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9973357 No.9973357 [Reply] [Original]

Will there ever be a greater, more redpilled work of fantasy fiction?

>> No.9973406

Tolkien would almost certainly abhor whatever you think "redpilled" means

>> No.9973452

The Gormenghast books already are that

>> No.9973469


>> No.9973480

Stop using retarded vague /pol/ terms you faggot.

>> No.9973485

If he saw the state of the West today he'd have a heart attack. He'd be considered far right today like 99% of people in history.

>> No.9973496

tolkien was a nigger

>> No.9973499

Thanks. Will read.

>> No.9973530
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fuck off you lazy commie fuck

>> No.9973540
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>> No.9973556

You're right. Tolkien would love the transgenderism, gay marriage, polyamory adultery, no-fault divorce, massive social welfare state, diffusion of personal responsibility to the state, and the other abominations of liberalism that we have today.

>> No.9973601


>> No.9973698

is feminism the cause or another symptom?

>> No.9973716

Jesus fucking christ, is there any board on this site that isn't filled with pol idiots parroting the same delusional rhetoric on every single thread?

>> No.9973723
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>> No.9973745

Gosh darn, haven't those oppressed lefty pomo trannies left for tumblr already?

>> No.9973759


>> No.9973766
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Ah i'm afraid not sir.
Intellectuals like yourself and I have no choice but to put up with their childish behaviour, and hope that they eventually tire out and leave this place.

>> No.9973907

>Will there ever be a more boring, more simplistic work of fantasy fiction?

I daresay there will be

>> No.9973919

the man said he regretted not having jewish blood

>> No.9974058
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>> No.9974133

To be fair, there is a lot missing from LoTR(but read The Last Ringbearer for that).

>> No.9974240

Not mentioning importing millions of muslims. He would think we aren't doing enough.

>> No.9974242

What is this train of thought according to which someone might be 99.9% /pol/ but pseuds will insist on the 0.1% as indicative that said person would totally be tooth and nails against /pol/?

>> No.9974250

I think he would weep for the intellectual laziness of using the throw-away term "redpilled"; is this really the best you can do to express yourself?

>> No.9974389

So he didn't like Nazis or the Nordic meme. The posted this in response to someone saying he wouldn't be red-pilled because...?

>> No.9974591

Reminder Tolkien thought Jews were "gifted people" and hated Nazis.

>> No.9974592

being redpilled doesn't make you a nazi or jew hater

>> No.9974603

it makes you more comfortable with the ideas and cozies you up for when stormniggers start preaching their gospel
you'll suddenly think "well this shit is just a logical extension of what I believe right now" and bam suddenly you're in beige corduroy pants and a polo shirt buying a tiki torch

>> No.9974610

That's one path that can be taken after becoming "red-pilled," not the only and inevitable one. Jew-jokes are rampant in that community. That seems like a more logical precursor to neo-nazi faggotry.

>> No.9974850

Are you implying Nazism is redpilled?

>> No.9974908

>read The Last Ringbearer
Do people actually like this? I read it a while ago, and found it utterly boring, even if I assume that the sub-par translation was partially to blame.

>> No.9974925
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I want my fucking board back.

>> No.9975186

What's ''''''missing'''''' from LotR, is not important.

>> No.9975189

Orcs are niggers.

>> No.9975190

I got called Jewish in my own thread for bringing up Marx

>> No.9975522

He actually seems to be implying the exact opposite.

>> No.9975526
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>fan fiction
>le good guys are actually the bad guys lol