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9929726 No.9929726 [Reply] [Original]

This thread was fun the last time. You take 5 outta your stack, anons tell you which one to go for next. I'm new to reading so I'm going over the basics

- Brave new world by Aldous Huxley
- Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut
- My Man Jeeves by PG Wodehouse
- Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse
- Simon and the Oaks by Marianne Fredriksson

>> No.9929734

Slaughterhouse 5. Easy choice. Vonnegut is such a common thread in pretty much every reader of good books person I've met. He comes up in conversation often enough it is worth it to read his, possibly, best or at least most talked about book. Do it.

>> No.9929738

A little Life by Hana yanagihara
I am a Cat by Natsume Soseki
Notes from the underground by FyDo
Frost by Thomas Bernhard
The Savage Detectives by Bolano

>> No.9929742

Far from the Madding Crowd
The Charterhouse of Parma
The Rainbow
The Tartar Steppe

>> No.9929755

Cool, I'll hit it tonight. Cheers my man

>> No.9929758

I was in love with nostromo at first but as the plot started moving I lost track of why I should care. Probably definitely my fault but heart of darkness didn't do it for me either.

The Rainbow is sublime.

>> No.9929763

BNW, then S5

The Double

>> No.9929775

The tartar steppe - buzzati
Humiliated and insulted - Dostoevsky
War and war - krasznahorkai
Pale fire - nabokov
Judas Iscariot - andreyev

We could both read tartar steppe and make a thread about it in a week or 2..

>> No.9929777

Titus Groan
The Sorrows of Young Werther
The Third Policeman

>> No.9929782


Pale Fire is unfuckwitable.

>> No.9929808

Catch 22

>> No.9929814

Underground by Haruki Murakami
Trilogy of New York by Paul Auster
22/11/63 by Stephen King
Malazan book of the fallen (full series)
The bell jar by Sylvia Plath

Notes from the underground, absolutely.

>> No.9929827

I have read and would recommend A Little Life, but it's quite heavy (in terms of length and subject matter), so I'd agree with starting with something smaller if you want.

>> No.9929831

Catch 22 is great

>> No.9929845

The bell jar

>> No.9929859

Then what!

>> No.9929865


>> No.9929870

>Pale Fire is unfuckwitable.
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

>> No.9929890

The Iliad
Oedipus plays
Paradise Lost
Don Quixote

>> No.9929892

What a meme you are.

>> No.9929895

Brave New World changed my life

>> No.9929897

I've been memeing too hard man

>> No.9929932

-Blood Meridian
-Collected excerpts of Marx
-Revolt Against the modern world Evola

Read Steppenwolf OP

>> No.9929948


>> No.9929961
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Libra by Don Dellilo
Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
Ice by Anna Kavan
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
and The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

>> No.9929987

It means that other books can try to fuck with it, but cannot because they are less. It's at the tippity top.

>> No.9930006
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Continue with the Greeks or Resume with the Modernists?

>> No.9930015

I've only got four in my stack atm
Der Römerbrief- Karl Barth
Eumeswil- Ernst Jünger
Fanged Noumena- A Meme
And the collected writings of William Blake

I'd say libra

>> No.9930044

Of the top 4 Charterhouse, easily the best. Haven't read the 5th, however.

>> No.9930091

Eh just pick new books dude

>> No.9930095

Imo modernists then go back

>> No.9930096

The Fountainhead, Rand
Catch-22, Heller
On the Road, Kerouac
Pale Fire, Nabokov
I, Robot, Asimov

>> No.9930098
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Anna <3<3

Everyone reading this, read Ice by Anna Kavan

>> No.9930101

Cat's cradle is good, albeit a bit on-the-nose with the main metaphor

>> No.9930194

Oops, I misunderstood the thread and just posted 5 books I've read expecting a new rec.

Everyone should read Ice, though.

>> No.9930245

Place the Fountainhead in the trash.

