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/lit/ - Literature

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9940721 No.9940721 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post the plebbiest thing you have ever done, /lit/ related

>i stopped reading Moby Dick because it is literally impossible that Ismahel has so much erudite knowledge

>> No.9940905

Stopped 1/3 in Crime and Punishment, because I got tired of the writing style and didn't have time to read it

I'll get back to it soon.

>> No.9940911

I loved Moby Dick because my special interest is whales. I believe Herman Melville has autism like yours truly.

>> No.9941139

>my special interest is whales

Tell us more, friend

>> No.9941365

is sperm truly /best whale/?

>> No.9941380

God,e your so stupid it hurts.

>> No.9941479

It's funny, I did the same but re-bought the book yesterday to give it another go. It was so...Russian. "I get it! Everyone's poor and shabbily dressed!"

>> No.9942061

It's weird because I managed to finish all the other Russian tomes: Anna, War and Peace, Brothers K, etc. Crime and Punishment was one of those books that was a chore to read, at least, for a pleb 20 year old kid at the time.

>> No.9942071

I mean, Herman Melville had that much knowledge, so it's clearly not impossible. Also I think the Ishmael narrating the story is significantly older and more experienced than the Ishmael in the story.

>> No.9942089
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i read a fiction novel

>> No.9942131

It is not impossible for a sailor to have that knowledge, but it is a little bit hard that a junior sailor with few experience to have that kind of knowledge in the late xix century

Unless you come from a richer family, have more education and don't really need to sail

>> No.9942137

Don't you fucking idiots ever get tired of this shit? You're like the classic rock radio station. For Christ's sake, everyone and their goddamn dog knows that Led Zeppelin rocks. Can we hear something the fuck else?

>> No.9942166
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When I was a young teenager I had read a set of "Great Illustrated Classics" and I assumed it was actually the novels instead of a simplified and abridged adaptations. Although it is nice going back and reading the real version. It feels like growing up with the stories.

>> No.9942167

The Ishmael who's writing is older and has explored extensively after his time on the Pequod. He measures whales in the South Pacific and hangs out with spainards.

>> No.9942183


It's retrospective you fucking dumbass.
Anymore thundering critiques up your sleeve?

>> No.9942231
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I didn't get that the last paragraph of epistle 3 was meta.
I'm a worse reader than /v/.

>> No.9942344

I always thought the author was breaking the 4th wall with those in depth biology classification chapters.

>> No.9942353

skim read the last half of Ada or Ardor because it got boring as heck

>> No.9942364

I know he is older, but the younger Ishmael shows a great degree of knowledge in his dialogues

>> No.9942371

>high school
>"smart but lazy" loser with bad grades
>carry around hunter s thompson book because i think drugs are cool
>history class
>reading book, not paying attention
>teacher comes up to me after & kindly says i could do some extra credit on hunter s thompson
>i say "i dont read it for the political stuff"
>she says "oh"
>walks away
>"i dont read it for the political stuff"
>"i dont read it for the political stuff"
>echoes in my head to this day

>> No.9942408


thankfully they're all repressed right now but i've got tons of memories that haunt me like this

i don't read it for the political stuff
i don't read it for the political stuff
i don't read it for the political stuff

>> No.9942415

I listened to abridged recordings of the Moncrieff translations of A La Recherche De Temps Perdu.

And I lead people to believe I read them.

Also I legit think Wordsworth, Blake, and like almost every other poet is absolute garbage and that I am smarter than everyone who praises them, including hot shots like Bloom. I'm not really embarrassed about this one though.

>> No.9942421

>tfw did the same

I'm pleb enough to admit that C&P has turned me off from Dosty, at least for the time being. I might give Notes from Underground or even TBK a try when my to-read list is smaller, though.

>> No.9942449

Couldn't keep reading Kafka's entire work after The Trial because his writing style was too exhausting.

>> No.9942514

>AP lit class in high school
>one of the first days of the year
>teacher is going around one at a time and asking people one of their favorite and least favorite books
>think I'm hot shit because I've been reading the "classics" lately
>say one of my favorites is lolita and least favorites is moby dick
7 years later I still think about it

>> No.9942538

You sound severely delusional
The Dunning Kruger effect for sure

>> No.9942550
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i don't like meta, irony, post-modernism
i just read simple honest things

>> No.9942565

But this is a patrician thing.

>> No.9942568

So your saying you dont like goofs gags jokes and rambunctious behavior?