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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 267x445, 51YfZjUWHeL._SY445_QL70_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9967573 No.9967573 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you read any of his books?

Jesus christ, are they bad. How does this man dare to criticize anything?

>> No.9967574
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 1479517436525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. What's bad about them?

>> No.9967575
File: 115 KB, 1052x704, ja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me.

>> No.9967576

>favourite modder stopped just before the end of a series to write books instead
>can't read French, so I can't even tell if the stories are good or not
Life is truly suffering.

>> No.9967577

I've definitely seen better, but I respect all writers, even the crappy ones. Putting together a book is no easy task, even though it may seem that way to an outside observer.

>> No.9967578

Yeah and Harold Bloom wrote the piece of shit that is Flight to Lucifer, people can make bad things but still be good critics. Or, to put it in terms you'll understand, you don't have to be a good cook to tell faeces from hamburgers.

t. guy who's never watched anything by this guy
Christ that is bad.

>> No.9967579

This reads like a teenager wrote this.

>> No.9967580

>How does this man dare to criticize anything?

You're right anon. Everyone knows that critics are always and need to be excellent creators

You're acting like a retard

>> No.9967581

>generic shit.txt

Wow, I expected more.

>> No.9967582

The only people who say that are losers. ANY good critic is an expert of their field.

>> No.9967583

He writes his criticisms better than his books. Is that such a shock to you?

Also get off /v/, Matosis.

>> No.9967584

>The Wizard Dragon

I got excited before seeing the "and the"


>> No.9967585

>Bloom cocksucking
Fuck off back to /lit/ and read more Greek faggotry

>> No.9967586

>Been writing a novel for years
>Not nearly done because I keep revising it trying to make it perfect
>Meanwhile terrible writers are getting their books published in droves
Feels absolutely aweful

>> No.9967587
File: 2.81 MB, 300x225, 1457117278007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is his writing as long-winded, never to the point, tangential, and dull as his critiques?

>> No.9967588

Of course. But "expert of their field" doesn't mean "good at making the stuff of their field".

Also, doesn't this guy make vids about vidya? Making games would be more relevant.
Can't beat the Jewish cock, man.

>> No.9967589
File: 490 KB, 449x401, 1489443684348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The starship...
>The two of us...
>The client...
>They had met...
>They had build...
>Their job on...
>The armory...
>Now, the battle...
>That protection...

He's a hack.

>> No.9967590

You know there's a difference between observing and creating, right?

>> No.9967591

His prose is eye-rending but let's not forget that the content is even worse.

>> No.9967592
File: 84 KB, 312x321, 1445725968047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have any of you ate any of the food he cooks?

>Jesus christ, it's bad. How does this man dare to criticize anything?

>> No.9967593
File: 335 KB, 456x522, 1490231778449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. The worst part about being a writer is that you hate writing, but there's nothing else you enjoy more than it. It's fucking torturous.

>> No.9967594


Just remember to run that shit through an editor who checks for typos or you'll eat shit

>> No.9967595
File: 45 KB, 639x960, kermit puking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really soul-less.
He's just describing shit.

>> No.9967596

Does he constantly mention his cooking in his videos?

>> No.9967597

He sounds like an autist, but his criticism is pretty spot on.

>> No.9967598

Just because something is hard doesn't mean it can't be shit, if you took 24 hours to shit a turd, it is still a turd.

>> No.9967599


>finally a book thread

>its a shitpost

>its neither about books nor video games

You fucked it all, OP!

>> No.9967600
File: 54 KB, 226x258, 1454540371110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a lot of people in this thread who don't have published books, shittalking someone smarter than any of them who does have published books

you guys are really pathetic and should go outside

or actually read more books (do people even read anymore in the first place? how rusty would your literary standards even be?)

stop pretending your time is valuable.

>> No.9967601

I thought OP's image was saying "The Wizard Dragon" and got excited for a moment.

>> No.9967602

>tfw have the opposite problem as paul anderson in that i'm far too verbatim
I respect that they're actually making something with passion in it. It's the market's job to decide if it's good or not, but books, most of the time, are huge labors of love.
They really are mentally draining. People who don't write don't realize this.

>> No.9967603

What are your favourite books, anon? What are you reading right now? Have you been recommended anything good on /v/?

Do any of them include video games?

>> No.9967604
File: 21 KB, 250x327, Sanderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop talking about that hack and instead talk about our glorious Mormon overlord. Oathbringer is only a few months away, meanwhile martinfags are collectively chewing their own fingers off.

>> No.9967605

Do you have published games?
Shit, i guess you can't shittalk games, then.

>> No.9967606
File: 2.04 MB, 320x180, v and vg discuss vidya.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Hbomberguy is good
He is only good when pointing out the obvious like that Sherlock is a shit series.

>> No.9967607

Of course not. But that doesn't mean you can't criticize something else.

>> No.9967608


>> No.9967609

I don't give a fuck about anyone but Kaladin's group. I only slightly care about Dalinar or whatever.

Shallan sucks. Her mentor was decent.

>> No.9967610

I'm a huge GRRM fan. Is Sanderson a good replacement while I endlessly wait for the WoW book?

>> No.9967611

Who is this guy and why should I care?

Very true, but it's made up for somewhat in the glorious feeling that rushes through your being when you can legitimately say... "BUY MY BOOK! BUY MY BOOK! BUY MY BOOK!"

>> No.9967612

by this reasoning, if he didn't write any books at all, his criticism would be more valid?

>> No.9967613

How are you expected to know what good writing looks like if you don't know shit about writing, bud?

>> No.9967614

More actiony than GRRM

>> No.9967615

Can somebody smart explain to me why this is so bad? I mean, I can tell that it's bad and that the sentences are weird but what exactly makes it bad?

>> No.9967616
File: 329 KB, 1008x600, Scout found a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I respect that they're actually making something with passion in it
Again, you can shit a very passionate turd, it is still a turd

>> No.9967617
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being long winded and never to the point makes him lose track of what his points are. if you read the prey critique, it never comes to a few strong, smart points. it sort of flounders around, saying things that sound nice, never actually saying anything with depth.

>I see a lot of people in this thread who don't have published books, shittalking someone smarter than any of them who does have published books


>> No.9967618

Is that why your mom loved you?

>> No.9967619

terrible taste, Sanderson is right up your alley
Mistborn is shit, The Stormlight Archive is alright. Worldbuilding is good

>> No.9967620

>How are you expected to know what good design is about if you don't know shit about game design, bud?

>> No.9967621


CAN HE RECOVER? (he can't)

>> No.9967622

Sanderson is a very different writer. More positive and exciting, with a big focus on action and a plot that builds up into an amazing climax. Check out Mistborn, and if Mistborn feels a little too YAish move on to Stormlight.
Definitely recommend at least giving him a try, if you end up liking it you're at least following a writing machine who loves his fans.

>> No.9967623
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The same way I can taste food and know it's good or play a game and know it's good, I don't need to know culinary arts or game design to know I enjoyed something well done. The mind set that ONLY been able to do the same thing you criticizes is snobbish and very retarded.

>> No.9967624

Because it's easier than ever to publish a book, you can just go online and self-publish on Amazon. If Empty fucking Hero can put out a book then so can you.

>> No.9967625
File: 22 KB, 460x276, Terry-Pratchett-assisted--007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shit writers still live while based Pterry died

He had his remaining unfinished works flattened by an old steamroller, the absolute mad lad.

>> No.9967626

But it's hard to publish a good book.

>> No.9967627
File: 143 KB, 500x339, [Loud Laughter].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa! What a comeback, no argument, just a personal attack, I guess you are projecting like a motherfucker since you can't refute what I said.

>> No.9967628

It's genre fiction. It's never gonna be a masterpiece and it doesn't read any worse than Rowling or Martin

>> No.9967629

Critics are worthless parasites. Basically jews.

>> No.9967630

>Being this shitter shattered.

>> No.9967631
File: 445 KB, 528x516, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any anons have experience publishing a book? I'm looking to get mine published but I don't know where/how I should start or what the do's and don'ts of the process are.

>> No.9967632

>>9967623 This is meant for >>9967613

>> No.9967633

Do you feel the same towards vidya devs?

>> No.9967634

>He had his remaining unfinished works flattened by an old steamroller
At least no one will ruin his work trying to continue it for profit.

>> No.9967635

now on reflection i realize that separating each quote looks reddit, to avoid being reddit you need to cluster everything together. the concept of indentation, paragraphs, or coherence is REDDIT. boy howdy if people are gonna make

>> No.9967636

holy fuck that is terrible

>> No.9967637

If you self-publish you are basically giving yourself a black-mark that will forever bar you from traditional publishing. Publishers can look you up on the ISBN index and when they see you have previous works, they'll check them out. When they see they're self-published, 99% of the time, they assume you were either too bad to make it, or the the whole thing was a vanity project and then they write off your submission.

Unless you intend to self-publish all the way it's bad juju man.

