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File: 21 KB, 250x320, blueopenbook9-24-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
991607 No.991607 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /lit/ what do you use for a bookmark? Do you fold the page? use a rubber band? paper clip? I'm curious to know.

>> No.991611

I take a post-it note and fold it in half onto its sticky surface. Works perfect every time.

>> No.991614

I just rip the page out when I'm done reading it.

>> No.991618

Shameless self bump, I usually use what ever i can find paper clip, piece of paper, penny etc

>> No.991621
File: 86 KB, 720x720, easter dodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My library gives a printed receipt with due dates, so I usually use those.

>> No.991623

Bookmarks I've received from book depository.

>> No.991622

I use my fuck!

>> No.991625
File: 59 KB, 432x432, artnouveau_tasseled_bookmarks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody use some of these fancy looking bookmarks made from silver and unicorn hair?

>> No.991629

Old bus passes. When school is in session I ride the bus pretty often, so I keep a small stack and use them as bookmarks.

>> No.991631


>implying there are blue haired unicorns of this hue

Most blue unicorns even have a white mane. Blue-haired unicorns are extremely rare and they have a paler hue.

>> No.991647

Some old Russian metro card.

>> No.991661 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 640x480, (Unknown) - Still 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Private Altoids reporting for duty.

>> No.991663

my penis

>> No.991671
File: 40 KB, 640x480, (Unknown) - Still 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Private Altoids reporting for duty.

>> No.991682

i dog-ear the pages of all the books I actually own.... is this bad?

>> No.991693

I usually use a single sheet of toilet paper, folded in half with the crease along the shorter dimension.

>> No.991706

I use a thin necklace/ dogchain thing.

>> No.991746

If it's from the library, I use the book receipt. Often, I'll find other people's bookmarks in books (particularly longer ones) and use those.

>> No.991756

I have a bag of zip ties next to my bed that I use. Every time I lose one I just grab another.

>> No.991775

I'm of the philosophy that only pussies use bookmarks. Is it seriously so hard to remember where you were in the book that you have to mark it with a piece of paper?

>> No.991779

it's merely convenient, especially if you are reading multiple books.

>> No.991791

I only use bookmarks for very long books. If I have a book that's less than 500 pages I usually don't need a bookmark.

Currently I'm using one of my mom's business cards; the last time I used a blank sparkly thank-you note card. Got glitter all over my pages. :\

>> No.991801

I have read 20 ~800 page novels since May. No way in hell I could remember the page I was at all those times I took breaks from reading.

>> No.991812

I just remember the page number

>> No.991819

baseball ticket stub

>> No.992404

another book

>> No.992417


You read way too fast.

>> No.992426

me 2 but i usauly forget it and have to search for a while

>> No.992428


Anon here likes it.

>> No.992432

I tend to use the receipt for the book. If that's unavailable for some reason, I just rip out a piece of a newspaper.

>> No.992433

$10 bill. I started after I forgot a book in class one day, I don't do that anymore.

>> No.992459

I use a postcard

>> No.992464

old mtg cards.

>> No.992468

it's kinda gay, but currently i'm using the booklet from 40 oz To Freedom. only because it was the closest thing. Reading Tolkiens 'Lost Tales.' it's a long story, pun not intended.

>> No.992477

My library has started doing this and I think it's retarded.

At any rate, I use a bookmark if I have one available, but if I don't anything's game, paper, cards, money, whatever.

>> No.992509

> I'm of the philosophy that only pussies use bookmarks

Cool philosphy, bro.

>> No.992534

I use pokemon cards.
I use Drowzee and Exeggutor. Never fold the pages of my own books. I hate it.

>> No.992535

People who fold the pages of books go to Hell.

>> No.992544
File: 40 KB, 287x400, anomanderrake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MTG cards

>> No.992555

i fold the shit out of the pages.

>> No.992557

I never use a bookmark; I always either remember the page, or end up re-reading a bit to get there. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.992556

It's just two book series so I see no need to space them out. I took a break before I started the next series.

>> No.992560
File: 137 KB, 484x453, You betrayed Shiva!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a monster.

>> No.992561

I fold because I throw away books once I'm finished with them

>> No.992563


no, i just really hate trees.

