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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 231 KB, 1200x1850, kill all normies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9953242 No.9953242 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read this? Is it actually descriptive or one of those completely out of touch thousand-feet-up academic overviews that was written by someone that spent only a few days here.

>> No.9953254

She did a podcast, you tell us.


>> No.9953261

Its by a woman. Nobody here will read it.

>> No.9953266

You know, /lit/ used to be very liberal.

>> No.9953267 [DELETED] 

Women are simply inferior to us. I only respect male authors, and they have to be white

>> No.9953271

I read it already

>> No.9953276

I've read the reviews and most of her articles, why don't you do the same?

>> No.9953280

I was thinking of compiling a story made of stream of consciousness interspersed with occasional 4chan replies, digits & trips included. I'd want it to explore the internet's influence on thought and vernacular, mainly. Thought it'd be an interesting experimental work, but shoot me down if you think it's cringey.

>> No.9953284 [DELETED] 

Get a fucking life

>> No.9953287

>he's not living the literary lifestyle
I feel bad for you, wagey

>> No.9953295

It's really good. Nagle is legit.

>> No.9953304

what board does she browse, and if she browses this one, can she stop shilling this fucking book?

>> No.9953305

Not completely out of touch, but still out of touch.

>> No.9953318

Go to bed Angela

>> No.9953321
File: 316 KB, 853x1090, large neet over city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look her up
>she's a local author
might rob her book if I see it on a shelf

>> No.9953332
File: 21 KB, 809x808, 0822 - Yy81YRZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip the good ol days

>> No.9953342

4chan in general was rather liberal with an anarchist bent. It's why I came here in the first place.

>> No.9953343 [DELETED] 


>> No.9953345

It's always been pretty independent. It never really had a political view

>> No.9953347

Yeah, do you remember when it changed? I think it was around gamer gate, right?

>> No.9953349

"4chan" isn't anything, people here just tend to be die hard contrarians, just because you came here along with the le crzy hax0r chanology faggots means nothing.

>> No.9953361

>Yeah, do you remember when it changed? I think it was around gamer gate, right?

More like around Project Chanology.

>> No.9953362


-/lit/ stats 2014:
Average Age:

Sex: (Seeing as every female that responded was harassed, I'm guessing they are under-reported)
>Male: 94%
>Female: 6%

>White: 82%
>Hispanic: 9%
>Asian: 4%
>Middle Eastern: 3%
>Black: 2%

Political Affiliation:
> Far Left: 31%
> Center Left: 33%
> Centrist/Unaligned: 16%
> Center Right: 12%
> Far Right: 8%

>> No.9953364

>"4chan" isn't anything
I thought we were an autonomous collective.

>> No.9953374

>all these cumskins
>all these leftists
It checks out.

>> No.9953379
File: 28 KB, 400x396, 1483973456799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6% ""females""
>archives lost in the cuckening so no information on how this was all collected (probably straw polls)
really worthwhile

>> No.9953380

I found Plebo.

>> No.9953386

This is the thread where it was all collected.

>> No.9953389


Only two options?
Die cis scum!

>> No.9953393

hypersphere is the closest to that
i don't think it is an area that should be explored further.

>> No.9953396

I am a girl btw

>> No.9953397
File: 2.71 MB, 1674x882, reviewbrah cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a bait post in every one of those data mining threads, what sort of slack jawed down syndrome takes them seriously, let alone would consider them to be representative of anything.

>> No.9953401

If you have a penis, you aren't really a gril, anon.

>> No.9953404

Its a fiminine one!

>> No.9953405

meh, I don't think there's really a better way to do it, honestly.

>> No.9953413

No one answered transgender.

>> No.9953433
File: 104 KB, 1345x895, redpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad nothing has changed, their persistence is commendable.

>> No.9953435

It's a community based entirely on contrarianism. When Bush was in office the place was more left-leaning, when Obama got into office it became more right-leaning.

>> No.9953437

There's no way to do it and there never will be until mook turns this into a pay to browse site with IDs tied to IP on every board, never take data mining threads where anyone calls themselves a female, an anarcho-fascist, a MtF who likes Moby Dick, etc. from all the examples of lies on the internet in that thread.

>> No.9953438

Even if you account for 5-10% bait posts you can still derive some meaningful statistics.

>> No.9953455

t.eejit who tried to conduct the "research"

it'll never be representative from one thread anyway, only way you could get anything meaningful is to dox everyone currently browsing, round them all up in real life and do a proper head count

>> No.9953457

>I make a bait post in every one of those data mining threads

top kek I thought I was the only one

I make at least 2-3 shitposts in every single one

>> No.9953496


>even /lit/ is only 82% huwhite
>that many spics

disgusting, what kind of literature do you beaners even read? construction manuals and taco menus notwithstanding

>some cubans get a white pass

>> No.9953504


>> No.9953517

Well, Trump is in the house now.

Is 4chan gonna be globalist soon?

>> No.9953548

A lot of them already are.

>> No.9953629

>it'll never be representative from one thread anyway, only way you could get anything meaningful is to dox everyone currently browsing, round them all up in real life and shoot them

>> No.9953907

It doesn't develop from her new man of 4cgan article which was admittedly quite good and built the hype. The only aspect that built upon it that was interesting was about transgressive culture of desade and Bataille but again wasn't developed. It is obvious Nagle while tapping into a nerve of Chan culture remains an outsider and fundamentally at odds with it, she said herself she hates it and the posters. A good starting point honestly, I believe we will get a better critical analysis into Chan's in the future

>> No.9953923

So she hates freedom.
Women are basically ISIS.

