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File: 46 KB, 277x416, cover_277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9972095 No.9972095 [Reply] [Original]

This is some of the edgiest shit I think I've ever read. How does anyone but 14 year old teenage girls like these books?

>> No.9972171

> edgy

I'm not sure you understand what that word means. NotW is a lot of things, few of them good, but edgy isn't one of them.

>> No.9972182

I am reading the second book of this series now. I Googled best fantasy book series and this was the first ok some list that I found.

It's ok

>> No.9972186


>“I have known her longer, my smile said. True, you have been inside the circle of her arms, tasted her mouth, felt the warmth of her, and that is something I have never had. But there is a part of her that is only for me. You cannot touch it, no matter how hard you might try. And after she has left you I will still be here, making her laugh. My light shining in her. I will still be here long after she has forgotten your name.”

Literally normalized cuckolding.

>> No.9972189

Honestly I didn't like that much either, the main character is just OP, no matter what happens he's so OP that he can do anything and he can solve everything because yes. I dropped it in the middle of the first book, it seems fantasy made for kids

>> No.9972191


In all honesty the first one isn't as bad but half way through the second one it gets BAD. You've been warned.

>> No.9972198


I can't bring myself to finish the last 100 pages of the second one. It is pretentiously written for pretentious readers.

>> No.9972205

Yeah I hate this.

>> No.9972209

I am at 30% of the second book. Should I stop reading?

>> No.9972221


If you enjoy it so far then don't let me stop you. If you get to the point where "it" gets too much, then just know, "it" wont get better. You will know what "it" means soon enough.

>> No.9972289

Well I am not having a terrible time. There are a couple of things that I dislike. Him being OP is one of them. After I finished the first book I was thinking about not reading the second but ended up doing it anyway. I guess I will figure out what 'it' means soon

>> No.9972344


You are going to laugh your ass off at the "primal lust goddess". There is no way to prepare for what is ahead of you. :^)

>> No.9972551

I think it's overrated but pretty good. I don't know what's "edgy" about it.

>> No.9972598
File: 79 KB, 440x478, Shadow_Wiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the worst thing I have ever read in my entire life. Kvothe taking a fat diarrhea shit in my mouth while Rothfuss anally rapes me would be a less unpleasant experience than reading this.

>> No.9972771

But is this series famous? I found it by accident on a fantasy books list. It was the first :D

>> No.9972783

>is this series famous


>> No.9972801

Unfortunately their relationship becomes even weaker and more boring as the books go on.

But, at first I thought it was handled really well. But you're still stupid because that isn't edgy at all, it's just a stupid teenager being a stupid teenager. He's like 15

>> No.9972810

Damn. I wouldn't say this comes even remotely close to ASoIaF.

>> No.9972819

I lasted some four chapters. It's simply the worst novel that I ever tried to read, and that's saying much, as I love trashy stuff. Main redheaded shitstain must be the strongest plotarmoured, self projected bastard in print.

>> No.9972829

>But you're still stupid because that isn't edgy at all, it's just a stupid teenager being a stupid teenager.

I'm assuming we would agree that Kvothe is semi-homogenous with a poorly written Anime protagonist?

>> No.9972832

Imma let you finish, but Malazan Book of the Fallen is probably one of the top ten epic fantasy series ever written, ever.

>> No.9972836

There are about 5 readable books in that entire top-bar thing.

>> No.9972851

Is that the one with 100 pages of fairy sex?

>> No.9972857


The first 7 chapters of the first book were honestly my favorite out of the series.

The proceeding chapters take a completely different turn so you might actually like the book if you continue 15 or so chapters in.

>> No.9972860


The second one is but its more of like 200 pages of "omg he touched a boob".

>> No.9972863

If anyone honestly liked it, go and start reading Waylander from Gemmell. It's the same one hero theme, same simple prose, but so superior in every aspect that you'll be thanking me in sleep.

>> No.9972869

I haven't read that one but I read Legend and got the same impression. Rothfuss is that shit at what he does that some forgotten no-name who churned this crap out at an industrial pace decades ago writes circles around him.

