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/lit/ - Literature

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9959663 No.9959663 [Reply] [Original]

>we STRONGLY encourage submissions from persons of color, immigrants and the undocumented, and members of the LGBQT community ;)
>Take a look at what we publish to get an idea of our journal! --> Life

my feelings
are hurt

is evil


Of course I'm only slightly exaggerating, but this is a big problem with modern day publishing. What are we to do?

>> No.9959667

Submit to journals and publishers that aren't retarded.

>> No.9959675

Da fuck are you even talking?
Links or gtfo

>What are we to do?
We flood them with no libtard works

>> No.9959691

Very rare and hard to find. If you can link me to such examples, please do

Every single outlet on submittable and other major publishing sites

>flood them with no libtard works
As if they would accept them, they want to appeal to the masses

>> No.9959828

Has it occured to you that people completely different to you are more interesting and novel to read, because you already know about those similar to you?

>> No.9959860

Are you retarded?

I believe you're missing the point. And no, it's not interesting to read garbage prose poetry about bleeding vaginas and "muh fascist trump" that was typed in 10 minutes. Fuck yourself

>> No.9961637

no one wants to read your gay fantasy story. stories about trannies are 100% more entertaining.

>> No.9961677 [DELETED] 

name two

>> No.9961841

not OP, but I can confirm. Been writing for 2 years and been researching the market for the past half year, managed to get one story published(I write a lot of short form horror/dark speculative) and 8/10 magazines that pander to my sort of niche have that explicit "we highly encourage people from underrepresented backgrounds black LGBQT etc communities to submit"

I've actually had rejection letters that stated that although they loved my story, they already had an overwhelming amount of submissions and wanted to expand their demographic, and me being a white male seemed to indicate I was prime for the cut list

Examples of mags I have seen this done with-
Apex magazine
Strange horizons

Those are four of the biggest pro paying markets I've found that seem to pander exclusively to this, and when I go to read some of their back issues literally every protagonist is either a rugged resourceful woman or some kind of non binary homosexual something or other. Strongly considering pulling a Laird Barron and just making 90% of my characters gay or lesbian and see if this appeases the editors of all these lit mags.

>> No.9961885

>tfw gay
I don't think my writings are what they're looking for though. Faggotry has somehow sanitised, in spite of its superficially increasing flamboyance. I submitted a story once about my sexual awakening via shit on Wikipedia. Is the world ready for video game animal boners and 8 hour /d/ edging stints? Maupassant wrote stories about fat syphilitic prostitutes and DIY abortions, Leon Bloy about all manners of fucked up shit. The 50s greeted Mishima's fantasies of devouring classmates favourably.

>> No.9962698

Can you post a link to your published story? I'd be interested to see what kind of garbage do you write, that makes you feel entitled about your work over others', who have had much fewer opportunities to be read.

Never mind, I'm sure they actually love your story and told you to fuck off because they don't want good content. Just like cunts are quick to tell whatever lie comes up first so they can get away from you without you sperging out, and get dicked by someone else instead. Alas, the injustice of our times!

>> No.9962821

it's not prose poetry, fucking idiot.

>> No.9962849

Yeah, that's what poetry is today, you obviously haven't had experience publishing poetry or anything for that matter.
I don't write fantasy nor do I write stories
Yeah, it's bleak in my opinion. I recently submitted under a mongolian pseudonym and what do you know, I had a 50% increase in my acceptances!
I want to start my own journal but I lack the resources and skills required. What coding skills would I need to learn?

>> No.9962858

>slightly exaggerating
your dumb

>> No.9962937

I visited /mu/ for the first time the other day. They have bad taste in music, but it wasn't overrun by utter fucking drivel.

Lesson: pretending to read makes you pretend to be a wanna-be authoritarian dickhead until you actually become one. Though you never actually read.

>> No.9962941


>Every single outlet on submittable and other major publishing sites

literally link to an example or fuck off

>> No.9962980

Are you a tranny or a black?

Why is this board so fucking brainwashed.

Go to submittable. Go to poetry magazine. Go to the Kenyon Review. You don't have an idea of what you're trying to defend

>> No.9962993


>> No.9963006
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this was a fun comment

>> No.9963014

check out http://www.fluland.com/

>> No.9963024

Spotted the tranny

>> No.9963059
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>> No.9963104 [DELETED] 

It's easy to spot the trannies and the SJWs and all the other lefty faggots because they love taking words used on their degenerate asses and using them back on us as buzzwords devoid of all worth.

