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9978338 No.9978338 [Reply] [Original]

Money Grub Edition.
>List books where authors wrote unneeded filler.
>Which author iyho is the King/Queen of filler?
>Last book/series you dropped because it was unashamedly cash grub filler.

>/SFFG/ Recommendations:


NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Previous threads:

>> No.9978348

first for me

>> No.9978370

Yesterday was a slow day i guess

>> No.9978392
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>>List books where authors wrote unneeded filler.
>>Which author iyho is the King/Queen of filler?
>>Last book/series you dropped because it was unashamedly cash grub filler.
Pic related.

>> No.9978396

The kids are back at school and the adults back at work.

>> No.9978408

>tfw adult
>tfw no work

>> No.9978457

Can you enjoy brandonson sanderbon without being familiar with Mormon scripture?

>> No.9978476

You only need to like shonen manga.

>> No.9978479

I prefer josei. what should I read?

>> No.9978482
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>tfw at work and you wish you were at home, reading
>tfw don't want to hit on cute girl coworker because you're a professional but she keeps being cute
Work is hell.

>> No.9978499


I converted to mormonism before even attempting him

>> No.9978527

GRRM writes okay bodice ripper novels.

>> No.9978613
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>tfw warlock of the magus world is some of the best fiction you've ever read

Does anybody have any good recommendations for fantasy short stories?

>> No.9978645

Not fantasy in the traditional sense but R.A. Lafferty is easily the best short-fiction writer to ever work in science-fiction/fantasy. Hell, even outside of the genre competition-pool he's still an all time great.

>> No.9978658

>tfw don't want to hit on cute girl coworker because you're a professional but she keeps being cute
>what is after work

>> No.9978682

It would just get weird.

>> No.9978722

You just have to charm her with your superiour knowledge in sci-fi & fantasy and she'll make the move. Remember, SF&F is actually cool in this day and age.

>> No.9978804
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Is this a good place to start with Heinlein? How does it compare to the rest of his books?

>> No.9978840

It's good, though very much of its time. I think it was the second book of his that I read. I liked it more than Starship Troopers, but less than The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

>> No.9978847

It's a little weird and personally I felt that the ending was quite a letdown. It's not a bad place to start but I think part of why it's so famous is because the idea that it's ok to fuck was not so commonplace back when it was released.

>> No.9978951

>King/Queen of Filler
>Not Robert Jordan

>> No.9978952

Just finished the first Black Company book. Pretty good, will continue the series in the future. But next I doing sci-fi. I'm split between starting Quadrail or Revelation Space. Any suggestions?

>> No.9978954

>Remember, SF&F is actually cool in this day and age.
"Hey do you watch Game of Thrones" doesn't count.

>> No.9978962

Is that show actually good, or is it a normie thing? Just on the surface, nothing about it interests me, I just don't see the hype.

>> No.9978965

1st season is good, 2nd and 3rd seasons are okay, rest is unwatchable garbage.

>> No.9978968

>Is that show actually good,
No. Well, maybe the first season or two.

> or is it a normie thing?
Normie thing. Most of the fans now don't even know the characters names. They watch it because everyone watches it.

>> No.9978979

I just finished reading all of the black company novels. I enjoyed it for the most part. Are any of Glen Cook's other books/series worth reading?

>> No.9978980

I reread the series a year or so back and the complaints about filler are incredibly overstated.
I remember being annoyed with the pace when it was coming out but reading it as a complete series its not really there.
The only real pointless segments in the whole series were the Faile is kidnapped for like 3 books arc and even still you had some character growth for Perrin going on and Elayne being a fucking retard and trying to become queen. Both of those honestly come down to Elayne and Faile being bar none of the worst characters in the series who couldn't make anything interesting.

>> No.9978983

>I reread the series a year or so back and the complaints about filler are incredibly overstated.
By that standard I have trouble imagining what you even consider filler.

>> No.9978984
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Actual reading does however and while not as mainstream as playing games or watching GoT it's certainly quite popular. Don't be a cynic anon.

>> No.9978987

The only fantasy most women read is Harry Potter. Either that or I just have bad luck.

>> No.9979015

>Harry Potter
Eh, really? I would've thought Hunger Games. Maybe Twilight, but is that even relevant anymore?

>> No.9979027

The only book most people have read is Harry Potter. But if you associate with people that actually read (man or woman, it's not like dudebros read ASOIAF 15 years ago) fantasy is increasingly common.

>> No.9979033

Forgot to add: But maybe I'm just lucky.

>> No.9979041

>Hunger Games

>> No.9979073

Something irrelevant or meaningless to the overall plot, though even that can be argued since character growth can happen.
The Perrin and Masema arc is good example of this. He was sent to bring Masema back, gets interrupted by his wife getting kidnapped, spends 3 books undoing that, then they kill of Masema anyway. You could argue that him accepting the role of a Lord and leadership to be something that happened but honestly that was more of an afterthought to the arc where Tam sits him down and tells him to quit whining and accept his job in life or step down and allow someone less qualified which they both know he wouldnt do.

>> No.9979121

Everyone I've known that read Harry Potter read at least the first Twilight but over half of them just did it to laugh at how terrible it is.

>> No.9979122

>Something irrelevant or meaningless to the overall plot,
The majority of every single book after Shadow Rising in wheel of Time is filler then. Fucking delusional fanboys.

>> No.9979125

"most women" don't really read that much, just like most men. You have to find somebody who actually likes reading first.

>> No.9979130

Everything good about the series came from the books. It starts deviating heavily in season 3 and consequently the quality takes a nose dive. Yet viewership for the show has only increased every year, in direct defiance to how shitty it has become. Says all that needs to be said about the people who watch it, really.

>> No.9979137

Nigger name some them. You sound like some of the retarded fucks who dont read a series but instead try to follow all the dank memes about them.

>> No.9979139

The women I run into that read all read real /lit/ and I don't so it's kind of an issue. If they do read fantasy it's just Harry Potter and Twilight.

Perhaps it's me who has the terrible taste.

>> No.9979143

It's been over a decade since i even tried to read Wheel of Time (stopped at book 10) and i don't lke arguing with fanboys but ok. Doesn't the entire Padan Fain thing developing since book 1 go absolutely nowhere?

>> No.9979144


Wow he was so thin back then

>> No.9979148

this is a trick question because the filler in WoT isn't dead end but interesting plots like Padan Fain or Isam or Asmodean's killer, it's endless descriptions of clothes of tertiary characters.

>> No.9979167
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Gene Wolfe is a guaranteed panty dropper. Just namedropping him makes the room as moist as a tropical jungle.

