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9959379 No.9959379 [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you realised that sex was worthless and disgusting?

Also, chaste-lit general. Christians and Jews welcome :)

>> No.9959381

>sex is gross guise
>*has 14 kids*

>> No.9959387

To be quite honest this post just sounds like shitposting bait.

Could you please take it to another board? I'd prefer this one to have actual quality content and discussion rather than incessant shitflinging because someone wanted to chuckle to themselves for a few minutes about how many idiots they tricked into replying.

>> No.9959389

If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen, LIbTARD

>> No.9959391

I find myself going back and forth between thinking the idea of sex and sexual activities in general are disgusting and going on strange sexual cravings that last hours on end.

I can't wait to be old and be done with sex completely.

>> No.9959395

>reddit spacing

>> No.9959396

I love sex; I'm just not driven by it. It's like getting dessert after my meal: I really went out to eat for the entree, but chocolate cake is always good too, and I wasn't full.

>> No.9959399

Op here, it literally isn't

>he doesn't know about the infant mortality rate in Roman times

>> No.9959400

eating dessert will turn you into a fat fuck

>> No.9959402

he coulda just not had any kids and found a better successor that his retard son

>> No.9959404

Then I shall die happy and fat, my good chum.

>> No.9959405

Yeah, blacks say the same shit, that they are worried about the infant mortality rate...That's why they have so many fucking kids....

>> No.9959408

Yeah, Aurelius was a nigger.

>> No.9959413

>not going out for dessert

>> No.9959429

One a week I go to DQ and get a Chocolate ice-cream sundae with peanut butter drizzle, banana slices, and crushed peanuts.

>> No.9959474

22, currently realising this and taking the Christpill. But sometimes I still have the urge to masturbate to weird shit. Do you have any book recommendations OP?

>> No.9959485


>> No.9959494

the virgin stoic vs the chad cynic

>> No.9959499

Simone Weil's writings on illusions and the imagination. Her basic argument is that our imagination gives us dreams and desires to shield us from the fact that we don't actually have a Self, and that true faith is only possible when you realise this fact and bear it. So in other words, from a religious standpoint, indulging in worldly pleasures is a form of self-deception and does nothing but keep you back. I just remind myself that worldly pleasures are never as nice as I imagine them to be.

>> No.9959501

I'm 27 and a virgin. Have had girlfriends in the past, none of whom I had sex with, as they were all conservative Asian girls. Nowadays I jerk off to 2D 3-5 times a day and pretty much never think about real women. Am I an ubermensch yet?

>> No.9959512

I just googled that and you need to find yourself a pastry chef instead of a paste based ice cream like excuse for fruit.

>> No.9959523

Thanks! I actually came across her name a couple weeks ago, downloaded some stuff but haven't got around to reading it yet.

>> No.9959528
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I could be a far-right neonazi for all you know

>> No.9959537

It's once a week. If I die to fake food from eating it once a week, my body wasn't meant for this world.

>> No.9959541

The BBC did a nice spot on her that summarises her life and ideas. You could check that out before diving into her writings. They are by no means easy to understand.


>> No.9959543


You dated girls and never had sex with any of them? What the fuck

>> No.9959551

you won't unlock your true power level unless you drop sex and sexual related en-devours
REEEEEEEE's will deny this

also this is only true if you aren't a normie, where I estimate 60% of this board is comprised of normies

>> No.9959558

I am in the process of mastering seminal retention. My body craves sexual activity, but I am steadily starving out its presence in my mind.

>> No.9959578
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Don't be such a prude. Even though sexual release can be reduced to friction on a certain membrane and the ejaculation of fluids, you cannot discount the importance of sexual love to human life or the human experience. Unless you are a stinky virgin.

Being able to realize the drive for and the act of sex is a biological function doesn't make it meaningless or worthless, just don't obsess over it and be pulled by the puppet strings of desire every time you get an erection.

>shit leopards can't change their spots
and neither can shitposters

>> No.9959633

And you don't be so simple-minded. Humans can love without sex, and without even being attached to it. Sex in this time has been so degraded that it is generally an end unto itself. There is no such thing as romance, and what's more ejaculation robs men of the most vital essence their body produces.

Sex drive is life drive. It urges people forward, animates them, motivates them, etc. To let it build up inside you, channel it upwards, imbue the whole body with it until you are pulsating, luminous, vibrant -- "glowing." This isn't being a prude. In fact it is one of the most well-known practices typical to the sage, the philosopher, the mystic.