>> No.9972874

This dude makes GRRM look like Tolkien

>> No.9973410
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>tfw read both books several times and eagerly awaiting the release of the next one

>> No.9973869

lol, that's a cute/awesome elephant dude

>> No.9973916

>part 3 still is not out
>its allegedly already written

what a faggot this man is

>> No.9973927

Same, I can't really tell good writing from bad tbqh
Or at least I can't tell medicore writing from great writing, I just enjoy it or I don't

>> No.9974275

These first 2 books were utter shit. Based on his writing, the author is one of the most pretentious fucks who has ever written a word down.

>> No.9974297
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It's not even about writing, it's about the characterisation being so bad that I had to wonder if the author had ever spoken to another human being in his entire life. Do you really think Kvothe is a decent character? Genuinely curious because I can't imagine how anyone could possibly think that.

>> No.9974305

He is a feminist ideologue who wanted to "open eyes" to every mysoginist nerd with his ground braking work, but got butthurt that no one noticed any of that but fairy sex scene and most annoying Denna character.
And now he hates his fans and goes into berserker rage when someone asks him when 3rd book is released.

>> No.9974320
File: 155 KB, 1005x1005, 71hp0vjeetl-_aa1005_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one has many similar themes but is superior in every regard.

The protagonist is super-competent at what he does as well, but he does fuck up and/or get the shit beaten out of him on a regular basis.

>> No.9974324

I've seen him on Twitter, he tries to be friendly to fans and down to earth, but any retard can see that he's got so many sticks up his ass, you could lean him against the wall and call him a broom closet.

>incapable of writing anything other than typical teenage geek "I met the hottest girl in the world and touched her BOOBS" self-insert fantasy
kek, just how impossibly deluded is this guy? I'd think it's an ironic commentary on male feminists if I didn't know better. It's just mindblowing how self-unaware this guy is.

>> No.9974326
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>trustworthy and honorable gypsies

>> No.9974339

Well, i think he wanted to write the type of book that he thinks is fantasy book readers are reading. As a result he wrote most "shōnen anime" book possible.

>> No.9974366

lol this
the european equivalent of black thugs

>> No.9974411


that will be enlightening for any Americans who don't have first-hand experience with gyppos.

>> No.9974420
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jesus fucking christ, what are they doing

>> No.9974423

I don't think he's self-aware enough to do that. I think he genuinely thinks he wrote a cutting edge masterpiece.

>> No.9974456
File: 48 KB, 640x853, 1474749338606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in South Africa and even though I've seen more ghetto shit than most people can ever imagine, this still shocked me. What the fuck man.

>> No.9974469

so how cheap are their girls to fugg? are there even any worth it?

>> No.9974472

And thanks to the fucking EU, these "people" are sitting around begging outside of every store, camping in parks and under bridges, going through trash cans and stealing anything not bolted down. Behavior like that was unheard of before.

Do you have the "Ash Ketchum" attitude towards STIs?

>> No.9974474

To clarify, they travel here from romania and wherever the fuck else because we've more money and gullibility.

>> No.9974476

The EU is literally turning your country into Africa. I'm really sorry anon, I wouldn't want to be in your position right now. At least Africa has been shit since before I was born and I don't have to watch it get worse.

>> No.9974480


captcha: anima road

>> No.9974484

rip in peace bulgaria

>> No.9974500
File: 81 KB, 526x935, Kvothe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like the fantasy equivalent of pic related.

>> No.9974521

Dubs confirms the truth of this statement. Seriously. That is exactly what Rothfuss is

>> No.9974529

I don't remember if the writing is decent or not but I remember liking it years ago.
Anyways, it sounds like everyone is really missing the point. Kvothe is a tragic hero, and we know this because of the framing device. He is very good at what he does but we already know that 1) he is most likely not a reliable narrator and 2) that he eventually fucks up so badly (and he already fucks up several times through the series) that he has to become an innkeeper in a tiny town and loses his power level.

>> No.9974534
File: 51 KB, 467x700, fb9250e68e63f6862da24bfb3ae17b0a--pretty-redhead-redhead-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once had a dream in which book 3 came out, and it was about Kvothe getting repeatedly raped and mindbroken until he becomes convinced that he's a woman whose only life purpose is to please men. It was 100 times more enjoyable than the actual books.

