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9960657 No.9960657 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to be a nihilist without becoming depressed and crippled by anxiety?

>> No.9960663

Yes, realizing that nothing matters is actually quite liberating.

>> No.9960668

But how? Do you have a purpose?

>> No.9960674

Just because life lacks inherent meaning doesn't mean you can't be happy in spite of that. You're free to determine your own rules and wishes.

>> No.9960681
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Depends what you mean by that meme known as nihilism. But probably check out this guy, I heard he has some real good full cream milk desu senpai.
>"Stirner planned and financed (with Marie's inheritance) an attempt by some Young Hegelians to own and operate a milk-shop on co-operative principles. This enterprise failed partly because the dairy farmers were suspicious of these well-dressed intellectuals. The milk shop was also so well decorated that most of the potential customers felt too poorly dressed to buy their milk there"

>> No.9960693

If you believe that nothing matters or has inherent meaning then it's up for you to decide. Whatever purpose you choose, working at McDonalds for example, will be worthwhile and meaningful to you. I think after the initial depression that comes from the realizing nothing matters comes a sigh of relief. Why do you need something to matter?

>> No.9960696

I loved having that "a-ha" moment when I realized how positive nihilism really is.

In spite of what you may feel, I'm confident that you'll reorient yourself to thinking this way.

>> No.9960701

nihilism destroys, the liberation we feel is the freedom born therefrom

ontology has shown us that potential-action is enough to drive a man, at no timewill a man feeel more liberated when he has denounced everything as he now has the whole playground to himself. weakness comes then from the affirmation of negations. but this weakness is what drives men to become stronger in the face of it, the last few days i have realized clearly just how much we want to control all external factors, be they persons or societal constructs and even society itself. sorry i rambled a bit, i need sleep

you are free to determine your own meaning and values, ... it's a nice idea

>> No.9960703

I think it comes in waves. I switch between believing in a god and athiest semi-regularly and it's probably because im young and a dumb. But either way i know my purpose because i decide and create it.

>> No.9960710

Going off this a bit

I think a lot of the fear that is associated with Nihilism is the fear of not being told what to do. Life potentially not have a definitive purpose makes us feel lost. If we aren't being told what matters and what doesn't it places the burden on ourselves. Fearing Nihilism seems similar to a child fearing the responsibilities of becoming an adult and having to deal with life itself.

>> No.9960719
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Naive idiots will say no but only because they're inexperienced and have uncritical minds
They totally mistake the possibility of being happy while ""Identifying"" as a nihilist with the possibility of being happy when fully grasping its implications on anything we derive happiness from

>> No.9960723

I'm glad you asked OP. I felt the same as you until I watched this short video


>> No.9960724

If nothing matters nothing can matter.
Simply declaring something as meaningful in that context is just arbitrary ape howling. Utterly fucking meaningless much less something we can speak of having a "" responsibility"" to do

>> No.9960725

imo a normal healthy human should be fine with being a nihilist.
We've developed structures for meaning and values on our brains so unless our brain cannot fulfil the requirements of these structures then becoming a nihilist would be like realising that money has no inherent value, i.e nothing.

>> No.9960731


>> No.9960746

You can have goals and wants you wish to fulfill without deluding yourself with existentialism.

I think the easiest way to explain is by example:

An existentialist/religious man becomes a doctor because he believes he found his purpose or that he was predetermined to become one. A nihilist man becomes a doctor because he wants to be a doctor, but he knows that he might as well work at McDonalds and that in the end, what he did or didn't do is meaningless.

And think of the path that leads to a hospital job: studying, apprenticeship, hard work. The existentialist wants to go through with it because he thinks he has a purpose, whereas the nihilist simply set a goal he wants to accomplish.

>> No.9960752
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>> No.9960754

This is dumb because there is nothing in nihilism which suggests one to become a doctor.
If he wants to become a doctor he's not a true nihilist

>> No.9960759

The worst part is the complete dread you feel when you think about what happens when you die. Sure, you might not feel it for a while, but when you do, it's the worst feeling imaginable. It's as though everything around you has gone dark and the world wishes to crush you under its weight. I never get panic attacks, except when I think about death, and I don't think that feeling will ever go away.

