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9943198 No.9943198 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on the ethical questions surrounding prostitution?
I fucked a whore and want to find out if that makes me a degenerate

>> No.9943202

dude spook lmao

>> No.9943210

The Sailor who fell from grace with the Sea
Snow Country
Notes from Underground
Crime and Punishment

>> No.9943239

Good news! 'Degeneracy' is not a real thing!

>> No.9943249

How can you remain hard, i.e. erect, when you know the girl probably finds the idea of you on top of her repulsive?

>> No.9943260

With a 8.5 inch dick no girl ever complains

[Spoiler]but that's just me
And except when I cum early

>> No.9943266


That chick's got like 12 toes on her foot

>> No.9943271

>he thinks the whore likes it

lol. Do you get them presents too?

>> No.9943274

You are definitely degenerate but you shouldn't worry about it. DFW hired a whore and spent the whole time talking with her because he was afraid of fucking her

>> No.9943275

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.9943280

Your favorite writers probably fucked hos too. Commodifying sex might be unhealthy and could portend bad things when it becomes a societal norm, but individual occurrences aren't the end of the world. It's like drugs.

>> No.9943288

why would you care about that? just enjoy yourself

>> No.9943291

>The Sailor who fell from grace with the Sea
i dont remember prostitution in that.

>> No.9943292

I'd just find it hard to enjoy myself if I knew the other person didn't enjoy herself or find me attractive.

>> No.9943296

But he raped his sister, Phoebe

>> No.9943297
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The Royal Family by Vollman.

It's a fucking tome (like his books tend to be), but pretty rad and written with basically the same motivation as you.

>> No.9943306

I lost my virginity to a prostitute when I was 16, and she didn't seem repulsed, so maybe she was just a great actress. But she made me feel at home, I was quite nervous but she was welcoming and relaxed, made me feel like it was okay. But I still couldn't finish, so when the hour was over I went home and finished there.

>> No.9943320

i did too, but at 25. i regret waiting so long and declining for being nervous to sluts previously

>> No.9943326


Having sex with nervous teenage boys is probably the easiest part of their job.

>> No.9943341

there are some girls who get into porn/prostitution because they're addicted to sex. you'll usually find them in affluent neighborhoods of your city. they also do some screening with their clients and won't bang just anyone willing to pay for it

>> No.9943416

Can anyone tell me of some writers who used to fuck prostitutes? Preferably from the 18th century beginning of the 20th century.

>> No.9943423

>Crime and Punishment
Came in to post this

>> No.9943424


Honestly, all of them.

>> No.9943432

from that time period? all of them

>> No.9943439

Everyone did back then. Prostitutes weren't taboo like they are today.

>> No.9943458

>Prostitutes weren't taboo like they are today.
How did we go backwards in this? I thought we were more sexually permissive now than we were back then?

>> No.9943462


Sir Isaac Newton and Sigmund Freud are the only 2 that did not fuck prostitutes. Newton was gay and Freud smoked cigars.

>> No.9943465

that just makes me more erect

>> No.9943466

>women got more power
>prostitutes go against the interest of civilians and the monopoly of sex
>women shame men who go to prostitutes, wks follow along

>> No.9943470
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>> No.9943480

>to smart too have sex
>brainlets call you a fag for it

>> No.9943485

The systems of abuse that prostitution allows are why it has changed. Sex with people that you don't need to pay for is easily available and socially permissible now though.

>> No.9943516

A combination of casual sex becoming easier to get for free meant that people started associating prostitutes with losers who couldn't get laid (which made it easier to create moral legislation that banned it), and women shaming them in order to ensure that the value of their sexuality isn't diminished by easily-available sex.

>> No.9943521

>The systems of abuse that prostitution allows
The abuse arises out of its legal status. If it's regulated and legalized, then you'd choke the illegal abusive market and replace it with something better.

>> No.9943535
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>ITT degens that lost their virginity to roasties for money and want to self-justify fornication
>tfw /lit/ is the kernel of corn on the brown log and people like this are how you know that kernel is contaminated

>> No.9943542

That's a myth

>> No.9943552

not that other anon. but I've already read this paper and they say very clearly that the numbers aren't enough to estabilish a clear causation between regulation and the increase of human trafficking. you only need better regulations to deal with the problem, e.g. australia and legalized brothels

>> No.9943559

That study doesn't demonstrate cause. Countries that lack a legal apparatus to criminalize prostitution also lack a legal apparatus to criminalize human trafficking. The two correlate because the two are the result of the same phenomenon: a corrupt, ineffectual government.

