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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 241x300, spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9977477 No.9977477 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9977506


'Smart as fuck' at inverting white values to destroy our societies.

>> No.9978115

Spinacho xD

>> No.9978466


>> No.9978469

Da Vinci

no one comes close to these 4

>> No.9978477

They say Newton don't be like that, but he do.

>> No.9978483

Einstein's contributions to physics are slightly more important imo

Newton was cool for discovering calculus though

>> No.9978495

the anglo is strong in this one

>> No.9978507

>Still thinking Shakspeare wrote anything

>> No.9978518

>Einstein's contributions to physics are slightly more important imo

Not really. He just had/has better PR.

>> No.9978524

Nigga Homer probably didn't write his shit but we still attribute the poetry to him. Convenience, bitch.

>> No.9978528

He literally invented the two hemispheres of modern physics. Newton should be appreciated for his maths, his physics are less interesting.

>> No.9978574

>literally invented
The language of PR.

>> No.9978596

Newton literally invented physics.

>> No.9978598

That's an ignorant statement

>> No.9978695

Wouldn't it be funny if two people independently came up with Calculus about the same time but only one person was able to take credit for it...

>> No.9978728


Especially leibniz

>> No.9978740
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>> No.9978985
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>> No.9978988
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>> No.9978992

hes only universally accepted as the greatest writer ever, but yeh for sure a parochial reference

>> No.9979011

>hes only universally accepted as the greatest writer ever
>the universe is composed of the commonwealth and the usa

>> No.9979024
File: 81 KB, 646x694, 7b8d588f82a3d054e78d6ef709cb1e05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[laughs in spanish]

>> No.9979028

He wouldn't be considered 'clever' though; Milton was the great 'scholarly' neoclaccicist (12 languages, incredibly learned etc); Shakespeare was more of the 'natural' genius (with a little Greek and less Latin), esteemed by the German romantics. This is the stereotype, anyway.

>> No.9979039

Youre ignorant if you think Shakespeare isnt revered in Spain, at least as the worlds pre-eminent dramatist

>> No.9979049
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[laughs in italian]

>> No.9979054

>not STEM
pick one

>> No.9979078


>> No.9979097

laughs at you all in linear B

>> No.9979118

Newton spent 99% of his time on alchemy and the other 1% on stealing Leibniz's calculus and slandering him in the press

>> No.9979126
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>> No.9979229 [DELETED] 


>> No.9979386
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>tfw too smart for own good

>> No.9979537
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unironically tho

>> No.9979543

How can other demons even compete?

>> No.9979591

Yeah but this is a thread about individuals, not symbols of a collective.

>> No.9979607

>Writes 3000 pages of commentary, probably would have been 10000 if he hadn't died so young
>Gets absolutely fucking rekt by Hume in 5 pages
Truly a genius

>> No.9979628

>This is what anglos believe

>> No.9979644

>Von Neumann

Bro your list is /pleb/ as shit. What are you... In high school?

>> No.9979658


>> No.9979661

Hume misinterpreted everything.

>> No.9979679


>> No.9979697

too many white males itt

>> No.9979749

>no mention of Goethe
>even though he has a proven iq 210
Educate yourselves http://www.assessmentpsychology.com/301geniuses-2.htm

>> No.9979762

What's the point of making a truly abhorrent and wrong post

>> No.9979794

Is that Marlon Brando smoking a joint

>> No.9979830

You are so fucking retarded it is unbelievable

>> No.9979839

How did Hume "fucking rek" Aquinas? Please enlighten me

>> No.9979844

>tfw STEM
>tfw I know for a fact that Einstein haters are full of shit who are completely unaware of his actual work

I can assure you that any physicist worth their salt would laugh at subhumans like you, who genuinely believe they've outsmarted both Einstein and the entire global scientific community.

>> No.9979881


good goy

>> No.9979887

>physics is about religion and heritage, even if Einstein was not religious and his political stances would have been considered as Anti-Semitic by actual Zionists

Your mind is a joke.

>> No.9979890

He was the first one to question on what basis causality could be known for certain. Although he was wrong about almost everything, he still started the chain of events that invalidated everything build on Aristotle philosophy.

>> No.9980168

>Hume was the first one to question on what basis causality could be known for certain
This is incorrect. Leibniz was fully aware that there is no necessary connection between cause & effect. Read the Monadology.
>Hume started the chain of events that invalidated everything built on Aristotle's philosophy
He did not, you are writing nonsense. Hume is a relatively trivial philosophical figure - it is Descartes who offered the West a new philosophical system that had finally replaced Aristotle & Aristotelian philosophy of the Middle Ages.

