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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 5 KB, 110x110, Goodreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9983050 No.9983050 [Reply] [Original]

Post your Goodreads profile url, make friends, and stay motivated to continue studying.

>> No.9983062
File: 70 KB, 1024x683, Alison+Watt+Phantom+Goes+Show+Gallery+Modern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9983380

What profiles have best reviews for philosophy?

>> No.9983411


>> No.9983532

I wonder if i will finish journey this year

>> No.9983961

I don't read to study I read for entertainment.

>> No.9983975


>> No.9983978

Goodreads is filled with young adult fiction loving faggots.

>> No.9984058
File: 16 KB, 471x600, AlisonWatt_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's people like you that ruin this board.

>> No.9984168

10/10 age
10/10 city
10/10 sex

>> No.9984181

except of course for the ones that dont.

>> No.9984258
File: 10 KB, 225x225, cthulu pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anyone still left from last year?

>> No.9984286

We watch benevolently, but ultimately silently, as /lit/ has fallen far

>> No.9984296

What's your favorite Harry Potter book? Mine is Chamber of Secrets.

>> No.9984436

I like your taste m8

>> No.9984453

I've been here for 3 years. (Though I never posted my account, I only added the ones with good taste. That criteria obviously doesn't include you. ;)

>> No.9984526


Are you one of those "I only mark books as read if I read them after I made my account" or are these really the only books you have ever read?

>> No.9984537
File: 349 KB, 781x750, 1337301016032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you all such stuck up faggots?

>> No.9984571


someone please be my friend

>> No.9984609

Read some good books first instead of muh weird ficciones (you should probably start with Borges's Ficciones, it's only like a hundred pages)

>> No.9984611


>> No.9984612

nah i'm thinking of moving into YA

>> No.9984616


>> No.9984620

I don't ever talk to people or like people's updates but I stalk people's profiles, read their reviews, and think it's interesting to see what everyone is reading.


>> No.9984645

actually i change my mind sounds like this book might be interesting i'll give it a shot once i finish my current book

>> No.9984648


I'm surprised somebody actually read "Kill All Normies." Are you the guy who kept making threads about it?

>> No.9984685

What did you expect? This isn't r/books.

>> No.9984777


Ily guys

>> No.9985094

desu /lit/reads threads never get that shitposty

>> No.9985100

pretty sure that's what most people do
write some reviews boi

>> No.9985103

I literally do not understand most books

Until I do

>> No.9985265


>> No.9985281

i got memed to read it because of those threads actually.

>> No.9985314

Alright. I'll finally make one


>> No.9985320

did you read it? don't lie on the internet anon

>> No.9985322

The Bible is kicking my ass but I promise I am still very cute

>> No.9985330

>Alchemist 1 star
At least he has his priorities straight

>> No.9985336

i like your reviews, and dont feel bad about the bible, it would take me a year

>> No.9985340

still a pleb


>> No.9985341



>> No.9985389


>> No.9985411
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Why not you egotistical faggots.


>> No.9985413 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9985418

Fuckin Manny

>> No.9985420
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>> No.9985597

kind of. the ones i remember. the others ive forgotten or wouldnt put.

>> No.9985653

>Anchorage, AK
I'd post my link but I'm worried you'll come to my house and call be a pleb

>> No.9985685

Why are you even on /lit/? You non-Mediterranean virtue signaler

>> No.9985686
File: 47 KB, 483x477, 1471130505789-r9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read poetry books to boost the number of total books read this year.


>> No.9985727

I accidentally replied to this post >9985420

>> No.9985756

>living in AK
kek it kind of sucks doesnt it? i hear the suicide rates at UAA are through the roof.

>> No.9985819 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 443x332, IMG_0491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More so I haven't read many books in my life and added the stuff I have even though most is short.

>> No.9985829


>> No.9985863

>posting your links in 4chen after hiro sold us to google
>having websites line all your urls up for the taking
>not knowing these guys start these threads for your info

>> No.9985867

>having your real info in a profile that you are going to post on 4chan
l m a o

>> No.9985910

so, what's your username?

>> No.9986169

did you start with the greeks and go straight to kant afterwards

>> No.9986231


>> No.9986241

I added everyone I hadn't added before and tried to comment or pm people I've already added. "I love you and dislike myself" is how I feel because I havn't been reading as much as I'd like to lately.


>> No.9986712


>> No.9987021


>> No.9987041


>> No.9987125


been slacking recently maybe this motivate me

>> No.9987248

>wants to read Alamut
good man

>> No.9987335
File: 41 KB, 500x484, 1503937801863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the books on my read list are in chronological order. I read critique of pure reason to get a general idea of Kant's philosophy. It seemed like a decent enough book that I wouldn't feel like I had wasted my time on it.

>> No.9987531


Ignore that it's an author profile. Friend me for absolutely objective book ratings, if nothing else.

>> No.9988426

Holy shit, I haven't seen a bigger and more obnoxious faggot in GR threads for a long while.

>> No.9988456

>inspired by thread to open goodreads account
>happily adding classics to "read" and "want to read" lists
>move onto books I read in childhood to boost epeen
>start noticing publication dates for some books are incorrect by a few decades wtf
>some books are outright missing, listing books in the middle of a series but not the original book
>entry for hp #01 is sorcerer's stone
>no entry for philosopher's stone
Is this a site for Americans who don't give two shits?

>> No.9988516

I'm fucking confused. WTF am I looking at? Is this some real time archive for /lit/ that inserts usernames into posts?

>> No.9988530

I think it's a forum that isn't very active, so they pull content from lit to give the illusion of activity?

>> No.9988595

>hurr I am too dumb to use the site therefore it's bad

It's some sort of a fake forum. Probably the owner is making money off it in some way.

>> No.9988632
File: 3 KB, 127x123, 1301706157948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scroll over the cover of a book and select 'other editions' you complete fucking retard

>> No.9988663
File: 2.73 MB, 600x396, 1452461281325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8, no h8.

>> No.9988667


>> No.9988833


>> No.9989035

why are there zero cute femanons in this thread ffs

>> No.9989051

I am one of the first posts and i am a cute girl

>> No.9989060

We actively discourage male-female interaction here, so as to preserve the level of discourse.

If you want to discuss literature with women, consider starting a thread on /cgl/, which is the most feminine board on 4chan.

>> No.9989070

you say that as if the board isn't cancerous by itself

>> No.9989155

You are not cute. You prob look like a man.

>> No.9989323

tfw one cute chick always likes all my actions on goodreads.
wat do?

>> No.9989333

talk to her

>> No.9989388

The owner scrapes /lit/ and other boards to generate content for his board, which draws clicks, which he monetizes. I cant imagine it works well although the nature of 4chan deleting threads may create "unique" content.

Anyways, its tinfoil hat to believe this actually is something sinister.

>> No.9989412


yes be careful, if your profile has real information about you, doxxers will know (you) visit 4chan.

decide for yourself if that's a huge issue.