>> No.9960794

I remember this feeling the first time I lost faith in God. It really unironically above all other suffering I ever felt, I'd literally go through torture to avoid being there again.
Its like you grasp the idea of youself being utterly and totally extinguished one day and its not merely a fear of that happening. Its like it burns back through time and just dissolves everything you are and ever did and ever could be. Then you're left with just this hammering dread, not that its going to happening but it already is happening, its all anything ever was

>> No.9960796

I don't even see how being a nihilist would cause those things

>> No.9960798

I'm an optimistic nihilist.

>> No.9960806

Wouldn't the nihilist regard nihilism to be a universal truth and not something which some people have and others don't, i.e you don't become a nihilist rather you acknowledge/realise that it is true?
It seems a bit pretentious to claim that the illusory system of values that all humans share is suddenly not a good enough motivator for the nihilist because a God doesn't personally preside over ensuring that they are meaningful.
Frankly I think the whole problem people have with nihilism is that they don't realise that we're all just animals without souls.

>> No.9960815

Except animals do not posess the ability to have self awareness on that fact, that is the categorical difference for why we call ourselves Homo Sapien (man the wise).
If you believe in these illusions you talk about, (and yeah following them while knowing they're illusions is still believing in them on some level) then you are not truly acting in the knowledge of nihilism
There is one value and its pleasure - pain. Everything else is nonsense to be ignored

>> No.9960843

>There is one value and its pleasure - pain. Everything else is nonsense to be ignored
But by your own words, you cannot be a nihilist if pleasure and pain is a motivation for your actions since as a nihilist you believe that there is no intrinsic value or meaning in anything, pleasure and pain included.
And don't get me wrong, I think pleasure and pain are the most pure forms of motivation we can have since they directly affect our brain through chemicals, but due to the complexity of our brains, more complex and seemingly 'meaningful', that is illusory, behaviours, values and desires have emerged.
>then you are not truly acting in the knowledge of nihilism
Nihilism is a fact to a nihilist, it's not some self-help 'philosophy' or 'way of life' that people adopt. Why do you treat it as such?
Are you actually a nihilist? Or are you trying to argue that nihilists don't actually exist by playing devils advocate?

>> No.9960847

you have to be willing to get happy over nothing.

>> No.9960864

>waa waa I believe I have faith in God because I'm scared

Yes, it's exactly how you described it. Not only are you going to perish completely one day, but you are doing so every single day. You constantly forget things that used to be important to you, you reinvent yourself according to the circumstances that arise, you think of a future that will still take you by surprise when it comes. "You" are not real in the way that you think about yourself. What you are is like a river that always flows on the same same course but still changes every second. That's why it's logically impossible to say that there can be an infinite life.

So stop crying about it and accept what you are. The anxiety you're talking about is not inborn in you, it's something that Christianity has planted in you. If you look at the world before and outside the influence of Christ you will see that people don't really believe in an afterlife. Nihilism is just the opposition to Christianity but if you stop looking at it like that then it becomes natural and logical.

>> No.9960920

So used to just going about my life I have to focus for awhile on the idea of my death for it become real to me. It really is the must crushing thing I can possibly imagine. I do it every so often for a reason I cant explain when the world doesn't feel real and I'm just staring outside at everything. I would honestly say I can vividly remember each time and what I was looking at. I wish so desperately I could believe in god and I have tried so hard but in my heart its all just a pathetic fraud that fills me with self loathing. When I look at myself I see nobody... I mean really I am no one. No personality no self... for years and years just pretending to be whoever I'm with. I want to cry thinking about how quickly and unconsciously I mimic phrases, gestures, posture, attitude. Maybe this is why friends feel so cold and alien to me, they're friends with whoever I pretend to be for them, there isn't even a real me for them to be friends with. My misery chases me even in sleep, where I am exposed and hated and chased by everyone. Only in art do I escape this suffering, but in a way I think it buries me deeper. Someone please please tell me what to do.

