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File: 30 KB, 450x320, stock-photo-black-african-man-thinking-closeup-of-his-head-and-face-89416480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9958850 No.9958850 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any significant black philosophers? Why? Why not?

>> No.9958860

nice bait go back to /pol/

>> No.9958864 [DELETED] 

No. Doesn't mean blacks are inferior as a race either, except in intelligence.

>> No.9958866

I'm just curious and you are paranoid.

>> No.9958869

Kwame Anthony Appiah is Ghanaian-American. He is a nobellaureat. Read Cosmopolitanism, it's exceptional.

>> No.9958880

Aimé Césaire, Alain Locke, Marcus Garvey and Cornel West
Just off the top of my head.

>> No.9958888

>Why not?
Because philosophy is a white cultural endeavor. Why do you expect non-whites to engage in white cultural practices? Are you racist?

>> No.9958893

>only whites can into philosophy
Are you seriously disregarding the entire canon of Eastern philosophy? Please, eat shit and die.

>> No.9958899

Have you studied eastern philosophy? It's a joke. You eat that shit first, champ.

>> No.9958904

>eastern "philosophy"
U mean eastern mystic mumbo-jumbo?

>> No.9958908


Eastern philosophy has informed plenty of western thought, retard. Stop posting.

>> No.9958916

You mean middle eastern? Far east has hardly influenced anything aside from waves of pseuds like baba ram dass and alan watts.

>> No.9958933

Nope. It's the other way around. Much eastern philosophy is derived from ancient Indo-European philosophy.

>> No.9958956
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>> No.9958969

Keep in mind the Arabs were racist and sexist as fuck and thats why the only remaining Greek Philosophers available to us today are white male boy-fuckers

>> No.9959021

I love how the retarded faggot who made this thread isn't responding to these posts.

>> No.9959028
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Frantz Fanon, fuckface

>> No.9959033

Probably because those aren't real philosophers. Blacks aren't a high-minded, philosophical people. No fault of their own, just the way they are.

>> No.9959046

Please, tell me about how Sun Tzu and Confucius are "mystic mumbo-jumbo." Oh wait, you've never read any philosophy, let alone any Eastern philosophy.
>these philosophers aren't real because I say so
I can feel the try-hard rolling off of you. Really pathetic stuff.

>> No.9959058

The Wretched of the Earth is kino. His ideas about the necessity of violence in revolution are very convincing.

>> No.9959074

>Really pathetic stuff.
The only thing that's pathetic here is you insisting that blacks who pretend to engage in white cultural endeavors are in any way significant just because they're black. Philosophy has nothing to do with blacks and blacks aren't interested in philosophy. The only interest *you* have here is in feigning, either because you're virtue signaling or because you're black, that blacks can be as intellectually competent as whites, when we know that's not true. You are the pathetic one here, because instead of accepting people as they are, you create a fantasy that pretends people are how you want them to be to soothe your weak ego.

>> No.9959085
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"All the accumulated knowledge, experience, and suffering of mankind is inside you. You must build a huge bonfire within you. Then you will become an individual. There is no other way."-Lil Uzi Vert

>> No.9959179

If you give a valid critique of one of the thinkers named in this thread, I'm sure everyone will be very interested (though I doubt you've read any of their works). If you're just going to spout a bunch of meaningless, canned /pol/ buzzword responses like "virtue signaling" and "white cultural endeavors," attacking me instead, then leave.

>> No.9959196

ITT: angst and projection.

No, because philosophy is the practice of a civilized society which has surpassed the point of worrying about the most fundamental aspects of life, such as how to obtain food and get themselves under stable roofs. Blacks in general are still riding the high of obtaining civil rights (what blacks have escaped the ghettos and poverty, anyway).

>> No.9959200
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I don't know, OP, you tell me.

>> No.9959249

it's a well-known fact the western philosophical "pantheon" has no blacks and no women. the greatest diversity you get are from the greeks themselves.

>> No.9959264

has anybody read any Thomas Sowell?

>> No.9959266


>> No.9959270

But he's not exactly a thoroughbred is he?