So apart from writing factually incorrect gibberish, you have also failed to provide an argument on how Hume disproves Aquinas. But hey, you do know for sure that "Hume fucking rekt Aquinas lmao".

>> No.9980249

>Hume is a relatively trivial philosophical figure
I lol'd out loud

"I freely admit that the remembrance of David Hume was the very thing that many years ago first interrupted my dogmatic slumber and gave a completely different direction to my researches in the field of speculative philosophy."

>> No.9980491
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>> No.9980494
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>> No.9980497

>he still believes Hume is relevant in comparison to the most eminent philosophers of his philosophical era
Descartes, Leibniz, Spinoza, Berkeley and Locke. Hume is nothing in comparison with these names.

It is funny how you're trying to refute my point by sharing Kant's quote that is completely irrelevant. So what if he held Hume in high esteem? He didn't even read much of him, he is only praising the criticism of causation, which is, as I already said, something Leibniz had done before.

>> No.9980502
File: 321 KB, 2000x1500, 3-ludwig-wittgenstein-1-dreizehn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greatest genius coming through

>> No.9980513

>He wouldn't be considered 'clever' though;
The morons one find on this fucking board

>> No.9980516

Tennyson is the opposite of that, though. He had genius but no intelligence.

>> No.9980522
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>Descartes, Leibniz, Spinoza, Berkeley and Locke
All brainlets

>> No.9980526

Then rec some non European authors

>> No.9980543

>to smart too lie

>> No.9980555

>Newton was cool for discovering calculus

You mean for his unprecedented contributions to alchemy

>> No.9980647

Almost, at times, ridiculous - almost, at times, the Fool.

>Now is your time.

>> No.9980652

>its wrong becuz i sed so

>> No.9980653
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, Juraj Herz, Director of 'The Cremator' 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9980655

>list of brainlets
>much better philosopher is 'nothing in comparison'
Back to r*ddit

>> No.9980657
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>> No.9980660
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>> No.9980685

Science, especially physics, is for the most severe of brainlets.

>> No.9980700
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>> No.9980704
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>> No.9980710
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>> No.9980731
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>> No.9980736


>> No.9980737
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>> No.9980975
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>couldn't get a single thing right
>all real life applications of his theories failed horribly

>> No.9981053
File: 2.44 MB, 1409x1621, Ferdinand_de_Saussure_by_Jullien-copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>When you're the only one in the family who chose humanities, so you go full autist about it, completely change a scientific discipline, cofound another one, and make the French academia fall in love with you, only for their disciples to end up rejecting their method along with any kind of logic, starting a chain of events that ends up destroying both social science and the humanities.

>> No.9981072

He was a good playwright, that's all.
I nominate Newton.

>> No.9981085

Saussure didn't come up with anything that wasn't already in play in Plato's time, and modern linguistics had been well underway since the late 1700s. The fact that French philosophers and their illegitimate offspring in Anglo English departments obsess over him is more of a proof of both their general ignorance and their chronic navel-gazing than a proof of Saussure's genuine intellectual value. Nobody talks about this guy outside of your bubble.

>> No.9981361


>> No.9981362

>he's wrong becuz i sed so
>muh false application is a reflection of theory

>> No.9981380


>> No.9981395


>> No.9982405
File: 428 KB, 1263x1852, Machado_de_Assis_aos_57_anos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legitimately, this guy.

Can you imagine being born in a fucking Brazilian slum in the 19th century, frequent school for 2 years and from there become a self-taught polyglot, unbelievably well read and cultured, and write a huge, masterful ouvre that spans basically every literary genre, which rightfully places you in the uncontested number one spot as the most accomplished author in your language?

>> No.9982434

>niggas who were smart as fuck
>posts white people


>> No.9982438

Me, desu.

>> No.9982443

Post an excerpt from your diary desu

>> No.9982448

see >>9982405

>> No.9982461
File: 413 KB, 780x1074, apple man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose fortune over tulips
>never get laid
>believe in alchemy
>steal calculus from leibniz
>get overshadowed by jew whole stole ideas from patent office

I'm just joking of course. Newton was obviously smart.

>> No.9982478

Sperg-tastic post, anon! Did you write it on a scroll? No? Did you mark it on a tablet? What's that? A samsung galaxy, you say? Gosh, anon, you're so funny!

>> No.9982487

The Eternal Anglo strikes again.