>> No.9979168

>Padan Fain
Stole the horn and led Rand to the Seanchan.
Led the whitecloaks to the Two Rivers and set off that whole arc. Introduced Slayer who ended up being Perrins antagonist.
Tried to assassinate Rand which wound lead to his "death"
Final showing was a copout though but evidently Sanderson didn't have a good plan for him so just killed him off

>> No.9979176

Ah it's Sanderson's fault I see yes very good

>> No.9979186
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He can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.9979187

Sanderson did some things right and some things wrong. His final segment of the book just killing off random side characters for shits and giggles was stupid as hell though.
>Hurin has a few paragraphs from his perspective
>Next chapter Rand just casually reveals oh by the way Hurin and Bashere died

>> No.9979192


That is one of the most autistic pictures I've ever seen

>> No.9979256

Was Rand's whole arc his or RJ's? I really liked it, especially the Dragonmount part.

>> No.9979322
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Thoughts on pic related? I've been through a couple of chapters but I can't find it in me to keep going, so far it seems like shit.

Will it get better?

>> No.9979366

Ill let you know how the series is in 30 years when he finishes it

>> No.9979415

the time dilation near the bore was great and that seemed like an autistic sanderson thing to do

>> No.9979422
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>finish book in a series
oh boy I can't wait for the next book to re-establish these characters for like 200 pages in the next book

>> No.9979439

Like every Sanderson book, its 80% filler with hints of a plot and the remaining 20% shit actually happens.

>> No.9979460

Well I'm curious, what brought this on?

>> No.9979466

Has anyone else but me noticed that the Fantasy charts suck absolute dick and is obviously based on some faggots shitty, subjective tastes. All of these books suck and no one has read.

>> No.9979489

>the time dilation near the bore was great and that seemed like an autistic sanderson thing to do
James Rigney was a physicist by training. I may hate Robert Jordan but credit where credit is due.

>> No.9979492
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What's the most you ever spent on a book?

>tfw already own Emperor of Dreams, but it's missing ~4 of the stories contained in this $30-$90 novel

>> No.9979498

>oh boy I can't wait for the next book to re-establish these characters for like 200 pages in the next book
Stop reading YA literature that assumes you'll remember nothing between books.

>> No.9979536
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That was the first book for him that I read. Planning to read tunnel in the sky soon.

>> No.9979544

It's almost like the chart is made by one guy and fantasy is a huge genre that's been around for a long time and has more books of more different types than any one person would probably be able to read and therefore include on a chart. Or something.

>> No.9979547

I don't know any books for adults that do this. Even the huge multi-volume fantasy epics don't do this.

>> No.9979558

I love it. It starts slow, and the flashback chapters didn't feel as interesting for me, but the book became more interesting as it went on, once I got invested in the characters and plot, as stuff started to happen.

Three more preview chapters for Oathbringer tomorrow.

>> No.9979569

It took me a while to get into it too. None of the characters really grabbed me, but that's not uncommon since I read fantasy for the setting. Eventually the world building got interesting. There were enough mysteries to make me want to keep going to find answers. If that's what you like in fantasy then keep going, cause it'll definitely grab you. I can't really say if the characters get better or not because my perspective of characters in fantasy is warped. I tend to not care about them and only "get used" to them over time, so I do end up liking them but it's more because I'm comfortable around them and they've become a fixture in the setting that I enjoy.

>> No.9979585
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I read every single book in this chart. What do you say to that?

>> No.9979592

Fantasy pleb here. Only read ASOIAF and The Name of the Wind. Loved the former (tho I'm unsure if that's because I'd watch two seasons of the show beforehand) and hated the latter with a passion (bailed halfway through).

What next?

>> No.9979605
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I dunno, that's my experience with pretty much any book I've read. They're certainly not labeled as YA but I realize the moment I give an example you could call them YA to win the argument

>> No.9979654

Give us names. Which books exactly are you complaining about?

>> No.9979667

The only books I can think of off the top of my head that does this are Harry Potter and Artemis Fowl, which were written for kids.

>> No.9979681

Zelazny. Prince of Nothing by R. Scott Bakker. Blindsight.

>> No.9979685

sffg talks a lot about sanderson, his books does it. are they YA?

>> No.9979691

Basically everything. I just finished the first Black Company book, and I really liked it. Beige prose, grim and gritty, very serious.

I also really liked Three Parts Dead, but that's a bit harder to describe. I almost want to say it's New Weird.

Haven't read them myself, but I did read a very unflattering review of one of his books that described it as a YA shonen masquerading as adult literature.

>> No.9979696

Sanderson is quintessential YA

>> No.9979701

ASoIAF does it. is it YA?

>> No.9979702

Bout 80 eurobucks on a 1953 edition of Across the Sea of Stars in perfect condition.
Pretty happy with it. I try and get either the first edition, or the nicest looking edition when I can.

>> No.9979710

Haven't read them, but if they do, it's a good sign.

>> No.9979717

>ASoIAF does it
No it doesn't.

>> No.9979722

Only Sanderson I've read is Stormlight Archive and he didn't really do it at all that I can remember there.

>> No.9979727

Heard a lot about the black company, how do you guys feel about it? Usually a science fiction guy, but mercenaries in a Fantasy setting are dope i guess.

>> No.9979729

>ASoIAF does it
No it doesn't. You can't find a single example of it.

>> No.9979742
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Yes it does, deal with it.

>> No.9979743

I read the first few installments then lost interest. Cook isn't a bad inroad to fantasy if you want an alternative to the usual epic fantasy fare. At the time he was writing it was the height of Tolkienism and he was doing something pretty different, and a lot of authors after him used him as a base for their ideas rather than Tolkien.

>> No.9979745
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>YA shonen masquerading as adult literature.
Sanderson is more anime than a fair amount of actual nip light novels I have read

>> No.9979746

Show me where, cause I can't recall a single instance of GRRM re-introducing characters like they'd never been seen before. His narrative voice is so tied to the PoV character that it wouldn't even make sense for him to do that.

>> No.9979754

I really don't remember that unless your threshold for this concept is so low that literally anything from the past being referenced at all is what triggered your initial post.

>> No.9979759

He literally doesn't. Unless you're saying that any time he describes a person redundantly it counts, in which case your classification for that is so vague as to apply to any multipart book series.

>> No.9979761

It's not about outright reintroducing characters, it's about setting up scenes that re-establishes character nature in hamfisted ways.

>> No.9979768

>>It's not about outright reintroducing characters
Well that's what I'm talking about because that's actually something that is distinct and noticeable, what you're talking about doesn't even make sense as a concept because how would you even distinguish it from a character behaving normally in keeping with their character?

>> No.9979772

I'm gonna have to ask for what you meant in your initial post because I thought I knew what you meant but I was clearly wrong.

