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9965114 No.9965114[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are Koreans the most anti-intellectual culture?

I lived there for 6 months, and all I saw were people going to the gym, dressing like they're going to a job interview, work their ass off and being so wrapped up in somatic distraction (be it their numerous pop-star prostitutes and prostitute pop-stars, outmoded games peddled to them by Activision, a company that's losing its relevance in the West, or their crablike attempts climb up the social ladder) that they have no thought to the pursuit of legitimate art, much less the ability to create it.
No high culture whatsoever.

>> No.9965117

sounds like you didn't get laid and are taking it out on the good people of korea desu

>> No.9965128


All Culture is anti-intellectual, as in looking away from Mind. What you saw in Korea is all that Society is.

>> No.9965132


>> No.9965133


Get your post-protestant inability to deal with sexu out of here, you plebeian Anglo.

>> No.9965135

You sound like a butthurt neckbeard.

>> No.9965146

Heavily industrialized Asian countries like Korea, Japan and China have extremely hermetic intellectual circles while the vast majority of the population doesn't care at all about the academic world. It's pretty much the same thing that happens in western countries but much more extreme. It's unlikely you will meet a person versed in the humanities in these countries while being a foreign. The regular Korean or Jap has no time or interest in anything that isn't work or mundane leisure.

>> No.9965150


If you think you'll find high culture in Asia, you're sorely mistaken.

>> No.9965160

Perry and Mao destroyed millennia of culture.
It's now a museum piece. Their entire culture might as well be our Latin. A dead semiotics.
I didn't meet anyone in China who gave a flying fuck about the ancient literature or anything that doesn't make a buck.
They were just 'proud' of a heritage which they knew nothing about, and at the end of the day they wanted to go see the new Captain America.

>> No.9965163


>> No.9965169

Literally all Asians are like this.

>> No.9965173

Asians are social autists

Porn is banned in current year in Korea, thats why K-POP exists as a softcore porn alternative disguised as '''''''''''''music''''''''''''' for example

>> No.9965183

Korea seems to have taken the consumerist culture to new extremes. It's like they all live in a waterpark advertisement or something. It seems like a very inauthentic place, without any real culture. At least that is my view as an American who has only experienced Korea secondhand through media.

>> No.9965191

I don't believe that the US is ANY better in this regard. Probably, it's much worse.

>> No.9965209

>a very inauthentic place, without any real culture. At least that is my view as an American
>my view as an American
>as an American

Jesus Christ, it must be real bad.

>> No.9965212


It isn't. They ape America.
Asians sound like 4chan eugenicists sometimes.
They embrace whatever is dominant and feel no need to shout "kangz"-tier resentment against the new overlord.
So American dominance to them seems like the way of nature and that's what they're supposed to emulate.
And about themselves they can be really self-deprecating. Like a Taiwanese girl I talked to said she had loser genes because the ROC had to flee from the communists, thus proving the PRC possesses superior genetics or some weird shit.
Honestly, Asian societies are extremely conservative and see everything going on as "how things are supposed to be" and never as a matter of contingency.

>> No.9965214

Even with all its problems the USA is still the best country to live, I know its relative so I would understand someone saying a euro country would have a better culture, but definitely not an asian

>> No.9965217

That's what you get for living in Detroit dingus.

>> No.9965220
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No one here is gonna say it but what has the Asian world produced since Confucianism? Real works of brilliance musically and philosophically, that is.

Not very much. I think whites are good at creation and making something of their higher tendency towards individualism and introspection, Asians just seem kind of good at coding and maths.

I know I'm trotting out tired stereotypes from a 19th century understanding of sociology but hear me out because I can't explain the gap in Asian/white innovation for the life of me and the OP is right, I've been to Asian countries and there's a noticeable lack of... spice? Ambition to be great? It seems to me they would rather all be uniformly good than individually great, but now I'm just pontificating.

>> No.9965225

>a creation of america to try their pysops shit is a souless piece of shit
what a surprise.
This is the endgame of capitalism, remember kiddos

>> No.9965227

Wait till you visit Arabia

>> No.9965229

That one band of underage girls that does death metal.

>> No.9965234

I think that's just part of their culture, they value conformity and a strong society rather than individual genius. Confucianism is based on respect for authority and knowing one's place, while western society has been centered around the individual since the Enlightenment. That's not to say that they can't accomplish great things, they just have a different culture and mindset.

>> No.9965235

>No one here is gonna say it but what has the Asian world produced since Confucianism

A good third of the entertainment the West consumes comes out of Japan: Anime, the whole Nintendo, Capcom, Square Enix franchises.

This internet site we're talking on is an emulation of Japanese image board as well.

>> No.9965236


To me this kinda proves Spengler's thesis that when a civilization has concluded its late stage, it can have an arrested afterlife in which the civilization persists in an ossified form, with further development having ceased.

>> No.9965242


I want to agree with people who view it from this perspective and I understand that they haven't had a renaissance nor an enlightenment, but we're not talking about a few big things, we're talking about a gulf of innovative endeavor from Beethoven to space travel. Even the most conformist Western countries, many of whom didn't directly experience such heavy influence from liberal philosophies, have produced vastly more than the Asian world.