>> No.9974535

Forgot to say:
Essentially, we know that all his suave and skill comes back to bite him in a big way. Also, a continuous theme of the series is that Kvothe is smart and killed but NOT wise.

>> No.9974544
File: 55 KB, 580x634, parrote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he eventually fucks up so badly that he has to become an innkeeper in a tiny town and loses his power level.

Oh boo fucking hoo, he becomes a wildly successful innkeeper who imparts great wisdom on everyone he meets, fights monsters, saves people, and has the world's most famous writers stop their urgent business to take down his life story. Such a terrible, haunting tragedy. I can't even comprehend how poor dear Kvothe managed to bear it. Truly stunning and brave.

>> No.9974585

None of this would change the fact that it's all horribly written. Is Kvothe such an autist that he thinks how he's describing himself is cool? Actually it would explain a lot if that were true. No neurotypical human being would spend that much time talking about student debt if asked for their life story.

>> No.9974595

Pretty much this. The framing device wouldn't even be necessary if Kvothe was a decent character. Rothfuss loves to tell instead of showing.

Also it's barely a tragedy. More like a self-absorbed faggot getting knocked down a peg, but much less than what he actually deserves.

>> No.9974607

>an innkeeper in a tiny town
a small businessman holding a captive market, livin the dream

>> No.9974769



They say you should write the book that you want to read.

>> No.9974787

I am now at the part where he is trying to get the Maer laid

>> No.9974793

Meh, there's already a fanfic where the sex goddess turns Kvothe into a girl and brutally rapes him until his pussy bleeds.

>> No.9974804


I need this for reasons.

>> No.9974805

What a coincidence, last night I dreamt this kid was mindbroken too. It was like a program that got loaded into his brain, so at first he didn't realize anything was wrong, just in hindsight that something was off, until everything was fucked up. There was this one part where he was feeling sick, so he stumbled into a bathroom, only to find out it was turned into a student nurse's office staffed by these two jocks that were like "what's with this guy? He's so weird" it just kept getting worse and worse and he was aware of it too, but it was too much and it ended with him seizing and foaming at the mouth. It was suitably aroused.

>> No.9974808

Basically he gets more and more powerful until he fucks everything up. You have to contrast his OP-ness with his situation in the frame.

>> No.9974813

> wildly successful innkeeper
Did you even the story? He is a miserable failed innkeeper who is slowly wasting away due to some unknown circumstance.

>> No.9974833

Well fug, I searched both AO3 and Fanfiction.net, even googled multiple variants of "Felurian/Kvothe fanfiction", and I just couldn't find it anymore. Looks like it was deleted. I did read it something like 4 years ago. I'm very sorry anon.

I would also be aroused if Kvothe was seizing and foaming at the mouth while jocks and student nurses laughed at him.

>> No.9974841

Lanre was the real cuck. His wife fucking Iax on the side.

>> No.9974843


As long as there is a slight possibility of it existing I will be fine.

>> No.9974864

Ah, the Gipsy. God's own people. They're all nice an comfy if you know them, it's just that they tend to nick a thing or two when you're not looking if it isn't bolted down. Eh... To tell the truth, the will go and unscrew, torch off, and steal even stuff that is bolted down. Crafty buggers are into metalurgy now, so no steel object is safe from them. Those confederate statues in the states? Let's just say that they would pose no problems for any side if some gipsies were around.

>> No.9974921

is this the one where the main character goes to the water nymph goddess' sex island and they fuck for like a century and most men go crazy but he makes her cum or something so he gets power?

That book sucked

>> No.9974928

>water nymph goddess' sex island and they fuck for like a century

Unless that happens in the last 100 pages in the second book then no.

>> No.9974939
File: 51 KB, 429x741, patrick-rothfuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And after she has left you I will still be here, making her laugh. My light shining in her. I will still be here long after she has forgotten your name.”
*tips gnome hat*

>> No.9974940

It is yeah.

>> No.9974946

Dear God, he looks exactly how I'd expected him to look. Worse than fucking GRRM.

