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/lit/ - Literature

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9930016 No.9930016 [Reply] [Original]

Creative writing thread
Discuss stories you're trying to write, ideas, or advice on writing in general

>> No.9930025

Discussing the ideas and narratives releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel like you've already told the story (because in a way you have) and make it very difficult to actually write the thing.
I advise against it.

>> No.9930866

I've been struggling with this and it's nice to see someone else pick up on it. My mother asked me if I'm working on anything, I told her, have not opened the document since, no interest in it.

Good praxis, anon

>> No.9930883

> pseudoscience

>> No.9931341
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Not him, and I don't know if it's pseudoscience or not, but I have the same thing happen to me all the time. Whenever I tell anyone about planning on doing anything praiseworthy my interest in actually doing that thing plummets, especially if they show some kind of approval.

Even when I do good things in secret, I constantly worry if I'm doing them for their own sake or if I'm doing them just because they're praiseworthy. It's been troubling me for a long time.

>> No.9931381

I hope one you guys steals this idea because I'll never write it.

Title: "Clearing My Sinuses For Buddha"
Plot: Guy decides he wants to start meditating because it sounds cool. He reads about it and Wikihow says he has to breathe through his nose to meditate but he has chronic sinusitis so he must go and got Afrin but on the way there he gets into a traffic jam that lasts days and ends up finding the true path to enlightenment. Turns out the traffic jam is caused by something shady and someone's trying to stop him from figuring out what's going on. Intended to be a psychological thriller. I have more details but kinda stopped thinking about it.

>> No.9931730

Thinking of Writing Urban Fantasy novel that deals with the repercussions of having supernaturals in cities while having some sort of Masquerade. People missing for no reason, increase crime rate due to feuds between supernaturals, Cops can't handle crimes that are magical, stifling bureaucracy, etc, etc.

>> No.9931873

Finished a novel a few weeks ago. Taking a little break now, though I'll probably bang out some short stories in spite of that.

>> No.9932052

Are you me?

>> No.9932058

Got three poems "done" in the last week. So far I only have one I hate and will probably delete.

>> No.9933192

Bitch I might be.

>> No.9933200

Lately, I've been taking a lot of inspiration from works by Garth Marenghi

>> No.9933968
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No, but I think it might be a common problem. It pops up in Plato, I think, when the two younger men talk about their hypothetical "perfectly righteous man" who is constantly persecuted because a perfectly righteous man can't just be doing righteous things for praise, but for their own sake. I'm sure I'm not the first person to be bothered by this and I doubt we'll be the last.

>> No.9934013

the political importance of having a monopoly of the unconscious