>what has the Asian world produced
>cites image boards, Mario Kart, and cartoon pornography

I can't tell if this is a serious answer and you're just an aspie if you're fucking with me


>late stage

maybe, but pretty much everyone who ever wrote a book contended civilization as the paradigm we know it was at its end

>> No.9965251

That list does the opposite of what you think it does.

>> No.9965260
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>Its another weeb think shitty society with cancer culture and overcomplicated language who will be dead in less than 100years is better than western civilization

>> No.9965263

>I didn't meet anyone in China who gave a flying fuck about the ancient literature or anything that doesn't make a buck.
Imagine you're a tourist in the USA. How long till you meet anyone who gives a fuck about ancient literature out anything that doesn't make a buck?

>> No.9965267

half of USA is poor as fuck, much of that in poverty. No it is not the best country to live. There are dozens that are superior

>> No.9965270

China is pretty fucked up, not only they got raped as fuck so they are basically all subhumans mix breeds but they don't try to change that, their culture is literal dog eat dog world

They probably had the best culture, but after communism/Mao and shit they are now basically BR/Aussies from the east and a little bit worse than their western counterparts

>> No.9965273
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Nigger, I live in Brazil

I'd suck a dick and clean toilets happily if someone gave me a decent home and food over there

>> No.9965278

Why in the US specifically, where there's no free healthcare, the education is garbage, and the colleges cost a fortune?

>> No.9965279

>14% poverty rate is half
Fuck off brainlet

>> No.9965280

Cuz uma delicia

>> No.9965286

No country has free healthcare, retard.

>> No.9965287

I have lived in Korea for 2 years. It is a much more authentic place than America with much better people. All around it is a better place, offering a more quality life. OP is fucking high. I plan on never going back to the US. It is miserable there. Everything OP lists as negatives I actually don't see here...but I see it in the US.. Fuck, I hope I never go back

>> No.9965289

Keep in mind that the Chinese were light years ahead of everyone else in terms of innovation and civilizational achievement up until just a few centuries ago. Gunpowder, rocketry, manuafacturing, political ethics, chemistry, the printing press, etc. etc. It was only until the renaissance and wealth coming back from the New World that Europe was able to surpass the Chinese (thanks, in part, to technologies they borrowed from them.)
I think you're underestimating the power of culture and how it influences people. Latin America, genetically non-white but a child of enlightenment culture, is well known for it's poetry, literature, etc. And Asian countries are making many new innovations in fields of science and technology. The west might be special, but I don't think there is any inherent defect in the East that would prevent them from making the same kinds of innovations.

>> No.9965292
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Because you still live a pretty independent life over there, you can do your own shit, make your own money and your culture is amazing, you speak english naturally and even your worst cities are a paradise compared to most third world

On Brazil you live on a forced socialism, the real is shit compared to the dollar, the culture is utter-cancer ( most people are functional alphabets, they can't into literature ) and you are raped by taxes everywhere, the Fedex over here is a monopoly with shitty service and you can't even own a gun to protect yourself from criminals who lurk everywhere

>> No.9965295
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>''but muh waifu''

>> No.9965296

There's a "pay for your own shit" popular sentiment, even if you hav to take a loan for it

Ultimately, it backfires on everyone but the top 10%, who own all the credit debt

>> No.9965301


But that's very different.
Americans have been unrooted by the very fact their ancestors moved there. Of course they don't give a flying fuck about anything pre-migration.
Asians in Asia didn't unroot themselves by movement, but by culturally cutting themselves off from their past.

I think that might give Zizkek a hard-on, but I don't know if it's all such good news.

>> No.9965304

It's almost as if anime was the inetivable final evolution of japanese art

>> No.9965306

what makes you think the west is any different?
try talking "high culture" with some random in the nyc subway or whatever lmao

>> No.9965311


I guess we'll have to agree to disagree here. Maybe I'll chalk it up to mean test. levels or something, but I've been around a lot of cultures and know enough to know that people will eschew all boundaries as soon as they're in private/it interests them/it feels better.

I have no hope for the Latin world to become a major innovator. To be blunt, I just don't see a way in which they produce many innovators without the requisite IQ, not to mention the brain drain they're experiencing where even moderately smart people are fleeing.

As for as the Asian world becoming an engine of innovation: It could happen as you say, but we won't be around for the next few centuries to see how it plays out. I have certainly read interesting things coming out of Chinese genetics labs.

>> No.9965312

>high culture

Nice spook my friends :^)

>> No.9965323


I don't think the OP isn't having "the average man doesn't read Plato" sperg complaint. I think what he is trying to say that an intellectual elite of any sort is completely non-existent over there.

In Europe, Aus, NZ and the US you at least have a class of people who think life is more than slaving away at your STEM job, boasting about it and how you'll retire at age 45 on a Nepalese thangka appreciation board.

