretation.
Moreover, as I suggested, one's individual experience is rarely completely based on psychological theories.

>> No.9988623

Once again, Freud is dismissed after his contributions become common knowledge and then seem separate to him.

>> No.9988656

>there is no such thing at all as an uncounscious 'No'.
stop getting triggered about it, think

>> No.9989026

this is a mood movie. Some non-sequiturs in there, more extended music video than real argument

>> No.9989103

>freud discovered this

>> No.9989112

Freud was right

>> No.9989121


He didn't do clinical studies and nothing was tested empirically, but as it turns out he was right about a lot of things. In fact, the foundation of what we know about child-rearing and early trauma is based on him. Fuck, he's basically created the modern language in which we speak about experience, infancy, maturation and adulthood.

Sure, the dream stuff is a little tough to take, but to suggest that dreams have little to do with reality is a little ignorant. Our dreams are basically our surrealist side, our brains trying to stitch together unresolved narratives.

He didn't win the Nobel because he was Jewish. Period.