>> No.9960927

>>then you are not truly acting in the knowledge of nihilism
>Nihilism is a fact to a nihilist, it's not some self-help 'philosophy' or 'way of life' that people adopt. Why do you treat it as such?

I'm not, you're missing the point, if you don't act in according with nihilism as a fact then you are not a nihilist by not holding it as such. You can call yourself a nihilist and think you're a nihilist but if you don't follow logically from it then you're not

>> No.9960965

And what's natural and logical is a miserable meatgrinder where all relationships are merely that of domination and consumption. Where you are nothing but an eater one day and the eaten the next.
Christianity at least offers the hope of a possibility of identity and love, which I'll look towards before the banal ennui of suburban relinquishment

>> No.9960995

nihilism = no values, no meaning

depression, anxiety = negative value, bad meaning

one only become depressed precisely because one sees life as meaningful - meaningfully bad

>> No.9961004

You have probably realized that nothing matters, but you are still trying to live the life that social conventions taught you to.
At the end of the day, a lack of meaning gives no prescription. Your reaction shouldn't necessarily be depression or happiness, for there is no such thing as a rational reaction, and in fact even using the word "thing" is misleading.
Basically, you can choose how to react to this terrible truth.

>> No.9961015

read Nietzsche

>> No.9961025

The only logical reaction to nihilism is suicide. There is no point enduring the pain of life otherwise

>> No.9961027

There is no point in killing myself either. You're still operating on narratives, my almost-nihilist friend.

>> No.9961045

How should a nihilist act then in your view?
It seems to me that your nihilist cannot possibly exist because everything that he could ever do would be motivated by a belief in the value, intrinsic or not, of every possible action.
Trying to run away from somebody who was trying to kill him would show that he either places value in his life or value in avoiding pain. Suicide would show that he is motivated through placing value in his potential future pain.

>> No.9961057
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>if you don't act in according with nihilism
>as a fact then
>You can call yourself a nihilist and think you're a nihilist but if you don't follow logically from it then you're not
>Follow logically

I've never stirnerposted before, but I really have to say it: you are spooked, my friend.

>> No.9961107

Literally saying nothing

>> No.9961118

Fine, at that point you would simply sit and do nothing until eventually you die of dehydration like Jainist

>> No.9961130

I've never understood this. How can people believe something just because it makes them feel better? Doesn't it feel fake at times?

>> No.9961131

You're trying to be a nihilist while pretending that a course of action is logical and the other isn't.
For example
>at that point you would simply sit and do nothing until eventually you die of dehydration like Jainist
I could do the opposite. I still have a will, the fact that is not grounded in anything does not mean that inactivity is the obvious conclusion.

Again, it's all narratives about how you (or that guy, I don't know who I am responsing too) think that a nihilist should behave. Of course, as you can see, this narrative is in itself meaningless. You might choose to follow it, but it's by no mean the "logical conclusion" of nihilism (as if any such thing could exist).

>> No.9961152

Because the question becomes why?
What is your motivation? There is no such thing as action without motivation
There is no meaning in inaction but there doesn't need to be because its not predicated by any motivation but merely the void of motivation itself

>> No.9961171

It doesn't feel fake because what is the alternative I'm being offered?
All I know is perhaps Christianity is true, in total or it contains a path to truth and we simply need to learn how to logically constitute it to ourselves. I don't know the ends of all knowledge but what I do know is nihilism is a straight path to death and Christ offers life

>> No.9961172

you don't seem to be grasping the notion
that doing nothing is about as equally viable as conquering the western world , taking a shit, or smacking a womans ass.

when you say "might as well do nothing and die" you are placing a value judgement on doing nothing becuase it is the easiest for you to do than anything else.
When in reality everything is just as easy to do, if you think about it long enough.

>> No.9961180

this is the challenge you must over come.

you maybe motivated to become a doctor, but the end result of that motivation is a high score in donkey kong. you have to learn to sublimate your motivations; like pedophiles do.