>> No.9974965

Dw his beard has gotten even stringier and more sexually repulsive than in this picture.

>> No.9974972
File: 7 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything more disgusting, more odious?

>> No.9974981


If I was a nomi I'd be using the crying laughing emoji.

>> No.9974996

All the details are wrong but yeah that basically happens

>> No.9974997

I kek'd

>> No.9975035

It seems like I'm the only one on /lit/ that actually liked the second one more than the first one. I would continue reading if you liked the first one.

>> No.9975049

I found his complains about poverty and general outlook annoying but I would not call it edgy.
You want edge, read aztec by gary jennings , altered carbon by richard morgan or many others like it. Hell I read a book where a guy fights a 3 year old to death.

>> No.9975053

you mean punches? was it a magic toddler?

>> No.9975054

I still don't get what her deal is. Is she a regular slut that fall in with one of those dark lords of the world and is no secret a magic appearance or what? its forrest gump all over

>> No.9975055

Is that before or after all the amazon sex? I would say keep going, its not going to be finished any time soon. another thing that kills it is the fact that the story is being told to another character so there is no suspense

>> No.9975060

maybe he means those gypsies raping those 2 girls and maybe Kvothe using his voodoo doll, don't recall anything else that may count as edgy (even this would not really count)

>> No.9975067

was there any fairy sex? I recall it happening of screen and him learning a hidden sex jujitsu he processed to use on all the women he fucks

>> No.9975073

next book is never coming out and you will never find out if the guy that gave him that coin was important or if he was just some rich guy used to move the plot

>> No.9975079

I did not notice any feminist ideologue in his work. Does he mean the society run by women, because its pants on retarded and full of autistic women oppressing young boys, surviving solely on their ninja skills

>> No.9975090

yep gypsies should be exterminated. There was this one group who broke into a tourist resort (during the soviet days) and blackmailed the keeper to feed them or they would chip out and scare away everyone. even these days cops could be looking for a guy that killed 3 people and gypsies would still cover for him and help him escape, there tribalism is off the charts

>> No.9975092

>are there even any worth it?
no. They keep the good ones and super hot ones are the ones the sons of their crime bosses lose their virginity too.

>> No.9975099

thanks I guess. I did wonder were all the gypsies went, I assumed the gov took care of them but these days I realize they don't have the balls for it. back in the day subway used to be full of them, we even joked about how prideful they got because 1 time I gave one a coin (a regular amount for a beggar) and she was like "give me 3 times this, these days this does not buy anything" then she threw the money at me.

>> No.9975106

>2) that he eventually fucks up so badly
I think its assumed that he made a willing sacrifice for the good of all. his elf boy often comments about how he should not bother with the lesser beings who are unworthy of his ginger cock

>> No.9975108


Yeah it was implied the he futk fairy pucci.

>> No.9975126

I like the way you think. Was it during the gutter days?
yes. its like movie, where people are enslaved by aliens and kept in pens like animals so there is a lot of rape and magic powers. MC is from a last free town, once he awakens he uses his magic powers to mind control women into sex (without noticing it) but eventually the magic hunter comes for him, he kills him and but is still couscous about the woods they come from. there he find an elf looking woman who keeps him as his pet and is put into arena fights along with humans who have been raised like cattle. He gets a magic color punishes him whenever he does not obey. as part of his first examination he is tentacle
raped by a robot. I would say it is edgy

>> No.9975135

>as part of his first examination he is tentacle
>raped by a robot

>> No.9975147

I looked it up. Its embers of illeniel by Michael G. Manning . I swear he is part of the scientology cult

>> No.9975162
File: 59 KB, 333x499, 51u-RTV6rhL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this edge?

>> No.9975179

did her arms falled off

>> No.9975306

>I assumed the gov took care of them but these days I realize they don't have the balls for it.
Actually, there's a huge stigma among the gypsies towards accepting government handouts or help with any sort of strings attached. Like working for a living.

>> No.9975406

by took care of them I assumed they kicked them out. For example where students from India and Africa regular come to study here but for a shot while gov became to open and we started seeing africans on the streets begging for money but few months later they all got deported.

