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9928989 No.9928989 [Reply] [Original]

You guys are smart, so tell me. Did the Holocaust really happen? Even Peterson thinks Hitler was satan incarnate.

>> No.9928995

>Did the Holocaust really happen?
There's no evidence so no it didn't.

>> No.9929003

It happened but our current knowledge of it is viewed through a thick cultural bias.

>> No.9929062


Decide for yourself

>> No.9929063

>even Peterson

>> No.9929069

And stop petersonposting.

>> No.9929084
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It definitely happened. it just wasn't as bad as it was made out to be. In fact it wasn't even the greatest genocide of ww2, let alone history. But it's been made out to be the benchmark. The whole thing was marketed and distributed like a brand, even the word holocaust was picked specifically because it has a very dark and ominous tone to it.

Jews are walking around 100 years post ww2 with the eternal shoulder chip that big wig jews in Hollywood bestowed on them and us. How many slavs are still obsessing over ww2? Very few and they lost a lot more people in a lot crueler ways than any jewish holocaust

It makes it even worse when you realize slavs had no where to go. Jews were offered free tickets to Israel for 10 years prior to ww2 and with all their accumulated wealth transferred to them. They still chose to stick around like the vermin they are. Slavs weren't given that privilege when the jewish elite who infiltrated their country started burying people alive for selling jeans in their marxist slave pen

The more I think about Jews the more I hate them

>> No.9929095

The Holocaust happened. So did many other travesties. Hitlerism is silly.

>> No.9929096

Why is Peterson taken so badly? Obviously I disagree with him on a few things especially this but I like his other work. Is it the pop-psychology rep?

>> No.9929099

Obviously and Peterson is still a retard

>> No.9929102

hes gay fag

>> No.9929112

But he's married!

>> No.9929118


It's his fans. If you say you like him or are a "follower" there are a million assumptions made about you and none of them are positive.

>> No.9929122

I don't know anything about his fans. I just watched his lectures. Whats the issue with them?

>> No.9929127

The holocaust is a mathematical impossibility and a sort of meme for the Jews that has been around even before Hitler.

I guess a starting point is the "One Third Of The Holocaust" documentary on youtube.

Ultimately it doesn't matter whether it happened. For the Jews is was huge business and ultimately it was their own grave they dug, just like they are currently their new graves.

>> No.9929175
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A lot of people started following him because he rekt trannies and are the same crowd that watches feminist btfo'd videos. It doesn't matter to these fans or the detractors of Peterson that he isn't in the business of or desire to rekt trannies, but was talking about controlling speech. At first I assumed the detractors were just misunderstanding his aim, but recently seeing people legitimately being against free speech (muh freeze peach) makes me think maybe they get it.

>> No.9929182

daddy fucked me and I loved it

>> No.9929307
File: 155 KB, 625x700, le red pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He essiently thinks that through rational discourse you can lead people to seeing the wrongness of their ways i.e. the whole modernist project which totally failed in the 20th century. He accepts an abstract liberalism, he just doesn't want to face the actual consequences of a policy of appeasement.
He's a clinical psychologist that deals with losers, I don't know how most of the patients he treated actually turned out but a career like that would help you build up a messianic complex.
When you approach socio-psychodynamics idealistically it's all just a matter of promoting the right state of mind, all real material interests can be ignored to just encourage individuals to act appropriately. I suppose that's his whole mission, to teach a bunch of pudgy white middle class men to better themselves a bit but the majority will have to fail none the less because society necessitates it.
When you set up a lot of losers with false hopes who are doomed to fail you're creating an inevitable disaster. Either he's intentionally blind or disingenuous and knows exactly what he's doing.

>> No.9929312

most of the jews that died were slavic too lol

>> No.9929682

>I don't know anything about his fans.
They're sheltered and practically illiterate, like you.

>> No.9929914


>the consequences of a policy of appeasement

There currently exists a policy of appeasement to the far left that he is directly opposing

>> No.9930172

It's not his fans he's legally retarded

>> No.9930210

Pretty much this
Nobody really talks about the genocide of the Cossacks by the Bolsheviks and Soviet Union.

Or the murder and selling of Mizrahi, Sephardi and Maghrebi Jews children by Ashkenazi Jews in Israel.
Yemenite Children Affair and Ringworm Affair