>> No.9979775

The other guy in the thread said it was all very serious and gritty. Is it, to the point of taking itself too seriously or not?

>> No.9979776

Any opinions on Gormenghast?

>> No.9979795

It's fairly serious and gritty, but I think you maybe misapprehending the style and tone of it. It's not grimdark. What people mean by "gritty" is that it feels more like real life, warts and all, rather than the pristine idealized version of people and events you get in older high fantasy stories, with larger-than-life characters and stark moral contrasts. It's morally gray and down to earth in how it deals with people and their choices. At the time it was considered pretty edgy but compared to the people who followed after Cook he's very tame.

>> No.9979799

I'm that guy. For the most part, yes, it does take itself seriously. It's about a mercenary band full of horrible people and a handful of decent ones, working for even worse people with so much power they could kill any of these people for looking at them wrong. And the people working to stop them, the rebels, despite saying they're the good guys, are barely any better. Part of the fun was seeing who's going to betray whom next. There are some lighter parts with almost cartoonish wizard duels, but that's basically it.

>> No.9979801

Nice! I spent 65 USD on a signed first edition of Citadel of the Autarch. It's the pride of my collection.

>> No.9979812


By whom? Looking at goodreads there are several books by this title.

>> No.9979814

Its one of the better takes on unreliable narrator. Where even the guy writing the story acknowledges that he ignores and glosses over his comrades murders and rapes and instead tries to humanize them because they are like his family.

>> No.9979816

I've been trying to get a decent deal on a first edition of Pattern Recognition, and oddly Storm of Steel, since I've come to like it more than I expected. But both seem expensive atm.

>> No.9979817

I'm reading Titus Groan right now. The prose is absolutely beautiful (probably the best i've ever read in a fantasy novel), the setting and the general atmosphere of the novel are pretty unique but the book can be pretty overwhelming (i stopped and had a "woah...." moment several times when reading) and the plot progresses pretty slowly. Don't read it if you don't like lengthy descriptions.

>> No.9979818

Thanks lads, I'm gonna try and get it in.

>> No.9979826
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Anbody got a chance to read this yet?
I finished it 2 weeks ago and thought it was breddy gud.

>> No.9979827

what's a good name for a megalomaniacal villain based on thomas edison?

The only names ive come up with are edimir thomson and alvin menlo

>> No.9979829

Sell me on it.

>> No.9979834

The Warlock of Menlor?

>> No.9979836

Vincent de Bergerac

>> No.9979837

>By whom? Looking at goodreads there are several books by this title.
by Peter Watts. It's a meme. it's actually a scifi book. A very good scifi book, but recommending it for literally everything is a homegrown /sffg/ meme.

>> No.9979841

Nikola Tesla

>> No.9979843

Not him, but that's the space vampires one, right?

>> No.9979849

I read all of his Garrett P.I novels. I enjoyed them for what they are. DESU I enjoyed them more then the black company books.

>> No.9979854

I liked how the inspiration from Gibson was clearly visible in the concepts being explored like cyberspace, computer implants and their impacts on society.

What was even better is that they were used in a slightly more realistic setting, with a lot of current trends like inequality, robotics and climate change incorporated into it.

Some of the characters are slightly one dimensional, but the prose is unexpectedly nice and the pacing is pretty good.

>> No.9979857

Its semi contemporary low fantasy. Cant go making up places

He was originally named nicolai toren and had people call him "old nick", just to hammer in satanic and nyarlarthotepic comparisons but once I realized I could turn it into an extended insult towards edison I decided to change the name and call the secretary he works to death Nicolette

>> No.9979859

Ah I see. Is Black Company a meme too? Seen it mentioned multiple times in this thread and never once before.

>> No.9979863

I didn't hate it as much as sffg desu.

>> No.9979867

The space vampire isn't a big deal in Blindsight. "Space vampires"is more an Echopraxia thing.

>> No.9979870


>> No.9979873

I've never read them but they've been a low level staple among fantasy readers for ages so people aren't memeing when they mention them.

>> No.9979894

>Its semi contemporary low fantasy. Cant go making up places
Ah, guess I should've asked for more detail then. Anyway, I based that name on Thomas Edison's real-life nickname of "The Wizard of Menlo Park" so I'd say just use that as inspiration. I actually like the idea of a sort of Dark Lord take on Edison. A mad scientist/warlock type with these giant alchemy labs, orc/human slaves working tirelessly on them day and night, as his dark disciples experiment in plagues and black magic. The area around the factories has become an ash-choked pit, toxic clouds blotting out the sun and raining corrosive liquid that eats through skin. Beasts and other animals roaming the lands, mutated by the foul runoff, the combination of grease, poison, and blood rendering the water and soil utterly incapable of sustaining life.

>> No.9979913

so, can I just assume /sffg/ hates ready player one because they're embarrassed by shameless nostalgia baiting?

Lets be real here, its absolutely low culture but its not bad per se; its just impossible to feel smug while reading it because it doesn't make an effort to be seen as /lit/erature

Wasn't that the idea of OPs Alvin (aka Alva) Menlo?

>> No.9979956

Menlo Parker?

No, that sounds retarded

>> No.9979966

I don't necessarily mean the idea of using time dilation itself, just the way that it fitted seemed very similar to how sanderson writes magic in his others books with a clear system that is almost scientific and fits in with the world

I could well be wrong though, I've never really read up on which parts are known to be jordan or sanderson

>> No.9979972

>just the way that it fitted seemed very similar to how sanderson writes magic in his others books with a clear system that is almost scientific and fits in with the world
That's how the magic system worked in WoT in the first place.

>> No.9979984

>Wasn't that the idea of OPs Alvin (aka Alva) Menlo?
Ah, good catch, I missed that.

>so, can I just assume /sffg/ hates ready player one because they're embarrassed by shameless nostalgia baiting?
Pretty much me. Though going even further, I'm pretty much at the point where I hate anything mainstream that tries to make bucks off video game nostalgia, like Pixels. I just hate how video games and the people dedicated to them are still seen as the "new media" which makes them a designated target and perfectly OK to mock and belittle in public, but please give us millions of dollars off this hobby I don't understand. For me, this even extends to stuff like Wreck-It-Ralph.

Though now that I think about it, this seems to be a problem for a lot of genre media. It's cool to watch Marvel movies, but god forbid you actually read comics a a hobby, you loser.

>> No.9980008

>I just hate how video games and the people dedicated to them are still seen as the "new media" which makes them a designated target and perfectly OK to mock and belittle in public, but please give us millions of dollars off this hobby I don't understand. For me, this even extends to stuff like Wreck-It-Ralph.
They earned it. They bitch and bitch about how GAMES ARE ART then act like the fucking Witcher 3 is the pinnacle of story telling possible in an interactive medium.