>> No.992694

I don't see what the big problem with dog-earing them is.I do it to all my books.

I buy bookmarks often, but then I usually end up forgetting them someplace when I take them out to put in another book.

Or if it's a library book, I use whatever is lying around. Receipts, napkins, scraps of paper, ect.

>> No.992698

An old collector's card from Typhoo Tea that I found in a second hand book.

>> No.992735

I dog-ear every single time, the only exception is if I'm getting up to make food, or take a shit, something quick. In this case, I'll set it pages side down so I just have to flip it back up when I return.

>> No.992739


This is true. If you can't remember where you're up to in the story you clearly haven't read it properly.

>> No.992755
File: 25 KB, 488x332, 1279123025428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.992759

I see this guy's face all the time. What is he from?

>> No.992764

it's from the movie the iron giant

>> No.992790
File: 26 KB, 350x350, whale bookmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, but i've made my own for free.

>> No.992810

Youve made one dumpster diving hobo very literate.

>> No.992828

unless if he reads shitty books like the twilight trilogy.

>> No.992853
File: 10 KB, 300x114, lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used an ancient mew pokemon card for awhile. i found some bookmark i made and colored in 3rd grade so im using that now.

pic related

>> No.992858
File: 7 KB, 206x186, subprod_pg_markers..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep a pad of these in strategic locations around my bedroom (on windowsill next to couch, on bedside table, etc). I use one color for where I currently am in the book and another for passages I especially like / feel like I'll need to refer back to. I've been using the same pink note for the past three books I've read. Feels good, man.

Side note: Post-it notes were originally invented for this purpose.

>> No.992868

this actually made me burst out laughing!

I made myself a bookmark. Or really, I'm always in the process of making it. I take ticket stubs, photos, bits of ribbon, etc. and stick them onto this rectangle of card. I have some quotes from books on there too.
It's nice, like a little memory bookmark.

>> No.992976 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 304x400, GodDead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are nihilists such fucking crybabies?

>> No.993021

folded piece of paper on which i take notes

>> No.993030

Bookmarks are for pretentioushipsterfaggots.

Real men bend the fucking page.

Makes the book look lived in, experienced; demostrates it has become part of you in an osmotic, organic sense.

Useless faggots who think the medium needs to be treated with respect.

>> No.993034

Not sure if the pretentious ones are the ones who'd like to keep their books in good shape or the one forcing a "read-in" look so people think they adore it.

>> No.993035

I use a single non-dyed, unscented piece of toilet paper or bookmarks I painted and sealed so they won't possibly rub off on the paper.

>> No.993040

Page-folding and spine-creasing is god-tier unless you're planning on selling/trading in your book or something.

>> No.993050


>> No.993057

I'm a poorfag so I buy all my books used. Bending the page isn't really a big deal when they're already in poor condition.

>> No.993087

and now you're not pretentious anymore, just trying to explain yourself...

i think that besides books and shelves the only thing that we can give attention to are the bookmarks.

>> No.993107

I remember the page number

>> No.993143

I open to the general chunk of the book I was reading, and flip through until I find the page I last read. Usually only takes 4-5 seconds.

>> No.993145

Simplest origami bookmark.

Easy to do and effective as hell.

>> No.993175

I leave it open. Or use the ticket from the first "real" concert I went to (adiohead on glasgow green) shit was so cash.
I have a very nice leather bookmark I bought in the keats and shelly house, rome. But that' stuck on my wall of "stuff" with blutack.

>> No.993179

oops *shelley

>> No.993195

I never fold the page, ruins the book.

If I have a scrap of paper nearby, I put it in the page, if not, I just close it and when I pick it up again skim through the general area I was last at until I see keywords.

>> No.993220

okay how the fuck does folding a page ruin the book?

>> No.993227

i usually fold the corner.
but i bought a hundred and fifty pound book the other day, and that was cheap on ebay (108 heroes of the suikoden fyi), so i will most deffinately not be folding the corners in that motherfucker.

>> No.993234

I usually remember where I stopped reading, as well as the paragraph, so I don't use anything as a bookmark.

>> No.993246

Stop reading. Look at page number. Close book. Go about my business.