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File: 102 KB, 1024x683, peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9939945 No.9939945[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how does this guy feel about all of his fans being neets and antisemites?

>> No.9939946

They're not.

>> No.9939950

We're proud to be against kikes and women. Don't like the truth? Fuck off back to tumblr, sweety. This board is for REAL men

>> No.9939961

fuck you false flagger

>> No.9939982

Peterson's popularity really shows how far society's level of critical thinking has fallen. 90% of the shit he regurgitates is either common sense or a point that has been made countless times already.

I'm not even an "everyone is a drooling retard except for me" faggot, it just makes me mad that people can't engage in simple debate anymore without being called a libcuck or racist.

>> No.9939992

Dr. Peterson has said most of his friends are Jews and that they're great people.

>> No.9940003
File: 45 KB, 479x603, drjbp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder this fuck is so scared of communism, he would be the first on the gallows

>> No.9940036

Of course he would say that he is a Jew.

>> No.9940057


>thing I don't like shows how society is beneath me
>i'm not even saying the thing i literally just said but i mean just saying

such intelligence
i'm trembling

>> No.9940076

Fuck communism

>> No.9940086

Just an off topic pointer: real men don't say sweetie.

>> No.9940092

I think about this too. It's painful watching all those 'cringe' videos on YouTube where, specifically liberals, get so emotional over such basic, common sense. I can even understand dumb shit like racism, because its ingrained in people, but the way these people act is just so strange.

People refuse to even listen to the other side, they would rather just drown them out and stubbornly stick to their guns

>> No.9940097

A good portion of them are college students with no direction in life though.

Who cares about people who follow others without even having listened to them first?

>> No.9940105

The irony is that he continually speaks out about this problem, and how left and right need to learn to talk to each other and be able to debate without getting emotional. Literally all the points you made. But then people, even on here, throw his face up and watch people polarise into ideological clubs to avoid thinking or talking properly about anything.

>> No.9940110


Nice, that should attract more people to denounce the leftist ideology spread everywhere.

>> No.9940140

He has 400k subscribers on Youtube. Out of ~8 billion on the planet, that's not a very good way to discern that "society's level of critical thinking has fallen," especially considering there's a really good chance many of those subscribers are between the ages of 16-25.

Most people could never engage in simple debate, either. Not now, not ever. That's why we have cult figure worshipers and ideologues all throughout history. People don't like to think.

>> No.9940325

>implying this isn't the average /pol/ autist
go back

>> No.9940847
File: 188 KB, 344x324, IMG_3488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello r/socialism. What are you doing here?

>> No.9940860

he's cried about it before, he's got quite the ego and blames himself for their choices if they seemingly support him

>> No.9940863

>this on top of his sunshine list salary
guys rolling in it

>> No.9940896

Who the fuck cares? He's a university professor teaching about myth and archetypes so yeah he's going to be mostly parroting Jung and he's into existentialists so he's mostly going to be discussing their works.

If you actually see some of his full lectures, you'll see he has capability for literary analysis and has a hold on abstract philosophical viewpoints.

Is most of the self-help stuff he says obvious? Of course it is. He says so himself, but the society we live in now tries to strip meaning from things so much so that people feel lost and the obvious has sunk into a sea of confusion. Plus, that's what clinical psychologists do: making what seems obvious and normal to regular people obvious and normal to people who have lost their way due to some mental illness or traumatic event.

His only downsides are the fact that he's become famous because of "rational centrists" and alt-right ignoramuses online after he refused to respect some transgender person's personal pronouns, he's more popular than he should be based on what he does, and his opinions on postmodernism and Marxist thought don't have any nuance and mirrors the ideas of the most rudimentary Youtube "philosophers".

>> No.9940914

What does he say that's so obvious? I don't get it.

>> No.9940917
File: 149 KB, 1275x729, 1503506168860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9940918

i'm sure their money is the same colour to him as any other followers.

>> No.9940930

That's why he panders to them without teethering over the neonazi edge.

>> No.9940947

>everyone who dissent from Marxist totalitarian terror is Hitler

You're making more Hitlers than you intend to.

>> No.9940954

Tep kok

>> No.9940988

It's weird because he's Jewish.

>> No.9941014

>I'm not racist! Why, some of my best slaves are black!

>> No.9941018
File: 68 KB, 1098x1098, 1387466933699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so smart, look at these dumb people!
>Doesn't realize that Peterson's audience are school age children that don't even know about things like /pol/
Talk about Duning-Kruger
They are 13-18
Same goes for people who watch things like "Elon Musk went next level genius", "Slavoj Zizek explains the universe", "Stefan Molyneux destroys the slavery myth"

>> No.9941019

Have you watched The Believer? The Goose is amazing in that one.

>> No.9941053

>The Goose
The what?

>> No.9941054

is that your own post you screencapped? nice try. as if turning some poor attempt at "deconstruction" into a meme would legitimize it

>> No.9941061

Not him, but there is no such thing as 'real men', furthermore you and your definitions of what 'real', 'men' or 'sweetie' constitute is irrelevant.
Lastly, off-topic is spelled with a hyphen.

>> No.9941065

Ryan Gosling you twat.

>> No.9941069
File: 899 KB, 640x901, 30s_poster_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

denounce it all you like, it doesn't make you any safer from the gulags lol

communism will win and you will cower or die

>> No.9941111

Someome forgot to take their pills today.

>> No.9941129

That's hell of a psychosis you are living. Last I checked the last communist regime is suffering from famines and other one is on a verge of a civil war.

>> No.9941132

Uphold Marxism-Leninism

>> No.9941136
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, 1442819429437.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Implying that you will be spared from the firing squad once the tanks roll through your town square.

We're all in this together you know.

>> No.9941137

I find guillotines to be more appropriate.

>> No.9941251

LARPing faggot.

>> No.9941286

So typical of this site?

>> No.9941299


What's somehow bothersome to me is that Peterson ended up convincing these dumbass North American libertarians that the study of mythology is relevant. Finally those dumbasses got it in their thick skull that the systematic study of religion and of history is needed.
So what's bothersome is that the only way they were open to that idea is that they had to hear it from an "anti-SJW academic" or else they would've swept it aside as some "libtard waste of money xD".