>> No.9982489


>> No.9982495

>implying any non-Anglos care about Tesla

>> No.9982505
File: 12 KB, 220x165, 220px-Muzej_Nikole_Tesle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related Tesla museum in Serbia

>> No.9982512

>old people who got the low hanging fruit of their fields are smart

Also saying anyone in philosophy is a joke considering the whole field went on a 2000 year detour that amounted in nothing

>> No.9982551
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>> No.9982595

my diary is basically my piece of work, so i'm not posting it because you would fucking steal it

>> No.9982616


Was going to post that. Here it is:

> (You)

>> No.9982623


Was he autistic?

>> No.9982644


>> No.9982683

This tho
Will I Am Shake Speares was not an individual man, and was far more than a playwright. His work is a Wisdom Text, like the Bible, or the Upanishads. For him who has eyes to see and ears to hear.

>> No.9982703

Thomas Jefferson

>> No.9982833
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unironically these two

>> No.9982965

No. Read Al-Ghazali's Tahafut al-Falasifa, 17th part.

>> No.9982974

umm sweetie

>> No.9982977
File: 168 KB, 1200x1472, Samuel_Johnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that he hasn't been posted yet is proof that /lit/ are peasants

>> No.9983220

So many triggered niggas in this thread lol

>> No.9983255

You're ignoring me, a pioneer of the radical centrist political theory that's dominated modern politics.

>> No.9983265

See >>9983220

>> No.9983269

>thread states smart niggers
>only posts white males

I finally understand the importance of blacklivesmatter

>> No.9983274

This isn't /pol/ your conspiracy hypothesis are unwarrarented

>> No.9983285
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It's a me, Macron!

>> No.9983508

>false application
get out

>> No.9983645

this b8 wew

>> No.9983649
File: 70 KB, 645x773, tointeligent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to intelligent to be understood by journalists

>> No.9983698

master of lens-grinding and optics, tho

>> No.9983706

kurt cobain

>> No.9983733

True answer

No literary person comes close to scientist.

>> No.9983742
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>tfw no mathemticians

>> No.9983760

I think you mean Plato, my dude

>> No.9983861


>> No.9984247
File: 32 KB, 395x599, 395px-Woman_hands_raised_Louvre_AM244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, did you just take communist gender-syndicalism 101? cute. read a little of my man johannes climacus to see hegel BTFO:

>According to Hegel the truth is the continuous world-historical process. Each generation, each stage of this process, is legitimated and yet is only an element of the truth. Short of resorting to a bit of charlatanry, which helps by assuming that the generation in which Hegel lived or the one after him is imprimatur, and this generation is the last and world history is past, we are all implicated in skepticism. The passionate question of truth does not even come up, because philosophy has first tricked the individuals into becoming objective. The positive Hegelian truth is just as deceptive as happiness was in paganism.

nice taste. someone name-dropped william haz/lit/t the other day and i felt a groundswell of pride.

>> No.9984268

Richard Dawkins

>> No.9984325

True. But confess: you also have not read Boswell's biography in its entirety.

>> No.9984336


Socrates < Aristotle < Plato (< Democritus)

>> No.9984365
File: 40 KB, 444x444, Karl-Marx1-d9076c70d7110a86690306d6cc7a16bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His lad engels died of depression trying to understand capital vol 2 and 3...
Let that sink in.

>> No.9984375
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>> No.9984470

Einstein was smart yes but he was no smarter than any of the other dudes that were about at that time, granted that this was probably the best science period in terms of powerhouses that revoltionised the science world

>> No.9984474
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>> No.9984477

Guy who made a car. Gr8 b8

>> No.9984480

his teacher Albert was better

>> No.9984487

he sucks titties in the first 5 minutes of his movie

>> No.9984517
File: 54 KB, 900x694, Nobody knows who this is, sad!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9984529

>Walter Benjamin still not posted
holy shit

>> No.9984531
File: 14 KB, 400x293, Perelman,_Grigori_(1966).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grigori Perelman

>Solved a century old mathematical problem
>Declined the most prestigious awards in maths and a millions dollar prize because other mathematicians that contributed weren't acknowledged properly
>Now lives as a poor hermit in some shit hole in Russia

>> No.9984535

Vorticism was kind of a failure, man.

>> No.9984536

Any retard can do STEM, provided they're industrious enough.

>> No.9984539

Just because it was too advanced and complex for the art scene does not mean it was a failure, at all.

>> No.9984547

But any retard cant read apparently

He solved a century old problem, he didnt just "do math" you fucking idiot

>> No.9984549

I could solve a million "century old equations" given enough time.