>> No.9959635

I was 21, had already dated women and offered sex, but refused. Multiple times they broke it off immediately afterwards. At the time I felt terrible about it because I felt that I was telling them they were unattractive or not worth it, but it was more borne out of anxiety from childhood experiences. But now looking back I feel it was for the better. Now I feel almost a revulsion toward it.

>> No.9959644
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Chastity is stupid, people need to enjoy sexual intercourse and be as promiscuous as possible.
That said, is true that sex is worthless and disgusting, but since we may need it from time to time, there is no reason to try holding it.
Not only that, but it is also fun for human species. If gives you pleasure and dosent put your life at risk, them no reason to avoid.

>> No.9959679

making money and having sex as frequently as possible is literally the only purpose of a male human that isn't a spook

it's also the only thing that isn't overrated

the jews know this

>> No.9959706

Actually it has extremely beneficial affects on your brain, indeed why would something you require to ensure a species survival be worthless. Reminder than prehistoric females became sexually active at 10-12 though not entirely able to breed, usually first getting pregnant at 15-17. Just don't over do it and lapse into unhealthy hedonism.

>> No.9959713

>Reminder than prehistoric females became sexually active at 10-12
Proof? I know you have none

>> No.9959728

>implying hedonism is bad
grow up

Aisha, wife of Mohammed isent even that old is proof enought.

>> No.9959731

Thats not prehistoric you moron

>> No.9959733


This is the most Maileresque passage I've read on here, bravo anon

>> No.9959740

For the past few years, I've really stopped caring about sex. I don't even masturbate anymore.

I just don't care.

>> No.9959742

>Just don't over do it and lapse into unhealthy hedonism.

Most webspace is pornographic. This very website is assails the user with a never ending slew of provocative imagery. Who are you kidding?

>Reminder that prehistoric females, etc.

This is relevant how? We are not living in prehistoric conditions, nor even in pre-modern conditions, and the purpose of most of our technological, civil, and medical advances were so that we don't revert to that state, as erroneous as that claim is.

>> No.9959745

Well if you want to be a mystic or a sage because you have difficulty being romantic and have grandiose opinions about the current state of sexual culture in your part of the world, than fine. Surely you can survive without it and maybe you're right about the correlation between abstaining those who make a living out of higher thought.

But you cannot discount it with grandiose opinions of vitality. You seem to be expressing frustration at the lack of romance you have seen in your life and those around you and attribute it to the times we live in and our popular culture. It means nothing to you now and that's fine but you're justifying your distaste for it while plenty of others explore it and enjoy it.

Don't yuck my yum. Romance is important to me and many others

>> No.9959761

It have no difficulties with romance. It's because I am romantic, that I choose abstinence. An extremely common misconception people make.

No, my intention was not to disparage you. You're free to do whatever you want. My intention is to make you understand that not everyone who chooses abstinence is a "stinky virgin" who "can't get laid."

>> No.9959772

you are a faggot

>> No.9959783
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>> No.9959790

Calling it worthless and disgusting is pro death speech.

The desire is an illusion though. A nice illusion to indulge in though I wish it weren't ever present.

>> No.9959798

If anyone thinks he is behaving improperly toward his virgin, and if a critical moment has come and so it has to be, let him do as he wishes. He is committing no sin; let them get married. The one who stands firm in his resolve, however, who is not under compulsion but has power over his own will, and has made up his mind to keep his virgin, will be doing well. So then, the one who marries his virgin does well; the one who does not marry her will do better.

For the time that has passed is sufficient for doing what the Gentiles like to do: living in debauchery, evil desires, drunkenness, orgies, carousing, and wanton idolatry. They are surprised that you do not plunge into the same swamp of profligacy, and they vilify you; but they will give an account to him who stands ready to judge the living and the dead.

>> No.9959807

>Calling it worthless and disgusting is pro death speech.

Are you actualy mentaly challenged or just a faggot?

>> No.9959813

This is a good passage nonetheless. Christians have pretty much forgotten that chastity is a spiritual exercise, akin to fasting or prayer. My libido is still pretty insufferable at times, but the spiritual benefits are worth it.

>> No.9959840

It was NABRE, but either ways I'm excited for the new version in 2025.

>> No.9959872

Baudelaire. He was a degenerate only ironically.

