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/lit/ - Literature

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9937609 No.9937609 [Reply] [Original]

I write cheesy high school romance stories and shipping fanfiction
I don't drink or smoke because my dad became was an addict who beat my mom and ruined her life.
I have a three inch erection and I’m circumcised.
When I was younger, my dad used to shave me, cut my nails, trim my pubes, pop pimples on my face and back, would smell my penis to make sure it smelled nice, would do the same for my armpits, and would sometimes shower with me. This went on until I was around 16 and he would also beat me if I ever denied him.
Every weekend for the past four years, I’ve gone to the movies or taken a nap in my car and told my mom I was out with friends. I’ve also told her I’m dating a Korean girl who was in one of my university classes.
When I was younger, girls at school used to hug me and random and would also tell me they loved me. Eventually I found out they would dare each other to hug guys they found especially creepy/ugly and I was a prime target. One of them also started a rumor I was stalking her because we lived on adjacent streets, after which most of my friends stopped associating with me.
In high school girls used to befriend me so I would do their work. They were always upbeat and nice, would constantly ask me about my weekend, and tell me how smart and sophisticated I was. Eventually I started fucking up and they all moved onto the autistic kid who also got good grades.
When I was a teenager, I used to do weird/disgusting shit to make my friends laugh. More than once I dropped my pants and danced around because I had a small dick and it made them laugh to see me humiliate myself. I would do anything to make someone like me.
I like the band Echosmith.
The only time I use reddit is going on r/pillowtalkaudio to download audios where girls pretend to be your girlfriend and pretend to talk to you to help me fall asleep.
I really enjoyed the new Power Rangers movie because it was basically my ultimate masturbatory power fantasy come to life

>> No.9937675

Do you think you might be spending too much time exposing yourself to things you don't like?

>> No.9937715

Keked, pls moar about you

>> No.9937726


>> No.9937898

Have you considered sending this to a publisher anon?

>> No.9937990

Let's be honest, this guy belongs on 4chan.

>> No.9938059
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When I was little, I used to watch some Sonic the Hedgehog show and ran around in circles sceaming because I was very happy. I loved Sonic so much, I wanted to be Sonic. I wanted to live the life of Sonic. I had no friends in life really. It was pretty lonely, but Sonic made me happy.

One time I wanted to see my poop so I pooped in a paper cup and observed my poop. It wasn't very stinky actually, however it was extremely slimey and wet. I got another cup and started dropping pieces of the gooey excrement into both cups.

When gooey clear white stuff came out of me the first time, I remember sniffing it and putting my finger on it. I stayed in the bathroom an entire hour just playing with the sticky white goo, rubbing it on my body, pulling it, and even sticking it in my mouth. It tasted pretty sweet.

During highschool, I used to stare extremely intently at my crush observing their hair and everything. One time, when they weren't looking I even got to sniff their hair! But then they suddenly stopped saying hi to me.

And those were the very few fun moments in my entire life. It was a good ride.

>> No.9938068

I don't know how to tie my shoelaces.

>> No.9938251

Damn, OP. I'd buy that novel

>> No.9938276



>> No.9939110
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>> No.9939122

When I was little my mum used to make me a bowl of cheerios every morning for breakfast. Before I was allowed to eat a single bite she would chug the entire bowl and slosh and churn the contents in her mouth, after which she would spit it back out into the bowl. She would do this 48 times in a row, each and every morning. I learnt to love it.

>> No.9940071

ebin copypasta m80

>> No.9940082

>overweight, black-ish girl in my lit class at uni
>conversation comes up with the prof. that she has books published
>damn kinda jelly
>talking about the most recent one
>"Its a forbidden romance between a high school gym teacher and a student"
>not so jelly anymore

>> No.9940098

no, see, it's a JEWISH conspiracy@@


>> No.9940171

>second post is hitchhiker's guide

>> No.9940439

Good thread

>> No.9940598

This is like the modern version of No Longer Human

>> No.9940607

You got to hug a girl?

>> No.9940634

Yeah, it's like he just came here to brag. These normie scumbags don't even realize how much better they have it than some of us.

>> No.9940640

This is the kind of guy that should write confessional books like My Struggle, not these other fags.