>> No.9965326

These two posts get to the crux of the matter. The first poster's chart (nice one, btw) illustrates the main point: that white people are the creators of our world. East Asians have very nice societies with low crime, smart people, and their own thing going on; but they aren't white people. Why would anyone expect them to suddenly begin innovating when they have no history of being innovative? This is an example of a white construct being propelled onto non-whites. There is a reason why whites have produced 97% of all innovation. And it's the same reason why when you trace every civilization (even those in China) back to their roots you find that (Indo) Europeans were there at the time. This is ultimate redpill: civilization and innovation is fundamentally European. Other people cannot do it to even a fraction of the extent. Even groups like east Asians who score higher on IQ tests cannot do it because they evolved in anti-individualist societies. There is no creative spirit. Same with jews: high IQ but tribal and completely lacking creativity. IQ isn't everything. Far from it. When you see people running through the Gobi desert, climbing the highest peaks, swimming to the bottom of the ocean, studying the beetles of the Amazon, mapping the earth, building space ships to explore the cosmos, jumping out of airplanes ... these are things white people do. They are ventures fueled by our unique creative spirit. And that's why white people must separate themselves from others. We must protect this unique aspect of ourselves and relearn to appreciate who we are.

>> No.9965331

>propelled onto non-whites
Is English your second language?

>> No.9965334

I actually tried to think of a more accurate word. Propelled was not optimal. No, though.

>> No.9965336

Capitalism. Japan and South Korea are literal labs for american entrepreneurs and experiments in free market capitalism. Their God is consumerism. They barely have a national culture left and are ridden with catastrophical sociological and mental health problems that turns half the population into permanently single, childless neurotic wrecks with repressed memories from cram school grinding, late nights playing Starcraft and shitty simulacra pop music. That is, when they aren't trying to push their collective trauma regarding WWII/ Korea War under the rug by indulging in ironic media. They are the USA, but even more hellish and completely lacking in personal identity

>> No.9965338

good job making 48 posts in this retarded thread in a little over an hour when you could have made posts in threads that were actually about literature you enormous fucking faggots.

>> No.9965340

Literally none of this true.

>> No.9965343

There is no such thing as an intellectual culture. The masses make up most of the practice of culture, and the masses are anti-intellectual by definition. There has never been a civilization in history where intellectuals were anything other than a minuscule substrata of the population.

>> No.9965347

Native Korean here. I don't know how to weigh my country against the US in this respect, but I would say, based on my experiences living in both countries, that it's about the same. The only difference is that Korea has been playing catch up for the last few several decades, having been located smack dab in the middle of a concentration of aggressive world powers with a stockpile of useful resources just waiting to be grabbed. Korea was under a great deal of censorship during Japanese rule, and that has led to a pretty sad lack of foundation to Korean culture. Many of the foundational Korean literature texts, in fact, were written in Chinese. We have tradition, and we have a culture, but it is a very unstable one, having been cut off at an era when other nations were creating foundational works of literature, and revamped at the zenith of materialism and commercialism. I think this instability plays a big role in the sense of Korean national identity: we known to be both paradoxically extremely nationalistic and yet also painfully self-critical, a reflection I think of the desire to embrace our new found economic success and cultural freedom, and yet hatred of the sense of emptiness and insignificance that underlies it. There are many Koreans who recognize this, but few that are willing to make a difference, because of the disastrous economic situation -- not in the sense of standard of living, etc. but in the work place environment, which is heavily militaristic due to a cultural bleed over from the mandatory military service, and the terrible youth employment rate, causing people these days to be thrown in the deep end of the capitalistic pool at an astoundingly young age. (I'm sure you've heard about Korean high schools). Why attempt to build up Korean culture when you need to survive? Koreans have placed their hopes in figures like Ko Un, for the time being, and there is, in fact, a Korean literary revolution going on. I hope to be able to contribute what little I can to aid in this cultural reconstruction. Though Korea has the confucianistic principles engrained in its very language and a military structure in its work place, I do think that the problem of so called lack of individuality is not as applicable any more, these american principles rubbing off more and more on the younger generation with each day. The Korean cultural quirk of paying for each other's meals is fading away, and it's considered "in the know" to go dutch. And yet, in this respect, Korea is still going through growing pains, as the astronomically high suicide rate of Koreans is actually, contrary to popular belief, not high school students, but the elderly, unable to adapt to the principles of individualism, expectant of the son to play the traditional conservative role of caretaker of his parents, and yet finding more and more often that they both do not and cannot do so, and so left alone, feeling abandoned, betrayed.

>> No.9965352

>They are ventures fueled by our unique creative spirit. And that's why white people must separate themselves from others. We must protect this unique aspect of ourselves and relearn to appreciate who we are.

I agree.
We must separate white people from non-whites.
We must rid our societies of inferiority.
Non-whites are the biggest source of that inferiority, because of this lack of creativity, as you say.

After that we can get rid of the inferior whites, those who are:
Less intelligent
Less attractive
Have predispositions to mental disorders and addiction
Have learning disabilities

We need a race of renaissance men and women.
Men who can construct prose, who can reason philosophy and mathematics, who can conduct science, who can create art, who can stay at the forefront of athletic performance, and so on.