>> No.9953933

>unironically using terms like liberal or conservative to describe 4chan

>> No.9953939

>It is obvious Nagle while tapping into a nerve of Chan culture remains an outsider and fundamentally at odds with it
This. Also she misunderstands the function of anonymity, both on this site and in general. It is literally the most fundamental qualification of normies.

>> No.9953941

She hates irony and antihumour, she harbours a now antiquated belief in universal global class struggle and sees this place as unworthy of generating any value. Not that she's particularly wrong in regards to Chan's, she just fundamentally misunderstands its aura

>> No.9953942


lol wrong, isis tries to ruin civilizations, women do

>> No.9953945

>It is literally the most fundamental qualification of normies.
being a misunderstanding of the function of digital anonymity

>> No.9953950

This. 4chan has pretty much been right wing libertarian since then.

>> No.9954016

I just want a place with a reasoned, balanced discourse. I'm so tired of radicalism and bias

>> No.9954025

you'll want to kill yourself then because you won't get that living in society and you also won't get that by retreating to solitude

>> No.9954044

It's good. Nagel has spent at least half a decade actually researching 4chan, etc. She wrote her thesis about online communities. She's not somebody who just dipped in and drew conclusions wildly. She's definitely a leftist, but she's unafraid of pissing people on her side off, so she's fairly balanced. She's a good academic.

>> No.9954056
File: 544 KB, 717x678, 1430780749384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say we went from being left leaning to mostly apolitical/centerist as a backlash to how insuferable chanology was. The alt right bullshit only sprang up in the wake of GG and was compounded by stormfags and Trump supporters deciding this was a good place to hang out around the same time/taking our mock racism seriously.

But hey what do I know I've only been here over a decade why can't I leave

>> No.9954060


>> No.9954073

I've read it.

It's basically a potted history of 4chan since Gamergate by an observational outsider.

She does talk some theory but none of its very advanced.

>> No.9954076

>breaking rules 1 & 2
fucking NORMIES

>> No.9954078

Not good. She brings up a few old /b/ stories (Jessie Slaughter, for example), then takes a very surface-level look at r/thedonald and /pol/, and concludes that being edgy is bad because it prevents people from putting forth coherent political projects. There's also frequent implications that a political project can't be coherent unless it's milquetoast progressivism.

There's also an incredibly cringeworthy aside about Gamergate that goes nowhere, but furthers the overall narrative of the project (4chan is evil and scares women and minorities).

The book is also criminally short (less than 150 pages), meaning it has to overlook almost all the interesting stuff so it can introduce normies to basic shit like "what the fuck is a reddit?" and "memes? how do they work?"

Overall, it's slightly more accurate than the Hillary Pepe explainer, but suffers from the same fundamental problems.

>> No.9954085
File: 26 KB, 352x395, 1435531748424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sicne gamergate
That's like, the least interesting period of our history.

>> No.9954087


That would be too fascist of a system.

>> No.9954089

I'm Half Spaniard but my mother was born in mexico. Even though it has nothing to do with anything, you underestimate spics.

>> No.9954091

The only reason she began researching 4chan was investigating online mysoginistic spaces, she didn't come here to engage but to observe an ideological opposition. This obviously tampers her conclusions, she said herself she hates the culture and the community and should be avoided

>> No.9954101


Liberals used to be liberal. Twenty years ago it was liberals who opposed censorship, supported free speech and free thought. Then they got power and did nothing but fight to criminalize all non-leftist thought, speech, art, etc. You'd have to be a very closed minded person, highly lacking in self-awareness, to support contemporary leftism and claim to be a liberal.

>> No.9954145

>i have an abysmal reading comprehension

>> No.9954157

Kantbots review of it is good. http://thermidormag.com/angela-nagles-wild-ride/

>> No.9954169

This guy writes like a pseud

>> No.9954180

Is Hypersphere worth the read of does The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra pretty much cover it?

>> No.9954187

>half a decade

Holy shit! That's like five years!

>> No.9954195

challenge him to a debate and see who is a pseud

>> No.9954197

She's a newfag. Disregarded.

>> No.9954211

Spain might be okay but what about Argies? Why do they keep trying to take rightful Queen's clay?

>> No.9954216


>> No.9954218

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.9954237

>not normalfags
Instantly discarded

>> No.9954254

Hypersphere is definitely more topical? current? Like there's Trump-Posting and such, but Tundra is by far the better book as a whole.

>> No.9954262
File: 33 KB, 524x336, microexpressions-happiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill all normies
>reads book
>come to the conclusion that: she, herself is a normie
>she wants to kill herself

>> No.9954275

can't tell if very subtle bait

>> No.9954301

Debates are dumb as hell and turn into who can screech talking points down mic hardest. I don't understand why they're apparently the highest tier of discourse, instead of taking the time to make a cohesive counterargument to someone's points.

>> No.9954323

Thanks senpai

>> No.9954332


>> No.9954343


>> No.9954344

I like this review but it might be too alt-right boogeyman for /lit/.
She makes some decent observations and comes half-way to actual understanding, but always falls short.

>> No.9954412

/lit/, and all of 4chan, really, still is very liberal. The site's main appeal is the virtually unfiltered freedom of expression.

>> No.9954417


4chan would improve dramatically if everyone who used it was shot desu

>> No.9954427

all of 4chan is mostly just shitposters with a vague political association or leaning

>> No.9954465

Killing all 4chan users would also cut down on NEETs, potential school shooters, and bronies/weebs thus improving society

>> No.9954476
File: 195 KB, 699x436, TheD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly we'll shitpost about anything if we know it will annoy people here. Remember when everyone was pretending to like ponies? Boy did that get out of hand. Come to think of it that's pretty much what happened with stormfags and Trump supporters.