>> No.9943576

some countries with the least human trafficking have fully legalized, regulated prostitution

>> No.9943583

It makes a pretty strong case with its case studies of Sweden and Germany matching its quantitative analysis. Really the cost vs benefit that deserves examining is the sex worker's benefit from regulation vs the profit criminal elements make off of the sex workers.

>> No.9943592

Not to get all /pol/, but Sweden and Germany have large Muslim populations that can affect the numbers. Human trafficking is a cultural phenomenon more than anything else.

>> No.9943605

>>>9943198 (OP)
> 'Degeneracy' is not a real thing!
someone didnt do their QM homework.
proving the existence of degeneracy is baby-tier shit as there would be a fuckload less entropy if it didnt exist

>> No.9943651

If a prostitute turns down a client because said client is ugly/gay/different race, could this be grounds for business discrimination?

>> No.9943653

It obviously wasn't necessarily a Muslim "cultural phenomenon". In Sweden they had a reduction of sex trafficking and a shrinking of the prostitution market after criminalization.

>> No.9943841

Holy shit, a post recommending books, all of which I've read. Am I finally becoming /lit/erate?

>> No.9944060

enjoy you're aids

>> No.9944072

Enjoy your <enter sex disease> anon

>> No.9944078

I love it.
I think visiting a woman and controlling her body with something as abstract as money is the ultimate existential act. Either that or I really need to stop listning to deep house mixes on youtube all night.

>> No.9944082

You are a retard. Woman then were less available . The sexual revolution gave woman more worth but this degraded then(all of them, not just the prostitutes).

>> No.9944083

probably when women got the vote, they didn't want their husbands going to whore houses anymore, and they also passed prohibition around the same the time

>> No.9944139
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>porn is legal
>prostitution is not

Explain this

>> No.9944143

only makes me harder desu

>> No.9944150

americans are fucking retarded

>> No.9944241

It's legal in Nevada - - all but two counties, I believe

>> No.9944245


>100 people getting AIDS vs. 1000000 people getting AIDS

>> No.9944246

>the most ancient profesion

In most countries it's legal and nobody bothers with it.

>> No.9944494

>want to find out if that makes me a degenerate
no just a loser

>> No.9944614

newton was volcel dingus

>> No.9944671

>Human trafficking is a cultural phenomenon more than anything else.
Sex trafficking in Europe is mostly slavs, africans and Sudacas. Muslims aren't really involved in drugs or prostitute trafficking. They do other shit though

>> No.9944714

>I thought we were more sexually permissive now than we were back then?
I hate when people believe stuff like this. Myths like this get abused by (American) liberals all the fucking time to push retarded nonsense.

No, there were times in the past where we were much more sexually permissive. The hippie era of the 60s and 70s had things that aren't even imaginable nowadays.
But most importantly people didn't make a big deal out of sexuality and didn't link it to various identities ("I have some weird sex fetishes, now give me a special pronoun and my own bathroom").

>> No.9944848

Women never find men attractive or enjoy sex.

>> No.9944852

Rask never fucked Sonya though
R-right guys?

>> No.9944860

Why would a gay man go to a prostitute?

>> No.9944864

>as abstract as money

>food and shelter are abstract things

>> No.9944892

you sound like a total tool

>> No.9944900

Your problem is caring about the opinions of women.

>> No.9944906

He was at least slightly autistic and an alchemist, so with the 99.999th percentile IQ he was probably a little gay statistically speaking.

>> No.9944912

Just decide for youself Jesus Christ why do you need someone else's validation?

>> No.9944922


the hippie era had pretty extreme shit at the margins, but that's like claiming today's Berlin scat scene defines millennial sexuality

and people did make a big fucking deal of it btw, the average WASP family fucking despised hippies and their lifestyle and they still carry negative connotations with them to this day

>> No.9944939

Women don't find YOU attractive.

>> No.9944965

I'm female, genius.

>> No.9944972

>good for me but not for thee

>> No.9945500

Money isn't food and shelter, it's just something people who have food and shelter think is important. It's like having a gun - the gun isn't equal to food and shelter, but point at the person selling those things, and bam, free food and shelter

>> No.9945591


the tool is their bodies which are literally designed to please me

>> No.9945799
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>Freud smoked cigars

Good one.