We must purify our societies. It is insufficient to get rid of non-whites.

The vacuum produced by getting rid of non-whites will always be filled with inferior whites.
We must have a program of eugenics to ensure we do not slip into mediocrity.

It is our moral duty to excise any impurities and inferiority in our society.

>> No.9965357


You're an American, right?
That would explain why you hold that dumbass "erry tiem periud kinda deh same" idea.

>> No.9965373

impose, foist, inflict, obtrude, institute, decree, ordain, promulgate, etc
Just to list a few, you fucking brainlet :^)

>> No.9965376

You're jewish, aren't you? It's sad how twisted you people really are. How jews have this double standard that they alone can have an ethnostate while attempting to discredit whites who express the same sentiments and wish to separate themselves from jews. This is the reaction of a parasite. But to try to do such a thing in this odd a fashion online is also an excellent example of uniqueness, that of the sick jewish mind. They have no appreciation of beauty or greatness, they think only in terms of subversion and destruction of others.

>> No.9965377
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korean "culture"

>> No.9965387

Interesting. What is happening with this literary revolution? What are its demographics? Subject matter? The nature of its intellectual discourse, respectful or not? Does it actually encourage serious thought, or rely on stereotypes and slogans and political power? What are its origins? Sorry for the barrage of questions, it is just very interesting to know that a country facing the same economic conditions as America is undergoing what seems to be a serious intellectual change and emergence of an intense, rigorous dialog whereas America is doing the exact opposite, heading back to a state of tribalism and simple-think

>> No.9965388

May I change it to "improperly associated with," dear synonym-san?

>> No.9965395


>> No.9965402

So what are some up-and-coming Korean writers/poets?

>> No.9965405

Having to work 50-60h a week may have a lot to do with the lack of intellectuality in the little leisure time they have

>> No.9965406

Funnily eniugh, Russia is the ultimate intellectual country.

>> No.9965411


>> No.9965414

Sounds like you just visited the wrong Korea.

>> No.9965415

>whereas America is doing the exact opposite, heading back to a state of tribalism

South Korea is 95% Korean. America has gone from 90% white to 60% since 1965. Why would the two states be comparable and why would what is happening in America given what I just said be in any way surprising?

>> No.9965416

Have you ever been to Russia?

>> No.9965422

Russia *has* a lot of intellectuals, yet most of the population is impoverished, jingoist bydlo

>> No.9965493

>Are Koreans the most anti-intellectual culture?

Ever been to Central America? Derp into the Bible Belt? On a pro-Erdogan rally in Turkey?

>> No.9965575


>the printing press

Lol, no, this is historical affirmative action. Chinese block printing was vastly inferior to Gutenberg's press. Europeans actually used the Chinese method of printing to make cheap books for poor people.

All printing presses in Asia are based on European designs.

>> No.9965592

No, that would be Japan. Once their older generation dies they will be left with nothing but smartphone addicted slaves whose deepest reading is Light Novels

>> No.9965602


I sometimes wonder what's going to become of all of us. What happens when I'm an old man, and the world has changed beyond all recognition? I don't like the changes that are happening right now, so how will I deal with things in fifty years? I'll probably let some nice Pakistani lady usher me into a euthanasia chamber while I babble about old books nobody has heard of in decades.

>> No.9965604

>>>9965114 (OP)

Nice lisp.

>> No.9965628


Apparantly you're a low genetic breed loser for even pondering these questions, for even wondering if modernity's the right way.

Only high genetic 40 page resume alpha's with 5000 tinder matches will survive in this brave new world.

>> No.9965629

>in my day, we read...we read stories, things that never even happened! they were there in the books! whole worlds, in the books!
>of course, grandpa
>it's not white people's fault, they lived in a different time

>> No.9965638


>> No.9965645
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>> No.9965678


>All Culture is anti-intellectual

whoa there friendo, better slow down.

>> No.9965681


Pop mv based on Demian
Concept developed by the group leader
>IQ 148

Pop mv and song based on Paradise Lost
idk iq, the girl's hot af though

>> No.9965737

Filipinos are worse. They totally live in the material world. There is zero sense of any sort of applicable gnostic thought.

Latest superhero movie out?
They have to see it.

It's total and irredeemable shit?
Doesn't matter.

Try and find one that has read any sort of literature.

And maybe I'm just being a privileged white guy because I never grew up in abject poverty and thus do not need to escape anything so my appreciations of materialism are dour.
But it's still completely blows my mind how you can happily consume shit.

>> No.9965742

ITT: Suburbanites jerking off with abstractions

>> No.9965747

the phillipines are a brown 3th world country, where many have to struggle for survival daily. it's understandable they don't have a high degree of sophistication.

south korea, on the other hand, is (almost) as wealthy as western europe; people should have the opportunity to pursue sophistication.

>> No.9965753

Codings and maths >>> music and philosophy

>> No.9965761
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>Russian intellectuals

>> No.9965762

No country has 'free' fire engines or roads then.