>> No.9967638

>Author name is nearly the size of the title

This always triggered me. Sometimes the name is even bigger than the title. Like just let the work speak for itself

>> No.9967639

Start with Amazon e-books and shill them hard. If you manage to sell a good amount talk with a publisher.

>> No.9967640

>all these replies over a tiny excerpt

I mean I'm sure the rest of the book is shit but how can you judge an entire story over such a tiny part

>> No.9967641

his "critiques" were always superficial trash so it doesn't surprise me that his writing is also trash

>> No.9967642

Buying the book is basically a donation to his youtube channel

>> No.9967643

Nah, you been a giant defender of talentless hacks makes you reddit, the spacing helps to identify you tho.

>> No.9967644

most of the time, yes
I make an exception for EA and the like, however

>> No.9967645

Not the same guy, but:
You can't compare them.
Vidya devs are usually a big team doing the work together, with a budget.
The exception being indie devs, those of which i respect.

>> No.9967646

Are you sure established publishing houses won't frown upon it like >>9967637 mentioned with self-publishing? Or is it different?

And should I be concerned about copyright stuff?

>> No.9967647

Or your self published works are under a pen-name retard.

>> No.9967648

Mediocrity principle.

>> No.9967649

It does by a lot you deluded fag.

>> No.9967650
File: 318 KB, 496x559, haha this sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw poetry writer
>poetry is fucking dead nowadays

>> No.9967651

what is up with people writing books nowadays? is it a fad?

>> No.9967652

Learn English you fucking idiot.

>> No.9967653

Best part is you aren't considered a real writer in most writing communities

>> No.9967654

well yeah. If you play a lot of games you figure out whats good. But to know good writing you have to do a lot of reading. Not like reading youtube comments, but reading literature.

>> No.9967655

This seems okay. Not great but readable. What's with the replies?

>> No.9967656
File: 234 KB, 504x450, 1470683897277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally decide to watch his documentary on assisted death
>Get on the feels train really hard
>He dies one month later I watched the documentary

Fucking hell

>> No.9967657

He's talking out of his ass. Publishers don't give a fuck about you or what you do or did. They care for sales. Show that that your shit sells and they'll print it.

>> No.9967658

I just bought ursula le guin earthsea collection. Am I in for a good read? I got it without thinking.

>> No.9967659
File: 28 KB, 480x600, 1475247889619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this assblastes about someones game critique that you have to shit on their other work which is totally unrelated

>> No.9967660

t. Game of Thrones Redditor

>> No.9967661
File: 110 KB, 1050x591, rankine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this hack gets national book award nominations and macarthur fellowships and you will never get into a low tier poetry school

>> No.9967662

Poetry is really hit and miss, you either love it or hate it.
Sadly, most people either hate it or don't spend any time reading it due to being "boring".

>> No.9967663

Help me get into appreciating poetry, anon.

>> No.9967664

It's bad in a lot of ways, but an easy one to clarify is to think about the old writing cliche, "show, don't tell." This is one of the most common pieces of advice any aspiring writer will hear and one of the most important, and Anderson apparently either never heard it or never understood it. Everything you find out here about these bounty hunters and their job is just straight up told to you.

A good writer would have delivered information like who the bounty hunters are, what planet their ship was orbiting, what their job was, and what the one knew that the other didn't naturally through the conversations and actions of the characters, instead of just having the narrator spit it out in plain language.

It is definitely bad compared to writers like Rowling and Martin in that regard. They're not great either, but they're not this bad.

>> No.9967665
File: 4 KB, 240x178, 1479265841735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I'm not a hack like Christopher Paolini and I wasn't born with parents that can publish my book

All I want is for people to read the novelization of this great dnd campaign I had but it won't reach anyone if I self-publish.

>> No.9967666

Yeah if you sell a shitton of copies it'll be fine, but if you self-publish and it doesn't move, you're screwed.

>> No.9967667

It's so bland and uninteresting in every aspect there's not really anything to say. It's like a plain wall painted beige. It's not exactly wrong, but I'm not going to stare at it for entertainment

>> No.9967668

Theres a difference between being a critic and just calling something shit because you don't like it. The point of being a critic is being able to tell others why you may or may not like it and give an Idea of what someone may be in for if they decide to look into it themselves. As always opinions are subjective but as a critic its your job to back up those opinions with facts. Saying something tastes great may do it for you but I want to know why it tastes great.

>> No.9967669
File: 43 KB, 800x450, TrollFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I didn't even read the except but criticised it in multiple posts

>> No.9967670

Wouldn't want his daughter to continue it anyway, she wrote the shitty Overlord and Tomb Raider reboot stories.

>> No.9967671

If you're serious about, go out and buy a copy of the Writer's Market. They've got complete listings for publishers and agents. You'll probably need one of the latter. The book itself will give you examples of query letters and how to format submissions.

>> No.9967672

>Be shit at what you are doing.
>Don't get signed.

Quite the conundrum.

>> No.9967673

You could be a professional quote maker

>> No.9967674

That's not really true. Anyone can pick up a game and just enjoy/dislike it and get a critique on it. While it is true you should play more games to get a better overall understanding of it.

>> No.9967675

Could be worse.

Could be it he was Rothfus.

>> No.9967676

I have that exact multitool.

>> No.9967677

Yes, that's sort of the point of why publishers consider it a black mark to begin with.

>> No.9967678

I admit my illiteracy, I can't tell apart good writing from bad, but I am willing to learn.
Why is this one considered bad?

>> No.9967679

I'm a complete amateur and I don't know how to properly explain it, but his wording hurts my head when I read it.

>> No.9967680

Honestly, just read poetry, but actually read it, focus on it, have some time alone to appreciate it, poetry is not something you read on the bus or at work.
Also, read with your mouth and possibly out loud, poetry depends a lot on the rhythm of the words and the voice of the reader.

>> No.9967681

As somebody who dabbles in writing, a huge part is that he tells, rather than showing. A lot of the words on there are just informative, like reading an encyclopedia or wikipedia article.

>> No.9967682

Here are some other things.
"A planet named Meidum." This is awkward because in the context of the story you should just be able to say "the ship was orbiting Meidum." Readers can infer it's a planet based on context. Every additional needless description makes the text sound more awkward.

The first paragraph of dialogue is awkward because you don't know who's talking until the end of it. He should have put the speaker tag after the first sentence (so we know it's Adam talking) and then continued with the dialogue. "Grinned" should never be used as a speech description, you don't "grin" a phrase. Hack writers do this all the time when they want to tell you something about how the character feels and can't think of a better way to do it than to say they grinned, but they don't want to write "said while grinning" or whatever.

After starting dialogue, he then goes back into narrative exposition without even having the other character deliver a response, which makes the dialogue seem randomly shoehorned in where it doesn't belong.

I don't have enough patience to go through the rest of it but you get the point.

>> No.9967683

Like another anon said. It should be shown to you not told. If you read it you'll probably notice it all feel very stiff and robotic and souless because every single detail is spelled out to you who they are what they're doing and what each of them knows and so on when all this info could have been shown through a conversation between the two characters actually interracting together.

>> No.9967684

>Theres a difference between being a critic and just calling something shit
What if I play something, go online and describe why I think it shit, does that make me a critic, because it it does then most of /v/ is a hub of critical minds. You DON'T have to make a movie, game, food or dragon dildo to know if it's good or bad. We all know you are just deflecting the real meat of my post which is you CAN take a long time to do something and it CAN be hard, but it doesn't mean it will be good or should be defended.

>> No.9967685

Come on, Rothfus is a hundred times more competent than this guy. And that is not a compliment to Rothfus at all.

>> No.9967686

Along with what everyone else is saying, the sentence structure really should be more varied. Instead of "The x on y did z," which makes it sound journalistic, he should switch up how he crafts his sentences.

>> No.9967687

>works flattened by an old steamroller
Frank Herbert should've done the same thing

>> No.9967688

Go to poetry slams. I just went to one last night and it was a blast. Even if people are writing poetry with a message you may not be able to agree with or relate to, it can be fun to see the passion they express it with, or how clever they can be with their wording.

>> No.9967689

No. I know I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but I do. The covers of his books are disgusting.

>> No.9967690

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a natural philosopher (scientist) by his own account, and a writer known until today.
He was a completely shit scientist, and his opinions on how anything works were embarrassingly bad, even back then, among his would be peers.
That does not invalidate faust or werther.

To be a good writer you need to find someone who likes your writing, to be a good critic you only need to raise a true point and argue its merits.

>> No.9967691

I never thought I'd see the day that someone would unironically recommend attending a poetry slam on /v/.

>> No.9967692

Poetry slams are rad as fuck.

>> No.9967693

Faust 2 was terrible though. Absolute garbage.

>> No.9967694

>It is definitely bad compared to writers like Rowling and Martin in that regard.

Rowling does the same shit, she just has one of the smart characters infodump instead of the narrator.