>> No.9945819
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wiliam vollmann whore trilogy

>> No.9945848

also female, and can confirm, men are gross animals.

>> No.9945858

male here, can confirm you are probably a gross animal of a women.

>> No.9946111

When I think of sex workers I get incredibly sad. Does anyone else experience this?

>> No.9946156

Did your life change for the positive afterwards? Strongly considering it currently due to my autism.

>> No.9946189

It's a sad life. Most of them suffered tremendous abuse, and now they're in an extremely marginalized and humiliating position in society. I really admire prostitutes, they're almost Jesus-like in their suffering.

>> No.9946201

Jesus Christ reddit has overrun this board either that or you are women yourselves.

Either way leave this fucking board

>> No.9946208

/lit/ has always been leftist, newfriend.

>> No.9946211

>caring about other people = leftist now

>> No.9946223

Not caring about women specifically because they're women is an exclusively right-wing delirium.

>> No.9946268

The only delirious people here are those wasting their limited empathy on strangers who may very well be happy with their life. Imagine someone talking about how your life must be incredibly sad.
It would only make you feel bad about the situation you are in. These things are all relative and free-will is an illusion anyway

You'll hopefully understand this when you reach your 18th birthday though

>> No.9946326


Liberals have a strange definition of "caring." It seems to involve catering to the "disadvantaged" group's every passing whim. And no matter how much we concede to the "disadvantaged' group, they still want more, coming up with new grievances and demands every year. You give an inch, and they'll take an ell.

>> No.9946336

In the sexual market, it's considered cheating the system.
>Dude, you had to BUY sex, haha what?

>> No.9946364

I visited a Russian once after new year, she told me she celebrated Christmas at McDonald's. Few other titbits of her life in the Donbas gave me the impression she used to drink or do drugs and was exploited. She fucked very hard though, I miss her honestly, she was quite nice and used to dress me afterwards

>> No.9946375
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>tfw still a virgin at 26 and don't have all that much money and live in a small town that has no prostitutes in the first place.

Are call girls generally as picky as I think they are?

What is the likelihood that a guy would get rejected by a fucking prostie?

I've only seriously contemplated doing this for the last two years now because I legitimately feel like I have no options anymore.

I just want to get this sex shit over with already..

>> No.9946377

I'm writing a semi autobiographical short story about a story a clas mate told back when I was in high school. It involves prostitution. Can you tell how went for you? What was on your mind ect?

>> No.9946387

There is none in it. He might be mistaking the voyeur stuff as prostitution somehow

>> No.9946399

Man here, can confirm you would feel contempt rather than disgust to a beta bitch, and which one is really worse for a relationship? Be honest with yourself.

For your clouded lack of insight or sense of priorities such as this is a demonstration of, you will take note of why your feelings and reason are disregarded and never taken seriously by men. Keep being pseud.

>> No.9946400

im a former sex worker. we're not picky. it's our job. really, the only requirement is that you're clean and can pay for it. also some places (not the one i worked at) may require std test results.

>> No.9946410

That's a cool point of view for cynical character in a novel

>> No.9946414

Did you find clients through shit like Backpage or is that mostly just scams?

>> No.9946416

really? i think it sounds fucking awful

>> No.9946418

The whole story please! I'm the guy who wants to write about sluts (no offense)

>> No.9946423

Thank you for reaffirming my assumption.

>> No.9946426

Who are you? The female anon who made the post or another anon?

>> No.9946427

ITT: literally only dudes

>> No.9946431

What is, the entirety of the website of 4chan, Alex?

>> No.9946442


>> No.9946446
File: 8 KB, 150x225, fbf8ac1e8d30155584903adbb9487dd028d2bfdd1cb179e6a78f3d3adb3d6b1bd81a555bbdd3091970ac944ef77b9fd57af5ef870a586751d551ae98268083544d99d5fea3cc626214824e8d02b492f7d2ad9d731b8b01982bf6ca9a7411c9e0d5834a9aac29f13b3cf3c80984c7b042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost my virginity to this one 8 years ago, she was confused why a 19 was seeing her and I made up some stupid shit about being broken up after splitting with my gf when in reality I was just a loser obsessed with sex

>> No.9946455

What do you mean? Her clients were all older dudes?

>> No.9946460

have heard of people being scammed/robbed. mostly just low or mid level women. i didnt go through backpage ever, i worked from a brothel.
there's not really a story? i was a poor college student who wanted easy and good money.