>> No.9975486

Here's his youtube channel.

>> No.9975489
File: 757 KB, 2026x3186, Chelsea_Manning_on_18_May_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting repeatedly raped and mindbroken until he becomes convinced that he's a woman whose only life purpose is to please men.

Hmm, where have I heard of this happening before...

>> No.9975529

>: Chelsea_Manning
looks like trump was right again

>> No.9975590
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At the very start of the conditioning, Kvothe had his arms amputated so he can't play his gay ass lute anymore.

>tfw no Kvothe mindbreak porn exists

>> No.9975650

It pisses me off how in a setting where education (thus time + money) being the only barrier to learning magic every moderately wealthy person isn't riding around in a fire-powered horseless wagon while carrying a mage-lock lightning musket or whatever. "sygaldry" doesn't even require difficult mental exercises, so the setting should at least have a magic equivalent of early 1900's technology.

>> No.9975671

No way anon, that would mean that Kvothe isn't the smartest, coolest and sexiest in the world.

>> No.9975680

Probably because everyone knows it's coming in book 3.

>> No.9975710

Didn't Rothfuss say on his twitter that he might actually get Bast to fuck Kvothe?

>> No.9975711

Fuck that and the awful author of these awful books. I want a world war fought with Weapons of Magic Destruction. Fucking thaumic irradiation bombs, voodoo-doll remote nerve poison guns and shit

>> No.9975726
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It would not surprise me. Both that he'd say that and that he'd actually do it.

>> No.9975752
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If Rothfuss wants to write a true postmodern masterpiece, he'll end the book with Kvothe dying of anal perforation from taking Bast's 30 inch horsecock. Maybe that's why he's sick in book 1 already?

>> No.9975847

Baast..I hate that little shit

>> No.9975853
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>> No.9975864

Bast >>>>>> Kvothe.

Then again, the fat shit I just pushed out >>>>>>>> Kvothe.

>> No.9975874
File: 737 KB, 815x615, 1cce03862704242823e75058af8ffd30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth reading for Auri.

>> No.9975994

Denna is a hallucination and a stand-in for Kvothe's addiction to denner resin

>> No.9976022


>Denner resin is a hallucination and a stand-in for Kvothe's addiction to Bast's 30 inch horse cock.


>> No.9976216

>Reshi means cockslut
What did Rothfuss mean by this?

>> No.9976237

Well that's a fucking travesty

>> No.9976246

I wouldn't worry about it. I'm the same with films

>> No.9976249

>0 results on rule34 dot paheal dot net

This book basically doesn't exist.

>> No.9976318

lmao yes. 100% this. Kvothe is just super-smart, super-good at everything, and perfect in every way.

I just about threw the book across the room when he played a lute solo so well that *grown men started openly weeping*. Rothfuss seriously wrote a scene where Kvothe was so good at something that people weeped in joy and stood up and applauded.

>> No.9976329

I really liked the world building in this, but getting through the first book was a struggle because I just didn't care enough to continue. I don't dislike the series, but I just have no motivation to continue. Nothing really "hooked" me.

It was the opposite with The Name of the Wind. I read it quickly and even finished up the sequel. They were page-turners. After I finished and reflected on them, I realized they were both shit.

>> No.9976341


The Kings Killer Chronicle is literally an entire novel based on /r/thatHappened but it's not self aware enough to realize it....

>> No.9976349

That scene made me want to shove Kvothe's dumbass lute up his asshole. Seriously, Kvothe is probably the only literary character I have ever wished serious bodily harm upon.

>> No.9976648
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I like the story. That being said I am not going to pretend like it doesn't have flaws. Probably the worst scene is when he learns kung fu sex moves from Felurian. It's not the sex pixie herself that's bad. but did he really have to learn a bunch of moves off her, with kung fu names like "thousand hands", to create the impression he is a conquering sex god no mortal man could match?

I understand the point. He is still a kid, and he travels the world learning everywhere he goes, getting ever more powerful and dangerous, while still staying a kid, and it's all building up to some moment in book 3 where he does something colossally stupid that ruins the entire world. But in getting to that point it really wears you on how perfect he comes off as.