>> No.9930266

The Cancer Ward
The Collected Stories of William Faulkner
The Sun Also Rises
All The Kings Men

>> No.9930289

Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States
Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Chingiz Aitmatov, The Day Lasts More than a Hundred Years
John Reed, Ten Days that Shook the World
The Tao te Ching

>> No.9930308
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After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre
The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell
Homo Faber by Max Frisch
The Sailor who fell from Grace with the Sea by Yukio Mishima
Danton's Death by Georg Büchner

Der Römerbrief and then open a thread about it, fampai

>> No.9930323

I would go with Catch-22. Everything besides the Rand is excellent

>> No.9930331

Thoreau then Hemingway

>> No.9930332

That's not how those work. You're supposed to give it to a girl in college, very seriously, that you are trying to fuck to make sure she never fucks you and will always tell the story about exactly that whenever that silly cunt's books are mentioned. I've met a few women relating this exact story over the years.

>> No.9930336

Zinn or reroll

>> No.9930339


>> No.9930346

I thought the point of Rand was to become a pseudo-intellectual in middle school

>> No.9930360

The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Prince
Either/Or Volume I
The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.9930363

Definitely read the Prince before Zarathustra

>> No.9930365

It's a stepping stone to becoming a Scientologist.

>> No.9930391

Libertarianism is the political equivalent of the flat earth theory

>> No.9930395

If you're depressed then read Camus. If not Nietzsche

>> No.9930557

Martian chronicles
Brave new world

>> No.9930564

Foucault's Pendulum
Lincoln in the Bardo
Hard Rain Falling
Potsdam Station
Killers of the Flower Moon

>> No.9930577

Change your life already, read Siddhartha.
don't be a psued.

>> No.9930611

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
Magic Mountain

>> No.9931634

the Tao my nigga

>> No.9932828

is it that cool?

>> No.9933074

Anthony C. Yu - The Monkey and the Monk
Hunter S Thompson - Hell's Angels
Justified Ancients of MuMu - 2023: A Trilogy
WIlliam S Burroughs - Naked Lunch
Cervantes - Don Quixote (Motteux translation)

>> No.9933079

All Quient on the Western Front - Erich Ramarque
The Sea - John Banville
The Testament of Mary - Colm Toibin
H is for Hawk - Helen McDonald
A History of Knowledge - Charles van Doren

>> No.9933081
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finishing stoner now

confederacy of dunces
the corrections
big book on american architecture
or a big book of art (the story of art)

>> No.9933130

Heart of Darkness
The King In Yellow
The Three Musketeers

I'm about to finish Stoner if that makes any difference.

BNW or S5.

Catch-22 or The Third Policeman.

22/11/63 or The Bell Jar.

Moby-Dick or Don Quixote.

Blood Meridian. Can't comment on the others.

Invisible Man or The Bell Jar.

If you haven't read Rand leave the Fountainhead for now and read Anthem or We The Living first. Or, read I, Robot.

Zinn or Tolkien. I can recommend more on American Exceptionalism if you want.

Orwell or Mishima.

Don't know about Jerusalem but you need to be intimately familiar with Joyce, DFW and Pynchon to read those books. Read Death In Venice before you read Magic Mountain (if Mann).

Naked Lunch or Don Quixote. Couldn't assess the translation.

First two.

Hello Stoner bro. Just finished Dunces too and I heartily recommend it. Walker's introduction doesn't spoil anything so read that if you want.

>> No.9933143

The Art of the Loophole - Nick Freeman
The Very Bastards of Creation - James D Young
The Social Contract - Rousseau
Behind the Myths - John Pickard
Contending Economic Theories - Richard D Wolff

>> No.9933161
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>Heart of Darkness

How to read literature like a Professor
The First Law Book 2
The Karamazov Brothers
Malazan series

>> No.9933181

Okay. I have lying around in my room right now:
Stoner, Blood Meridian, White Noise, Three-Body Problem and For Whom The Bell Tolls.

>> No.9933183

I'd go for Dubliners, but they're on my to-read list as well, so I don't know if they're any good. But it's Joyce, so it probably is.

>> No.9933186

The Story of Art's Gombrich if I'm not mistaken, so strong rec in that direction along with CoD.

