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9942561 No.9942561 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books you read as a kid/teen that gave you a fetish. I'll start.
>The Three Musketeers
forced crossdressing
>Nineteen Eighty Four
electroshock torture

>> No.9942760

>>three musketeers
Which part? That one with the king?

>> No.9942848

Don't you remember the part where D'Artagnan has to put on a dress to escape? I always wanted to be him in that scene.

>> No.9942952

The Bible turned me gay

>> No.9942975

Normally when most people hear of that, they think Toad of Toad Hall. People are still using the washerwoman disguise to escape. In fact, I think the only time I've heard the phrase washerwoman in contemporary print is when prisoners escape, which suggests we should just arrest any remaining ones.

>> No.9943025

>Toad of Toad Hall
I'm sorry anon, but I'm not yet at the state where I'll fap to toads and furries.

>> No.9943043

how did you escape the greeks?

>> No.9943046

it's called feminization u pleb

anyway i gotta go buy a book

>> No.9943049


>Everybody Poops, by Taro Gomi

>> No.9943069

Fuck, that was a good book. Is there even a reason to start with the Greeks if you've read Everybody Poops?

>> No.9943071

>prisoner of azkaban
Body inflation, which turned into regular breast expansion because im not a total degenerate

>> No.9943077

Kek, I was wondering just how many people got that fetish from reading HP.

>> No.9944664

i was in grade one when i read a book about the apollo moon landing. the lurid descriptions of space suits and the possibility of explosive decompression gave me an inflation fetish.

we also had a reader with a story about a mommy rabbit whose only offspring had been caught by a snake and was slowly being crushed. that one fucked me up beyond hope of recovery.

>> No.9944666

you should at least read "Wind in the Willows" for the chapter called "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn". such pagan perversity that it was cut out of a few printings.

>> No.9944712

why does seemingly everyone but me ascribe sexual context to mundane things
It's not normal for a man to do this let alone a kid

>> No.9944752

Eh. My biggest fetish I discovered via tv and there sure as shit aren't any books with it in them, but there are a couple books that really hit the ol' kink button for me.

I used to find parts of books where characters were graphically hurt and then read those paragraphs over and over again. I used to think that it was just because I was fucked up, which is probably true, but still. Best book was Dinotopia Survive! The MC falls off a cliff, hits his head, loses his memory, wanders through a forest starving, cold and accumulating more and more wounds. The entire book is whump porn. I read it a couple dozen times for sure.

The Queen's Thief is like, 100 pages of one of my favorite fetishes, caretaking. MC get's forcibly washed, dressed, held down to have wounds tended on his wrists- I had a lot of fun reading that book.

>> No.9944807

Holy shit, are you my double? I feel the exact same as what you described.

I'm a Slav kid so when I was little, I mostly read communist-approved kids books. A lot of them were whump porn, with multiple characters being brutally tortured and oppressed by the bad guys. I remember one where a kid was almost killed by being broken on the wheel. They always made me feel things I couldn't explain at the time.

>> No.9944813

I have read it. That chapter was comfy as fuck. I think reading it as a kid is what gave me a lifelong interest in paganism and fertility deities.

>> No.9945043

gulliver's travels
"which fetish" should be obvious

>> No.9945062

Oh! Oh!

>> No.9945181


>> No.9945215
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Really now.

>> No.9945216