>> No.9959275

If race realists are allowed to use the one drop rule, so are we

>> No.9959282

You're trying to pass Cornell West off as a philosopher, moron. I'm not going to take what you're saying seriously. Try to accept that you come from a dysfunctional race and stop trying to be something you aren't.

>> No.9959288

>sun tzu
lmao make sure u plan shit lmao
lmao make sure u obey shit lmao
I know two African women, one west-cost one east-coast (of Africa not fucking gangs), that both have a deep interest in philosophy of science regarding 'under-the-rug' biases acting as the foundation of how a model is formed.

>> No.9959290

So then you are a racist calling a mixed man black to disprove the racist OP?

>> No.9959297
File: 67 KB, 720x1143, marcus-aurelius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we as humans have no direction in life

Stopped listening right there

>> No.9959311

I'm white. Cornel West is a political philosopher, not that you'd know that.
Writing a grossly over-simplified version of a philosophical argument, doesn't critique it in any way. Also, you've clearly never read Sun Tzu.

>> No.9959320

nah just playing by the rules on the board
race realist:
>all black people are stupid
>the definition of black people is the presence of black genes in any quantity
counter point
>this person that you've defined as black has shown to not be stupid. therefore your original point is incorrect.

>> No.9959329


>> No.9959336

So are you saying that all purebred blacks are stupid? Quite honestly, I find that to be even more offensive, anon.

>> No.9959337

You are so ignorant that it's literally making me sick to my stomach.

>> No.9959338

>I know two African women
You're lying or exaggerating but your personal experience is not a lens into the greater world anyway. You should realize how foolish you look pretending your personal life is a reflection of anything.

>> No.9959343

So you're admitting you can't give a valid critique? Thanks, that's all I needed to hear.

>> No.9959349


>> No.9959350

Why are you children always so smug?
I've read much more philosophy than you. Traditional 'eastern' (just call it Sinoic or something) is not of any valuable. Don't worry, neither is any Greek or Roman philosophy.

>> No.9959354

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Diogenes, Thales, Heraclitus, Anaxamander, Zeno, Democritus

>> No.9959357

>I'm white
That only reflects more poorly on you. You look up to still under performing outliers of a slave class because you're too afraid to identify with your own culture. That's sad, dude.

>> No.9959358

Nice rebuttal you fucking /pol/ monkey.
>blacks aren't interested in philosophy
>here are blacks who are interested in philosophy
Now fuck off back to /pol

>> No.9959371

analytic brainlet detected.

>> No.9959372

Never even been to pol. You are a liar and you should feel ashamed about pretending you know black women who know fuck all about philosophy. You are virtue signaling, that's all you're doing here. Understand, cuck?

>> No.9959376

I'm not anal autistic

>> No.9959378


>> No.9959380

this website truly is hell

>> No.9959386
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>mfw the reddit shills are learning how to use 4chan so they can false flag in this thread

>> No.9959398
File: 77 KB, 500x333, aniihilitrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sun tzu
>lmao make sure u plan shit lmao
>lmao make sure u obey shit lmao

But >>9958933 already pointed out that all eastern philosophy comes from indo european philosophy, which means you are talking shit on pure products of white aryans, you race traitor.

>> No.9959407

You're lying because you're a cuck whose been told his whole life that his own people are evil rayciss bigots, so you've been cut off from your identity and your sense of morality has been skewed to the point where you think you're righteous for defending a dysfunctional class of ex-slaves jews brought to your land by making up lies about how you know two black women who are interested in philosophy. Yeah fucking right, you pathetic excuse for a white man. You are a cuck. You need to accept that to give yourself a fighting chance at one day, maybe, becoming a real man.

>> No.9959415

I already said that Greek and Roman philosophy is trash. Also, how the hell are meds and mesos 'pure white aryans'?

>> No.9959418

Are you having a fucking stroke mate. I'm not defending anybody and I don't buy systematic racism.
I'm not American, as far as I know my country never had slaves. When I say African, I mean literally born in Africa. Hence why I was able to mention their fucking region you stupid /pol/cuck

>> No.9959432

>dude Schopenhauer lmao

>> No.9959438


>> No.9959457


>> No.9959459


Because no one other than pure white aryans are capable of philosophy, dumbass. Haven't you ever heard of the hyperborean atlantis which was the proto ancestor of all aryan civilization. All philosophy descends from this pure virgin wool. Drink bleach, cumtwat.

