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9943048 No.9943048 [Reply] [Original]

is it even possible for one to remain a confident atheist after reading, with an open mind, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine and Aquinas?

>> No.9943059


>> No.9943097

Yes absolutely

>> No.9943100

>reading with an open mind

>> No.9943101


>> No.9943104

No. Thanks to Plato I now firmly believe in Zeus and the rest of the greek pantheon.

>> No.9943136
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>> No.9943148

For Catholics, not for Orthodox. Our stance is that God's existence can't be supported by rational proofs.

>> No.9943158

>being convinced by bronze and dark age thinkers of an invisible magic sky daddy

>> No.9943164

You should be able to state the case in plain english if there is a good argument and you truely understand it.

>> No.9943169

They're wrong about everything, so yes.

>> No.9943180

Well said my fellow Redditor! Allow me to give you gold!

>> No.9943189

Atheists are stuck with a fence poll up their ass, the only openness in their body spews shit.

>> No.9943200

8gag christian board must be real boring considering how much time they spend here

>> No.9943363
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This thread is now over

>> No.9943406

I've been on 4reddit longer than you, kid.

>> No.9943420

Is that true?

>> No.9943440

No. Western saints up to the time of the Great Schism are also part of Orthodoxy, and the Eastern tradition is not monolithic in this regard. Some, however, like to falsely inflate the dichotomy between East and West to the point that they condemn and exclude Western modes of thought entirely.

>> No.9943451

Anyone have the impossibility of proof for the ontological existence of God comic?

>> No.9943889
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>Open mind

>> No.9943984

>immortal soul
>noble suffering
They have not satisfied me on these counts.

>> No.9943993

Loved the confessions though

>> No.9943999

augustine's account of the final days of rome is comfy as fuck but his plato-tier logic isn't doing any wonders for my belief in christianity

>> No.9944182
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Where are you getting these Christ-chan pictures from? Are there more?

>> No.9944210

There are not many in philsophy who engaged with them historically. Hume didn't understand Aquinas at all, Spinoza had no contact with the eminent scholastic authors, Kant only used second hand sources, Russell was a fucking idiot. But Anthony Kenny and John Mackie actually engaged the Christian tradition a lot and their works are worth reading.

>> No.9944325

Catholics don't claim to have proved God either. Aquinas' 5 Ways are just ways of honing in on what God *might* be via natural theological method.

>> No.9944329

Read Spinoza's Ethics. He pretty definitively proves God's existence. Case closed.

>> No.9944331

Plato was a monotheist you cunt

>> No.9944433

I did. I have not heard one convincing argument for Christian God (or any other god for that matter).

>> No.9944465

Catholics by dogma must believe that God is a truth of natural reason and strongly push you to Thomist metaphysics in proving it.
Spinoza is closer to an atheist than a theist. He calls the entity God, but it doesn't have half of the divine attributes.

>> No.9944476

>but it doesn't have half of the divine attributes.

Have you even read it?

>> No.9944499

Did you read any classical theism to compare it with him?