Why? Because they're too stupid to fully understand the meaning of these words, or that there's something wrong with them and people on this planet know more about mental illnesses like transgenderism and leftism than them.

This board is under attack because there are no intelligent black philosophers. The closest the blacks have to heroes are the rabble-rousing power-grabbers, and the odd quarter-black woman that made coffee for people that actually mattered to NASA. SJWs don't want you to notice this.

/co/ is under attack because right after Rick and Morty got half its writers fired and replaced by diversity hires, the writing quality dipped and the SJW one started using the show to work through his "Confusing feelings" about his shit marriage and divorce. Rick's an infinitely-powerful god now with no enemies or reason to care when he gets into this week's jam. Also, people like mocking the shit tumblr art style, and that's triggering. SJWs don't want you thinking these things.


Liberals are retarded sheep that think the above link will lead you down the path of racism, sexism, bigotry, and evil. Enlightened individuals learn the truth before saying what the other Intelligent People Club Members say.

/pol/ was right, the Jews control the media, the Globalists push diversity, aaaaand https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/attacks.aspx?Yr=2016 This is a good link.

>> No.9963111

Life would be easier for you if we stopped posting and let you SJWs run wild over this board, but there needs to be at least one site where people that still read can speak freely.

>> No.9963114

why are we so smart and everyone else do dumb bros?

>> No.9963137

you're delusional

>> No.9963146

I didn't realize this board was full of women and shitskin liberals who blindly followed propaganda and cultural enrichment until I entered this thread

I sincerely hope you're all just being "xD SO IRONICCCC JUST LIKE DFW XD"

>> No.9963160

>says the liberal
Go watch some CNN sweetie

>> No.9963164 [DELETED] 
File: 424 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c001 (v01) - p003 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thread that is nearly nineteen hours old should have a lot more posts in it, I think I'll dump some Yotsuba to balance things out.

>> No.9963168

itt: a whole lotta triggered butthurt

>> No.9963172

>he reads cartoon books

Why are you here

>> No.9963173
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>> No.9963177
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>> No.9963181
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>> No.9963188
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>> No.9963193
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>> No.9963194

more of the same self-centered projections
good luck, burgerman, you'll need it

>> No.9963200
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>> No.9963205
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>> No.9963210
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>> No.9963217
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>> No.9963222
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>> No.9963225

You leave my goddamn cartoons alone you goddamn dirty filthy apes!!!

>> No.9963229
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>> No.9963234
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>> No.9963240
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>> No.9963241

Thank you Chemo-chan.

>> No.9963244
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>> No.9963248
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>> No.9963250
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>> No.9963252
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>> No.9963257
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>> No.9963263
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>> No.9963269
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>> No.9963273
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>> No.9963281

Does anyone on this board read or do they just complain about their shitty poetry?

>> No.9963282
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>> No.9963287
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>> No.9963289

The liberals are too busy crying about mean words and books :c

Also, OPs thread wasn't crying, it was a valid point and could have been discussed. But as we see, this board is full of dumbasses

>> No.9963294
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>> No.9963298
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>> No.9963299

>tfw you have a popular black first name but are actually white

maybe this will increase my chance of getting published. So long as they never see a picture of my pasty ass

>> No.9963300

>OPs thread wasn't crying
it was complaining

>> No.9963302
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>> No.9963307
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>> No.9963308


What is the name of her tall friend?

>> No.9963315

imagine taking time out of your day to type this. your existence must be an unending circus

>> No.9963318
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>> No.9963327
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>> No.9963328

god you're so new it hurts, go read stoner

>> No.9963333
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>> No.9963337

>how can we fix this

Rightfully complaining. I think you're complaining more than he was.
I've been here before you came here from a news article, not sure why you think someone who isn't a gay kike isn't someone who's been on the board long.

>> No.9963343
File: 459 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c001 (v01) - p035 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9963348

>Of course I'm only slightly exaggerating, but this is a big problem with modern day publishing. What are we to do?

Stop exaggerating, probably.

>> No.9963351

>Rightfully complaining
that no one wants to read his shitty tfw no gf story?
no one on this board has an ounce of talent, OP is a pathetic fag deluding himself if he thinks anything else

>> No.9963354
File: 490 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c001 (v01) - p036 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9963363
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>> No.9963364

Holy fuck why are you so angry about this?
He stated the problem that is modern publishing, not his own work. Why are you on a literature board when you cannot read?
I bet you're a woman.

