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/lit/ - Literature

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9981282 No.9981282 [Reply] [Original]

is there a single kind of post that you could imagine that would forever deter you from returning to /lit/?

>> No.9981289


Nah, I've read every fucktarded opinion on here (and written so so many myself) so I'm basically immune

>> No.9981299

That just makes me excited. I hope so. That'd be a great post.

>> No.9981574

No single post, but a shitty enough and spammed enough meme might do the trick.
It happened on /int/, it can happen here.
Then I can finally leave this hellhole behind and look for greener pastures.

>> No.9981597

Did you get that booty blasted by shart in the mart, or are you an Indian?

>> No.9981602

It wasn't an all across the board thing, it happened in one of the generals.
I honestly gave up on the place and I don't care.

>> No.9981607


>> No.9981666

"From now on, all posting will require a RealID."

>> No.9981680

a female namefag

>> No.9981702

To nitpick at OP, I want to be clear that a single post, period, would not deter me from /lit/ or any board, for that matter.

A single *kind* of post, if seen frequently, might deter me, though. For instance, the POOPOOPEEPEE posts on /r9k/ got to me.

Thankfully, it's not a popular opinion on /lit/, but one of the few posts that triggered me was some rando saying "philosophers are actually better prose stylists than novelists", which combined my hatred of "muh prose" and the flooding of /lit/ with philosophy. If that became the dominant view, I'd never return.

>> No.9981725

No only if the scope of discussion became really limited and sophomoric as what happened to /his/. There are still some insightful people on here

>> No.9981765

If /pol/ somehow manages to ruin this board too I'd leave forever

see: /his/

>> No.9981794

That wasn't really that strong y'know. Crossposted /tv/ memes are a lot worse and spammed more.

>> No.9982068

the phlosophags are getting a bit thick on the ground. it's a shame there isn't an effective way of moving them en masse to /pol/, or /s4s/ or somewhere.

anywhere but here.

>> No.9982089


>the POOPOOPEEPEE posts on /r9k/ got to me

that's /r9k/'s best meme though. you don't know sublimity when you see it

>> No.9982091

people agreeing with me

>> No.9982102
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I've never posted on /his/ even though I have a BA in history. What went wrong on that board?

>> No.9982121

Nowadays /his/ the catalog is 33% obvious /pol/ b8s, 33% rhetorical questions, 33% stuff that doesn't even belong there and the rest is the actual content.
Now my memory is fuzzy, but in the first weeks of /his/ most threads were about niche stuff i.e roman thread, romanian thread, chinese thread etc. and there used to be historic enthusiasts who were happy to post walls of texts of informative facts.

>> No.9982148

they created /his/ assuming that a lot of /lit/ would move there. /his/ threads here were well sourced and contained (often there was a his general). we have a fair amount of people who can speak/write dead languages and have interests in philosophy, philology and historiography, along with those who like history books as their main non-fiction. they assumed those people would go to /his/ and fend off /pol/

however, some idiots here tried to make all books related to any of those subjects off topic for /lit/. those people they wanted to leave are all the people recommending SWTG and reading chaucer and all that other classical humanities stuff. basically, non-readers saw a chance to make this board into mostly lowbrow pretentious posting, and to get rid of the people who call them out with reference to a text.

so all the well read autists dug their heels in on /lit/ and let /pol/ take over /his/. /hisgen/ sufferred a little but it was always an infrequent occurrence.

>> No.9982196

Why would anyone come here for the enjoyment of reading? Personally I'm here to learn how to write better, from seeing other people's good and bad examples. And /pol/ is great, if you need a racist character in your novel you can learn how they act here.

>> No.9982214

For the actual on-topic threads, there are too many about war and leaders, especially the 19th and 20th centuries. No one knows anything about the humanities there.

>> No.9982422

I feel like you're just attempting to collect ways of getting rid of anons.

>> No.9982429

The Katie incident (and the fact that I was one of the perverts in that infamous screencap) made me stay away from this place for a good six months or so, then I came back and it happened again with that other girl, so I left again. Then I came back and it happened with Ontologicool and I just thought screw it I'll stay :\

>> No.9982430

Hi, guys. I'm Trooth Bombz. From /asp/! I may start poking my head in over here now and again.

>> No.9982482

What the hell was the Katie incident?

>> No.9982528

/lit/ scared a girl away and now the limp wristed English majors who secretly still hope to become professors act all flustered.

>> No.9982584
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>> No.9982592
File: 53 KB, 273x308, Ab4AXtkE0Tx2QPfeMgm9CGldAG0zwNcfghNn9PI8RxE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy >>9982429 again. 8th down is me :(

>> No.9982744

Hobbes and Nietzsche are better than a lot of writers though