>> No.9984561

You seem passionate about it, and I like that. What do you think was gained from Vorticism? Why are you so passionate about it? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.9984581

Why can't you keep your bullshit on /pol/?

>> No.9984607

You clearly haven't done any real math

>> No.9984615

>are slightly more important imo
ho boy no. einstein is just an elaboration on the massive foundation that is newton.

>> No.9984698

>tfw Hegel does everything you did but better

>> No.9984702

If you had actually read the CPR you would know that Locke is the anglo that lords over the book, not Hume

>> No.9984813

It's pretty embarassing how many of you have been memed about math and science being for brainlets.

>> No.9984856

t. STEMbrainlet

>> No.9984896
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*blocks your path*

>> No.9984919

He's a genius in his own way, but not a historical mind. I'd put him right next to tarantino unironically

>> No.9984950

confirmed as never having actually read greek philosophy

>> No.9984965
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>actually thinking any of those philosophers are more important than hume and kant

my god

>> No.9984970 [DELETED] 

what took us so long to post this

>> No.9985054

I hope this is bait

>> No.9985057

can you give me a quick rundown on Shakespeare not writing the plays attributed to him?

>> No.9985142

tfw no Euler, no Gauss, no von Neumann
All of you should hang yourselves

these guys were so smart their lives read like a fucking manga

>> No.9985160

the stipulation was smart, so no STEMmers allowed

>> No.9985173

Everyone can read a book, not everyone can do real math
Fucking brainlets everywhere

>> No.9985247

>He thinks the Socrates we read about existed

>> No.9985263


>> No.9985610

Your list is far worse.

>> No.9985613

What values are you referring to, and how are they white?

>> No.9985630
File: 38 KB, 549x673, Shinichi_Mochizuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mochizuki has estimated that it would take a maths graduate student about 10 years to be able to understand his proof, and Fesenko believes that it would take even an expert in arithmetic geometry some 500 hours. So far, only four mathematicians say that they have been able to read the entire proof.

>> No.9985646

I major in history, and I get pretty good grades. do I have a historical mind?

>> No.9985689

are you srs m8? berkeley btfo locke, hume btfo berkeley. in epistemology, hume's insights, though clearly built upon locke's and berkeley's (and why do people always forget hobbes?), completely set the stage for german idealism. outside epistemology, kant was still unable to answer the is-ought problem, given by hume. that problem is still incredibly relevant today. to think hume is any less a philosopher than the names you've listed is batshit retarded. hume was a fucking gun

>> No.9985690

Chances are no one who posted in this thread is smarter than the dumbest person posted in this thread.

>> No.9985700

>bashes philosophy
>uses argument
=uses p h i l o s o p h y

>> No.9985705

>being this fag

>> No.9985800

>Saussure didn't come up with anything that wasn't already in play in Plato's time
Is that the same Plato that would come up with etymologies on the spot you're talking about?

>modern linguistics had been well underway since the late 1700s
Who's denying this?

Also, it would be pretty useful if you actually said what ideas were already know by these philosophers rather than spend most of insulting an imaginary opponent.

>> No.9985850

not the guy you're replying to but..

>modern linguistics had been well underway since the late 1700s
Nope, you're thinking of philology which was basically trying to figure out language families by comparing similar words across living languages. The essential methodology and concepts of modern linguistics were not succintly stated until Saussure.

>Nobody talks about this guy outside of your bubble
He is a pivotal figure in the social sciences, and anyone who knows anything about those fields recognizes that.

The real question is why you're so buttmad about Saussure in the first place

>> No.9985877
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>singlehandedly b& an entire methodological perspective of science and philosophy
>proceeded to found cognitive science, precursor to modern AI research

>> No.9985887

>The essential methodology and concepts of modern linguistics were not succintly stated until Saussure.
Not only that, but they're so radically different they can't even be said to be the same thing.

Oh, and let's not forget how he managed to predict what the Proto-Indo-European vowel system actually looked like thirty years before Hittite was discovered.

>> No.9985896

I love Spinoza but the fact that he was so anti-christian and yet still believed in this ultimate deity just proves that even the smartest are certainly not perfect. Also, is there one person here that can explain concisely expound upon Ethics? It uses a lot of wishy washy logic and some of it is downright indecipherable. It's almost mysterious in a way. Same thing with Newton and Alchemy.