>> No.9976667

And that's edgy how?

>> No.9976681

Not as cute as a Mo Willems elephant

>> No.9976691

>Nothing really 'hooked' me.
Precisely this.

Sure Rothfuss' writing is a bit obnoxious to read through, but I can't deny it's a well written and thought-out book.
However, the book fails at the most important aspect of being a fantasy book: Being interesting.

I could only manage around 2/3rds of the book before I got bored and stopped. Whenever Patrick gives the reader something to be interested in, he says "fuck it" and moves Kvothe to his next 'video game level.'

The most interesting parts were the beginning with the spider, when he meets his mentor, and maybe the archives (and then he screws the reader by banning Kvothe from entering it).
Other than that the book was a drag.

>> No.9976739

Book 2 hits retarded level of the authors own power fantasy. He's has a harem of women he interacts with, slaying puss left and right in the latter half . Ninja swordsman, magic man and engineer, lute player extrodinare.

I just want more slice of life at the university man...

I hope Kvothe gets completely and utterly fucked in the last novel.

>> No.9977003

The books are basically a shitty harem anime yes.

>> No.9977155

>well written
>not interesting
>a drag
what did he mean by this?

>> No.9977164


I remember reading the first 100-200 pages of the book and thinking that it would be really promising.

As it turns out, it couldn't have missed the mark more than it already has.

>> No.9977191

i f-found it interesting
pls n-no bully

>> No.9977395
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the pseudos on /lit/ hate it because it is a masterpiece

>> No.9977434

>I really liked the world building in this, but getting through the first book was a struggle because I just didn't care enough to continue.
I think tloll was a bit slow in the beginning, but got better and better the further I got into the book. What drew me in initially was the world building and the dialogue.

>> No.9977451

Calling it now: Enough of us genuinely like this/will troll enough that this gets a low ranking on the next meme list.

>> No.9977471

Exactly man. The antics at the school were the best part - but I was worried the whole time that the little shit would fuck over his friends because Rothfuss makes himcuck Sim. That's how poorly Kvothe's morality is laid out.

>> No.9977492

kvothe's morality is so clear cut that it's painful to read; having more ambiguity there would've been alot better. dunno how you didn't grok it
>le must always do good but nihilistically with a wicked sense of humor trope

>> No.9977998
File: 43 KB, 697x530, angery jrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate threads for objectively bad books and authors are among the comfiest threads on /lit/.

>> No.9978066

I read like 100 pages and stopped.

>> No.9978101

it's on the level of any generic erotic fanfiction

>> No.9978114

I read this one fanfic of Bast drugging and raping Kvothe which was significantly better written than the book.

>> No.9978126

I've read a lot of porn that was really well written.
once I read one that made me cry

>> No.9978141

I've read gay furry fantasy novels that were better

>> No.9978166
File: 87 KB, 800x591, 800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rothfuss inspired me to write a novel about a red haired man who thinks he's smart but is actually a retard, fucks up continuously, is hated by girls, and can't play the lute. I'm actually very grateful to him since this is by far the longest thing I've ever written.

>> No.9978578


>> No.9978601

now I wanna read it

>> No.9978874

Thank you anons!
The novel also contains a scene that's a subtle fuck you to GRRM. Thinking of putting in more indirect insults aimed at other famous fantasy authors.

>> No.9978885


How would one go about obtaining a copy of said novel?

>> No.9978889
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Go to your local bookstore when it gets published, which, who am I kidding, is probably never.

>> No.9978905


I'm sure you could make 7 or 8 dollars selling a .99 cent ebook on amazon. Don't sell yourself short!!!

>> No.9978913

>there is adults who read books like this

>> No.9978942
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A cool game came out of it though. Tak.

“My next several hours were spent learning how to play Tak. Even if I had not been nearly mad with idleness, I would have enjoyed it. Tak is the best sort of game: simple in its rules, complex in its strategy. Bredon beat me handily in all five games we played, but I am proud to say that he never beat me the same way twice.”

-Kvothe, The Wise Man’s Fear

>> No.9978950

It gets better, apparently tattoos of certain quotes are quite popular.