Mencken's In Defense of Women
Cornwell's Sharpe's Gold (read the first two already this summer)
Boorstin's The Image
Gass's Finding a Form
Greene's Our Man in Havana

>> No.9933223

The Storm of Steel - Ernst Jünger
Omensetter's Luck- William H. Gass
Vineland - Pynchon
Butcher's Crossing - John Williams
As I Lay Dying - Faulkner

>> No.9933224

Tristam Shandy
Barry Lyndon
The Sot-Weed Factor

>> No.9933267

Savage Detectives
Girl With Curious Hair

>> No.9933370

This is the only list I've seen that prompts me not to recommend but to dissuade. Don't read Parfum. The other four are fabulous. I only choose Shandy because not only is it the most innovative, but was also written first. If (you) want light summer reading, however, choose the Thackery.

>> No.9933387

I was really moved by Hard Rain Falling. I had atough time with Foucaults Pendulum, not so much with the esoteric occultism, more with the one characters childhood memories and beta cuck relationship with some bimbo.

I haven't read the others.

>> No.9933673
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Just the thread I was looking for.
>Crime and Punishment
>Fight Club
>Beyond Good and Evil
>Classic Tales of Horror - Edgar Allan Poe

>> No.9933686

-War and peace
-Vanity Fair
-The Idiot
-Rameau's Nephew

>> No.9933694

Meditations, then beyond good and evil, then fight club, then crime and punishment

Poe is great but save him for last all the same

>> No.9933696

>Letters from a Stoic by Seneca
>On the Good Life by Cicero
>Ann Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke
>Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius
>Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

>> No.9933701



3 or 5



1 or 3 or 4


>> No.9933704

FUCK ME IN THE ASS, I meant to type Notes from the Underground, but somehow I instead replaced it with Crime and Punishment. Do your lists still stand lol? I've actually already read Crime and Punishment, and I loved the hell out of it.

>> No.9933722

Not him but read Beyond Good and Evil then Notes. Perfect perfect progression. Crime and Punishment as well, pretty much Nietzsche misinterpretation the fictiob. Then meditations I guess and throw out Fight Club

>> No.9933744


pretty much agree about fight club desu

>> No.9933781

Thanks for the responses, I think I'll go for Meditations first, Beyond Good and Evil, and everything else sometime afterwards.

>> No.9934228

>Walker's introduction doesn't spoil anything so read that if you want.
thanks, and why the hell do all these NYRB books spoil like half of the book? i mean its not gonna ruin a novel for me, but damn NYRB
thank you. i might do COD after the story of art just because i havent had some nonfiction in a while, not since maybe college.

>> No.9934845

As I Lay Dying
Count of Monte Cristo
Norwegian Wood

>> No.9934886

The Count of Monte Cristo

Big Sur(Kerouac)
History of the Peloponessian War
To Build a Fire and Other Stories(London)
The Right Stuff(Wolfe)
The Sea(Banville)

>> No.9934942

Théâtre - Racine
Contes - Lafontaine
Nos, Book of the Ressurection - Miguel Serrano
金閣寺 - 由紀夫三島
Sophocles I (ed. Lattimore) - Sophocles

>> No.9934945

Thucydides is the only fantastic choice here. Pity (you) didn't start it a few weeks back so that (you) might have timed reading it's disasterous conclusion with a viewing of the solar eclipse! It's a great book.

>> No.9935145

Portrait of an artist blah blah - Joyce
Swanns way -- Proust
Molloy trilogy -- Beckett
Against the day -- pinecone
The picture of Dorian gray -- Oscar Wilde

I read about 30-50 pages of one of them a day and it's driving me insane not settling on one and killing it

>> No.9935162


Dorian Gray

>> No.9935174
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Origins of Totalitarianism - Ardent
Burning Chrome - Gibson
Prague Cemetary - Eco
Annihilation - Vandemeer
War of the End of the World - Vargas Llosa

>> No.9935227

Thanks babe

>> No.9935385

Swan Song
The Fireman
Eyes of Doom
Bird Box
The Hematophages

No one has probably read these.


