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/lit/ - Literature

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9926887 No.9926887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Today was a, dare I say it, demoralising day.

>saw literally at least 5 9/10s and it was painful each time
>can't force myself to give up reading books I find boring without fear of being called a pleb, even though I know it's stupid
>Reddit/incel hammered in the blackpill when I got home (the truth is addictive and cleanses the spooks, no matter how painful)

I won't even go on, that was more than enough suffering. Instead of Pepe I've posted picrelated

>aged 26
>no friends or social life since 18
>no female attention ever
>went through university with zero social experiences
>became the loner nobody talks to within two days of my current job
>never been to pub, club, or party
>missed out on all the 16 - 22 formative social experiences that people look back on fondly (teen crushes, school prom, school dances, university fresher's week, any sort of relationships at all)
>know that women all have 5000 tinder matches and think the average male is ugly

>> No.9926892


>> No.9926922

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.9926951

you're a bit too frequent with these posts, slow down

>> No.9926952
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Lol what a bitch, man up.

>> No.9926960

>>9926887 >>9926887 >>9926887 >>9926887
>>9926887 >>9926887 >>9926887 >>9926887
>>9926887 >>9926887 >>9926887 >>9926887
>>9926887 >>9926887 >>9926887 >>9926887
here's your therapy for the day

now shoo

>> No.9926965

how many girls have you asked out this month, eliot?

>> No.9926976


Zero. Being socially inept doesn't mean I'm autistic and oblivious. Being friendless makes it impossible for a non Chad to get girls

>> No.9926985

All of them every girl I see

It's worst when they're in groups because they all look at me with disgust

>> No.9926991
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>tries to win a #s game by not playing
lmaoing at ur life right now

>> No.9926992

That's a lie, I'm not even that impressive and I've gotten catcalled and women hitting on me despite being awkward.

>> No.9926998

What do you achieve by making these posts?

>> No.9927022

>What do you achieve by making these posts?
We are doing our part by preventing the next Elliot Rodger from coming into being. Embrace your role, Brother.

Or it could just be OP feeling sorry for himself. Either or.

>> No.9927027

>/lit/ is a board for discussing literature

>> No.9927039


It feels cathartic seeing these topics discussed. Male social failures are not talked about anywhere else without disbelief and disgust but mainly disbelief. I already know the houellebecq quote but people suddenly go from leftists to extreme Randians when changing topic from economics to social lives.

>> No.9927045

Let go of your resentment. You might not even know you have any, but it is there, clogging every cog in the social interaction machines in your head and rendering you a 4chan browsing faggot.

If you cant endure the amount of self-observation and brutally honest reflection the above requires then you do not deserve to reproduce.

>> No.9927048

>I already know the houellebecq quote but people suddenly go from leftists to extreme Randians when changing topic from economics to social lives.
are you even trying to make sense?

do you even remember how to think clearly or express yourself? no wonder you're fucked

>> No.9927060
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>It feels cathartic seeing these topics discussed. Male social failures are not talked about anywhere else without disbelief and disgust but mainly disbelief. I already know the houellebecq quote but people suddenly go from leftists to extreme Randians when changing topic from economics to social lives.
YESH Brother. Our dank me mes and chicken tendies provide but meager succor when tfw no gee eff is the case. I too shupport your shitposhting so that dhese normies and semi chads can evenshtually feel our pain.

>> No.9927064

What is the quote?

>> No.9927066

Big guy UUUU

>> No.9927069

How is this guy not banned yet

>> No.9927070

Can people stop posting this fucking copypasta? We get it, you are incapable of interacting with normal people so have to go on a Mongolian Basketweaving forum to interact with people.

The act is pathetic really.

>> No.9927084
File: 590 KB, 820x1239, 438276478324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try stop defining yourself by your lack of relationships, friends and sex.

Try to think that you are not that different from everyone else.

Internalise a bit of mimetic theory to be able stop yourself in moments when you are wishing and dreaming of being someone else, someone who has life "figured out" (ie. Chad).

>> No.9927107

>be well read
>great taste in music and cinema
>stem stundent, making good money before my 30s in an easy as hell job
>plenty of time to do whatever I want
>found cute virgin gf that I got the chance to teach her the ways of sex

feels great man, thank God I'm not OP

>> No.9927110

I want you to know that I go to the British Library and a host of different stations daily, solely to find you. I know quite a lot about you, and I can't wait till I fucking find you.

>> No.9927131
File: 74 KB, 1200x675, bane question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want you to know that I go to the British Library and a host of different stations daily, solely to find you. I know quite a lot about you, and I can't wait till I fucking find you.
Was getting caught part of his plan?

