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9944988 No.9944988[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

“By no means would I describe Adolph Hitler as sexually normal in his relationships with women. In the case of Eva Braun in particular, it seems clear to me that aside from occasional passionate episodes there was no sexual activity at all for long periods of time. The effect of this on Hitler I do not know, but Eva Braun's misery was well-known at headquarters. During the long dry spells she was irritable, impatient and quick to anger. She smoked much more and was incessantly lighting one cigarette after another. By contrast, when once in a great while Hitler's more human feelings expressed themselves in a sudden cloudburst, her manner changed completely. Eva at such times was radiant, flushed with happiness. Her natural warmth and high spirits returned, and she seemed to sparkle again like the cheerful and spontaneous girl she once was.

Though it seems obscene to pity one individual human being with so many millions dead, I do believe that Eva Braun was the loneliest woman I ever knew.”

>> No.9945001

Jeez Adolf give her a moustache ride once in a while

>> No.9945002

Man I never even had a gf nor friends. She should have gotten a grip.

>> No.9945009

Women are simply retarded, and Hitler was a great man. I am proud to call myself redpilled for this reason

>> No.9945018

>oh no, i havent had sex for WEEKS
You know nothing of hell.

>> No.9945029
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Arnold himself is the son of a Nazi officer. If only Hitler could live to see he was so right and so wronged. The master race being overrun by rats.

>> No.9945034

This makes me wish the Matrix movies never existed.

>> No.9945036

We belong on top, but now we're simply oppressed and neglected, despite our inherent superiority. Hitler must be rolling at his grave over the injustice we are served as white men

>> No.9945040


>> No.9945052

>Arnold himself is the son of a Nazi officer.
Pretty much every Austrian of his generation is the son of a Wehrmacht soldier.

>> No.9945059

>tfw I can't tell if this is ironic or not
4chan is a hell of a drug

>> No.9945128

Was Hitler gay? I've heard theories about it but it always seemed to be "Hurr Hitler killed gays because he was insecure". Any legitamate evidence?

>> No.9945137

That is how all successful men deal with their women. Leaves them wanting while you focus on work.

>> No.9945143

You sound like a larping faggot
T. Hitler fan

>> No.9945152 [DELETED] 

Absolutely. He was also into scat, BDSM, had only one testicle and was a closet Jew.

>> No.9945154


>tfw you will never be Hitler's waifu.

>> No.9945192


he was also a pedophile and a meth addict. I wonder how he could get anything done

>> No.9945201

>proud to be a dweeby friendless permavirgin neet


>> No.9945393

It's almost as if you could randomly trash him and (((somehow))) no one will call you on your bullshit.

>> No.9945415


damn, that's good innuendo

>> No.9945451 [DELETED] 

Literally anything about Hitler's sex Life you read is massively distorted by Jews.

>> No.9945605
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This is what you get for abusing meth.

>> No.9945768

not so ragie wagie

>> No.9945956

also he was into beastiality

>> No.9946059

HAHAHAHA, can you IMAGINE? Not having sex for WEEKS at a time, is that even possible?

>> No.9946064


>> No.9946075

yeah. you almost can fully breakdown the whole facism to sexual repression. read wilhelm reich for this topic

>> No.9946109

The wrong side won.

>> No.9946260

>The year of our lord anno domini two thousand and seventeen and still reccommending WILHELM REICH to explain fascism
Jfc just read Georges Sorel, Werner Sombart, Joseph De Maistre, ANYTHING other than this fucking wilhelm reich umberto eco nonsense. Read a BOOK nerd not a wikipedia page and not retarded judeo-psychoanalytic ramblings about a doctrine that they know nothing about the ideological foundations of.

>> No.9946271


This sounds pretty standard for a high stress job.

Stress pushes down on the husband or wife, they can't disconnect from it and enjoy themselves, and they're also neglectful of their spouse.

Then there's a break or they go into avoidance mode with the problem and normal intimacy is resumed.

Nothing all that special about it besides Hitler.

