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File: 71 KB, 1000x632, Frenchlib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9970008 No.9970008 [Reply] [Original]

Why did americans ruin liberalism?

>> No.9970009

Because America is the cancer of the world.

>> No.9970032

does anyone have the atheism vs christianity version of >>9970008 pic?

>> No.9970041

Liberalism is cancer by default, true enlightenment comes from a wise man powerfully dictating the rest of the world

People are naturally evil and stupid, giving them freedom was a mistake

>> No.9970043

Lel what a cuck

>> No.9970048

At least it's alive.

>> No.9970077

Corporate welfarism has nothing to do with liberalism, and it's disgusting how easily you have accepted it as the dominant worldview. "The state" is basically a minor entity compared to the power of international capital. Actual classical liberals would most certainly become socialists if faced with contemporary reality. Fighting "the state" made sense before global capitalism became a thing, now it is just about the only mechanism with which you can ensure a decent life for a nation.

>> No.9970079

If you think this is bad wait till you see what America has done to conservatism. Most of them actually think capitalism and conservatism are compatible.

>> No.9970089

Because politically it went down the practical Hamilton/British route instead of embracing the ideals of Jefferson and radicals

>> No.9970094

Burke would probably support much more public services, but I doubt he would advocate the overthrow of capitalism.

>> No.9970107

Liberalism in any form is ultimately just a tool for capitalism, because its "rationalism" will be reducible to the drive to abolish non-economic/customary obstructions to the free flow of capital and market operations. Maybe you mean French radicalism, not liberalism proper.

>> No.9970127

I personally see the Rousseau variant of liberalism as pre-socialist. Its conclusions logically lead to the abolition of private property relations.
In general, the right-wing has managed to appropriate the narrative of liberalism and claims that its goals perfectly align with "classical liberals". A cursory reading, however, destroys this naive condition. Just imagine if Thomas Paine was alive and advocated the kind of economic policies he did back then, he would be called a radical now.

>> No.9970136

Neither now or then is the state some neutral entity isolated from our economic system. Global capitalism and the state go hand in hand.

>> No.9970160


Are you sure you don't have it backwards? Immediately after the French Revolution they started killing lots of people in the name of tolerance.

>> No.9970167
File: 103 KB, 1024x745, be91be44efdcbd73c6e30f980b8cc1de8e549dde48dcfe59d800005618f42142-leftypol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you expect to have a proper revolution without executing a lot of dissenters?

>> No.9970182

The point is that Liberalism is dying in western Europe, also Canada.

>> No.9970189
File: 203 KB, 1280x809, turn_to_christendom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9970194

Thanks for posting this bro. My dick is hard. Thank you based LORD and SAVIOR JESUS MOTHERFUCKING CHRIST (born of Mary mother of fucking God)!

This is high worship by the way.

>> No.9970197
File: 38 KB, 634x395, toc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American liberalism is the only true liberalism in the spirit of John Locke and Adam Smith. Rousseau was a toxic proto-socialist. Bastiat and de Tocqueville were the better french intellectuals.

>> No.9970201

fuck off, stop LARPing, faggot.

>> No.9970204

>Most of them actually think capitalism and conservatism are compatible.
How are they not?

>> No.9970205

Thanks for this, anon.

>> No.9970213

Capitalism destroys culture.

>> No.9970222

>its "rationalism" will be reducible to the drive to abolish non-economic/customary obstructions to the free flow of capital and market operations.
Books on this train of thought? Other than Dialectic of Enlightenment.

>> No.9970223

>commie memes

Capitalism created wealthy and free societies where more people are actively engaged in culture than ever before. Capitalism created this very board where autistic people discuss literature in greater detail than people would have 200 years ago in salons.

>> No.9970231

>this very board where autistic people discuss literature in greater detail than people would have 200 years ago in salons

>> No.9970235

>Capitalism created wealthy and free societies where more people are actively engaged in culture than ever before.
The only type of "culture" people are engaged in are vapid tv shows made to cater to the lowest common denominator in order to gross maximum profits.

>Capitalism created this very board where autistic people discuss literature in greater detail than people would have 200 years ago in salons.
Do you really believe le kek memes are in any way comparable to the kind of discourse you found in enlightenment era salons?

And we aren't even talking about all the other main topics of conservatism. The family unit, community ties, religious beliefs, all of these are all being eroded in the name of profit.

>> No.9970244
File: 162 KB, 1123x517, 1503421622719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Capitalism is an inherently liberal economic system. It destroys all tradition, erodes all boundaries.

>> No.9970249
File: 8 KB, 297x449, Bez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The family unit and religious beliefs are being eroded by socialist subversion, not the free market.

If you are a conservative christian and family man, you should believe in human freedom and individual responsibility. Those are utterly compatible with a socialist society where the state replaces organic societal structures like family and community (Churches, Synagogues etc.).

>> No.9970251

Conservative values are utterly incompatible with socialism.*

>> No.9970259

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