>> No.9965764

Anti-intellectualism != non-intellectualism.

Most places prioritize economic strength over art. Most people prefer consuming art rather than creating it. Korea is not unique in that regard (which I don't mean as a slight, just as a matter of course).

>> No.9965774

Capitalism - not even once
the only reason europe has hold out so well is because we had a shitton of high culture b4 but give us another 50 years and we will be the same culutreless, materialistic shithole

>> No.9965778

>Capitalism - not even once
Exactly. I mean look how well removing all that capitalism worked out for Venezuela.

>> No.9965786

>I mean look how well removing all that capitalism worked out for Venezuela

Please argue about what would have happened to it otherwise and give reasons why.

>> No.9965793

>Please argue about what would have happened to it otherwise and give reasons why.
Pre-socialism: was either one of or the wealthiest countries in Central America (can't remember which). Post-socialism: now one of the poorest if not THE poorest despite having the largest oil reserves on the planet.

>> No.9965797


>> No.9965799


and...what? you want to take that away from them? are they not commie enough for you?

>> No.9965800

Ok, I thought as much.

>> No.9965807

Filipinos are retarded but about on par with SE Asia in general. I lived in Korea for two years and NE Asians are obviously smarter and less violent than SE Asians, but they have their own issues. Working in Korean megatropolis offices as a foreigner, and this goes for Asia in general, they just ignore you. You are not a part of their world, and that's both good and bad. You are an alien, inhuman, some weird big-nosed freak. But no one fucks with you and Asian chicks dig it, they're all over it. Good and bad. Although the experience taught me a lot about race, and I'm a white nationalist now partly because of it, I have no disrespect for Koreans. They are nice people and Korea is a nice country. Beautiful women, good expat community in Itaewon, fun major city, just don't be one of those idiots who stays there forever.

>> No.9965822


"projected" you goddamn fucking retards

>> No.9965823

I'm pretty sure that every society is like this. That's why I hate cultural egalitarianism. It makes life fun for all but a few.

>> No.9965830

Canada and Australia are probably worst in the Anglosphere.

>> No.9965846

so which is the most intellectual country then? i want to say france but i've heard that the rural FN parts are russia-tier. britain? poland? canada?

>> No.9965869


well meme'd, my friend.

it's probably some rich, small meme country like switzerland or monaco where the average citizen is the most well-read, well-traveled

>> No.9965871

Koreans were fucked in the 50s, 60s, and 70s. On one hand, you had the socialists in the north who went ape shit with their purges, then in the south, the fascists were killing everyone to make room for the capitalist paradise that would emerge in Seoul to become what it is today. A whole lot of culture was fucked, on top of the destruction that was already dealt on them by the Japanese going all the way back to the early 1900s. Pretty much the entire 20th century was a hard rest for the Koreans culturally.

>> No.9965883

Yet it's a hedonistic harbor today.

>> No.9965890

t. kim

>> No.9965951

This. Mukbangs are the fucking rage atm. And it's disgusting.

>> No.9965978

They lap up anything America creates

>> No.9965981
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>What has the Asian world produced since Confucianism?
>Anime, the whole Nintendo, Capcom, Square Enix franchises

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.9965983
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South Korea is pure distilled capitalism.

>> No.9965986

the man's an actual infant

>> No.9965989

>They probably had the best culture

Oh fuck off weeaboo.

>> No.9966020

i agree korean society is vain but which society isn't? What do you do each day that celebrates culture and how do you share this with others?

If culture, at least an attempt at nurturing one is done through creating art and celebrating it, Korea is doing a lot of that regardless of the value or underlining intention behind it.

There are so many small and large galleries scattered across Seoul and there is a large community of artists and writers that is arguably more inter connected and prolific than western nations, at least compared to Australia.

Shit like


make me question if /lit/ reads any books at all pmsl

>> No.9966026
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>make me question if /lit/ reads any books at all pmsl
Of course not, was there any doubt?

>> No.9966037

>overcomplicated language
Brainlet detected.

>> No.9966049

And they say the west isn't dead.

>> No.9966054

"high culture"

how can any westerner ironically spout that another society lacks it.

in any society, culture is desolate except flashes of brilliance inspired by muses and facilitated by the miracle of serendipity

>> No.9966055

I like that hypothesis that South Korea is a petri dish for social engineering.

>> No.9966079

>lived there for six months
>thinks he understands the culture
>thinks he knows how Koreans spend their private time

Can't into Asia, my meme.

>> No.9966131
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Guys... no bully. Why do you honestly care about some country you will never give a shit about? Really sounds like you never got laid because you have asian fetish. Please just fuck off, we don't want your kind here. We'll do fine without you people critiquing our "high culture society" whatever that is.

t. worst korean

>> No.9966132

The Japanese have many aesthetic accomplishments though. Mishima, Dazai, Ozu, Kurosawa, NGE, Merzbow

>> No.9966144
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Funny, but completely true. When time washes away all the political controversy of the current years, all that will be remembered from Russia is their artists and intellectuals.