>> No.9959892
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>be me
>reading the bible at the time, not really sure what i think of God or how i relate to him
>filled with self-doubt and look down on myself for not having the things we glorify in the world
>try to get different things like sex or money or social status
>pray to god
>get all of them
>have the craziest sexual experiences, literally every pornographic sexual fantasy fulfilled over and over and over
>have tons of money saved up for my age
>amazing start to my career
>party and drink
>develop huge social life
>praying and going to church and reading Bible falls off
>the more sex and money and glory and accomplishment i get, the more hungry and more unhappy i become
>become angry and resentful
>drive away everyone around me
>truly evil intentions enter my heart as i feel anger and hatred for those around me not giving me what i feel i deserve
>drive away my girlfriend, friends, and colleagues as i lash out at everyone i feel hurt me
>bad job performance, afraid of layoffs or firings all the time
>spend hours planning out how long i can live off unemployment and my savings
>stop caring for myself and gain weight, get minor health issues
>have a breakdown
>hear a sermon on James
>realize how precisely true James 1:13-15 is
"When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."
>spend weeks in self-hate and obsessing with my health
>begin praying and praying and praying and begging for forgiveness
>slowly find myself sinning less and less, life improves with such rapidity that my mind won't even let me comprehend it and i keep waiting for things to go wrong
>read through the end of Luke today
>realize what idolatry and impure desire does to our lives
>realize how incredible and complete God's mercy is and in complete amazement at Jesus' sacrifice
>burst into tears

>> No.9959903

>this is how spiritually broken christians are

>> No.9959904

what a fucking faggot kys asap

>> No.9959912

i was agnostic until 2 months ago

>> No.9959923
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Stay strong, God bless you

>> No.9959939

Not a christfag but I'm slowly not liking sex more and more. Random hook-ups vary from awful to okay and the only sex I enjoy is one where I connect with someone on a deeper level. The act itself isn't fun or enjoyable and after I have sex with someone I'm casually dating all interest falls through the floor. I dunno, it's just not all that like some people make it out to be.

>> No.9959952

Exactly this. The last hook up I had was just the other week and I literally didn't feel her mouth on me. Tbh looking up at the night sky and listening to the sounds of nature while she blew me were more pleasant and satisfying than anything that she could give me

>> No.9959954

>Kierkegaard as beginner reading
>The Shack
Someone really needs to revise this

>> No.9959957

Irrelevant, muh sacrifice muh sin muh guilt muh salvation

All signs of spiritual pathology, Plato's saying that those who can not rule themselves must find a master also applies to religion

Not strong enough to be your own god? Find one to subjugate yourself to

>> No.9959964

Plato was a dumb pagan though

>> No.9959974

This list is fucking hilarious. I'm surprised you didn't include The Purpose Driven Life.

>> No.9959977

Really? Most educated christians disagree

>> No.9959980

Actually I take that back, the spirituality section is at least half worth reading. Theology needs work.

>> No.9959982

Maybe something from /lit/, not Reddit.

>> No.9960030

Putting "Jesus fanfiction but with a lion because the bible is boring and kids love animals" in the same list as Brothers K is even more astonishing.

>> No.9960069

>not being a laveyan satanist AKA stirnerist AKA egoist

>> No.9960111
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>be beta
>centuries after be worshiped by betas

>> No.9960310

No, it's not worthless. It's how we communicate with the Other / Unknown. By foregoing sex you forego communication with such a thing, and I mean that in the typical sense of sex as well as the abstract.

t. virgin coward, but at least I'm honest. Rationalizing your weakness is what's disgusting.

>> No.9960409

>tfw asexual
I don't know if I count because of it, but when normies talk about their sexual encounters and the times I've come across porn, it just seems really boring and a let down compared to what the imagination can concoct. Sensual stuff like making out has always seemed more appealing.

>> No.9960435

This is so edgy.

That being said I'm also sensing some spiritual patholgy in anons post.

>> No.9960443

It's not worthless, but a completely chaste life sounds like a dream.

>> No.9960649

a cuck's dream

>> No.9960715


I'm in the same situation except I never had a girlfriend and managed to loose my virginity by hiring a professional prostitute.

>> No.9960776


>> No.9960922
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I wonder if it's normal to be truly asexual. Despite having had sex multiple times with both women and men, I felt zero pleasure with any of them, and what is more, lost all respect and affection I had for them after the act. I haven't had sex in several years and it feels like I've been liberated from a dreadfully boring chore. I fap maybe once every 2 months, more as a maintenance thing than anything else.