Which... I guess is actually slightly better

>> No.9967695


can't help but agree. this is the ONLY criticism in this thread that is constructive and i even feel like this is being too obvious.

i like JA and his videos but you can cut at least half of this description. it's useless flavor text. this isn't worldbuilding, this is bland exposition.

>> No.9967696

all i did was read as a kid. OP's writer is absolute trash imo. couldnt tell you why

>> No.9967697

The post you're replying to is not that other anons but mine, And I'm not saying that a product with alot of time put into it can't be garbage. What I am saying is that most of /v/ will call something shit and leave it at that with no actual context as to why they hate it. /v/ is literally the other side of the coin as something like Kotaku or IGN where everything is shit instead of everything being 10/10.

>> No.9967698


Author's doing too much describing, as opposed to letting his actors and actions speak for him.

To try and give an example: the third person narrator just tells you outright the guys are soldier bounty hunters, and blandly foreshadows that one will betray the other. It wastes an opportunity to develop the two as characters, and let that information gradually come to light through their relationship, while giving the reader a better sense of their personality and the setting. Instead, it just comes off as generic fodder.

And really, that's how the rest of it reads. Generic fodder. Yeah, writing's hard, but in that passage, it feels like he took an easy way out for his own convenience, not the readers.

(Un)coincidentally, it feels like something you'd see in a video game script or handoff tie-in novelization.

>> No.9967699

I'm not a bitter piece of shit like most people on /v/ and I enjoy watching a product of passion, which, if the person isnt a shitty writer and is genuinely clever, poetry slams deliver.

>> No.9967700

Why bother?
You're just going to send to a shitton of editorials and they're going to reply two months afterwards saying that they don't have any interest in publishing your book.
Getting published is a matter of selling a product, nothing more, nothing less, you can be a great writer, but if you write stories that don't have mass appeal you won't get published.

Great prose just doesn't sell.

>> No.9967701

You're dumb. There's still a market out there for literary fiction where the quality of prose and storytelling is essential. You just don't hear about those books because they will never top the bestseller list. Doesn't mean they don't get published and don't sell.

>> No.9967702

>i like JA and his videos but you can cut at least half of this description. it's useless flavor text. this isn't worldbuilding, this is bland exposition.
I like JA and his videos too. Being a terrible fiction writer doesn't invalidate his games criticism. I think he'd

>> No.9967703

>ctrl+f tolkein
>0 of 0

all these people talking shit about being too descriptive and not one mention of one of writing's biggest hacks.

>> No.9967704

I'm glad Jasnah is back.
She was the only person who could reliably get Shallan to shut the fuck up.

>> No.9967705

>"Blowing up the base," Adam grinned, "I requested for fun."

>> No.9967706

>I think he'd
Ah fuck. Is Candlejack ba

>> No.9967707

Sure mate, whatever you want to believe.

>> No.9967709
File: 702 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20170901-102557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ thread
>not posting eye of argon

>> No.9967708

*do better if he just put all his focus into his youtube channel and gave up writing bad genre fiction to put on amazon, but I suppose he should pursue what he loves, even if he's terrible at it.

>> No.9967710

The same problem I had with Tolkien I have with Lovecraft

>> No.9967711
File: 183 KB, 322x343, 1478646244779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you die mid-reply

>> No.9967712

Where are you on the west coast?

>> No.9967713

You being unable to discern the difference between lazy hack writing and mythological inspired style is nobody's problem but yours.

>> No.9967714

>Honestly, just read poetry, but actually read it, focus on it, have some time alone to appreciate it
>Also, read with your mouth and possibly out loud, poetry depends a lot on the rhythm of the words and the voice of the reader.
Thanks, anon. I've always struggled to appreciate poetry so I've never really devoted the time to it that I should, so I'll give it a try. Thanks for the advice.
In return, my favourite poem: In the Desert, by Stephen Crane.

>Go to poetry slams.
A-alright, anon. My cousin invited me to one recently, but I've always worried I'll be out of place and denounced as an impostor, or something. I'll try and focus on their passion like you do, and hopefully it'll help.

>> No.9967715
File: 643 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20170901-102908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9967716

It reads like a first draft. A first draft is always going to be hot garbage, but it serves to just get the basic ideas on paper and can be tightened up later. He clearly skipped that step.

>> No.9967717


>> No.9967718

I don't particularly enjoy Tolkien's writing, but he gets away with this because of the insane detail of the world he's created. Most people when they try to imitate Tolkien make cringe-inducing garbage because they think he just sat around dreaming stuff up and putting it on a page. He created a world with its own entirely complete history, mythology, geography, language, culture and politics. There is no way he could possibly ever have delivered so much information about it by writing in a literary fiction mode. He was writing a modern mythology, not a modern novel. It also helps that he was very good at writing prose, even if he did use an overabundance of it, and 99% of the people who try to write their own genre fiction aren't.

>> No.9967719

Nah. The way you make money on amazon as a solo writer is to publish your first drafts and forget about it.

>> No.9967720
File: 142 KB, 613x475, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this can get made, I'm sure you'll have no problems.

>> No.9967721
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>> No.9967722
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I don't care how bad they are, I immensely enjoy his critiques. There's nothing else to be said about it.

>> No.9967723

>insane detail of the world he's created
But what were Sauron's tax policies?

>> No.9967724














1,725 G


REWARD 50,000,000,000c

As the last line was projected onto Burke's retina he had to grin, this wasn't a regular amount, this was a career ending, "I'm gonna live a good life from now on"-amount. Just glancing at Adam told him that he was feeling the same. "How are you feeling about this?" Burke asked, while the final parts of their aegis armors where assembled by the AI controlled ship engineer. "Good." replied Adam as the main countdown for the drop off started. They and their gear were ready.

>> No.9967725

The world of self-publishing is a hole that should only be your last resort.
Not only you have to pay everything, you're in charge of making your book known, and if you post in 4chan odds are you're not that popular to begin with.

>> No.9967726

Faust 3: Faust Harder was pretty good, I thought. I liked the twist ending where he was the demons.

>> No.9967727

At the time, that was considered good writing. Times have changed since then.

Even read a story from the 70s and it reads wildly different from stories today. A lot of poplit today is written in first person present tense, whereas that sort of thing used to be rare.

>> No.9967728

>I've always worried I'll be out of place and denounced as an impostor, or something
Anon, I went to one that was in the ghetto of Cincinatti and was one of like,
3 white people, and the only white person that looked normal, and nobody gave a fuck

If you just go there to try and appreciate what the poets are performing nobody will have any reason to judge you.

>> No.9967729

>actually using NMEA sentences
Pretty autistic, 8/10

>> No.9967730

i don't disagree. his worldbuilding was top tier. his writing is some of the most droning, boring drivel ive ever seen.

i literally dropped lotr after the 10th paragraph describing a tree in the most esoteric terms possible.

>> No.9967731

Okay, now I want to know what happens next.

>> No.9967732

It's unlikely he had any, since orcs did not appear to have any form of currency.

>> No.9967733

Never heard of that video game

>> No.9967734

Is this real or something /lit/ made for a giggle?

>> No.9967735

Someone should rewrite this.

>> No.9967736

Yeah. His name is Joseph Anderson.

>> No.9967737

Good one.

>> No.9967738

Not him but why do you feel mistborn is bad? Aside from the Mary Sue MC, if ever

>> No.9967739

It's real. Written by some guy in the 70s

>> No.9967740

One, not true, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. If an agent discovers a good story he can convince publishing houses to pick it up even if it was self published. A few self-published books have gone on to sell movie rights, and others, while not traditionally published, still can become international successes.

Stop falling for the lies of the publishing houses.

>writing a novel for years

This is your problem.

>> No.9967741

That makes me feel better. I'm antipodean, myself, so I always feel really self-conscious about exploring stuff like this.
Thanks again for the advice, anon!

>> No.9967742
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>"How are you feeling about this?" Burke asked, while the final parts of their aegis armors where assembled by the AI controlled ship engineer. "Good."

>> No.9967743

Is this an image for ants?

>> No.9967744

>his writing is some of the most droning, boring drivel ive ever seen.
I think you're being overdramatic for shock value, but yes, I understand your point. I didn't finish LotR either. The writing was just too long-winded to hold my interest. I understand why it appeals to people though and I think it deserves to be called good literature, not genre fiction.

>> No.9967745

Genre fiction is not really a derogatory term.

>> No.9967746
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>Just glancing at Adam told him that he was feeling the same. "How are you feeling about this?" Burke asked

>> No.9967747

>not liking trees

>> No.9967748

This is advice that has been repeated to me multiple times by people that I trust with experience with publishing. While I don't doubt there are exceptions, it sounds like a pretty standard rule of thumb to leave self-publishing as a last resort.

>> No.9967749

Game-y, but I like it. Better than the original for sure.

>> No.9967750
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Is that seriously a real title? How bland and unimaginative can you be?

Just look how many of these fucking things I can spit out, it's so generic.