>> No.9961190

Nothing doesn't demand viability though. That's the point and the nature of nothing
Nothing begets nothing

>> No.9961196

I'm the guy you were replying to. >>9961180 is someone else. Sorry if I'll use the word ''spooks'' multiple time, but it fits.
>Because the question becomes why?
If you accept that life has no meaning, no possible answer can be found for such a question.
>What is your motivation? There is no such thing as action without motivation
Double spook. First of all, you imply that every action has to be preceded by a motivation. This is not true. The Death of Ivan'Illic is a good book to understand what a conscious choice actually is, and how one can act for an entire life without ever thinking about why he is doing what he is doing.
The second spook is this: you are implying that every motivation has to be rational. So I'll ask you this: why do I like to play the piano? Why do I like to swim? The answer is tautological: because I like to do these things. No epistemological framework is needed to justify a passion.
For example, to the anon that implied that nihilism should lead to nihilism I could simply answer: I'd rather live.

>> No.9961202

Nihilism should prevent you from that shit actually. So it's more likely that you're just some depressed angsty fag who uses nihilism as justification.

If nothing matters, what do be depressed and anxious about? Specially anxiety usually comes from fear of negative consequences but if nothing matters, how can there be negative consequences?

>pain of life
>in the first world
Hahaha. Congratulation on managing to find a way to fail the game on easy mode with cheats.

>> No.9961207

>why do I like to play the piano? Why do I like to swim?
Dat shit releases hormones that make you feel going doing it.

>> No.9961208

You're talking about goals not motivations, again why be motivated towards any of those things?

>> No.9961209

Then virtually every action has a motivation.

>> No.9961215

White people feel more pain than third worlders, same way animals and bacteria aren't capable of the suffering humans are

>> No.9961216

Then I'll expand the question: why do I like the effect of these biochemical reactions? Again, the answer is: because I like them. I may be designed to like them, but this is not the point, for these psychic phenomena are still part of my experience

>> No.9961220

>Then virtually every action has a motivation

No shit. Action presupposes motivation

>> No.9961221

Nah, you're just a spoiled NEET.

>> No.9961225

Whatever you say Pajeet, isn't there a street you should be shitting in?

>> No.9961229

I don't understand your post.

if nihilism is true then everything is just as viable as nothing.
there is no better or worse or even a notion of difference.

there is no basis to make any sort of decision. so making a deicions doesn't make any sense.
you you make a decision that doesn't make sense.

instead of
oh nihilisim is true
might as well do nothing becuase that makes the most sense.

>> No.9961232

Pretty much, although motivation seems like a suboptimal word.

Even if we run along with this idiocy, there are still fuckloads of ways open to everyone in the first world to overcome muh pain and drown in pleasure. You get everything handled to you, it takes some effort or extremely shitty chance (accidents, disease, etc) to be miserable in the first world.

But you don't like them. The biological reactions are you.

>> No.9961234

Im saying that your "intentieons" or motivations are only one part of the ethic of deicions making.

rememeber there is also means , and ends as well.

when you are a nihilist you approach motivation similar to that of a cuckold.
except you're not as sado-masochistic.
and you probably have a better sense of humor.

>> No.9961236

>But you don't like them. The biological reactions are you.
The point is that the result is that I play the piano due to them. This process is independent of wether I'm a nihilist or not.

>> No.9961237

>so making a deicions doesn't make any sense.

Exactly, so there's no point in making one which consequently leads to doing nothing

>> No.9961238

There's no point in making no choices either.

>> No.9961239

Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.9961240

Yeah but that doesn't matter because you don't need a motivation to do nothing

>> No.9961241

>any way the wind bloooooooows
>*gentle symbol crash*

>> No.9961244

Then I've disproven your first point, which was that nihilism's logical consequece is inactivity, depression and, ultimately, suicide.

>> No.9961246

Having access to those pleasures just reveals how hallow and pointless they are. Third worlders still have hope of reaching a happy fulfilling life, Paradise seems real to them. When you're on the top and realize you're still in hell that's the ultimate horror

>> No.9961250

You're confusing two different posters. I brought up inactivity only to address the possibility of action when the pleasure principal itself is disregarded

>> No.9961251

>arbitrary ape howling
Exactly. That's the fun part: you get to be the ape howling.