>> No.9954481

I agree with this. When I was growing up, liberalism just meant opposing George W. and shitting on Bible-thumpers who wanted to take your video games. Today, the left is an odd couple made up of neocons and radical socialists while the right is split between neocons and libertarians (with a fascist fringe to be sure).
I think as the neocons die out, liberalism will come to mean Sanders-socialism and conservatism will mean Ron-Paul-libertarianism and cryptofascism. I feel like libertarianism has come to represent the best of both of yesterday's parties and fascism is definitely needed as a counterweight to radical socialism.

>> No.9954497

>Kshatriya – These are the faceless troll armies which had their cultural genesis on anonymous imageboards, where the art of the transgressive rightist meme was delivered to man by a brutal, Promethean, collective unconscious. They are the anime girls of Twitter who ask if a user is Jewish before unleashing their sun-blotting barrage of shitposts. If they give serious thought to anything, it is how to inflict more misery more efficiently upon their targets, something they pride themselves on to no end, and not without justification either. The meme warrior knows what his role is and executes it with unmatched finesse. Nagle actually captures their praxis rather well, writing “wherever you find even the lightest version of the online right… you will now also find a deluge of the worst racial slurs imaginable, vicious commentary about women and ethnic minorities, and fantasies of violence… Jewish conspiracies and dehumanizing invective against ‘rapefugees’ also follows”.
Bush was liberal. Read Dugin.

>> No.9954674

Liberalism has never been about freedom of expression.
Society is horribly evil

>> No.9954683

That's fucking Voltaire, not Descartes

>> No.9954696

I think what you mean is libertarian.

>> No.9954747

I wouldn't say that was the turning point at all. In 2008 4chan was still enchanted by Liberalism. There was a strong Ron Paul /b/ wing but they were a vocal minority, I think the federal reserve stuff and Obama seeing through the government bailing out the banks started getting the ball rolling. Another important aspect of this time - Desperate Virgins start reading stuff like "The Game" and becoming "Pick Up Artists", which end up being hyperconservative and misogynist. Liberal Comedians, no longer having Bush to make jokes about, suddenly became antifunny. The archnemesis of /v/, Jack Thompson, was finally slain by a disbarment, spelling an end to religious conservatives trying to take away peoples vidya. 4chan really wasn't THAT political by this point.

By 2011 still nobody was going to jail over 2008, and Occupy Wall Street happened. Which started out as a fairly normal grassroots spontaneous protest with police agent provocateurs in the crowd. Then it got destroyed by a force much more powerful than the police, social justice warriors, which cucked the entire left into being about everything except economics and the parade turned into a hippie shitshow. This was symbolic of the lefts degeneration from being a united front who weren't going to vote against their economic interests to an identity politics shitshow. Some Spic presented as the worlds hardest criminal shoot some Nigger presented as an innocent honor student and it was blamed on White people for no reason. The Duke Lacrosse team got punished extrajudicially when they were innocent and Democrats started bizarrely becoming the party that is willing to forgo civil rights to punish criminals more effectively because muh rape. Gamersgate happened. A bunch of little things happened too, SJWs seemed to love putting themselves in front of cameras. Trump happened, and for some reason.

I would say it's accurate Gamersgate was the turning point, I really think people underestimate how libtarded 4chan was for a long long time. /v/ was the first popular board to really flip conservative. /pol/ just had shitshow after shitshow driving its popularity and Trump made it fucking explode.

>> No.9954770

I liked the podcast, Angie u did the analysis of 4chan nihilism very well xx

>> No.9954776

>Female author
>Writing about 4chan

Not worth the paper its printed on.

>> No.9954783

No it's not

>> No.9954789

Yes it is.

>> No.9954796

Prove it then

>> No.9954797

Got any proof buddy?

>> No.9954814

When it turned out Michael Brown really did attack the cop, it really red-pilled me. When 'hands up, don't shoot' turned out to be bullshit

>> No.9954894
File: 173 KB, 800x1003, 800px-Nicolas_de_Largilli%C3%A8re%2C_Fran%C3%A7ois-Marie_Arouet_dit_Voltaire_%28vers_1724-1725%29_-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9954899

same. when david duke told how skittles and arizona ice-t is was kids used to mix "drank" i got a little redpilled, like wtf why is david duke the only guy talking about this? but the one that really redpilled me was the guy on staten island who got "choked to death" according to liberals but very clearly died of his own obesity, all of those bogus "police murders" turned me cold to liberal bullshit

>> No.9954903

>trusting the wiki jew

>> No.9955023

it's shit written by an ideological retard

>> No.9955034

>while listening to Black Sabbath

>> No.9955038

anyone who believes in the patriarchy conspiracy theory has zero credibility

>> No.9955100

Why would you guys waste time reading this garbage.

>> No.9955144

what about about white conspiracies, how else can u explain black failure

>> No.9955278

>I thought we were an autonomous collective.
You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship...

>> No.9955310

considering she was on CTH, i doubt very much she's against irony

>> No.9955356
File: 54 KB, 192x190, 1503718517471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GamerGate is now understood to have been an antecedent to the Trump movement

>> No.9955394

it was

the internet is driving people mad dude

>> No.9955405

Trump won based on rural white hicks. I doubt they were influenced by 4chan.

>> No.9955416


What a quote. Describes the chans perfectly. At least I've had some of the best conversations of my life on them over the years, but I'd say it's 90% cancer now.

>> No.9955423

jeez she lost almost ten months ago get over it already

>> No.9955428
File: 342 KB, 1155x852, pol in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank the raid from the stormfront forum, they are literally paid to post fascism on 4chan

>> No.9955434

What? I'm just pointing out that 4chan had literally nothing to do with him winning.

>> No.9955442

Meme magic is only confirmation bias. Gamergate was only a symptom of a growing distrust of media outlets on several different generational, social, and information levels. It may have intensified that feeling online but the wheels were already turning. Rural white Americans displayed their growing distrust in other ways which we online can't easily see.