>> No.9946463

i'd think most younger gents are dating or just too shy to get a hooker.

>> No.9946468

>there's not really a story? i was a poor college student who wanted easy and good money.
you're disgusting

>> No.9946469

>from a brothel

What country?

>> No.9946478

Generally they're not teens, no. She pitied me and was very kind, told me to text you if I ever wanted to talk. Felt like a real piece of shit for a long time, but eventually I grew to like it and spent a lot on it

>> No.9946489

Poland. I've been ruined and now nothing will satisfy me but German and Russian cocks

>> No.9946495

>Poland. I've been ruined and now nothing will satisfy me but German and Russian cocks

>Implying there is that much of a difference

Shitposter dude detected.

>> No.9946504

Well, that's what I thought too, but, well, the story I'd like to write it's about that

>> No.9946510

why? o:

>> No.9946520

Do brothels actually exist within the United States?

>> No.9946528

Do you bang Abos?

>> No.9946531

Yeah, nevada has a few of note iirc.

>> No.9946537

Ever fucked an abo?

>> No.9946540

not to my knowledge. if i have, they were heavily mixed race. the place i worked at was pretty upmarket.

>> No.9946549

How much did you usually charge?

>> No.9946553

How often would you you orgasm from a client?

>> No.9946558

usually around $200/h

>> No.9946566

Hmmm... That's pretty reasonable I suppose.

>> No.9946578

ITT: really only just guys.

>> No.9946581

it was quite rare. that's more because of me, though. never got any complains however, was (and occasionally still have to be) very convincing.

>> No.9946597

Is size really all that matters or can a man with a only slightly above average penis make you orgasm?

Is there any merit to the whole "motion of the ocean" argument?

>> No.9946614

absolutely, it's definitely more about technique than anything else.

>> No.9946623

Alright. I'm going to put my faith in your assumed sincerity here.

Good job, faith isn't a thing I usually have.

>> No.9946641

well, im glad if i helped you feel a little more confident in yourself. if you feel your faith wavering you might want to check out some guides online. female anatomy is really complicated, you know? and what works can vary greatly from person to person.

>> No.9946657

Eh, no doubt about that. It's not at all likely that I'll ever be having sex in future anyway. So its all just banter as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.9946723

sounds like a bait, but if not: do you know some nice brothels in cracow?

>> No.9947232

men only think about themselves and their dicks, don't they? :\

>> No.9947294

Ryuji loses his virginity to a prostitute. It's mentioned early on, but it's not really a main focus of the novel.

>> No.9947463
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>Caring about ethics
>Literally asking for sissy philosophers to dictate your life
Don't be that guy

>> No.9947470

A casino and hotel was built near me, and over the past few years prostitution followed. I have no context of nor any interaction with the escort or brothel type, but streetwalkers are intimidating and terrifying.

>> No.9947504

I watched that video, it was fucking depressing

>> No.9947672
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She's from an affluent family, I have no idea why she wanted to star in that kind of porno, or any kind of porno for that matter.

>> No.9947785

Because she enjoys being a slut?

>> No.9947858

She was kicked out of uni for having weed, I assume she had money problems

>> No.9947864

No idea but I was in a nice strip club in the city centre

>> No.9947925

where is the best place to go for sex tourism? i want to go somewhere and bang cheap hookers for a week. I heard greece is really cheap, is that still true?

>> No.9948079

Post her number.

>> No.9948114

AdultWork is used quite a lot

>> No.9948119

reminder that women hate whores because they know that most whores do not choose their clients.
Women have no problem being whores as long as it is easy or they do it on their own terms.

>> No.9948121

only men discriminate and their punishment is just

>> No.9948125


Undoubtedly but I'm curious why she would want it recorded and broadcast to the internet. I guess she didn't think she'd get doxx'd.


Why not ask mommy and daddy? Why not get a job?

>> No.9948132

>sex worker

>> No.9948166

also, once they are done being whores, they have no problem relying on their orbiters and providers. [as long as the woman is not an old street hooker]

the bad news is that whores burn their money easily, so the providers do not get to be that rich

>> No.9948222

Some girls do it for fun or 'cause easy sex

>> No.9948239

in european cities most whores choose their clients though.