>> No.9961253

Go ahead, but its not meaning

>> No.9961254

Oh, I am not the guy you was arguing with, just butted in.

> just reveals how hallow and pointless they are
So what? Jerking off is still pleasurable, whether there is a point or not.

>When you're on the top and realize you're still in hell that's the ultimate horror
But anon, there is no hell nor top. Just couple years of meaningless existence, which you can just as well enjoy.

>> No.9961259
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>the purpose is to find the purpose

>> No.9961260

I'm saying its not enjoyable though. I don't even enjoy jerking off anymore, its just become a biological burden like shitting but without a feeling of satisfaction at the end

>> No.9961264

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9961265

Then don't jerk off.
What's your point? Are you incapable of finding joy in life? If this is the case, is it caused by some of your behaviours and choices, and can they be fixed?
Chances are that your problem is not existential in nature, rather, just like almost everyone else on 4chan, your life is actually a mess that needs to be fixed. It's either that or you've got clinical depression.

>> No.9961266

How is shitting not enjoyable? Even simple stuff like drinking water when you're thirsty is absolutely fucking enjoyable. Don't drink anything for 12-24h and tell me again how it's not incredible pleasurable to have some water.

You just willingly numbed yourself with overexposure of pleasure.

>> No.9961272

It's physically impossible to be a true nihilist, you have baseline biology that you can't control and the fact that you are actually an individual with a perspective, to contend with. While denying the concept is even worse, I would say pursuing it too avidly is a mental dead-end. Use the powerful mode of thought an inkling of it can give you, but don't be subjugated.

>> No.9961281

i don't know if you are the same person that says
motivation presupposes action
and that we all get brain juice as our rewards for doing said actions

then I don't understand why you rely so heavily on "doing nothing"
have you every tried "doing nothing?"

becuase when you are doing nothing you are
1)fooling yourself that your mind is not busy or atleast in meditation
2)letting you body engage in so many automatic processes you have no control over yourself.

it is impossible to do nothing.
becuase at the very least you exist at least in your own subjective world.

>> No.9961293

Nihilism is a fact and acting in accordance to your intrinsically meaningless value systems is not contrary to being a nihilist because as you say we have a baseline biology. This is obviously irrational and if we were minds floating in space it wouldn't be in accordance with nihilism but we aren't.
If nihilism isn't a fact explain how you can arrive at intrinsically meaningful things without God?

>> No.9961300

Some Jainists literally did sit absently to death. Its impossible short of death to inactivate your mind of course but you can strive to reach the closest point where action is concerned

>> No.9961313

You have to realize that whatever you do, it's part of your life. I can't really help you, and I can't even tell you this is the right thing to do, but I can try. When you will realize that all the pain you're feeling is only in your head and, really, you can be whatever you want, then, I hope, you'll be free from your dread. Maybe you think that there are no good things in life. That's not true. There are things, and humans say if they're good or bad. You get to decide conciously what is good for you and just do it. Remember that whoever you are, whatever you did, will do, are doing, it's a part of capital "L" Life, and it's beautiful.

>> No.9961319

The conclusion of the thread is every single action is a leap of faith and greatest faith is in the God who died on the Cross
Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ

>> No.9961321

I can tell you two things:
>If something makes you feel better, that isn't necessarily the truth.
>You can love and have an identity even if you don't believe in a religion. All the world's a game with rules, the rules were written by men. Good things exist, we build them every day.
This really sounds like some self-help bullshit (and it is), but I think you could think about it

>> No.9961328

I'm afraid you don't understand what Nihilism is about. I suggest you to read Nietzsche: The Gay Science (hahaha GAY) and Thus Spoke Zarathustra. These book are filled with happiness and satisfaction. In Nihilism life has only the meaning you see in it. So, if you see existence as pain, you can change that point of view and become the Overman

>> No.9961329

>>If something makes you feel better, that isn't necessarily the truth.
>>You can love and have an identity even if you don't believe in a religion.