>> No.9955444

Imagine what it's like being this guy. Yikes.

>> No.9955445

2008-9, I know most of you people are too new and the cancer spread to other boards different but they infected /b/ first, just look at the original suspicion of undercover white supremacists groups raiding 4chan known as the raid from the stormfront forum

>> No.9955449

a lot of white people rejected left/liberal hysterics which were emboldened by gamergate and similar events and voted for trump as a fuck you

similarly a lot of more normal people were not as swayed by messages like "the first women president" and being against bigotry which were big parts of the clinton campaign and were inspired/enforced by online sjw movements which didn't really exist outside of the internet

this quote is really dumb and not applicable to internet subcultures or anything really

>> No.9955451
File: 15 KB, 483x209, whom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which guy?

>> No.9955460

Yeh I don't disagree with any of that. 4chan/gamergate just weren't influential in the election. Trump won on rural votes.

>> No.9955469


Chans are also shilled by JIDF and organizations like Kushner's Project Alamo, as well as leftist groups like CTR. It is shilled out the wazoo from all angles. An actual chan with good moderation and no shills is WAY too much of a threat to those with power.

>> No.9955477

>desktop & phone posting for different IPs
>then replying to yourself
wew lad

>> No.9955478
File: 117 KB, 500x678, 1432311827250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like white supremacists are the kind of scum infecting 4chan, more legitimate supporters may exist these days but originally we were raided by paid posters trolling day and night, and we probably have many

>> No.9955491

>left/liberal hysterics
the most inconsequential and colossally unimportant news event of the 21st century, and alt-right chuds still can't stop talking about it

>> No.9955492

>muh conspiracy theorys
seek mental help you skrait cray cray anon

>> No.9955497

You sound paranoid desu

>> No.9955501

No argument, also expect no mercy now on when you mention a jew conspiracy and shit like >>9955469

>> No.9955503

4chan only needed to be seeded first. The first wave of paid or volunteer posters would at least flip a few users and soften the reaction for when more stormfags came over.
It's really no secret that stormfront made a concerted effort to migrate to here

>> No.9955507

as i said it's not the event itself so much as the behaviour/attitudes it fostered and the types of people it emboldened

no one is talking about who shagged who or whether video game journalism is ethical now

>> No.9955508

do you have any proof for which you claim?
post the proof. lol I'll wait

>> No.9955511
File: 44 KB, 706x674, 1442976897436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan only needed to be seeded first. The first wave of paid or volunteer posters would at least flip a few users and soften the reaction for when more stormfags came over.
This, they psyched their way in

>> No.9955518

try being less obvious next time so that it doesn't trigger my keen pattern recognition ok?

>> No.9955519

Post proof of your jew/sjw/whatever conspiracy first you dumb nigger

>> No.9955522

yeah and it's still the most incredibly lame start to any sort of identity formation imaginable, which just goes to show how incredibly sheltered and alienated from the real world alt-righters are

>> No.9955523


still waiting

>> No.9955525


I sincerely believe the overt, over the top racism on 4chan is a successful hasbara (meaning Israeli) operation to equate any form of healthy racial consciousness of Europeans to a diseased, hateful state of the mind. The problem is that many of the channers bought it, and now have become dumbed-down "hate mongers."

Pretty much all modernism is a cancer for every racial group on this planet, and multiculturalism is a big part of thats. All it does is destroy, and destroy, and destroy, and leaves nothing but egoism in its wake.

It is a real threat that Europeans could die off, and I don't like that. Does that make me a racist? Not at all, and I'd say it's healthy actually. I don't want the West to be stripped of identity and culture, and replaced by a bunch of slave consumers that all have coffee colored skin in 100 years from now.

All people of every racial group need to realize what's going on, that all will lose their identities into some corporate, meaningless soup.

>> No.9955533

There's nothing I can say that will dissuade you of your paranoid delusions.

>> No.9955538

are you an incel

>> No.9955539
File: 43 KB, 682x394, How_the_Internet_works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not an argument

I don't fucking care if exists legitimate arguments, real conversations I can take it, obvious shitposting and organized (((shilling))) by these white supremacists groups should be a bannable offence

>> No.9955544


>> No.9955547

Have you even ever browsed Stormfront once in your life for longer than 5 minutes? Are you familiar with the board culture at all? Stormfront has made zero attempts to "migrate" here in any coordinated way and you have no proof otherwise except maybe a few posters saying they should try to propagandize. There have always been people who have posted on both sites but there was never any coordinated invasion of any kind. The rise in alt-right more has to do with gamergate and people being radicalized by white-nationalist type stuff. /pol/ was always majority far right even from the very beginning, though were was more diversity in opinion then there is now.

>> No.9955552

you see I used the phrase "I'll wait" because I already knew you couldn't provide any proof for which you claimed. now here we are three replies later and you still have yet to provide a single shred of evidence for which you claimed

*ahem* still waiting

>> No.9955555

>Stormfront has made zero attempts to "migrate" here
Either you missed the posts before they deleted them, you are lying, or something because they had tutorial on how to fucking leave no trace and all

>> No.9955560

just post the proof then. you don't need to do anything else ;^)

>> No.9955564

>proving a conspiracy
Do you believe all the jews are bad?
Do you believe all the sjw are the blame
Do you believe shills exists


>> No.9955570

I'm confused. You're replying to two different people. I'm not sure who you're meant to be addressing.

>> No.9955571

Really? They had a tutorial on how to erase every screenshot on the internet? Wow, I'd like to see that shit!