>The Warrior and the Assassin
>The Lady and the General
>The Sailor and the Thief
>The Shitposter and the Janitor

>> No.9967751

>The Janitor and the Hot Pocket

>> No.9967752

What it really means is that if you self-publish, use a pen name. Then if you decide you want to pursue a publisher later use a different one. Easy.

>> No.9967753

A few publishing houses also don't accept works that have been published already, so yeah, you absolutely should leave self-publishing as a last resort.

>> No.9967754

It reads like it had a shit editor, and really feels unimaginative.

>> No.9967755

>The OP and the Shitposter

>> No.9967756
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>he thinks it had an editor

>> No.9967757


>The Virgin and the Chad

>> No.9967758
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>this is the guy people are shilling that he's better than Matthewmatosis

>> No.9967759

Whatever works for you man, if you want to traditionally publish it's fine. But don't spread lies about self-publishing. You can be successful with it. Successful as in even being able to make a living off of it, becoming some kind of celebrity author notwithstanding.

>> No.9967760

Yeah, obviously we now know matthewmatosis is superior since his own self-published genre fiction is so much better.

>> No.9967761

but they had menus

>> No.9967762

I remember writing shite like this, aged 11, for an english assignment.

>> No.9967763

Not him, but while I don't think she's a Mary Sue, she and Elend are a lot blander than practically any other character

>> No.9967764

/v/ - Videogames

>> No.9967765

He had no editor*.
A mediocre editor only needs two sentences to realize what the problem is.

>> No.9967766

>How does this man dare to criticize anything?
as long as he keeps making reasonable comments on the games while showing stuff in videos, I'll keep watching them and listening to him, he's entertaining and I don't need to agree with everything he says to understand his points of view

>> No.9967767

Also not him but it completely shits the bed after the first book

>> No.9967768
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>Self published fiction terribly written is better than none
>"i-if he's so g-g-good why doesn't he do one!" mentality

>> No.9967769

That post went so high over your head I'm surprised you even realized it was there.

>> No.9967770

>Tomb Raider reboot

How do you fuck up so bad when you have based TP as a role model?

>> No.9967771

I won't disagree with that. Vin was truly just some autist who knew only how to kill well, whereas Elend started off weak but developed better. The final fights in the last book was pretty great for me, though

>> No.9967772

Writing takes time and commitment. Write 1000 words a day till you have the first draft, lock it in a drawer for a couple weeks, then revisit it with fresh eyes and start to really hammer it out. The posted example just stinks of laziness.

>> No.9967773
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>tfw finished my first ever novel a few days ago
>too fucking autistic to send it to any publishing house
I literally get shivers when I think of people reading my drivel.

>> No.9967774
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>> No.9967776


Post a sample chapter, nigger.

>> No.9967775

The first step is to overcome your fear.
Pastebin that shit

>> No.9967777

Send it to me, anon.

>> No.9967778

Show us your books then, since you "dare" criticize things yourself?

Come on now. Surely you can stand up to your own standards.

>> No.9967779

then what's the problem? If you don't want it published, be satisfied that you wrote it and that's all you need.

>> No.9967780

poast it, can't be any worse than the writer from OP, and that guy gets paid to write

>> No.9967781

this. couldnt go on when the hobbits got to that elven city and there are pages on pages of poetry in a made up language.

>> No.9967782

Been writer is a blessing nowdays.
Just come up with VN idea. write everything, hire good artist to do sprites and you are settled.

>> No.9967783
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>Mfw I send them anything of worth to me because I know my ability to write trashy fanfic-tier garbage is almost unmatchable, but my desire to be a respected author conflicts with my crippling lack of confidence and self-respect, and I don't want to be known as the faggot who wrote 50 chapters about X character and Y character's pseudo-lewd adventure

>> No.9967784
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It's not written in English, sorry.

But I actually want people to read it, I'm just a pussy.

>> No.9967785


>> No.9967786

>It's not written in English

Neither am I. Post it.

>> No.9967787

What language is it, anon? If it's french, I can help you.

>> No.9967788

just do it you pussy.
if Dean Koontz and this hack can sell books so can you

>> No.9967789

no excuses, post that shit
dont even think, just post

>> No.9967790

What is it about, anon?
Post it!

>> No.9967791

Anon, I have the same insecurities that you have. But you need to remember something. Think of this whenever you don't have the confidence to be a big guy. Publishing houses accept literal turd dogshit that you wouldn't be able to read even if you were paid minimum wage. The collected garbage that I've gone through haunts me. In my nightmares, I can still see the word photoshopped used as an adjective for something spoken. Even if what you've written is terrible, you can still make money off of it as long as the genre is marketable.

>> No.9967792

This. Even if it's shit, you have seen the literal trash lining the shelves. I'm sure you can at least make a few bucks and feel confident enough to do it again later.

>> No.9967793

>But I actually want people to read it, I'm just a pussy.
If you want people to read it then it won't give you shivers to think of people reading it. What you want is to get the benefits of having published something people like without going through the risk of actually putting yourself out in the open, subject to scrutiny.

>> No.9967794

Examples? I want something to read.

>> No.9967795

On it, coach. This is going to take awhile though.

>> No.9967796

Writefag here, post it and take the criticism to get better

>> No.9967797

It's written in Spanish.
What's the point though.

>> No.9967798

Don't post it.

>> No.9967799

Faust 2 is real though

>> No.9967800

He doesn't mention writing a lot either and it is usually a separate piece in his overall criticism of a game when he does.

>> No.9967801

we can tell you if it's haflway decent or not
can't get better without criticism, and it's pretty hard to fairly criticise your own work

>> No.9967802

It's probably fucking really shit and if you post it here we'll laugh at it for being absolutely terrible. You should feel ashamed you wasted your time, buddy.
Creating shit is for faggots since everyone always ends up inevitably making steaming turds.

>> No.9967803

Let some other spics here read it then, what's the issue here? Do you think you're facing ridiculous competition in the Mexican-Spaniard literary market?

>> No.9967804
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>trying to get into the Malazan books
t-there are so many, i just can't

>> No.9967805

The point is that, amidst shitposting, you can get valid criticism here that can help you as a writer, also it's a small way to help get over a fear and in the end we're all anonymous so our opinions only really mean as much as you want them too.

Just post it, pendejo.

>> No.9967806

Except he isn't being descriptive, he's being expository, dumbass.

>> No.9967807

>Creating shit is for faggots since everyone always ends up inevitably making steaming turds.

Phil Fish? Is that you, buddy?

>> No.9967808

Thanks for explaining, I think i get the general idea.

>> No.9967809

>The point is that, amidst shitposting, you can get valid criticism here that can help you as a writer,
No, he probably can't. This is the video game board on 4chan, which is primarily populated by underage, shitposters and porn addicts. It is not a place where anyone is likely to get any good advice on their writing.

>> No.9967810
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I'll google translate and tell you if it's good or not.

>> No.9967811

Yo puedo leer español, maricón. Postealo

>> No.9967812
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>think about a story
>tell the premise and a simplified version of it to some friends and people
>they like it and tell me to write it
>have to think about how many chapters it has, character interactions, buildup and atmosphere
>tfw have been stuck on this for 2 years

>> No.9967813

sube esa madre ese

>> No.9967814

the people who don't care or aren't able to give good advice on writing aren't going to bother reading it

>> No.9967815

No, I perfectly understand it.
I meant what would be the point of posting it if no one even speaks the language.

Yeah you might be right, but still, since I've finished it I still feel like I'd be a waste to just let it rot on my drive. Even if I started writing it solely because I wanted to avoid feeling guilty at wasting yet another vacation before college starts again now that it's finished I really want to do something with it.

>> No.9967816

This is /v/, the second most popular board on 4chan.
There are quite obviously a number of spanish speakers

>> No.9967817

>Not good enough at English to pass for a native
>Dutch is atrophied after so many years of internet
Guess I'm not writing anything ever.

>> No.9967818

when will sony adapt it

>> No.9967819
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>In an interview with Theis on 8 March 1984 on Hour 25, a talk show on KPFK, the presenters of which would periodically stage a reading of The Eye of Argon, Theis stated that he was hurt that his story was being mocked and said he would never write anything again.

>> No.9967820

>Faggots ITT don't like Mistborn
Opinions discarded.

>> No.9967821

Whatever I guess
LFff8sr3 at pastebin
I still keep changing it everytime I read it anew but I feel like it's still too expository.

>> No.9967822

>this but I wanted to make a video game out of it
>tfw ideas are too advanced and ambitious like mirrors and advamced particle physics
>tfw I don't even know how to make a game

>> No.9967823

Don't post it on /v/. It would border on the level of stupidity of someone posting their face on /v/.

You either want people to read it, or you don't. You said above that you get shivers imagining people reading your drivel. That means you're not confident it's good. If you're not confident it's good, then it isn't a waste not to publish it. If you are confident it's good, I mean actually confident in that, then you wouldn't really be afraid of people reading it.