>> No.9980029

When they do that, what they're trying to do is show that just because it's the "new media" that doesn't mean that everything in it is absolute garbage. The same thing happens in genre fiction. It's the stereotype that it has absolutely nothing to offer, that it's all just vapid trash and the only stuff with real merit if literary fiction. But speaking personally, I'm over that shit. Anyone who rejects genre fiction just for being genre fiction is missing out on some great stuff, and the opposite can be completely true as well.

>> No.9980077

My point is they aspire to being seen as more by emulating the most shallow aspects of other media. That's why it will always be seen as less and why we will always laugh at them. They're basically saying "We're real art just like cinema because we can make capeshit too!"

>> No.9980105

>It's cool to watch Marvel movies, but god forbid you actually read comics a a hobby, you loser
Marvel themselves believes that so I dont know what to tell you there anon

>> No.9980114

Marvel's a lost cause anyway. The only reason Disney hasn't shut them down is because of their movies.

>That's why it will always be seen as less and why we will always laugh at them.
But why? The problem you're talking about isn't inherent to the medium, it's just people being stupid and trying to get popular approval. It's the same as Nolan's Batman movies, that try desperately to cover up that they're movies about a guy dressed up as a fucking bat with some philosophical speeches sprinkled in every so often.

>> No.9980120

Forgot to add: And the Nolan movies were popular because of that. Because they distracted normies from the fact that they're watching that dreadful genre media that everyone says is so awful. The same with Logan, despite that movie being a complete waste of time.

>> No.9980127

>The problem you're talking about isn't inherent to the medium,
Of course not. But the people most dedicated to the medium are responsible for the problem. it will never end until the people that care about vidya are entirely different.

>> No.9980134

The problem is that games are at ABSOLUTE BEST only "good for genre" stuff and never good on their own. Because all they know how to be is derivative. They improve themselves by imitating movies more, not by exploring their own medium. Nolan's Batman was at least something new for the big screen version of the character and seemed ot be made with genuine love for the medium and the source material.

Game story telling hates that it's being told in a game, actively fights the medium it takes place in, and when it does diverge it's in a totally cynical focus grouped way.

>> No.9980147

>Nolan's Batman was at least something new for the big screen version of the character and seemed ot be made with genuine love for the medium and the source material.
What part of any of his three movies makes you say that? All the movies seemed to just be embarrassed by their source the whole time.

>not by exploring their own medium
Again, that's not a problem with the medium, that's a problem with the current crown in the medium.

>> No.9980151

>What part of any of his three movies makes you say that? All the movies seemed to just be embarrassed by their source the whole time.
Admittedly I'm not a comic fan so maybe it only seemed that way. But it seemed like it really wanted to explore what it was given and was unabashed about being about a rich dude with a crazy car and a bat costume.

>> No.9980157

>it's the "provide proof for me because I can't remember" anon
>did the same shit with night angel now he is doing it for gurm's work

>> No.9980195
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Is this any good or am I about to get memed

>> No.9980212

I'd say it depends on your individual preferences anon.

>> No.9980215

It might just be a matter of perspective. From my point of view, the Nolan movies, apart from the most essential aspects, only took the most grounded, low-key aspects of the comics, and then tuned them down even more. One of the reasons I like Suicide Squad is that it just didn't feel the need to justify any of the stuff it drew from the comics. Oh, here's a guy with fire powers, here's a human crocodile, here's a guy with absolutely inhuman aim. It wore its inspiration on its sleeve. But I could never imagine any of that stuff showing up in the Nolan movies.

Eh, I don't want to bitch about genre vs. literary fiction all day long, let's move on. Has anyone here read any of the Clockwork Century series? It's a steampunk series, and it sounds a bit interesting, but I'd like to see what other people think first.

*Smooths skirt, tugs braid* I guess you'll have to find out.

>> No.9980219
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is piracy like drugs? does the penalty for data compound? will having a million books on my hdd send me to jail for life?

>> No.9980229

You've been memed.

>> No.9980232

>Eh, I don't want to bitch about genre vs. literary fiction all day long
Was that what the conversation was about? I don't even believe this is a meaningful distinction except when people are stuck on it themselves.

>> No.9980244

That's the problem though, a lot of people are stuck on it. Frankly, I blame the French New Wave. Breathless is shit.

>> No.9980252

>Will it get better?
Yes. About 300 pages in. For like 20 pages, then it gets just as boring again.

>> No.9980254

That much filler?

>> No.9980263

Most of it is bringing the story forward in one way or another but it's simply boring.

>> No.9980266
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>its not bad per se
It's not even a book. It's just a list of consumer products, stitched together by embarassing displays of fedoraism.

>> No.9980271

Is it just written poorly? Or would it have been better to make the book start later in the narrative?

>> No.9980273


Imo the books have a very good sense of humour which prevents them from taking themselves too seriously. The humor is what causes you to empathize with pedophiles and mass-murderers despite yourself. That checks my personal boxes for avoiding 2D wholly evil villains and wholly good heroes. The bug's-eye view of epic fantasy battles is also cool, and depicting humdrum garrison, security, and counter-insurgency details just as often as massive set-piece battles. It also explores using magic in practical battlefield roles (comms, transport, aerial bombardment, espionage, etc.) which I thought was cool, though for all I know it's been done elsewhere, it was just new to me personally.

The first book does all of this best, which is why it's my favorite, though I still read and reread the rest.

>> No.9980290

For some reason, the British English of this makes it more cringeworthy. I'm not sure why though.

>Just because you're fourteenth-level, it doesn't make you a gunter.
This reminds me of someone complaining about con-lang in fantasy books, and how it's just meaningless alphabet soup vomit.

I think the part I found the funniest was when Raven basically calls Croaker a softie for his fanfic of the Lady, then Croaker gets all passive-aggressive about it in his writing. It just reminds me of some highschool mean girls shit.

>> No.9980295

You're unbanned huh? Don't start shit again.

>> No.9980315
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>We bumped fists.

>> No.9980329

More like average. It's very seldom exciting and the only interesting thing is the world building which is nice but hardly stand on its own legs. But maybe it's worth it, I'm committed enough that I'll probably read Oathkeeper some time the coming years.

>> No.9980356

show benis

>> No.9980403

Is Malazan a meme?
If so, is it a good meme?

>> No.9980406
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>tfw want to write books but enjoy reading more

I couldn't possibly combine both without cross-pollination/plagiarism.