>> No.9955586

you're not really getting the point dude

the infrastructure for gamergate (or a similar event) was already in place, everyone involved was just looking for an excuse

no one was "radicalised" by gamergate (though they may think they were), they were already heading along that way in life because they use the internet

this shit we're using to talk to each other is not a product of linear technological progress, it's here to facilitate certain kinds of behaviour, certain attitudes. no one has to be sold the internet, company x will advertise that they have a better broadband deal than company y but no one ever had to sell you on the idea that this thing was worth your time because it wouldn't even exist without you, a certain type of person

the internet is driving people mad in the same way a car drives you to a destination, you've already chosen the destination and the car just accelerates the process

>> No.9955592

>I'm confused
yes mental illness has many negatives like feigned confusion

>> No.9955594

>moving the goalpost

>> No.9955597

Sure, there are may have been posts along this line but there was never any concerted effort undertakings at all. People who post on Stormfront or various right-wing forums online are big 4chan posters in general and have been for many years, there is a huge correlation there but there's no sort of invasion conspiracy at all. If you're familiar at all with niche right-wing forums you should know that there's no way they could do any sort of coordinated attack

>> No.9955598


Joel Stein (yes jewish) of LA Times wrote this article, Who Runs Hollywood?

Here is an article from JTA, Jewish Telegraph Agency, and israeli paper, where they say how happy they are that jews dominate the Forbes 400 list in America - http://articles.latimes.com/2008/dec/19/opinion/oe-stein19

As for intent of conspiracy? Well, that is harder to prove. That they are the most powerful group on the planet is fucking easy to prove. You are just a plain retard if you deny it. But to the conspiracy angle again, I would suggest Culture of Critique for an in-depth look at what this elite group HAS DONE with their power. Simple, logical investigation...

>> No.9955601


>> No.9955605


What's an incel? (I'm serious. I've seen it posted a lot, but never looked into it.)

>> No.9955607

You first

>> No.9955608

>paranoid schizo calling another person mentally ill

>> No.9955613

involuntarily celibate: eliot, /r9k/, and people who post in non literature threads on /lit/.

>> No.9955623

>makes a claim
>can't back the claim up with a single shred of evidence
oh hey just so you understand

a simple request for a single screenshot shouldn't be this hard

>be me
>still waiting

>> No.9955630

it's decently researched, but like some other anon said she never really engaged the community, instead just confronting an ideological foe
we would need someone who was an active, actual user of this website for a long period of time - instead of a researcher doing field work - in order to get a good account of 4chan culture

>> No.9955631

>you prove YOUR conspiracy first
>no you prove YOUR conspiracy first
Likeliest thing to have happened was posters who crossed over between both alt-right and 4chan "red pilled" enough people here to make other alt-right feel comfortable posting here frequently. The website gained a reputation for being accessable and increasingly accepting of alt-right viewpoints, aided by rampant ironic shitposting.

>> No.9955636
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Go ahead, prove YOUR CLAIMS, I am seriously waiting for the day because I wouldn't be against supporting a legitimate concern.

What I do know for a fact is of your organized posts.

>> No.9955653


Nope. Just broke up with a girlfriend of six months, workout every day, play tennis twice a week, and also read on average 50 pages every day. About to fill a bath tub and read some Gene Wolfe right now, actually.

I just probably care about the world too much, and you perhaps too little if you memepost to what I said. We should try to engage each other seriously, points by point. Not just meme post. It lowers the quality of chans.

>> No.9955655

hi, newfag, how's it going?
stormfront made a deliberate attempt to colonizes /new/ (the board that preceded /pol/) with anti-semite, neonazi content. this was widely acknowledged back in the day
4chan always had racist posts, but most of it used to be lighthearted banter at some point. eventually, the nazis turned out to be the majority of the board's userbase and /pol/ turned into a unironic antisemitic board
keep in mind, this all precedes the "alt-right" and gamergate by many years

>> No.9955656


>post proof of a jewish conspiracy

I replied to you here:


>> No.9955660

>we would need someone who was an active, actual user of this website for a long period of time
See >>9955655
>stormfront made a deliberate attempt to colonizes /new/ (the board that preceded /pol/) with anti-semite, neonazi content
This guy isn't me and I can back his claim as well as several records, even encyclopaedia dramatica

>> No.9955684

>around and around we go!

I never made any claim, I simply asked you to provide evidence of yours. Do you need a reminder of what you claimed? Ok, here you go:
>the raid from the stormfront forum
>originally we were raided by paid posters trolling day and night

All I'm asking for is a single screenshot. Shouldn't be that hard ;^)

>> No.9955690

Interesting that you are implying someone saved a screenshot, do you have any screenshot yourself?

>> No.9955691

I didn't make any claims. Why do you keep replying to me in the same posts as the other guy you're replying to?

>> No.9955700

here I am. right here

still waiting

>> No.9955707

Stormfront literally had a WHOLE BOARD dedicated to raiding/repilling other websites like reddit and 4chan. I think it was called the Swarm or whatever; this should be easy to find with a simple google search
I don't know why you're being so skeptic and butthurt towards this. Many communities do the same shit all the time..the subreddit r/ShitRedditSays often brigades and infiltrates other subreddits and websites

>> No.9955709

I don't know what I'm supposed to be posting.

>> No.9955710

Fuck off with your proselytism if you won't reason, /lit/ is not a place for shitposters who make empty claims and demands for proofs but is willingly blind to which are given

>> No.9955716
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>here I am
Now you are not

>> No.9955719

fyi this is what liars do, they tell lies. this is also how liars react when they get called out on their lies

still waiting, liars

>> No.9955722
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Now back to /pol/ with you

>> No.9955729


I remember this, but the question to be asked is: Why were they successful? Is there some merit to what they were posting? Just because it's Stormfront doesn't mean it's all bollocks. The only thing bollocks I find out about Stormfront is the gutter racism, but jews are a racial supremacist group up to no good, and white genocide (and every racial group that lives in a multicultural society even will lose itself eventually into consumerism) are the biggest issues facing the world today, I would argue.