>> No.9948350

Another anon

>> No.9948357
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>> No.9948404

hahahahaha hey you know that thing you're talking about is just a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT right???? hahahaha

>> No.9948439
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I just wish the comfy prostitutes existed that Heinlein talks about in Time Enough for Love.

>> No.9948483


>> No.9948709

>are brothels still a thing in France?
>prostitution has been outlawed in 2016
Most disappoint Google search this week.

>> No.9948713


>> No.9948718

some sick desire for self-destruction, probably. she must be a sexual masochist.

>> No.9948723

Because your feelings are not her feelings
You fucking retard
Why is this board so stupid

>> No.9948741

It actually objectively IS a social construct and you're just trying to ridicule him because you dont like that fact.

That's kindergarden tier behaviour

>> No.9948791

If it flies, floats or fucks, rent it, don't buy it.

>> No.9948803

Some people on this board believe those who can't find sex for free are losers. Are you just poorfags? When you buy a prostitute, you save yourself some time (maybe even a great deal), you know what you pay for, and chances are that you will have the best sexual experience of your life. Yes, prostitutes often are far better. It's their job.

>> No.9948807

>reducing sex to a job
sad desu. sad

>> No.9948828

I've seen people say this multiple times, could you elaborate on it? I'm assuming you're just exaggerating

>> No.9948879


>That man has missed something who has never left a brothel at sunrise feeling like throwing himself into the river out of pure disgust.

t. my main man Gustave Flaubert.

I just came back from Vienna where I spent half of my money on whores who sat on my face, made me lick their buttholes, and rode my dick like industrial machines. Blondes, brunettes, thick and big-titted, petite and delicate. It was a blast.

As for ethical ramifications, prostitution is legal and regulated in Austria and the girls were all Austrian nationals. They weren't coerced or forced into it. They're in brothels, not walking the street. They're clean and subjected to frequent health inspections. I don't see an issue.

>But they're still forced by circumstance to work

This goes for every single profession in the world. You're not supporting slavery when you buy a cup of coffee just because the barista would starve to death if he chose not to work. Reasoning is retarded.

>But you're engendering a commodity-based view on sex

Unnuanced and retarded. Sex is a lot of things. Just because you have one night stands with no emotional attachment, it doesn't mean you can't experience meaningful sex with a loved one in a different situation. The idea that sex can be one thing and one thing only, that excludes everything else, is painfully dumb.

>But she's not REALLY enjoying it

Guess what, the smile of every waiter in the world is fake. Do you feel bad about that? They enjoy money.

>But sex is sacred

Fuck off. It can be. It doesn't always have to be.

>> No.9948887

EMERGENCE by shindol

>> No.9948914
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>It doesn't always have to be.
Doesn't matter, you are abusing and devaluing it.
Your sexual life will contain less love and less beauty than an Amish couple's. Be honest with yourself.

>> No.9948935

Penises look alien, which you get repeatedly stabbed with in your intestines as man-sweat drips over you and your self-esteem drops to zero (as everything you've ever been told is that what you're doing is lowering your value). Men are barbaric, sex is barbaric.

>> No.9948943

>I am barbaric, let me be barbaric.
What a sad existence. You're like a bug.

>> No.9948973


>Doesn't matter, you are abusing and devaluing it.

By experience, no I'm not. I've been whoremongering for years whenever I was single. In the periods where I've had a girlfriend, sex has been just as magical.

I think it is sad some people are scared of life and hellbent on dying with as few ecstatic experiences as possible.

>> No.9948983

Nice plebddit spacing, autismo.

>> No.9948994

>I think it is sad some people are scared of life and hellbent on dying with as few ecstatic experiences as possible.
yes hedonist claim there is something sacred about sex and they become upset when they hear that it is possible not to live through sex at all, at best using sex to get children and nothing else

>> No.9948995
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Because we live in the spectacular society

>> No.9949169

This is the most pseud thing I've read all day.

>> No.9949199

Yeah there are absolutely no negative consequences to loose sex. Absolutely none. STDs and abortion and all that are social constructs.

>> No.9949309


Condoms are constructs too :^)

>> No.9949364

Let me guess, male virginity is a social construct too?

>> No.9950093

obviously. What is virginity? If you stick a penis inside a vagina you're not virgin anymore? And if you stick two or three fingers?

>> No.9951649

Sex isn't a virtue, you dumb whore. Every fucking time someone mentions the negative consequences of being promiscuous there's always one vapid mongoloid who pipes in about that person being a virgin.