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File: 62 KB, 916x439, emotionallabour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9932829 No.9932829 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to me the concept of Emotional Labour?

What the fuck is it? Are there any books (critical theory etc) on the subject?

>> No.9932830


Is she going for a birthing analogy here?

>> No.9932853
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She's only pretending to give a shit about men here. What she's really saying is that she's attracted to guys who treat her like shit but is at odds with the fact that being treated like shit isn't actually fun yet she can't help the attraction regardless so she's conflicted and angry with herself. And if she's conflicted and angry with herself then naturally it is men who are at fault because she is strong and woke and men are baddies.

>> No.9932863

Women overestimate men's interest in making their lives easier.

>> No.9932867

It's incredibly easy for women to say that, yes.

>> No.9932870
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Pic related is this chick's twitter page

>> No.9932880

It's funny, I used to know this 35 year old guy with an MA in Literature who was working minimum wage and thinking he was some kind of edgy Twitter Generation e-activist but really he was just a friendless Reddit guy with a sad life. She's exactly the same person in every way, but she's a woman, so I guess it's easier to maintain the delusion that people are into it?

>> No.9932883

A customer service job would probably work better than any book if you really want to understand it.

>> No.9932884

Sweetie, she's an advice columnist. That, uh, isn't a minimum wage job.

>> No.9932893
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>tfw friendless 4chan guy with a sad life

>> No.9932898

>Can someone explain to me the concept of Emotional Labour? What the fuck is it?
Listening to people complaining.
>Are there any books (critical theory etc) on the subject?
Books on how to be a psychotherapist.

>> No.9932899

There's an episode of High Maintenance about people like that. HBO (not Vimeo) S1E5, 'Selfie'.

>> No.9932903

It should be.

>> No.9932920

Labour is something that adds value to a raw material, good or service by way of the time or skill invested in it.

Feeling some way about something does not do this thus is not "labour" in a true sense.

Not everything that is taxing to do is labour.

>> No.9932937

I don't have the archive or the paste bin


but thats pretty much what she means in a nutshell.

its those feelings inside your gut based off of emotion that tugs you to do something.
seeing an old lady crossing the street by herself, or seeing a woman with groceries drop something.

also this


>> No.9932941

>hire asshole waiter
>value of eating at your restaurant decreases

>> No.9933033


That's true though. People will put up with an asshole waiter at a Chinese restaurant where a meal is $10 but not a fancy restaurant where a meal is $80. If an asshole waiter stops people wanting to eat there, demand will fall and so the price people are willing to pay will decrease.

>> No.9933043

why are you on twitter reading this nonsense in the first place? go for a fucking walk or somthing.

>> No.9933046


>> No.9933084


All a waiter has to do is be polite, reasonably attentive, and not fuck up the order. That in itself is not exactly the laborious part of the job, is it? It's probably just as tedious and exhausting to be a shitty waiter as it is to be an okay one.

To be honest overly friendly waiters/waitresses make me uncomfortable because I know they secretly hate my guts and just want their tip.

>> No.9933089

Walking is for cucks, real men obsessively follow some random nobody's twitter page and post caps of it on a Maori Haka Pineapple Hut.

>> No.9933189

hahahaha but fuck me to hell this is who this thread is about:

>> No.9933193

I don't need to accommodate your feelings because I unpack boxes all day. There will come a day where YOU accommodate MY feelings on the day of glorious retribution

>> No.9933228
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She has a tongue ring. Only girls have tongue rings, not women. It is so easy to get rid of a tongue ring and she can't even be bothered to do that much, even when she is making a video promoting her book. Instead she demands that people take her seriously with it in still. No thanks.

>> No.9933276

She does it for free.

>> No.9933300

Couldn't you fucking google it, there's a wikipedia page on it. It's not some neo-marxist conspiracy theory or whatever the fuck you think it means, although I'm sure some absolute legend has already twisted it to mean as much in this thread, which I'm not going to bother reading.