Most Christian chaste-lit doesn't appeal to me because it's about suppressing sexual desire, which I can't identify with and frankly don't particularly understand. There's so little literature about having a complete lack of sexual desire in the first place, or willingly getting rid of that desire. Any recs?

>> No.9960925

I hate my body and want no one to see me naked too, OP.

Just kidding, I like myself but don't want to lose dat purity.

>> No.9960938

>But sometimes I still have the urge to masturbate to weird shit. Do you have any book recommendations OP?
Masturbate once every 3 days. After a while you'll get used to it, and to do it you will need no porn: the memory of a girl you've looked at for 5 seconds 2 weeks ago will be enough.
keep in mind that most people masturbate on weird porn simply because they got used to everything else: novelty is the priority. Still, after 3 days, you won't "need" anything to get off. The simple feeling of you touching your erected penis might be enough.

Rinse and repeat until you become a person that is too old to masturbate casually (this will probably happen in your 40s), from then on enjoy the monastic life, if you're still into it.

>> No.9960998

easy there Cephalos

>> No.9961054

the lust for sensual pleasures and the aversion to sensual displeasures is lost for good once there is equanimity towards sensuality. It is a bit of work to gain this equanimity once and for all and hedonists do not want this anyway.

The good news for the hedonists is that:
-you can get this equanimity temporarily and once you stop the training, the desire to enjoy the senses and avoid displeasures come back
-the gain of the equanimity does not mean there is no pleasures, contrary to what hedonists claim. Once there is equanimity towards the 5 senses, the highest pleasure is discovered, and hedonists compare that to orgasms as usual, since it is all they know. It is a pleasure which is not through the 5 senses. It is highest precisely because it is not sensual, and there is no will for sensuality. The pleasures through the senses are the most mediocre that can be experienced, and normies strive for them, claiming it is retarded to ''kill the sensuality'' because it would mean ''death''

The best news for you is that since you do not sacralize sex like thenormies, you may not care much for the 5senes already and you may have some spare time. The lack of care for sensuality makes it easier to get the jhanas. There are various jhanas and normies talk about ''soft jhanas'' and ''hard jhanas'' but at the beginning it does not matter.



>> No.9961064

Jhana-anon pls go

>> No.9961114

There are people right now who believe that sex is mystical.

>> No.9961175


>he think sex ends in old age

>> No.9961427

How the fuck are you "asexual" if you've had sex with girls ie gotten a boner, cummed inside a vagina, and experienced orgasm.

>masturbating once every two months as "maintenence"

What the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.9961451

I have literally never cum inside a vagina or had an orgasm with anything other than my own hand in my entire life. I've never had a boner during sex for more than a minute or two, which means I've never penetrated a woman for longer than that. Of course that left all my sexual partners deeply unsatisfied but I persisted, even letting men fuck me in the ass because I was a dumb normie who thought sex is sacred and necessary for a happy life.

I masturbate because I believe it's healthy to have regular orgasms and also because it helps me sleep.

>> No.9961537

As an asexual I can say you are either suffering from sort of dysfunction or are truly asexual.

>> No.9961547

Thing is, if I simply had sexual dysfunction, I think I would want sex. I find sex disgusting, boring and unnecessary. I haven't even thought about having sex with another person for many years.

>> No.9961574

You're definitely asexual then. Very asexual at that.
As weird as it sounds I'll have sexual fantasies (not even involving myself) but I've never masturbated before and despise the thought of anyone ever getting so intimate with me or touching me.

>> No.9961586



>> No.9961608

Very interesting, anon. I didn't realise people like this existed in any notable numbers.

As a teen, I was memed by parents, friends and teachers into thinking I have to have sex, so I decided that if I do it enough, I'll start wanting it. Not living that way anymore feels so fucking good, man.

>> No.9961641

Wait so if sex doesn't interest you, what do you masturbate to? Just curious.

>> No.9961650

>sapping and draining my precious bodily fluids
lol at you for believing in ancient Chinese witchcraft

>> No.9961656
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ITT: t. Anselms

>> No.9961658

Mostly weird fetishes that aren't even sexual in nature. Sometimes porn as a matter of habit, I guess. Or nothing at all. I'll literally just think about my day and other things while rubbing my dick.

I have no interest in indulging in these fetishes with a real person, though.

>> No.9961662
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Recreational sex is hedonistic.