>> No.9959468

>under performing outliers of a slave class
You mean men like W. E. B. Du Bois who got Ivy league educations before affirmative action existed, and managed to become prominent in their fields despite anti-intellectuals like you?
>you're too afraid to identify with your own culture.
No I'm not. I much more readily identify with non-black philosophers. You're literally just spouting nonsense.

>> No.9959472

Were I to drink bleach, I would not grow even a shade whiter, for even my blood runs clear -- for it is Atlantean blood.

>> No.9959476

I'm not from pol, you idiot, and I don't give a shit what country Africans who tell you they're into philosophy are or aren't from. You need to stop being a faggot and realize that the sons of those African women are going to rape your daughters like the other Africans squatting in your nation are doing as we speak. You are a white man. Act like. Defend your people and your country, not Malian interlopers your traitorous government let in. You should not be proud to voice these kind of cucky sentiments here or anywhere. You should feel like a sad and weak man for this display here.

>> No.9959495

Do you know what an outlier is? You're a numale, negro-worshipping cuck who is defending blacks on here because the jews who control your culture had you thinking black rappers were the epitome of masculinity by the time you were 13. You know it. You are a shallow and weak man, and you should really reflect on why and how you feel the way you do, and why you defend a dysfunctional class of Africans jews brought to your nation. Do you think that's noble? Do you think you're virtuous for behaving this way? It's the opposite, friend. Grow up and get past your Lil Jon days and become a white man instead of the cuck you are today.

>> No.9959505
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Prove it. Carve a swastika into your forehead and post itt. Otherwise you're no true aryan.

>> No.9959615

I hate rap. Also, I don't think you're being genuine. You seem like you're just baiting. I'm sorry I gave you any attention.

>> No.9959677
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stop being so daft and comparing cultures that think and operate in almost completely different fashion

>> No.9959702
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>> No.9959721
File: 66 KB, 850x400, quote-i-say-if-you-re-going-to-take-a-chance-on-something-you-just-go-full-balls-to-the-wall-toby-keith-15-49-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What point are you trying to make?

>> No.9959797

I was being very genuine. You don't understand blacks beyond an emotional level that has been embedded in you by a culture controlled by jews that raises blacks up ahead of your own people and are used as their shock troops against you. There's a bigger picture you can't see.

>> No.9960072

Were I to do so, supposing mere steel can pierce my skin, it would not be visible to the eye of you lesser humans -- for my blood runs clear, and thus my wounds are still pearl white.

>> No.9960076

>ivy educations
Universally terrible
>before affirmative action existed
It has always existed, it just hasn't always been official.

>> No.9960688 [DELETED] 

fucking no good porch monkeys playing basketball and collecting welfare from their rapper limos. Their big nigger nostrils breathing up all the white man's air!

>> No.9960729

Eastern 'philosophers' never had an understanding of the type of intellectual activity they did as a practice of 'philosophy'. Philosophy is a distinct western tradition of intellectual endeavors with its own vocabulary and heritage. People who try to frame eastern thinking into 'philosophy' are inconsiderate racist scum, who do not realize that they are performing intellectual imperialism and are butchering heterogenity by doing so.

People like you are

>> No.9960734

Is The Art of War worth reading or is it really just mystic mumbo-jumbo?

>> No.9960740

don't trust Asians.

I haven't since pearl harbor. They're a deceitful and cruel people, just look at their game shows

>> No.9960963

I don't know why more people don't talk about Garvey. Absolute fucking visionary.

>> No.9961271

>disregarding the entire canon of Eastern philosophy
True eastern philosophy is extremely elaborate and important
dude be in the moment lmao/worship this god if you want x lmao
dude be in the moment lmao/worship this god if you want x lmao
dude be in the moment lmao/worship this god if you want x lmao
dude be in the moment lmao/worship this god if you want x lmao
dude bright colors and over the top facial expressions lmao

>> No.9961335
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>Kwame Anthony Appiah

Can you spot the symbolism in this pic /lit/?