>> No.9946287

No, there is zero legitimate evidence. Thanks for asking. If you're curious about Hitler's life pick up the new biography on him "Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny". "Inside the Third Reich" by Albert Speer is also one of the best sources on Hitler's personality and what he was like. You may also have heard that Hitler himself wrote a book it's called "Mein Kampf", go check it out from the library if you're not a kraut

>> No.9946291

No, there is zero legitimate evidence. Thanks for asking. If you're curious about Hitler's life pick up the new biography on him "Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny". "Inside the Third Reich" by Albert Speer is also one of the best sources on Hitler's personality and what he was like. You may also have heard that Hitler himself wrote a book it's called "Mein Kampf", go check it out from the library if you're not a kraut

>> No.9946294

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9946302

I used to live beside an irritable hen pecking Ukrainian girl, but whenever her German bear bf stayed over she turned into a kitten. We used to ponder if she was really so sexually frustrated that all she needed was a good fucking

>> No.9946315

Hitler was 100% STRAIGHT. GOT IT!

>> No.9946408

Shaming someone sexually so as to further contribute to the unconscious cult of personality surrounding this guy, even though thousands were complicit. Seems about right

>> No.9946420

Is this the most Jewish comment ever posted on 4chan?

>> No.9946437

i thought it would be funny

>> No.9946498

Well now that you're here you can also read the Zweites Buch, Fest's Hitler biographies, and also the gold standard work of scholarship "Fascism in it's Epoch" to better understand Hitler's ideas. I hope you enjoy. Hitler is a truly fascinating individual of great world-historical importance.

>> No.9946517

i think hes a right old bore to be honest. thanks anyway

>> No.9946524

Given that his best friend as a child and young man wrote about Hitler having a waifu it seems unlikley

>> No.9946565

Hitler was actually more of an asexual, and he had nothing against gays. It was Rosenberg (I think) who wanted to gas them.

>> No.9946572

I suspect that you haven't read much about him. If you would like to start like I said the new biography by military historian RHS Stolfi is a good place
Anyway, if Hitler does not interest you then YOU probably do not interest ME since I find Hitler is a good litmus test for seeing how much people care about the things that animate men to genius and heroic actions as Hitler was undoubtedly a genius. While I am not an "Esoteric Hitlerist" a la Miguel Serrano it's easy to see how such a belief has sprouted up around him. The fin de siecle Germans were right about most things, however.

>> No.9946673

Who was his waifu?

>> No.9946693

>the master race has shit legs


>> No.9946743


>> No.9946762

Actually Hitler objectively was a Reifag but that post was referring to Hitler's teen crush "Stephanie" who he never spoke to and would watch from afar as he came up with idealized fantasies of them together. He was truly /oneofus/.

>> No.9946783

Was this written from the perspective of Hitler's bedpost? Because if not, that's a lot of projection and assumption going on there.

>> No.9946785

Those aren't shit legs, fag

>> No.9946877

Where is this from?

>> No.9946940

>Was this written from the perspective of Hitler's bedpost?
You just came up my next 1000 page pomo masterpiece

>> No.9946963


>> No.9946966

yeah i get all of that but i still just think he sucks. not an interesting person at all

>> No.9946967

Not having sex is a lot harder when you're in a relationship than out. Imagine how it feels to have a partner that ignores you.

>> No.9946987

Also with constant stress because your husband has one of the highest positions in the world at the time

>> No.9947009

Psychologically its far worse knowing that no one will ever have it with you

>> No.9947046


Typical; he's fighting a losing war on two fronts against the worlds great superpowers allied against him, while simultaneously trying to exterminate the Jews and create a Thousand-Year Reich and she's mad he's not spending enough time with her? Get a grip Eva.

Also it's fitting that Hitler's bitch back then was miserable and sexually frustrated and his bitches today on /pol/ are continuing that trend.

>> No.9947071

That doesn't even sound Japanese. Watta pleb.

>> No.9947079

Agree to disagree then. You probably think "Napoleon" is interesting lol.

>> No.9947819

The typical /r9k/ user doesn't think deeply enough to actually appreciate that though.

>> No.9947879
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Sieg Heil brotha'

Fighting the good fight.

>> No.9947880
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>All these pseud explanations

It was against his party's policies when it was just a movement that Hitler joined, having sex would drain intellectualism and devotion to the party. Not having sex would mean that you would put all of those energies into the movement instead. This is similar to what Lenin did within the Menshevik party, attempt to create total devotion to the movement.

>> No.9947886

the retarded pill meme needs to die

>> No.9947895

shut up cuck

>> No.9947902


That better?

>> No.9947905

Albert Speer - Inside the Third Reich.

