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9944254 No.9944254[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to spend my Sunday as a subhuman ugly loser loner beta in London? I plan to sit around in my favourite station, feeling sad about life, browsing the internet on my phone, then walking around feeling sad about life. Then reading later on in the day. I'm in the gym now

>> No.9944261
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I think you need a new hobby mate.

>> No.9944284

Go to a second hand bookstores?
Why not just go home though? Are you homeless?
Or do you feel like less of an outcast if you think you look busy in front of other people?

>> No.9944289

there's a "what do i do as a sperg in London" thread every day
why don't you fucks just organize a meetup or something

>> No.9944298
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Move to Yorkshire instead.

>> No.9944299

Get on a plane and visit a European city and sit around somewhere fresh.

>> No.9944300

I'm in London OP. Currently it's 10:15 and I'm lying in bed listening to music and feeling sorry for myself.

>> No.9944313
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Londoner reporting in

I feel pretty good. What a lovely day.

>> No.9944317

Its the carnival today tho.

>> No.9944319

stay safely inside play gothic 2 and watch Oz

>> No.9944323

I'm pretty sure it's always the same dude.

>> No.9944336
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Get drunk and/or pick up chicks.

>> No.9944374

Why hasnt that anon hunted you down and destroyed you yet?

>> No.9944378
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Go and sit through your local parish's Mass.

>> No.9944389
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t. ignorant christian

>> No.9944424
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>the current year
>being a filthy pagan
god loves you anyway, anon

>> No.9944428

Where my fellow L O N D O N anons at?

Elephant and Castle here. Just having lunch before Quidditch practice.

>> No.9944441

do all those things, but stop feeling sad about life

>> No.9944446

You again. Just know I'm always watching, you frogposting faggot. I can't wait until I find you.

>> No.9944474

You are 26

Can you get over being ugly already

What is the matter with you

>> No.9944485

Go to the big waterstones in piccadilly

>> No.9944490

the big foyles in TCR > the big waterstones imo

>> No.9944491
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Mental health and life expert here

No such thing.
Assuming that's true.

People will never give you the benefit of doubt unless you play the clown.

You will never make it socially.

Stop considering everything that involves climbing the social ladder. You are wasting valuable resources.

At what? Find something you can succeed at and put all your time and effort in it and you stop being a loser by definition.

Not a bad thing per se, also: Stop considering everything that involves climbing the social ladder. You are wasting valuable resources.

I.e. not socially dominant? So fucking what, you are ugly.

Stop considering everything that involves climbing the social ladder. You are wasting valuable resources.

>> No.9944509

not op but why do I keep on getting nightmares about someone who bullied me for 2 years 3 years ago? I wake up and I feel so scared, I'm 20 years old when does this stop happening? Why am I so sensitive and weak?

>> No.9944516

You want to be the little girl

>> No.9944519

>Went to local service
>It was boring as shit
I get more out of meditation and studying the Bible myself. I know there's the community aspect but having tea afterwards with some old people isn't enough to keep me coming back every week.

And no, I'm not Christian, still agnostic.

>> No.9944532

Please elaborate, sometimes I self insert as the girl in porn but whenever I go outside I never feel any attraction to men