>> No.9985925
File: 100 KB, 1077x597, not_amused__by_sonicblufedora20-d71zx19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact that he was so anti-christian and yet still believed in this ultimate deity just proves that even the smartest are certainly not perfect

>> No.9985930
File: 210 KB, 630x420, fredosantana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9985951

Yes as I tip my fedora. If you read his work you'll start to see what I mean, especially his letters. I don't want to get into a religious debate but sometimes it seems strange pantheists just don't go one step further - sometimes their writing is downright comical and frustrating considering the abundance of logic mixed with this idea of god with no logic or evidence behind it. Such were the times however. I doubt Spinoza would have been religious today (christianity is not exactly thriving in Europe today). Maybe if he was born in the US. But anyways.

>> No.9985962

this is what happens when you get your hist of philosophy from blog posts and wikipedia articles

>> No.9985971



kill yourself faggot

>> No.9985989

> deduction
> 2000 years later
> we can't REALLY KNOW xD

>> No.9986022

He did, it's just "he" was a black womyn.

>> No.9986025

What is it that you think philosophy should be "amounting to"?

>> No.9986028

are you literally retarded

>> No.9986121

Unless that original post was not you, in which case you have added nothing so fuck off yaself bub.

>> No.9986299

>nobody knows who this is and that is sad
if only there were some way for you to alleviate that tragedy even a little

>> No.9987342

this fuBBin niBBa clearly hasn't read hegel or immanuel Bant

>> No.9987821

Damn he looks pretty sexy here

>> No.9987878

why do people like Thomas Sowell claim that Chomsky should stick to linguistics and that he knows nothing about political science because he didn't specialize in it? Is Sowell saying that a fresh political science phd is a better analyst of power and politics than Chomsky?

>> No.9988598

I've tried reading the perelman paper. That is infinitely harder to understand than any philosophical paper. The level at which he is at and would require years, if not decades of intense mathematical training. Philosophers don't seem to realize that any laymen can pick up on their concepts within a few months/years. Mathematicians are on an entirely different level of intellectual rigor.

>> No.9988650
File: 58 KB, 736x552, 6f37c60dac95635046443818e6b09237--february--target.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think difficulty is a factor here. Nobody becomes a philosopher because it's "hard". The point I think, is that there needs to be something irreproduceable to the particular geniuses; otherwise we're no different than a machine.

I'm making no implications on whether this or that person is a genius however, since I don't know squat about mathematics and find those guys attitudes unwarranted.

>> No.9988661

In general individuals are 'overrated', most great leaps forward are collective/team/zeitgeist efforts.

>> No.9988675

This whole thread is so teenage. Surprised it hasnt devolved into IQ talk yet

>> No.9988686

I dont know if he does this but anybody who does is a silly sausage, political science is essentially sociology, if im going to appeal to any authority it would an historian on matters of politics. I love Historians, even the bad ones, their writing is so much denser with information than anything else

>> No.9988747

not really.
faggot retard

>> No.9988866

>Philosophers don't seem to realize that any laymen can pick up on their concepts within a few months/years
Unlikely. Speaking as grad student of both mathematics and philosophy, I've found both equally hard.

I think we have to do a finer work on what "pick up" means. When laymen consider philosophical works, the level of acquaintance with any philosophical thought is often rather shallow; knowing the definition of trascendental subject does not give any particular insight into why Kant believed it to be right - how the argument unwinds is complex and it is the reason it is rare enough for professional philosopher to not have much knowledge of the KdV. This does not mean philosophers haven't read the book, but an in-depth study of Kant is rare, and it is for most philosophers the work of a lifetime - only those with interest in neo-kantianism or a historical interest in Kant go deep into its waters.

Mathematics is the very same thing. Provided we agree to speak in shallow terms - just as non-philosophers most often do with philosophy- I am sure enough anyone can "pick up" the basics of a theory with matter of days. Likewise with philosophical matters, this does not mean much knowledge has been gained. Being able to give a quite long description of Smale's paradox rarely is a guarantee of any knowledge in topology or algebra. /sci/ is a fantastic example of people posting buzzwords without knowing much about it.

When can we say that a person knows any mathematics? When he is able to solve problems. Any other answer is wrong. If someone is unable to write proofs in any branch of mathematics, it is absurd to say he has any knowledge of it. The very same thing applies to philosophy, and although we can argue if philosophical problems are really solved, it is the very thing philosophers do when they publish papers. Any discussion outside academy hardly has any value - the main reason is the lack of rigor that will encounter and that is by no means acceptable in the philosophical community.

I wouldn't know. Chomsky has an almost absurd knowledge of politics, and it is baffling to see how much knowledge he had gathered of everything.
The thing is I never heard a specific enough critique of Chomsky's political thought to make me think he should stick to lingüistics. A lot of people may disagree with some of his points, but never seen any convincing argument that it´s all foolish.