I say this as an aspiring writer who's yet to get published and has a lot of rejections under his belt. I'll rack up a lot more before I get published, if I ever do. I don't care. I still think my stuff is good.

And no, I'm not posting it on /v/.

>> No.9967824

This. My english isnt good enough and my mother's tongue isnt so smooth anymore in the written form.

>> No.9967825


Everything creaked and moaned with metallic coldness. Six inches of glass were all that seperated Monrow from the expanse before him, the oceanous vacuum of space. The star nearest peaked out from behind the planet Meidum's ridge. Monrow pressed his thumb to the window, blotted it away. Closer was his own reflection, then a familiar face out from behind him.

"It' won't be easy," He said, placed a reassuring hand on Monrow's shoulder, "fully fortified, well-stocked, and no obvious lapses as far as security goes. Things are gonna get hairy, real quick."
Monrow turned to face him, "Get the cargo, kill the crooks. Just like the good old days, yeah?"
"Per request. The base goes, too."
"For insurance?"
"For fun."

>> No.9967826
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>tfw better at English than my native tongue
>never lived in an anglophone nation

>> No.9967828

the writing is awful and there's a big gap between it and stormlight archive.

>> No.9967827

"For you."

>> No.9967829

>start writing
>finish story after a year
>later think how i could still continue telling the story foward
>repeat 2 more times
>a mess of a monster
>start a new story and try to contain myself
>finish 2 years later
>...but what if i continue it tho

i don't fucking know when to stop

>> No.9967830

Could use a lot of improvement, but far better than the original.

>> No.9967831
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>think up cool and fantastical story idea
>keep setting it in the real world in foreign places that I never visited and never will
>too lazy to go through the effort of learning multiple histories/languages/geography just so the setting and characters don't seem phoned in

I wish I was a playboy billionaire savant scholar

>> No.9967832

That's amore

>> No.9967833

Yeah, there's nothing to gain from posting it on /v/. On the off chance you actually get constructive criticism, it's not going to be anything unique that you can't get elsewhere. And then in the best case scenario you'll have 300 underage shitposters calling you a hack. At worst, someone makes a ~hilarious~ reaction image with some innocuous typo you made which spreads across the internet ruining your and your book's reputation before it even starts

>> No.9967834


Genre fiction is inherently derivative and those predictable elements are boring (for example: as soon as I hear the phrase "bounty hunter" and it's not from something pre-1970's I'm shelving that shit before my brain tries to squeeze out my ears and through the door)

> "Meidum" reads like a typo of "Medium"
> Saturated with cliches
> Pretentious delivery of cliches that also hamfists the line rythym ("preparing for their last job together, only one of them was aware of that")
> Exposition
> Exposition
> Exposition
> Confusing dialogue
> Dialogue used for exposition rather than characterisation
> Focus on snooze-worthy technical details rather than characterisation
> Conflicting characterisation given by passages of exposition (are they friends or are they not?)
> Powah Armor
> Sexy AI

It's not like I can write any better. But I did write anything that dreadful I'd at least never share it with anyone, let alone publish it.

>> No.9967835

Don't write until you have a definitive beginning and end for your story or it's going to be an unstructured abomination

>> No.9967836

Well even if I'm nervous about people reading it, I still think that is way better than the stuff posted in this thread.
I'm just not satisfied with merely being above that level, I really want it to be something good.

>> No.9967837
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>think of a story, characters and locations
>too lazy to write it

>> No.9967838

what site?

>> No.9967839

What part of "Opinion discarded" made you stumble?

The first book in Stormlight Archive fucking sucked.

>> No.9967840

>/v/ - literature

>> No.9967841


Mix this and this >>9967724 and we're getting somewhere.

>> No.9967842

>I'm just not satisfied with merely being above that level, I really want it to be something good.
Good. Merely being above the level of what's posted in this thread is no standard to aim for.

I wrote my first novel when I was still in high school. It was fucking horrible. But it gave me a lot of satisfaction to have finished it. When I realized how bad it was, I was disappointed, but it also gave me motivation to get better.

Your first novel is unlikely to be really great. Put it away for a while and go back to it with fresh eyes, you'll probably see many flaws. And if you keep writing, you'll eventually create one that's much better, and maybe you'll even feel so confident in its quality that you are ready to try to publish it.

>> No.9967843

Do you guys imitate a writer's style?
I wanted to write something using Haruhi's author style, first person really unreliable narrator.
I remember the first time I read the LNs and I always questioned myself if Kyon was thinking out loud or everyone could read his thoughts. I thought that shit was great.

>> No.9967844

I'll be waiting anon.

>> No.9967845
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Fucking this

>> No.9967846

This is my biggest fucking problem. I'm too much of a brainlet to do that depth of research. Writing is the easy part for me.

>> No.9967847

I thought i did, but as soon as i get deep on the story and things start adapting while writing, i feel like i could go further with the characters i am creating. I want to see them on all these different situations, interacting with each other.

>> No.9967848

I think you could start with some action/movements and dialogue on the first few paragraphs instead of long exposition. Remember that the first impression is important.

>> No.9967849

>Do you guys imitate a writer's style?
Yes. This is a great thing to do. That doesn't mean you should try to imitate a writer's style and publish it, but it's a great learning tool. Eventually you'll start to develop your own voice out of it.

Think about it like this. If you want to play an instrument, what do you do? You learn songs by artists you enjoy. It's the same principle.

>> No.9967850
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>Currently writing Bloodborne fanfiction
>Not necessarily just a story about characters, but rather a small bible of sorts for different Great Ones and explanations on how the Kin of their particular blood orders work
>Ended the whole thing by being signed by different characters in the setting, like Logarius's excerpt on the execution methods for Vilebloods, or the Powder Keg Trio's documents on how they initially laid siege on Old Yarnham and drank from rivers of blood before stopping to realize how monstrous their actions were at the end of the day and eventually just taking up arms to defend the ruins
>Know that I literally cannot sell this anywhere beyond fans commissioning a print of it

At least it's fun writing.

>> No.9967851
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Not bad for a swamp German.

>> No.9967852
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>think of a story
>mind always makes up about the conflict and ending
>can't think of a way to start it
fucking hell

>> No.9967853

in medias res

>> No.9967854
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>tfw only stories I've written were fetish shit

>> No.9967855

Go full Malazan. Start your story in the middle, explain nothing, then add a pretentious foreword about how everyone who doesn't understand your art is a filthy plebian.

>> No.9967856

any you can link familia?

>> No.9967857
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>make up a story
>think about making it a game
>don't know how to make a game
>I'll try to animate it then
>animation is hard as hell
>I'll make a comic, those are easy right?
>it takes me 3 months to draw just one panel
>fuck it I'll write it
>too lazy to write
Why am I such a fucking failure?

>> No.9967858

Don't give in to those temptations. if you want more of them interacting with each other that means you've made likeable characters, so that's probably good, but if you stray too far from your initial outline, you'll end up with an unfocused narrative.
Remember that your characters are there to contribute to the narrative, your narritive isn't there to for the characters' benefits.
it's a bit of a crude analogy, but think of jar jar binks, everybody hated him because his 'character' encroached too much on the plot and didn't contribute in any meaningful way.

>> No.9967859

>write opening chapter
>flawlessly start in medias res without leaving the reader confused
>plot is immediately gripping and suspenseful
>characters perfectly representing and hinting at the moral philosophical concepts that will be at odds in the overall story
>resolves in a satisfying way but still leaves the reader aching to know what happens next
>try to write 2nd chapter
>it comes off like a cheesy sitcom
>realize I didn't actually think of an actual story
>characters meander around with nothing to do for no reason for like 60 pages
>give up
>drink self to death

>> No.9967860

His reviews are just as garbage as his writing, so that's unsurprising.

>> No.9967861

Yeah that's definitely something I thought about, when something happens it's after a few pages of just exposition disguised as thoughts and internal monologues, it's kinda weak for something as important as a beginning.

>> No.9967862

Whats wrong with that

The world needs porn and it being vile debased hedonistic shit gives you reason to never submit it for publishing

>> No.9967863

Why not just rework it into a short story.

>> No.9967864

>Genre fiction
What does this actually mean? A quick search says that it's fiction written to be part of a certain genre, as opposed to literary fiction but I don't really understand that. Is it just genre fiction = bad, literary fiction = good?

>> No.9967865
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>Spent a lot of time imitating Robert Jordan's writing style when I was younger for writing and for roleplaying.
>Started to move away from it after a few years but SWEET LORD can I describe a tea cozy.

