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/lit/ - Literature

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9984854 No.9984854 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, /co/ here. Have you read any literature with writing worse than this or do we win?

>> No.9984864

Did she say all of that in one breath or something? What the fuck? Why would a comic book company hire a retarded autistic furry fanfiction writer?

>> No.9984870

You win. Comics are designed for children. Which is why women and autistic manchildren enjoy them.

>> No.9984885

what's wrong with that? it's empowering, spunky, cute

>> No.9984889

Well even we don't enjoy this one, which says something. Anyways, post examples of shitty writing.

>> No.9984895

Harry Potter

>> No.9984942

This goes into print but I think my shit will never make it.

>> No.9984952

Jesus Christ, the stuff you guys have to put up with.

>> No.9985008

>*walks onto stage*
>*tests mic*
>*inhales deeply*

>> No.9985011

>reading any capeshit but a few select batman stories

Your problem isn't comics, it's reading superhero comics. It's 'literally' made for children

>> No.9985012

Btw the author of this comic got her start as a 'bestselling Young Adults author' so I assume she's written /lit/ shit that's just as bad.

>> No.9985068
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but the greatest cape story ever told is a superman comic

>> No.9985069

Are there any comics /lit/ considers deserving of literary merit?

>> No.9985071
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>> No.9985080

Of the few comics I've read, I would consider Superman: Peace on Earth, Shazam! Power of Hope, and Kingdom Come as deserving of literary merit.

>> No.9985108
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This was her YA novel:

Product description
“Even if Holden Caulfield was born in the Bronx in the 1980s, he could never be this awesome.” Inga Muscio, author of Cunt Juliet Milagros Palante is leaving the Bronx and headed to Portland, Oregon. She just came out to her family and isn’t sure if her mom will ever speak to her again. But Juliet has a plan, sort of, one that’s going to help her figure out this whole “Puerto Rican lesbian” thing. She’s interning with the author of her favorite book: Harlowe Brisbane, the ultimate authority on feminism, women’s bodies, and other gay-sounding stuff. Will Juliet be able to figure out her life over the course of one magical summer? Is that even possible? Or is she running away from all the problems that seem too big to handle? With more questions than answers, Juliet takes on Portland, Harlowe, and most importantly, herself.

>> No.9985205
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50 Shades of Grey author. You lose. Exhibit A: racist teabagging scene.

>> No.9985270

Graphic novels yes.

Watchmen, Maus, Essex County, Fun House etc

>> No.9985347

That's not even the worst comic. Have you ever read the CG War Machine?

>> No.9985355


my diary desu


>> No.9985433

Holy... I want more

>> No.9985449

This is why I only read graphic novels of approved /lit/erature like the enlightened individual that I am

>> No.9985454

Literally the opposite

>> No.9985458

New Yorkers are truly sub human

>> No.9985465

Anyone who still thinks lesbians are great needs to lay off the anime for a while and face realtiy

>> No.9985466

Also Asterios Polyp, Black Hole, In Hell, Killing Joke,...

>> No.9985659

i do not detect any spunk. unless that's what the white swooshes around the couple are.

>> No.9985842
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>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

>> No.9986016
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>> No.9986031

>She fishes it out almost immediately
Has this person never had Tea before

>> No.9986036

>She likes her tea weak and black
>She fishes it out almost immediately
>Reading comprehension

>> No.9986050

You won't get "weak" tea, you'll get no fucking tea at all.

>> No.9986052

This. Comics are way more accessible to today's youth than literature, which makes it easier to indoctrinate them into a lifestyle of degeneracy.

>> No.9986058

Devilman is better than most science-fiction/fantasy I've read.

>> No.9986060

you just got tea-baited britfag

>> No.9986063

I blame Junot Diaz for this.

>> No.9986077

Furthermore, someone post either the list of endless nerd shit from Ready Player One or the horrible recollection of the protagonist's Atheism.

>> No.9986078

I am going to tea bag your fucking face you cunt

>> No.9986263
File: 1.38 MB, 1200x861, 1502837181177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The use of the word "literally" triggers me more than anything else in this image. Why? What purpose does it serve? How does can one be figuratively intrigued and in awe? Is this how everyone on tumblr talks and they're trying to appeal to them?

>> No.9986398

>Marriage is a disgusting, outdated, immoral, patriarchal, system of oppression that needs to be destroyed. FUCK religion by which I mean Christianity!
>Did you know that faggots can't get married?
>Marriage is an inaliable human right and until everyone can legally marry the persyn they were BORN to love we must fight tirelessly to enshrine homosexuality in this noble institution.
>Faggots can get married now.
>Gay marriage is the cutest thing ever! So romantic! OMG I'm just dying with jealousy. Look at his dress! Look at her tuxedo! Look at xir cake! BTW heterosexual marriage is creepy oppressive poison and must be destroyed. But queer marriage is great!

I've watched leftists do this dance over the course of years.

>> No.9986429

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read. You do know that left wingers don't all share the same opinions, right?

>> No.9986461

From my wording it should be clear, unless you're clinically retarded, which you are, that I'm talking about individual leftists who I've known personally over years. And yes, now that you mention it, you all do share the same opinions because you've sold your souls to a shitty little orthodoxy more rigidly enforced than most cults.

>> No.9986851

Tea bag THIS!

*unzips dick*

>> No.9986920

>dunk the teabag in the teapot

what fresh hell is this

>> No.9987013

Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth is one hell of a character study with all sorts of symbolism and intertextuality