>> No.9961665


The actual act of sex makes me so nervous. I suffer from premature ejaculation, probably because of my fear. I stupidly pretended to my girlfriend I was asexual, then felt so embarrassed about it that I had sex with her just to prove I wasn't. We soon broke up after that lol. Also, I don't like the idea of wasting my time to court a girl. Figured I'm better off without them and they're better off without me. I occasionally fap just to expunge myself of the urge.

>> No.9961667


It's so hard. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for songs like these. T-T

>> No.9961708

:'( i cant escape

>> No.9961717

When I realised I was worthless and disgusting

>> No.9961865

>people need to enjoy sexual intercourse and be as promiscuous as possible
>sex is worthless and disgusting
>but since we may need it from time to time, there is no reason to try holding it.
Is sex bad or not?

>> No.9961871

How could you possibly believe that when you know full well how weak, unknowing and evil you are? Statistically you are not in the top 10% of humanity, so why say you're a god? A demon maybe. I hope you don't live out your existence seeking worship that you don't deserve.

>> No.9962323
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can you resist her?

>> No.9962359


My favorite part of having sex is when my gf cums first then i violently roll her over and fuck her doggy style until she cries. The best thing about that is that the lube, vaginal juices, and crap in her asshole start to mix and release a disgusting odor.

>> No.9962363


>> No.9962410


arse full of farts

>> No.9962420

She wouldn't have an interest to begin with, but I think so.

>> No.9962424

What about priests, monastics and virgins who dedicated themselves to a certain profession like Newton?

>> No.9962433

>I remember being autistic

>> No.9962463


>> No.9962469

>being this pleb
They do it because they are niggers who don't think of or don't care for the consequences of their actions

>> No.9962487

She seems fucked up

>> No.9962646


>> No.9962957

> t. Saint Augustine

>> No.9963033

Sex is beautiful, you neurotic pieces of shit.

>> No.9963048

t. Succubus

>> No.9963056

You sound like Hamlet going full homo with Ophelia, the first roastie in literature

>> No.9963218

I wouldn't want the same end for her, but maybe she should get thee to a nunnery.

>> No.9963295
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Do you, in hypotheticals, feel any attraction to this picture?

>> No.9963317

t. international jew

>> No.9963581

Sex is good, its biological consequences on the other hand...

>> No.9963765

Mostly they're unhealthy, in their psychology and in general. Newton was a literal pathetic cuck to his religion and god. He was like a tiny child with an abusive father that was never there, frightening of the nonexistent, straining himself with mental gymnastics and circular thinking.

>> No.9963803

2D is superior.

>> No.9964480

YET he was a gift of God to humankind, a literal giant who changed the lives of many generations of brothers and sisters. What can you say about yourself, alpha boy? How's the redpill turned you into an eternal demigod?

>> No.9965006

I dream of fucking girls each night

>> No.9965012

leibniz also invented calculus at the same, newton just gets more hype because he's a brit instead of an evil german

>> No.9965045

I've never had sex, is it really all that? Because it really looks kind of unpleasant. Like basically you just have to do a lot of pushups for 20 minutes until you cum, and you have to finger and eat her out until your wrist and neck hurt so she can come too. Sounds like a lot of work, when I can make the horniness go away a lot easier by just jerking it.

>> No.9965049

you're probably a fag, try sucking a dick

>> No.9965068

No I am not a homo sexual

>> No.9965081


>> No.9965158
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Sex, or really the desire for it, consumes a lot of my life. I'm also pretty handsome and not an aspie, or at least I'm good at LARPing as someone with half-decent social skills, so the only challenge is meeting them and convincing them to take their pants off, which, in current year with the app store and thots and all, isn't that difficult.

I'm actually really happy about it. It motivates me and adds spice to my life. When I'm 70 I'll have a catalog of memories of myself railing everything I ever desired, and my desires are practically infinite. Feels a little Dexter-blood-slides like but I'm not gonna feel guilty about taking advantage of existing in a paradigm of decadence and boundless whores. My penchant for variety is unquenchable - chubs, small, East Asian, Indian, Norwegian, etc. etc.

And it's not enough for me just to fuck a Jap, Viet, Sami, or Russian, I'm literally gonna teach English all over the world and rail as many whores as possible. It feels more organic and it's far more enjoyable to immerse myself in a culture while I rail their women.

I'm pretty sure I'm a disgusting degenerate and a slave to my passions but I like to think of myself as a cultured connoisseur. Regardless, I already have things lined up in 'Nam and pretty soon I'll be spending my days teaching ~30 hours a week, reading philosophy, getting shithoused on some Gook beach, and spraying so much semen at little brown Saigonese whores it'll look like napalm made its way back to the land of pho.