>> No.9927140

How does it feel knowing that you're the most pathetic human being in existence? Are you even aware of it? Do you ever contemplate suicide?

>> No.9927148


No point trying to hide it. I'm the tall black homeless guy near Charing cross station. If you see me, yank my dick a few times so I know it's you

>> No.9927158
File: 74 KB, 892x810, bane baneposter vs hothead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this hothead out of here. You really shouldn't reply to bait.

>> No.9927181

i support ops right to post sadsack bullshit about not getting laid, this board is too fucking normie, it's practically redit as it is

>> No.9927185

Fuck off to >>>/r9k/


>> No.9927186

You should start a patreon for your expenses. I'd donate.

>> No.9927197
File: 230 KB, 1512x608, 1502579134282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promise you no-one here cares.

Here, have a picture of a girl like the kind you'll never ever have. Maybe you can touch your small cock to it later.

>> No.9927206

Maybe if you actually talked to girls this wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.9927207

I thought you become more empathetic by reading literature...

>> No.9927210

Empathetic to human beings, sure. Frogmen aren't truly human

>> No.9927211

she isn't even attractive

>> No.9927221

she has a dick

>> No.9927224

She looks wonderfully young, if those bright eyes and braces were looking up at me lovingly I'd...

>> No.9927225
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>he hasn't read Kappa wherein the frogpeople canonize Mainländer, the philosopher of suicide

>> No.9927226
File: 30 KB, 263x168, ouch!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand you, OP.

But you really shouldn't get into that incel stuff. Life is more complicated than anything that tries to make sense of life (besides the revealed truth of Christianity ofc)

>> No.9927230

Ya but the bullshit you have to do to talk to them isn't worth it. Joining groups and going for drinks and lying and inveigling. Wish I just got to pick whomever I want and vet tons of copulation candidates every even average woman gets to.

>> No.9927236

I often look at normal girls like these and wonder what it'd be like to be near them. The warmth of a hug, or the scent of their hair, what it'd be like to bask in the gentle light of her smile. am sick and tired of this. Fuck you anon, every day I come to /lit/, and every day there is at least one thread up with an OP image of an attractive woman dressed scantily and posing seductively. It's probably the same one or two people who do it honestly. Let me tell you something, you faggot pieces of shit who are doing this: you are the poster child for everything that is wrong in literature, art, and society as a whole today. You are incapable of coming up with anything creative, thought provoking, or of substance, and you lack even the smallest modicum of intelligence, so you use "style" and "flash" and pizazz in place of it and to draw attention to yourself, because that's the only way your SHIT "creation" and ideas would ever get seen by anyone. And before you say anything, this has NOTHING to do with the fact that I don't have a girlfriend. Anyway, I will be petitioning the owner of this website to ban your asses, so enjoy being able to post here while it lasts, because it's not going to last long, just like you that one time you convinced an obese girl to let you fuck her..

>> No.9927241

>fake blonde
literally subhuman tier

>> No.9927246

He's quite often around Shoreditch on weekend nights, looking at all the "Chads and Staceys", if that helps.

>> No.9927248


I'd rather be OP.

>> No.9927254
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>he doesn't get off to bottle blonde hair with brown brows

>> No.9927255

Thanks. I live very close to Shoreditch.

>> No.9927267

>human socializing isn't worth it
Quit bitching, noone feels bad for you.

>> No.9927269

>he thinks blacks can be robots

>> No.9927275

oh man i was wacking it to a luna star porno where she had her hair died blonde but the brown eyebrows, it was in 4k, i originally downloaded it because the guy she was fucking had a huge dick, but at the beginning there was like ten minutes of just her in a thong flirting with the camera and playing with her tits, fucking nutted so hard, i was like damn that turned me straight for a second there...

i knew a chick who has that look irl and she would sort of flirt with me but i never bothered to get to really talk her because i figure she probably gets hammered by chads every night anyways and besides looking hot we would have nothing in common culturally

>> No.9927280

>"well read"
Gatsby and lemmingway

>> No.9927283

>by the time you get to make time with this girl her braces will be long removed and all her holes well used and flash sagging and spotted ready for you at last
feels bad man

>> No.9927285

>never been to pub, club, or party
This was the biggest b8 for me, because you can literally just go and do this. If you don't WANT it, don't fucking complain about not having it.

>> No.9927298

Nabokov was a mistake

>> No.9927301

Same here, actually. Gonna keep my eye out for an autismal looking turbovirgin as well.