If you go back to 19th century, the major theme was Russian ass rape of Poland, which consumed the Western public crying how the world should #resist and how anyone who supports is a literal devil. Now no one even remembers it or gives a shit, and when you say "19th century Russia" people instantly recall geniuses of classical literature even thought most of them were staunch Russian imperialists and chauvinists.

>> No.9966162

>we don't want your kind here
I don't think you have to worry about that desu

>> No.9966175

Westerners have short memories and underestimate the strength of other societies. The 1600s were a golden age of science, philosophy, and culture (30 Years War and religious conflict aside), but it could have easily ended with Europe being conquered by technologically superior Muslims.

>> No.9966235

The most anti-intellectual culture is actually Québec's, or French Canada's culture.

t. French-Canadian

>> No.9966261

Their school system is harsh and it excludes creativity and true innovation

>> No.9966262

I have ONE question for you. How fluent was your Korean while you were living there?

>> No.9966271

t. Kenichi Smith

>> No.9966282

You're not getting a korean gf.

>> No.9966332
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You can't stop me

>> No.9966353

the dream

>korean pussy is the tightest

>> No.9966373

when you're 1 in a billion ants competing for resources, slaving away your life to make some kind of living because surprise surprise their government couldn't give a fuck if you died or not (since there's plenty of them left), i don't doubt that reading and other leisurely activities fall off their list of things to do. they don't have the privilege to enjoy the arts.

>> No.9966403

I lived in Shenzhen and modern China is a bit like that for the majority of people.

>> No.9966415

>Same with jews: high IQ but tribal and completely lacking creativity.
If you're thinking to relegate jews to STEM: creativity is a necessary component of significant advancement in the sciences and mathematics.

>> No.9966417

Besides Japan, Asia is without a doubt the most anti-intellectual region of the world.

>> No.9966439

>cannot do it because they evolved in anti-individualist societies.
I'm struggling to see how individualism begets innovation.

>> No.9966448

Not denying our supporting this assertion but please explain how america is an authentic place

>> No.9966449

I care less about the fact that the average Korean is a soulless drone and more about why the fuck do they not care about philosophy?

Is their an implicit understanding within them that it's already solved? Why would they think that?

Is it because of a complex about themselves?

>> No.9966458

this desu

>> No.9966471


That's all of Asia in a nutshell.

It really shoots them in the foot. And they all realize this, yet no one's changing it.

>> No.9966491

The modern obsession with not being racist has carried with it the incorrect assumption that all cultures are equal, and has bankrupted the difficult study of other cultures' architectonic life-worlds that had only just begun with Hegel and German historicis, which was already badly in need of revision by the time of its vulgarisation by propagandists and biological race theorists.

Other cultures are very different, and the things that make the West ineffably "Western" may be very complex, rare, and historically contingent. Things that are chalked up to petty cultural differences may actually be a result of fundamentally different worldviews, or differences in depth psychology.

For example, relationships toward authority and hierarchy (inevitable and normal vs. "engineerable"; see Weber's studies of the "Protestant ethic" and its absence in Asian cultures), tradition (mutable vs. immutable; see Koselleck, _Futures Past_), guilt vs. shame cultures (see Benedict, Delumeau), the nature of truth (initiatic and perennial vs. autonomous and fragile), the role of civil society (see Alan Macfarlane), and so on and so on. This isn't even to mention extremely deep features, pre-social and anthropological rather than recently historical, like phenomenological time-sense or metaphysics of language. And it's definitely not to mention biological differences.

Other cultures are very different, and they wear the thin skin of recognisable global Westernisation which only pathologises their differences by submerging some and causing their exaggerated emergence in the sublimated forms of others. What you are seeing in East Asia is at once so "Asian" that you can't understand it, and muddled and distorted by the universalism of capitalist technics. The question isn't even, "What are Koreans?" but "What would Koreans be, if they were allowed to be Koreans?"

>> No.9966492

Who needs culture when you have starcraft

>> No.9966501

I'm learning Japanese and this thread has seriously made me question my decision.

>> No.9966506

Only chink that cares about culture and art outside of their own microscopic view is a chinese. Japs are too degenerate, Koreans too souless, Indians too robotic. Eastern world is a bunch of people who want to seem smart so they major in math and become engineers with no intentions of doing anything other than getting some engineering job and getting rich.

Fuck Indians especially

>guaranteed replies from asians

>> No.9966507

If you're so easily swayed by the opinions of a few armchair experts then just give up now.

>> No.9966511

>who will be dead in less than 100 years
>compares to western civilization

>> No.9966516

good post

>> No.9966569

You're a pussy if teenagers and college students on 4chan make you seriously question any decision. As anon said, might as well give up because you don't seem to have any good reason.

>> No.9966578

"Chink" means Chinese.

>> No.9966585

Do you even live in the US?

Only the middle class get fucked by this thanks to bullshit loopholes and programs that don't apply to them.