>> No.9967866

>>characters meander around with nothing to do for no reason for like 60 pages

Sounds like a lot of books I've read

>> No.9967867

Resident Evil:
https://www.archiveofourown org/works/7794475/chapters/24597195

https://www.archiveofourown org/works/7794544

http://archiveofourown org/works/7884013

Scooby Doo:
https://archiveofourown org/works/9908609

http://www.archiveofourown org/works/9908669 (Same story but futa)

Sonic the Sissyhog:
http://archiveofourown org/works/11798901

http://archiveofourown org/works/11778270

https://archiveofourown org/works/11923920

Hey Arnold:
>Rhonda needs money and has to work as a street walker to help her family out (Make sure to leave a review if you want to see a chapter 3.)

https://archiveofourown org/works/10190687

>Rhonda and her boytoy force Phoebe into a threesome

https://archiveofourown org/works/7838134

Mortal Kombat:
http://archiveofourown org/works/9800783 (Futa)

http://archiveofourown org/works/9499943

King of the Hill:
https://www.archiveofourown org/works/9908747

Note: None of my stories feature niggers

>> No.9967868
File: 48 KB, 539x960, modern poetry lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9967869

Delete everything you wrote after the initial chapter, re read what you do have and just sit and think for a long time what the overarching plot is.
it's a bit foolish to start writing at all if you have no idea what the plot will be, but if you've genuinely made something interesting then you'll have to generate an idea that builds well from what you'be already done.
That, or throw the idea in the trash and start something else.
If this is your first story then be content in the fact that you've written something well, because most peoples' first stories are garbage.

>> No.9967870

You might be the biggest faggot I've ever seen here

>> No.9967871


There's only 10 and you've got literally decades left in your life to do it. Just read

>> No.9967872

"Literary fiction" is how people talk about fiction that's meant to be in the tradition of great (mostly western) literature classics. It's generally fiction set in the real world, with a focus on the quality and unique character of the prose, with the author exploring various themes of morality, culture, politics, humanity, whatever it may be.

Genre fiction is generally considered to be written more for the excitement of the reader, so it is often (but not always) written in fantastical settings like fantasy worlds or the far future, and typically involves adventure, humor, action, sex, basically anything to appeal to the reader on a more base level.

Obviously, there can be a lot of crossover there, like with the works of Tolkien or serious science fiction writers like Heinlein or Asimov who are obviously exploring deeply intellectual/philosophical issues using the kinds of settings and stories you'd associate with genre fiction. It's an arbitrary distinction overall, but one that tends to be a pretty good guide as to what you're likely to find in a novel.

A lot of literary agents will specifically state that they don't publish "genre fiction" or will list "literary fiction" as a genre they publish.

>> No.9967873
File: 178 KB, 1788x570, smut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only thing I can write is smut

>> No.9967874

Genre fiction is fun. Literary fiction is pretentious 2deep5me schlock.

>> No.9967875
File: 94 KB, 540x1080, 1494465895251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW didn't fall for the "STEM is a meme" meme

>> No.9967876

So it'd be like a game where you're right in the middle of a conflict then you get flash backs? I guess that could work.

Captcha: Dante AVENUE

>> No.9967877

i found this guy a few days ago and his existence baffles me. i don't understand how a person can lack this much self-awareness.

>> No.9967878
File: 479 KB, 710x385, 1497671369900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That picture
Math is fucking stupid.

>> No.9967879

Also, how would describe action scenes without sounding convoluted? I always feel like going into details, but seeing how it usually just ends up in a confusing mess of actions i try to keep it vague or just change the scene completely.

>> No.9967880

Action scenes are never really very good in books. It's best to keep it short and general and let the reader fill it in with their mind. Focus instead on how the action scene is relevant to the development of the characters and the story.

>> No.9967881

Literature is not a good medium to describe physical movements, so you should generally avoid going into much detail about action.
Just write enough to let the imagination of the reader fill the blanks.

>> No.9967882
File: 1.17 MB, 1588x2862, 1453656323224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rowling? Please don't compare Jopseph Anderson to one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises? Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.9967883

>Literature is not a good medium to describe physical movements

Oh you don't read the porn I read

>> No.9967884

>Test it
>It's true
Fuck maths

>> No.9967885
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Brainlet detected.

>> No.9967886
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I've been waiting for this

>> No.9967887
File: 252 KB, 484x676, the legacy of totalitarianism in a tundra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't read /lit/'s magnum opus yet

>> No.9967888

But, where did it even mention that function was used?

>> No.9967889


Vague is fine. Write what you believe is necessary.

As an example, say two fighters are fighting in a duel where every hit scores a point. In this situation, it's appropriate to describe every move as every move has consequence without ending the fight. If they are fighting with sword and shield in a war, the only action that will result in consequences is one of the combatants dying, so its okay to skip the dozen or so shield blocks/parties.

You can write what you want, but keep in mind what the reader wants to read.

>> No.9967890

Keeping it vague is usually the best thing to do, leaving much of the action to reader's imagination is usually the best you can do in this situation. if there's a sword fight for instance, you don't need to tell the reader about every dodge and parry that happens. remember that actions scenes aren't really conducive to writing like they are movies and such.

if you want to get a feel for it, the best thing to do is read other books and see how they handle their action.
I assume you're writing in the third person?

>> No.9967891

Why is he such a contrarian?
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eFhRFWSmFGg skip to 2:40
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ma4DJbvO84I skip to 1:33:08

>> No.9967892

the biggest problem i'd say is that most people have already read around and theorized for themselves and like their own interpretations of BB's opaque lore, and probably wouldn't want yours

>> No.9967893

Yeah I tried over and over to rewrite that one until I lost everything on that drive. It was a relief in a way, but sometimes I still think about that first chapter...

I started something new and kind of almost did the same thing. At least this time the main character is actually in the opening scene, and it's representative of the things he actually does. This time I have a much better idea of how it's going to end and what the big turning point that leads there is, but I'm struggling with the immediate steps in between. i can do more stand alone-ish episodes like the intro, but it keeps feeling disjointed(obviously) and then suddenly some character drops the main conflict on the protagonists head

>> No.9967894

>night doing fappiness as usual
>doujins and webms aren't doing it
>some fag posts details on how some fictional character would be having me in her lap and yadda yadda
>dick is diamonds
what the fuck man

>> No.9967895

That's funny. I'm the kind of autist that will do all the research but never any of the writing.

>> No.9967896


>> No.9967897
File: 48 KB, 326x500, Bakuman_Vol_1_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a manga

>> No.9967898

It's the mind boner - fetishes seeping into your brain and the words hooking that shit in like a vice.

>> No.9967899

>First time fapping to literature
Goddamn that was a wild ride

>> No.9967900


>> No.9967901

When you see porn you're being titillated through direct exposition. You're being excited at sensing people having sex with your vision.
When you read porn you're being titillated through your brain, you're reading a sexual scene being described and you have to construct it in your imagination.
The brain is the most powerful organ.

>> No.9967902

So i got that right at least.
Also, what do you guys think unexplained things, either being minor or major the plot? If i have the explanation about something but never write it anywhere in the story, how bad would that be? Should i at least leave hints for the reader to figure it out if they choose to try and put it all together?

I know that this is a little too vague without going into details, but i kinda want to know what you guys think.

It shifts between first and third, but most of it is in first person.

>> No.9967903

>The brain is the most powerful organ.
The brain is so powerful that it named itself.

Yet its impotent to escape the bone shell that encases it.

>> No.9967904
File: 85 KB, 700x466, 1503904223916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rate me /vlit/

>> No.9967905

>No Lies of Locke Lamora game

>> No.9967906
File: 196 KB, 432x444, 1503281376103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one anon

>> No.9967907

The brain developed powerful reflexes to keep us alive, but yet it wasn't enough

>> No.9967908

Case in point.

>> No.9967909
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1488897940478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>causing him to nearly bumped into

>> No.9967910
File: 22 KB, 400x400, dear god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think up a story
>Write about 10-15 pages
>Realize I don't enjoy reading novels, let alone writing them
>Scrap it and curse the fact I can't draw
>rinse and repeat

>> No.9967911

I'm assuming that you're going straight into writing without having a definite plan?

A lot of people find that the best way to write a story is in 3 stages (or more)
the first is your plan - outline all the major events, consider what your themes are and what the overall message you're trying to convey is, and describe all the major characters
the second is to bullet point your entire story - once you're completely set on what you want to do, write the entire story in bullet points, join up the plot points with the narrative thread.
the third is writing your story, this part's pretty obvious.
if you do that, it's a lot easier to write a constant, focused narrative, and you won't end up accidentally writing yourself into a corner, or writing lots of separate stories
apologies if you already do this, but from the problems you're hitting i'm assuming this would be a good way for you to proceed.
also, assuming this is your first story, don't try to be clever with framing or plot twists or anything like that, remember that writing is just like anything else, you'll get better with practice.

>> No.9967912
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>I enjoy watching a product of passion

>> No.9967913

This weak ass prose can't get me hard.

>> No.9967914


Oh no, whatever will we do without a game about a generic thief story with minor magical elements (minor is being generous)

>> No.9967915

>poetry about how sad the poet's life is
Glad i moved past that.

>> No.9967916

You don't have to leave hints.
Don't explain whatever you don't want to explain, and if someone asks you call them brainlets.
That's the mark of a great artist.