>> No.9978955
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Holy fucking shit, can this dumbass skinny GRRM write a description of anything, ANYTHING at all, without just casually mentioning how good Kvothe is at it? If he were describing a man taking a piss, would he mention how strong and masculine Kvothe's piss stream is, and how melodic it sounds?

>> No.9979000

Something being well written does not mean it's interesting or has narrative momentum. Those are three different qualities.

>> No.9979004

What exactly do you mean when you say 'well written'?

>> No.9979266

I would mean aesthetically-pleasing prose, but note that I'm this anon >>9979000, not this anon >>9976691.

>> No.9980070

I could barely handle the amount of respectful nodding. Nodes it get better in book 2?

>> No.9980076

It gets way, way worse.

>> No.9980097

wtf i legitimately thought i was on /tv/

>> No.9980161

>Books 9-14 of the Odessey

>> No.9980569

Well it should go down a storm here then.

>> No.9980577


It's the only thing we can all agree on

>> No.9980706

From your jap's eye?

>> No.9981373

>dating some bitch
>she wants me to read this
>the fuck bitch I have a million things on the go and you do nothing all day, i ain't going to read 1000 pages of this
>break up because she moves halfway across the world

Now I refer to her as bitch because her name is lost to the wind.

>she couldn't get through 20 pages of osamu dazai because it's "too sad"

>> No.9981400

I just reached the part where he fucks a fairy

>> No.9981427

Ok now he is playing the lute for the fairy

>> No.9981429

Post the lyrics to one of his songs so that we can all laugh.

>> No.9981518


Has he talked to the evil tree yet?

>> No.9981757

so what the fuck was up with the albino gypsy besides being lighter skinned than the others? Did he leave or some shit?

>> No.9981782

..are you wondering why an albino has light skin? Really?

>> No.9981837

not that, it just felt like throughout the documentary there was something else up with him. The ending seemed to imply he was able to leave the block and I was genuinely interested since he was painted as entirely different than the gypsies.

>> No.9981862

He was considered to be magical by the gypsies, so the director of the documentary played upon that to make some kind of vague mystical or poignant statement. It doesn't mean anything, just etches itself into your memory better.

>> No.9981880

The part I remember reading was him fucking around when making his invention and the lab asploding. Really wish he got heavily injured in that and didn't come out as a hero. As a character the lad is fucking obnoxious and the fact that he's an actual cuck killed any feelings I had for the series.

>> No.9981904

Jeezus fucking christ that explains all the cuckoldry and sex obsession in this book.
No onder the head character is extremely sexually competent and experienced fellow (has sex with literal sex goddess) who at the same time is always respectful and caring (tips fedora) and totally understanding and accepting of the female promiscuity.
The worst part in the books was his weeaboo female-ninja-asian-kitchen-sink "culture" where all the wimminz were awesome warriors and oh-soi-wize leaders (why can't all places be like that - wouldn't the world be awesome if only women ruled it there'd be no wars man!) who whored around constantly because sex is just a physical need like sneezing (lulz amirite guys im such an intellectual) and felt pity for the useless stupid ungracious men who can't even make babies.
The utter level of cuckoldry in this book is now completely explained by this picture.

>> No.9981911

The very idea that a whole culture doesn't know that sex makes babies because they fuck around so much is probably the most absurdly retarded part of the series.

>> No.9981915

Calling it now, Rothfuss will one day be embroiled in a scandal about him taking advantage of female fans.

>> No.9981917

yeah def gots the rapey "nice guy" vibe all around him

>> No.9981930

Please no. It was okayish I guess. But I just lost all interest in it. I got halfway through and I realized I don't give a fuck about Locke Lamora or anyone else in the book. And it's not really good enough to be worth fpowerdown force reading through it so I just bailed.

>> No.9981934
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Is this real? Is this actually fucking real and in the book? I don't even know whether to laugh or weep anymore, man.