Notice a contradiction between these two?
All you're proposing is replacing Christ with a secular humanism pseudo-religion which is far more naive and unconsidered. God and salvation can at least be contemplated as imaginable, your faith is baseless in any universe

>> No.9961330

>If nihilism isn't a fact explain how you can arrive at intrinsically meaningful things without God?
you can't lel
so now what, hmm? where do you go from here? or are we just going to sit here and die, thoughts never leaving the cage you've put us in?

>> No.9961339

>nihilism is a straight path to death
Uhhh... what about no

>> No.9961343
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>Why don't you go read Nietzsche !

Not an argument

>> No.9961348

Ok, I'll try this the hard way.
GET OUT of your room, you fairy, you don't need no motivation, all you need to do is follow the Will to Power, ask no questions and fuck her right in tha pussy

>> No.9961359

Just out of curiosity, have you ever felt happy at least once in your life?

>> No.9961366

Things can matter if you decide they matter. If you are not a Nihilist and you are, put the case, a Christian, there's a God (represented on Earth by the ape called Pope Francis) who tells you what are the things in life that have a meaning. In Nihilism, like ol'Friedrich would say, you get to be your own God

>> No.9961372

Starving yourself to death is just another decision. A decision needs to have a motivation. Checkmate?
>But my existential dread, my fear
To fear the existence is a decision

>> No.9961381

If you read the FULL POST you would have seen my argument. Are you dumb?

>> No.9961383

Shit I replied to my own post. This (>>9961381) was actually an answer to >>9961343

>> No.9961387

No starving to death just happened to be the consequence of doing nothing. If humans were immortal you would not starve and instead just be there. You're mistaking environment contingency with willful end

>> No.9961396

In fact my faith is baseless. It's all about not searching for a base and enjoy the ride, can't you see? We (as individuals and society) decide what is good and what is bad. It's all a game WE created, whithout any base. Do what you like. I don't want to sound like some shitty carachter from Rick and Morty, but really, if it's possible for the human being to have fun at least once, we don't need any base for this.

>> No.9961398

Doing nothing until you starve to death requires incredible discipline. It's not something you just do when you're sad.

>> No.9961400

Doing nothing is a decision

>> No.9961409

I agree but this was all in response to someone saying being a hedonist is believing in meaning.
I think the true nihilist is either a hikomorri or a mind numbed wageslave.
Whatever it is for you to lie most flat on the water

>> No.9961411

Ok enjoy your fun reddit, I'll be busy looking for salvation

>> No.9961416

So, you want nihilists to fit their stereotype? That is not nihilism: that's pessimism. To be a nihilist you just have to not believe in any metaphysicial foundation. What you do with this lack of belief is not contained in the term "nihilist".

>> No.9961417

And while you look for an eternal salvation that might or might not exist, I will be 100% spooks free here while I can still see myself.

>> No.9961422

We've been arguing about the fact that being a nihilist doesn't mean that you have crippling depression and now you come up with this? Do you think it's al a matter of aesthetics? Why should one become a depressed isolated misfit if it's not fun?

>> No.9961428

>So, you want nihilists to fit their stereotype?

No I'm saying this is the logical implications of nihilism, if you don't act this way you're not a nihilist. Just a redditor

>> No.9961434

That's not how it works, dude. The logical implication of nihilism is that, since nothing has an intrinsic meaning, you just do what you like and realize there was no need for an intrinsic meaning in the first place

>> No.9961435

>I will be 100% spooks

You literally just admitted you're acting out in a faith that your life isn't just a waste of time and you'd be better of dead.
Again go waste your life on a pathetic train of half satisfactions if you want but do not act is you've any logical justification to. Its just an inferior spook

>> No.9961437

Explain what the logical implications of nihilism then? Give a description.

>> No.9961439

Again refer back, if you like doing something you're believing in meaning and significance of pleasure and not a nihilist

>> No.9961444

There's no point in doing anything. So just stop or if that's too hard just float by minimizing discomfort and filling boredom with sad convenient pleasures like masturbating and anime

>> No.9961448

It said "spooks free". Really you can't read a full post without going autist and typing random shit? I said like 100 times that there's no logical justification, and there's no need for one

>> No.9961449

You're giving more value to what requires less effort, which is entirely arbitrary, or at least, just as arbitrary as giving more value to what makes me happy.
Your logical conclusion is just a floating narrative. Other anons earlier in this thread have already explained to you why you're wrong, you might want to answer to them first.