War of the End of the World. Picked it off name alone so enjoy.

>> No.9935395

The Big Nowhere by James Ellroy
Savage Night by Jim Thompson
The Long Walk by Stephen King
100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
LA Confidential by James Ellroy

>> No.9935407

Of the two shorter volumes pick Rameau's Nephew- it's one of those little read books that dumbfounds as to just how good it is. Then settle into War and Peace.

>> No.9935411

prague cemetary is a fun read

>> No.9935430

Under The Volcano
Three Lives

Probs solitude
Joyce or Wilde
Either AILD or Lolita

>> No.9935435

Crime and Punishment
The Portrait of Dorian Gray
Modern Man In Search of a Soul
The Third Policeman
Man's Search For Meaning

>> No.9935447

Gombrich's a great writer and both an incredibly knowledgeable and incredibly modest scholar. THE single volume book by him is Art and Illusion. If (you) ever see a copy when browsing used books snap it up. Theyre out there.

>> No.9935482

>if you want to read philosophy
aristotle, then boethius

>if you want the only effective self-help method out there
seneca, then cicero

>> No.9935501
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I, Claudius
Sword and Citadel
Franny and Zooey

Warlock. Just finished it and loved it.

>> No.9935522

Breeze through F&Z and then read I, C. Though Dubliners is the best title, save it for early Fall.

>> No.9935527

why did you love it?

>> No.9935612

It has the most well developed and interesting characters of any novel I've read (though I haven't read a ton). It's an excellent subversion of character tropes of popular genre fiction, and the philosophical themes are clear and thoughtful but never hamfisted.

>> No.9935642

Red Mars
Speaker for the Dead
Mistborn series
The Knight

>> No.9935659


Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
The Road - Cormac McCarthy
Peace - Gene Wolfe
Against All Enemies - Richard A Clarke
The Last Wish - Andrzej Sapkowski

>> No.9935663

Things I've enjoyed
>Moby Dick
>The Hobbit
>Big Red Son (DFW Essay in Consider the Lobster--he meets Max Hardcore)

>> No.9935670

IDK but be sure to read The Iliad before Blood Meridian.

>> No.9935679


>> No.9935689

Read Burroughs before Thompson, whatever you do.

There is the master, and there is the apprentice.

>> No.9935696

Absalom, absalom!
East of Eden
Crime and Punishment
(One more because im cheating) Notes from Underground

>> No.9935701

Invisible Man

>> No.9935702

I would make it a point to read Tristram Shandy, Barry Lyndon and Suttree chronologically

>> No.9935705


>> No.9935706

Hunger and Notes.
+invisible man
100 Years

>> No.9935714

Portrait and Dorian Gray are the candies in that list. Proust gives me emo seizures and Molloy was like being spat on. Given that, order them according to your personality.

Haven't read the pinecone.

>> No.9935759

It seems highly recc'd in all of these, so i'll give it a go. Thanks for replying. What should I read after? I wanted to include Meditations in that list.

>> No.9935792

East of Edan
Ada, or Ardor
Anna Karenina
Demons (the possessed)
For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.9935798
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Slaughterhouse 5!
Notes from the Underground
The Bell Jar


free choice


The Tao but not all at once - hope you have a travel copy


1. All the Pretty Horses
2. Gilgamesh
3. Japanese Gothic Tales
4. To the Lighthouse
5. Typee (I want to get a sense of Melville as an author over his lifetime)

>> No.9935808

Don Quixote is literally one of the funniest books ever written. You will love every bit of it. That book is a treasure.

>> No.9935839

>Don Quixote is literally one of the funniest books ever written.

Why did you use "literally" in this sentence?

>> No.9935858
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>Don Quixote [Ox. World Classics]
>No Longer Human
>The Holy Bible [KJV and/or NRSV]
>The German Genius by Peter Watson
>The Magic Mountain
coming down of the cathartic high that was Brothers Karamazov. afraid to read No Longer Human because it is uncomfortably close to my diary desu, and i'm already on the verge of breaking up/drinking again.