SF doesn't have much bearing anymore. The biggest problems on chans now are incessant shitposting, ironic posters, and then actual letter agencies and corporate groups that shill certain agendas. Stormfront's efforts from 8 years ago pale in comparison to the shilling that happens now and the all-around mess chans have become.

>> No.9955741

All I've said so far is that 4chan/gamergate didn't contribute to Trump's election in any significant way. I don't know why this makes you so angry.

>> No.9955746

Lol, there is no conspiracy at all and that is no evidence. It's very simple, many Stormfront posters and various right-wing forum posters are also 4chan posters and were 4chan posters before they ever even went on Stormfront. There's no rule against posting on multiple sites. It's not like spamming and invading a forum even works, especially a place like 4chan where everyone is naturally contrarian and will just get angry by bait and spam.

>> No.9955748

Like I said, no actual proof of anything. A few posts "we should do this" and "we should do that"? Please.

But that's the thing, that's what liars do. They mutilate the truth for they're own purposes.

>> No.9955751

>Why were they successful?
Initially money, got people paid to post whatever they used to psych their way, but they learnt how to use naive kids wanting to be part of a group and mystified "anonymous".
Look at this video, it was released by one such kid around 2009 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxlf1N8wGi8
Stormfags use kids like these to prepare their way in.

>> No.9955758

Social media did play an important role in Trump's election, and 4chan/gamergate was a part of that.

>> No.9955762
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Congrats on waking your friend to ell lies with you, is this shithead paid well?

>> No.9955763

>Initially money, got people paid to post
Proof? Or nah?


>> No.9955768

hey hey hey bae bae bae

still waiting

>> No.9955771
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>> No.9955776
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it's really difficult to gauge the merit of it when you're being bombarded with dozens of infographics in a single thread, but my senti ment is that /pol/ is full of inflammatory or straight-up bullshit content, even though some of it turns out to be truthful

>> No.9955779

>There has been 8 threads on Stormfront with 4chan mentioned in 4 years. Most of them just mention that they casually browse it, there is no mention of any attempt to 'raid' 4chan. I see OP's SRS copypasta a lot more than I do the "White countries for everybody!" mantra.
>So please fuck off, you are worse than any stormfag.

>> No.9955780

You're turning a fairly simple explanation to a matter into a complex and convoluted one. It's just standard conspiracy theory thinking. The rise of the "Alt-Right" and Neo-Nazis posting on /pol/ has nothing to do with any sort of payed coordinated invasion onto 4chan into order to propagandize young children like you think it does.

>> No.9955784
File: 381 KB, 546x700, Back To Stormfront.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so nervous

>> No.9955788

Have you heard about the firmament and the flat earth, by any chance?

>> No.9955791


>> No.9955792

Keep that shit on /pol/, not even on /x/ is welcome

>> No.9955796

Hey, lets agree JIDF exists and post on 4chan, you also have to agree Stormfront is paying people to post on 4chan though ;^)

>> No.9955798

I'm making fun of this Stormfront conspiracy theorist dummy. I don't like White Nationalists or Neo-Nazi types at all but it's obvious to anyone who looks into it that their prominence on 4chan has nothing to do with any sort of shill invasion.

>> No.9955801

I just wanted to let you know I was still waiting. Just in case you decided to post some evidence to back up your claim....

>> No.9955802

then stop posting dumbass

>> No.9955805

Noted, now fuck off, or are you are paid by post or something, don't overdue you paycheck moron

>> No.9955806


Jewish supremacist is the scourge of the planet, white genocide is real, and modernity overall is souless is about all you need to take away from there. If you want better sites on the jewish question, check out www.darkmoon.me

>> No.9955809

>Stormfront is paying people to post on 4chan

>> No.9955814

fucking lmao

>> No.9955815

>be me

>> No.9955817

Why so nervous, just fuck off

>> No.9955821

>be me
>can't do anything about your fagotry

>> No.9955824


Jewish supremacy*

Brendon O'Connell is also a pretty good source of information. He's a leftist, anti-racist, but was thrown in jail in Australia when he got into an arguement with a jew over their treatment of Palestinians. His work is pretty darn good, though he's a bit pissed off at times in his videos.

Starter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrA9e-_Nsyo

>> No.9955828



>> No.9955837

Is not like they deleted their website or anything

>> No.9955847

how convenient for you ;^)

>> No.9955850

Yeah, too bad ;^)

>> No.9955856
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Nothing to see here ;^)

>> No.9955859

>0/0 results


still waiting

>> No.9955861
File: 57 KB, 600x900, polfugee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to see here guys

>> No.9955870
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Moving on

>> No.9955881
File: 117 KB, 685x1024, 1457393868530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye Stormfront

>> No.9955884

>same spam posts in all three
That'd be hilarious if it wasn't so obvious.

Prolly the same sad cunt spamming here too ;____;

>> No.9955887

Don't be sad, just get your check and fuck off ;^)

>> No.9955893

What are you? Jewish? Black? A woman? All three?

Never mind, it doesn't matter. You've gone off the deep end, you prolly should seek professional help at this point desu

>> No.9955895

Nah, don't take it personal, keep it professional, like your work here, btw your here is over ;^)

>> No.9955896

I haven't but I guarantee it will be vague and largely incorrect. An actual longtime 4chan user would need to write it. I bet it latches onto some surface facet and parades it as the whole.

>> No.9955898

Ok, crazy.