>> No.9947920

I hate people like Eva. I have a high stress job, and my gf constantly whines for sex. Why is sex even necessary in our highly evolved state? Shouldn't conversation and shared intellectual pursuits be enough? It sucks to have to sympathise with Hitler in this way.

>> No.9947960
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Damn high school must be rough these days

>> No.9947976

Hitler was unironically just the greatest "artist" the world has ever seen. His great work was a failure, of course, but it lives on and may emerge again and succeed. He was likely neurotic as fuck, but NO ONE can seriously doubt that he was extremely high IQ. I often see retarded "Hurr le hitler was soo stuooopid n rayciss cos all bigots r stoopid", but the truth is that Hitler was probably one of the smartest men to ever live.

As for his sexual relations, he was straight without a doubt, but most high iq individuals have a negative view on women. Pretty much every genius philosopher understands that women are essentially how r9k describes them, albeit Hitler doesn't/didn't have to shift the blame away from himself for being a fat dweeb, or whatever.

So yeah, he was just an "artist", who decided mid 20's to go to war and win medals for bravery (there are rare examples of other artists doing this too, btw, I think it's just some drive that forces "movement" of any kind) then he went into politics...

It always makes me laugh at all of the critics of Hitler who attack his personage as opposed to his ideals, or whatever. They claim he was gay, they claim he was stupid, they claim he had one ball, they claim he was repressed, they claim he was a drug addict, they claim he was crazy... But the truth is that he was simply a "great" man. His will was so intense that the entire fucking world shifted from his hands alone. He single-handedly forced his will unto the entire fucking globe just because he felt a certain way so passionately. I'm talking about the characteristics that make the man when I say all of this, by the way. If you completely ignore the "oh no people died" part and simply look at what his life entailed, then you'll come to understand that he was extraordinary.

The guy was just an artist, once homeless and starving, and then he let his passion flow freely... maybe one of the greatest the world has ever seen.

>> No.9947981

It's not so much that smart people "understand women", it's just that they are less interested in fucking. The meathead jock stereotype exists for a reason.

>> No.9947987

Wrong. The reason why they're "not interested" is because they understand the women better than the women themselves do.
When you strip down something like that (as a philosopher obviously does) it will become disgusting, sickening, etc, because humans are these things.

>> No.9947992

Then why don't they just fuck men, if as you say they've only deconstructed women and not the idea of sex itself?

>> No.9947999

Why would they, you dumb fuck?
You can hate women and still fuck them. You can hate women and still love them simultaneously, too.
It's their nature, you accept the good with the bad, etc.
Why would me knowing that women are stupid cunts result in "why don't they just fuck men"?

If you don't like drinking Coca cola, would it be reasonable for me to ask you "Why don't you just fuck men then?"

>> No.9948038

Anglos and Jews are being overrun by rats?

>> No.9948040

>willingly settling for something you hate and know is bad for you just to get some base physical pleasure

If a smart person knows coca cola is bad for him, he will avoid drinking it along with all other sugary carbonated drinks. If a dumb person knows coca cola is bad for him, he will drink diet coke because muh compromises.

>> No.9948048

From what I understand, Hitler was painfully shy around women as a young man. That's not a characteristic of someone who is experienced with women and has rejected them as useless. It's a characteristic of someone who is scared of sexuality and inexperienced with it.

>> No.9948054

>I do believe that Eva Braun was the loneliest woman I ever knew.

that's an overstatement if I ever heard one. woah so Hitler neglected her... so alone maek me cry :_(

>> No.9948065

You sound like a weird mix of a homosexual and a woman. If you have incompatible sexual appetites, you should try harder to fuck her more so your relationship lasts and she's happy, or you should make more relationship more open. If not, don't get surprised when she cheats

>> No.9948069

I am completely asexual, anon. I literally have zero interest in sex beyond masturbating maybe once a month or less. I pity you, having to worry about pleasing a woman and keeping her loyal and happy.

>> No.9948075

I derive pleasure from my partner being happy. A happy partner is just better to be around. In a relationship, both people try to be as happy as possible and that involves making each other as happy as Possible. If you're completely asexual, why even have a partner? Just friendzone the women so she can enjoy herself rather than being tied down to an unwanted sex less relationship, and you still get the conversation benefits

>> No.9948170

kek you're deficient anon, and have an autistic disregard for your partner's feelings and needs.

become my bdsm slave