>> No.9935865

To indicate to the reader that he was not speaking figuratively.

>> No.9935873

Read KJV but don't block out time for it. Just read a few chapters every day in addition to your normal reading.

>> No.9935905

Did you read The Bros K without reading the Bible? Don't tell me you've read all of Dosto without reading the Bible, it's practically essential in his major works. Definitely read that next (and/or No Longer Human in between books as the Bible is really an anthology of books) as Don Quixote contains a very explicit King Solomon reference in the 2nd part. And I'm not sure if you've read it yet but you shouldn't especially shouldn't read Dosto's The Idiot without having read both the Bible and Don Quixote

>> No.9935909

The Haunted Mask
Night in Terror Tower
Night of the Living Dummy
The Werewolf of Fever Swamp
One Day At Horror Land

>> No.9935927

Popular colloquial use of the word to emphasize my point that that shit is 10/10 would read again.

>> No.9935938

i grew up methodist and went to christian summer camp, so i definitely have done a few perfunctory readings of the bible in my day and am intimately familiar with the stories of the old testament. just thought it might be nice to read it as a whole, primarily for the aesthetic-religious benefits.

probably won't read "the idiot" anytime soon in order to prevent a dosto overdose.

i might do, but i'm not looking for a devotional. just for a greater foundation of understanding for one of the most important books in human history.

>> No.9935958

>i'm not looking for a devotional
I didn't say you were. You can rip through Genesis and possibly Exodus, but when you get to Leviticus you'll understand what I'm telling you.

>> No.9935959
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What next, pals??

>> No.9936415


Just stop reading now, you're clearly not cut out for it.

>> No.9936463

All the Pretty Horses is my favorite McCarthy. I think he peaked with it. Haven't read Suttree yet, but that's the last one left of his I haven't read.

>> No.9936468


Do you happen to know offhand what the service ceiling is on the Bell UH-1?

>> No.9936484

I only have 4 in my stack that I've not read, and all are pretty hefty undertakings

-War and Peace
-Infinite Jest
-Finnegans Wake

>> No.9936487

Throw away Infinite Jest and shelve Finnegans Wake for a while.

>> No.9936489

Well that's pretty much what I've been thinking about and I'll prolly start good ol' Tolstoy next, just finished Anna Karenina like a week ago. (I've also read the Kreutzer Sonata). I'll probably go book shopping soon as well.

>> No.9936495

Against the day
Brothers K
To the Lighthouse
The Histories

>> No.9936524

How is it even possible for someone to only own four books he hasn't read? Do you even care about literature? What are you doing here?

>> No.9936527

I already have massive backlogs in other mediums so I try to keep the literature side short.

>> No.9936579

>other mediums
you mean vidya?

>> No.9936865

>nobody picks a book for me

Thanks for nothing you faggots.

>> No.9936903

Who are you I will pick one

>> No.9936904

If your tastes are too patrician then you scare the plebs and they won't respond to you because they are intimidated by your post.

>> No.9936905

well yes but movies/film/tv also and to a lesser extent music

>> No.9936949


>> No.9937015

gilgamesh, but knowing it's a translation^3

>> No.9937037

Metamorphoses, Ovid
Divine Comedy, Dante
Gargantua and Pantagruel, Rabelais
Orlando Furioso, Ariosto
Gormenghast Trilogy, Mervyn Peake

Please respond.

>> No.9937344

All are good, with Ariosto and not Peake being the weak link (Ariosto in English, i.e.). I would JUST read Gargantua, the end of which is rather surprising, then finish off the Summer with Peake. Begin Ovid on the 22nd of September and take your time.

>> No.9937354

That's his best but (you) may disagree because I think the Crossing is not only the best of the Trilogy, but his second best overall.

>> No.9937396

The epic of gilgamesh
One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
The odyssey (currently finishing the iliad)
The sound and the fury

>> No.9937399
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Which of these should I read next?

Slaughterhouse Five
Great Expectations
Blood Meridian
The Road
Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.9937430

Blood Meridian, one of my personal favorites

>> No.9937450

The Origins of Totalitarianism
Capital in the 21st Century
The Sublime Object of Ideology

I can't make myself finish these, I need a little extra motivation.