>> No.9967917
File: 137 KB, 350x350, 1480086524303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been creative and imaginative and in school I always excelled at writing but I've always been too lazy to read anything and advance past that level.

I'm literally an idea guy and I hate myself because of it.

>> No.9967918

It's boring, you don't have to be smart to tell when a book is good and when it's generic and boring

>> No.9967919

>I hate fun.
Fuck off, wizardfag.

>> No.9967920

explains everything.

>> No.9967921
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 3 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an idea guy, I've finished dozens of short stories and even wrote a few RPG maker games to completion (including finishing the games themselves).

I just don't like novels, so of course I don't want to write one either. I wish I could draw so I could do a comic, because I do enjoy those.

>> No.9967922

The fact his books were dogshit doesn't mean he doesn't make good points. I'll admit he spends too much time explaining arbitrary bullshit that's obvious to anyone who's played the game, but when he gets down to brass tax he can make some good points (key example being his witness review). That said, he's probably gotten an audience from the length of his videos more than the quality of his analysis, and he isn't shit compared to someone like matthewmatosis.

>> No.9967923

Niggas, don't start straight into fucking novels, start small with short-stories and such.

>> No.9967924

I have, see: >>9967921

>> No.9967925

I actually wish I could draw, too. Whenever I think of a story or an idea, I have an easier time visualizing how it would be in comic or movie format than how to write it down.

>> No.9967926

I'm not really sure what you mean about this bit, maybe give us an example?

Writing effectively in first person is very difficult, and i'd only consider doing it as a clever framing device or something like that. If you can make it work though, props to you

>> No.9967927

"I'm a bad boy that she seems to think
is intellectual."
The fucker just straight up cut the line without thinking for a second on how you would actually read that.

>> No.9967928

this is me.
LITERALLY looking up shit today for a fantasy comic i want to do. i know ill never write it. or even come up with a plot.

>> No.9967929

Anyone here has ever published something?

>> No.9967930
File: 17 KB, 325x436, 1315253970745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what's worse. The fact that this guy feels as if his position as a man who can wake up with a cigarette, a coffee, a glass of wine, a cig next to an ashtray, a fully working typewriter, his own home, and a woman is deserving of sympathy because he knows he's a retarded faggot and that his fake bad-boy persona is going to get him dropped like a rock in the future, or that he felt the need to put this online to show the world. I'd say the HUNDREDS of people who gave this a "Like" need to be shot as well, but in this case, that Marlboro-smoking faggot is the biggest embarrassment.

>> No.9967931
File: 43 KB, 539x960, modern poetry lol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's poetry
You would
not understand

>> No.9967932

I dunno, people like him are a diamond dozen.

>> No.9967933

I just know that more than 90% of the people that like this shit are women.

>> No.9967934

sup /vlit/ rate my isekai im currently working on.

>> No.9967935

Adam opened a direct line to Munrow's communicator. "You ready?"
"Are you ready? We're in orbit."
"I told you the /Spirit/ was fast. Come on, grab your shit and meet me at the pods."
"Hang on, I'm getting my armour."
"You're not in it yet?"
"I just finished taking a shit. You can't shit in armour."
"I thought you could shit in your armour. Doesn't it have like a little can for it? Or a flap."
"Yeah, but I'm not going to shit in my armour if I don't have to, Adam."
"Well then what's the point of shit-capable armour? Like, did you pay extra for that?"
"Are you retarded? It's standard."
"Hey, I'm a flier not a soldier. I don't quiz you on how to get a gatling off a hardpoint."
"So what, you thought that everyone just stripped off their fucking power armour every time they needed to take a shit? It's standard on all armour."
Adam whistled. "What a time to be alive. Alright, whatever, ping me when you're suited up."
A few minutes later, Munrow pinged Adam as instructed. Or, well, not quite. When Adam accepted the communication it wasn't Burke's voice on the other line. "Good morning," she said. Adam didn't know who she was, but she sounded very fuckable. "Mr Burke Munrow has instructed me to communicate to this frequency that he is ready."
Adam frowned. He reopened his direct line to Burke. "What's up?" Munrow asked.
"Who's the chick on line 4?"
There was silence for a second, presumably as Munrow checked his keys. "That's Gertie. She's the suit AI."
"Your suit has an AI?" Adam didn't even have an AI for the /Spirit/. "Is that standard?"
Burke scoffed. "No, that costs extra. My armour is pre-mi-um. I told you to buy some when you had the chance. This kind of gear doesn't fall of the backs of trucks often."
"Yeah, nah, I'd rather just not get shot at."
"I learned in the war that you can't always run away, Adam."
"I can in the /Spirit/. You know what I learned in the war? How to make beer in a shoe. Also, what the hell kind of name is Gertie?"

>> No.9967936
File: 519 KB, 500x715, doom skeleton aaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9967937

The worst baker in the world can still tell you that your cake is too salty.

>> No.9967938

why am i not surprised he's a narcissistic, egocentric, hipster dickhead

>> No.9967939

Someone elucidate the difference between genre fictions literary fiction with something tangible instead of pretentious nonsense

>> No.9967940

Yeah, you are being kind of vague. This is the best I can offer based on what you said. Try to put yourself in the reader's shoes. Is this unexplained thing going to nag them? If you were reading the story, and something was unexplained, would you stop and think, "but wait, I thought I was supposed to get a resolution here?" If so, it's probably a problem.

If you can be more specific I can give a much better answer, but it's hard to tell exactly what you mean.

>> No.9967941

Too much dialog
You did a better job of characterising them though

>> No.9967942

Did you know that there are classes you can sign up for where people will teach you how to draw?

>> No.9967943

at least they aren't light american spirits

>> No.9967944
File: 78 KB, 639x659, 1503321479500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Warning, contains ample male crossdressing, light bondage, and other explicit content.

>> No.9967945

>ample male crossdressing
>light bondage
What am I getting into?

>> No.9967946

I have a weakness for scenes carried entirely by dialogue. I've read too much Jane Austen.

My fatal flaw is that I'm too shit a writer to pull them off.

>> No.9967947
File: 952 KB, 1275x710, 1490717408423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comedy friends. Comedy.

>> No.9967948

The male crossdressing draws me in, but everything else sounds like hot Japanese garbage.

>> No.9967949

That question is asking you to notice a pattern. A pattern is just a simplistic way of saying function.

So technically it's a poorly written question that has multiple, if not infinite, answers.

>> No.9967950

It's excellent.

>> No.9967951
File: 16 KB, 251x201, 1503848054946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if this yuppie can get pussy likes for shitty "poetry," then I believe all you anons can write that lewd fanfiction masturproject you had brewing in your head for years and get more than 2 views!

>> No.9967952

yeah... haha... comedy! haha

>> No.9967953

Just pull an Ace Combat and set it in not-Earth.

>> No.9967954

Lewd fanfiction doesn't get you pussy.
You have to dress it up as erotica and that's just fucking boring.

>> No.9967955
File: 2.42 MB, 360x276, Patrick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9967956

/v/ released book full of vidya lewd fanfics when?

>> No.9967957

Wait... His icon is an original cover for one of his books? I could fucking swear it was some art from GW2 or something like that.

>> No.9967958

How would I go about learning to write stories? Is there even any point in trying If I haven't spent my whole life reading?

>> No.9967959

>Shittalking Mark fuckin' Twain.

>> No.9967960

Sure. Start reading stories now.

>> No.9967961

I actually had at least a few dozen regular followers, and a total count of 200, on Hentai Foundry when I was writing erotica. Was pretty prolific too. I deleted it all to move on to write stuff that isn't smut. No regrets.

>> No.9967962

>falling for bait pic
C'mon, Atlas Shrugged in God-tier is a dead giveaway

>> No.9967963

Gormenghast vidya when?

>> No.9967964

There's a lot of resources online. I suggest you read Stephen King's "On Writing" (Even if his work doesn't appeal to you, he offers good advice), and "Elements of Style" for general tips on composition and prose.

Read stories you think you might like and pay attention to how the sentences are constructed.

>> No.9967965

It's a bait pic but it has plenty of accurate things.
If you take out Ayn Rand, Tao Lin and Les Miserables the top two tiers are pretty solid.

>> No.9967966


just start reading on the regular until it becomes a habit-hobby, and keep a daily diary for practice. Don't be afraid to divert from your awful life to write down some neet ideas here and there.

>> No.9967967

How to git gud at writing:
1. read actively. Pick good books, not just fun books, and pay attention to them while you read them. Critically analyse them as you go. When you read a passage that is really good, go back and figure out why it is good.
2. write a lot. 1,000 words a day, ideally. It doesn't have to be good, it just has to be done. You will learn that writing anything is harder than writing something good.

>> No.9967968

Are you mad that he made some good points against a game you like?

>> No.9967969
File: 255 KB, 1200x801, oathbringer_cover-full_art_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ready for November anon?

