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9981334 No.9981334 [Reply] [Original]

Kantbot's new project, The Autistic Mercury, launched today. I think we should discuss this new platform and the content therein.
I am seeing a nice collection of work by several well-known frogtwitter (loosely defined) figures.
To mention a couple of the pieces, there is an excellent review of Milo's book by Mr. Bones (pbuh) and an analysis of the infamous Google Memo by crypt. Both very good reads.
Make no mistake, Kantbot himself is very much /ourguy/ despite his Goethe fanboying. I'm happy to shill for the faggot because this is the most promising and ambitious culture-focused platform to come out in a long time. If done well (and do not claim to know what that means), I think The Autistic Mercury has the potential to become powerful.

>> No.9981353

I don't like the format. Get a better font Edward

>> No.9981382

forgot link. https://autisticmercury.com

>> No.9981478

who is Edward

>> No.9981492

what is kantbot

>> No.9981493


This is fucking retarded

>> No.9981525

boring politics stuff we've all heard before and other pop culture ephemera. maybe someday he'll publish something interesting but i doubt it

>> No.9981537

If they put half as much effort into something worthwhile they might be taken seriously. This is just retarded meme blogging that is poorly thought out "on purpose".

>> No.9981550

Hate to be discouraging, but the passive-aggressive trolling frog style ironic writing hurts my soul. Just work for aesthetics and that will be the only value you need for writing.

>> No.9981558

why is kantbot even known
he's not funny or smart

>> No.9981575


>> No.9981582


>> No.9981587

a guy on Twitter. twitter.com/kantbot10k

>> No.9981590


he a homosex and apostate

>> No.9981599

And he writes snarky articles with whatever new buzzwords are popular?

>> No.9981626

that, fiction, tweets and reviews. here's a good one where he tears into Nagle's Kill All Normies: http://thermidormag.com/angela-nagles-wild-ride/

>> No.9981642

Frightening prospect

>> No.9981652

why would anyone take advice from someone who is so fat? he doesn't even bother to take care of himself, why should we respect him?

>> No.9981715

this, desu.
t. fat fuck

>> No.9981737

Same could be said about any writer who drank or abused drugs heavily, he medicates with food.

>> No.9981760

Why does the twitter-right always come to /lit/ to show off their new, obnoxious projects?

>> No.9981767

>Same could be said about any writer who drank or abused drugs heavily
I don't read them either. I also don't read author's who killed themselves.

Life is short. I don't have time for losers.

>> No.9981806

stupid fat cunt

>> No.9982012

Stop shilling, then fuck off and go kill yourself you disgusting fat fuck

>> No.9982024

Are they trying to be serious now?
They kinda fucked it already with le ebin frog trololole

>> No.9982025
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He takes contributions.
If you don't like the content offer your own, you have a better chance getting an audience through his following than hoping Mr Steinberg or some waspy faglord will be merciful enough to let you slip through the net

Its better than just being irrelevant pussys blowing each other about how above it all you, if you're handed manure grow something with it

>> No.9982039

I liked the articles.

You guys are fucking incapable of having a decent discussion about anything

>> No.9982053

They're too resentiful, they all think they should just be handed a publishing deal by Faber and Faber and look down on the miserable proles actually trying to get their work out there

>> No.9982076

Yeah that's just what I want, to be published on a site for autsitic, LARPing, alt right twitter "personalities"

That will really help my career

>> No.9982083

>That will really help my career

Why not? Someone might see your work and think its good shit and offer you an opportunity to get published on a higher platform. Who knows, use a pseudonym and it wont matter otherwise
In either case its a way to get your stuff out there to other young people interested in more fringe ideas. Whether you like him or not Kantbot has raised an audience and he's offering you a chance to share in that audience

>> No.9982088


What do you expect? For years this place was bugman soyboy weird twitter chapo traphouse personified. Now it is still made up maybe 40-60% of the same people. These are the same types of people who think late night TV comedy and the New Yorker are the pinnacle of western culture while simultaneously jerking it to dril tweets about sonic diaper piss.

>> No.9982104

>>Kantbot's new project
>pretending to be someone other than Kantbot
Fuck off, fatty.

>> No.9982115


>For years this place was bugman soyboy weird twitter chapo traphouse personified.

you talk just like these twitter dorks mate.

>> No.9982284

From what I've read of this guy he's pretty smart and likeable. But it really bothers me that he's fat.

Please lose some weight Kantbot, I'd probably follow your work if you could just get to like skinny Jonah Hill level

>> No.9982305

I prefer him fat, he's more non-intimidating

>> No.9982484

Why would you read the work of someone who cannot see their dick without having to make an ordeal about it? Think about the effect on your mind of having such an overhanging gut that you can't see your cock. Someone like this is total anathema to civilised society; I cannot relate! Sorry!

>> No.9982507

>i liked the articles

Nice discussion point, maybe tell us why you liked them you brainlet

>> No.9982554

ive done the whole "social media personality" thing. id rather be anonymous

>> No.9982582

Do you really expect to be taken seriously when you reference esoteric buzzwords that only a handful of obsessive autists care about?

>> No.9983210

>And that pill installed you? I’m just coming down with a little schizophrenia, just a touch, that has to be it. I’ve heard of some drugs, psychedelics causing that kind of thing before.

>lol, I’m sure you wish that were the case, but nope, sorry. That pill wasn’t any ordinary pill, but a psycho-executable. As it dissolved it released a tiny stream of nanobugs into your blood, which, having made their way to your brain, have installed my program, physically restructuring your mind.

>What do you want?

>I want your help, Anon. I need it. We need it.


>Yes, we are a fraternity, if you will, of people who share certain… capabilities, or perhaps it’s better to say… a certain outlook. Log onto your computer and I’ll show you what I mean. www.autisticmercury.com”

>> No.9983232

I was hoping for a NYer / PR aesthetic.

>> No.9983245

How does someone get to this point?

>> No.9983293

Again you can use a pseudonym or just ask to be published anonymously. He's done the dirty work for us

>> No.9983338

You're as sad as you are fat

>> No.9983348

I followed frogtwitter for some time and my conclusion is they're pseuds.

>> No.9983351

I love Kantbot! I want to suck his toes!

>> No.9983356

>not sure if he means Bloom or Kantbot

>> No.9983561
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>google memo
>culture-focused platform
I'm sorry son, this is the literature board

>> No.9984852
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>Hey come check out my website
>No the content is shit as are the contributors
>i-if you don't l-like it why don't you make the website better with your own content!