>> No.9938403

I've read all of these and actually liked each one for VERY different reasons. My straight-up favorite on the list is M&D, but I'd read Herodotus now. Good time of year for it.

>> No.9938625

If you're finishing up the Iliad I'd say go for The Odyssey. Having the Illiad fresh in your mind will enhance the experience.

My five:
Master and Margarita
The Dispossessed
Lair of the White Worm
American Tabloid (Friend has lent it to me)
Red Plenty (Friend has lent it to me)

I'm leaning toward the books I've been lent, but I just don't find myself as motivated by them.

>> No.9938634

Monster Blood, you pleb.

>> No.9938640

Demons is fantastic

>> No.9938646

flip a coin between East of Eden and Anna Karenina

>> No.9938709

1. Penis
2. Vagina
3. Penis
4. Vagina
5. Penis

>> No.9938804

For you, my friend, none of the above.

>> No.9938825

I'll probably just read whatever i want anyway, but i'm open to suggestions. After all i would have an additional reason to get through the book if your random suggestion lined up with my preference
>don quixote, part 2
>the trial
>paradise lost
>hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
Read the Master and Margarita.

>> No.9938855

Ok bye :)

>> No.9938859

Ps suk a dik

>> No.9938989

Don Quixote pt 2 because it's WAY better than part one, almost modern. If (you) liked part One youll be amazed, if (you) didn't, more than pleasantly surprised.

>> No.9939100

I love the third policeman

>> No.9939103

Good, I was planning to read it first anyway. I enjoyed pt 1 very much so I'm excited to read the supposedly even better half

>> No.9939152

Dubliners by James Joyce
Sometimes a Great Notion by Ken Kesey
The Trial by Franz Kafka
The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
Death In Venice by Thomas Mann

Been starting to get into reading in the last few months. Just finished reading The Stranger today. Recently read Confessions Of An English Opium Eater and Dune as well.

>> No.9939185

It is, dude. C not only out-postmoderns most postmodernists, but the Duke and Duchess stuff is simply fantastic.

>> No.9940139

How come none of those books is more than a hundred years old? You realize that literature existed before the 20th century right?

>> No.9940384

Cancer ward. Want to read but haven't tell me what it's like

>> No.9940390


>> No.9940393

chronological order seems fine to me

>> No.9940400

Critique of Pure Reason
Being and Time
Dialectic of Enlightenment
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

>> No.9940406


>> No.9940412

Just for the sake of pettifoggery, Dubliners, Death in Venice, and The Trial are indeed more than a hundred years old.

But, yeah, read other things before de 20th century, m8.

>> No.9940415

Starship troopers. Take a break from that shit and have fun

>> No.9940420

I have to do some extracurricular reading for my political philosophy class and I've decided to read the following in addition to the required reading.

The Fourth Political Theory
The Communist Manifesto and whatever parts of The German Ideology that might help in fleshing out Marxist theory
Augustine's Political Writings
City of God

>> No.9940432

I've had too much fun already, man. And I'm not fond of sci fi :/

>> No.9940436

Kant then if you must

>> No.9941301

The savage detectives. Inspiring book. Wait until winter for the notes from the underground

>> No.9941308

Read Sometimes a Great Notion then make a thread about it so me, you and probably one other anon can chat.

>> No.9941342

Dubliners. If I didn't have to read it for school when I was 16 I would have enjoyed it a lot more.

I'll probably read it again.

>> No.9941392

The Benjamin's merely an essay, right? Read that right now! The other reading you suggest requires patience. If you have a copy knock out Jaeger's classic before the equinox. My copy's a 1945 OUP clothbound with intact jackets, 3 volumes.

>> No.9941439

Nausea - Jean-Paul Sartre
The Man Who Watched The Trains Go By - Georges Simenon
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey
A Portrait Of The Artist - James Joyce
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley

>> No.9941533

The Stranger by Camus
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce
The Pale King by DFW
The Satanic Verses by Rushdie
Human Smoke by Baker

>> No.9941550

Currently juggling Lolita, Best of Cordwainer Smith, and The Last Interview: Philip K. Dick.