>> No.9933312


this is the PDF of the thread that, to my knowledge, caused the phrase to be used and explains what "emotional labor" is

tl;dr of the PDF: emotional labor is essentially noting the emotions, needs, etc of others and doing things to acknowledge/better that as well as maintain relationships for others.

some examples of emotional labor: sending a birthday card to your great grandma, giving a sick co-worker a "get well" gift, noticing when a friend is sad and attempting to "make it better", going to your child's soccer game, taking the time to understand others' thoughts, feelings

what the PDF claims is that men don't do these things nearly as often as women, oftentimes leading to suffering for both men and the women they find themselves in relationships with

it doesn't claim that emotional labor is a bad thing to do, it claims it's something that men often don't do and that women have to make up for by taking on certain responsibilities men should take out (like a woman sending birthday cards on her husband's behalf so he doesn't lose touch with his family)

>> No.9933316
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>which I'm not going to bother reading.
lol at how triggered you are. you take this shit way too seriously.

>> No.9933325

Triggered? No.
Lazy? Sure.

>> No.9933327


Yes, brother. Point me towards the dorito-stained page of The Game you copyied this from so I can meditate on it during my NoFap ball torture session.

>> No.9933336

Women should go on emotional labor strike and see if men miss any of these things they supposedly do supposedly on our behalf.

>> No.9933339
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>> No.9933369

My ex used to make me lunch and she used to make hearts and smiley faces with mustard on the sandwiches. It pissed me off because the mustard spread wasn't even but I never said anything. In hindsight the ideal spread of mustard on a sandwich is a stupid thing to care about.

>> No.9933383

crafting a sandwich based on emotional feelings vs practicality is hardly a stupid thing to care about.

if she truly 'hearted/smilyfaced' you, she would have made you a proper fucking sandwich.

>> No.9933392


I've never read that meme book and I value female literature and thought. But that doesn't mean that I need to become a dickless placating sycophant and disregard female bullshit that I see in real life. It's very telling that your mind instantly went to the topic of ball torture, you fuckin eunuch.

>> No.9933397

She probably wouldn't have given me chlamydia 5 years in the relationship either.

>> No.9933402


lol I bet you ate her out hours after chad ran through that

>> No.9933409

being an eunuch is the most /lit/ lifestyle desu

>> No.9933421

You sound like you've never worked as a waiter, or in any job that requires feigning positivity towards customers.

>> No.9933434

Reminder that a good work of literature is so much more effective at helping you with your mental health than any pop psychology bullshit instruction manual can tell you.

>> No.9933449

They weren't Chads. I knew a lot of the guys. They're just normies. I cheated on her a few times with a cool girl that read good books and drew qt monster stories for kids.

>> No.9933465
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Caring for someone is seen as labour. It's a phrase spoken in a society wherein individuals are quickly losing all practical reasons to care about one another. The Church, the family, marriage, nationhood, heritage... not what they once were. The bonds are breaking down, and people like Beth are unfulfilled by the act of caring.

It's a pretty disturbing phrase, desu. Thank god not too many people use it. I might just be melodramatic; society has always had its self-absorbed assholes.

>> No.9933474

Once again, a term used to describe the plight of actual workers is co-opted by identity politics.

>> No.9933480

Interesting comment.

It suggests the enemies of what is referred to as "advanced / late-stage capitalism" are actually fighting back against it by employing its own corrosive ideology.

Prostitution is now Sex Work

Love for family and husband is now Emotional Labour

Taking time out to raise a family is now discussed only in terms of the Wage Gap it contributes to

It's as if these people, consciously or otherwise, think that fighting this battle on the terms presented by the enemy is somehow going to end well.

>> No.9933525

Twitter is so bad. It's like the worst of Gen X and Millennials. I'm so glad that nobody my age goes there. 140 character BS

>> No.9933527

This. When's the last time you met a Razumikhin?

>> No.9933551

We need to start coming up with "PC terms" for antiquated abstactions like these.

>> No.9933558

As a Calvinist and right-libertarian I actually enjoy a broad application of the term "labour". Good economists will talk about things like "psychic income" and "natural assets", recognising the fact that economics isn't about government policy, it's people's lives. The distinction between agricultural labour and household labour is mostly arbitrary. They're both things that people do to bring value to others. I don't see housewives as unemployed women kept out of the workforce. A mother's job is to raise children and give them the mental and emotional nutrition that they need. That's a job, and it's important.