>> No.9927306
File: 100 KB, 612x612, A.G-Luna-Star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sup bro, wut u doin? readin' ur books n shit? ok later, haha

>> No.9927307

How do I do this? Describe it like you would describe it to a retard, it's most likely I'm missing some obvious axiom that everyone else just takes for granted

>> No.9927308
File: 3.00 MB, 1920x1080, me on the right.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw born in the wrong century too late to be a literary dandy who can court younger women without it being some scandal

>> No.9927313

Let's hunt him together, lad

>> No.9927326

Nice, do you have a title yet for this fiction you're writing?

>> No.9927344

Are there are any other High Functioning Autistics that like reading literature or is it only neurotypicals and normies on this board?

>> No.9927347

What are you going to do to him?

>> No.9927350

I feel a overwhelming pretentious superiority to these kind of people, that their fame, money or women can never change.

>> No.9927357

Get a friend then. Or are you also incapable to talking to the same sex?

>> No.9927359

It's best to leave that to your imagination.

>> No.9927360

they feel the same way about you

>> No.9927361

You're on. I'm pretty sure I've got one of his "favourite stations" down, so it's only a matter of time.

>> No.9927365

I'd find out where he's from, where he likes to spend his time. Then show up with a couple of my prettiest female friends and get them to berate him endlessly till he hopefully freaks out and charges at them. Then I'd deck him and get the girls to suck my dick over his body lying prostrate and crying on the ground

>> No.9927366

having female friends seems cool at first, but it's just lame, either you'll be resentful that there's all these chicks around that you can't actually fuck, or you'll just become gay as you just start to see chicks as nothing but friends

>> No.9927370

Join an MMA gym and read In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust

>> No.9927371

Maybe if you're fucked in the head

>> No.9927373

they might even write a story about it in the local paper "local chad saves hot chicks from deranged creep"

>> No.9927383

just to let you know all your "guy friends" are either super beta nice guys who masturbate to you after they get home, or they're fags

>> No.9927389
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>> No.9927394

why does this thread still exist?

>> No.9927396
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>> No.9927399

Just to let you know that I'd be really weirded out if certain of my close female friends suggested we have sex and I'd turn them down for that reason.

>> No.9927405

>if a man doesn't want to have sex with all of his female friends he must be gay
> this passes as a good argument for some people

>> No.9927407


I tried having female friends because I got out of a horrible, horrible, horrible relationship and didn't want a girlfriend for a while ... and it didn't work. At first they were fine to hang around with and drink with ... but then they started acting really weird around me and then they wouldn't respond to my texts and one by one they started blocking me on social media, etc.

I didn't touch any of them or act weird or make passes ... it's bizarre.

>> No.9927410

>suggested we have sex

what a retard

>> No.9927414

oh i get it, you have some female friends that you don't fuck, and now you think you're qualified to give out advice in beta threads, kys fag

>> No.9927415

As opposed to the girls who I have sexual and/or romantic relationships with. What's your point?

>> No.9927417

Definitely the girls' fault mate

>> No.9927420

>has no female friends, only women who he tried to sleep with but turned him down, and thinks he understands women

>> No.9927423

>larping as a normie on 4chan

kill you're self

>> No.9927425

yeah ok fool, look at you acting all proud that you got a "female friend" neck yourself dude

>> No.9927429

>be mean
>but mean in a joking way
>and be nice occasionally
>ask if she wants to chill
>insert fingers into vag

>> No.9927443

>You will never hunt down frogposters through the streets of london with a merry band of anons

>> No.9927484

Would genuinely love to read a short story about this. Please produce one. It would be absolutely lovely to do in real life too

>> No.9927496

>by the time you get to make time with this girl her braces will be long removed and all her holes well used and flash sagging and spotted ready for you at last
they just want a nice guy now anon
they aren't their past

>> No.9927506

/lit/ is full of pseudo intellectual redditfags and normalfags alike, who despise robots and autists. If you want to wallow in your self pity and discuss the effects of genetic inferiority i'd recommend r9k.

>> No.9927523

Just bee urself

>> No.9927535

Damn feels pretty good to know I think and/or have unironically said/had conversations about the exact points in OP's pic related. Not even a Chad this is just the truth. Most millennial girls want dick as much as guys want pussy, and they unusually tend to be into BDSM/roguh sex and shit like that that most normal guys aren't interested in.

>> No.9927544

>missing an obvious axiom
5/8 bait. Pretty good try. Definitely amusing - you seem to understand the mind of the autist well.

>> No.9927570

>Instead of Pepe I've posted picrelated
That why you weren't filtered you filthy fuck

>> No.9927590

what i have to read to fuck a girl like that?