Thinking Fast and Slow - Kahneman
I am a Cat - Sōseki
The Trial - Kafka
Dune - Herbert
Naked Lunch - Burroughs

>> No.9941564




>> No.9941570

The fatal eggs, Mikhail bulgakov
Post Captain, Patrick O'Brien
Star trek tng cold equations
Doctor who shada
Choke, Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.9943015

What do you mean by/for the Paideia?

>> No.9943556

I'm not sure I understand this question, could (you) be more specific? The Paideia is a complete recapitulation of ancient Athenian culture via specific topics of study- music, astronomy, rhetoric, etc. It also concerns itself with the great Athenian (or resident alien) authors who [we] now receive as the masters of those topics (as known by them). It's obviously a secondary source book but is so rich with information that it could be used as a surrogate study for the greater part of the 'start with the Greeks' meme. And although I do not recommend using it for this purpose, the fact stands.

>> No.9943569

Piers Anthony - A Spell for Chameleon
Piers Anthony - Night Mare
Piers Anthony - Swell Foop
Piers Anthony - Xone of Contention
Piers Anthony - Roc and a Hard Place

>> No.9943586

I haven't read The Fourth Political Theory so I hesitate answering. Read Hobbes first as a kind of central ground between Marx and Augustine. Though he's closer in time to Marx, he's closer 'in spirit' to the saint. Kind of.

>> No.9943630

The Castle
18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon
Early Writings of Karl Marx
The Third Policeman

>> No.9943635
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>Dostoevsky - The Devils/Demons
>Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment
>Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago
>de Mesquita - The Dictator's Handbook
>Cervantes - Don Quixote

Other suggestions welcome

>pic unrelated

>> No.9943662

Fatal Eggs

>> No.9943738

The Bible
The Sorrows of Young Werther
Moby Dick
Arabian Nights' Entertainment
Les Miserables
I've started all of them but I'm not sure which to finish first

The Trial

Don Quixote

>> No.9943740

Das Nibelungenlied
The 5 books of Moses
Mason & Dixon
The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben
Only brought 5 books and already finished Moby Dick

>> No.9943767

The symposium
The republic
The psychology of love (Freud)

The crime and punishment of I.G farben

>> No.9943795

And Quiet flows the Don.
I dont remember how to write the authors name tho.

>> No.9943797


Dubliners then Symposium then Republic then Amerika then Freud

>> No.9943819

The last of the five must be somebody's compilation because I've read alot of Freud but am not even familiar with that title. At any rate The Symposium is another psychology of 'love,' and both short and entertaining, so hit that before the much longer Republic.... The stories in Dubliners are written clearly, I almost wrote 'pristinely,' and show clearly that Joyce himself could write in a clear, traditional manner whenever he wanted which is nice, I guess. But read Amerika first of all. Though very unfinished (literally) it's hilarious, and I wonder to this day what he would have done with the Oklahoma Nature Theater had he only finished it. Breezily different from his other, longer works.

>> No.9944118

>Harja Talonen :DDDD

>> No.9944127

Different Seasons

>> No.9944287

the man without qualities -musil
2666 - bolano
The Army of Sleepwalkers - wu ming
Crying lot of 49 - pynchon
La vengeance d' une femme - Barbey D' Aurevilly (or should i read faust first?)

>> No.9944311
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Politics by Aristotle
Selected Political Speeches by Cicero
On The Shortness of Life by Seneca
The New Jerusalem Bible by God
Confessions by Augustine

>> No.9944347

>The New Jerusalem Bible by God
>by God

I'm frankly surprised that there are apparently Protestants with enough braincells to be capable of reading a book.

>> No.9944357
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It's because J.R.R Tolkein translated the Book of Job. Really wish Peter Jackson could make it into a film like LOTR though, my favourite series!