Italy, India, or China next. Haven't decided yet.

>> No.9965244

I feel nothing sexual unless I love someone. I didn't even experience crushes until I met the person I love. Well, I don't know if I even had a crush on them. I admired them platonically and as time went on I felt a deep, unrelenting warmth in my chest for them. I felt nothing sexual. I felt childlike joy, devoid of any lust. I admired the way they look, but I didn't feel a desire to kiss or have sex with them. I often admire how people look, both male and female, without admiring the person. It's not attraction due to the lack of desire to be with them romantically or sexually.
With time, I grew more and more fond of them. We began dating. Later, I realized I was feeling love in my chest. They felt it, too.
Eventually, they vocally expressed a desire to hold me. My face turned red and I hyperventilated. I wanted to be held by them. I didn't just want to be held. I wanted to be held by THEM. Only them.
I didn't just want a partner. I wanted them.
As time went on, and my love continued to blossom, I felt.. more and more physical desire. I had once thought I was both aromantic and asexual. The fact that I was actively obsessing over a desire to be held and kissed by this person was extremely odd and shocking.
I once viewed all sexuality as hedonistic and pointless. Even thoughts of simply kissing this person caused me to feel guilty.
"Who am I? What on Earth am I doing?"
I hated myself for a bit for feeling a desire for physical expression of love. But my feelings of love were pure. Pure love cannot be tainted if it's genuinely love. Love, in its most whole form, between two people, cannot be ruined. Not even by kissing or sex.
They kissed me. They fucked me.
It was blissful and lacked any absent-minded attempts at quick pleasure and release. It was all mindful and treated with nothing but respect and caution.
Having sex while genuinely in love for the sake of being close to someone isn't bad at all. It's not necessary, but neither is reading.
Now, having sex with strangers for fun is a completely different thing. Those who participate in this are doing nothing but weighing themselves down.

I am still full of love and light. Our connection remains in-tact. My mind is clear and free of distraction. I have not changed in any way outside the fact that I now share something with the person I love that no one else does, with me or them.

Having sex isn't inherently bad.

>> No.9965257

>sex is worthless
>but is an essential requirement to avoid extinction
Really makes my dick hard.

>> No.9965259

I lost my virginity before I was thirty, so I never came to that conclusion.

>> No.9965269

came here to write something similar, about sex strictly in the context of love being okay (but still not necessary)
good on you anon
you sound slightly autistic though no offense

>> No.9966023

Thank you.

>> No.9966182

despite going to church every week and its community being a substantial part of my life, I've never been a fervent christian. I've never spoken in tongue, met God through a supernatural and phenomenal encounter or study the bible regularly.

For me the challenge that I struggle with is how Christians should be in their relationship with God and people.

Chasity is something I want to ignore but I realize intentional disobedience of a fundamental principle that separates Christians and others in their view of marriage and love would be a grave mistake.

Honestly, I want to nut pretty badly but I've been holding it off for a few years now. I also cut out porn because I can have a wank without any thought or material, just the biological urge is enough for me.

Thing is, Christians back in the day got married much earlier than we do and I think the challenge of Chasity has become almost insurmountable these days. Sex is commodified and its just too easy to find porn.

I think its foolish to think we can achieve Chasity alone, I'm not some Zen asceticist that can be totally independence from material and worldly desires, Im just some random fella who happens to be in a situation where nutting a slag is a fundamental betrayal of my identity and beliefs.

I just hope God helps me out ffs. Really dogged the boys

>> No.9966185

>I think the challenge of Chasity has become almost insurmountable these days

You misunderstand. Christianity was designed to prevent this kind of society.

Like you said: Christians back in the day got married much earlier than we do.

The modern lifestyle needs to be destroyed for the good of everybody.

>> No.9966198

the whole point of chastity is to relegate sex to making babies (which lolberals hate to hear and they get displeasure from sex when they reduce sex to this), because what is felt in contemplation is better pleasure, so if you fail fail to get this pleasure you will not hold long as a religious.

>> No.9966202

You're a damn fool

>> No.9966215

thanks anon.

There has never been a society that reflects Christian morals. Laws are only created in response to a threatening malign

the 50s is only a generalized facade

>> No.9966226

>pro-tip: it's not

have fun wasting your life