>> No.9933561

You're brain dead zombie. Keep sleepwalking your way through life buddy.

>> No.9933570

Originally 'emotional labour' was meant to refer to an aspect of jobs like waitressing where the worker is expected to engage emotionally with customers as part of the job. It's been appropriated to mean any time when anyone has to be emotionally invested in anyone else, even their actual friends or family members. idk man

>> No.9933575

This describes a woman I know perfectly. The sad thing is that she's actually a good person and very artistically talented. She's wasting her life trying to become some sort of edgy e-celeb on twitter and youtube.

>> No.9933596
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>> No.9933617

There is no such thing as "emotional labor." It's called being a decent human being. These feminists are so intellectually and morally bankrupt that they'd like us to believe that for women caring about your friends and love ones actually qualifies as "labor." Some have gone so far as to believe that women deserve financial compensation. It's just fucking sick....

>> No.9933653

Lol yes it is

Basically anything writing or reporting is minimum or less unless you are massivly popular

>> No.9933843


I rummaged through a mierdafilter thread about the topic and there were several comments bemoaning that if women did that then men would experience little to no change, but women would be much worse off. No idea how they themselves refuted their own premise but kept going...


>> No.9933852

Wow project much?

>> No.9933861


I guess it's part of the larger topic of gender, personhood, and society itself being evil and fake. Antithetic to any notion of "human nature", worth less than the sum of its parts, cyclically entropic for no purpose other than maintenance of the entropic cycle.

>> No.9933863

Exactly. It says a lot about these people that they think that not being a cunt is something that requires effort.

>> No.9933865

He's performing the job wrong incorrectly, though.

>> No.9933871

A third of men are sociopaths, probably the types she likes too.

>> No.9934105

the emotional theory of labor dowsed the source of the gender pay gap, bigot
get educated

>> No.9934123

It is easier to not give a fuck about people than to care. To care for people and their problems takes effort.
Sort of like labor, except instead of physically extensive it's mentally taxing; emotionally laboring.

You could almost say it's... go fuck yourself.

>> No.9934132

Is she telling us to stop being autists? If so she's right and I'm trying.

>> No.9934133

>a lot of the guys

Jesus how many were there? pathetic

>> No.9934144

It's even sadder for the woman because they can't have non-retarded children or loving marriages past 35 if they haven't before.

>> No.9934293

Plenty. She was a proper whore. She had severe daddy issues and when he died she got even more slutty. She ended up breaking up with me for being emotionally abusive.

>> No.9934354


Did't know about this, just got strongly compelled to not even click it by reading the page title.
It's certainly something done by gays and women.

>> No.9934362
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> anglo twitter

are anglos even human?

>> No.9934416


Why did you date her in that case?
Sounds like you should have hit it then quit it like the rest

>> No.9934421


Is that a boy he's with?

>> No.9934478

I was pretty burnt out and wanted to continue to emotionally abuse her. Also we bought a dog together years before and I knew exactly how often I'd see him when we broke up.

>> No.9934537

yeah it's jaden smith

>> No.9934539

i think he's talking about the trap

>> No.9934572

Did you just start a sentence with "as a'insert political allignment here '"? Lol

>> No.9934679


A 'more expensive than usual' casual sit-down place is about $80 per person.
I went to a sushi place in Germany that ended up being $80 per person for a buffet and drinks.

>> No.9934685

Women are disgusting, girls are better. That 'girl' is actually a regular old hag, like the women you're whipped by.

>> No.9934735

For the most part there wouldn't be a huge difference between a shitty waiter and an okay waiter, because most people are like you and see their waiter as a machine that turns words into food in exchange for money, but edge cases are where it becomes noticeable and edge cases are bound to occur at that kind of job.