>> No.9961373

Wow non-whites truly don't deserve to exist, they try to make themselves better in imaginary ways especially when they are leeching out of a superior country and actual humans. Even here with the checkers he smugly watches but in reality they are kept alive simply on pity and that will expire very soon

>> No.9961382

Jews are just whites with weird noses.

>> No.9961385

>dude im ignant lmao

Now answer his questions without resorting to memes.

>> No.9961389

>defend your people and your country
If I was at a bar with my family and someone started spouting shit, the best defence would be to sort out the one nut starting fights for no fucking good reason.

>> No.9961761

Why would I answer a meme question without using "memes". It is clear eastern philosophy is not philosophy at all.

>> No.9961800

You know damn well there isn't and you know damn well why

>> No.9962292

jp aesthetics and traditional sino art > westaboo shit

>> No.9962352


my best fr.........

>> No.9962366

>your personal experience is not a lens into the greater world
It's the only one.

>> No.9962378

exactly this

>> No.9962473

There are some, but there are more ''thinkers'' than actual philosophers. People like Fanon, Césaire, Garvey, Stuart Hall are not philosophers but decolonialists, cultural theorists, etc...

Which isn't to say that they were unintelligent, I'm sure they were and that's probably what you're looking for - althought as a right leaning person I couldn't agree with them - but they thought from a particular perspective that I believe prevented them from writing stuff like, say, Plato would. If you're looking for a black Kant I can't think of any.

>> No.9962481
File: 61 KB, 1200x800, black science man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest of all!

>> No.9962496

Philosophy isn't just metaphysics. Political, social, and literary theory are all parts of philosophy, and have been since the Greeks.

>> No.9962523
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>Eastern """philosophy"""

>> No.9962706

Are you having fun samefagging to bump your pathetic bait thread?

>> No.9962900
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Maybe not black but Avicenna was decidedly brown. One of the great thinkers and mathematicians of the Islamic golden age.

Alexandre Dumas was black according to any respected geneological definition, and although not exactly a philosopher himself his novels show a mastery and understanding of philosophy in both theory and practice.

St. Augustine of Hippo was born in Algeria (then Numidia), to Algerian parents. His works on theology and religious philosophy, including some of the best framed ontological arguments, resonate to this day. He's inspired countless Christian philosophers notably including Soren Kierkegaard, and was basically required reading before 1840. A lot of early Christian art work shows him as White, but the man was born in Algeria in the early centuries of the first millenia, and none of the artists had seen his face. They didn't have a lot of white people in Africa at the time. This is post- Carthage.

>> No.9962919

>Alexander Dumas
Even most intelligent blacks, if you actually looked at their DNA, would probably show high and often even majority white admixture. Like the woman physicist from the recent NASA movie, something heroes ... she was like a quarter black at most. But one drop is all it takes to be black.

>> No.9962920

>Algerian parents
Roman father, probably berber mother.

>> No.9962952

There is a black man by the name of Yash Qaarah.He has a good youtube channel and while mI had a good idea of the Jewish menace he was one of the first ones to shine the light in the corners of every source of influence for me and show the Jew menace. He still coons out from time to time but he is definitely as red pilled as a black man can be, he even knows Nazis didnt really hate blacks they just wanted them to worry about Africa. The thing with black people is while 10% of every race is red pilles 99.9 % of them are in a weird purple pill where they recognize a problem but they blame it on Nordic people and are to short sighted to make their own shit so they always resort to gibs.

>> No.9963020
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>muh redpills
This board has seriously gone to shit. It's basically just /pol/ 2.0 for pseudo-intellectuals now. The dude replying to everyone in this thread (whom I suspect to be OP) apparently thinks that all Eastern philosophy, black cultural and literary theorists, liberal thinkers, and Greco-Roman philosophers were completely worthless. He also seems to be arbitrarily bringing up jews at every opportunity, just to gain some sort of "alt-right cred" or something. There's no desire for conversation or discussion there, merely close-mindedness and smug posturing. This is just one of many racist bait threads that are currently shitting up this board. If I didn't get good feedback in the writing threads, I don't even know if I'd bother coming here anymore.