I'm currently reading Lord Valentine's Castle by Robert Silverberg. I'll be briefly writing up this book after I finish it tomorrow because it's an interesting change from his usual style, and clearly a lot of work has gone into it.

Thinking of reading next:

Starmaker by Olaf Stapledon. I started this and dropped it after 70 pages, but I'm thinking of giving it another go because I can see it's a well written book with a lot of interesting ideas - for whatever reason I just wasn't into it the first time around.

>> No.9980419

When you write, do you inevitably just hate whatever you produced and throw it away?

>> No.9980436

Why is it that most long epic fantasy series have "boring books"? I've barely read any, but I always hear that AFFC, and mid to late WoT or Malazan books are a chore. Is it just whiny fags, or are they really slow and bad?

>> No.9980447

Sometimes it's true sometimes it's whiny fags. AFFC is fine and even ADWD is only a bit of a slog in the middle. They're whined about because of the huge wait and the fact they came after ASOS.

Mid to late WoT on the other hand makes ADWD's worst parts seem like it's lightning paced.

>> No.9980448
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It's more of an apathetic response, but I've never gotten beyond the early stages of outlining and opening chapters, so now the idea of novel writing is a remote one. After seeing what somebody like Clark Ashton Smith and Borges can do in 7-10 pages, I'd happily aim at being a short story writer. I think I'm with Borges on novel writing - a mad, impoverishing and time consuming business.

>> No.9980558
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This aspiring author pandemic is getting worse. You come in here everyday to cry as we care, or as if this is the correct place.
>Where is the book in question that you speak of?
>Who read it other than you?
If your answers to these questions are "in my head" and "no one", then this isn't the place for you.

Even if your work is self-published and you shilled anons into reading it we can all discuss it. But we aren't the fucking writing advice general, nor are we the pat you on the back and cheer you up general. If your work exists we can dicuss it. If your work is imaginary. Fuck off.

>> No.9980563
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>> No.9980605

Are you always such a butthurt autist? He barely mentioned writing. Most of his post is what he's reading and what he's going to read.

>> No.9980629

Rand and Mat are top tier but sadly the women get the focus after book 5

>> No.9980644
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>You may have noticed that this volume, like the one before it, includes amazing art. My vision for the Stormlight Archive has always been of a series that transcended common artistic expectations for a book of its nature

>> No.9980664


>> No.9980683

You can't win if you don't play, pham

>> No.9980812

When did you realize that the Witcher series is a complete ripoff of Elric?

Seriously though anyone else familiar with this dude's beef with popularity of the Witcher? He claims that Geralt is a clear copy of Elric in not just appearance and he'll apparently demonstrate it in his next video. I like the dude but his incredible penchant for contrarianism is a bit annoying.
I did only read the first Elric story and only 90% of Last Wish but I can't see the resemblance in any way other than they're both white haired and drink potions..

Sorry for e-celeb shit. The thread's a bit stagnant so I thought it could use a circlejerk.

>> No.9980814

delusions of grandeur
fucks sake his writing is middling at best, not terrible

>> No.9980817
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Forgot the pic.

>> No.9980818

is this pasta or what, I've seen similar posts 2 or 3 times in the last 2 weeks

>> No.9980821

His post triggered me. There were multiple ones before. But his post was the straw that broke the camel's back.

>> No.9980823

>When did you realize that the Witcher series is a complete ripoff of Elric?
Same day I realized Tolkien was a nazi.

>> No.9980828
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>> No.9980831

>tl;dr There's nothing new under the sun.
What a fucking shock.

>> No.9980832

No, my problem is not his writing, but the implication that the art in his book is even remotely above average

>> No.9980833

The excerpt makes sense but not for the reasons intended

>> No.9980834


Wouldn't know, this is my unoriginal original post. I just wanted some opinions.

>> No.9980836

What an edgelord. Never read this guy's work, is he any good? I'm aware he's well-known, but that means fuck-all for quality.

>> No.9980843

>Never read this guy's work, is he any good?
He's ok. Huge asshole though.

>> No.9980847

>the magic/power source of the setting has a moral bias

>> No.9980853

>Never read this guy's work, is he any good?
He certainly had the potential to be one of the best, but he's a typical marxist in that he wants his writings to "challenge" (bore, depress, annoy, anger) his readers. And yes he is a bitter shithead that never got over the fact the vast majority of fantasy readers would rather read Tolkien than him.

>> No.9980854

What should I read first?

>The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
>The Fountains of Paradise
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.9980860

I can tell. Good god, that quote reeks of smug.
>"Man, wouldn't it be the craziest thing if you suddenly looked up and people were reading Mein Kampf? And enjoying it?"
>"Not as weird as seeing people enjoy Lord of the Rings." *OW THE EDGE*

Perfectly reasonable if the source is a god. Otherwise yeah, it's kinda weird. Seems like it would be too close to alignment morality for me.

>> No.9980865
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It can work.

>> No.9980866

Well, new Blade Runner releases in a month, so if you want to see that, Electric Sheep.

>> No.9980867

>He certainly had the potential to be one of the best, but he's a typical marxist in that he wants his writings to "challenge" (bore, depress, annoy, anger) his readers.
Nothing wrong with challenging your readers. The problem is challenging them in a way they've been "challenged" hundreds of times before and thinking you're being profound.

>> No.9980868

I'm looking forward to the new Blade Runner, but I hear the book isn't that similar to the movies.

>> No.9980875

>Nothing wrong with challenging your readers.
There is if it's just nihilistic for the sake of being nihilistic and nothing else.

>> No.9980876

I never bothered to watch Blade Runner. It sounded like they removed a lot of the shit that made Electric Sheep great.

>> No.9980889

Sure because that's not really much of a challenge.

>> No.9980892

So much this. Oh gee, the robots/aliens/clones are being used as a metaphor to show why slavery/racism/xenophobia is bad, I haven't seen that happen in every other sci-fi story ever.

>> No.9980893
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>So much this. Oh gee, the robots/aliens/clones are being used as a metaphor to show why slavery/racism/xenophobia is bad, I haven't seen that happen in every other sci-fi story ever.

>mfw that became so common you actually start cheering on an author writing a defense of slavery

>> No.9980894

And that's Moorcock, and every other marxist writer, for you.

>> No.9980903

I mean, I'm against slavery as much as any normal guy, but I was expecting a cool cyberpunk adventure, not yet another social allegory. I read To Kill a Mockingbird, and it did all of this a lot better without clogging up a setting that could be really cool.

>> No.9980905

It narrows the scope of the setting. It's not about whether it works, it's just very unaesthetic.

>> No.9980912
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it may just be because I haven't lurked long enough, but I have yet to see Adrian Tchaikovsky's Shadows of the Apt series mentioned on /sffg/ or /lit/ in general. Is he that unknown?