>> No.9963366

Speak for yourself, bucketcrab

>> No.9963367
File: 507 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c001 (v01) - p038 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9963374
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>> No.9963376

>Holy fuck why are you so angry about this?
im not angry
>He stated the problem that is modern publishing
which is patently false
note that he didn't actually post his story
>Why are you on a literature board when you cannot read
i definitely read more than you
>I bet you're a woman
wrong again
prove me wrong, id be pleasantly surprised

>> No.9963379

Who knows if he is right or not because all he has done is 'slightly exaggerate' what modern publishers are accepting. He's just complaining because he's shit.

>> No.9963381
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>> No.9963383

This is true. If you have to exaggerate to get a point across you're probably bad at writing because you can't think sensibly.

>> No.9963390
File: 485 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c001 (v01) - p041 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9963391

>I'm not angry
You must be.
>patently false
This just shows you have NEVER pubblished anything or tried. I love spotting how lefties defend things they don't know. Also, he never ONCE stated he wrote stories. And if he did, he didn't need to post it, why would he?
>More well read xD
No. I swear to you you're not.
Then you're some hipster faggot. Post face. Send contact info. Please post writing.

>> No.9963393
File: 547 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c001 (v01) - p042 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9963401

>You must be
whatever helps you sleep at night
>This just shows you have NEVER pubblished anything or tried
I never said I was an aspiring writer.
>why would he?
so we can accurately determine if his writing deserves to be published.
hint: he doesn't
>No. I swear to you you're not.
whatever helps you sleep at night (x2)
>Then you're some hipster faggot

>> No.9963404
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>> No.9963411


>> No.9963414
File: 494 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c001 (v01) - p044 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9963417

There's a 0% chance that his writing is anything but pure trash.
Find me a single person with talent on this board

>> No.9963419

>swears OP is wrong about publishing
>defends his empty view
>"I'm not a writer"
>believes he knows the situation in publishing

The true state of this board, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.9963420
File: 440 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c001 (v01) - p045 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9963424


>> No.9963431
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>> No.9963435
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>> No.9963441

>I'm not a writer

Then why are you pretending to know anything about publishing.

You fucked up kiddo

>> No.9963445

see>>9963419 (x2)

>> No.9963447
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>> No.9963450

He's probably not white. Or he's gay.

>> No.9963453

Wrong yet again

>> No.9963456
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>> No.9963457

Are liberals ... this retarded?

You guys are just pretending here right?

>> No.9963459
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>> No.9963461

>post counter doesn't go up
>reddit spacing

>> No.9963467

I'm OP. I sincerely believe you have autism

>> No.9963468
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>> No.9963476
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>> No.9963480
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>> No.9963483
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>> No.9963484

whatever helps you sleep at night (x3)

>> No.9963490
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>> No.9963495
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>> No.9963506
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>> No.9963511
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>> No.9963518
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>> No.9963525
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>> No.9963531
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>> No.9963532

thank you yotsubaposter

>> No.9963537
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>> No.9963548
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>> No.9963556
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>> No.9963559

Thank you yotsubaposterposter

>> No.9963561
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>> No.9963571
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>> No.9963576
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>> No.9963579
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>> No.9963584
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>> No.9963589
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>> No.9963596
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>> No.9963601
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>> No.9963606
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>> No.9963612
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>> No.9963616
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>> No.9963621
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>> No.9963626
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>> No.9963633
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>> No.9963636
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>> No.9963640
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>> No.9963645
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>> No.9963650
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>> No.9963656
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>> No.9963659
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>> No.9963666
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>> No.9963673
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>> No.9963678
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>> No.9963684
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>> No.9963692
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>> No.9963703
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>> No.9963708
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>> No.9963712
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>> No.9963716
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>> No.9963723
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>> No.9963729
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>> No.9963733
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>> No.9963740
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>> No.9963748
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>> No.9963751
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>> No.9963756
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>> No.9963782
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>> No.9963788
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>> No.9963795
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>> No.9963802
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>> No.9963809
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>> No.9963816
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>> No.9963821
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>> No.9963825
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>> No.9963830
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>> No.9963840
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>> No.9963846
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>> No.9963852
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>> No.9963855

It'd be pretty fucking funny to set one of these up specifically for "undocumented" people, and then simply redirect every name you get to ICE.