Consider a situation where an asshole customer expects service beyond what the asshole cook is willing to give. A robot waiter who is programmed to be polite, reasonably attentive, and not fuck up the order is not going to have a solution for diffusing this situation. A waiter who is capable of emotional labor might be able to find a compromise, if not a solution to this conflict, or at the very least they will at least be able to minimize the collateral damage stemming from it (things like a 0 star Yelp review, other customers being bothered by someone making a scene and deciding not to return to that restaurant, the chef quitting)

On the other extreme, a waiter who provides an especially positive emotional experience to a customer could encourage that customer to choose that restaurant over a restaurant with waiters who are simply polite, attentive, and competent. Restaurants usually accomplish this by hiring attractive waiters and letting the halo effect take care of rest, but genuine cases exist as well.

>> No.9934747
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I still love you. You're going to make it anon!

>> No.9934758

emotional labor is what women call pretending to care/know/live by about the truth, and not succumb to the black hole of her own selfish first world insatiations

>> No.9934830

Both your interpretations of "emotional labour" are interesting af. What strikes me in OPs pic is this contradiction : "performing basic emotional labour" implies embedding emotions into a rationalized, troubleshooting oriented cognitive structure, a "job". However the intended message is aimed at men's supposed incapacity to communicate outside of this rational realm, which is implicitly presented as beeing opposed to the emotional world. This tweet is structured by cliché gender roles and a conceptual dichotomy which it contradicts at the same time.
maybe i'm not using the right words for it, but there is sth unintentionnaly glitchy and therefore interesting in it.

>> No.9934875

The real contradiction is that her phrasing doesn't exhibit any emotional labor on her part.

>> No.9934893

just imagining her writing this and thinking it's "cool" is so fucking pathetic
humans are so fucking lame

>> No.9934898

Emotional labour was a decent concept when applied to service work. Now its become a meme for feminists.

>> No.9934930


It would appear to me that fetishism of commoditties has reached a new level of exhausting the values of even abstract relations among people, so that such relations can be optimized into simple work/reward ones. Whereas you can turn any tangible thing into money and vice-versa, it turns out modern social justice is doing the devil's work of turning every intangible thing into effort/care coins of currency. Just as intangible, but now tradeable!

>> No.9934940

I will trade you intercourse for a massage, and a day's worth of income for a day's worth of childcare and dinner m'lady.

>> No.9934946


>> No.9934975


>> No.9934978

emotional labour is a phrase that makes me irrationally angry, i can see people talk about really stupid shit like white privilege or microaggressions and shrug it off but the fact that women have came up with a term to describe a social interaction that is emotionally draining and never thought to apply it to themselves just exemplify what is wrong with them as a species

for most men in most situations talking to women is emotional labour, women are so insanely narcissistic that this thought has literally never occurred them, the woman in the tweet is 1/2 of a social interaction that is breaking down and it doesn't occur to her that maybe she's 1/2 responsible for that breakdown

>> No.9934980

>society has always had its self-absorbed assholes

Odysseus stands out in Homer because he's the only one capable of emotional labor. The Bible is filled with examples of people acting out of self interest even if it conflicts with the interests of their families/community.

>> No.9934996
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Just shrug it off

>> No.9935027

i can't dude it's so fucking dumb, it's starting them right in the face

it's like when people on the left went all in on identity politics and it never occurred to them that whites would do it too, it's so impossibly obvious yet it eluded all of them till it was too late because they just don't think

>> No.9935035

It can't be learned. The language portion of the female brain is physically larger. Men struggle socially because we're not built to be as social

>> No.9935068

Most feminism I see these days is 50% relieving women of the consequences of negative behaviour/decisions and 50% holding women in high esteem for performing basic, expected social etiquette.

>> No.9935080

>Looking after the emotional well being of all adults and kids in a household is expected social etiquette.

>> No.9935115

If you wanna talk about enequal responsibilities, men have a larger share of the tax burden, die sooner, experience more violence, and don't have the option of being housewives. The responsibilities of childrearing is one that a woman can easily avoid, while the "work or die" responsibilities of a man are completely unavoidable.

>> No.9935119

That didn't address that poster's point at all. If staff befriend and cater the meal more easily to your preferences the meal gains more value than a meal that is superior in other aspects. It's another layer of the presentation of the object in question

>> No.9935121

How is the work or die not applicable to women too? Either work to feed yourself and your family by earning income, OR work as childcarer and cleaner in return for shelter. No one is off the hook unless they go batshit crazy and live off the welfare system.