>> No.9966756

Almost everyone got fucked up, albeit white, non-college workers were hit hardest, arguably

The economic disparity is huge in South Korea as well, btw. Their overly superficial popular culture hides the profound discontent underneath

>> No.9966768

Most cucked nation on earth:

>Virtually no circumcision was performed before the year 1945 as it is against Korea's long and strong tradition of preserving the body as a gift from parents.[36] A 2001 study of 20-year-old South Korean men found that 78% were circumcised.[37] At the time, the authors commented that "South Korea has possibly the largest absolute number of teenage or adult circumcisions anywhere in the world. Because circumcision started through contact with the American military during the Korean War, South Korea has an unusual history of circumcision." According to a 2002 study, 86.3% of South Korean males aged 14–29 were circumcised.[38] In 2012, it's the case of 75.8% of the same age group. Only after 1999 has some information against circumcision become available (at the time of the 2012 study, only 3% of Korean internet sites, using the most popular Korean search engine Naver, are against indiscriminate circumcision and 97% are for).[36] The authors of the study speculate "that the very existence of information about the history of Korean circumcision, its contrary nature relative to a longstanding tradition, its introduction by the US military, etc., has been extremely influential on the decision-making process regarding circumcision."[36]

>> No.9966784

Is /lit/ the most anti-intellectual board?
I lurked for 6 months, and all I saw were people posting pictures of Joyce next to the word "braaaap," dressing their shelves like they were reading Moby Dick, shit posting and being so wrapped up in nonsense distraction (be it their numerous meme prostitutes and prostitute authors, outmoded ideas of literature peddled to them by interviews with academics, a writer who is losing relevance everywhere, or their crablike attempts to dismiss anything new or interesting) that they have no thought to the pursuit of legitimate art, much less the ability to create it.
No high culture whatsoever.

>> No.9966787


>> No.9966811

/lit/ isn't the most well-read place on the internet, but it fares very well in comparison to social media, /b/ or /pol/ (aka alt-right Tumblr)

>> No.9966818

Asking honestly: what is the most well-read place on the internet?

>> No.9966819

My blog desu

>> No.9966822

>elderly, unable to adapt to the principles of individualism, expectant of the son to play the traditional conservative role of caretaker of his parents, and yet finding more and more often that they both do not and cannot do so, and so left alone, feeling abandoned, betrayed.
God damn, anon, that's heavy.

>> No.9966837


>> No.9966862

why don't any of your attractive women come down and vacation in maine?

>> No.9966873


Some do, during summertime hampton beach in New Hampshire is a popular attraction I heard. Went there with my family years ago. Florida is also a place where many of them go to, during winter, but that's quite off from where you are.

Although I must say, I never understood the French-Canadian women meme. I don't find them particularly attractive (or intelligent).

>> No.9966902

No, USA has them beat by a mile.

>> No.9967189

Can someone recommend me a contemporary SKorean book or author?

>> No.9967211


>Try and find one that has read any sort of literature.

This dude. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lav_Diaz

>> No.9967330

not so much inovation but more of peolpe that pass to be know to history and that people make events and changes

>> No.9967331

Straya is the worst.

>> No.9967341

Have you seen their films? Of course they are, 90% of the lauded Korean cinema is "dude, so violent".

>> No.9967358

Really? Individualism spurs creativity by encouraging or inclining one to branch out, think outside of the box, approach problems from different angles, etc. White people are extremely individualistic too, which accounts for why they've been responsible for creating most everything. It's Faustian.

>> No.9967386

Ancap scum go home

>> No.9967407

>outmoded games peddled to them by Activision, a company that's losing its relevance in the West
you're obviously some faggot gamer your opinion is dogshit.

also korea has the best asian music (not kpop) you're just too much a faggot gamer autist to know where to look.

>> No.9967427

No worse than any other board desu, it's where all the pseuds with nothing of value to contribute meme and pretend like they're better than others because they have read a little bit of the western canon but really they're just lonely.

>> No.9967450

Underrated post

>> No.9967497
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How many books have you read this year, kiddo?

>> No.9968640

It really is.

>> No.9968698

My dad was born in Taiwan and my moms white. What a nice thread

>> No.9968747

Well, they have the 2nd highest suicide rate as a country behind Lithuania.

>> No.9968752

Sounds like they're redpilled as fuck. Dress conservatively and well, work on bettering themselves at the gym, intelligent and hard working.

>> No.9968807

AM/WF is the most patrician pairing tbqhwy

>> No.9968814

WM/WF is by definition the only patrician pairing

>> No.9968815

Invisible Dragon
Dungeon Defense

>> No.9968874

>Are Koreans the most anti-intellectual culture?

that would be capitalism, which has thoroughly infected south korea. america is far worse

>> No.9968889

what is the good non kpop korean music? I can't find much good so-called k indie that doesn't sound just like kpop

>> No.9968893

Hong Sang-Soo is good

>> No.9968895


>> No.9968942
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The "anime style" is derived from Disney cartoons you nincompoop. And it's only become more anatomically realistic and tridimensional as time went on. The stylized anime faces that are so characteristic of it *are* innovations to make things more dramatic and emotional. And it's not like all of them use the same style anyway.

