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/lit/ - Literature

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9945267 No.9945267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The biggest cope perhaps of all time is that reading makes you more intelligent.

Imagine a short and ugly man trying to lift weights and inject steroids because he thinks it will make him a ripped chad. But the truth is that his fate was ironclad and predetermined. He will never get laid like a natural 6'2 chad with superior genes. Just like no matter how many books you read, your understanding of everything in the world will fall short of someone with an intrinsically greater mind.

In a similar vein, you cope by thinking that reading poorly translated russian literature from the 1800s, that has lost all of its context and subtleties, will genuinely make you more intelligent and superior to others, when intelligence is likewise genetic and predetermined. And if you are genuinely intelligent, what's the point? There is no great point to be gleaned here through reading literature. It's just passive consumption.

Reading won't enrich your life or make you a better thinker. It's just a worthless hobby where all you do is consume, just like a dumb teenager playing dota, except maybe 10 more IQ points his better. You're still a passive consumer creating nothing, unless you are an actual writer yourself. You have no right to feel superior over the 'brainlets' unless you are actually involved in the action of creation, since you yourself are but a mere dull scrounger! Even a stupid chad writing retarded 3 chord songs to play on his guitar, or an autistic korean kid playing starcraft is doing something more impressive than you, because that actually requires effort. You're just scanning your eyes across a page; sucking up the poorly translated ideas of some drunken slav from 200 years ago, and misinterpreting them, which takes all of five seconds to do.

>> No.9945271

Wtf i hate reading now

>> No.9945431

Really archived my library

>> No.9945507

Maybe OP has a point. After reading his post I do feel dumber.

>> No.9945511

I enjoy reading literature. That's all there is to it. Fuck off to /r9k/ with your 'Chad' discourse, you moron

>> No.9945513


this reads like it was written by a victim of vicious high school bullying with an inferiority complex to boot but I have no idea if it's pasta

>> No.9945529
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>Imagine a short and ugly man trying to lift weights and inject steroids because he thinks it will make him a ripped chad. But the truth is that his fate was ironclad and predetermined.

>> No.9945580
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You have a point, anon. Good post

>> No.9945585

Genes indeed matter more as the usual /lit/tard thinks, but genetic determinism isn't supported by science buddy

>> No.9945620

Books just give you a better framework to work on, and will make your reasoning far more articulate and consequential in the long run. It also vastly improves your vocabulary and your grip on language in general, which are skills that can be applied in every possible social context.

Ultimately, I would say that the main problem of people who don't read is that they do not know to what extent a thought, an impression or a philosophical problem can be explored.
It is far more evident in people who have never read philosophy: they never seem to understand that their deepest insights are basically nothing for those people who have actually thought about it. In this sense reading is a very humbling experience.

>> No.9945624


You're right, reading won't do the trick for you.

>> No.9945738

>likewise genetic and predetermined
I must resist.

>> No.9945780

Houellebecq wrote something about this once. How reading is ultimately just an escape.

>> No.9945791


>> No.9945823

>Reading won't enrich your life or make you a better thinker. It's just a worthless hobby where all you do is consume, just like a dumb teenager playing dota, except maybe 10 more IQ points his better. You're still a passive consumer creating nothing, unless you are an actual writer yourself.

Thanks anon for this 'black pill' reminder. That's how I realised I was a complete pseud. Now I take my habbit of reading for what it is.

>> No.9945830
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gr8 b8 m8

>> No.9945916


You're missing the point. The model isn't attractiveness, but health. You may be determined to be a diseased wreck by your genetics, but you can still excercise, eat well, etc, and be less miserable than you would be. It's the same with reading. You have one life, and yes you are stuck within its horizons, but why chose the worst possible point within them?

>> No.9946746

You think most of the guys in a gym give a fuck about their health? Most are there to impress women and most of the guys that really give a fuck about the gym lifestyle are on tren and test, they're destroying their health for vanity.

>> No.9946764

i goto the gym so i can become ripped and beat the shit out of whoever i want because i dont like being a weakling who gives up his seat for stronger males

>> No.9946780

Your seat where? What?

>> No.9946796

no specific seat, but being the weaker male if a big guy came up to while i was sitting anywhere and said 'Thats my seat', I would give it up rather than awkwardly fight/argue and embarass myself

>> No.9946803

>you fantasize about this happening

>> No.9946812

nno I don't

>> No.9946889

Well you've obviously spent a bit of time thinking about it.

>> No.9946898

If Chad has a genetic range of potential between 70-100, he will be closer to 100 if he works out and read well etc.

If I have a range of genetic potential between 40-70, I will be closer to 70 if I work out and read well etc.

I might never be able to be 100, but I'd rather be as close to 70 as possible than a fucking 40, you goddamned loser.

>> No.9946902

don't go to prison, what happens when you go to the cafeteria for lunch and it turns out every seat is claimed and u have to eat standing up in that case declare ur allegiance to the aryan brotherhood and enjoy comfy seats by the drink fountain and snack on extra rolls

>> No.9946906

wow. that is a really big cope

>> No.9946910


>tfw you just go to the gym to look good (and I do) and then go get a coffee and read after inevitably making conversation with whoever and then some girl waiting for coffee in the queue laughs at your banter and then I come to /lit/ and it's like cool while I work in the arts and meet mutual friends of Neil Gaimain and film reviewers for Empire magazine but then still no gf because my last gf liked marvel shit and I've forgot what my point was but check my dubs anyway

>> No.9946911

intelligent people enjoy reading, at least to some extent. they may not be as voracious as /lit/, but i guarantee you the greatest minds of this generation are not farting around on black twitter or watching a shitty movie/tv show(nothing inherently wrong with tv/film btw, it can be an intellectual pursuit)

>> No.9946918

>black twitter

vine shutting down was like when a housing project gets demolished, all the riffraff just spreads out into the surrounding area like a plague

>> No.9946932

>t. faggot that didn't like dostoevsky
just cuz you're a pleb doesn't mean you have to try (unsuccessfully) to ruin it for others.

>> No.9946935

Reading organizes your IQ, makes it focused and gives it somewhere hard to stand and push a point upwards.
If you fill your memory with useful stuff, which is semi-subjective, it becomes easier to be smart, or to not appear as dumb.
While it won't make you think faster nor make you achieve higher creativity and reasoning.
Wisdom and memory is less genetic.

>> No.9946958

>reading poorly translated russian literature
>poorly translated ideas of some drunken slav
I do speak russian though.

>> No.9947035

>muh s-science