>> No.9944504

Crime and Punishment
The Shock Doctrine
Wages of Rebellion
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.9944631

Crime isn't better than Brothers, but it's infinitely cleaner. Become familiar with Raskalnikov before reading about the three, or rather four, brothers.

>> No.9944722
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Norwegian Wood (again)
Crime and Punishment
Catcher in the Rye (again)

>> No.9944816

Norwegian Wood if you really want to read it again. Otherwise jump on Crime and Punishment.

>> No.9944866

The Glass Bead Game
Thus Spake Zarathustra
The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.9945005

Read in reverse order (beginning with Faust I, read Faust II when youre 32) except read Wu Ming before Pynchon, and Musil before Bolano. (My favorite title here is Musil's, Faust II included).

>> No.9945110

Any connection between Army and the kooky Van der Graaf Generator epic (song) The Sleepwalkers? (Based itself perhaps on Arthur Koestler's social criticism?) Wu Ming's Italian, a collective, and relatively recent, and? Quite frankly I'm surprised ANYONE possesses a copy of that book. But if I had a copy, I'd probably read it first. Out of curiosity.

>> No.9945455


>> No.9946137

Do Crime and Punishment before going into Demons. Trust me on this, I finished reading Demons last week. CC is one of my favorites books and I loved Demons.

>> No.9946794

As I Lay Dying
The Cannibal
Omensetter's Luck
Look at the Harlequins!

>> No.9947972

War and Peace

>> No.9947988
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Please help me, I always struggle to choose a book to read.
>Confessions of a Mask
>The Master and Margarita
>Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism
>The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way
>Day of the Oprichnik

>> No.9948004

Journey to the Center of the Earth

>> No.9948049

Histories of Herodotus
The Upanishads
last 5 chapters of Ulysses
Portrait of a Lady

>> No.9948072

The Importance of Being Earnest

>> No.9948082

You're a meanie poopoohead.

>> No.9948102

Death in Venice
The Devil's Elixirs
The Physicists
Götz von Berlichingen

>> No.9948181

Orlando Furioso

>> No.9948260

Hoffmann? Duerrenmatt? Two authors I REALLY like and almost never see mentioned here. Whereas the Hoffmann title's not among my favorites (though still worth reading), and whereas the Swiss dramatist's IS, you must begin with the early Goethe play because TODAY IS GOETHE'S BIRTHDAY. It's also Tolstoy's. The most literary day of Summer....

>> No.9948288

Anything else by Hoffmann you'd recommend? Might replace the elixirs or read both.

>> No.9948359

Really ALL of his long stories\novellas are great- maybe Der goldene Topf (The Golden Pot) to begin? Not kidding. The greatness of most all of his tales is just uncanny. If (you) want a novel, however, I'd rec Kater Murr. Elixirs IS good, however, if a little long.

>> No.9948373

Fahrenheit 451
Day of The Triffids
Catcher in The Rye
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

>> No.9948384

The Picture of Dorian Gray
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Great Gatsby
The Catcher in the rye

>> No.9948390

No Longer Human
The Tunnel (Sabato)
The Third Policeman

>> No.9948402

Catch 22 then Titus Groan. I read both of these recently in that order funnily enough.

>> No.9948417

Thanks, noted. Got his complete works on kindle, I'll just check some different stuff out and see what I like.

>> No.9948716
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This fuckton of communistic, hippie-cuck ((("""""""books"""""""))) kys all

>> No.9948894

Catcher, then Dorian.

>> No.9948921

Tough list. Hamsun.

>> No.9949023
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Is writing a diary a meme fellas? Help a friend out

>> No.9949038

Nah it's /lit/. How else will you be able to reply my diary desu when somebody asks for the most seminal work of the 21st century

Brothers Karamazov
Moby Dick
I only have 3 books I really wanna read right now.

>> No.9949354

Youll actually take down Odyssey quickest. Keep to the sea and read Melville next (whereas Odysseus tells us he averts disaster, the Pequod hunts it) then finish off with Brothers.
All fine books. This selection purely arbitrary.

>> No.9949436

Thanks friendo

>> No.9949914

Clifford the Big Red Dog