>> No.9967970

>writing anything is harder than writing something good.

okay, no

>> No.9967971
File: 261 KB, 148x111, 1493703756566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started coming up with a neat setting and characters over the course of maybe 3-4 years
>never wright any of it down beyond some sketches of the main cast while working to improve my drawing ability
>get really invested and passionate about it
>tell a few people about it and they all had generally positive reactions to it and each encourage me to keep at it and actually do something with it
>at some point I realize the main story itself is just one of those The Last of Us/Logan roadtrip redemption stories that everyone and their brother has been doing lately
>start going over it again in my head and start becoming over-critical of it
>lose motivation and it all just slowly fades away bit by bit
>still want to retool the story and use the setting at some point, but am too demoralized to bother at the moment
One day I'll learn to stop being such a self-loathing faggot and man up enough to do something with it, but today ain't that day.

>> No.9967972
File: 349 KB, 300x169, pepe nuke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't struggle with his own crippling laziness and procrastination
you're on the wrong website, friend.

>> No.9967973

>roadtrip redemption stories
You say this like it's a bad thing.

>> No.9967974

He's right, that statement is logically incoherent. I understand what you're getting at, though.

>> No.9967975
File: 237 KB, 396x345, 400px_9887_Selfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me, reading this is like rubbing sandpaper against my soul

>> No.9967976

>over critical of anything i do, even after trying time and time again, which only makes it worse in the end

i couldn't be in a better place

>> No.9967977
File: 134 KB, 340x340, smugoriginal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The collected garbage that I've gone through haunts me. In my nightmares, I can still see the word photoshopped used as an adjective for something spoken.

>> No.9967978

Just because you're doing something puts you above many, but you're still incredibly far away from being good.

>> No.9967979

If you have a cool idea for your settings and stories and the like, don't write it until you know you can write consistently well.
The worst thing you can do is try to do something with it when you're still a novice writer, and it can be the most demoralising thing in writing, seeing your amazing idea be absolutely wasted

>> No.9967980
File: 159 KB, 746x982, born to feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologise for questioning your right to post, anon.

>> No.9967981

Thanks for the advice anons. I guess it's never too late to start.

>> No.9967982
File: 69 KB, 562x530, eric watching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can still see the word photoshopped used as an adjective for something spoken.

>> No.9967983

It's pointless to try in the first place; you'll never be good.

>> No.9967984

Bitch I'm ready now. The glorious Mormon bastard is releasing like 300 pages for free.

>> No.9967985

>at some point I realize the main story itself is just X + Y + Z put together
>if i try to come up with something original, it looks i am trying to be "lul so random"
>even if i tried to fish through century old books and use their ideas, i would still feel like i would be stealing them

god fucking dammit

>> No.9967986

I can't bring myself to finish The Shepherd's Crown, knowing that it's the last Discworld book ever.

>> No.9967987
File: 310 KB, 800x800, 1498446048557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


World War Genocide aside, you probably have at least 50 years left in you to gitgud at something, anything really. Be it composing post-modern critical "masterpieces," or monstermaid slice of life smut (with cute chibis) in your downtime.

I believe in you anon, but first you must believe in yourself!

And get off your lazy ass!

>> No.9967988

If you expect me to say that you're wrong, then no, you're right. For many this is the reality. Some just accept it and try to scavenge whatever they can in order to make a living out of it, others move on. Pretty sure that most of us, if not all are talented at something, but most are not given the chance of exploring that talent.

>> No.9967989

I wanna read something just as hype as A Song of Ice and Fire, give it to me nibbas

>> No.9967990
File: 20 KB, 282x271, my instincts tell me life shouldn't be so horrible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe in you anon, but first you must believe in yourself!

>> No.9967991
File: 337 KB, 1107x800, Equal Rites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially since Terry was extremely pro-equality. I'm currently re-reading Equal Rites. He's always been good at writing proper strong women characters, without making them into "look, they can do the exact same thing the boys do!"

>> No.9967992


>> No.9967993

The way I went about it, it kind of was. I feel like the characters themselves still have potential, but I can't really decide what to do with them at this point.

Yeah I get that. I was planning on doing some smaller stuff in the same universe to sort of hone my writing skills before I actually started on this thing in addition to developing the setting a bit, as well as working on my art since I'm planning all this as a webcomic or something similar but that's a whole other can of worms.

>> No.9967994

If you have a good literary background the prose just comes to you, the hard part is building the structure so it isn't just mindless wankery.
The only thing you need to have good prose is read a ton, the beautiful passages will stay in your mind and will resurface when you're trying to write something of your own, but to make a good story you actually need to analyze what makes a good story good.

>> No.9967995
File: 75 KB, 409x878, ef0e7e5329bfd7a0558b9e73d2a8a94e-d4gj8ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man he's a great critic but holy shit He's a terrible writer

>> No.9967996

I feel like artificially separating paragraphs to emphasize one sentence is the biggest mark of a hack writer.
I cringe everytime.

>> No.9967997

>expert of their field" doesn't mean
"good at making the stuff of their field".
>Your shitty opinion is valid even if you're not good at the thing you're talking about
Apex kek. You heard it here first folks.

>> No.9967998
File: 1.47 MB, 2592x1936, img_1335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working on book
>Pause to check /v/
>There's a thread on writing books

For fucks sake this thread is better than the entirety of /lit/.

My book is about rabbits. Please look for it soon.

>> No.9967999

Is it about anthropomorphic rabbits fucking each other?

>> No.9968000

I wouldn't worry about ripping things off so much as I would think about what kind of unique spin on whatever concept you're going with you can do. Everything's been done to death at this point so complete originality isn't worth worrying about, just try to think about what you can do to frame whatever it is you're writing in an interesting way.

>> No.9968001
File: 504 KB, 1140x553, nightmare2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about rabbit people killing each other in the name of creating a separate identity from humans, and the dregs of human society who live lives of sin and vice, who won't be missed when the rabbits come out of hiding.

Also has a cute girl protagonist.

>> No.9968002

t. Richard Adams

>> No.9968003

Sounds interesting, sample?

>> No.9968004

>It's about rabbit people killing each other in the name of creating a separate identity from humans, and the dregs of human society who live lives of sin and vice, who won't be missed when the rabbits come out of hiding.
Sounds cool.

Mine is about Soviet dogs and fascist cats locked in a war in the 1970s, and a forbidden romance between two enemy soldiers as they flee both armies to the not-USA across the sea.

>> No.9968005

>This game is buggy

>> No.9968006

So what you are telling me is that you are THE ONE THAT CONSORTS WITH BEASTS?

>> No.9968007

Yiff in hell furfags.

>> No.9968008

explain what's wrong

>> No.9968009

Why are they killing each other? A war?

>> No.9968010
File: 880 KB, 1109x1280, quality 26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is hell.

>> No.9968011

is that the fucking dragon from the dungeons and dragons 5e players handbook?

>> No.9968012

>/lit/ writing thread
>full of useless criticisms, "don't quit your day job" "glib facsimile" replies
>/v/ writing thread
>full of helpful advice and constructive discussion
What happened?

>> No.9968013

The board's theme is always the wrong theme.
/tv/ has bad movie taste, /v/ has bad videogame taste, so on and so on...

>> No.9968014
File: 112 KB, 533x626, mc slime 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a character in the book's universe, as is Beatrix Potter.

The formatting is a little screwy because of pastebin... And there's no italics where there should be. Sorry.

To avoid spoilers, there is a certain something rabbits can use to subvert the human mind, but it can only be gained through sacrificial means.
It is through this subversion that one influential figure believes he can create a place just for rabbits, where they can live without fear, without having to hide themselves.

Pic related: the MC. The little girl protag is soon revealed however don't worry.

>> No.9968015

Every board is better at off-topic discussion.

>> No.9968016

I wonder if /lit/ has good video game discussions?

>> No.9968023

Looks like we're about to find out.

>> No.9968025

Fucking modocaust.

>> No.9968028

Why does this garbage self-published genre fiction has 300+ replies?

>> No.9968032

It was a thread from /v/.

>> No.9968036

Thread was moved from /v/.

>> No.9968037

It was moved from /v/, he's one of those game critic types.

>> No.9968047
File: 88 KB, 732x889, VRewrite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no this shit isn't good enough for /lit/ standards

>> No.9968062
File: 564 KB, 800x430, never ever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9968069

It doesn't matter how much it's rewritten.
It just never stops being hogwash.

>> No.9968103

Thanks mod, I sure hope you enjoy wasting your time on making everyones' experience more miserable

>> No.9968115

>Thread on /v/ had 50 posts left
>Would have died in the next 10 minutes from regular activity
>Move to /lit/
>Will languish here for hours until it finally gets pushed off the board
amazing moderation

>> No.9968250

Mods are amazeballs if you didnt know

>> No.9968491

Yeah, sorry about this guys. We were just trying to have something nice for once, we didn't mean for it to get dumped on you.

>> No.9968570

The very last time I did a math test (I got 0), I stood outside the school and nearly had an OBE. Fuck math.