I found the premise very interesting, though I can't comment on the writing itself as I prefer worldbuilding when writing myself, and thus have more of an appreciation for a well-constructed or unique world.

Gotta love bug people (among other things).

>> No.9980924

Er, are you sure that's the word you wanted to use?

>> No.9980929

>What did happen to me? she wondered. The answer was simple. She’d lost everything. She’d stolen from Jasnah Kholin, one of the most powerful women in the world—and in so doing had not only lost her chance to study as she’d always dreamed, but had also doomed her brothers and her house. She had failed utterly and miserably. And she’d pulled through it.
Literally doesn't even sugarcoat the exposition

>> No.9980931

Eh, if the writing isn't there, I might as well just read a Wikia or something to read about the setting. Anyway, tell me more about this series.

>> No.9980934

>I mean, I'm against slavery as much as any normal guy
Me too. Probably way less authoritarian than the people writing the ten thousandth take-down of slavery/apartheid/segregation, even. The smug sense of superiority you see over such lazy shit just bugs me.

>> No.9980939

Yes? Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.9980940

>It narrows the scope of the setting
Focus is not a bad thing Anon.

>> No.9980949

Because unaesthetic refers to visuals? Maybe you're just using it in a way I'm not familiar with, but it sounds to me like you're saying that giving the magical power source a sense of morals changes the visuals of a setting.

>> No.9980957

Focus is not bad when it comes to plot, but personally I find it very offputting and takes me out of it if the focus sacrofices depth of setting. Person mchero can have a laser focused journey without giving you the impression that his backdrop is made of thin cardboard, that's the magic of worldbuilding

>> No.9980962

No, aesthetics are a lot broader than visuals.

>> No.9980963

Aesthetics is beauty dude.

>> No.9980964

>Focus is not bad when it comes to plot, but personally I find it very offputting and takes me out of it if the focus sacrofices depth of setting.
Why does magic having a moral component inherently remove depth? If handled in a logical way and actually addressed by the author, doesn't it add depth?

>> No.9980966

Yes so in this instance it's a really pretentious way of saying "it seems uncool"

>> No.9980988

>t. Moorcuck

>> No.9980990

Basically a world populated by insect people called kinden, taking place after an "apt" slave uprising/rebellion (apt are kinden capable of understanding and utilising machinery) against their inapt overlords (can't understand machinery, more in tune with the world and have a grasp on magic) and a peace is brokered.

Once the series begins readers are introduced to a "wasp Empire" that's conquering and subjugating other kinden, kinda like Rome in a sense. All while this is going on, an apt equivalent of the industrial Revolution begins + gunpowder weaponry with airships, artillery, ornithopters and other stuff.

There's multiple kinds of some kinden (ants and beetles mainly) and each species of kinden has one or more inherent abilities called "art". Ants have a sort of hive-mind with ants of their own kind, but they here other kinds, essentially devolving into a bunch of warring city-states, wasps can fly and shoot balls of fire from their hands, which is called their "sting", and a bunch of other stuff. It's a very interesting bunch of dynamics, sorry for the long-winded explanation.

>> No.9980995

Sounds like your ego speaking there. Aesthetics is a pretty common word when discussing literature, and fits a lot better to get across what I actually meant than coolness does.
Well because morals are relative, so to set them in stone seems to be destroying a lot of potential nuance. In a more distracting sense these morals usually specifically relate to the heros journey, which makes it feel like they're just there to serve his one journey, rather than being part of a fully realized world

>> No.9981000

>Well because morals are relative, so to set them in stone seems to be destroying a lot of potential nuance
I just posted a series that gets a ton of mileage and nuance out of magic being inherently evil.

>> No.9981006

>and fits a lot better to get across what I actually meant than coolness does.
And, no, it doesn't.

>> No.9981007

Any books with fantasy analogies to cold war or mutually aszured destruction?

>> No.9981012

>Vox Day actually praises Prince of Nothing a bit
Might have to check it out now.

>> No.9981016


I just published this on amazon, it's a dark fantasy short story please tell me how shit it is thanks

>> No.9981017

So you don't think beauty and coolness at all? Or do you just think you know what I actually intended to communicate better than I do? Stop being a retard.
Yeah I havent read it so I can't speak on it. Just speaking from gut feeling and what has resonated with me so far

>> No.9981020

*so you don't think beauty and coolness has any distinction at all?

>> No.9981034

>so you don't think beauty and coolness has any distinction at all?
They're both totally subjective undefinable qualities when left at that so, no, I don't.

>> No.9981060

They're given form by use and context, theyre very abstract but they're also different.

>> No.9981064

Just saying something is unaesthetic is as meaningless as saying it's uncool though.

>> No.9981076

If you skip every single chapter narrated by the retard trio of Elayne, Egwene, Nynave it gets immensely better.

On their own they aren't even that bad, but the second more than one get together they all go full retard.

>> No.9981079

I think that anon used it as a synonym but I don't get why you're so hung up on it.
Aesthetic/unaesthetic has been the standard for years now and it's more of a meme than pretentious at this point.
Why would I want to buy your book?
>as they attempt to retrieve the destiny of the young king

>> No.9981086

Both seem reasonably meaningful to me. But also different. In this case I was just referring to aesthetics and not coolness. There are a ton of words that are abstract and hard to define that are still completely different from each others. It's about the response they invoke

>> No.9981128

>Ants have a sort of hive-mind with ants of their own kind
I think it's kinda funny that the "insects have a shared mind" trope is still being used now, despite that idea getting debunked when people discovered how pheromones work.

Who's Vox Day and what does he do?

>> No.9981145

>I think it's kinda funny that the "insects have a shared mind" trope is still being used now, despite that idea getting debunked when people discovered how pheromones work
I wouldn't call that a debunking, just an explanation on how the hivemind works

>> No.9981150

>I think it's kinda funny that the "insects have a shared mind" trope is still being used now, despite that idea getting debunked when people discovered how pheromones work.
Fucking this. It's way less interesting than how it works irl too.

It's nothing like a hivemind. They're less a hivemind than we are with speech and mass media.

>> No.9981178

Humans are absolutely a collective consciousness

>> No.9981179

I was shilled that book either last year or the year before... It was horrible.
>thicc beetle friendzoning ant guy
>moth chads
>spider sluts
I want to find the shill who shilled me that shit.
>dat cover
They are not humans

>> No.9981184

>Humans are absolutely a collective consciousness
In some sense, I suppose. Depends on the scale we're looking at. I'd hesitate to call a civilization a consciousness though.