>> No.9935147

In most of the world marrying a man and living off his income by becoming a housewife is an option a significant portion of women have. Almost no man has that option.

>> No.9935160

How many feminists would be okay with lowering the retirement age for men given that we die 10-7 years sooner?

>> No.9935166

>muh emotions are important durr

This is why you shouldn't take women seriously ever

>> No.9935200


I work with spreadsheets and numbers, not people.


I guess you're right. I have noticed that most "servers", as they're now supposed to be called, are attractive girls, wearing tight black dresses. I guess that wasn't an accident.

>> No.9935205

If their feelings aren't important, your feelings concerning their feelings are even less so.

>> No.9935210

You're not getting it though. How is housewife (i.e., full time childcare and cleaning) living for free?

>> No.9935521

>decent human being
Fuck off, normative faggot

>> No.9935531

Who's shocked? I'm not.

>> No.9935613

then why is the default attitude here one of complete nihilism and hatred

>> No.9935617

feminazis BTFO'd by logic again /b/ros!!

>> No.9935878

Accelerationist twitter is breddy gud. Sometimes frogtwitter says something insightful.

>> No.9935886

>A customer service job would probably work better than any book if you really want to understand it.

this is the only post anyone should be paying attention to

>> No.9935895

you'd be surprised at how many would also be up for lowering working hours/days

>> No.9935921

>That, uh,

holy shit, good quality bait fag

>> No.9935940

Any labor is basically the same. In a perfect world the laborer's disutility of labor would just be under the purchasing power of his compensation, as taken from the great Irving Fisher. However, it doesn't seem to be the case with many jobs. You can throw good ol' Smith's claim that people are compensated for the uncleanliness of the work also, that seems to be the opposite case.

>> No.9936022

We get it, you're rich.

>> No.9936074

I'm not rich, though.

>> No.9936912

This is 15$ worth of food in my shithole...
t. Guy from ""bosnia""

>> No.9936913
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Forgot pic...

>> No.9936962

FUCK i'm hungry now

>> No.9936977

please can i come live with you in bosnia

>> No.9937073

Our society is getting more gynocentric by the hour.

>> No.9937157

Why the quotes though? And what do you call the short, plump skinless sausages? We call them "mici" which is the plural for small.

>> No.9937179

Bbq sausages...
The quotes imply it's a non-country, just like Belgium.
Sure, thing pal, we'll find you a place to stay, rent's about 100$/ a month for a studio, as Yankees would call it.

>> No.9937186
File: 11 KB, 324x69, IMG_5340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw shit you meant the other ones... it's ground lamb meat or pork, and it's called a ćevap, if you meant pic rel

>> No.9937246

>The quotes imply it's a non-country, just like Belgium.
interesting. how would you retool the balkans, hypothetically?

>> No.9937254

Basic bitch lashing out at fuckbois she can't resist and can't understand why they treat her like shit

>> No.9937257

The bravado is a cover for deep insecurity, the YAAAAS QUEEN SLAAAY crowd especially are extremely fragile

>> No.9937259

Im a call centre worker, it sucks your soul dry but you hear every make and model of person through it.

>> No.9937268

Split up Bosnia, it's a sound and smart solution.
It's ineffective, due to relying on a consensus of three presidents making up the preaidency, each representing a different ethnicity.
>Croatia should get the so-called Herzeg-Bosnia
>Republic of Srpska to Serbia
>the rest is Bosnia for the muslims

The only reason this isn't happening is because EU/NATO don't want an ethnically-homogenous muslim country in Europe, and Bosniaks are so deluded to think it's all theirs, despite Serbs and Croats living here for a thousand years, and Bosniaks being muslim converts of these two peoples- we had a war about this 20 years ago, if you recall.

As to the rest of the Balkans, I don't really care

>> No.9937341

if you have mental health issues it's best to just bottle them up unless you think you might hurt someone else

>> No.9937458

you just described japan lol

>> No.9937477

If that were the case NATO wouldn't have aided the KLA

>> No.9937492

They did it to destabilize former SR Yugoslavia, and their plan is now painfully obvious- it's part of the migrant route, something a formidable Serbia would never allow, just as Hungary is doing now.