>> No.9968954

Japan tops Korea when it comes to music.

>> No.9968967
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While we're at it:

How comes nobody ever shills Confucianism on this board? It's endonym is literally the "scholarly school", you'd think a philosophy that makes being wellread an imperative and sacralizes its canon to the point government officials end up better prepared in literature than in actual government, would be at least interesting to the literature board.

>> No.9969080

>despite having the largest oil reserves on the planet
this is retardedly irrelevant if you knew about the oil industry

what makes oil valuable and a solid investment is not the volume (as OPEC caps the potantial to move any decent amount to most partners), but the quality
venezuelan oil is some of the shittiest oil in the goddamn world, and takes a lot of money to refine
this is ok when the price of oil is high, you can make a profit margin
but when the oil price drops and extraction and refinement of the oil is actually more expensive than the current price, then your oil is more useful back in the ground
same reason why Canada's oil sands got hit so hard when the oil price dropped, it's shit its crude as it gets, whereas east coast oil production in canada was more or less business as usual because it's much better quality oil in the first place

>> No.9969343
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This is a legalist board.

>> No.9969462

>muh glorified melodramas

>> No.9969471

But I don't wanna die for telling the truth!

>> No.9969497

I found the opposite.

They seem incredibly mindful of appearances, want you to eat a lot(unless you're fat) and put effort towards being seriously competitive.

When I visited the bookstores the chairs and reading sections were fucking full so I couldn't get a seat. They seem to read a lot more than the average westerner.

Their club and night scene was awesome. Work hard play hard culture.

Their food was dope. Drinks are cheap if you get soju or makkoli.

The girls were good if you like Asian girls. Their plastic surgery meme is limited to minor stuff for eyes, maybe nose. The stuff you see posted usually is fucking extreme and other Koreans call those people "plastic surgery monsters".

Those bitches can be cunts sometimes but I enjoyed the games when I had the patience. Easy as fuck to fuck first day with all the motels, private cafe rooms and DVD bangs everywhere. I miss that.

I lived there for 2 years in Busan as an American. I'll probably visit again at some point.

>> No.9969512

>I found the opposite
>goes to mention a lot of superficial shit with maybe the exception that people were reading something in the reading place

>> No.9969521

>girls into social darwinism
Sounds great.

>> No.9969539

Idk what you want me to say homeboy, they read books and OP is complaining on a /lit/ board. I mean there were classical concerts and plays in Busan and Seoul but I didn't go to Korea for those things but they exist.

Where are you from and what high culture are you all about?

>> No.9969545

Also to note,
They had a lot of festivals and traditional performances year round but I only went to a few. I'm not a high brow kinda guy.

>> No.9969554

Kim Ki Duk's movies always made me feel this. Except he explored that artificialness through the lens of an outsider looking for meaning. Gives way to some bizarre shit, to say the least.

>> No.9969558


t. le ESL teacher

>they read books and OP is complaining on a /lit/ board

Reading Harry Potter is also reading a book, you bachelor degree dumbass.

>> No.9969591


>> No.9969603
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>Overcomplicating stuff makes you smart
>Creating a stupidly difficult language takes more skill than developing a easy one
If I am a brainlet you are a faggot that had a stroke and shitposts with the half mal-functioning part of your brain that still works

>> No.9970099

I have my masters in education with mathematics and English. I'm an actual teacher.

What do you do?

>> No.9970109

This is so cynical. Your view of humanity is alarming. You're reading so much minimal information and spout so much negative garbage, it's sad.

Explain yourself and your experience in Korea.

>> No.9970134

>liberals do not consider culture as entertainment


>> No.9970135

>they don't have the privilege to enjoy the arts.
This, they don't have fucking white cislords privilege but it is interesting how most composers/painters/writers were dirt poor and sacrificed everything they had for it.

>> No.9970140
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>Although immigration to South Korea is low due to strict immigration policies, it is on the rise. Foreign residents account for 2.8% of the total population.[1]

>Most immigrants are not eligible for citizenship or even permanent residency, unless they are married to a South Korean citizen or have invested more than $5 million USD in the local economy. An exception is made for those whose non-financial contribution to the nation has been specifically recognized by the Minister of Justice, and for holders of a business visa who have invested more than US$500,000.

How racistly sensible.

>> No.9970142

Don't worry the semitic ally will find a way to help them

>> No.9970148


>> No.9970150 [DELETED] 
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I made a new meme
maybe funny
maybe not

>> No.9970151

What are some good contemporary Flip, SEA and Korean writers?

>> No.9970159

>implying neoclassicism is good art

>> No.9970176


>> No.9970192

They're laughing at you but I agree my weaboo friend

Ghost in the Shell and Planetes are great animus.

>> No.9970196

Jews aren't in STEM, they're in humanities - anything involving wordplay, really.

They don't do much science/math, and when they do it's stealing from whites and passing it off as their own unique ideas.

>> No.9970202

4chan's /lit/ board, and then probably /tg/

>> No.9970208
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>> No.9970535

I don't believe as much in racial differences as I do believe in cultural differences, so good post.