>> No.9981185

I didn't explain it well enough, every any is still an individual, is less of a hive-mind and more like instant mental communication., the way it's handled paints ant-kinden as a perfectly synchronized force, as they almost exclusively commune through their mental links, which explains their isolationism and dislike for other kinds of ants, as they're the same but they're unable to commune with one another. This is the main reason why ants are retained to city-states, as their link has a limited range, and a lone ant is essentially a dead ant, as their nature makes vocal conversation and expression alien to them. Hope this clears it up slightly.

>> No.9981186

It depends what you mean by hivemind. The cells in our bodies communicate entirely through chemicals, and we're pretty fucking integrated. Ants are so cohesive and interdependent that it makes more sense to think of them as a superorganism than as a collection of individuals.
I agree that it's never the interesting kind of hivemind. It's always handwaved away, it'd be nice to get one that had an actual mechanism.

>> No.9981188

>moth chads
What a bunch of shit, everyone knows mantids are the chads of the insect world.

>> No.9981191

The limitations of the system are what make it interesting though and those are never portrayed. And those limitations are what make it as far removed from the standard hivemind in scifi and fantasy as you can get.

I take your point though.

>> No.9981196

>Who's Vox Day and what does he do?
Unless your political inclinations lean to the Right, like mine do, you probably don't want to know.

>> No.9981207

I won't hesitate to call you a slut, though.

>> No.9981209

You mean centipedes?

>> No.9981213

Hiveminds don't actually exist though. A long time ago, people thought that insects had shared consciousness, due to the apparent complexity in the behavior of an insect swarm. They didn't realize it was a combination of pheromones as well as emergent behavior. Each individual insect is just acting on its own to fulfill whatever goal it has. Very simple behavior, but when put into a group, the swarm appears to behave more intelligently than any individual insect, without the individual insects even being aware of this. We can actually see this happen in artificial intelligence as well. Look up boids and swarm intelligence.

>> No.9981214

it was a moth that took my thiicc beetle gf's virginity, and pumped her pussy full. Fuck moths

>> No.9981218

To be fair you dont need to share his politics to enjoy Throne of Bones. That was the whole point, to stop the "progressive" political bullshit and write a book.

>> No.9981226


>> No.9981229
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Oh hey. This >>9979870 is you huh? Better don't start shit when your ban was just up. Don't start the Vox day shit again please.

>> No.9981230

>We can actually see this happen in artificial intelligence as well.
Or in humans, since there's not a single neuron in your brain that can speak english, perform algebra, or shitpost on 4chan. But yeah you're right.

>> No.9981232

kek what kind of larvalet are you that you got cucked by a moth?

>> No.9981236

I meant in terms of Day's opinions and such; not his writing. His fantasy is very apolitical and can be enjoyed by anyone who doesn't mind a healthy dose of Catholicism.

>> No.9981238

That must have really rustled Bakker's jimmies.

>> No.9981241

This hurt me and I don't even like Sanderson. Well played sir.

>> No.9981244

But that's just a copout. By that logic we're not conscious beings, we're just a collection of independent cells communicating through chemical and electrical signals. It also assumes you've defined the mechanism of consciousness and can detect it. For all we know clouds are conscious! Ants are so totally wired into their signalling that they might as well be one mind, and they act with such coordination that they might as well be one body.

>> No.9981248

>Ants are so totally wired into their signalling that they might as well be one mind, and they act with such coordination that they might as well be one body.
The connections between individuals aren't nearly as dense or low latency as you're suggesting. Nor do you have to be conscious to act intelligently. Hell, sometimes it helps not to be.

There's actually a lot of waste in ant colonies. Even in a lot of the more specialized species tons of workers sit around doing nothing for no real reason, or actively undoing eachothers' work.

>> No.9981250

Oh Bakker got buttblasted as fuck, which is funny since Vox DID say he liked the first two novels at least (he gave both of them 4 stars on his website). You anons were right about Bakker being a sensitive twat though. My god what a fucking baby. Bitch can't handle any criticism.

>> No.9981253

>By that logic we're not conscious beings, we're just a collection of independent cells communicating through chemical and electrical signals
Prove you're a conscious being, faggot. What's that, you can't?

Checkmate atheists.

>> No.9981255

>My god what a fucking baby. Bitch can't handle any criticism.
he used to be different but after the big feminism debacle he got hyper sensitive. I think he feels betrayed by his own kind and it made him super thin skinned.

>> No.9981258

>I think he feels betrayed by his own kind and it made him super thin skinned.
The fuck did he expect with all the rape?

>> No.9981262

He's some weird Arian kind of Christian.

>> No.9981267

I didn't say he's Catholic, but his fantasy series has its own Catholic religion that permeates the stories pretty deeply.

>> No.9981269

Look at most human minds and you'll see similar amounts of waste. How much time to most people spend doing literally nothing, or actively sabotaging themselves? It's just easier to see with ants.

>> No.9981272

Duh. We're just Mother Nature's flesh robots, golems refined and reiterated over millions of generations. When we die, the most likely scenario is that our existence will simply cease. End of line. It's cruel, isn't it? To live like this, knowing that one day your existence will simply end. Everything you are, everything you've ever thought, everything you've ever experienced. All those moments will be lost, in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

>> No.9981278

>atheist detected
All opposites are unity, death and life are one. All that awaits us is a change in perspective.

>> No.9981280

>The fuck did he expect with all the rape?
People to actually think about the context instead of just see sexism and start REEE'ing.

No, really. I think he actually thought that would happen.

>> No.9981286

>Look at most human minds and you'll see similar amounts of waste. How much time to most people spend doing literally nothing, or actively sabotaging themselves? It's just easier to see with ants.
In your analogy this would be more like individual neurons fucking off to go hang out with your gonads.

>> No.9981290

I've never written before but sort of want to write a gay furry fantasy novel. Where should I start?

>> No.9981294

If there is anything on the other side, I hope it's pleasant.

>> No.9981296

Bullshit, I'm going to live forever.

These sayings are a little formulaic.

>> No.9981297

>Where should I start?
Furaffinity probably

>> No.9981300

Truth is formulaic.

There is no other side, just a mirror.

>implying they're not

>> No.9981308

Anon, you're high.

>> No.9981310

This guide has the answers: http://www.wikihow.com/Tie-a-Noose

>> No.9981318

Write furry SciFi instead, it's where they belong. Fantasy furries are gay.

>> No.9981322

Well he did say he wanted to write gay furries.

>> No.9981325

Is there any sff that realistically deals with a human/nonhuman romance?

>> No.9981327


>> No.9981336

Is there such a thing as a successful philosophy PHD?

>> No.9981339

So why would Thousandfold Thought be so crappy that Vox Day would like the previous two novels but not this one?