>> No.9937493

P.S. if Kosovo unites with Albania, it still won't be 100% muslim.

>> No.9937502

Because it's easy as hell. Rearing a child is not the inglorious labor modern feminism has portrayed it as.

>> No.9938058
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It's not easy as hell. My office job is easy as hell. Don't get me wrong tho, I am a Nazi misogynist and completely agree with this thread, but if raising kids was easy we wouldn't have all these broken families turning to communism all over the country.

>> No.9938122

That's exactly the job I had in mind when I posted that. I couldn't even hack it for a year, however I will always remember falling in love with a girl calling from New Zealand with just the right amount of accent and a level of politeness I had begun to doubt existed after working that job for a few months. I tried to help her with her problem while simultaneously employing stall tactics to draw out the conversation for as long as possible, my fundamental desire for a pleasant human interaction taking precedence over the 75 cent raise for exceptional performance I was on pace for which, after a single call resulting in my average call time doubling and my deviating from the script flowchart that was supposed to be the programming for us emotive robots, would undoubtedly become the 25 cent raise they gave to anyone as long as they showed up most of the time and picked up the phone some of the time. I'm not even sure I lasted long enough to get that raise so it was totally worth it, but I'd probably trade that one bright experience for some of the optimism I lost working that job.

>> No.9938405

Free in the sense that your work is done out of debt, not value. They have to do that work and it's not much in comparison to finding a job/ career and maintaining it. Living at home requires no mental or emotional labour, just physical.

>> No.9938551

You are so wrong. I doubt anything I could say would convince you, but raising kids properly while also constantly dealing with the mess they create is insanely demanding and emotionally boring and frustrating as hell. You seem to think that the difficulty in a job is its level of intellectual challenge, but it's the opposite. I'd be way more worried for my sanity doing menial tasks all day than something stimulating. I go out in the day to a quiet, clean, office with friendly adults talking crap and doing stimulating work that if I fuck up I can deal with easily. Mums dont get to leave, they are surrounded by mess unless they clean it up constantly, surrounded by idiot kids who only talk to demand things from you, and have boring work that if they fuck up a person is ruined. Working out of home is much better, just fucking admit it. There's a reason you would not want to swap the social gender norms.

>> No.9938672

>broken families turning to communism all over the country.

Mate get off /pol/ for a day. You've really been memed.

>> No.9938711

Kind of funny that whites have finally accepted that there is no universal truth that will turn minorities into whites through their systems and are just like 'gtfo we contract now'

The process will repeat when it turns out Irish and Italians take more money than the Germans

>> No.9938776

Who gives a fuck?

>> No.9939603

Assyrian, Byzantine or Chinese style?

>> No.9939611

Screenshots of social media comments is literally what fueld the 'redpill boards'. They care very deeply about outraging each other and showing how virtuous they are compared to this degenerate demonized Other

>> No.9939647

Guys who struggle with that improve upon those skills when paired with a sexy milf. She sounds like the type that wouldn't give them time of day. So the only thing about emotional labour that you could learn from her is the old needing experience to be hired catch-22

>> No.9939917

>t. economics fag
this is a lit board we use general applications of words here

>> No.9939958

basically having as (job or other social situation) requirement to not piss people off
the performer of emotional labour basically is subordinate and acts out this role, a person who could be shit on
this makes people feel bad because they don't think they are shit but they act as if they deserve nothing, then they may start to think it's true
most jobs have a component of this, but men if they shrug it off more often get a pass except in extreme situations
i think women should shrug it off too instead of demanding men do it - we shouldn't all feel like shit
it's a pretty obvious concept and not bullshit
the book that came up with it is The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling

>> No.9940096

I bet you got mad essay points in highschool

>> No.9940128

>called, are attractive girls, wearing tight black dresses. I guess that wasn't an accident.
Do you know what restaurants sell? Sex and drugs. Having sexy servers and alcohol is the most important part of the bussniss when you unpack it