Pretty sad stuff, especially considering most of the people posting here are probably very moderate politically, and a good conversation could have evolved from this thread in a less politically polarized world, because there are clearly differences in the ways black and white people approach analytical discourse, that are worth examining in a more objective light.

>> No.9963041

>Kwame Anthony Appiah is Ghanaian-American. He is a nobellaureat. Read Cosmopolitanism, it's exceptional.
looked at his wikipedia page, he doesn't have nobel prize. Looked at his influences and the page on his philosophy this is just gibs-me-dat with minority representation and some disingenuous reference to community

>> No.9963062




The world has been far-left for too damn long. The pendulum is swinging back, and it's about time, too. The society that fears the truth is slowly learning to realize it.

If that gets in the way of your "I don't have any political leanings because unironic beliefs make you un-objective and I'm too enlightened to think" bullshit, back to mleddit with you.

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
Thanks gookmoot

>> No.9963074

You are mistaken and your post is comprised of little more than projection and self-righteous whining. The posters who talk about racial differences and jewish influence are more often than not the most informed and capable individuals on here. They routinely engage in good faith and form well-rounded arguments based in fact, whereas their detractors and the Tel Aviv-based shills who try and insert their way in usually do little more than cry and whine as you did in your post. You are welcome to challenge others in this discoursal space. No one is stopping you from making counter-arguments. But you will gain no respect from anyone here if all you do is complain in place of challenging the opinions and statements you oppose. Engage like an adult and stop whining, or go to reddit.

>> No.9963109

>looked at his wikipedia page
You're right though, he doesn't have a nobel prize, he's just on their board, I think that anon was just confused. That being said, his philosophy is not that simple. He probably says a lot in Cosmopolitanism you'd agree with. For instance, he doesn't think that art should be repatriated to Africa, because Africans have no means to take care of it, and cultural inheritance is a social construct. He also doesn't think that religious truth is relative, and states that disagreements on spirituality are disagreements on facts, not opinion, and that respect for people's beliefs should not extend to sacrificing your own ideas or opinions (meaning he would be opposed to much Islamic thought). Don't comment on literature you've never read. It makes you look ignorant.

You should especially read "Europe Upside Down: Fallacies of the New Afrocentrism" which critiques many of the other thinkers that have been named in this thread, such as Fanon and Garvey.

As far as "gibs" he literally says that Oxfam and Unicef are misguided and creating a dependency state, so you're just outright incorrect. He even says we have no obligation to give any support which would detract from our own personal comfort or quality of life (let alone would cripple our economies, as the USA's welfare state does), because the moral imperative to do so is founded on false conceptions about the nature of charity.

>> No.9963147

Nice samefagging.
Far-right thought is just as ignorant as far-left thought. My views aren't ironic in the slightest. I'm a nationalist and a social-capitalist. You and I probably don't disagree on as much as you think.
>The world has been far-left for too damn long
Literally about 25 years in parts of the west (not places like the American South and , and 0 in any other culture. Other than that, all of society has been mostly conservative for thousands of years.
>form well-rounded arguments based in fact
Openly disregarding all of the thinkers who do not come from your own culture by saying "they just aren't smart" or "it's a white cultural endeavor," or lampooning their positions with oversimplified arguments aren't facts. You haven't used one fact in one fucking argument this whole time. You are just spouting a bunch of lowest common denominator memetic shit like "redpill" "jewish shock troops" and "virtue signalling cucks." Sorry, this isn't your /pol/ echo chamber. You can fuck right off.

Or, alternately, you could engage with some of the thinkers who have been named and actually come up with a substantive critique of their work. Although I doubt you'd ever read something you suspected of disagreeing with your own preconceived and ill-informed worldview.

>> No.9963154

meant to say the American South and Eastern Europe

>> No.9963219

I only see one "You" there. But this gets back to my point.

You wrote a cringy whine post and were called out for it, then you immediately accused one poster of pretending to be two people so to gang up on you. This is why I off the bat labeled you as someone who is clearly immature. The problem here is not with other people, it is with you. You are not a serious thinker and the way you engage in discourse is childish.

Why don't you work on changing this aspect of yourself instead of writing long whine posts about others then acting defensive? You need to grow up and learn how to act more mature, anon. The problem here lies with you.

