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/lit/ - Literature

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994871 No.994871 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, do any of you guys listen to music when you read, and if so what?

>> No.994874

god i hate this faggot show.

>> No.994878

no, i can't read and listen to music with lyrics.

>> No.994885

Yes. Ambient and classical and sometimes jazz.

>> No.994887

Ambient instrumental type stuff... or music that isn't in English.

>> No.994891
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This isn't the show your talking about

>> No.994892

I did today. It was mostly blues.

>> No.994893

william basinski

>> No.994896
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Thelonious Monk, Bill Evans. That's about it.

>> No.994903

Actually I often like the tv on in the background when I read. Usually something I don't want to watch but not something I hate... and sound on low. If I'm only doing one thing my mind wanders...but if there are other distractions around I can focus on one thing. Contradictory, I know.

>> No.994913
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Sun Baked Snow Cave

>> No.994922

Yeah, sometimes i'll play some of bonobos instrumental stuff.

>> No.994939


What is the name this guy show?

>> No.994955

The Office

>> No.994966

I can listen to like, TLC's greatest hits when I'm reading certain things (e.g. today Chuck Klosterman's latest book).
But for other stuff (like Gravity's Rainbow) I can't be listening to anything.

>> No.995069


It's any good?

>> No.995079

Not anymore.

>> No.995115

I read a a lot of fantasy/sword and spell books

So I guess its fitting that I say Power Metal (Dragonforce, Demons and Wizards, Power Quest) so I am fully emerged in it

>> No.995149

often, but not always

has to be instrumental

lotsa jazz (bop era mostly)
Tortoise and the like
my old traditional chinese record

thats the bulk of it, but could be anything, really

>> No.995159

maybe instrumental, but I prefer silence when I'm reading. i can't imagine listening to lyrics and reading at the same time, i'm not that smart.

>> No.995201

I listen to instrumental math rock (By the End of Tonight), post-rock ( Godspeed You Black Emperor), jazz (Charles Mingus, Sun Ra) and drone (Boris). Depending on the book though. For example I read the Great Gatsby when listening to jazz. I am currently reading Madame Bovary and I listened to post-rock.

>> No.995241

Instrumental stuff, like soundtracks. Or nice post-rock in a foreign language, like Sigur Rós. I just can't listen to anything in English whilst reading, since I get distracted by the lyrics.

>> No.995243

Sun Ra

Captcha:moon the

>> No.995279

Power Metal
Progressive Rock
Golden Age Hip-Hop

>> No.995293

Melodic goth rock, like Clan of Xymox...
Or really fucked up glichcore (See: Venetian Snares)

>> No.995303

Iannis Xenakis, Feldman, etc. (inb4 the list could go on)

Or more electronic: aphex twin, stars of the lid (ambient stuff)

>> No.995321

It's not bad, and could be way worse.

Anyone who says the show sucks now is either heavily biased towards the UK version or is just trying to be cool

>> No.995344

It lost a lot of the spark it had in the beginning. They try to make American television shows so incredibly long so they can make more money... it's hardly about the story after a certain point.

>> No.995662

the new season was fucking hilarious, quit trolling.

i urge the guy who asked to see it for himself.

>> No.995682

the story/development is great considering its a fucking sitcom. why would you care if they make more seasons if its actually good? so you can complain about how they cut it short and how they should bring it back?

>> No.995688

No, I don't listen to anything. I find it distracting, and that it "colors" my impression of the book with my impression of the music.

>> No.995697

While I agree with this, I also think the show has gained a lot from its longevity as well, such as new characters, and the further fleshing out of characters that were bland in the beginning (like ryan).

It's a good show.

>> No.995702

I usually have music going on inside of my head anyway, but when I really want to shut everything out I'll read on a rainy day.

>> No.995723


the chemistry between michael and ryan is one of the funniest dynamics of the show

>> No.995748
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>> No.995763
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I can only listen to classical music while I'm reading. Anything else is to distracting.

>> No.995765

If any of you had any respect to the music you like, you wouldn't do that.

>> No.995872
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>> No.995898


Bohren & Der Club of Gore?

>> No.995916

That's a bingo

>> No.995922
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Anything instrumental really. Jazz and classical work fine.

>> No.995925

Oh, please. I'm perfectly capable of sitting down, contemplating Allegri's Miserere, and reflecting on the music as a vehicle for the psalm.

I'm also perfectly capable of enjoying it as ambiance. Artists are pretentious about what they do; that doesn't make them or their works any more special.

>> No.995929
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Explosions in the Sky

>> No.995930
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OP probably wants to listen to good music if doing it while reading, not generic post-rock.

>> No.995934

I listen to the Gorillaz album plastic beach over and over, so if I'm having a hard time focusing I listen to THAT story for awhile, then come back to my book.

>> No.995941

Ambient, light classical, post-rock and shit like that. It can't be anything that'll distract me, you know?

>> No.996003
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>> No.996047


you were the worst thing about /mu/ and i left there as soon as /lit/ came online.

at least i had a few months of peace.

oh well

>> No.996053
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>> No.996214

anything without vocals, mostly trance as that is my preference.

>> No.996233
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>> No.996240

Inception Soundtrack
DJ Shadow
Ambient stuff
Miles Davis
Daft Punk

>> No.996266

john coltrane

>> No.996272

Mozart and Vivaldi mostly

>> No.996408

Emancipator usually, or whatever laid back music I can find.

>> No.996477
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Philip Glass, John Cage, John Adams, Max Richter. Minimal, Contemporary Classical.

>> No.996489

Mostly classical, but I've been reading along to some lovely Gregor Samsa of late.

>> No.996502

I never do, because it distracts me.

But then, that's because I listen to music to listen to music, rather than as background noise or as a fashion accessory. I guess this board can't really relate.

>> No.996519

I'm a huge classical fan but I don't listen to music when I read. You can't appreciate music when your mind is on a book, and vice versa. Usually the music will be blocked out and becomes irrelavent background noise.

>> No.996533

You can't enjoy either fully while doing the other.

>> No.996539

I listen to ambient music when I read speculative fiction. Everything else, no. The Book of the New Sun is inextricably linked in my mind with Hecq's "Night Falls" because of this.