>> No.9955905

holy shit i hope 4chan gets deleted, fucking hate this site t b h, it's awful, but supremely addictive

>> No.9955914

Even moot wasn't aware of everything happening here, not sure a user can tell you the history, moreover without any bias.

>> No.9955916

you can't kill 4chan
seize the domain? we just post somewhere else
there's no archive to be preserved (lost)

>> No.9955999

You're overestimating the cohesiveness of this place. Delete 4chan and you'll have more of a diaspora than a relocation. There's no mailing list that you can just forward the address of the new hideout to everyone with.

>> No.9956019

Back when being liberal used to be something other than a neo-marxist label

>> No.9956036
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>> No.9956039

wow you guys are so mean XD, much wow, serious trolling, better show them!

>> No.9956047

This entire site used to be very liberal, it would still have sent pizzas and bulk USPS boxes to this dumb ho's house for lulz.

>> No.9956133

We didn't change, liberalism changed.

We are still chaos liberals with a passion for free speech, but that's considered "right wing" now.

>> No.9956148

shouldn't have fucked with our videogames

>> No.9956168

this website has become such shit

>> No.9956170


>> No.9956191

It really was her turn though, it's hard to deny

>> No.9956202

u can't even look at a gore thread without someone posting a bunch of african shit and trying to make it all about niggers, remember like ten years ago when that video of those european kids stabbing that guy in the face with a screwdriver surfaced? it seemed bad at the time but looking back that was innocent as fuck

>> No.9956212

oh ya and then they smashed his skull with a sledge hammer

>> No.9956221

Although the christian posters were strong here.

>> No.9956364

She literally says that culture, tradition, race etc. are just relics of the past and part of being modern is losing them.

I haven't browsed /pol/ since 2014 but this is pretty bad. That's whar I get for listening to a podcast by 'Ezra Klein'

>> No.9956389
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>> No.9956391

4chan wasn't political at all, it has only been contrarian, it just happens that the far-left are as radical as you can get in todays capitalist society, /pol/ are mostly stormfags who migrated here during the election

>> No.9956465

There isn't exactly a difficult choice for alternative, most will move to infinitychan or the other more niche chans. It's a click away, I don't care for infinitychan but if 4chan was axed, I would most likely move to the corresponding boards there and expect much the same content

>> No.9956596

4chan never really had a politic, it was basically just everyone and everyone is a fucking faggot and you're a fuckiong loser for supporting anything newfag fuck you all,


>> No.9956607

You forgot:
> participate in socialfaggotry like polls: 100%

>> No.9956611

That's the first time I've heard of infinitychan so I'm a little suspicious when you say most. I do remember 8 being the old backup plan when the servers went down, but even then I don't think most people knew about it. I'm sure plenty of alternatives would pop up, but I imagine you'd get different flavors like weeb, /pol/, porn and you wouldn't get the melting pot experience like you do here. That said I'm no longer attached enough to this place to bother searching out a replacement if it went down, and I've seen similar sentiment from others. I think a lot of people just come to 4chan out of habit at this point and would love an excuse to break that habit.

>> No.9956642
File: 75 KB, 1229x417, go away.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that all /pol/ posters are confirmed newfags that came here during the US election.

>> No.9956715

I'm reading it now. Seems like it's a decent examination of /pol/ and tumblr aimed at an outsider looking in. And it focuses more on the real-world forces that have co-opted these sites, rather than the internal structure of 4chan and tumblr. I'm glad I read it, though I wouldn't try to pitch as an examination of 4chan, seeing as it places more emphasis on the people involved in movements that used the site to propagate.

>> No.9957310

8 and infinitychan are the same thing. It's from the logo. Cripplechan is the preferred verbiage though.

>> No.9957319

How's their /lit/ board?

>> No.9957360

I've never been there but I imagine it is very slow.

>> No.9957387
File: 23 KB, 1634x462, oh god no NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it just keeps getting bigger

>> No.9957453

It's fun? I guess I forgot that I can only read stuff that requires me to set down the book after half a chapter so I can tear out the previous pages and shove them deep within my asshole so that I might absorb every letter and gain that deeper understanding of garbagiò.

>> No.9957511


Dude, you're seriously retarded.

>> No.9957538

i've been on 8ch' /lit/. The quality was very high and i was happy that i had finally found a place that hadn't been flooded by retards (like this boards), but then i realized most of the threads were from 2015.

>> No.9958036

I'm amazed this thread hasn't been taken down yet. It's become completely off-topic

>> No.9958144

Anyone have an EPUB of this? I am interested to read it, but it is expensive.

>> No.9958205

Liberal =/= socialist
Liberal =/= "classical liberal" (conservative)

Please stop using terms in completely retarded ways.
The dominant ideology of contemporary liberalism is social progressivism with a right-wing economic stance. Liberals aren't leftists, socialists or communists. The US electoral spectrum isn't constitutive of left and right political philosophy and the rest of the world rightly considers you retards for thinking so.

>> No.9958354


>> No.9958376

>thread about a book
everything fine
>thread mentions hotweels
mod spagetty

btw who remember 8/christian/ and 8/BANE?/

>> No.9958488
File: 9 KB, 382x339, 1461449369602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a scary link, bro.

>> No.9958556

i don't see how you can admit that multicultural societies lead to unrest and potentially violence and then criticise the alt-right as being a murderous ideology in the same podcast

the alt-right advocates for a white ethnostate as a long term solution to potential ethnic conflicts brought about by multiculturalism, that is to say multiculturalism is a murderous ideology in and of itself, yet they seem to draw a distinction between the two, as if multiculturalism is better because the resulting violence is an unintended side effect rather than a stated goal

>> No.9958714

Been here sice 2006, 4chan was never liberal, ever. How do explain /n/ then?

>> No.9958720

How fucking new.ru?

>> No.9958740

After gamergate? What is /n/, what is /new/?