>> No.9961450

Are you saying that the whole mankind can never be happy in its life?

>> No.9961453

And I'm saying the only way to be spooks free while taking nihilism as a fact is to do as close to nothing as our imperfect brains and bodies allow

>> No.9961454

Or I could put in some effort ans have more fulfilling experiences. Wether there's meaning or not, staring at a wall is still far more boring than having sex with the girl I love.

>> No.9961460

They have explained absolutely nothing. If you don't want to believe in any narrative then do as the Jain's and do nothing until you die. I suggest this miserable life because its the next best thing when Anons pointed out that what the Jain's do is too hard for us weak willed meatbags

>> No.9961462

No, it's not. The point is to do and enjoy what you believe is good, without searching for a deeper meaning or a reason why it is good.
The fact that a man has been happy at least once in his life means he can be happy. There's nothing beyond that

>> No.9961463

Love and fulfillment are spooks

>> No.9961465

I agree and I'm saying being a fat smelly shut in masturbating to anime is the most efficient form of happiness once spooks are dismissed

>> No.9961476

That's a point of view

>> No.9961495

Depressed I can understand but why would being nihilist make you anxious?

If you think that nothing matters there's literally nothing to worry about ever.

>> No.9961505

I'm starting to think that the actual redditors are guy this anon.

>> No.9961527

Find the pointless inconsequential shit that makes you feel happy (at least in the short term) and do that. i.e Drugs.

>> No.9961528

Holy esl

>> No.9961532
File: 38 KB, 1822x1308, forOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this graphic

please explain why this is false since you seem to be disagreeing with yourself.

>> No.9961545

Because nothing isn't a choice, its the default when you don't make a choice.
Its a contrivence of language that we say we "do" nothing, its more accurate to say one would not do anything. After all why would you if there are not justifications to motivate you

>> No.9961605

you explain what "doing nothing" is but how does it relate to nihilism.
and doing nothing is a choice.

under nihilism if A then B isn't always the case.
I think thats something you don't really address.
So I may feel unmotivated becuase nothing really matters, but instead of doing nothing, I decide to wash my face with a pickle five times
then waking up before going to sleep.
becuase with nihilism, even my logic means nothing.

>> No.9961626
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>without transcendence, after we killed god, we oscillate between nihilism and totalitarianism. i see it more as a secular religion than anything.

>> No.9961628

>and doing nothing is a choice.

Nonsense, its the absence of a choice. What you're saying is like saying buying nothing is still buying something

>> No.9961636

Why does anyone need meaning or purpose?

>> No.9961638


your analogies are shit.
you are obviously trolling now.

buying nothing is a choice you make in regards to finances/money

you should've started with the greeks
and at least got to the idealists like Hume before jumping into nihilism.
becuase you got the bifurcated middle you gotta consider nigga.

>> No.9961643


>> No.9961646

You can just admit you have no argument and stop posting friend, its more dignified.

>> No.9961651

And why is pain bad exactly?

>> No.9961660

Its not, which is why I recommend the Jainist approach if you're not a weak shit faggot

>> No.9961672

that okay becuase my argument doesn't matter
nothing matters
but atleast Im having fun.
even though it doesn't matter.
and Im shit posting on 4chan.
even though it doesn't matter.

>> No.9961682
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you need some Eris in your life man

>> No.9961698

If given human has self-conscience, everything he/she does or doesn't comes from his own choice

>> No.9961703

I can see why nihilism might lead to depression, but why anxiety?

>> No.9961705

Nihilism is dangerous.
Too much freedom is bad.

>> No.9961710

Don't worry, you may find Love and hope in Christ some day. God still loves you and there is always space in his flock from this hell you suffer in

>> No.9961711

There is nothing in nihilism that suggests not to become a doctor. If everything is meaningless and void of inherent values then one act is the same as any other.