>> No.9963242


>> No.9963255

1. not black
2. dumas was 1/4 black
3. north africans are not black

>> No.9963278

>I know two African women, one west-cost one east-coast (of Africa not fucking gangs), that both have a deep interest in philosophy of science regarding 'under-the-rug' biases acting as the foundation of how a model is formed.
You mean they try to use "muh racism" to discredit studies on human biodiversity? Hm.

>> No.9963297

This. Same goes for Latin Americans. Borges was white, and so was Darío and Cortázar. No great Latin American writer is a brown spic.

>> No.9963306

>black "philosopher" is really a journalist or social critic at best
Really makes me think.

>> No.9963312

>I only see one "You"
I doubt that.
Also, it's telling that you once again launched into an ad hominem instead of addressing the content of my post. Truly pathetic.

>> No.9963320

>only metaphysics is real philosophy
Some people are just beyond help.

>> No.9963323

my man

>> No.9963341
File: 123 KB, 500x750, f933ae244533f20727d0daba173128b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personal opinion

>> No.9963342

You are mistaken and your post is comprised of little more than projection and self-righteous whining. The posters who talk about racial differences and jewish influence are more often than not the most ill-informed and incapable individuals on here. They routinely engage in poor faith and form ill-informed arguments based in inferiority complexes, whereas their detractors and the Tel Aviv-based shills who try and insert their way in usually do much more than cry and whine as you did in your post. You are welcome to challenge others in this discoursal space. No one is stopping you from making counter-arguments. But you will gain no respect from anyone here if all you do is complain in place of challenging the opinions and statements you oppose. Engage like an adult and stop whining, or go to reddit.

>> No.9963394
File: 94 KB, 340x427, Junot_Díaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the greatest prose stylists in contemporary literature is a "brown spic," as you so affectionately put it.

>> No.9963541

That guy is probably at least 85% European, maybe even 95-100%. The other poster is right and you don't seem very knowledgeable about the racial composition of Latin America.

>> No.9963602

Holy shit, go die. You don't get to just refute every example with "that guy's really white" or "those dudes suck." That's not how discussion works. If you're going by those standards, almost nobody has been "ethnically pure" since the Roman Empire or at least the colonial era, so you can literally pick and choose any individuals to be or not be "white." Your logic is facile on a surface level.

Junot Diaz was born in the Dominican Republic, grew up in a traditional Dominican family, and walks around with BROWN FUCKING SKIN.

>> No.9963704

What are you talking about? I wouldn't accept the guy as white but that doesn't change the fact that he is likely of majority European ancestry. Not sure why you're so butthurt, but this is clearly a matter of you not understanding the history, genetic composition, and abilities of Latin American peoples.

>> No.9963722

>brown skin
>wide nose
>maybe even 95-100%

Your mental gymnastics are off the chart

>> No.9963730

Everyone knows about Spanish colonialism. You aren't intelligent.

>> No.9963760

>ITT: niggas who haven't read Machado de Assis
Even Woody Allen's read him.

>> No.9963801

This guy is not a native indio of the Dominican Republic. He is majority European or he is the spawn of a Sephardic slave trader. Native indios don't look like that and rarely cross the 100 IQ mark required to be a proficient writer. You're an idiot, anon.


>> No.9963807

Nope, you are just having trouble accepting that you come from a mediocre race.

>> No.9963814

>you create a fantasy that pretends people are how you want them to be to soothe your weak ego
Projecting much?

>> No.9963831

Came here to post this man.

>> No.9963848
File: 1.99 MB, 320x214, GIXk68M.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage, report, hide.

You all should know this routine by now.

>> No.9963853

I'm Italian-American. Try again.

>> No.9964286

Do you know what a philosopher is?

>> No.9964337

>religious philosophy
This is just theology. Don't try to distinguish it from theology.
Any person who places philosophy above theology is a tool of the Antichrist.

>> No.9964344

No, I'm very drunk right now so I might not be able to explain what they think very well, but they have serious doubts on say, evolution (inb4 monkeys) because philosophy and culture at that time ultimately was obsessed with the notion of evolution/progress already.
That's just a very shallow example.