>> No.9981341

What happened now? I could use a laugh

>> No.9981348

No idea, I thought it was the best of the trilogy.

>> No.9981354

Depends on what type of nonhuman, and what your definition of realistic is.

>> No.9981357

I should fuck her spider sister where she can "chance upon us". That would teach her.

>> No.9981360

>Depends on what type of nonhuman
Something obviously not human. I don't just mean a human chick with pointy ears or weird skin.

>and what your definition of realistic is.
Fucked up and generally disapproved of. Bonus points for issues with physical compatibility.

>> No.9981393

People fucking corpses.
Puppy sluts and teenage girls taking the knot
Fucking a plant
Fucking an alien
Fucking a spikey, razor sharp time jumping god
Fucking a robot ai that eventually suicides

>> No.9981396

>tfw people on /lit/ would call you a furry for writing a story with anthro characters
>Even if it was about exploring the themes

>> No.9981409

The worst furfags I've ever talked to were the "I JUST LIKE THE AESTHETICS/THEMES" types that couldn't admit they had a weird fetish. It's a lot less creepy when it's just a kink and not a lifestyle friendo

>> No.9981419

Qalabi Dawn. Read it.

>> No.9981425
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>theodore beale now shilling for furries

so much for the alt-right not being a bunch of degenerates

>> No.9981445

yes and yes

>> No.9981447

>so much for the alt-right not being a bunch of degenerates
Who ever thought that was the case, really?

>> No.9981455

It's the king of slogs, but if you like fantasy with a truly epic scope, deep worldbuilding, and a rich history and lore then read it. But I'm not kidding about it becoming a slog at certain points.

>> No.9981465

>After that, I found I had lost the privileged position I had, apparently, been enjoying, with the result that everyone in that Hellhole felt free to do whatever they could to me. I was even attacked by a Potted Plant which the Little Carbuncle had given me before the Honeymoon was over and which, discovering that it responded favorably to Saline Solutions, I had been watering with my tears, while (unaware that it possessed Cognitive Faculties) sobbing that it was the only thing on the Planet I loved. All the while it sat quietly in its Pot, betraying no inkle of the Passions that must have been surging through its sap until the day it wrenched its roots free of the soil and came at me, its fronds heaving with unmistakable Lust. It broke my heart to do this, but, although I had submitted to the indign Embrace of many Oddities, I could not permit myself to be Violated by a Bush. I killed it---with one swift snap of its mainstem, which, I am persuaded, could not have caused it more than, perhaps, a single swift instant of Agony.

>> No.9981472

What's with the random capitalization?

>> No.9981479

Emphasis I guess.

>> No.9981481

>le tips

>> No.9981486

When you're making fun of Victorians you have to randomize odd words and make everyone hypocrites, it's in Strunk & White.

>> No.9981500 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 1066x804, the face of science fiction and fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Torlocks claiming the Dragon Awards are white supremacist because mostly white men won the prize
>noted white supremacist Cory Doctorow
The only reason that stupid online poll award is getting any attention is because they're whining about it.

>> No.9981510

Based Dragon Awards working the obese leftshits into a shoot.

>> No.9981514

Are either of these handsome men famous? Left looks like a turbo-autist but right looks kind of like Asimov.

>> No.9981529

Nobody is saying that. Take your manufactured outrage back to r/snowflakes or wherever.

>> No.9981534

Ol' Blue Lips himself is saying that.

>> No.9981554

The prologue is rough since it constantly jumps around perspectives without giving you a second to rest.
Afterwards you get to Corkus and its perfectly fine and easy to follow, just do yourself a favor and realize most of the races are just fancy names for normal fantasy races and its easier to keep mental images.

Dragons are so fucking boring though god damn all nonhuman races are so fucking boring by comparison

>> No.9981632

>Who's Vox Day and what does he do?
He's a pretty cool fantasy author.

>> No.9981655

What are the best Warhammer 40K novels?

>> No.9981697

Eisenhorn trilogy
Gaunts Ghosts
Thats about it

>> No.9981738

I like how he claims the reason he decided to write Arts of Dark and Light was because of how Martin turned his series into shit and Vox realized he could do better.

>> No.9981773

What about the Ravenor trilogy? 1d4chan had some good things to say about it.

>> No.9981777

I liked Blood Gorgons due to it being an interesting portrayal of chaos marines.

>> No.9981795

New thread when?

>> No.9981804

Any good sequels or War of the Worlds style books? I loved the original but I still need that itch scratched.

>> No.9981805

When this one is filled?

>> No.9981826


>> No.9981834

Its the Eisenhorn trilogies sequel so odds are you are going to read it anyway.
Its okay, not bad or anything just worse than the original trilogy.

>> No.9981848

>i never used 4chan
>much less /lit/ before
No need to advertise it to everyone

>> No.9981891

I wonder if real writers get this worried over whether or not their writing is good? I'm scared people won't like it, but I should be scared it won't even get published

there's that short story I hate Selkie Stories, but other than that, the selections aren't great because most people who write love stories are so far up their own ass they never grew out of being 16. Oddly enough, your best best bet is steven universe which gets pretty damn brutal about the emotional and cultural gaps between a normal man and an immortal being of another species, not to mention how biologically fucked up the offspring can get and how dangerous childbirth could be

>> No.9981918

I'm writing a story about a guy on a space station that does research. It's based on Space Station 13 but the problem is that I'm more of a fantasy guy and the only experience I have with the sci-fy setting is playing games like dead space. Can someone recommend me a book on a guy trying to survive in a space ship? If possible no female main character or romance.

>> No.9981971

New thread:

>> No.9982474

I've never payed for a book in my life.
I pirate books or borrow them from the library or people.
I occasionally get given book vouchers though so if that counts probably $25

>> No.9982570

one of my faves right now
thos the apt series did drag on, I'm not a big fan of series with 7+ books
when (if) you're done reading apt, check out the shadows of the fall series too (the tiger and the wolf)
or try the standalones

>> No.9982585

>I think it's kinda funny that the "insects have a shared mind" trope is still being used now, despite that idea getting debunked when people discovered how pheromones work.
tchaikovsky most probbaly knows that (I think he's an entomologist or something) but I'm guessing the racial telepathy thing worked better for him in the novel
I mean just imagine a race of people communicating through farts
actually that would be cool
but I understand why he didn't take that route

>> No.9982589

>They are not humans
Yes they are. They're humans with some bug-like modifications.

>> No.9982949

>Oddly enough, your best best bet is steven universe which gets pretty damn brutal about the emotional and cultural gaps between a normal man and an immortal being of another species,
here's how I know your advice is terrible

>> No.9983551

Well, I'd say he has proven that he can.