>> No.9958765

Yeah but they used to stick to their containment boards, now they just shit all over the place

>> No.9958781

Shit, she definitely lacks irony and good taste.

It's tasteless to coincide your “research” with publicity shitstorm of Trump's elections and make it a politically charged “explanation” (it's correct this time!) of the outcome of some petty political battles. And those who lack (self-)irony and don't get trolling are doomed to fail at those explanations. It's as useless as Wikipedia article on Gamergate: lots of text, but the reader still doesn't get the simple idea that the whole Internet stopped what they were doing when news came that **/v/irgins started a fight with SJWs over tits and asses in video games**, and went to check it out.

(cue the whores and faggots joke)

I don't mean you need to put a list of rare pepes at the end of every paper, but understanding the topic you write about generally helps.

>> No.9958797

Certain interests draw groups of people with other similar interests, and sometimes people of similar living situations. Being a cyclist is an activity that is much more popular in urban areas, which tend to be more left-leaning.
Consider the politics of /o/ for comparison, it's a group of people who tend to live in less urban areas.

>> No.9958911

4chan was always cryptoanarchist.

>> No.9959017

Don't lecture us on politics. America invented democracy.

>> No.9959253

what a sexy voice

>> No.9959287

shit culture

>> No.9959364


The choking death of Eric Garner in NYC was due to the high cigarette taxes which created a black market in smuggled cigarettes. The only reason street sellers would exist in the first place is because of the arbitrage opportunity presented by the price difference between the stores and the street. A city founded upon smuggling past british customs, and symbolized by a street where traders buy low and sell high, suddenly got mad when poor people were doing it to feed themselves.

The narrative was forced into racial politics, which completely sidesteps the issue of why such a confrontation opportunity would even exist in the first place, because that would be to point the finger of blame at a supposedly progressive policy. And Retardicans aren't going to hit the nail on the head either, because for all their supposed tax aversion, for some reason they LOVE consumption taxes and vice taxes (AKA fair tax), even though increasing consumption taxes will only increase confrontations between police and small time businessmen as they chase the sole remaining market where profit can be made.

>> No.9959453

The underlying technology isn't.

>> No.9959684

fat fuck should have skipped a few desserts and eaten a few more salads

>> No.9959710

I went to a meetup in NYC with my friend and I was older than most peeps. Only 24

>> No.9959845

I'm an '07 summerfag. I guess even after 10 years it never really ended. The modern zeitgeist is in summer. Still consider myself new. Don't go pointing the new finger at others

>> No.9959913
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>> No.9960949

I agree. If he wasn't so fat he wouldn't have gotten choked to death. I'm glad the police protected us from this tax evading, loosey selling menace.

>> No.9960952
File: 45 KB, 600x400, f00e004b-3337-4c6f-ba1b-49081ccd1107..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America invented democracy

>> No.9960959

What makes someone a pseud?

>> No.9961081

- narrow-mindedness
- refusal to change beliefs based on evidence
- cherry picking evidence to support own beliefs
- auto-confirmation bias syndrome
If the aim of discourse is to gain insight and knowledge then a pseud would not make a great partner because they will refuse to move their position because they value their beliefs over the truth

>> No.9961097

>Liberalism has never been about freedom of expression

>> No.9962098

interesting points i'll reconsider my position

>> No.9962172

For the reference, the joke:

A tousled female student bursts into the auditorium in the middle of the period:
— Everyone, the whores are fighting with faggots at the main entrance!
A lecturer glances at her from over his spectacles and inquires:
— So how's the domestic team doing?
— Don't know about yours, professor, but ours are holding out.

It not a book about 4chan. She hits all nails with the same hammer of one-dimensional, binary, US-centric idea of left-vs-right battle, crediting everything that doesn't fit to “bad left” and “bad right”, and searching for the way to keep cursory news-media-level understanding updated to “new developments” without challenging any beliefs. The notion that her core ideals may not be shared by everyone or may not be applicable in every situation, or that '''blog comments, Twitter replies, and change.org petitions''' are not as '''fucking important''' as she thinks is certainly alien to the book.

Alternatively, it can be read as a collection of stories about humans being stupid, intentionally and not. I audibly laughed a couple of times. Praise Kek!

>> No.9962199

That gamergate spike is because of reddits stupid anti-free speech positions and ban waves.

I wish theyd just let vidya nerds be

>> No.9962213

>Why were they successful? Is there some merit to what they were posting?

Because of the medias refusal to deal with issues like black criminality, islam's systemic issues with intolerance and violence, and issues like racial iq that is demonstrably true, a false narrative has obviously been created and people respond to that. But then they act like autists, especially with revisionism regarding every single atrocity committed by whites, including shit like the Holodomor and the Belgian Congo, but, like the media they criticize, cannot be nuanced towards colonialisms responsibility for things like Rwanda and the state of South American democracy, which are just written off as the results of savages being savage.

>> No.9962289

actually the gamergate spike had almost nothing to do with gamergate, the fappening happened around the exact same time and that was most of the traffic

>> No.9962465

>photo of hitler is really cute

>> No.9962972

What qualities would a "book about 4chan" have? Would it be an oral history of a specific board? A chronicle of the rises and falls of the site itself? An anthropological investigation into the culture, vis a vis reddit, tumblr? A volume of esoterica? A "Brief Interviews With Hideous Men"-like?

>> No.9963022

you're confusing anarchism with disorder
inb4 anarchism is a disorder

>> No.9963087

lol imagine being this insecure

>> No.9963202

Where would Ancap be in that scale?

>> No.9963338

there were some people on /b/ that were part of that occupy thing and just as many making fun of them, thats really the most left wing thing 4chan ever took part in. do you not remember the ron paul stuff?