It's part of human nature to feel the full range of emotions. You cannot simply decide what to feel and what to ignore. You can believe that your feelings lack value and meaning though.

DESU it seems like that based on your interpretation of nihilism, there is not a single nihilist in existence.

>> No.9961713

have fun arguing yourself in circles

>> No.9961714

Too much freedom is bad if one doesn't know how to handle it. First one has to deeply ponderate about what he thinks is important. Then he has to ponderate even more deeply to decide whether to make or not make important actions. Or, you can just do nothing or the complete opposite, do anything you want without thinking about it.

>> No.9961718

If you have any degree of self-awareness being a nihilist will make you depressed once you realize that you're an edgy pseud.

>> No.9961724

>There is nothing in nihilism that suggests not to become a doctor

I knew some idiot would say this but it doesn't work. You do not require motivation to not become a doctor whereas to become a doctor you do

>> No.9961730
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>great mind
>great body

god she is the perfect woman

>> No.9961740

>self awareness
Nice spook.

>> No.9961741

you know if you have studied psychology

compulsions require less "mental effort" than doing nothing. as well as routine.

>> No.9961742


Depression and anxiety can't be solved by nihilism or any philosophy. Your hormones don't give a shit about the values you might or might not attach to things. Try talking someone out of a panic attack.

>> No.9961748

>Try talking someone out of a panic attack.

I unironically have done this

>> No.9961749

will you shut the fuck up about motivation

all this shit you are so fucking shallow
reading fucking books to spout those same tired ideas with not fucking commentary of your own.
you go to 4chan to steal other anons commentary.

have you ever been intrinsically motivated?
or are you trying to suck gods cock so he can spray some of his will all over you?

>> No.9961754


Nihilism =\= complete lack of motivation.

You do not need values or meaning to be motivated.

>> No.9961756

>are you trying to suck gods cock so he can spray some of his will all over you?
This sentence is epic and I love you. Mind if I use it in discussions?

>> No.9961762

Well shit, good work. Had an ex who had them on the regular. Never managed to do it.

>> No.9961768

This. In fact, most of the people I know who are becoming doctors or lawyers are the ones who do not give a SHIT about philosophy. They love Family Guy and appearing successful.

All the people I know into philosophy and """"""values"""""""" are the ones who by societies standards would appear unmotivated, lazy, and incompetent.

>> No.9961772

What if the whole world would become nihilistic tomorrow? What would happen?

>> No.9961773

Not the other anon, but the trick is to basically not be worried about panicking, and try to communicate comfort and the fact that they are panicking is fine. Usually panick attacks are about "meta" anxiety.

>> No.9961779

I'm only here to help you towards finding real Love through Christ Jesus Anon, once you let your anger out I recommend you pick up the Good Book and read Paul's epistles

>> No.9961783

Thanks, I had an ex who had them too. I found the best way was not to not to deny or even agree with everything she said and just respond with amusement

>> No.9961784

Anon is right. Paul wrote the most beautiful Beatles song imo (For No One)

>> No.9961787

yeah I totally trust your

>> No.9961795

Ohh for fucks sake could you please tell us you're a retarded shitposter before we start an argument? Can't believe I've wasted data on you.

>> No.9961803

yeah at first it made me depressed but now I'm a really happy guy. I also get blown a lot which may have something to do with it.

>> No.9961911

Welcome to the water bitch

>> No.9962953

I would unironically strangle you to death.

>> No.9964393
File: 76 KB, 947x279, 1485624419915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do this, but with existence instead of picking up chicks

>> No.9964449

Who cares

>> No.9964478

Nihilism can be freedom because it allows you to choose what matters

>> No.9964493

Why everyone sees the void as a one way road, not as the dichotomy void/potential or nothingness/all.

>> No.9964714

>Nihilism is just the opposition to Christianity
I actually know of some nihilist Catholics. I can't remember half of what they said but it was pretty solid from what I CAN remember.

>> No.9965277


Good reply. I like you, anon.