>> No.9963857
File: 409 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c003 (v01) - p113 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9963863
File: 400 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c003 (v01) - p114 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9963865
File: 44 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c003 (v01) - p115 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9963868
File: 47 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c003 (v01) - p116 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9963873
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>> No.9963877
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>> No.9963880

I'm technically LGBT, and I hate this shit. I don't want to put BTW I LOVE COCK in my biography just to increase my publication chances. If the publisher really gives a shit about literature they'll judge it on its own merits.

Not that I would blame a rejection on it, and I have been published, it just feels totally insincere.

>> No.9963886
File: 509 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c004 (v01) - p119 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9963893
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>> No.9963898
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>> No.9963903
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>> No.9963906
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>> No.9963908
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>> No.9963911
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>> No.9963917
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>> No.9963924
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>> No.9963931
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>> No.9963935
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>> No.9963939
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>> No.9963944
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>> No.9963951
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>> No.9963959
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>> No.9963963
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>> No.9963966
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>> No.9963978
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>> No.9963986
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>> No.9963997
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>> No.9964002
File: 447 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c004 (v01) - p139 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964006
File: 464 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c004 (v01) - p140 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964013
File: 26 KB, 160x160, f533f7efc00996b728b9f8ca375640d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's easy to spot the trannies and the SJWs and all the other lefty faggots because they love taking words used on their degenerate asses
>buzzwords devoid of all worth.

>> No.9964014
File: 515 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c004 (v01) - p141 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964019
File: 455 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c004 (v01) - p142 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964023
File: 246 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c005 (v01) - p143 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964030
File: 450 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c005 (v01) - p144 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964036
File: 481 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c005 (v01) - p145 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964039
File: 463 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c005 (v01) - p146 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964044
File: 469 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c005 (v01) - p147 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964047


>Be me
>Find one of these libcuck feminazi publishers
>Some shitty online journal thing
>Looking for horror stories with a social commentary
>Write a short story about two gay kids being hunted
>Pen name "Dee S. Knutz"
>Deez nuts
>They like the story and write back saying they want to publish it, but need information for who to pay it too.
>Give them my real name
>"Wait, you're a man!?!"
>I was born with a mans name and a mans body, but I identify as a female lesbian.
>Never hear back from them

Nearly got em. I always try though.

>> No.9964050
File: 480 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c005 (v01) - p148 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964053
File: 474 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c005 (v01) - p149 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964058

What about gay trannies?

>> No.9964060
File: 536 KB, 1100x1650, Yotsuba&! - c005 (v01) - p150 [Digital] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964067

oh heck it's 150 on this board I forgot

>> No.9964075

You shoukd have told them you were a Tranny Two Spirit Shaman Lesbian Soul


>> No.9964077

>but it wasn't overrun by utter fucking drivel
it is, though. it's all gimmick threads, generals and funposting. /mu/ is quite possibly the worst board on the chan

>> No.9964081

Good. Thanks for fucking up the thread, dickhead.

>> No.9964094

Right? But for real. These people have no way of ACTUALLY knowing what you identify as, and since you can have a pen name, it doesn't hurt to just make someone up. As long as they're paying you it's worth a shot. If not it's worth a laugh.

>> No.9964131
File: 9 KB, 500x500, nice livejournal geek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9964138

I don't know what's more autistic: the fact you posted every single picture or the fact you have something like that saved

embarrassing desu

>> No.9964141

get out of 4chan.net

>> No.9964203

does anybody know why they add an ampersand? is that how they romanize the word "chan" or something?

>> No.9964598

Those Yotsuba stories were so cute I literally became more human for reading them. Thanks poster.

>> No.9964604

b& pls

>> No.9964878

The title "Yotsuba to" literally means "with Yotsuba." "To" (と) is a particle that pretty much corresponds to "and" in a lot of cases.

>> No.9965378

The world is ready

>> No.9966463

Nah, the worst board would be either /b/ or /vp/ and I say that as a /vp/oreon

>> No.9966478

>Hating on /vp/ that much
I like the porn bait threads

>> No.9966738

If you think existing publishers suck, why not start your own? Clearly there's a gap in the market just waiting to be filled.

>> No.9966755

Don't have the technical knowledge

>> No.9968310

>tfw black dad but white mom
>tfw pale but African bone structure
>tfw accepted by all
>tfw always identify as light skinned black

Why do you plebs even bother living at all?

>> No.9968334

>polluted genes
l o l your mom got blacked

>> No.9968342

I think you mean perfected white people are the ugliest on Earth

>> No.9968383

>what do we do???

Pretend to be a Mexican you fucking retard

>> No.9968642

interesting. thank you.