>> No.9981937

ah, ok. thanks anon

>> No.9981939

I so thoroughly hated that specific "culture" - ti was so obviously a place where he'd let his fanboy fantasy run completely rampant.
I mean ninjas jess cool and all those asian religions they are like so wise and you know go with the like flow and stuff. I mean buddhism is not even like religion more like philosophy (so I mean I'm "spiritual" not religious - tips fedora) - that' why I like Tibet so much they've got so rich culture and such elegant ceremonies about how to live alongside their nature and stuff.
Also I really think women are like so awesome and strong and we should like totally be better of ewith them ruling the society I mean childbirth is the hardest thing in the world you know. And you shouldn't like slutshame people I really ythink we should treat sex like simple physiolgical need and some entertainment. (If the world would be filled with roaming sluts EVEN I MIGHT GET SOME PUSS as that is the most important thing that is always son my tortured wimp mind)

>> No.9981964

Will Rothfuss be the next Joss 'The Boss' Whedon? Would you respect him more or less if this happened?

>> No.9981965

It's entirely real. Who'd even conceive of such a thing outside of some form of socio-political satire fable?

>> No.9981973

Rothfuss is a hack. What a smug little cunt he is.
The first book would have been better if generic bully bad guy and Kvothe had fugged but I guess Rothfuss is too much a wuss for that.

>> No.9981975

Your post made me understand completely why my friend, who is an intelligent man but falls into the "woe is me tfw no gf" trap, loves this shit series. I could never figure it out but now I have and I truly pity him.

He probably unironically thinks that it's clever and biting satire.

>> No.9982027

>who is an intelligent man but falls into the "woe is me tfw no gf" trap, loves this shit series
If he can enjoy this crap he's clearly not intelligent or a man and will never be either. Beat him to death with a copy of Book of the New Sun for the good of humanity.

>> No.9982713

No. He played the lute and then left her. This book is amazing

>> No.9982723

For the first bit of the first book I tough I was in for something good.

I am enjoying this second book but not for the right reasons I guess lol

>> No.9983117

I'm not an anthropologist, but the the notion that there could be a culture that doesn't understand the link between sex and reproduction doesn't strike me as prima facie absurd. I'm sure if you looked around you could find something. Reproduction is historically mired in magical thinking.

>> No.9983248

Pretty sure even the most backward of backward cultures knew this shit back when they were squatting in caves and throwing their own shit to fend off predators. And these people are supposed to be reasonably connected with the outside world.

>> No.9983277

>fuck woman
>her belly grows
>9 months later a tiny me comes out
>fuck another woman
>her belly grows
>9 months later a tiny me comes out
>fuck another woman
>her belly grows
>8 months later a really tiny me comes out
>this is happening to all the other guys too

>> No.9983298
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You know nothing of edge OP, you are like baby. Have a man's edgey book.

That being said, I thought Name of the Wind was comfy as fuck after his childhood. Not great, but comfy.

What other comfy books would /lit/ recommend?

>> No.9983304

If you find Name of the Wind comfy, then I'm sorry but I can't recommend you any books that you would find comfy.

>> No.9983309

I know at the very least some cultures didn't understand that babies had to have a single father.

The Trobriand Islanders were famous for reportedly not understanding the connection. From the wiki article:

>Although an understanding of reproduction and modern medicine is widespread in Trobriand society, their traditional beliefs have been remarkably resilient. For example, the real cause of pregnancy is believed to be a baloma, or ancestral spirit, that enters the body of a woman, and without whose existence a woman could not become pregnant; all babies are made or come into existence (ibubulisi) in Tuma. These tenets form the main stratum of what can be termed popular or universal belief. In the past, many held this traditional belief because the yam, a major food of the island, included chemicals (phytoestrogens and plant sterols) whose effects are contraceptive, so the practical link between sex and pregnancy was not very evident.

I think this has since been disputed, though. Just saying it's not a crazy possibility.

>> No.9983331

It is but in a better and more tragic way.

>> No.9983342

>tiny isolated island tribe vs an entire country with its own advanced government and a fair amount of communication with the outside world
Rothfuss is a retard, stop lying to yourself.

>> No.9983406

wtf does the eu have to do with your ethnic minorities, fuckwad? go look for another scapegoat.

>> No.9983410

If this was in Africa, they'd hack off his limbs and sell them as traditional medicine to ward off bad juju. I guess the gypsies aren't THE worst race on the planet after all.